SsmMBBceklu tribune. IRA-L RARE, Editor ami Publisher SUBSC RIPTION ItATfcfcV Ono Year by 3Iall, In ndTanco..SI.7." Ono Ycnr by Carrlor, III aihancc, $2.00 Entered at the North PlatW, Nebraska Postofflce m Second Class Matter. Friday, Ncncmbor lfitb, 1018. Jury List. TIio following Is the Ut ot Jurors drawn for the term of court which coiiyonci December 2d. re. C Lowon, Brady Hobt. PJonkenburg. North Platte Jch 11 Bruce, Hershoy Dunnls ISreen, Loinon Phil Brooka, Hershey Ed Coker, Sutherland .lnmos Dugnn, North Platte Pnllllp Doats, Nortli Platto Frank. Elliott, North Platto Curl Flotoher, Payne Ouy Foar, Wallaco , Andy Howard, Wollfleo Poter Jepson, Fox Crook' Francis Montague, Sellers 11. Q. McNeale, Rowedalo P. W. Olson, Miller Win. Pottor, Nowett W. C. IloynoldH, North Platto duo. R. Scott, Peckham L. U. Spencer, Wallaco Joe Stock, Sunshine R Sukraw, Cox D. R. White, Sutherland Piatt White, North Platto : :o:" URGES RETAIL DEALERS TO POOL ON POTATO BUYING. Pooled carlot purchases of Nebras ka grown and graded potatoes aro urgeda by Gurdon W. Wattlos, Fodor al Fojd Administrator for Nebraska, Mr. Wattles Is making this rocom mondatlon through tho county food administrators of Nebraska and ho Is asking them to urge -upon the retailors of their counties thoso poolod pur chases. Such purchases, says Wattles, will decrcaso tho cost of potatoes and should enable tho consumer to buy at lens cost. Retailors of, tho cities and towns olUho state aro urged to get together and buy Nebraska potatoos and to dlvldo them nfton shipment. Investigations by Wattles develop ed the fact that a largo part ot tlio cost of potatoos to tho consumer comes from duplicate and unnecessary transportation and from additional ex pense in handling small shipment. By tho pooled carlot purchasbs, thoso Jtoma will bo practically ollnv.natod ::o:: Red Cross Notes. In ordor to give thoso residing in tho north west part of town an oppor tunity to voto for directors at tho Rod Cross eloctlon on November 20th an nddltional polling placo will be estab lished nt tho U. P. round house. Opon from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Printed bal lots will bo furntshod. Evory soldlor attached to tho ex podltlonary forces, whothor In Siberia, Franco or England, will receive a Christmas label, and package oan be sent. Those rocolvou and sent borore Novombor 20th wVll gut thoro in time for Christmas. Othors may be lato but will igo just Uio sumo. Sailors can got largor packagos dl root from thollr folks without Rod Cross Inspection. Rod Cross Nursos, Y. M. C. A. and kindred organizations can receive ChrMmns packages through tho Rod Cross. A carton can bo had hy tho noarost relative, stating It will bo tho only packao rocelvcd by such wolfaro worker. : :o: : Red Cross YVerk Must Continue. In a lettor to President Sooborgor tho War Counc1 of tho Amorlcan Red Cross Bays: Let no one suppose thnt tho work ot the Rod Cross Is finished. Millions ot Amorlcan boys aro Btlll uindor armB. Thousand of tliom are sick or Wound ed. Owing to the Hhortago. of shipping It may tpkr a year ivr more to bring our boys home from France. Rut what ever tholmo, our protecting anna must ho about them and Uiolr tamlllos over tho wholo period which must nlnpto before tho normal life ot poaco can bo resumed. Our .c idlers and sailors aro onllstod until tho commander In chlot tolls them there Is no more work for them to do in tho war. Lot ovory Rod Cross vm mbcv nnd workom show our rot turnlng Hohlie-M em sailors that to care for their hoalth, wolfaro and happiness wo are enlisted for no loss a period than thoy aro. Tho cessation of Uto war will reveal a plcturo of misery such as tho world linn novor soon boforo, especially in tho many countrloa whloh cannot help themselves. Tho Amoricuji pooplo will oxpect the Rod Crosn to coptlnuo to act as tholr ngent in repairing broken spirits and broken bodlai, Poaco tonus and poaco conditions will dotor- mlno how wo may host administer to tho vast stricken ureas which have boon hnrrowod hy tho war and In this - at act of morcy tho hourt and spirit tho Amorlcan pooplo must continue to bo mobilized through tho American "l Cross. in bohalf of the War Council, wo 'Vd'ngiy aBk oach membor of our lopdtd body ot workers throughout 'ii to boar in mind tho Bolemn 'thi'ou which rostii upon oach ono to tv on." Wo cannot abuto ono ' our efforts or In our spirits r0 WIU bo nn abuhdanco of work to "Ml "iclfio advices will bo glvon. rven at tro ntoinont of poaco lot 'd r"r(lH8 wort or fultor. 0'ir spirits must now coll ms to t is not Uto roar ot cannon " ' "nd of our own alono that aotlvltiat. Rut that a groat '11 continue to rospond 1 frooly to Its obligation v vtunity to nerve mankind. " 'o Soma Durot Jorsoy -e bred. M. C. Wostfall, "21 . 87-3 MUSTERING OUT TO RE RASED ON WAR SERVICE. Plans for demobilizations of the military and naval forces of the Uni ted Stated now being prepared by the war, navy and labor departments will bo submitted soon to President WM son. Preliminary details of the plan as known Wednesday provided for the mustering out of the men on the basis of length of service and on tlio ability of trados and occupations to absorb the released men. ::o:: Anwfkim disunities. It was officially announced by the wwr department that the Amorlcan casualties Ilatod up to noon Monday totaled 09.020, of which number 12,- AtO were killed In action. In connection It Is statod Unit thousands of nnmos will be nddod to tills total, as the Americans have soon jltortfculRrly heavy fighting during the ))tist two weeks and flguros on losses (luring that time aro not yet avail able. It is possible that the total American casualties r.-ill roach close to the ono hundred thousand mark. r :o:: LOCAL AXI) I'KKSONAL Mrs. A. F. Stroltz left this morn ing for a weok's visit with her daugh ter In Lincoln. Mrs. Will Hamilton and children of Alllanco, are guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tobas. Roy Cantltn was called to Blatlr yesterday afternoon by tho sudden death of a brothor-ln-law. Sorgoant Harris Stuart camo down from Denvor tUls morning to visit his parents for a day or two. Prlyato L. J. Miles, a North Platto boy who is stationed nt Camp Jack son, S. C, has rocolved his commis sion as sergeant. A good, steady man is wanted for gonoral farm work. Good homo for tho right man for a year of moro. Address P. O. Box 318, North Platte. For Salo High grado oval oak par lor table and mahogany parlor cabi net, both in good condition. Inqulro at 914 west Fourth or phono Red 314. Floyd Danlol returned lust night from Lincoln and Omaha. Ho went to Cotner (uhlvorslity to onllst In the training school but followlnb tho coumuion oi uio war conciuueu not .to attend tho school. HKPOriT OP THIS CONDITION - OF THE McDonald State Bank. of North Platto, Charter No. 647 In the Stato of Nebraska nt the close of bus-1 UESOURCBS v I.oaim and (llBcounts ......$437,489.84 nn -.n.;uV1;,V.;V-.V, 1,11S-17 I -..-, ...v.u,Uv.B...U..t 1 cininiH, oio IB, 000.00 Other nsHotH, Liberty Bondn aim wur HavuiRS Kuiul , Danklnff house, furniture . and uxturuH btlior HonI Hntnto !. Due from nnt'l and Htnte bnnlcn . ,$ 91,569.19 Checks nnd Items ' of exchange.. 5,826,99 Currency 8,837.00 Oold coin 360.00 Silver, nlckloa nnd centH 7,103.68 c j,863.Go , 16,194.67 l,bO'J.Z2 Total ?G56,131.41 I.IAUILITIES Cn'nltal stock nnlil in Surplus fund 20,000 on Undivided lirnfltiu CiimM. 26,086.11 tndlvtdunl dopoa Its subject to check $801,462.50 Demand cortin cntoii of depos its 9,769.07 Tlmo certificates of (loposlt .. 173,880.18 Certified oheukH 367.50 Duo to natlonnl and Htato bnuks 19,892.56 Depositor's nun runt y fund 508,371.81 4,973.49 Total $656,131.41 3tnto of Nobraskn, County of Ltncoln, ss T, W. II. McDonald, cnshler of the ubovo named bnnk do hereby Bwoar Hint the nbovo stntement Is a correct nnd true copy of the roport mndo to the Stato IlanktnK Uonrd. W. II MoDONALD, Cnshler. Attest; CHAS MoDONALD. Director N V HHVNOLDH, Director aubscrlbcd nnd nworn to before me iMs 14th day of November. 191S WM II C WOODHl'ItST, County JudRc. OF POLAND-CHINA BOARS To bo held at BESACK'S BARN Two blocks south of depot at North Platte, Nebraska, on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, One O'clock, p. m. 36 Fall and Spring Boars This offering represents the breeding of the Smathan herd, Orvill Jones herd,-York, and Frazier Brothers of Utica and others, here is a chance for western breeders and farmers, to net un todate breeding nmr home, C. G. Landholm & Son, Sowles & Son, R. G. COL. A, W. THOMPSON, A. Leo Rlrd A Lfciitcnnnt'.? In a letter rocolved a few days ao Lee Rlrd writes his parents .that he has received his commission asJsbcond lltutcntnnt In the aero squadron. He has leen assigned the flold fh which he hag ben working ns an Instructor ln Tom county flying. Leo hopes to get a leave of absence in abou' a month to como homo on a visit. , :o::- THE EFFECTS OF THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. It is ostlmated the inlluotlza epl domic, will cost'llfo insurance com panies not loss than ?40.000,000 In doath losoB above tho normal. Fra tomals wero also hard hit and many of thorn aro ln no condition to stand incrensod doath losses. Claims paid undor health policies aggregatoTmany thousands ot dollars. Chicago Ifpr ald & Examiner. :o::- Mothers! Visit our Infant wear de partment. Completo lino of Unfant's drcssos, coats, sweater sets, wool Itinlinta Hnntlna linnrla. w'nnl nrwl atlk! bonnets', etc., Main Floor, BLOCKS. : :o: : How About Indemnity? What will tho ontento allies and tholr associates demand from tho central powers as repara tion for tho lossos suffered by them ln the war and how Is Germany prepar od to mako this reparation? Austria Is bankrupt and disintegrating Into states which will repudiate tho debts of tho war makers. Theso aro .ques tions that nro receiving a groat deal of attention and closo study ln tho national capltol since the signing of tho armistice. The best estimates obtainable at this tlmo show that the cost of the war to tho entente allies and their associates, tho United States alone excluded, Is approximately $145,000, 000,000. Tho losses thru Injury or to demolition of proporty wlthln the borders ot tho alllos and tholr associ ates aro ostlmated at $68,350,000,000 and the losses at sea of tho property, noutral and allied nations, at$24, 000,000,000 more, a total of $237,350, 000,000. JQJ , For Farm Loans soe Gene CrooK, Room west of Vienna Cafe. : :o. : Heartburn, heaviness lnv tho stom nrh. lil nn tod fnncrun. bad breath, dizziness and vertigo, (blind staggers,) quickly relieved by Prickly Ash Bitters. People who have usod it say thoy can oat heartily without misery, where boforo they tried it the most healthful food seem ed to get thorn out of fix. Price $1.25 por bottle. GUMMERE-DENT nnTin rn "uuu u ShcrlfTs Snlo. By vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from the District Court of Lincoln " 1 ,. .1 . Kuuiuaitu, ujiuii u ucuiuu ui foreclosuro rendered In said Court wherolu Mutual Building and Loan Association is plaintiff, and Cora. Suit, ei ui., is ueioiiuuiu, mm co nie uiroc.ieu I will on tho loth day of Novombor, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho Court Houso In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell j nt :'ubnc Auction to tho Highest Jjlu 113.75G.86 dor for. cash, to satisfy said decree, interest una costs, tho following ,dos- crlbod proporty to-wlt Lots five and six (5 nnd C) block clglity-olght (88) ln tho orlgimil town of North Platto, Ltncoln County, Ne braska. Dated Nortli Platto, Neb., October llth, 19)8. A.J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. 015-G. Notice of Flnnl Jtoport. Estato No. 15G5 of Carollno Tolltz, deceased In tho 'County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all nor- Boiirt Interested in soM Estato take notlco that tho executor has tiled a fin al account nnd roport ot his adminis tration and n petition for final settle ment and dlschargo as such, which havo boon set for hearing boforo said court on Doc. C 1018, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tlio snmo. Dated Nov. nth. 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, N12-29 County Judgo Claus Anderson, J. M. Souder, Auctioneer. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. H E Al T ! Drive Away the Chill With a Gas Room Heater North Platte Light & Power Co l)It. TWINEN HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific trBotmint of medical, surgical an'd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and dittRnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedfiehUI. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Bit. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopathic Physician' K. of C. Building NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Associated lVltlt Dr. Drost. NOTICE! Why not wrJto your flro nnd cyclono Insurance lvltli n rounulo coinpnny who Invest tholr premiums In Liberty Bonds nnd give our county tho credit. !ee us for tiirin nnd automobile ratos NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. Office phone 211 Res. phone 'Jl? L . C. DRO'ST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclau and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Snrgery nnd Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office ,130, ReBldonco 115 W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over McDonald Bunk. Offlco Phono 110 Res. Phono 1120 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to SurKory and Radium Thorup 729 City Nntlonal Bank Hulldlug. Omalio, Nebraska. Notlco to Creditors. Estato No. 1577 of Hattlo K. An druss, deceased, ln tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho Snto of Nobraskn, s.s, Cred Itors ot said estato will take notlco thnt the tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said os toto is February 22, 1919, and for sot tloinont of said estato Is October 19, 1919, that I will sit at tho county court i room ln said comity on November 22, ,1918, nt 0 o'clock a. m., and on Feb ruary 22, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. in. to rocolvo. examlno, henr, allow, or au just all claims aud objections duly mod. Win. II. C. WOODHURST. 022-4 County Judge. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska, Hospital Phone Blaclo 633 House Phone Black 633 WT. PRITCIIAU1), Grndunto Veterinarian Eight years a Qovernment Veterinar ian. Hospital '218, south Locust St. ono-half block southwest of the Court House. FUR MARKET x Prices are High Before yciu ship come and see me. L. LIPSH1TZ L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best reference I'm always dated ahead Phone nt my expense for dales OGAIALLA, NEBRASKA IN THE COUNTY COUKT OF LIN COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In tho Matter of the Estate of Wll lliam R. Borders, Deceased, NOTICE. To tho Creditors, Heirs and All Persons Interested ln said Estate. Notlcs Is hereby given that John D. W. Lincoln filed hjs application in this Court on tho 1st day of Novem ber, 1918, to secure a determination of the time of tho death of William R. Borders, decoased, and of his heirs, degreo of kinship and tho right of descent of tho real property belong ing to said deceased, to-wlt: All of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three v3) and Four (4) of Block Thirteen (13), Lots Five (5) and Srx (6) ot Block Fourteen and Lots Five (5), Six (0), Seven (7) and Eight (8) of Block Fifteen (15), of Peale's Re-Plat of Blocks Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska and to bar all claiims and demands against said stato' whether due or to become due, actual or contingent; tho said petition alleging that the said William R. Borders, deceased, dje- parted this life Intestate on March 9, 1914, being at the time of his death, a resident of Sparta, Randolph Coun ty,, Illinois and that his mother, Mary A. Borders, inherited the title In fee to all of the abovo described real property and that the petitioner here in, John D. w. Lincoln, has acquir ed the title ln fee to all of said roal property by a direct deed of convey ance thoreof from tho heirs of said Willlnm R. Borders, deceased. That tho said application will be heard before the County Court ln the Courthouse in tho City of North Platte County of Lincoln and State of Ne braska, on th 2nd day of December, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.. at which time any porson Interested may appear and show causo why tho prayer or. said petition should not be granted. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, N12-N20 County Judge Referee Snlo. Notlco is hereby glvon that by vir tue of an order of W. C. Dorsoy, Judge of tho District Court of Phelps County, Nebraska, made on tho first day of October, 1918, ln an action pending In said court, wherein Henry Swedell, et al. are plaintiffs-and Nora Wilson, et al. aro defendants, direct ing the salo of tho real estate here inafter described, I will sell at tho front door of tho court houso ln North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, at 10'oclock a. m. on tho 30th day of November, 1918, at public salo for cash to the highest bidder, tho follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: All that portion of the south half (S) of section twenty-six (26) In township fourteen (14), In Lincoln County, Nob. which lies south of tho right of way of tho Union Pacific Railroad, and also the northwest (NWV4) qunrtor of section thlrty-livo (35), in township fourteen (14), nil north, In rango thlr- ty-ono (31), west of tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska; said land to bo sold separately and said salo to bo hold opon for one hour. Dated this 26th day of October, 1918 0285w G. NORBERG, Reforco NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serlnl No. 06150 Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Offlco at North Platto, Nobr., Oct. 23, 1918. Notlco I3 horoby glvon that Joso phlno Hood, of North Platto, Nobr., who, on Sopt. 8, 1914, mndo Home stoad entry, No. 06150, for SEVi, Sec tion 22, Township 16, N., Range 30 W. (5th Principal Meridian, hns filed notlco ot Intontlon to mako nal throe year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tho Reg ister and Rocolvor, nt North Platto, Nobr., on tho 29th day ot Nov. 1918. Claimant names ns wlttnesses; Ed Harninr, Frank Parks, Ida Johnson and Charles Lucas, all ot North Platto, Nobr. 025-5 w E. J. EAMES. Rogister. Notlco of Flnnl Report. Rstnto No. 1564. of Thomas A. Slmnnts, deconsed in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tlio Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said Estato tako no tlco that tho Executrix has filed n flnnl account and roport of his administra tion nnd n potltlon for final scttlomont nnd dlschargo ns such, which has been sot for hearing boforo said court on November 22, 1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may nppear nnd contest tho. snmo. Dated Oct. 28, 1918. WM. II. C. WOODHURST 029-3wks. County Judgo. COL. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Snles n Specialty. References nnd Dates nt First Natlonnl Bank, North Platte, Ncbr. Phone 1000. LEGAL NOTICE. Morell Keith Neville, Plaintiff va David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, and the holrs, devisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and against all persons interested in the estate of David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de ceased, and against the unknown owners and claimants of the following described land situate In Lincoln County. Nebraska, Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter and Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Section 1, Township 13, Rango 30,; East Half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 35, Township 14, Range 30. Tlio un known heirs, devisees, or legatees of Abram Wiley, decoased, unkuovvn heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown heirs, devisees or legatees of Frank M. Wiley, deceased, and against tlio unknown owners or claimants of tho following described land sltuato In Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 4, Township 13, Range 30. George A. Hoagland, his heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and unknown claimants of the following described land situated ln Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half of Southeast Quarter, South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 13, Range 29. Defendants. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION. To David Cash, Ellon L. Cash and the holrs, devisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and all porsons interested In tho estate of David Cash, deceased and Ellen L. Cash, deceased, and tha unknown owners and un known claimants of tho following des cribed land sltuato In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE& of NE&) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Section Ono (1) Township Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty (30) and tho East Half of Northeast Quarter (EVi of NE&) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14), N. of Range Thirty (30), West 6th P. M. defendants. You and each of you will take notice that Morell Keith Neville has com menced an action in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to quiet title In plaintiff against you and each of you in the following uescriuetf lands situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt; Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE4 of NEVi) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Section One (1), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West 6th P. M. and East Half of Northeast Quarter (EV of NEVi) nnd Lots One (1), Two (2) a,nd Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14) Range Thir ty (30), West 6th P. M. and to havo decreed to him new and Independent title by reason of adverse possession of said described premises against you by himself and his grantors. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION. To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley, Frank M. Wiley and the heirs, devi sees, legatees and personal represen tatives and all persons Interested in tho estato of Abram Wiley, deceased, Cynthia T. Wiley decoased and Frank M. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown owners and the unknown claimants of tho following described lands sit uate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to wlt: South Half of Northeast Quar ter (S& of NEVi) and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4) in Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West of the 6th P. M. defen dants. You and each of you will take notice that Morell Keith Neville has commenced an action ln tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, aglanst you and each of you, the ob ject and prayer of which said petition Is to quiet title In plaintiff against you and each of you in the following des cribed lands sltuato In Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska', to-wit: South Half of Northeast Quarter (SM: of NE) and LotB One (11 and Two (2) of Section Four (4). Township Thirteen (13) Rango Thirty (30), West of the 6th P. M. and to have decreed in him' new and independent title by reason of ndverse possession of said describ ed lands against you by himself and his grantors. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION. To George A. Hoagland and the heirs, derisee. legatees and personal roprosontatlvos and all persons in terested in the estato of Goorgo A. Hoagland, deceased, and the unknown owners and unknown claimants of the following described lands sltuato in Liincoin County, Nebraska to-wlt: South Half ot Southeast Quarter (SVfe of SEV4) and South Half of Southwest Quarter (SV of SWii ot Section Twelve (12), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twonty-nlno (29), West ot the 6th P. M. defendants. You and each of you will tako notice that Morell Keith Novllle has com menced an nction ln the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you nnd each of you, the ob joct and prnyor of which said petition Is to quiet title In plaintiff ngnlnst you nnd each of you ln the following de scribed lnnds sltuato In Lincoln Coun tf, Nobraska, to-wlt: South Half of Southeast Quarter (SMs of SEN) and South Half of Southwest Quartor (S of SWVi) of Section Twelve (12)", Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twen-ty-nlno (29), wost of the 6th P. M. and to havo decreed In him now and independent tltlo by ronson of nd verso possession of said doscrlbed promises against you by himself and his grantors. You and oach of you will mako answer herein on or boforo tho 9th day of Decomber, 1918, or your de faults will bo takon and Judgment taken "and entered ngalnst you as ln said potltlon prayed. MORELL KEITH NEVILLE, 022-5wks. Plaintiff 1