1 rt'ilt it ,ht wtmme. TIIIRTY,FOURTH YEAK. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 6, 1918. No. 94 lei: mmiES dies at CHATANOOGA TUESDAY NIGHT. Leo D. Gr'nios, son and only child of Judge and Mr. H. M. Grltnws, of this city, died at Chatanooga, Tonn.. at eleven o'clock Tuesday night. The first word of Lee'g tlltios was rocotvod Sunday night which stated that he waB suffering from pneumonia, Mon day another wire stated his condition soricms and at noon of that day Judge urimofl loft for Chatanooga. He, how ovor, had insufficient tlmo to reach his destination and was appraised of tne passing away of his sen when he reached Nashville. At the time of his death Lee was engaged In tho contracting business, and tho firm in which ho was Interest ed was recognf.zed as a leading one In tho southern states. Tho romalns accompanied by Jufdgo Grimes will reach homo tonight. The funoral serVlco as now planned will bo hold at tho residence at two o'clock Sunday afternoon unless changed after the arrival of tho Judgo. ::o:: MauJlco Lunula Killed In Action. A telegram received at tho local railroad offices yesterday afternoon brought word that Maurice Lannin, for a number,, of years clerk in the roadmaster's office ln this city, had been killed in action In Franco No vomber first. In tho spring of 1917 Lannin resumed his clerkship and went to Colorado to res'de on a farm. Ho was sent from that stato to a cantonment andl subsequently went overseas whore ho was attached to a machine gun company of tho 354th Infantry, 89th division, the regiment to which a number of our North Platte boys belonged. The deceased, who was about thirty-two years of age. will bo well re membered by many North Platte people and especially railroad em ployes, as a modest and unassuming but splendid young man. : :o: : Hale and Hearty nl Eljrhiy. J. R. Shaw, of this city, reached his eightieth birthday Tuesday and sends word to Tho Tribune that he Is hale and hearty. Mr. Shaw served threo years in the civil war and was wound ed In tho right shoulder and arm. This wound caused him more or less trouble until two years ago when ho vas taken to Omaha bv Dr.. Twinom and tho arm amputated. Tho opera: t'on was successful and since then Mr. Shaw has found life more enjoy able. LOCAL AX1) PEltSONAL W1I.I. FIVD HO.MES FOK THE VAX NATTA (JIKI.S Know the temperature when you cot. Acr.urntn Thermometers at the REXALL STORE. Miss Lillian McCracken, of Boulder, was called hero this week by tho death of her nephew, L. D. Grimes. C. H. Waltor returned yostordny from n business trip to Omaha. Ruth Clifford ln the "Lure of Lux ury in flvo reels and a one reol comody tonight at tho St'N THEATRE Clyde Trotter went to Omaha Wed nesday afternoon to '.investigate tho possibility of securing a few Hupp cars for which he has customers. Make this a happy Xmas In your home by having a Columbia Grafanola DIXON. Tho Jowelor. Mrs. Laura "Wholply. of Fremont, sltor of Mrs. H. M. Grimes, will ar rive today to attend the funeral of her nephew. The officials of tho United States land office bogan preparations for tho removal of the office records to Brok en Bow following the closo of tho of fice on tho last day of this month. A visit to our store, means a Merry Christmas for everv one. THE REX ALL DRUG STORE. An auto collision between cars driven by Lew Kelly and W. E. Shu man occurred on Dowey street Wed nesday evening in which tho Shuman car suffered a bent fonder and splint ered spokes ln ono wheel. Wo have always had tho best, ble- gest line of Ladles' Handkerchiefs I for tho Holiday trade and our lino! this year far exceeds all former years Be sure and see them' E. T. TRAMP! & SONS. Dur'ng the past thirty days thoro has been 0.1ite a chango in tho labor conditions. Up to that tlmo tho Job was seeking tho laborer, now the la borer Is seeking tho job. Every day men are on the streets asking for work. Apparently about tho only work for which men arc now wanted Is corn husking, and not all moa are corn buskers. Don't forgot tho Baby. We carry a complete line of Infants Sweater Sets. Separato Sweaters, Wool Sanues. Coats, Drosses, Booties, Bonnets, Hoods', etc. BLOCKS. Evan city officials get after each other occasionally.. For Instance, Water Commissioner Welch, to savo oxpeiiBO to tho city, connected tho city fire station hydrants with the sower main without notlflylng Plumbing In spector Valerius, whereupon tho lat ter caused a warrant to bo Issued for' tho former's arrost. Thero Is mo ques tion but hat the Water Commissioner performed a perfect Job of plumbing, but tho Inspector apparently does not wish to havo his authority abridged nor to havo people think ho Is a ro "ppctor of individuals, even though t'Ao individual be a city official. Win. VanNattn, tho father of tho four girls who had boon making Uioir home in a shack northwest of town, UMsreganieu tiio .summons of Judge Woodhurst to appear ln court, and waB leaving tho county when inter cepted by Sheriff Sulisbury Tuesday in tho hill south of tho city. VanNattn and tho girls wore brougt to town, the father lodged in Jail and the daughters found temporary homes. Tho case was heard ln tho county court Wodnosday and the evidenco plainly showed that VanNattn, whoso Wife died about six months ngo, was not ln position to take care of his children nor bring them up In the environments best for thorn. Prir n his arrost ho threatened to kill any- ono wno nttomptotl to tnko the chil dren from him, but in court ho was docile and made no stronnmia niW- tions. He was told that irnnil limiinn would bo found for the cirls nmi Mint he would bo given an opportunity to visit them. Several famlll have offered to provide homes for tho iunr motimrifss cnildren. Tho court appointed Mrs. A. P. Kelly and Mrs. A. .T. s.illshrrv .mr- dlans of tho cUlldron until placed in homes. Tho distressing nart nf Mm nimvn Case Cnllln In llelit vnntnnlnv trim.. n complaint was filed against VnnNatta ami a warrant issued for his nrrest charging him with Incest, with tho fourteen VOar nlll ilnnirlilnr no Mm 'vtfctlm of his Inst. Tho complaint was issued upon tho confession of tho daughter. : :c: : Sutherland Hoy Killed in Action. Word was received ln Sutherland Wednesday that Otto Johnson, son of J. H. Johnson, of that town, had been killed In nction Novembor 6th, five days before tho fighting ceased. Otto was well known in the Suther land section, having mado that hi' a imno since boyhood. : ;o: : HEAD THIS ! ! ! We will irjvo double voles on the Doll Contest Saturday. Two votes with every penny spent In our store. THE REXALL STORE. ::o:: . Just Itccolvod ! A BIG shipment of Silk Jersey Un derwoar for Women: Silk Jorsev Union Suits, Silk .Tersoy Bloomers'. Ilk Jorsey Envel6po Chemise, Silk Jersey Vests, etc., which will make useful Xmas Gifts, nil A nnn 1n mil. cuasea at a saving in BLOCKS. : :o: SOLIUKHS' WELCOME HOME COMMITTEE TO HE APPOINTED. Prosldont Seoborgor, of tho tho Rod Cross Chapter, In compliance with yuggoBtioiiB from tho national orgnn tiaulon, will appoint a committee of about twonty-llvo mombors which will bo known as tho Soldiers' Home Wel coming Conunlttoo. Mombors will be uppmniwi irom me kou cross, tlio t'ommerelnl Club, tho City Council, tho Union Pacific. tln Pivlllnn ti. lief and Canteen and othor roproson- lanvo oodles. Tills committee will meet the early part of noxt week and forumlnto Its plans for welcoming returning soldiers, soo that thoy are provided tth employment and glvo them assistance ulnmr Rimh II una na Heeded. It Is nlanned tn linvn nnm kind of a welcome arch at tho depot, to havo committees meet n fnr na possible tho returlng boys as thoy nrnvo, anil at some time in tho fu turo give them a public reception. ; ;o: : City Schools Health Keport. From tho Cltv schools llOfMMi rnnnrt ior tho twenty-four hours ending at ix ociock nisi evening, it Is learned that nonrlv 200 of Mm old hi rim nlk. sent from school nro sick, and of theso 107 uro In families whoro thoro Is flu. Homo of them liavlnor Mm lu Mi solves. Others h are staying at homo as a precaution. l-nrenis ot ninoiy-tour cliiluron will not allow them to como to school for fear thoy will contract llu. ::o:: Hlshop needier to bo Here. Rt. Rev. Goo. A. Becchor, of Has tings, will visit North Platte Sundny and will proach at tho olevon o'clock aervlco at tho Episcopal church. Tho services for tho day are: Holy com munion at 8:00 a. m., Sunday school at 9:00, morning prayor and sermon at 11, evening prayer at 7:00. Sunday school at St. Paul's chapel, North aide, at H p. in. Rev. Arthur D. Jones, Rector. ::o:t' When buying ivory toilot sots, thero Is 0116 thing that must bo considered and that Is, If tho handles and plocos aro mado of solid Ivory or If they aro hollow. Ivory of a good quality will last a lifetime. All ivory display ed nt DIXON's Jowoler Storo Is of tho beet quality. o luckv hov: If s luck in love and The Churches are Open Yes" Sir! Tho churches aro open again, and tho following will bo tho program at tho Fjrst Prosbytorfnn rllllrpll- Tfov T" II Hlirrv r T price ntwlll uso as tho morning thomo "Tho 1'iuis Ton Aro yorni proparexV to . rin.ioit A J . n rm. i.i At m, p t o-, muuL uwui ""..'" iiiu auujeci vuu iiuiiio ill . rj. ."Mt si in ii rAM i. v....i.. i. i mi. . i i , . , , , . " '" I Iwl tliU UVUIUII WJII UU IIIO IU11UW ...... uuiiuitj uvuiuug wno wants to Do let alono I am, Bat- i v(uiiniL-i ui inn uii in I lsnOu. .iiiiuvuibiiry in ino naiuro or a small Jimmv Farrell is a lucky at cards SEE J. WARREN KENNFGAN IN "THE TURN OF A CARD" BILLY WEST, The Puniest Nan on Earth in Gllfoyl and Miss McKay BRIGHT AND EARLY." -AT ire, Dec. 7 day T ... ,,11 , 1 . 1 .. ..1. , " - i xjvt tin iitu iu.i;iiuia itiiu uuuiar Btnc linrtv. Mrs hnollnn ni.nnnm.iLi u. ni.i.n. ci tJl lnu oiiiMiain aciiuiii u nir ua ios- tlio stage sotting for a four course ulblo ba 'prosent nt ton o'clock and bainiiot which was nppHoached In givo Mr. Carroll a greeting after our flxrnlleneo only bv the porformanco enforced absence. Remember that of tho eight participants for whom music Is an Important factor In the . ..u.., in, ,,. uiiiiiru iiujiik irom "crvicns vi iins ciiurcu ns ici oy Mrs. lift tn Kin tvtm r. n n, . 1... . , ..u .u...u un iuiiiii! prcsnni- i o Mt. Sebastian a small token of Mie roenrd fell for him by his friends Victrola musi c and othor 'entertain ment furnished tho ani'Uhoment of tho evening. All present wished "Jim "iie" more birthdays and lots of them . Ovorshoed and rubbers at a big sav ing at THE LEADER MER. CO. Gono Crook has purchased th Smyth (540 acres ono miles west of tho stato farm. About 200 acres is val ley land tho remainder runs into the hills. Biff Additional Cuts on Coats, Suits and Dresses: Should you be contemplating buying anything in Readp-lo-Wear, da not fail to give us a look, because we can save you dollars on every purchase, Our Garments are going not to the highest bidder-all cus tomers are treated alike and our garments arc now going at the lowest possible -price, which means dol lars lost to us on every garment, but must be sold. This is not a lot of talk, just straight facts. See and price our garments and be your own judge. F T. TRAMP & SON CITY AM) COUNTY SEWS. Mian Kaffir Klrlan. n utmlnttf nf 1r (Kearney normal, arrlveil home yes terday . ImcIvh O'Urlon, who was Inducted into sorvtce lat suninior and had bean In h training camp, roturpod home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ueauohnmp, .who Kv liorthwetst of .Imvti wnrn full. ,ed to Peru. Neb., nst night by tho tll- uo88 ot a uaugmer. O.rl wanted to work In good homo for her board. Phono 224. Henry SchllUS, who had boon sta tioned at Camp Funston, arrived home yesterday, having boon given his honorable dlschnrgo. A cablegram was received on Thanksgiving Day from Hon Johnston and Will Slebold. In servlco ovorsons stating that' thoy woro woll and happy." Tho salo is on ot Womon high tail ored suits. Tho latest In materials, In stylos, at pJIcos from 20 to 40 under todays valuo at THE LEADER MER. CO. Mrs. John McGrnw has been con fined to tho house for a week paat suf fevlng, It is said, from a nervous broaklmwn aftor more than a yoar of Intensive work as "mother" of tho Sammy Girls. Womcns and Mlnqr-u llnMirnlir.a mi, I Silk Kltnonus make uilsoful and appre ciated Xmns Gifts. Largo assortment o chooso from and at Salo P4lcos at BLOCKS Forced Stock Reducing Sale In connection with tho art salo to hold at tho Dorryborry and Forbos store Snturdny, tho Sammy Girls -will olTor for salo about 100 comfort kits. These UUh can bo used In various ways ln tho household. Stockings that wear If you havo not yet found stockings your youug ator can get onough wear out of lot vh show you our Now Dig Variety at prlcos that cannot fall to please you. Wo havo tho eamo kind for men and women such brands na Holeproof. Dopisndpu. EviorwVmr, Phooitfix nlnil, many othors of most favored 'brands nt THE LEADER MER. CO. Two more North Platto boys arriv ed homo this morning. Thoy are Al fred Pock, in the navy and on tho bat tleship .Michigan, nnd Will Poarsall, ho had 1)0011 Rtntlnnod nl Pjimn lion. Jnmrtn Harrison, Indlnua, Tho boys wore broad smile as they got off No. 19, and both said "wo aro sure glad to got homo." The Twonttloth Conturv Club mot Tuosny nftornoon with Mrs. Ralph Smith and at that tilmo It was decfd ed that tho club would distribute Christmas baskets this year as in pnst yours. Mrs. Dort Harbor gave a splondld roport of tho 'proceeding ot tho state mooting of tho Federation ot clubs nt this mooting. For a Xmns clft Mi pro la lintlilnir that can coniparo with a diamond, DIXON. tllO .InWnllir Una ll iw.ii,1,.rfli.,1 slock of them, which woro bought bo- ioro uio recent raiso In lirlce. A lotitor rocnlveil vnafnnlnv I. tlvos from Evorott Johnston stated mat no una arrived from overseas. tho vessel llialtllltr Min frtn I 11 Hnvnn do.vs and flftoon hours. Ho Is now iiwaiung uiscnargo ami Hopes to bo llOino 'Ihl a short Minn. liii-nrolf nnllaf. ed In the navy tho fifth of last May. aaran iioooKau L,odgo I. O. O. F., will moot in rogular sossion this ovon Ing beginning at 7:30. NOW Is Mm Minn In Inv In vniii win. ter supply of outln gllitnnolls. On nao at THE LEADER MER, CO. at ISc. 20c. 25c, 27Mio and up; Includes plain whlto, colors, and fancy chock ed nnd plaids and stripes. A lot of romnants that savo you 4c to 10c on a yard. Mrs. Howard Clommons, who Uvod in tho neighborhood of tho Platto Val loy school, died yestorday ot tho llu. Tho deceased was formorly Miss Elsie Wlntoror, whoso parents rosldo near Lawollon, and a slstor ot Ml'ss Ivy Wlntoror. ot this city. Sho was mar ried to Mr. CloiinnonB about threo yoarB ago, Mrs. Clommons was a splendid young woman who wan woll known In this city, having attondod tho high school and graduated there from. Horoft nro the husband and ono child sixteen months old and an ti fant flvo days old. June Caprice in "MISS INNOCENCE" How n pure pretty girl braved iho selfishness of society nnd woji a liappy victory. Also the two part comedy "HER SCREEN fr)0L' featur ing LAURE FAZUNDA. Keith Theatre T O-N I G H T I? ." A II 'I'lIK I I I We will give double voles on the, Hull ('oiliest. Sndmlnv Tmi ioIos with every penny spent In our store. ! !o: : North Plntto 1b entitled to flvo dole- pntnu In Miri 111 f.f.l Iti i- wlilr1i vfi lin held at Alllanco noxt Tuesday ln tho i intorests ot good roads and motor trausportatilou . Dolegatos aro ex nected from everv countv In thn Sixth toiigrcssional district. "ffinrnPOTBTO iii limn Mihi mi I,, nl "The Bravest Way" Sessue Hayakaua - - IN (fl3TWnj.ttmT!WiCC.rM'.CT,a.CT The iove theme of which is as sweet as western. It'll put. new courage into your heart. Two part Keystone comedy "ARE WIVES Unreasonable" KEITH SATURDAY mm a AT SAMUELSON'S The Week Commencing Dec. 7th And Ending December 14th 7 DAYS WILL ALLOW 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Men's Suits Overcoats, Sweaters Imperial Union Suits, Duck Coats. m Bi m EdFi Hfi m m Boys' Wearing Apparel 25 TO 50 PERCENT DISCOUNT 1 HARRY SAMUELSON. 1