The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 26, 1918, Image 4

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    g " " " ' " ' '
Now that the War is Won We will '
I J2j take Liberty Bonds in Part. of Full U 1
Q .. Payment on 'Cars. - . , g
I . JKamond T Tracks. Panhard 'Trucks
Christmas Gifts
That are Useful
Tho government nsku merchants In
ull linos to recommend useful arti
cles to Christmas shoppers. Wo aro
glnd to hedp (ho government In this
way. Our store Is tilled w'Jth articles
of tin Intensely practical nattii'e.
Jewelry Is useful In making women
more attract he. Hitch article of men's
Jewelry has utility as Its chief pur-
WatcJies are extremely practical
Leather goods provide, wide variety In
serviceable articles.
Coin purses, vanity cases and mesh
bugs aro things a woman carries for
use as vi ell as heauty.
H'lverware, toilet aitlclos, cut glass,
and clocks suggest useful presents
for tho Individual or tho homo.
At Clinton's usefulness Is tho hand
maiden of heauty and ((iinllty. It Is an
Ideal store for shoppers seeking utll.
It) and economy.
Jsweler and Optician
At the Sign of the Bitf Rlu
'- UUIM lil, I IUIW
Mm Blanche Fonda returned Sat
urday morning from Denver where
she had been vleiUug frleuda for a
E. R. Goodman hn returned trow
oiuuha where he wh callad by State
Fowl Administrator Wattles to dlaouaa
m I conditions In the state-.
A good, steady man Is wanted for
general farm work. Good homo for
the right man for a year at mora.
Addreea P.O. Uox 318, North Platte.
The war department has nnuouncod
ihat (hero aUI bo no furthor collec
tions of fruit pits and nut shells, the
chemical branch of the Horvlco Btnt
.!. il .it Uu-ro aro now sufficient on
hand to meet ail requirements.
Albort Muldoon, of Ogalalla, spent
Sunday fu town .
,10, C. ContoA was n busJnoss visitor
in Grand Island Sunday,
M. 13. Crosby transacted logal af
frra in Dig Springs yoitorday.
C. it. Moray was called to Hasting
Saturday by tho serious Illness of hie
For Rant Nicoly furnished room
for man or woman. 908 W. Gth.-
J. S. Davi Auto Co. roport the
snlo of a Naah sedan to E. R. Good
man of this city. .
Soo WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE Parcy O'Brion roturnod the lattor
for Hoys Shoos and savo money. I part of laBt weok from Excolalor
, ,, , , I Springs, whero he spent ton days.
Dr. Vcorhoos Lucas was callod toMrSi c-'Droln is continuing her visit
Torringtoii, Wyo.. Saturday on pro- vv1th relatives in Kansas
fosslonnl buslnos. i
, ... l Symphony Lawn, fashions finest
L., J.' Vn,us.c,',.Dcn UBt' room J i stationery. Shop early at the REX:
McDonald Rank building. ' ALL DRUG STORE. 92
T.' rvf ltnnvni. Pill. I
J',,:;, ':' :,, : ',7 1,;
court clotlilnK store.
For Salo Now Retort Oak hoatorJthe flu. Fortunately thoy hayo as a
Phone Rod S73. 91 nurse Mr. Ferguson's mother .
Frod Marti returned Saturday from
Omaha whore ho hud a operation par
formed on his eyes.
Gift porfumes in fancy packagos.
Shop early at tho RKXALL STORK
Ifidward Itackson and MIm Agues : fectIonory store noar Camp Funston.
Lef, lioth of Brady, woro married at' '
Lexington November 20th. j DauIoI Long, of Ogalnlla, who was
J. 15. m .Pnt several JHjffi Sek tttSSS
Lincoln last week attenCng Tlie11" iuSv Thm lJ
grand lodge of Odd Fellow.. , 2 cot ?m. Satunlay Tr
Turkeys for Salo. 26 cents a lb. , burial.
Pliono 798101 1 . 93 Y(1 newl n v,nUr (op f()p yo)(r F()r,
BnfftnMr II. G. Thompaou and fani- Car. See llemly-Ot'ler Co.
ii.. , a. m j j r , i I .. . . .1. ....
ny mi. WHiwr ir viturnm
itmv win oiiomi Trt .irwviii nr Mia win.'
M'unted Competent girl tor goner-
al kouaework lu tuall family. Wages
18.00 per week. Ptioue 848. 91-8,
Mb Ruth I lub bant, who la uurslng
a imttout at Ogalalls.oaume down Sim
ilar to spend the day with the uome
A few uxoopttoiiHl bargains In sec
on hand Fords. Ilondy0glor Auto Co.
George Goodman, of New York City.
,e.,t yetenly tn town m a gueat of
ms urotuer is. K. qoouumh while eu-
rcule to the Pacific enam.
That Leaky Radiator Let MoGraw
fix It. See me at ROMIGII Garage. 2
Walter Hoagland has returned from
Lincoln after upending a week there
looking over the poltftioal proapocta
for the coming legislature.
For Farm Loans ace Gene Croott,
Room west of Vienna Cafe.
Mrs. F. O. Rlucker baa "returned
from Hastings where she wk in at-
tendance at a conference of tUa Bpls-
copal churchw of the state.
fMeal prlcee on AUlllnerv this
Will Schott arrived homo tho lnttor
part of last week from Omaha whorb
ho had beon in, a liopltal for a couplo
of weeks as an influenza victim.
Flashlights. All sizes and shapes.
Shop oarly at the KEXALL DRUG
Davo Stevens, of Cosad, visitod
friends in town Sunday whilo enrouto
to roport again for duty at Fort Lo
gan, Colo-1, whore he is stationed In
tlio nubilcal cor,ps.
15 Choice Barred-Rook Cockorels,
$2 to $3 each. Mrs. A. F. Hanson,
Phono 790F021. 91-1
and Mrs. Glenn Fergjuaon and
Icll,,1 who Hvo 0,1 n farm 3"8t W0Ht of
iwh i. mo tin ill muii ,,11.11 iju,i tinua ii
Dr. Morrill, Dentist . Office over
Wilcox department Store.
Julius Cornell, formerly connected
with the Barknlow News stand, Is ox-
pected back hero In a few days. For
' t hi nnat t Im ltou rtw1 n nt rwl a nn
nTld Rrfwiku returned laat evv!iiB
nrooiw reiurueu iHBi
four day furlough vialting friends and
rolaMves: David Is a dtapatch rider
lu tlie headquarters department of the
House and two lota for sale at 322
weat 10th. Inquire at Uio premises.
it Is expected that beginning next
weok Lincoln county boy tn canton
tnenta will begin arriving Houre, and
that each day from one to a doreu
,7"' l We wlVl all lie Z o
Slhl .Tlt"
will again placo their foot on Lincoln
In a letter recef ved Sunday, Horton
Mvnger wrote that he expected to
leave Camp Ptke some time tals week,
probably today or tomorrow, and will
reach home not later than Saturday.
With others In traiuing at that camp
he has received his discharge.
Dr. II. C. 11 rock. Demuts. X-Ray
IMagnostls. Rejmolds Bide. Phone 14S
C. M. Trotter has returned from
Omaha, bringing back with him sev
&pe1 aii mum J n nv t4 m svstit a4i1 at
nhi. dlfficultv In obtainliur cars of.111 IUU,ra
, nny iiescilption. as many of the auto-'
mobllo manufaiturers liave converted,
their fartorie- into making essentials
"t warfare
Ltd on Again.
Tho churches had made arrange
ments for services Sunday, and the
picturo shows woro ready to open
Friday evening, when City Physician
Dent 'odued an order Friday forenoon
forbidding all public gatherings. Dr.
Dent issued this edict in conformity
with instructions from the stato board
of health received that morning In
this order tho schools, however, wore
excepted. Tho health records of tho
city schools for last week showed that
tept two pupils had boon detained at
homo becauso they wero flu victims.
This small percentage of flu cases
among tho children can notT however,
bo taken as an index of the total num
ber of cases in tho city, for statistics
of the disease show thot tho percent
age of cases among children is sinnll
as comparod with tho numbor of cases
frond among people ranging in ngo
from e, ghtcen to forty.
It was stated yostorday that tho
number of flu pationts in tho city re
quiring the services of a physician did
not exceed twenty.
Anothor Big Lot of Women's and
M'sses' latest style coats Just rocolv-
ed, hot nt a Big Discount for Cosh,
all with our present stock on -Salo
at a saving of from 20 to 40 per cent
Buy now wlillo tho seloction Is good
: :o: :
Fred Hanlon Passes Away
Fred Hanlon, an old reaidont of the
city, died Friday evening at S:30 at
his home on east Fourth street at tho
ago of nearly soventy-four years. Mr.
Hanlon had beon in poor health for
a year or moro, Suffering from affoc
tlous of tho heart and kidneys, and
this later ww followed by a para
lytic stroke. From this latter he had,
however, partially recovered, and up
to a week prior to his passing away
he was able to appear on the streets.
Mr. Hanlon had lived In or near
North Platte for forty or more year.
For twenty yours he wag employed as
watchman on tire Union Pacific bridge
enat of towu, and later was employed
as watchman at the Locust street
Tli funeral was held from the resi
dence yesterday forenoon.
, , a 1 .V
P-rLc!: TBU'
All Ladftos' Fall Suits at One-Third
bears the original price tag. Just
1 deduct the One-Third OFF the mark-
ed price and the Suit is yours at a
saving In price from $10. (M) to $20.00
,::o: ;
Dont put off buying your winter
underwear and blanket at last seas'
Cis'a prices while they last at THE
Miss Ituth Btnkley, daughter of II.
Binkler, has arrived here from Den
ver, and will make this her home in
Jersey Drese In beautiful styles.
liy all shades, regular valuoa up to
$45.00 lrceil Sale Prico at $19. OS
and -i PS nt. BLOCKS
Paul Harrington, In the quarter
master's department at Camp Meigs
writes that soon after bis arrival lie
was asked to assist in a musical com
edy and tho first porformanco netted
ten thousand dollars which was don
ated to the camp welfare fund. Tho
comedy was lator repeated and tho
receipts woro thirteen thousand and
this sum na donated to tho United
War Work fund. Tho company will go
to Camp Meade to play for three days.
Tho Camp An which Paul Is located
Is small, hnvlng a capacity for -1,000
men, and is used for training quar
termaster's units and officers. It Is
only a few minutes walk to tho na
tional capitol and the down town sec
tion of Washington. The canvp Is
nicely located, comfortable barracks
and nicely parked: if you walk on tho
grass or disturb tho flowers tho guard
house Is your lodging placo. Ho con
siders Himself fortunato that ho Is
located at Washington during war
timos and can seo some of tho work
ings of tho government's vast machlno
Paul says ho will not bo with us
for Thanksgiving but wo can look for
him on or bofore Christmas.
: :o:
For quick action nurt satisfactory
nlc list your Jnnd with Thnolcrk. rf
We have more salt and more kinds of salt
than alllhe dealers of North Platte put
together. Detter call and get your supply.
Our sales of CARNATION FLOUR js con
stantly increasing.
Leypoidt & Pennington
PHONE 206.
I -ami)
Repairinji, Cleaning and Preying.
We Tske Ordaru fer the
Standard Custom Garment Co., oS jChicngo..
Will Make Garments in Our Shop if Desired.
218 East Oth Street 0ver K.or.'e Gun Shop
Undo Sam says, "Speed up the
Christmas soiling." In order that it
will not bo necessary to keep stores
open longer hours in December nor
to employ additional help, Uncle Sam
requests that wo bogln our Christ
mas selling season immediately. Car
rying out this suggestion wo announce
our opening Christmas display for
tho weok beginning Novcmbor 25th.
Sonslblo gifts aro in order this
year. There aro no Hub-dubs, no silly
frills nor foolish fancies in our war
time Christmas display. Solid, sub
stantial, appreciated merchandise is
the patriotic thing.
Do your Christmas buying at tho
earliest possjblo moment. Help us
carry out Undo Sam's order, so that
there will bo no congestion in the
malls and no waste of oxtra heat and
light during tho holiday season.
If your digestion is bad, your
bowels constipated and yout don't eat
or sleep well, you need Prickly Ash
Bittors, tho system-cleanser. It purl
flos and invigorates tho vital organs,
restores appetite, energy and cheerful
spirits. Prico $1.25 por bottle. Gum-mero-Dont
Co., Sfod!nl Agents.
Ruildiii:; Noilh Ux'til Street