The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 29, 1918, Image 5

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. Fl wkjllnckor -was called to Clioy-
. , onno Wednesday by ttiolllnoss of his
ulster, f ,
For SaleWoland-Chln.a ntul Bork
, shlro.hogs, C. P. HOWARD. Phono
. 797F031.
"tf - Dr. Voorheos. Lucas returned Tuos-
uay nignt irora a professional visit
tp( Torrlngton, Wyo.
Cows for Sale Seo A. C. Burton
or D. Wakeflold. 92-3
A. A. Schatz. now living In rimnlin.
f spent a day or two In town this week
visiting friends and transacting busl-
Mr. and Mrs. George Frater havo
been visiting In Lincoln for several
days past, having left for that city
perial Union Suits. HARRY SAM
UELSON. Rov. and Mrs. J. II. Curry went
to St. Paul, Neb.. Wednesday after-
noon bd spend Thanksgiving with rel
atives .
,Thormos Bottles and Cosafes. All
prices. Shop early at tho REXALL
STORE. ' 92
Mr. and Mrs. Owen O'Neal, of
Rawlins, former residents of this
city, havo been visiting friendo im
town this week.
15 Choice Barred-Rock Cockerels,
$2 to $3 each. Mrs. A. F. Hansen,
Phono 790F021. 91-4
Thos. Healey wont to Omaha Wed
nesday to spend Thanksgiving with
. his fanlily and to attend tho foot ball
game between Crolghton. Collego and
a Colorado team. !
Flashlights. All sizes and shapes.
Shop early at tho REXALL DRUG
Your soldier will be home soon,
mako Uils a real Xmas for him by giv
ing him a gold ring. Tlfis is a gift
wVlfnlt 4a nnrominl nml Iia will nin
elate It tho rest of his life. HARRY
derful selection.
Mr. Albert Muldoon is having her
household goods packed preparatory
to going to Ogalalla to reside and
where- Mr. Muldoon has been located
for a couple of months. Mrs. Muldoon
will leave next week.
A few exceptional bargains In seo
, on hand Fords. Hcndy-Ofrlcr Auto Co.
For Sale Fresh Milch Cow. A. F.
Gregg. No. Platte Phone 794F21, 9a
Harry Block loft Wednesday even
ing for Columbus to spend Thanks
giving nnd to mako arrangements to
put on a special sale at the ladles'
flurnishlng store he owns in that city.
A years' subscription to a magazine
makes a very acceptablo Christmas
present. I am agent for all kinds of
magazines, and can furnish them sin
gly or in clubs. Mrs. Fred Rector,
Phone Red 440 91-4
Word received by Mrs. Harry
Mitcholl Monday announced tho death
of her sister-in-law Mrs. Wayne A1I
wlno In Omaha. Death was duo to 1n-
fluenza. Mr. Allwine was at ono time
a resident of North Platte.
For Sale Single comb Rhcdo Is
land Red nnd pure-bred White Or
!hington Cockerels. Ed. Snmuelson.
Phono 784F12. 92-4
Engineer Riley Warren presented
the Red Cross Canteen with two tur
keys which he requested bo prepared
and served to soldiers passing thru
on Thanksgiving Dav and his request
was carried out by thoCanteen ladles
Symphbny Lawn, fashion's finest
stationery. Shop early at the REX
All Roads Lead to Romo and all
shopping onds at THE LEADER
MERCANTILE CO. You may look at
' all the stores fqr bargains in the best
coats, suits, dresses and furs, but !if
you're wise, you'll return and buy at
Additional Work for Canteen.
Tho Red Cross Canteen has beon
asked by -tho .federal government to
inorenso Its scope of usefulness,
This request' Is that whon wounded
soldiers passing through require
special attention that tho Cantcon fur
nish ono of Its number to accompany
thorn through to Cheyonno or Donver
and give such nid as is possible. Com-
. mandahl' Mrs. Boguo is making ar
rangements to carry oht tho rcqntoet.
t :;o:.
j Turner Taken In Custody.
Ray Turner, who has beon conduc
ting, tho bowling alloy on cast Sixth
street and who was arrested sevoral
weeks ago on tho chargo of receiving
morplilno thru tho malls, was taken
to Omaha Wednesday by a doputy
United States marshal. Ho will bo
arraigned In tho federal court on tho
charge of transmission of poison thru
tho mails.
: :o: :
U. g. Hoys' Working llesene.
A telegram received Wednesday
from L. W. Trester, federal stato
director, stated that all boys who reg
istered In Uio U. S. Boys Working
Reserve must send In their registra
tion cards immediately.
lfiU out the one side of your card
only as directed and do not stop to bo
examined. Thcso cards can cither be
ieft or-mailed to the U. S. employ
ment bureau In tho basement "of the
B. and L. Building.
H. H. NEWMAN, County Federal
:o: .
In a letter to Judge Woodhurst re
ceived this week, Jim Keefo writes
that ho gets up In tho morning1 when
a whistle Is blown, ho eats his meals
when a whistle is blown nnd ho goes
to bed when the whistle blows, and
ho says that whon ho gets homo from
Camp Taylor whon ho hears a man
whistle for his dog ho, Jim, will prob
ably faco about and como to atten
tion. Ho says "to a bird like me who
hns been accustomed to doing almost
as I pleased, and doing it at such
times as most pleasant or convenient,
this rigid discipline almost gets my
goat. If you havo a touch of mud on
your shoes, If one button on your
coat Is unbuttoned, or If your bunk
Is not as prim ns is an old maid, you
are bawled out. However, much as
you might bo surprised, I am getting
along very well. I really sunrise my
self with , tho ability I display in
washing dashes,"" sweeping floors,
"arping stockjjigs. nnd sowjng. on.
JIE unless you -want to sell. I hnTO
plenty of customers now for Inijtror
oil nnd unlmnroTcd farms priced
right. 0. II. TIIOELECKE.
Ed T. Scott, manager of the Stacy
Mercantile Co. at Lincoln and vlce
preaJdent of tho Company will arrive
In North Platte tomorrow for the pur
pose of closing tho deal whereby the
tacv company becomes tho owner of
io Lamb stock in this city. The lnt-
ter stock will be Invoiced at onco and
as soon ns that work Is completed ar
rangements will lie made to move tho
Stacy stock to tho Lamb building
where it will occupy three of tho four
rooms of tho building.
Ono lot of all Wool Poplin nnd
Sergo skirts, also silk taffetta and
satin skirts, regular values up to $10.
Forced Salo Price $4.98 at BLOCKS.
Paul Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Simon, who ta attending the fed
eral training school at Kearney, came
home today on a short visit. Tho
llfty-thrco boys at the school took a
voto as to whether they would dis
band December 11th or continue their
work until next June and practically
pll voted in favor of continuing
tmtlil Juno. Paul is In tho class at
tho stato normal, Is a member of the
foot ball team and played in a game at
Hastings yesterday.
For RentNicely furnished room
'for man or woman. 908 W. Gth.
dbnfrontod with strong evtdtaicb
that his story of having beon hold l
by a" bandit on the branch train bo
treoh Ifbrshoy nnd North Platte, was
not trito;'- Chester M. Smith oxpress
nlessengor on tho train, admitted to
W. J. McClomont, Uuftgn Pftciilc sec-,
rot agent that his story was n fake,
nnd that ho had stolen tho money
loss than $200 and to avoid possible
detection had burned tho express
money orders. Ho admitted tho entire j
falsity of tho story ho told after ho
rognlned "consciousness" in tho Un-
' Ion Pacific depot, and at his own sug-,
I gostion wrote out a confession in tho.
prcsonco of J. C. Vail, head of tho
U. P. seer ot '"service-, who came down i
from Denver whon ho learned of tho
Incident. ThiB written confession was
somewhat sensational, and later ho
signed a statement which embodied
tho facts In tho confession ho hnd
The story as told by Smith scorned
so unsupportnblo that It at onco
I aroused suspicion, nnd he was called
into tho presence of the secret ser
vice men. It was not necessary to do
much questioning, for ho broko down
easily and fully confessed. He had
spent, during Tuesday, about forty
dollars of tho money he had stolen,
and made restitution of tho balance.
Smith, who Is about twenty-one
years of ago, ias lived In North Plntto
about a year, coming hero from Ar
nold where, it is snld, his widowed
mothor resides. Prior to going on
tho branch as messenger he had been
employed nt tho local express offlco.
Smith is now in Jail, and -at this,
time It Is not known whether ho will
be pcosccuted under the state or fed
al law. As the express companies,
as woll as tho railroads are now under
government control, his cifime may
como under tho federal statute.
Like many another young man,
Smith had read of men committing
robberies nnd .escaping detection, and
was obsessed of tho idea that ho. was
smart enough to get away with the
fake story he had worked out relative
to tho robbery of which ho was guil
ty. Beit l'ko about ninety per cent
of the fellows who go wrong there
were missing links in his story and
when confronted the improb
abilities, ho broko down and con
fessed .
.Daily Health Bulletin.
Supt. Tout, of tho city schools, Is
Issuing a drt'ly health bulletin. From
tho bulletin covering the twonty-four
hours ending at G p. m. Tuesday wo
take tho following:
People nro constantly confusing In
fluenza and colds. Chlldrcm stay out
of school ono or two days and return
announcing that they havo had tho flu
Others aro confined to their homes for
a week or more and declare they Just
had a cold.
We aro unable to present any fig
ures about the condiHions because all
of our records aro based on reports
and wo find that about hnlf of thcso
reports aro errors. Monday we had a
family of four children down with
the flu. Tuesday they all roturnod to
l School. They had been vtpfting In the
country for several days. Ono mothor
kept her littlo girl at home on Tues
day on ncount of sickness. The teach
ers were informed that tho child had
flu. On Wednesday two other mem
bers of the family, were dismissed but
returned In an hoU'r with the sick
giri. Sho had boon kept homo with a
ciro of 'ndlgestion.
Permission has been given all pu
pils to .wear llu masks. They cannot
bo procured at the canteen without
the request of Uio parent or guardian .
: :o: :
House keeper for aged couple. Wife
an invalid. Address T. G. Edmisten,
Mcriden, Wyo. 91-4
: :o: :
Dr. L. J, Krause, Dentist, room 3
J McDonald Bank building.
Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses
On account of the set back to business in general by
influenza, we have placed our entire stock of Ladies'
Coats, Suits and Dresses on sale' at reduced prices.
These goqds are regular stock gqd$ made by the
best tailors in their respective lines, not goods such
as "are made up for sales that try to make up for
lack of materials and workmanship by the use of
.... " .
gaudy trimmings. '
The reductions we have made are substantial
and we invite you to come in and compare the values.
We are not quoting prices as that tells you nothing
unless ypu see the garments. " . .
Cold weather is just here and the season for
these goods is just opening.
Hisrtimointed in not getting deliveries in the BOY'S UXE and the
HIGHER PRICES which will prevail tills coining spring, wo have de
cided to close out stock on hand. This is strictly High Grade Merchan
dise and sold with a guarantee to give satisfaction:
RftVfi suit -av
Shoenberg's Guaranteed Suits and
Overcoats Age 3 to 18
$15.00 Values for $11.45
$12.50 Values for $ 9.15' '
Additional Hooks at Library.
The following books woro a gift
from Supt. Total, and are a most help
ful addition to tho library :
Business English and Correspon
dence, Davis-Llnghnm ; Lotters and
Letter Writing, Due; Essentials ot
Exposition and Arugmcnt, Foster;
Business Speller, Marshal; Elemen-I
tary Georgaphy. Niyor; Essentials of
Arithmetic, Wentworth Smjltli; Chem
istry, Morgan and Lyman; Elemon
tnry Algebra, 0olan-Powcrs; Ffrst
Principles of Algebra, Staught-Lor-nos;
Eljementnry Alg'obrn, Meyers
Atwood; Piano Geometry, Stone-Willis;
Plnno Geometry, Bailor; Piano
and Solid Geometry. Newoll-IIarper.
: :o: ;
AsKs Delay In Arnllstko.
Dr. W. S. Solf, German forolgn
minister, has asked tho allies onco
moro for a mltlgntion of tho armistice
conditions and hns requested permis
sion to delay the delivery of railroad
rolling stock under tho terms of tho
agreement botw.ecn Germany and tho
Allies until February first, on tho
grcftttd of difficulties caused by 1ad
conditions nnd tho lack of lubricating
Individual .xEfaBL Tctt rvw
ft.m. In MS V BMttM, W
JK V 1
SckoenlerXBrolker5-Aa.Ckc .
$ S.50
$ 7.15
$ 0.45
Nuns and Busch Famous Shoes For Boys
$4.00 Values for $51.00
$0.00 Values for $4.50
$5.00 Values for $4.00
Topsy Stockings 40 cent Values 0 cents.
C. & W Roys Waists $1.0 0 Value 75 cents.
C. & W. Roys Shirts $1.2 5 Values 05 cents.
Roys Double Seat and Knee Overalls
Age 3 to 10 $1.35. Age 10 io 17 $1.55.
Roy's Odd Pants 25 Per Cent Discount.
: :o:
Quality with us 'is novor sncrlflc
ed for price in the mad scramblo to
cut prices In women's apparel wo
continue steadily with our hand to tho
plow of quality clothes, along tho fur
row wo havo always maintained tho
"Lowest-ln-the-city" prices for caBh
, Q
President Will Sail Tuesday.
Tho saloons nnd cabins of tho
steamship Georgo Washington, which
is to take President Wilson and hi
party to tho pcaco conforenco aro be
ing decorated at Hobokon, and It Ib
expectod that It will bo ready to movo
Into tho Hudson river on December 3.
President Wilson nnd IiIb party aro
expected to go pn board tho steamer
next Tuesday aftornoon . Tho auto
mobiles of tho party wero placed hi
tho hold last Tuesday. Navy officials
expect that it will ho escorted by tho
United States battloshlp Ponnsylvanlm
and two new dostroyors.
Tho Georgo Washington will carry
a crow of 1,000 naval officers and mon
and should nrrlvo at fts port of des
tination December 10.
-: :o: :-
Barucli Offered TraiNtircshlp.
Bernard M. Baruch. chairman of
tho wnr Industries board, has boon of
fored tho post of secretary of tho
treasury to succeed, Secretary Mc
Adoo. Whether ho will ho nomlnnted Is
an open question. Without actually
declining tho serve, It '1b said, Mr.
Baruch hag urged upon tho president
strongly his belief that ho should not
enter tho cabinet, on tho ground that
IiIb wealth, largely in govonnent and
othor securities, would bo sorlously
oinbrarr asslng.
Another Bond Inhuo.
Wnshlmgton dispatches announced
that Secretary McAdoo announced his
prollmlnary plans for "ono moro
groat popular campaign" for tho ualo
of government bonds. Ho did not fix
tho tlmo for this drlvo, or tho wulin
which Ib to bo raised, but sent out
lotters to all banka of tho country,
advising them to prdparo for tho lfi
Buanco of additional loan treasury
notes, on a weekly plan, at somo early
(into. Ho Btatod that such a loan was
now contemplated and tho banks
should pr'oparo for it.
Ab tho oxpendlturoB of this govern
ment, In connoctloii! with tho war,
will koop up for somo tlmo, ft Is cer
tain the total ot tho next nnd last
loan will bo great, aid to allied na
tions nlsb having callod for hoavy
dralnp on' tho treasury. Tho loan will
probnbly bo launched In April.
Jersey Dresses In boautlful stylos,
in all Bhades, regular values up to
$15.00. Forced Salo Prlco at $19.98
and $24.98 at BLOCKS.
If your digestion' Is bad, your
bowels constipated and yom don't ont
or sloop woll, you need Prickly Ash
Bitters, tho Bystom-clonnsor. It purl
flos and Invigorate) tho vital organB.
restores appetite, onorgy and chcorful
spirits. Prico $1.25 per bottlo. Gum-moro-Dont
Co., Spodlal Agontn.
Five room cottage, modern oxcept
heat, three blocks from Post
Office ...( $000. Ot)
Good G room cottage on West 12th
Street $1800.00
Fn mo &. Stucco bungalow, modern
excopt heat $3000.00
Kid' new bungalow In tho East End.
modern oxcept heat $3500.00
Eipht room frame dwelling and aero
lot on East 2nd St $2500.00
Fivo room Cottngo at 1205 Wost 9th.
near Locust $1600.00
The ban against new buildings has
been removed and wo offer to thoso
desiring to build tho following build
ing lots with sidewalks and sowor
paid for nnd wator and gas available.
Ono lot In the 1200 block on West
Sixth Stroot $500.00
Ono lot In tho 200 block, South Pino,
only throe blocks from tho High
School $800.00
Fasy terms on any of Uiobg proper-tlep.
General Farm Sales u Specially.
References and Hates nt First
Nutlonnl Bank, North Platte, Nebr.
Phone 1000.
We have more salt and more kinds of salt
than all the dealers of North Platte put
together. Better call and get your supply.
Our sales of CARNATION FLOUR is con
stantly increasing.
Leypoldt & Pennington
PHONE 206. Lamb Building; North Locust Street
Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing.
We Take Ordors for the
Standard Custom Garment Co., of Chicago.
Will Make Garments in Our Shop if Desired.
218 EBt Oth Street Over Keen's Gun Shop