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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
gcmtff3cckly tribune. IltA L BARE, Editor uml I'ultllslier SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year liy Mall, in adrnncc. .$1.75 Ono Year by Carrier, in advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, DECEMBER. 3ril, 1018. FHWTINU DAYS END TO .MANY IX FRANCE. Tlio Wiure FnionII'oii. To tlio Editor of Tha Tribune I no trtcod an editorial In your Tuoflduy'H pupar on .tho rullroad wage sotttoig tlio prlco for other labor. That part I think In truo, hut I don't agrei with tho wrltor on some of h'.a state ment or ideas. I think Mr. McAdoo didn't imo a certain per cent raise for 0f Htaff. showed a total of 282,093 all of tho railroad mon lecauo ho exclusive of prlnonors. The total. viivr sonio of tho mon or claiwoi wore which exceed tlwt made public a moro undorpald than othor. I will ago i,y 28.000 covers all lowse havio to adnUt that It taken a lot oft0 November 20. The prlnrlpal chaiiBo aklll to opon tho throttle or use the n tHQ revt,,0,i ut Is tho addition of air, but I think It takew a groat deal . 13,100 men missing In action. Gonoral more klll to rebuild a locomotive and ; Pftrshinc. it wa wild, has thus far Washington. Nov. 80. Four divi sions In their entirety and major units of alght other division of the American army In France have been designated by General Pershing for an early return home. These troops with othor special units, Oonoral March, chief of staff, announced total 3,461 officers and 79,003 men. The complete divisions which will return 8t an early date. General March said, are the Thirty-ninth, Sovonty-soven-ill and Ninety-second. Important ele ments of the following divisions, to return as soon as transporatlon facili ties are available, are tha Thirty-first, Thlrty-fomrtli. Thirty-eighth- Fortieth Eighty-fourth, Il'Khty-nfth, Eighty sixth find Eighty-eighth. New figures on the American army CHftiiftWMes, announced by the chief CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE CO IJNTY COM M I SSI ON E US nut the uir and thrtoittlo on It. 80 ac cording to my Idea tho railroad mo chanlc hIiouIiI not only rocolvo Sis much as the brave engineer- but should rccd'vo more for his skill. I do not think the euglneor is getting t(o much pay, as It never has boon customary for a rallmnd company to pay Its omployos moro than thoy earn. Whenever tho car ropalror ro coIvoh more than tho onglneor, or as much, you may bo that tho ontfl noor has been laying off tor the car re pairer has been worUlng day and night. 1 am mot a machinist or a car-load-hut I am for them. C. A. H. Huh LohI Us Tlllo. MUwaukco, tho city of Iwor, lost Its proud title at mldrilght Saturday., Tlio city that certain brows made fam ous will have to seek anothor causo fcr fame. Tho food administration or der stopping tho manufacture) of edi blo grains Into boor goes Into effect with tho beginning of Dccomhor, and Mwaukooi'a faniaua broworlos wiill have to Book nomo other commodity to turn out fcom the great plants. Tho brewora doclaro that thotr plants will not remain Idlo long. Tho manufacture) of near boors will con tinue and tho hrowera will bo allowed to contlnuo oporatlonH as broweries until thcf.r prosont stocks of malt are exhaiiHtetl. Already, however, tho browors aro turning their plants Into other lines of endeavor. ::o:: forwarded no explanation of tho In croaso under this hoadlng and It wns assumed that an error occured in tho transmission or tho previous figures. Gonoral March explained that tho re vised flguros on prisoners could not bo declphored In General Pershing's mes sage Tlio special units to ombark soon consist largely of coast artillery brig ados nnd separato roglments, many battalions and battorlos of antri-alr-craft artillery, engineers, trench mor tar battorlos and a number of other organizations Including aero squad- . rons. 1 Orders have boon Issued tho chief I of stnff also said, for tho demobiliza tion of 010,000 mon In tho enmps and cantonments In tho United States. Ap proximately 40-000 officers and men In tho heimo camps have already been discharged. By tho end of Docombor, General March Indicated, 150,000 to 175,000 mombors of the expeditionary forcos will have rotclrncd to this country. Pv utilizing a largo number of naval vesoels and cargo caricra. In nddl Homb to transports, ho said the war denartniont hoped In Mmo to provide transportation for 300-000 men a month. , : :o: : I'll ItSlI IXC. AND HIS MEN A HE NOW IN PRUSSIA. Amorlcan troops crossed tho fron tier Into Prussia at daylight Sunday behind tho German rear guards. Trovoi Is tho most Important city Walsh Defines Ehing Wiuro. Evory worklngman Una a proporty thus far occu'nlcd. American troops riglit in ma jot), declared Frank P, nlso aro patrolling score? of vr.llnge3, Walsh, joint chairman of tho national howovor. Wm,nb0.r hlin' , .,.,' Oonoral Porshlng Is In tho immodl "Tla Is the basis of all justice." vicinity to observe tho operations. 10 nddod, "and should bo protoctod by m, ,ivnnco headquarters iwll bo es tho government, tubthhed at Troves, whero Gon. Pros- Assorting that tho war labor board ton nrown will bo nVlHary governor had found upon Investigation that a n-i on. Hnrrv A. Smith In chargo family of llvo could not bo supported Pf ciVj n ITnira pn a wago of loss than $34.80 wookly, ; The advance averaged 12 miles. 10 declared that "wherever an Indus- Trf,vp ,H Hitimtod on the right bank ry rofusos to pay lit. workers a llv-;f ,,, Mr,,0 river 57 miles south ing wage, It has no right to exist, and, . v,,t of OobleiMz. It Is perhaps tho furthermore no states can live which O,,loflt town fn 0onnnny nml ls r,ch , pornilts fsuch nn udtmtry to exist nomnn rollcs. Tho population nt the Ivi'ii, (irn" . . nMMirrnlc of the war was about 00.000. Workliiginon have the right to or-j . ... irnn7.o, ho said, and ho e'Jiaractorlzcd Neighborhood Nerns tho nomadic worker as "tho shifting' Fro(i tIooHton, of Grant, ti'ed Mon- winu noneniu muusiry." .,,.. ,norni,ltr of i.Hi.rlns rncolvo.l ln. Sat.ur-lny nlgjit, whon an automobllo ir which ho and four of hlfi friends wore riding- went into the ditch. Tho nnrty was roturnipg from a daico nt Venango when the nee'dont occurred. Two of tlm party escaped with slight 'linrloT n"d two wore not hurt at all. Tho Inlluoira situation romalns "'out tlio aamo in the county, but hero bus boon a fresh outbreak fn town, making It necessary to close the schools, churches, picture showsi and all othor public gatherings until tho eruditions aro much Improved. Of tho thirty odd casei In town, only a fow aro considered dangerous. Ogalalla TribiMio. : to: : ! A few evcepllonnl bargains in see on hand Fords . 1IcudyOglor Auto Co. Pee ce Brings Us New Mouths to Feed -::o:: Overseas Soldiers Arrive. Tho first shipload of returning over seas soldiers arrived at Ilobokon yes torday morning on the British stoam sliln Mnurotnnla. Five other vesseds with trains on board vf U nrrlvo tho latter part cr this wendt. ::o:: I! vou have no annotlto for yrnr meals, lomothlntr Is wrong In your dl- rotlve prions Tnko a doso or two of Prlclelv Ash IVtters. It cleanses tho stp uach, liver and bowels, croatos ap- re'i'jp. v'7or nnd cheerfulness. Prlco nor bnttln G',.iininro-nont Drug C"., Spoclal Agents. . . Ver Itent --Nicely furnlshod room for man or woman flOR W. Uh November 25th, 191S Hoard of county commissioners metis' pursuant to adjournment, present gpringer, Herminhausen- Koak and county clork. The following claims were allowed: A. 11. Hoagland, englneman and cash Items, $310.29 A. P. Kelly, printing and supplies, $011.30. Sundry persons surveying roads No. 0 and No. 308, '$28.50. Sundry parsons measuring fills cn Osgood bridge. $10.00. C. L. Grant, road work. $38.00. Geo. O. Fowler, road work, $7.r0. U. W. Drown- roHd wcrk $20.00. Henry Shaw road work $14.40. Harry Dixon ropalrs $1.50. C'laue Andorson road work $00.00. B. J. Oulnan roael work $75.00. F. E. Slmnntg assessing Hall pre cinct $100.00. Standard Oil Co. eyll $22.13. Emma Pulvor care of poor $1019.15 Wm. Roddon cutting pipes $5.00. Alfred Larson road work $15.00. Anton Isackson road work $15.00. Ed Isackson raid work $15.00. Harry Andorson road work $S.00. Elmer Oman road work $5.00. August Larson road work $20.00. Emll Omnn road work $0.00. It. T. Welllvor road work $5.00. H. T. Johnson road work $15.00. Hormnn Johnson road work $80.25. Omaha Structural Ssel Oct. $3120.15. W. F. $57.30. Henry $9.00. Charley C. D. $10.80. Roy Fetters road work $9.00. Otter Johnson road work $0.00. J. F. Calkins road work $14.40. Sam Palmer bridge work $03.00. Win. Johnson brldgo work $103.25. J. F. Snyder road work $02.85. Sundry persons road work $17.50. W. F. Llnnomeyer scraper $12.50. Sundry persons road Work $12.50. C. H. Cochran road work $91.25. Sundry poraons road work $148.25. Honry Llnnenieyer road work $78.00. Flavo VanNatta road work $1.50. (Jarl Larson road work $12.00. It. Larsion road work $9.00. Wm. Anderson road work $9.00. Clyde VanNatta road work $9.00. H. E. Andorson road work $4.50. John Korto road work $3.00. Roy Teeters road work $10.00. i in ' Llnnoinoyor road work Ll(nnoni.oyer road work Johnson road work $18.00. Llnnenieyer road work FISH HOOKS, FELLOW SAYS" lave more sail and more kinds of sail dealers of North Platte put GOSH AtL AS THE We than all the together. Betlcr call and get your supply. Our sales of CARNATION FLOUR is con stantly increasing. Leypoidt & Pennington Lamb Building; North Locu&t Street PIIONK 206. Sacra Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. GERLE'S TAILOR SHOP Wo Toko Orders for tho Standard Custom Garment Co., of Chicago. Will Make Garments in Our Shop if Desired. 218 East 6th Street Over Keen's Gun Shop Marines to Do Held. There will bo no general demobili zation oC the marine corps until after the conclusion of (peace, Secretary Daniels said, although such dischar ges as oan be effected gradually with out impairment of tho servico will be grnnted . : :o: : When your digestion Is poor, when your bowels aro costive, when your breath is bad, when your stomach ls sick or disordered, and you feel lan guid and low-spirited, Prjckly Ash Hitters is tho remedy you need. It cleanses tho vital organs, purifies tho bowels, and iinparts a fine feollng of strength, vigor and cheerfulness. Price $125 per bottle. Oummore Dont Drug Co.. Special Agents?; F. Llnnomeyor LInnemcyor road work road work W $3.00. C. D. $315.00. John Woldon 'road work $3.00. Adjourned to Decembor 2d gpg Docombor 2, 1918. Board mot pursuant to adjournment present Hermlnghaiiscn and Koch and county clerk. Claims were allowed as follows: EsiN Wessburp. salary, $75.00. 13. Mercer, road dragging, $3.00. Thos, Easter, road work. $5.00. Sundry persons, road work Dist. 58. $98.00. J Wesloy Cocklo, dragging roads, $13. Fred Tobas, brldgo work, $33.00. Sundry persons, road work Dlst. 4. $50.25. -v . Sam Souder. offico oxpenses, $304.83 K. It .Sprlngor, sorviees. $92.75. C. R. Cochran, rond work. $21.25. L. Perkins, road work, $92.50. L. Gnmbrol. Janitor, $76.05. Ailcen Gnntt, salary, $133.33. Fayo Eldor, salary. $55.00. A'lloen Gantti. visiting schools, $14S.fiO. Alloon Gantt, offico expenses, $28.99 L L. Voddor. firo guards. $10.00. Will Saunders, road work, $37.50. .lf?so l onir. road work. $10.00.. Thos. McDormott. road work. $5. Fred Marquette. rend work. $7.50. J. C. Lucas, rond work, $13. SO. H. E. Norton, road work, $21.00. n. ,T. Greelev. firo gunrds. $1.80. J. E. Ham. flre guards. $1.80. Harvev Snnw. fire guards $13.20. Wm. .Tnngon. rood work. $2S.00. Albert Itlchiger. rood work. $10.20. Vnrlfn Jei)en. rond work, $23.80. rnk Gvrox, rond work. $5.40. .E. S. Rose, rond work. $18.00. fnri Vnng, rond work, $5.40. Tlort Hall. read work. $5. to. llert Rnlser, rond wrk. $2.70. ?n(irv nc-soiiH. clerks and Judges of election. $1,009.35. rMinnrv nloctloii exnonso. S14S1 .95 Sundry nersons, canvassing election "ti.a. en. T U. Il'ill. care of T. J, T"k. $18.00. Tfi L. Hn'0. prlntbifr nnd sunulles. $030.40. " nv,'vl"'!ninpn "'. 10. , 13 T. Ko'h. snln-v n"' $55.45. Alien, snlnry. $137. A. S. Allon, offico oxnenoei $33 Tim Rntton. snlarv. $100.00. Anna Anderson, enro of Enimn An derson. $35.00 , A J Snllsbury. salnry. $145.80. Erank Koch. oiiKlneiiinn. $18.00. John Rltnor. brldgo work. $371.00. Adjourned to Doc. 9. 1918. HEAT! Drive Away the Chill With a Gas Room Heater North Platte Light & Power Co DIl. AY. I. SUAFFEll Osteopathic Physician K. of C. Bnlldin? N011TH PLATTE, NEBIl. Associnled Willi Dr. Drost. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraoku. Knights of Columbus Building. GEO. B. DENT, Plisylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery una Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offico 130, Residence 115 DOCTOR D. T. QCIGLEI Practice Limited to Surgery and Iladlum Therapj 728 City ISationul Bank Building. Omaha, NebraHfcs. NOTICE! Wiiy not write your firo nnd cyclone Insurance with a roliublo company who Invest tholr premiums In Liberty Bonds and irlve our county tho credit. us for farm and automobile rates NEBRASKA HEAL ESTATE CO. DIt. TYV'INEtf HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. salary. !i0 .13. just in rare Let McGraw Fix If yourRadintor leaks, or is filled with sed'ment and your car heatd, have it fixed before winter. Before using any anti-freezinj solution, be sure your radiator is tight and clean. McGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY Romigh Garage 6th and Locust Street Some North I'latto People- May Wait Till It's Too Lale. Don't wait until too lato. Bo Hiiro to bo in tlmo. Just in tlmo with kidney ills. Meana curliiR tho backache, tho dlz zlnoHB, tho urinary ellBortlora. That bo ofton como with kldnoy , trouDioa. 1 Doan's Kidney Pills Are for this very purposo. II010 is North Plutto togtlniony of eueir worm. Mrn. J. R. Raskins, 328 W. Klshth St.. says: "My kldnova had boon actlnp IrreKularly and I know thoy wero tho causo of my foor hoeth.. I folt tired nnd deproBaod and waa nervous . I wna takon with dizzy ' Bpolla and spots camo hoforo my oyes. I hndn't been uslnt; Doan'B kldnoy PUIb lonp bororo I folt much hottor. The bonoflt Bonn's gavo mo tirovo thoy tho flno." Prlco 00c. at all dealers. Don't simply nsk for a klndoy remedy Rot Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho Bamo that Mrs. nasklns had. Postor-Mllburn Co,, Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. FUR MARKET Prices are High Before you ship come and see inc. L. L1PSHITZ COL. -ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. (.'eiieral Farm Sales 11 Specialty. References and Dates nt First National Bank, North Platte, Ncbr. Phone 1000. . NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North 01 Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th cientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedaelMLD. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Best Price Paid lor HOGS AT THE Hog Market Office at the Old Stock Yards We nlso buy cattle. ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Diroctora Buy phoao il Night phono Black CSS ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platto, Nebraska. W. E. FL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over McDonald Bank. Office Phone 11.10 Res. Phone 1120 Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 033 Y. T. PRITCIIAU1), Graduate Veterinarian Klght years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 21S, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best reference I'm always elated abend Phone at my expense for dates OGALALLA, NEBRASKA Tho defendants, Theodore B. Pot ter and Pottor, his wife, real namo unknown, and the unknown heirs, dov- iBees, legatees and personal represen tatives of Theodoro E. Potter and Potter, his wife, real namo unknown, If deceased, nnd all persons Interested in tho Northwest Quarter (Nw) of Sectlo Twelve (12), Township Fifteen (15) north of Range Thirty-three (33), West Sixth P. M., Lincoln county, Nebraska, are hereby notified that on tho 28th day of August 1918, the Equi table Land Company, as plainfciff hero in, filed its petition in the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, ngaHnst you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of vhtch petition aro to quiet tho title in plaintiff to the following described real estate to-wlt: Tho Northwest Quarter NWYi of Section Twelve (12), Township fif teen (15), north of Range Thirty-three (33), west Gth P. M., in Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. And for general, equitable rellof and costs. You and oach of you are here by required to answer or plead to said petition on or uefore tlie 6th day or January, 1919, or tho same will bo ta ken as true and decree and Juelgment rendered therein as prayed quieting title to said real proporty In tho name of plaintiff and canceling and annul- ing any and claims of said defendants or either of them and for costs. THE EQUITABLE LAND CO., nl95w By J. W. James, Its attorney. No:ico of Suit. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN COLN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In tho Matter of the Estate of John Bratt, Deceased. NOTICE. To all persons Interested in said estate, Notice ts horeby given that Elizabeth Bratt, Elizabeth M. Bald win, Jessie M. Hondy, Grace S. Good man and Nellie E. Buckley, nee Bratt, Executrices of tlio estate of John Bratt, doceasod. filed a final account of tho administration of said estate and also thcUr application for the ells- trniution of all personal property of said estate and the assignment of the real proporty thereof and that tho said account and application for tho as signment and elJstrihirtion of said es- tato will bo heard boforo tho County Court of said County in the Court house in tho city of North Platte, Lin coln County, Stato of Nobraska, on tho lGth day of Decembor, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time any per son Interested may aippear, object and contest tho same, cr piiow cause. If any there be, why tho said final ac count should not bo allowed and ap proved nnd tho real and porsonal property of said estate, bo distributed nnd assigned to tho parties entitled tV.oreto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 25th day of November. 1918. WM. II. C. WOODHURST. N2G-D13 County Judge. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon. Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tlio Stato of Nebraska: To nil per sons interested in estato, take no tice that a petition has boen filed for tho appointment of Minnie E. Dillon as administratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing heroin on Do combor 13, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated November 13. 1918. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. N19-3w County Judge Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rondoreel in said) court wherein William E. Sampson ls plain tiff and Charles E. Rima, et. al., are dofondants, and to mo dirocted, I will on tho 23d day or Decembor. 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., ot tho east front door of tlio court house- in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nobraska, soil at pub lic auction to tho highots bidder for cash to satisfy said decroo. interest and costs tho following tloscrtbed proporty to-wit: Northwest Quarter (XW of Section Twenty-nine (29). Township Twelve (12), north of Range Thirty-two (32) in Lincoln county. Nobrasko. Dotod North Platte, Plntto, Neb.. Novoniber .0, 191S. A. J. SALISBURY. N19-GW Sherin Notlco of Finn! Report. Estate No. 1552, of Max Beer, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobraska, to all per sons IntoroBtod in said Estato tako notice that tho Executor has filod a final nccount and report of his ad ministration and a potltlon for final settlement and discharge as such, wllich havo boon sot for hearing ho foro said court on Decembor 20, 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may ap poar and contest tlio samo. Dated November 20th, 1918. mi. II . C. WOODHURST. N25-3wks. County Judgo