The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1918, Image 4
ii .1 n. i r linn IV! n mil o UnnMn nr.fHHnli rrlvfti1 tir Vontnnlnv to at VIIC 1UUUIII 3 lUUI U m it DIAMOND PRIfFS ' ISlrilflUlll 1 lUOLiU. Director General McAdoo, of tha , .,, .. ii.r iinK !, ' rlftlrotd administration announced an lor more Hum a jcar there has been ir rMj. Jn txpreM ratw W9dnw,iHy. nn unprecedented demand for din The increase amounU to about seren , , , ,.,.,, 1 teen cents per liumlrel pounds over monds. Importers linrc had djfflcultr ,he pre,ent chances. In securing the stones to supply the ' WantS of the Jewelers. As Christmas ap-' tr? "i time grows nenrcr, unusual efforts to ( A sUierIaml reiJdont w0 wng ,n get stocks of diamonds will he mnde. jtown Wednesday stated that Uiero . . ... , i i were over ono lnfndred casos of ln- ln Octoher wholesnle prices were ad- flnenita ,n thHt vlUage aU(1 ln tho goc. tanced 1.1 por cent nnd the end Is'oti dlractly tributary thoroto. Sevor- nl deaths have occurred from tho dig not jet. Wo bought hciiTlly of illamonds early Dr. Morrill, Denbist. Office ovor In the year. We hare a large stock of 1 W,lcox l'Irtment Store. .... , .1 Albortus W. Webb, aged fifty-five, carefully selected stones nfc'''f' . and Llzzlo Shea, aged flfty-ono, drovo from Tory small ones to more thnn ajt-P from Perkins county Wednesday knrat weight. We offer these at our r original marWngs, taking no account of tho mnrket ndvanccs since pur- CllllKCll. Tlio dlsplny In slnglo stone rings Is unusual In number and quality of KtOllCS. ' C. S. CLINTON, Jewolor and Optician At the Sign of the Big Ring How About Your Eyes? Arc yon neglecting your eyes when you know they need attention 1 Jlo you have trouble reading or doing close work! Properly iittcd glasses end such dis tress and Inconvenience. (Jet them nt Clinton's nnd yon will bo certain of hnvlng exaclly the glass es yon need, Thero Is no guesswork.1 C. S.GLINTON, Jeweler and Optician At the Sign of tho Big Ring DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist QlHcq over the McDonnliJ State Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. Walter Crook has boon sorious ly 111 with iln for sovernl days past. Dr. II. C, Brock. Dentists. X-Ray Diagnoses. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Gus Anderson left InBt night for Omaha to nttond a meeting of tho Snrmors. Miss Myrtle Bcolorhaa been confln cd to tho house, for sovoral days with an attack of toiiBllotns. Roy Cantlln is oxpocted liomo to night from Blair, whoro ho wns called by tho donth of a brother-ln-luw. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Edmiston, of Big Springs, aro tho guests of Mrs. Ed nlsten's paronts, Mr, and Mrs. A. P. Bcoler. EXTRA HAIjKS LADII3S WANTED. Experienced proforred. Call CO or apply at onco at BLOCK'S Store. Prank Elliott has rocovercd from nn attack of tho flu or n similar troublo aftor being confined to tho houso for a week or. ton days. You need n winter top for your Ford rnr, (H),iiendy-uglcr t'o. L. C. Carroll was at Gotfionburg Wednesday attending tho funeral of Dr. P. II. Woldon, of that plnco, who died suddenly of influenza. J. C. Todd, who has boon confined nt tho homo of his slstor Mrs. Frank Buchanan, by Illness for several weeks, Is gradually improving. Miss M. Ulemnn, steam baChs nnd Swedish. Massage, ladles and gentle men. .Phouo 807. Erodbock bide 8Ctf Prank Hood, living on tho north side, marketed throo hogs yestorday which urougtit hiim $203. 50 , Thoy av ernged a llttlo over 400 pounds each, It's tho sirtllo that wins. Study Doug Fairbanks ln "Sayl Young Pol low" at 'tho Kolth Monday and Tuos day. Sfce how it's done and then go do it. Don't fall to read olsowhoro In tilts liiBiio Tho Pago Add announcing tho Big Forced Stock Reducing Salo start Ing tomorrow morning nt BLOCK'S Lnuos outlining Stora. A combination ealo of Poland-China bnora, was hold at tho Bosaek barn in "is ny wounosuay, Tho hords rop owntod woro those of C. G. Land- bolin a Son. R. G. Sowloa & Son. J M. Bonder and Clans Anderson. Thoso vo;-e fnll and spring animals and averar about sixty dollars a head Mr. and Mr. W. .A. Dolson, of Ftho Vun-ral of the lnte Howard Dolson . Oooa Wtrn for mile, 24x24, 1 (5-foot posts; good haymow. Inqulro nt 709 south Pine. S6-4 KXTKA SALES LADIKS WANTED, j i aim luuBt'jiiiuu iiiuiusuivun uuiui m Judge Woodhurst, asked that they bo made ono, which request was cheer fully complied with by the Judge. Houso nnd two lots for ealo at 322 west 10th. Inqulro at tho premises. Work on tho Lutheran church, which had boon closed down for two or three weeks by reason of delayed brick was resumed yesterday. The delay of this mntorlaL coming ns it did during fine working weather, was vexatious to tho contractor aa well as to tho church monibrcshlp, who aro anxious to havo tholr now church homo com pleted nt the earliest possible date. BEGINNING SATURDAY at Block's, 2nd floor, a groat salo of SEASON ABLE MILLINERY. This, tho ono groat banner bnrgaln ovent of tho year. All hats retailing to $10.00 at ono hnlf pnlco. Hats soiling from $10 to $18 will bo greatly reduced. Also a big assortment of hats for $1.48. Ono lot of children's hats $1.00 nnd ono lot of untrlmmcd shapes $.50. VILLA WIIITTAKER. Turkeys for Salo. 25 cents a lb. Phono 798F011. 93 Influenza conditions show some llt- tlo improvement this weok. Whilo some now cases nro bolng reported nearly overy day, tho number of pa tients recovering is greater than the roported now cases. At tho detention hospltnl tho number of patients had been roduccd to seven yeBtcrday. -It ta snld that thero aro only about fif teen cases In town that can bo (con sidered Berlous. A few exceptional bargains In see on hand Fords. Hondy-Oglor Auto Co. Llghtless nights ln Nebraska have been discontinued by order of tho Suel, Rfllnlnlut rn tfir lint lio mnlrrv. Mm frl. lowing oruur: ino oxiravngant or wasteful uso of light generated or produced by the uso or consumption of coal, oil, gas or othor fuel for il luminating purposes ln tho stroots, parks, or othor public places o any city, vlllngo or town, or for othor out door Illumination, public or prlvato, is hereby prohibited." -.:o: :- Union Patriotic Service. Tho Protostant Churches of tho ;lty will unlto ln a Patriotic Meeting n celebration nf the cnnsnti'mi nf hra. tllltlos Sunday ovonlng irt tho Pres byterian Church. Tho program fol lows: SInclntr of National Antluinin nf Alllos. Scripture Itondlng. Conirrocationnl Prnvnrn nf Tlmnita. giving. Special Music. Offering. Fivo MInuto Addrossos: Our Boys Rev. Cnrry.' Our Allies Rev. Jones. Our Lendors Rev. Hess. Tho Now Peace Rev. Hull. Our Civic Situation Rev. Koch. Amorlca. Boncdlctiion. Public Salo! The undersigned linvlm oni.1 placo nnd must vncato January first will offor nt public sale nt his place ivii nines norm and ono-hnlf mile, oast of Horshey on Saturday, Novem ber 30th commencing nt ono o'clock, sovon head of horses, fourteon head of cnttlo Including six milch cows, nlnoteon bend of shonts and a lot or farming nnd haying machinery and boot machinery. Free lynch nt noon, rerms $20 and under ensb, over that sum eight months time at 10 per cent, two per rent discount for cash. O. MODEEN, Owner, m, J,cCm. Autcionecr. Shnrplev Thompson. Clerk. 00-2 The Stove You Want and Need Don't these chilly evenings make you think of that ranse or heater vou intended to hnv but i didn't? Soon the" weather need will be greater. Why Not Buy It Now. Surely the price will not giov cheaper as season advances, so you might as well be having tho benoflt of it as you need It Thero is nothing to be gained by dolayv See our display of Favorites and let us dem onstrate their Superior points. We gnaranteo tho Estate Oak Heaters will glvo Satisfactory Service. W. R. MALONEYCO. Will Take Up Homo Relief. At a-mooting of tho Sammy . Gfrls Wednosday ovonlng nn appropriation of fifty dollars was mado to tho Unit ed War Work campaign. At Uils meeting the futuro work of the Sam my Girls as an organization was di cUBSftd, and lt.wa decided to dovotc the greater part of the labor to home relief to look after the cloth ing pf unfortunato children and to ronder aid to homos where help Is needed and ln whatever way possible bring nunshlno to a darkened abodi of children. In this work Mrs;jJ- Vra,w ana ner fciria nsK tne support and help of citizens generally ... If you t Ipiow of a home whero chlldron's cldthos nro noeded, ploaso report to hor, and If you have service clothing 1 for children which you can donate It , will be thankfully received by tho i Sammy Girls and proporly plnood. :o:: 1 Mrs. Crnudcll 1'nsses A way. i Mrs. Francis Crandoll, aged nearly f-lffhty-two, parsed away Wodnosday rt'ght at tho homo of hor aon John Crandall, ton mllos south of town. Death was iuo to troublo Incident to advanced ngo. Tho deceased had mado hor homo ln Lincoln county since 1880. She was tho motlior of John Crandall, at whoso home she died, of B. P. Crandnll and N. W. Crandall of Wollllcot nnd of Mrs. Louis Blaosl who lives north of town. Thore Is also a son living In Colorado and a daughter In Michigan: Tho funeral service will bo hold at tho John Crandall homo Sunday at olevon o'clock nnd lntermont mnde in tho May wood cemetery. The ThnifksglvJng Reception. Tho Thanksgiving reception under tho niusplces of the Sammy Girls will lw held at tho ElkB' homo Wednesday o,vonlng of next week and not Thurs day evening as stated Tuesdny. A flno program of vocal and Instrument al music, quartettes and solos, and readings havo boon prepared and will bo rendered throughout the evening. Coffoo, pandwltchos and pickles will bo perved In the dining hall, and tho younger set will havo an opportunity to dance. Thero will bo no charge mado at this reception. A special invitation is extended to the parents nnd other relatives of the boys in service, to all friends of the Sammy Girls and to tho public generally. The object of tho reception Is to show pll llo appreciation of tho war's cessa tion and to express thankfulness. ::o:: . "Notice, Tho McFatrick method of examina tion of the eyes Is tho most approved method used. It gives euro results. Used hero by HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists. :o::- ltUCHANAN & PATTERSON'S BARGAIN LIST. Good G room cottage on West 12th near Locust $1000.(00 Flvo room Cottage at 1205 West 9th. Street $1800.00 Frame & Stucco bungalow, modorn exqopt heat $3000.0,0. Flvo room cottage, modern oxcopt heat," threo blocks from Post- Offlco ?f!Q0O.Ot) Nice new bungalow In the East End, modorn except heat $3500.00 Eight room frame dwelling and acre lot on East 2nd St $2500.00 The ban against now buildings has been removed and wo offer to thoso desiring to build tjio following build ing lots with Bldownlks and sewer paid for and wntor and gns nvailablc. Ono lot (in the 1200 block on West &lxth Street $500.00 Ono lot in tho 200 block, South Pine, only throo blocks from tho High School $800.00 Ensy terms on any of thoso proper ties. : :o: Subscriptions Largely Cash. Chnlnnnn Wolgnnd, of tho United War Work campaign, stated yester day that' of tho $30,000 subscribed to the fund, $2S,000 had been In cash, and that amount had been deposited In tho bank. Ho is of tho opinion that that the remaining $2,000 will bo paid within a very short time. Lincoln county's original quota was $10,G00, but later the natI6nnl commlttco nak ed that the quota of each county and flty In tho United Stntos bo raised fifty per cent, which mado tho Lincoln county quota In round numbers $30,000. Not all the school districts havo reported but Chairman Wclngnnd says tho dfstrlcts and towns reporting show $30,000, nnd whatever comes ln from tho unreported districts will bo Just that much "ovor tho top." :o: I Por Sale Largo Duroc Jorsoy rcg- 1 istorou noar. a. wooucock, iNurm I Platto, phono 778P12 S8-4 will get colder and the Good A TKUfi AND TKUS'J'JCT) PATIIIOT IS MUNSINGWEAIt. You can count upon Munsingwear loyalty .all the'time. ' Munsingwear is no slacker suit. From the time it leaves the factory un til it covers millions with the union-suited satisfaction at home in France "Over the Top" everywhere, Munsingwear is fighting the bat tle of democracy in underwear.- Munsingwear put the U. S. into Union Suits. For more than thirty years, the makers of Munsingwear have been the standard bearer in the under wear .army, Service, fit. quality, economy, lasting satisfaction, are ideals Munsingwear fights for, both' in peace and war times. Alway say Munsingwear, never say Underwear, and you become a Union-suited American forever. Our Stock of. Fall and Winter Munsingwear is waiting k ' for Jou Come in today and choose from the variety of styles and fabrics. It's a . , 100 per cent right irtl the way through. t SOLD IN NORTH PLATTE BY THE : WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE NORTH PLATTE NORTH PLATTE, NEB.V COW BRAND. -dim JiJXZ Howard Dolsou Dies of rjiciimonlu. llowrad P. Dolson, Bon ,of W. S. Dolson, of tills city, died at Grand Junction, Col., tho early part of this wook of pneumonia. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dolson who had gono to Grand Junction a couple of woeks ago, tho remains reached this city Wednesday night and funeral services will bo hold at tho Dolson residence 305 wost Sixth str.oot at two o'clock this nftornoon, conducted by Itov. Arthur D. Jones, of the Epis copal church. Tho deceased was twenty-seven years of ngo and leaves a wifo and two children. Tho wifo and ono of tho children aro confined to tho houso at this tlmo by sevoro Illness and could not como hero for tho funeral. Howard had boon making his homo ln Grnnd Junction for about eighteen months. .Methodist Church Announcements. II. K. HESS. Pastor. Church services wtll open Sunday with Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m. Subject "'Tho Dawn of World Peace." Sunday ovonlng at 7:30 Union Pat riotic rnlly ut Prosbytorlan Church. Epworth League at G:30 sharp dis missing in-tlmo for union meeting. ::o:: First Lutheran Church. Morning worship at 8:30 o'clock with subject "A Mighty Providence. " Sunday school at 1 o'clock. Services at Episcopal Church. In tho ovonlng wo shnll Join In tho Union Service at tho Presbyterlnn church . ::o:: " Mrs.'C. W. Edwards nnd Itov. Ar thur Jouos woro in Hnstings for a day or two tliils week attending n district meeting of tho Episcopal church. INDIGESTION. If you aro nflllcted with this distressing complaint, it mny do you good to lonrn that PrSckly Ash Hitters is a prompt and offlciont rem edy . It BTongthaus digestion, lellovos hoatrhurn, tones up tho stomach and by Its argeoablo cathartic effect. It rmple3 and nitrides t!io bowola. Try it Pri 't $1 2f per bottle. Quniinere rt. t Drug Vc , Fpeciil gcnts. S.mSSr' w (-EST I VBESTj 01 Even now, when the underwear markets of the world are attacked by the enemy shortage of mater ials the "Munsingwear Line holds" It fights to the finish and the qual ity is unvarying. You know when you ask for Munsingwear Union Suits that you are getting the same high quality, the same last ing satisfaction, fit and finish that have madf Munsing wear for years the dominating underwear of the Nation. More than 10,000,000 Munsingwear garments sold annual ly . For Thanksgiving Baking QUALITY FIRST The Best Flour in North Platte At All First Class Groceiins CITY A3JD COUNTl' NEWS. : :o: : Loron Hastings spent a day or two in Omaha this week visiting friends. Each Sammy Girl is requested to mako and tako to tho Elks' home next Wednesday evonlng ono dozen sand- witches. These will bo used as part1 or the lunch to be sorved at the Thanksgiving reception. That Leaky Radiator Let McGraw Hx It. Seo me at ROMIGH Garage. 2 Mrs. W. E. Killen, chairman of tho Red Cross branch at Wallace, was In town Wednesday and attended the mooting of tho Red Cross directors held that evening. Tho Hun Intriguo off the Atlantic Coast will bo the subject of the silent drama shown nt tho Crystal Monday "Daughter Angole" with Paulino Stark. A pro-German tries to lynch a patriotic Amorican by appealing to mob Violence. For Farm Loans see Gone Croon, Room west of Vienna Cafe. Judge Woodhurst roporta a stag-' nauun ia me mairimonrni envision or his court. For a period of elovon days ho was not called upon to Issue a mar rlngo license or to perform a cere mony. It is very unusual for such a porlod of tlmo to olapso between the Issuance of licenses. For Salo Soft coal heater. Call at 908 S. Cth streot. 91 ::o::- For Salo. At a bargain 2 modorn houses. For torms apply to owner, Geo. Rogers nt 1203 Wost 2nd streot. Phono Black 470. 2t Hrltlsh'CijVunUIcs. London. British casualties during tho war, Including nil tho thentors of activities, totalled 3,049,991, it wns nnnounced in tho hauso of commonB Tuosday by James Ian Macphorson, parliamentary socrelnry for tho war offlco. Of, this number tho .officers killed, wounded or missing nggrogat-l ed 142.G34 nnd the men 2,907,357. Tho 1 total losses in tho fighting on the Franco-Belgian front woro 2,710,042. Of the wounded, 92,044 were offlr-eri pnd 1 929 478 woro men. 5 r. 11 NORTH PLATTE ? NORTH PLATTE, NIB i . i . if Lieut. Leo Bird Transferred. Leo Bird writes that he was trans ferred Sunday to the Brooks aviation flold near San AntonJa, Texas, whero ho will remain for threo or four weeks and then bo sent to some other Held as an instructor. He says ho does not, of course, know how long he' will bo kept in thp service, but he thinks not less than three or four months, and will then probably bo placed on tho ro sorvo list and subject to call should his services bo needed. Ho refers to mooting Lieut, and Mrs. Ray TJigho, both of whom seemed anxious to re turn homo, now that the war is ovor. ::o:: Savo out list of Xmas suggestions in this issue, it will help you in sol ving the gift problem this year. VIIARRY DIXON, Tho Jeweler. The Hostess Who Entertains will find in our stock of Tuble Silver any article she may be short of in the way of Knives, Forks, Spoons, Sets and Special Servers. Sterling and Triple Plated Silverware shown! The Corner Jewelry Stora. C. M. AUSTIN, Jeweler VBESTj II II