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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
Oboe THIRTY-FOURTH YFAH. NOilTH PLATTT, NER., DF.GEMHKR 10. 1018. tNo. 95 (JUTTING 11KADY FOH Till! KKI CHOSS KOLL CALL. LOCAL AD PERSONAL The Happy Hour Clb will meet with Mrs. Roy Bunnell. G21 wost 9th street, Friday afternoon. J. F. Keofe left Camp Taylor Inst week and for several days pnst has been vUltlog relative at Sioux City while cnroute home. Sam Souder, county chairman of tho Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, which will be conducted noxt week, Is Bonding out to every voter In the country precincts a letter In which he calls attention to the fact that a meeting will be hold at tho school Imlldlng In each school district Thurs day evening. December 10th, and ask ing that tho head o each family at tond this mooting and subscribe ono Uollar for each member of his family. Mr. Soqdor hopes to make this cam- .!.. Idtn.lnA.l nnM ....... 1. . I - thnt l,v Mm nf noinhn, 9.1,1' Pe0P Coml? l5ack -Ut.0U. C?U over- man, woman and child will P. J. Ikirron, now located at Scotts Bluffs as a practicing attorney arriv ed Saturday and this week Is having the family effects packed preparatory to shipment to that place. You have heard of all sorts of Mrs. Harry Goldsmith, noe Ger trude Faulkner, ondod her lift) Sat urday evening at tho Goldsmith farm ton miles southwMt of town, by tak ing Parts green. She was found In an unconscious condition by hor father- in-law who surmised from surround ing ovldoucc that sho had solf-admln- Istored somo sort of poison. Milk was havo taken out a membership In the Red Cross. In his letter Mr. Souder tells why It Is necessary that tho Red Cross be continued and the necessity of each Individual becoming a mcm bor. Associated with Mr. Souder in this campaign are Harry Dixon, S. R. Derryborry and N. E. Bvjckley as the board of directors, M. B. Crosby chairman of the speakers' committee, and Mrs. M. E. Scott, who Is chair man for North Platte. : :o: : Special for tho balanco of the week, beginning Wednesday, Dec. 12th, we will havo a big lot of Batistes, Plain and Fancy Voiles and Crepes- former prices from 25 cents up to as high as $1.00 per yard, all must go. Our price will bo nlno cents per yard. Tho widths of theso materials aro from 27 Inches to 40 Inches. You cannot af-1 rora to miss tins special because tlie 1 see the "Girl "Who Came Back" at tho Crystal Thursday or Friday nights. Miss Julia Gleason, fpnnorty of this city, who haB been employed in a drug storo at Chappell tor soveral months, Is visiting this week at the homo of hpr parents. Pat Sullivan, who had been spend ing the past summer and fall at Wal lace, where he owns a big body of land, was In town Saturday enrouto to his home In Seattle. Our entire stock of dry goods In cluding Suits, Coats and Dresses aro on Sale. E. T. TRAMP & SON'S. The funeral of Carl Abrahamson. who dlod at Chadron last week, was held Sunday at Kearney ln charge of tho Masonic fraternity. Tho deceased mado Kearney his home before com ing to North Platto. Suits. Overcoats. Union Suits. Lea- cd consciousness. She was able to sneak for a short tlmo, then rolapsood Into nnco.'isoiousuosH ngaln, and when tho physician, who was Immediately dispatched for nrrlved, sho was past help and sho passod away about mid night. During her conscious moments Mrs. Goldsmith stated that she had taken the polscu about three hours beforo found, assigned no particular reason for her act, and regretted what sho had, done. Tlie deceased hnd boen married about eighteen months and leaves a threo months old daughter. Sho was onos who see them will buy. TRAMP & SONS. : :o: : E. T. Synod to Meet Hero in 1919. iIian TTrtaf a Titol Pnnffl otp . . fit. fl I i ui; 1 i uoii xx." jw.F - discount or Twenty ror uem. hah RY SAMUELSON. Rov. W. F. Lludenmeyor, who has Nnrfli Plnftn its nnWtorl no tlin'heeil In th Service as a Y. M. C. A. 1919 mooting place of the Lutheran t secretary at tho Great Lakes naval Synod of Nebraska. This city was.traling station, arriived Jiome Sun chosen at the closing session of tho 'day night, having1 boen called by tho synod hold at Fremont last week. j lllnes of his wife and son, who are North Platte was further recognized, suffering from tho flu. Whether Mr. fov tho selection of .T. E. Sohnstlan UnAenmeyer will l'oturn tfo camp as secretary-treasurer of the synodlcal work dopends -upon how well his sick brotherhood. , folks get along. ::p.: siiaijld you be Interested In a real Horace mra or Stanley, lowa, Clark Bird, of Aurora, Iowa, Mrs. Mary Stroetr, of Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs. J. C. Rathburn, of Maynard Iowa, brothers and sisters of Hugh Bird- arrived Sunday having been called J hore byt ho deatn of Leo Bird. Wanted Position by air experien ced stationary steam engineer or fire man, or oxporlenced farm tractor en gineer. Phono Black 374. 2t Attorney Hamer, of Kearney, trans acted legal "business In town yester day. barsaln do not fall to see tho material wo havo on sale Wednesday and for the balanco of tho week at nine cents per yard. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Among tho divisions named by Gon or.ii Pnrshinir as the army of occupa tion in Germany is the Eighty-ninth, to which belongs the greater part of tho Nebraska boys who aro In tho ln funtry and artilery service. Included are a number cf North Platto boys, so it is probable we will not get to see them until tho latter part of next summer MRS. HARRY GOLDSMITH HXDS, Lin: NY OWN HANI). SVICKNUSS IX THE SCHOOLS SNOW A DlWIt CASK From tho dally health bulletin is sued by Supt. Tout, of the city nohools lor the twenty-four hours ondlug at six o'clock Inst evening, the following excerpts are taken: Hie number of pupils absent drop ped from 392 on Friday to 321 today. The number of pupils out on account ot Having flii in the family dropped given as nn antidote, and sho regain-1 l'rom, 136 Vray to 9G today. The I1II1UUUI Ul IU)IIS Dill (III UCCUUUL Ul uther kinds of sickness also dropped being SO on Friday and 00 today. Eighty-seven, pupils wero absent for oik. out of town, afraid of ilu or other cause not accounted as sickness. The others nbsont were not accounted for, being out temporarily or for tho day or half day. Mr. Newman was back at work this afternoon but is feeling a little weak yot. MIbb Murray was absent on account of her brother's sickness. Miss Cnllnn who was at tho hospital last week has recovorcd but was not twenty years of ago. The funeral will i"?01 ,t,1(ln' bo hold from tho Episcopal church at 1 B0. leaflets on Influenza, prepared 2-30 this afternoon tho College of Medicine of tho Unl- ::o:: j varsity ol NourasKa, aro Doing uistrli)- Only Ono Hospital rnUcnt. among tho teachors and pupils ..... .... ..... . . ' rnilnv niir nun mi nniiftiii vn nmmr rnrnii . for at tho detention hospital yester day, tho othor threo patients having been discharged tho latter part of last weok. Thero aro, It is said, a number bf ijatlents scattered around town who would rocolvo better nursing at the hospital- than at home for tho reason that at tho hospital ono nurse can caro for sevoral patients, while at a homo ono patient will occupy; , Attention Is called to the fact that pupils aro not allowed to come to school from homes where thoro nro people Rick with lntluneza. They can not como even if they stay In another part ot tho house. CITY ANT) COUATV NEWS. I. A. Rogular meeting of tho G. tho tlmo of a nurse, and as thero is " Friday afternoon. a scarcity ot nurses, somo of tho pa- -a dancn will bo liel.l nt th irnrh..v tlonts suffer for lack ot proper nur-.iini) , kvIiW nvmtimr soLim.'it.v homi: wklco.mi: COMMITTIIK HOLD .MKKTIXO. The Soldiers' Home Welcome Com mltltee oonsislflnf ot twaiiy-Ava or more members held Its Initial meet ing at the federal building Inst even ing:, and the ituktes of tho committee wore outlined by President Seebor ger. This committee Is composed ot representative ot the Red Cross the Canteen, the Chamber ot Commerce, the city v;cvernment, the Home Guards the O. A. R. and other organisations, The object ot the committee Is to xtend a welcomo to tho boya return lug from both tho front, and from oanips, to aid them in securing em pirvment where such Is needed and to impress upon the homo-coming soldtors that wo aro mora glad to have them return to us than wo woro YAX XATTA FOUND IIIIIIXC, IX A HQUSK ATTIC. Win, YanNutta. against vhom nn information had boon filed for.orlmlu al relationship with his fourtoon-year id daughter, nnd who had been in. hiding for sovornl days, was placed under arrest yesterday. Ho was found secreted In the attic of a houso on an Island in tho North Platto river northwost of town. Sheriff Salisbury got a tip that YunNatta was In hiding over north and suspected! that ho was harbored- In houso whuro found Ho entered the houso nnd asked it Van Natta had been there. Tho occupant roplled that ho had not. Tho Sltorlff spied tho open door to tho nttlc. "Como out ot thoro, VnnNntta," he commanded. Thero wna no resnonso. Tho shorlff repeated tho command In to havo thorn leavo us. It Is proposed in, somowhat morn rnrHiiin nmnnor to erect a welcomo arch and to decor-, nnd tho reply camo forth. 4rm coming ate tho depot building and othor down," and tho form ot VnnNntta buildings In the down towiu district. squeezed through tho small oponlng. It is nlso suggested that overy houso VnnNntta was arraigned in tho in town uy a nag. oven tnougn mo: county court vostordnv nftornnon. ting bo small Tho meeting laat night nppolntod an organization committoo consisting ot Judge Hoaglnnd, Mrs. Rlncloor, Mrs. Boguo and Mossors. Unro and Halllgun. This committoo mot lator In tho evening and selected tho fol lowlng ofilcers: L. C. Carroll chair man. Mrs. Frank ikichnnnn socrofnry and F. It. Barber treasurer. Tho chairman was given power to select tho chairmen of tho various commit tees that will bo necessary to per form the work outlined for the organ ization. A mooting ot tho coiumltteo will bo cnllod for somo evening this weok nnd tho oreanlzntlon will nt onco bo i?'n its work. : :ot : Pleaded not guilty and tho hearing wns set for Thursday. o;; Do not forgot, then lamont, bocnirso you dldifyt romombor about tho nlno cont speclnl Wodnosday, Dec. 12th. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho aid society ot tho Christian church will moot ln tho church baso niont Thursday afternoon. Refresh ments will bo served. Members and friends nro cordially luvltodv For Father's Xmns, why not ono of tho now Cordova combrnatlon bill folds nnd pockot books. It will ploaso him. HARRY DIXON, Tho Jowelor. Mrs. Laura Wholploy, who waa called horo by tho death ot hor non- how Leo D. Grimes, roturncd to Fro- i Prone s Hitherto LOST I Nmir hrnnaht out in Rich Claritv bv t!e Brunswick Q Method of Reproduction. I i I Zrvkt' Tfia. .7 1 I sal if mwMMmeir . II I Six Per Cent Interest. In order to supply funds to cover approved loan applications tho Mutu al Building and Loan Association will Issuo a limited amount of its paid up stock. This stock pays six per cent dividends, payablo March 1st and Septomber 1st. Money Invested In this stock, to gether with accrued dividends may bo withdrawn on thirty days notice. Mutual Building and Loan Associa tion. SAMUEL GOOZEE, Secrotary. ::o::' Bird Funeral Tomorrow. The funeral of Llout. Leo Bird will bo held tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock at tho Episcopal church. Rov. Franklin Koch -will conduct tho ser vlco, a quartette of returned soldlora will rondor the music and tho pall bearers will bo soldiers. The Homo Guards and drum corps will net as a military oscort. ::o:: Tonight will bo your last opportun ely to see Georgo M. Cohan In "Hit- tlio-Trall-HollldnV' at tho Kolth Theatro. Aside from Its educational otiallties It is highly diverting be cn.Fo of its quaint humor nnd tho nec Mnr mnnerlFms rf Mr. Cohan which lifi"o made him ono of the most con 'Hpuous actors on the American stago. All The Millinery and this season's latest style hats to be closed out ouicklv. All tho hats that sold up to Sfi.OO on sole nt $2.45. All tho bettor Mrs. Geo. E. Brown loft vostordnv Mnx Princeton university as a student fori' a v'sit In Nampa, Idaho. In the navy paymaster department. Ri. xf n m tt in . .i . wriies mar no is- rninor uixiir Pile W. C. T. U. will meet this nf- immiv QiHmA,i t nr.inr. i . : r , .. ..,.. ... "I lurjiuon wiui iirs. iioso L.ouuon, uu u,mrtiM in d.n ...i llUUUl 1'IUO. rlnltl ttnllali Ilia almno alv U.vww, n An Starting today tho Union Pacific nd koop his apparol In absolutely shops and round houso went on an spotless oonmtlon. oigiit-iiour day. Ron;omhor two thttiiRs: Only 14 nru w t Pi..,nn nri.iv.i not.. moro shopping dnys till Xmns, And day from California 'to visit hor V.10 tWon rSVv!58 .8UR?OHt,02? 0,1 dauehtor. Mrs. York Hinmnn. display at DIXON'S Jowelory Storo. . .... Among rno ooys wno rotumou from Tlie only storo propnrou to sell you Tl . . , . , , , I" nuH ... f. UUIIUVHI UHIIIIU) Hill Z,tVA yosieruay woro unas. Walter. Earl uwvuiiu ai&k. Qulalloy, Will Calhoun and Sylvostor Frank .1. McGovorn, who had been "'men. at the officers' training school ut Tho only storo nronnrod to sell vou Camp Taylor, Kentucky, arrived Blankets nt last season's prlcea Is ! Uojjie last evening. THE LEADER MER. CO. Am vou mine tn piv liim irinvo? Wo "wish to express out slncero Then ilon't overlook our wondorful thanks to our many friends for tho assortment. HAitmiTUT fu.OTiirNrn "oauruui norai oitonngs anu tno kinu- noss snown us in our groat ooroave- mont. Mrs. Mary H. Eldor nnd family. Emost W Rlnokor Is nnw nMonil-i . "' "'"""n' uiuriie 10 jro- PHnrnL Kll' , fi J I"0"1 011 attoniooii train yostor- uny. COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Maynard, of who had been spond- Portland, Oro. ing last week with tholr aunt Mrs. H. S. Whlto. rotmrned homo Friday afternoon. Another Big lot of outing flannel remnants saving yqu 4 cents to 10 cents on tho yard at THE LEADER MER. CO. Mrs.. Clydt Lake, who had boon III for somo tlmo and had submitted to an operation, died Sunday morning. I Tho remains woro taken to Gaudy yestorday for Interment. Your eyes need tho best attention. Another Big lot of outing flannel romnants savijig you 4 centB to 10 cents on tho yard at THE LEADER MER. CO. 1 CRYSTAL THEATRE Thursday and Friday Ethel Clayton in "The Girl who Came Back" Greatest lesson taught in a pleasing silent drama Never so True. The simplest way to know the added charm of the Brunswick tone is to choose the most difficult records of all and play them on the Brunswick. Then on others. In every comparison your ear will x favor the Brunswick. Make as many tests as you choose, you will never hear the Brunswick's equal. Call and let us demonstrate the merits of the new Ultona Repro ducer which plays all records with out changing reproducers and gives the correct weight on the needle for each record. We want to corract an error in our ad last Friday. The Adam Schaaf Player $600, now selling For $475 Packard Pianos $475, now selling For $400 grades, somo as high as $12.00 on 1,011 1 trgct tnat HAiim OIXON & Palo at $4.95 at THE LEADER MER. i ON have an Optometrist who is a COMPANY. spcciaitm. ah nis worn is nunranicu T.iont r. v rsn.i.a wi, , ' "Friend HusbandV Is of especial h,i no,,,,. nn, i,.,i : appeal to young married people, en first lieutenancy sevoral weeks ago, aKe(l .cou"lus' and those who wIbIi ( ,V ' i hoy wero ono or the other. Don't n . "T w"' " J "1 neglect seeing it at tho Keith Wcdnes comfiur to nacertntn bnw sonn tliov I llay aml ThurBday. cau sot back their home which 4a u' attend tho Big Forced Stock Ro- . i - i jl 1 1 1 it ii ri Cnln untir rtt nt Ml nf'Ii'G now occupied y iir. ami iirs. k. u Pratt. Special prlcon In our garment de partment. Wo can save you dollars diicing Sale now on at BLOCKS. North Piatt, and Lincoln county boys aro arriving homo from training camps on ovory tinin, In lact tlioy o ovo v purchase B T TRAMP T pro owiS i ho lively that tho qAvc Prcnaso. i,. r. iiiAivu ncwg (.fttl,crtr ,.n.t ROt truck of nll ot ihom. Capt. B. A. Crnm. who has boon, Wonderful Saving on nil womons Hii uuiieu u ciiapiuin ar u camp near all(t miBsos suits, coats, furs and Atlanta, ua.. is spending today in , drcfesos. Soo our ADD olHowhuro in town wiuio enrouto to biunoy. captain tills newspaper. THE LEADER MER. i rum mis received nis uiscunrge ami 1 (jo iiu naja nu ia mjiiiumiui. Ill UIO UII w,i, ivirr,.,. u,l. t lifirl hnnn Itwltci. posod for a day or two but kept at business' went homo Friday noon. A Those who aro waiting for tho hand physician was summoned who pro- decorated Ivory at DIXON'S will noticed him sulTorlnp: from pnou- klndly call In as wo havo Just recelv- monlu. Slnco then his condition haw ed a largo shipment, boon very aorlous. as to his work In the Immediate fu ture The "SUN" Theatre Tuesday... "INSIDE THE LINES" featuring Louis Stone and Margaret Clayton, also one reel comedy. Lyons and Moran. WALKER MUSIC COMPANY Has a Vampire ever tried to stml your lover? What would you lo if she did? What did May Allison as Virginia Houston do in "A Successful Adventuro" At The SDN Wednesday One Keel of Cum-nt ICvenlb, Thursday... Gail Kaine in "LOVES LAW." How a girl's ambi tion won her fame and riches and kept her decent also one reel comedy. Everything a Man Needs BUY A MAN'S GFT AT A MAN'S STORE No ' matter how particular you are in selecting the gift for MM, you will find our store a really wonderful place to buy practical gifts and just the things he will want Our assortment of useful gifts vary in prices and (iialily to suit your every want. A wonderful showing of pure silk Neckwear at SOc to $3,S0 Silk Shirts in a large variety at $3.50 to $12 Dress Cloves, .Driving Gloves and Mittens at 75c to $4 If you are looking for traveling goods, don't overlook our large stock of Suit Cases and Hags $1.65 to $25 HARCOURT CLOTHING CO. CLARA KIMBALL in The Reason Why" A world famous novel and a well-beloved actress make a famous photoplay. A romance of high society Crystal Theatre TONIGHT And Wednesday