THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. imffsi teteto rami 1 l-iClnss of women working on valves In the air-brake room (ir tno scnool maintained by the Brooklyn Unpul Transit company, now entirely devoted to women. i! Aerial photograph of a HrltiHh hospital In Franco nhortly after It had been deliberately bombed by German avlntors. 3 The prince of Wales and the king of Italy, to whose daugh-i ter, Princess Yolanda, the young man Is mild to ho engaged. THEY WILL NOT BE DOING THIS MUCH LONGER SCENE ON THE BOSPORUS, NOW IN ALLIED CONTROL .-- ' 'w8 View of the Bosporus and the village ot IJenyuk Dire. The forces of the allies are now In full control of this region. ONE OF THE YANKEE TROUBLE-MAKERS IN ALSACE ' ' ' ' ' ' Americans In Alsaee picking off Bodies with a UT-iullllmotci gun on the parapet of n second-line tiench. Theso guns are known among the Yanl:ec Infantrymen as the "trouble-makers." , HELPING FRENCH SUFFERERS This scene on the deck of an Atlantic liner shows the passengers all wearing their life belts, a habit that will bo discontinued now. BROADWAY QUARTET" IN FRANCE Xj irf4r fvT TTc llil I ( I These Yanks, who used to live In and around a wlnowa north" Atlnn. f SS 1 1 1 tic port, put on a Broadway musical show back of the lines In Franco for the A numbei of Americans are shown here having the proverbial English tea at a hospital In England. Those men were In the trenches a week previous to the taking of this picture. BURIAL OF THE OTRANTO VICTIMS ......v.. ...... i i. I lilt I II t J 1 1 1 I III 1 Mil I III' I1IIS ueeui erected to the memory of Edith Cavell, who lived a patriot and died aj martyr. The memorial was unveiled) by Queen Alexandra at Norwich,) where her majesty opened a homo for, the district nurses. This homo was named the Nurse Cavell Memorial home. WOMEN WORKING IN OUR ARSENALS Hot Air. It was somewhere In France, nt n I rse commandant's, whero casualty re-' ports enmo from the lino. . A war-' weary Tommy, coming down for n breather," was accosted with the re mark : 'How's everything looking up U'eror "Nothing to worry about," replied the warrior. And then, as If ho hud suddenly renumbered It: "Heard uoout the new gas Fritz Is sending over now " ho nsked. "No. Is It very bad?" "Bather!" nssejited tho warrior. "So ud that It gets through your pay- ihjok mm Kins your next-of-kin." Mrs. Charles I). Dillingham, wife of the theatrical producer nnd ono of tho I Inost charming members of New York society, Is doing much toward reliev ing suffering among the destitute In France. Mrs. Dillingham has been In terested in numerous war relief enter- j ' ... -r 1 1-1 prices Willi .Mrs. Ilt'Klilui'i tuuiii'ium nnd other society matrons. Tin- Impressive burial service, that took place In Scotland, near tho scene of llu ilixustcr, of the men who perished In the collision of the British trans port KiiMhmlr and the American troop ship Otranto between Scotland and j ' i ' 'ii the North channel, Cut Out for the Job. "I wanted to enlist and fluiit country," said Tired Trotters to tho simrp-eyeu woman nt tho door. "But I'm chicken-hearted an' do orflcer turned mo down, liuve youso kvi H"i "gin wors unt a poro nf IHcted man " "Yes, Indeed" renllod dm wife. "Ono of my sitting hens ha just abandoned hor nostful of eggs." J mige. Influence Returns to Us. Our Influence Is liken homing pigeon, It may go far, but It returns to us. Our good will may bless some ono far distant, but It blesses us even more. Our nreludlce or unkind wish may harm another, but tho deeper, more ' ilasttng Injury Is done to ourselves. I jEvery kindly wish nnd loving thought ;onrlchc8 our own lives, mery grunge 'held, or resentment cherished, or bit- 'tor thought given Its wny, makes us poorer. Girl's Companion. She Would Walt. KMn nnd Teddy were playing around a vacant house whero n bnrrel, ... i . sunken In tno grounu, wu nun iuu m rnln water. Nelllo slipped and felt Into tho barrel. Teddy tried to pull Jier out, hut could not succeed, so ho said: "Never mind, Nemo, ru go nnu call daddy," nnd poor llttlo Nellie, up to her neck In tho cold water, replied J earnestly: "All right, Teddy, ana i n wait for you here.' The HiM photograph talieu of women workers In u Tutted Hti.tes govern ment arsenal Is shown here. The Important work of turning out trie big gunx has been taken up by women In n lingo government arsennl In New England.