The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1918, Image 1
State jri,toHn . . . i A orw 0. 1.1. . yy tie rrrp n THIRTY-FOURTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 22, 1018. No. 90 2.-.C votes aim: cast AT HEW CHOSS JvLKCTlOS. CITY A1) COUNTY SEIVS. At tho Rod Cross election held Wed nesday for the purpose of electing tlf teon directors, 25G votes were cast, a majority of which wore deposited in tho ballot box at tho Union Pacific round house by employees of the com pany. Thirty names had been placed in nomination and the fifteen who re ceived tho highest voto wore: E. F Sooborgor, Mrs. J. S. Slmms, Miss Annlo Kranmh, J. J. Halligan, "W. R. Malouoy, W. P. Snyder, E. J. VanDcrhoof, W. J. O'Connor, Mrs. P. A. Norton, M. E. Scott, Mrs. Charles Bogue, A. P. Kelly, Ira L. Bare, A. W. Shilling and Mrs. Blanche B. Field. Thoso directors met In tho evening, canvassed tho vote, announced tho ro- sult, and thon proceeded to the olec- tlon of officers and members of the oxecutivo committee with tho follow ing result: E. P. Seeberger, chair man, Mrs. Chas. Bogue vice-chairman, Mrs. J. S. Slmms secretary and W. R. Maloney treasurer. Members of tho executive committee other than tho officers, wero elected as fol lows: Mrs. Chas. Groves, Mrs. W. J. Tiloy, Miss Annlo Kramph. J. J. Halligan and Ira L. Bare. After tak ing tho matter under consideration for an hour. Mrs. Slmms decided that alio could not accept tho position of! secretary, and this position "Willi be filled at a meeting of tho executive oommitteo to bo held in a few days. ::o:: Hnvo S3S SoliVor Names. ' Tho committee which for the past two-months or moro have been com piling a list of the Lincoln County boys who aro in tho service have se cured tho names of eight hundrod and thirty-eight and additions aro siill be ing mado. To secure these names has been quite a task, and tho end has not b(en reached. Ho-vvpver, tho com mittee is pretty well convinced that an absolutely correct list cannot bo eecured, and next week will havo the namos printed and placed in tho frame which has already been erected in the court house park. - ::: For Salo. Lato model Dodge Tour ing Car in perfect mechanical condi tion, looks like new, ran four thous and milos, has five good tires and other extras. Inqulro at this office. Rov. Franklin Koch, of thfs city, had quite an honor bestowed upon I him a week or so ago when the Amer ican Lutheran Survey the leading Lutheran church paper of this coun try accepted and published-one ot his sermons. This paper .publishes eaph week a sermon delivered by some prominent Lutheran clergyman. Save 4c to 10c on your outing llan nell and buy remnants at THE LEAD ER MBR, CO. A private dance will be siren this evening at the K. C. hall by several young men of the city. Sale on all the women's and misses' suits at THE LEADER MER. CO. A. L. Kanold, of Laramie, chair man of the B. of L. E. protective board,, is a visitor in town today. Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. A. F. Streitz went to Omaha this morning where ho will remain whllo Mrs. Streitz enters a hospital for ah operation. Winter foot-wear. Overshoes and all at prices you'll stive at. THE LEADER MER. CO. R. M. Cathers, formerly foreman at the U. P. ice houses, 'returned from Chicago and other eastern points yesterday. Hoavy. Winter Blankets on salo at THE LEADER MER. CO. ut last season's price. The Homo Nursing class will meet this evening at tho homo of Mrs. B. B. Fiold. Chapters 6 and 7 will bo the subject of the lesson. Save 4c to 10c on your quting flan lipll and buy remnants at THE LEAD ER MER. CO. Mrs. M. A. Carrier, who had been a guiest of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Be sack for a couple of months, left yes terday for her home In Florida. For Sale 7 room bungalow, modern except heat. Call at 2 So. Maple. 91 J. W. Fetter, the Maxwell druggist, is reported to bo in a critical condi tion from doublo pneumonia. Mrs. Fotter is also sick with the Uu. For Sale ing machine Cook stove and wash Inquire at 412 east Gth. Miss Edith Wendeborn and Mrs. Harry Johnson loft the early part of tho week to attend the grand lodgo of tho Rebekah degree at Lincoln. Wo fit them all, men, women and children. Underwear an sale at last soason's price. Our big cash purchase of over a year ago enables us to do this. THE LEADER MER. CO. As an index of tho immensity of the hay business in North Platte thero was recently hauled to this city and loaded in cars three hundrod and slxty-sov'en, tohtK-in onov day.. TI1I3 is" equivalent to one hundred and. forty wagon loads. Mrs. Qoorge Finn loft this morning for Donvor whoro sho will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blxlor, who are moving' to Los Angolos in Ihe noftr future to make thelr-home. We have a nice assortment of cocy flower trimmed hats, and small blaak pliiEih hats suitable to 'bo worn with dark furs. All reasonable in price. VILLA WHITTAKER, Block's Store. Heavy Winter Blankots on sa.le at THE LEADER MER. - CO. nt last season's price. $25 REWARD For Information loud lug to the arroet and conviction of tho thief who removed tiro from Nash car Goodyoar tiro 34-4. Num ber 12505361. Leavo information 'at this office Sale on nil tho womon's and misses suits at THE LEADER MER, CO. Both oastorn and western markots aro reported over-stocked with hay, raid a sHIppor yesterday, and ?1G per ton is about as high a local price ns can bo paid. This shipper said thrft tho hay shipments this fall have boon unusually heavy, and most of It had been previously sold under contract. WOXr LIST YOUK LAND WITH .ME unless you want (o sell. I hurc plenty of customers now for Improv ed and unimproved farms priced right. 0. H. THOELEOKE. C. Q. Williams was arrested yos torday on tho chargo of assaulting May KIdd who lives, in tho east part of town. Aftor blacking May's eyo and othorwlso damaging hor facial beauty Williams boarded train No. 8. Shorlff Salisbury, however, wired to Maxwell, whoro Williams was taken off and later he was brought to town and lodgod In Jail. No ono should worry about Xmas" gifts for tholr friends this year when DIXON'S give such a splendid list of suggestions In this issue. Cut it out and Peep it. The Keith Theatre orchestra have not been losing time slnco tho closing of tho Theatre. They havp been hold ing rohearsals and are coming back better and stronger than evor. The quality of music they will present will well be worth tho admission prico to tho theatre Prof. Jules A. Doucet -is tho loader of tho orchestra and plays violin, W. E. Starr, clar inet, Harry Hart, bass horn, Victor Eock drums, Miss Evungelino Horrod, plnno. Wp fit them all, men, women and children. Underwear on .8aloat last soason's price. Our big cash purchaso l of over a year agoenables us to do this. THE LEADER MER. CO. " 1 ft I WILCOX DEPARTMENT jp? 1 Practical Giving is the Keynote of This Year's Christmas Shopping. and, as a means of backing the splendid movement this store pre sents its comprehensive stocks of winter merchandise and invites every patriotic Christmas shopper to take advantage of the many special offerings. V Many .people in carrying out the government's suggestion allowing a car 1 ful study of the recipient's needs to govern their gift-buying, will choose things to wear. Others will give merchandise certi ficates; and nearly every woman will want new holiday apparel for herself. Here are presented the lat est creations in Coals, Suits, Gowns, "Wraps, Millin ery, Furs, Mouses, Sklrfs, Children's lVenr, Silk Underwear, etc., nw pealing Gifl Merchandise Unit ful fills tho requirements of practicabil ity and is reasonably priced. Special values now are attracting many early shoppers. LOCAL A3 VISItSOXAL BXTKA SALES LAMBS WASTED.! Experienced preferred. Cull OG orl lp!y nt once at ULOCK'S Store. Jaum Redmond and mother ttift 1 yofit-rday morning for Lot Angolos I where thoy will remain for some time vaulting relatives. So Tar tho detention hospital has' COBt tll rltv Jar, half of which was contributed by the Red Cross, tho other half bv the rity council. For Rent Three unfurnished rooms at o21 wost Tenth streot. Inquire nt premises. , l'rlvato Prank Blau, who for sevora weeks has boon assisting In tho clorlcal work of tho registration board, will return tonight from a ten day vsit with his family in Omaha. A good, steady man Is wanted for general farm work. Good homo for thO r'.ellt 111.111 flir n vnn,. Address P. O. U0x 318, North .Platto. Charloy Hupfor, who loft a week ago to enter tho naval ensign school at Chicago, writes his father that ho is well pleased with tho work and will energetically strlvo to pass the exam inations, m,Vl,YW,lltor Blakts on sale at THE LEADER MER. CO. at last season's price. Sttpt. Tout reports that after six weeks' enforced vacation every teach er was at tho post of duty when tho schools opened Monday. This, h0 said Was exceptional. Many pupils failed to roport for school work this week. I am buying cream for Beatrlco Creamery Co. Your cream solicited. E. A. Wohlford, 822 No. Locust, -it Tho throe picture shows will open for business this ovonlng nftor being closed for flvo or six weeks. Probablf a good many peoplo will bo glad of this opportunity to spend an ovoning out after sticking around tho houso for so long a tlmo. In Justlco to yourself do not over look or inlsa roadlng tho Pago Add elsewhere In this issue about Tho Big Forced Stock Reducing Salo starting tomorrow morning at BLOCK'S Store. President Elder, of tho board of education, stated Inst evonlng that .ho was not awaro of any contemplated move to again closo tho city schools. So long as flu conditions lo not grow materially worse the schools will bo kept In operation. v You can't afford to'mlaa the. ro markablo November salo of millinery in' Rflsa Whlttakor's department at Block's Store, 2nd floor. 7 J . Guy Swopo returned yesterday morning from Lincoln whoro ho at tended the sessions of tho grand lodgo of Odd Fellows. Mr. Swopo wns dtctcd grand senior warden of tho Encampnient degree. Last year lie hold the office of grand high priest, and his office this year is an advance ment over that hold Inst year. EXTIIA SALES LADIES WANTED. Experienced preferred. Call CG or apply at onco at BLOCK'S Store. Quest of famo brougt Marcia Cal houn to tho brink of social oblivion, but when despair and disgrace seem to engulf tho g,irl that sot out to achieve a career wltli tho highest motives but with no worldly prepar ation for the pltalls of life, a won derful blosslng befell hor and gavo her back hor soul. This in short is tho story of "Her Prtco" tho film -tory at tho Koith tonight. Ladles! Just take a look at our "I'yrox Window Display." All theso dolicacies woro baked in tho VERY dlshos in which they nro shown In tho Wndow. DEHKYUEHRY & FOUHES. Viio is Lord Baltimore 9 Lord Baltimore is the name of a line of Stationery which embraces Poimd Paper Box Paper Tablets Envelopes Portfolios Its the finest grade medium priced Stationery (that we know) Its use denotes refinement, . yet Lord Baltimore is really inexpensive. BOX PAPER from 60c up TABLETS from 16c up S3F35.:nr - r was DRUGS The executive committee of the Red Cross hold a mooting last night and appropriated ?2C0 for tho Nebraska bae hospital in France and $300 for tho maintenance of tho detention hos pital In thin city. Mrs. Bogue was re elected olmirmaji of the canteen oom tnlttee and Miss Annid Kramph chair man and J. E. Evans and O. H. Eldor members of tho civilian relief com mittee. Chairmen of othor commit tees will be selected by a nominating ivnunltuv appointed Inst evening. In justice to yourself do not over look or mlsa roadlng the Pago Add elsowhoro In this Issue about Tho Big Forced stock Keuucing Sale starting tomorrow morning nt BLOCK'S Storo. A few exceptional bargains In sec- on hand Fords. Hendy-Osler Auto Co. A clrl baby was born this week at tho Twlnom hospltnf to Mr. and Mrs. Will Broslus, of Staploton. Mrs. Brosltts was formorly Miss Christ, of this city. Save 4n in 10p. on vnlir niitltitr Ann uel! nnd buy remnants nt THE LEAD- vm MKH.1 1.0. Baptist Church. Sunday, November 21, 1918. Combined church, audi Sunday school service nt 10:30. Topic for children's sormon, Tho Woodon Horso Brought into North Platto. Sermon for Adults, Tho 'Working Voluo of Religion in Dally Llto. B. Y. P. U. 0:30 p. m. This church will Join in tho Union colobrntlon of pcaco by tho city churchos at tho Prosbytorlan church. All aro urged to ccmo and rowujuo tho rogular services with vigor. A. C. HULL, Pastor. Don't fnll to road olsowhoro in this Issue Tho Pago Add announcing tho Big Forced Stock Reducing Salo start ing tomorrow morning at BLOCK'S LadYos Outfitting Storo. With tho ground woll covored with snow and tho tompornturo below tho freozlng point, weather conditions In North Platto aro qulto wintry this morning. Winter foot-woar. Ovorshoos and all at prlcos you'll save at. THE LEADER MER. CO. See what fearful damage a slip pf the tongue' can do Elsio Ferguson ..g q 1 I N A picture that recalls the wilderness and thrills with excite ment. An entirely new role for beautiful Elsie Ferguson. Come and see how well she will play it. Crystal Theatre Tonight and Saturday wmmmfmrnmrnammmm J Keith Theatre Opening Friday Night VIRGINIA PEARSON in ei Price' The story of an alluring woman who sold herself for fame and and found triumph hollow when it came. A 2-part Sennett Comedy "Love Loops the Loop" and the best 5-piece Orchestra in Nebraska. SAY! YOUNG FELLOW I arc you coming to see DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS . A young fellow, a girl, a villian a sweet spinister and a kindly hatchelor contribute to a regular Fairbanks picture. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. I HHmHHnHHMHnHHHHHWinKS JACK FICKFORD and LOUISE HUFF in "SANDY." Alice Hegan Rice's absorbing story of a gritty boy who won out atjninst adversity. Two part Comedy, "Are Wives Unreasonable" EXCELLENT MUSIC KEITH THEATRE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 3 ZV.V - i - - i Bank -Departments It Is your own fault If you aro not jotting a 100 banking; Hcrvlcc. TIiJn bank Ih moro tlian a sufo depotd. ' tory for jour money. Hank drafts, travelers cheques, V. D. HiiWnw accounts, loans etc., form Just a small part of our service. Efficiency and slreii(,'lli aro tlio strong elinractorlsllcs of this bank. "Wo In vllo you lo rail and learn about tho banking facilities vo havo to offer you. Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. I k