The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 06, 1918, Image 2
THE 6MI WEEKLY TniBUNP. NORTH Pi ATTP NEBRASKA, STRASSBURG, OCCUPIED BY THE FRENCH UNDER MANGIN ONE OF AMERICA'S SURPRISES FOR THE GERMANS Hlifiwdiiiig, the ntpllal (if Almiee, which wiin occupied by Ihc 1' icncli under General .Mungln. 'i'luit iluitvn (n I lut Ifibiii-I GETTING READY FOR AN OLD-TIME CHRISTMAS commander :!. 1?! . .... . ... ' ... .'.-&ss: xMf New and unpublished photograph of one of the enormous American guns tlint helped to drive autocracy from the fnce of the earth and make tho world a linhltablo place to live In. This gun Is a Id-Inch American howitzer, rail .viiy mount, that was produced In France by tho ordnance department of the United States army railway artillery and manned by men of the United States coast artillery. SCENE IN MAINZ, RHINE CITY OCCUPIED BY ALLIES In dhR Kpllo of all war work, the American toy miiiiul'ncliii'ora found time to make plenty of toya for American kid- nmiugnipn Known toy guna Doing made to help (he celelirallon of the coining liolldayfl. STARTING HOME FROM THEIR WORK - y"" -- . WHERE FORMER KAISER LIVES I'hls Is Mlddnehton castle, at Aine rongen, Holland, where William llohonzollern, one-tlmo emperor of (lermany, la, now residing. Tho Dutch do not relish having the former kaiser in their midst, so ho may have to move out. I'ltlH UrltlMlt ollU h 1 photograph shows t numher of women millers in a Ittueashlro factory shotting the chute, which Is a general method of getting downstnlra nulckly by lite sack chute after the day's work Is done. AMUSEMENT FOR WOUNDED TOMMIES AT DEAL Spenkor'a Office Important. Tho olllce of tho speaker of tho house of representatives la of great Importance on account of the power of the speaker In shaping and con trolling legislation, which is now much less than formerly. Ills lutluencu on national legislation was believed by many even to exceed that exerted by the president. It carries with It so much political prestige and Intluenco that It Is generally regarded as a stepping stone to the presidency, but up to the present time only one speaker has been elected president, vlr... .lames K. Polls of Tennessee. Henry Clay, three ti-nos elected speak er, was a lifelong aspirant for tho presidency, but did not attain It. James (5. Ulatnc. speaker from isttt) 'o ISTo. was nominated ami defeated fur president In ISSl. Frogs Hide Their Eoa- Ui the manner of disposing of their many species of frog exhibit ro- u-kahlo peculiarities. One of the ust curious, a tree frog, native of ' lrugimy. makes Its nt in a bush crhnngltig " pond. The lower ends u number of leaves are drawn to- ther and tlxed In that iHXittlon by a umber of empty egg capsules. Tho .i;s are also coveretl with a shield i empty capsules to protect them f rom ie sun and air. Whan the eggs are itched the plug Ht tho bottom appears o fall out and the tadpoles tutablo iu the water. I'lue TommtcH ho haw Uiv Ihctr prt nobly In the victorious struggle ilHxt the Hun. arv seeu here showlug great interest In the tine codling vHUght Ivi Mr. MetlUlehlns winner of the hullo' sea angling competition at Just Girl, After All 1 She wore khaki pants, tlannel shin uul a cap. with a pencil behlml hei ar; hud a businesslike looklmr lmiih r money pouch swuug from a strop nver nor siumuier. and looked llko i war-time laundry WHgou driver or col lector. Yet. In passing a strwt mir ror, she pulled a chamois mg out of her pants pocket, gave Uer cose a few tWUw and straightened hr cap, j& femme eteruello. Los Angeles TltneA Scene In the market place of the city or .Minn., Uermany or ,..:! liy troops of the Third army of tl.a A. under tho command of Major General Dlckmnn. E. P. HUNS DON'T NEED THESE NOW COLOGNE TO BE HELD BY YANKEES Ac- Ms- - - S"Sg BSwsaM , . a These helmets, that were presum ably to be used l tho now amiulshed Oermans in their victorious inarch Into Paris, because of the fact that they are new, are being taken out of a hole In Cambral by a Canadian engineer. Surely a Coincidence. Uohert Uawes of JeiTersouville. who Is one of tho otllclals of the American Tobacco company In Louisville, told of a striking coincidence that happened while he was In New York city last week, lie was at a hotel and went to the telegraph olllce to send a telegram to his wife. As ho reached the desk ho met a young lieutenant from New Albany who was writing the Hrst words of a telegram to Mr. lawes, whom the otUcer supposed to be at .toffersonvllle, nskliic him to send him the address of Ills sister who lives In Kngjand. Not only that, but the otllcr. as he looked up and saw Mr. Dawes, exclaimed to another otUcer by his side. "AuU here Is tho man I was Just talking to you about ; allow me to Introduce you to Mr. Dawes." Indianapolis News. Cologne, one of the mn.t important gatewnys to Germany, Is to bp occu pied by American troops under command of MaJ. Gen. Joseph T. Dlckman. The city Is to be held as a guarantee until the tlnal peace treaty is proclaimed. This photograph ahows Cologne s cathedral, town hall and bridge of boats across the lthlne. WANTON DESTRUCTION BY THE HUNS Acetylene Gas for Autos. Automobiles an being experimental ly operated in Norway by aivtylcne gas Instead of gasoline, and tho Inno vation promises to become the general practice, us tho supply of carbide Is very plentiful In that country, where It Is made at the hydroelectric plants la some instances It is utilized as a pis delivered lu tanks and in some other Instuncos It Is generated on the car from the carbide. This Itntlsh otll. " photograph, which was taken on the British western fnutt before the signing of the armistice, shows the wanton destruction with j which the Germans ruvaced the country that the were evacuating. This j one time, beautiful statue lu DommI was pulled Uwb by th enemy fr thu ' metal iwitalneil therein.