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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
4ft w. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 3, 1918. No. 93 Qfrifetth. FOB VAKIOUS CAUSES 372 PUTILS ARE OUT 01' SCHOOL. The following Is the health bulletin of the public school for tho twonty four hours ending at six o'clock last evening. Tho following data has been sup plied by the toachers from tho best avallablo sources and Is not accurate bult approximates tho correct .figure. Total enrollment in the City Schools today is 1459. Tho actual attendance was 1087. This leaves 372 absences. The normal number of absences during tho year Is about 125 dally. Tlie following are tho causes of ab sonce: Pupils detained at home bocauso they or tholr paronts are afraid they will get tho Flu, 137. Pupils with mumps, 1. Pupils -with whooping cough, 10. BuJpils out of school because they or Bomo member of the family is roport ed to havo Flu, 63. Pupils who are reported to have sickness running all tho way from In digestion to tuborculosls, 79. Pupils kept out to work, 17. Pupils out of town or away from homo visiting, 11. Pupils out for other causes or causo not determined but who are not sick, 55. WILSON TOUT. Clity Supt. ; !0! If you) have never read Tho Riders of tho Purple Sago you have cor tainly missed one of tho best things In roccnt day litoraturo but you can got tho story wonderfully portrayed on tho screen at tho Keith Wednesday and Thursday. Those who read tho book will need no urging to come as they will all' bo there. H. H. Henderson teacher of man ual arts In the city schools, Is de tained at home on account of the pres ence of fill Is his homo. MJss Callan, of the Washington school, is aibsont from work by reason of Illness. Mrs. Franklin Koch was out yesterday on nccount of illness, but returned to her duties this morning. Milo Burke left this morning' for his ranch home In tho Big Horn basin aftor visiting his sister Ms. John Bratt for a day. Rev. Franklin Koch left tHis morn ing for Fremont to attend tho state synod of the Luthoran cTiurch. Henry Heckor left this morning on a business trip to Grand Island and Marysvillo. Kans. ft i c ft t1 COUSTY ELECTIONS COST A 111(5 SUM Of MONEY. In Lincoln county tho cost of hold ing a gonoral oloctlon, which neces sarily Tncludos tho 'primary election, is in tho noighbohood of four thous and dollars. To conduct the primary and general elocton this yoar and to bring In the returns and canvass tho vote, required tho services of 570 men and this is tho n-Umbor of warrants that will bo issued in n few days by Clork Allen to the judges and clerks and others who hnd a hand In tho alecpions. In addition to the expenso of the seVices of these election offic ials must be figured the cost of print ing the two sets of ballots, tho deliv ering the ballots to each precinct in the county, tho cost of publishing the notices calling the elections, tho poll books and othor items that go Into the cost of holding elections in a county that is almost as big as some oastorn states and has forty-seven voting precincts. Elections may bo costly to tho tax payers but wo can't get along with out them. :o: :- C. B Kolso and family take this method' of extending thalr sincere thanks to fsi'ends for tho assistance extended them nt the funeral of the lato Elsa Kelso. The Bfblo Group o the Baptiist church will meet Thursday afternoon, December 5th, with Mrs. Styson, 311 So. Locust street. The Q. E. group will meet with Mrss Valerius. 604 W. 4th and tho New Group with Mrs. Leon, 1020 west 3d. Clare Adams, whllo hunting Sunday on the Reynolds farm eighteen miles north of town, accidentally Bhot him self In tho right foot. He 'was brought to town in Mr. Reynold's car, and Dr. McCabo summoned. It Is now thct it will not be necessary to ampu tate the foot. For your mother's Xmas could there be any,(hlng'jirjithev, world that would pleascher niorelhan one of the fine hand mado Cordova Leathor bags on display at DIXON'S Jewolery Store. Mrs. B. A. Cram passed through last evening to Sidney where she goes to visit her father who is the Method ist pastor at that place. She reported hor husband who la a chaplain in tho service at a camp near Atlanta, Ga., in good health and that ho had been offered a 'position In tho Y. M. C. A. overseas which ho .might pos sibly accept. The .camp at which ho Is stationed Is being demobilized. Our Christmas Readiness Meets the Requirements of Every Purchaser Everyone from the "tiniest" one to staid, dignified grandfather, must be remembered with something . appropriate and .practical on Christmas morning, but that doesn't mean a great expenditure of money neces sarily. The shopper who brings her list to tills store feels instinctively that here she can find worthy Christmas gifts-i-gifts that will be truly appreaciated and yet, which will not be too great a strain on her purse. Thrift and deep insight are evident in every interesting display, whether the ar ticle is a suitable gift for those at home or some one in service. It is always wise in making a selection of gifts for the younger folk, and even for those more mature in years, to choose some pretty article of wearing apparel. A filmy waist or dress for the family's debutante; a cravat or silk shirt for father or big bother. Every Section is distinctly your Section. You, who are familiar with our high stand ards of doing business, will not be disap pointed with our qualities or our service, both of which we have maintained through these difficult times. If there is any service that we may render, you have but to men tion it when you visit the store. Wilcox Department Store CITY XSJ) COUNTY XJSWS. C. H. Waltor loft yostortlay on a business trip to Omaha and othor points east. Chas. Bogue loft thin morning for Marysvillo, Kan., whoro ho gooa on buslnoss conucctod with tho B. of H. T. For Sale Woll constructed garage. Can be used for chicken house or shod. Phono Red 830. Twins wore born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Frod Loudon, a boy and n girl. The mothor Is reported to bo gettrfng along nlcoly and tho two babies are strong and duo. Tho young lady will appreciate for Xmas one of tho now mosh bags at DIXON'S Jowelory Store. 13. L. Jonos, of Nichols precinct, loft this morning for Illinois whoro ho was called by tho lllnoss of his father. Miss Mary Carroll; of Wisnor. Is a guest at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy. All members of tho Home Guards aro requested to meet at the Mooso hall at eight o'clock this evening. Business of Importance, and probably drill, demandB tho attendance of all. By order of Captain Shilling. Mrs. Fred Warren and daughtor Olive, arrived yesterday from Denver and will again mnUo this city their home. Tho two older Warren boys aro in tho servico, ono on board tho battleship Florida, thojjthorlin China. Carl McGrow, who hnd been stn tlonod at Camp Dodge, nrrlvod homo yesterday morning. Ho was ono of four thousand who woro discharged from that camp. Several othor Lin coln county boys ncconvpanied Carl home. A presont to bo long remembered by father, mothor, sistor or brother would bo a gold watch. HARRY DIX j ON. the Jeweler has a splendid as J sortment. I T. T Tnnami nf nnn Hnwi In thl banking business in Henshoy. is spondlng the Winter in town and has entered tho employ of Loypoldt nnd Pennington. Ho has COO acroa of wheat In Kolth county which he -will look after next yoar. A years' subscription to a magazine makes a very acceptable Christmas present. I am agent for all kinds of magazines, and can furnish them sjn trlv or In r.luhs. Mrs. Fred Roctor. 'Phono Red 410. 91-4 .4 7- J i. WW 6 if V..PA I. WOHK UHPOKT OF HKI CROSS CHAPTER. Inrtuetun i to November 20, 191S. and It Is here Vrtth presented as prepared by Mrs. F. W. Rlncker. chulramn of the military rellot committee, who had gonoral charge of tho work. . Tho following work was dono by the tSneoln County Chanter, which In- tiulos tho brnnchos nt Horshey, Wal es?. Brady, Sutherland. Som orset, AVelltleot. Garfield. Dickons nnd Ingham, tho auxiliaries of Nichols Hignoll, Over tho Top, Platto Valley, sammy uiris' .Mothers. Rebakah Ken sington, Pleasant View, Ft. IcPhor son, Economy Knitting Club, Happy Hour Club, tho aid societies of the Luthoran, Method at, Chrtnttun and Episcopal churches, tho Mothers' Club and tho North S!do Red Cross work room . Chalrmnn of tho Knitting Commit tee reports as follows: knitted wash 61oths 112. afghansi 13, sweaters 2,186, socks 1,229, mi'tfflora 70, helmqts 241, wristlets 412, tronch caps 1. Chnlrman SurgiVnl Dressings re ports : absorbent 'padk 6,073, gauze dressings 17.S97, gauzo rolls 460, heel rings 20, pneumonia jackets 45. Chairman of Muslin Dressings re ports: 7.164 articles. Tho Comntfttoe on hospital gar ments and supplies and refugee gar ments reports: Fracture pillows 70, bundles of old llnon 7, tray cloths 114, handkorchlofs 135, tablo napkins 60, hot water bottle covers 4, comfort pillows 100, sheets 73, pillow cases 125, hand towels 97, nnibulanco pillows with 2 pillow cases 141, comfort kits 118, operating gowns 8,0 operating caps 130, oporating leg li ns 5 pair, operating masks 32, hos pital pajamas 514. hoanitn.1 nnilnp- drawers 2S2, hospital undershirts 292, hospital bed shirts 203. hospital help- iuhs case suirts 2152, bed Jackets 12, bed socks 05 pairs, comfort bogs to bang on bed 287, convalescent 97. Itefcigeo garmonts: chllds plnnfores y, cniius potuconta 90, chllds under sniris 71, girls dresses. 6 to 12 vrwrn 111, chomlso 40, night-gowns 62, pot- uuuiUB, o 10 iz years U2, drawers 69, wonions drosses 25. ehomisn inn shirts 71, morning Jnckots 64, boys Rouses 10, blouse suits 46, baby quilts 50, trench stfppora 24, carpet rugs seweu tu ids. Would Uko VOrv much to mnnllnn what each branch and auxiliary mado nut hjiiico iormuso. Ms. Do Etta Baker, whom wo all know, knitted 00 pair socks, 34' wash cloths. 3 sweaters, 3 pair wristlets. 1 neimoL and. repaired bosSdes more than 2 dozen pair socks. : :o: : Lee firiines" Critically III. Judge Grimes loft yesterday nftor 011 for Chattanooga, Tonn., on re ceipt of a telegram that his son Lee was critically ill. The Judge rocelved a v.Mre Sunday night that Leo was sick, yostorday morning another wlro xdrtsed htm that tho patient was worse, and a third telegram recoivoil at noon stated that his condition was porlous. Tho Judgo at onco ndjourned court and left for Chattanooga. j'or sevorai yonrs past Leo has been located itn tho south ns a member or 0 contracting firm that has been doing big work for tho federal government. His presont illness is duie to inlluonzn. : : o : . H. of II. T. Kiwi Orflwis. At a mooting of Platto Rivor Lodgo. Brotherhood of Railway Trntfimon. held last week, tho following officers woro elected: President, C. 13. Strayer. Vice-president. Robt. 13. Wooks. Secretary, II. R. Blalock. Treasurer, V. II. LoDinyt. Journal Agent. Robt. Nolbut. Medical Exalner. Dr. N. McCabo. uoiegato to Convond'on. II. it. nin- lock. I Alternate Dologatr. W. II. LoIJIoyt ::n-. . Huns llino Trunin Curd. Paris, Dec. 2. The' general i!m presii'on provalls that tho Gomnus, over wary, have a trump card up their Hloovo, the nature or which will bo divulged at tho peace confer ence shortly. Tho decree of abdication, slcnnd bv the former kaiser of Germany, Is far from satisfactory and Is regarded hero as moroly a play for tho rabble. Tho runkors and Worklngmon's and Snf- lor's party aro fighting among thom I o1voh. it Is known, i It is admitted, even in Germany, ! Mint tho now government Is not mas or of tho internal situation and that moro trouble Is In the nr. Anything li llablo to happen In, that country mil for till emergency tho pIH&s nust bo propnrod. ::o: : Mrs. John MrCabo. of Chovonne. i'g boen vlslt'ng North Platto friends '" several days past. .Vow that Dmlgo Brothers cars are ! tng producod In greater numbors, 1 nd tho nail of the government Is not "" argent for Dodge cars, I tho tlmo f'"' you to get your Dodgo car ordored a d havo tho nsgiuranro of gottlng It n, J. V. ROMIOH, Dealer. I Two North Pliitlo boys write that 1 thv aro In Imip'tiils oversea. Char ley Perkins Is minering from machine gu wound In both legB while Ernest I Ca ev Is recovering from tho effects of being gassed. Charley writes that I his wounds nro not com-tdorod sorious l This is tho second time Kmost has boon gnssed Both boys woro in tho thick of tho fighting frr sovoral weeks o !ng to the fact that Influonaa i Section 30 and 32, twp. 16, range fcuuMlons prevented holding tho nn-31. to Rosodiilo Land Cattle Co. hurI meeting of the Lincoln County Section 1-UM2, mid rtctlon 7-16r31 Chapter of the Red Cross, nt which a u D. B. McNtel. report of tho work for tho yonr would ! Northwest quartor section 17-1C-2S have b4on presumed, no doubt the '5 rover Weedinan. public generally will bo interostsedi Five hundred and four acres In see to liarning of the work aecomplUhed 1 Vons 8. , S and 9, twp., 14. rnngo ly tho chapter from November 1. 1017, to Lea Mulstard. Land Sale. O. H . Thfteleck rport thfe fol- lowing real ostAto sales: Section 30 and 32. twn. Section 1-12-31 to Joseph Nulson. : :o: : Were you ovor puzzled to know what to give that school boy or girl for Xmas? Those ovoraharp pendlls In silver or gold would mnko an Idoal g'ft. to ho found at DIXONS. Tho oxecutlvo committee of tho Rod Cross will moot this ovenlng nnd tho committee appointed to nominate chairmen for tho various departments is expected to make its roport. The Mothod8t aid society will moot in tho church parlors Thursday nftor- noon. Refreshments will bo served and nil ladles of tho church aro asked to bo presont. County Clerk Allon will leavo to night for Hastings to ntted tho nn nual convention of Nobrnska county clork's association . GUM MERE-DENT DRUG CO. "THE GIFT STORE" STORE NEWS We want to call your attention to these 3 Specials RSI Particular Stationery for Particular People The famous Eaten Crane & Pike brand including an assortment of about '10 diH'erent styles in plain, fancy and delicate colors, with envelopes to match at 50c up to $6.00 a Box. BOOKS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Books of Fiction, Popular, Gift Books, Children's Books, Infant's Books, Baby Record Books, all the latest novels, anything you want in books we have. Largest assortment in the country al 10c up to $5.00 Each When you see our mammoth assortment of Candies you will not wonder why we are selling so much. We carry "Woodward," "Apollo." and "Johnson's" (Milwaukee) brands, which are considered about the best on the market and with our new sanitary case you will always find them fresh and good. Here are just a few of the many kinds wc carryt Lady Helen Cherries, Nut Clusters, As sorted Nuts, Bitter Sweets, Milk Chocolates, Fruit Candies, Walnut, Almond, I'ecan, Brazel Nut Candies. Any size box you wish, also in bulk al 25c up to $5 a Box IE you get it at Qummere-Dent's its good. GUMMERE-DENT D NORTH PLATTE, Constance Talmadge in "Up The Road With Sallie" Thrills, Laughs and Sensations Galore. Fsst mov ing Comedy dotted with Thrills, CRYSTAL THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW PLOT TO ItKSTOUK KAISKK UXCOVKltKI) IN MERLIN. T. London, D06. 2. A plot, to.rostoro tho kalsor to tho throne, lias boon mi-, covered In Berlin and frustrated, ac cording to the correspondent of tho Dully Mall. Tho latter stntos that tho plot "leaked" though a telephone ccn vorsaiion, that tho authorities acted promptly and that hundreds Implicat ed woro placed under arrest. To otllolals requested that all news paper publicity on tho mattor bo withheld until an offlciol announce ment of tho plot should bo mado. Frodorlck Ebort In person learned of tho plot and set the machinery In mo tion that provonted It's cnrrylng out. Scholdomniin requested tho prosa to refrain from publishing such dotalls as they received. It was learned that among tho plottors woro Field Marshal von Mackonscn, Gonoral von Boohm, Gen eral von Amln. Krupp von Bohlon, nmnagor of tho Krupp gun works and Prlnco von Bulow. The correspondent does not stato If any of tho lattor woro placed undor arrest, when tho wholesalo roundup took Tilaco. -::o:: Young lndy bookkoopor and typist desires position. Call Black 1G7. RUG CO. NEBRASKA