Novoinbor 18, 1918.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuunt to adjournment, prosent full
board .and county clork.
Tho following claims were allowed:
C. L. Grant, road work, $128.75.
II. C. Frandsen, plowing guards,
W. T. Elliott, bridge work, $105.
F. H. Bkborg, road work, $17.87;
Adam Sensel, dellvorylng ballots,
Sundry persons, road work, Dist.
39, $80.00.
F. W. Hermingliauflcn, services and
mlloago, $107.44.
Sundry persons, road work, Dlst.
39, $70.00.
Eli Kunkle, road work, $18.50.
'j. S. Hatcher, lumbor, $7.85.
Sundry persons, road work. Dist. ;
57, $14.75.
J. C. Askwig, stato services, $10.
E. T. Tramp & Soiis, mdse, $73.53.
Wni. Poll, services,, $5.00.
Billy Groen, jail plumbing, $2.00.
Univorsity Pub. Co., supplier,
Ed Parker, road work, $23.00.
Honry Ridenger, road work, $9.00.
E. H. Springer, telephone rental,
$9.00. ,
Sundry persons", road work, Dlst.
20, $43. GO.
Albert Richiger, road work, $4.50.
Peter Jepsen, cleaning school house,
$2.00. T
Martin Jopsen, road work, $28.00.
M. Barnoll, damages to car disal
lowed. J. J. CMnapp, assossor, $57.00.
Walter Adams, ongineman, $15.00.
John Frazler, bridge inspector, $65.
F. B. Marr, houso rent, $9.00.
Albert Abel, frelgiO, $0.02.
Bert Freel, road work, $10.00.
F. D. Wcstenfoldt, mdso county
por, $20.88.
C. C. Long, road work, $41.25.
W. S. Ross, road work, $30.00.
Sundry persons, surveying road No
407, $74. GO.
Ernest Kruse, road work, $7.00.
J. V. VanCleavo, repairing. $31.52.
Honry Coker, road work, $39.00.
Minneapolis Mach.v.Co. . repairs,
$113.00. ,
S. J. Koch, service and mileage,
$47.40. v
G. W. Trembly, road work, $24.00.
Wm. Loypoldt, dragging, $123.40.
Cortes Lumber Co., lumbor, $226.75
Stato Journal Co.. supplies, $64.50.
Hammond & Stephana Co., supplies,
Waltemnth Lumber Co., lumber,
.$142.13. T
Nebr.-Iowa Co., culverts, $70.00.
Chas. Loypoldt, rood work, $114.90
Sundry persons, Lunkwitz case,
Hamnnd-StaphenA Co., supplies,
Nebr. Culvert Co., repairs, $79.80.
Neb. -Iowa Co.. culverts, $39G.00.
Coates Lumler Co., lumbor and
coal, $822.95.
Hastings & Fletcher, lumber. $9.40.
State Journal Co., supplies, $17.95.
Neb. -Iowa Co., culverts, $554.02.
Murphy & Johnson, lumber, $952.54
Hammond & Stephens Co.. supplies.
F. E. Payne, road work, $15.00.
B. B. Cass, caro ot poor, $G.25.
Murphy & Johnson, lumber, $1876.35
Nob. -Iowa Co., culverts. $667.95.
A. J. Salisbury, mileage, board of
prisoners, jailors few and offico ex
penses, $002.82.
G. W. Agnow, road damages, $300.
Sundry persons, McCrone case,
F. E. Payne, road damages, $100.
Ilommonil-Stephonfl Co., supplies,
Nob. -Iowa Co., cul certs, $34.00.
Adjourned to Novomler 25, 1918.
::o: .
Sergeant Mortlui Writes.
In a letter under dato of October
14th, 1918, Sgt. Charles J. Martini,
of tho 336th Aero Squad., Cramling
ton, Northumberland, England, writes:
"Tho church bolls woro sounded here
last evening for the first time slnco
tho war started. A report came that
that Germany had nocuptod Wilson's
peaco terms; but lator tho news prov
ed falso. It was a great disappoint
ment to havo tho report donyed, us
' r,-g'and aa hilarious over tho
supposed good nowa.
"Tho ships go up daily and although
havo had a strong wind for tho
t. , tiur, weoks, Uwy manago to hold
tM'f own in the clouds.
T o"n bocoino qnlto accustomed
. . "n"Msh jiooplo and their wnys
' " ny that Uio little tots over
" - r-o "9 smart ui a whip. Thoy
'u -ii moro nJxmt this war than
'magiim wtfl havo memories
e lxat A little jjirt or loy
father or brother at tho
- tiamo all ifi tho Important
' hlcJi thr havo fought and
0 military lOkWlors who took
Voty uvijuvxiblo to all of
monUouoA that Uio boys
poaco iwwl the good old U.
" Bivld tboy -wore all looking
Uio Urno IJwy coHiid guide
s om German soil and
1 on Uirt tnrna.
Vic P. Bradshaw, writing to friends j ,nn(1 Red nd ,mre.bml Whlte Or
in town from somewhere In France, phlngtou cockerels. Call at G09 W.
says .iu part
"I am feeling fine, weigh ISO
pounds, so you may knc-V Uncle Sam
Is feeding us fellow good. I am sure Ira Lm n momber of tho local camp
woll pleased and fully satisfied with ot .Spanish-War Votorans, had boon
army life. Enjoyment ot soldier lifCJ kllle(l hl an 0Xlo90" h,a ,lome
depends on the spirit ot tho man; If . etir Kimball. Sovoral ot the North
he goes In to see how little'he can do, ! p,nttO members of tho organization
he will not make much ot a f soldier , exnect to nttoml tho tunoral
from tho standpoint of ability. I am For Sale Puro bred Duroc-Jorsoy
building, or rather putting in shape, Boars, cliglblo to registry. PrJco $30
a railroad leading from the French oach If takon soon. InquVro of or nd
maln line to our camp. I have bad a dross, Blnnkenburg Bros.. 1305 North
detail of from twenty-five to fifty f Locust St., North Platte. Neb. 93
men. and believe me It keeps a fellow . ,. , , . . ,. , ,,,.
A . . , , , , A, . , Mrs. Mary Supanchick, ngod thlrty
gUlng to watch a bunch like that and . 1 ' , .
get the work done. I have handled
that many laborers on the Union Pa
cific, so it comos a little easier for
me. We have a big camp here and it
is increasing every day. Tho tanks
are there and over when It comes to
routing the bodies and tholr machine!
eim nnts Thov nm vrv i :
operatton but they do the business in
paving tho way for the infantry and
artillery. We are busy getting tuned ,
up for a call on the Kaiser. We are
going to go over the "rlne" (Rhine)
to bring home the bacon. Tho latter
sentonce Is the slogan of the tank j
men and it now looks as though It I
will prove true. "Why walk to Berlin !
when you can ride In a tank?" Is tho
question the tank men ask. The
headlines of this evening's paper
states that Gormany has accepted tho
afries' terms, but when it comes to
dealing with that dirty German bunch
I am a pessimist. I don't believe tho !
Kaiser Is sincere, but If he parleys a tUc Junlor HtB ly8- tllon 110 18 C0I
few more months Pershing and Foch j mandont of the Cadets nnd hns chargo
will see that his army is removed of the Sonlor naekot Bal1 8n-und- Ho
from Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine is wel1 Prepared for this work and
and we will then have accomplished 'a !
decided Victory for our flag and tho
Hags of allies. As for myself I would
Hire to see every boche that piulled a
triggor against our boys wiped from
tho faco of the earth together with all
the Hohenzollern outfit."
: :o: :
Dr. Brpck. Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store tf
The undersigned will offer at public sale at the Wal
ter Wilson placo, five miles west and two mile north of
North Platte, and about the same distance east and north
of Heshey, oa
commencing atone o'clock, tho following property, to-wit:
consisting of 30 cows from four to five years old, 5 hillk
cows, 25 heifers coming throe year old wtth 13 calves by
' side, 20 thoroughbred Hereford heifers coming three year
old, 45 Spring calves. 1 registered Hereford bull; one
high-grado Hereford bull coming two year old.
One mule 4 year old, three yearling mules, black maro
four years old, gray mare flye years old.
Ton Duroc Jersey brood sows, fifty head of shoata
weighing 80 pounds each.
One 8-foot McCormlck grain binder, bought now this
year, two corn cultivators, one 8-foot Spade disc, 16-inch
riding plow Deero beet cultivator, one digger, 3-soction
steel harrow, creum separator, full Bet of haying machinery.
Terms Sums unded $10 cash, over
months time wlth ten per cent Interest.
Col Chas. Olson. Auctioneer.
We have more salt and more kinds of salt
than all the dealers of North Platte put
together. Better call and get your supply.
Our sales of CARNATION' FLOUR is con
stantly increasing.
Leypoldt & Pennington
PHONE 206.
I ..mb
Repairing, Ck siting and Pressing.
We Take Orders tor the
Standard Custom Garment Co., of Chicago.
Will Make Garments in Our Shop if Desired.
218 East 6th Street Over Keen' Gun Shop
For Snle Single comb Hhoilo Is
7th or phono Black 593. 95
Word was received Wednesday that
,. ' . . V ., , ,.
died at her homo in this city tho early
pari oi the week, leaving six small
chlldron. Death was duo to tuber
culosis. Tho remains woro taken to
St. Llbory, Nob., for interment,
t . I... ... i.n.. ...i.i.
- 'v "' 'u "u'u
"'a wife and olovcu year old boy 80V-
oral months ago and accepted a posi
tion as switchman and was later
transferred to Laramie, was killed
while on duty tin the yards at the latter
place Tuesday. The remains arrlvod
here yesterday mornling nnd later, oc-
-ompanled by tho wifo and son nnd
frttner ot tho deceased, wore taken to
woouuurn, la., ror interment.
Boys (Gyiiinuslum.
Tho Board of Education has em
ployed Captain A. W. Shilling to give
some time each day to tho Physiclal
training of tho High School hoys. Mr.
S-ins lns two classes dally with
things aro going along fine.
If your digestion 'is bad. your
bowels constipated and youl don't eat
or sleep woll, you neod Prickly Ash
Bitters, tho system-cleanser. It puri
fies nnd invigorates tho vital organs
restores appetite, energy and choorful
spirits. Price $1.25 per bottle. Gum-more-Dent
Co., Specfial Agents.
that sum six
W. II. McDonald, Clork
Building; North Locust Street
Drive Away the
Chill With a '
Gas Room
North Platte Light
& Power Co
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 1S3
Residence Phone 283
100S West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ot Postofticc.
Phone 58
A modern institution fur tho
cientifie trnatmnt of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Complotaly equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic Inboratorieo.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Osteopathic l'liyslclnn
K. of C. lluildln?
Assoclntcd With Dr. DrOHt.
Why not wrllo your flro nnd cyclone
liiKiirunco wlt:i u reliable company
who Invest their prciahiiiiH In Liberty
lioiids and tnro our county tno credit.
Sec us for farm and aumohllo rutca
Oflke phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic: Physiciun.
North Platte. - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
GEO. 11. DENT,
Phsylclnn nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstrotrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Office 130, Rosidonco 115
Office over .McDonald Hank.
Offico Phone II 30 lies. Phono 1120
Practice Limited to
Surgery und Jludium Therapy
728 City NaUonal Bank Building.
Omiiuo, Nebraska.
Notice of Petition.
Estatv So. 1599 of Abnor W. Dillon,
Deceased .
In tin- ('ouaity Court ot Lincoln
County. Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all por
sons interested in said estate, tako no
tice, that a potition 1ms been fllod for
tho appolntmont of Minnie E. Dillon
as administratrix of said estate, which
has boon sot for hearing herein on Do
comber 13, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated Novembor 13, 1918.
N19-3w County Judcro.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 mid 2 Uolton Hulldlns
North Platto, Nebraska
Hospital Phouo Black 633
Houbo Phono Ulnck G33
y. 'V. rinTciiAiti),
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight yours a Gorernmont Votorlnnr
Ian. Hospital 213, south Locust St.
ono-lialf block southwest of the
Court House.
Prices arc High
Hcfore you ship come
and see me.
II.. li.,c 1. .....u
dated nhemf PI one nt"i cxnonlo
. ' iini M1,c,,b0
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN- Tow"?,I1,1i' 13, .IVL'lit? iSv'1"18 "
I To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and
In tho Matter of Urn Estnto ot Wll- 11,0 holr3' "ovlseos, legateos and por
Hiam R. Uordors. Deceased, NOTICE. 80al roprosontntlvoB and all parsons
To tho Creditors, Heirs nnd All ""Jiu uio nu? ui uvm ,
Persons Intorostod in said Estate. deceased and Ellon L. Cash, doccaHcd,
Nottcg is horoby givon that John tho, unknown owners and un
D. W. Ldncoln Illod his application known elnlnuuds ot tho following doa
in this Court on tho 1st day ot Novcm- "Ibod land sltuato in Lincoln County,
bor, 1918, to scouro a dotormlnation Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quartor
ot tho tlmo of tho death ot William R. of Northeast Quartor (NE& of NEy)
Borders, docoased, and of his holrs, nml Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Pour
degree of kinship and tho right ot W ot Section Ono (1) Township
descent ot tho real proporty bolong- ",",toll1 (13)UN ,of. Rling0 T.ll,rtjr
lag to said deceased, to-wit: (3) a,ld tho EllBt Illllr ot Northeast
All of LotB Ono (1), Two (2), Threo Quarter (EVj of NEM) and Lots Ono
(3) and Pour (4) of Block Thirteen (D. Two (2) and Threo (3) of Soctlon
(13) , Lots Five (5) and Six (G) ot Thlrty-Ilvo (35), Township Fourtoon
Block Fourtoon and Lots ,Flvo (G), (U). N. oMtango Thirty (30). Wost
Six (G), Seven (7) and Eight (8) of 6th P. M. dofendants.
Block Flftoon (15), of Poalo's Ro-Plat You and each ot you will tako notice
or Blocks Tlulrteon (13), Fourtoon 'that Moroll Keith Novlllo ha8 com-
(14) and Fifteen (15), of North Platto, monced an action In tho District
Lincoln County. Nobraska Court of Lincoln County, Nobraaku,
and to bar all clnilms and domnnds against you nnd each ot you tho ob
agalnst said stato wliothor duo or to Jeot and prayer of which said potltlon
bocomo duo, actual or contingent; tho is to quiet title In plaintiff against
said petition alleging that tho said you and each of you In tho following
William R. Bordors, deceased, d)e- descrlhod lands sltuato In Lincoln
parted this llfo Intestate on March 9, County, Nobraska, to-wlt: Northeast
1914, being at tho tlmo of his death, Quartorof Northeast Quarter (NE4
a rosidont of Sparta, Randolph Coun- of NE) and Lots Two (2), Throo (3)
ty Illinois and that bis mother, Mary and Four (4) of Soctlon Ono (1),
A. Bordors, inliorltcd tho tltjo In foo Township Thlrtoon (13), Range Thlr
tonll of tho obovo described roal ty (30), West Oth P. M. and East
property and that tho potltlonor lioro- Half of Northeast Quartor (E ot
1n. John D. W. Lincoln, has acquir- NEVi) and Lota Ono (1), Two (2) and
ed tho tltlo In too to all of said roal Threo (3) of Section Thlrty-Ilvo (3D),
property by n direct deed of convoy- Township Fourtoon (14) Range Thlr
nnco thoreot from tho heirs of said ty (30), West fith P. M, and to havo
William R. Bordors, deceased. docrocd to him now nnd Independent
Thnt tho said application will bo tltlo by reason of ndvorso possession
heard boforo tho County Court In tho ot anid described promises ngalnst
Courthouse , In tho City of North Platte you by himself and his grantors.
County of Lincoln and Stato of No- SECOND CAUSE QF ACTION,
braska, on th 2nd day of Dccombor, To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiloy,
3918, at 9 o'clock a. m., nt which tlmo Frank M. Wiley and tho heirs, dovl
nny person intorosted may appear and soes, logatees and personal roprosen
show causo why tho prayer ot said tatlvos and all porsons Intorostod In
petition should not bo granted. tho estato of Abram Wiley, deceased,
WM. It. C. WOODIIURST, Cynthia T. Wiloy deceased and Frank
N12-N29 County Judgo M. Wiloy, demised, nnd tho unknown
Jioicrco dale i muiuiMiii M.iiu.itiio
Notice Ms hereby glvon' that by vlr- ""P following described lands slt
n of an order ot W. C. Doraov. ""to Lincoln County, Nobraska. to-
tuo ot an ordor ot W.
ftlIVlU4f lit I ft W jlltftltlblll LI tlUI U
Wttttnii. nt nrn, ilnfotwInTitfl illrnn
Judgo of the District Court of Phelps ,l-,TJuui l ".O""oa" l,ll?.V
County, Nebraska, made on tho first tor, W f and Lots Ono (1)
day of October, 1918, In an action nn(1 1 'p of Soctlon Four (4) in
ponding in snid court, whoroln Henry 0 "'l' l irtoon (13), Rango Thlr-
Svirmlnll nf nl nrn nlln(lffU ntwl Mnr ty (30), WOSt Of tllO Gtll P. M. dofen-
Ing tho snlo ot the real ostato hero- ,ou ')m cach ,f '"u M will take
Innftor described, I will Bell at the llotl(:0 Um Moroll Keith Novlllo has
front door of tho court houso in North commenced nn action in tho District
Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, at cIrl .o I'tncoln County, Nobraska,
10 ocloek a. m. on tho 30th day of nglanHt you and each of you. tho ob
Novombor, 1918, at public sale for Jut nni Irayor of which said potltlon
cash to the highest blddor, tho follow- Is l, 1" ot tltlo In plalntifT ngalnst you
lng doscribed real ostnto, to-wlt: All cl1 ,r V011 in tho following des
that portion of tho south half (SA) of crlbod lands situate in Lincoln Coun
soctlon twenty-six (2(i) in township iy- Nobrnskn, to-wlt: South Half ot
fourteen (14). In Lincoln County, Nob. Northeast Quarter (S'j of N134) and
which lies south of tho right of way UotB " O) ,in'l Two (2) of Soctlon
of the Union Pacific Railroad, and 1,lir M), Township Thlrtoon (13)
also tho northwest (NW4) quartor Ull"K Thirty (30), West of tho Gth
of section thlrty-flvo (35), in township , M- a"' to liavo decreed in him
fourtoon (14), all north, in rango thir- "ow nn indopondont title by roason
ty-ono (31), west of tho Gth P. M., in r "dverso possosslon ot snld doscrlb
Lincoln County, Nebraska; said land (,d lftll,,H ngalnst you by himself nnd
to no sow separately and snld salo to
bo hold open for one hour.
Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1918
0285w G. NORBERG, Roforeo
Sorlal No. 0G150
Deparlniont nf the Interior
U. S. Land Offico nt North Platto,
Nobr., Oct. 23, 1918.
Notlco Is horoby given that Joso
phlno Hood, of North Platto, Nebr.,
who, on Sept. 8, 1914, mndo Homc
stoad entry, No. 00150. for SE'4, Sec
tion 22, Township 1G, N., Rnngo 30 W.
Gth Principal Morldlnn. ban fllod
notlco of Intention lo make nal throo
year Proof, to establish chum to tho
land ahovo described, boforo tho Reg
ister nnd Recolvor, nt North Platto,
Nebr.. on tho 29th day of Nov. 1918.
C laimant names as wlttnossos: Ed
iiiinimr, inuiK i-prKH, uia jonnson
and Chnrlos Lucas, all of North
Platto, Nobr
025-nw E
J. EAMES. Roglstor.
Notice of Final Report.
Estato No. 15G5 of Caroline Tolltz,
docoased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por
sons Intorosted In solid Estato tako
notlco that tho executor has filed a fin
al nccount nnd report of his adminis
tration and a potik'.on for final Hottlo
ment and discharge as such, which
have boon sot for hearing boforo Bald
court on Doc. 0, 1918, at 9 o'clock n.
m., when you mny appear and contest
the snmo.
Dated Nov. 5th, 1918.
General Farm Sales n Specialty.
References and Dates nt First
.National Hank, North Platte, Nebr.
Phone 1000.
Morell Keith Neville. Plaintiff
Duvkl Cash and Ellen L. Cash, and
the heirs, dcvlseos, legatees and per
sonal roprosentatlvos and against all
persons Intorosted In tho ostato ot
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, do
censud, and against tho unknown
owners and claimants ot the following
described laud sltuato in Lincoln
County. Nebraska, Northeast Quarter
ot Northoasl Quarter and Lots 2, 3
and t ot Section 1, Township 13,
IUnigo 30.; East Half of Northeast
Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section
35, Township 14, Itango 30. Tho un
known holrs. dovlsues, or legatees of
Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown
heirs, (tovlseos or logatees of Cynthia
T. Wiloy, deceased, nnd tho unknown
heirs, devisees or Jpgatoes ot Frank
M. Wiloy, deceased, nnd against tho
unknown owners or claimants ot the
following described laud sltuato In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half
ot Northeast Quarter and Lots 1 and
2 of Section. 4, Township 13, Ranjjo
30. George A. Honglaud, his heirs,
....i .. . .. i . i HA..HArtn..
tftt,VC3 ,uul Ilk0W claimants ot tho
following described land situated In
't Southeast Quartor, South Half ot
&OUU1W081 ijuarier oi bociion it,
owners and tho unknown claimants
f' '"'i:V H . ,
To Goorgo A. Hongland and tho
holrs, dovlseos, legatoos und porsonal
ropresontatlves and all porsonB in
toroHted In tho ostato of Goorgo A.
Hongland. docoased, and tho unknown
ownors nnd unknown clnlmants of tho
following doscribed lands situate In
' Lincoln County, Nobraska to-wlt:
South Half of Southeast Quarter (S
of SEV4) and South Hnlf of Southwest
Quartor (SVi of SW4) of Soctlon
Twolve (12), Township Thlrtoon (13),
Rnngo Twonty-nino (29), Wost ot tho
Gth P. M. dofondanfs.
You and cach of you will tako notlco
that Moroll Keith Novlllo has com
menced an action in the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn,
against you and each of,you, tho ob
leot and "nravor of which mild nntlHnn
is to quiot tltlo In plaintiff ngnlnst you
'and each of you In tho following do-
scribed lands sltuato In Lincoln Coun
tf, Nobrnska, to-wlt: South Half ot
Snuthonst Quarter (S'j of SEVi) and
South Half of Southwest Qunrtor (S
of SW'4) of Section Twelve (12),
Township Thlrtoon (13), Rango Twonty-nino
(29), wost of tho Gth P. M.
nnd to havo docrocd in him now and
indopondont title by reason ot ad
vorso possession of said djoscrlbed
premisos ngnlnst you by himself and
his grantors.
You and onch of you will mako
answer horoln on or boforo tho 9th
day of Docomber, 1918, or your do
faultfl will ho taken and judgmont
taken and entered against you as in
said potition prayed.
N12-29 County Judgo 022-5wka.