The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 15, 1918, Image 1

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No. 88
Potcr Garcia, a Mexican, as his
namo would ilmply, was arretted at
Hotuhey Wednesday by Sheriff Sails
bury on the charge of bootlegging
and a search of his person revealed
ton pint bottles of boozo. Ho was ar
raigned boforo Judge AVoodhurst yes
terday and assessed a fine of $100 and
costs amounting to $15.40.
Garcia, landed In Hershey Wednes
day morning and proceeded to the
habVtat of soveral Mexs where ho dis
posed of soveral pints. Shorlff Salis
bury got wind of Garcla's liquor
vending and within an hour there
after had the nut-brown Individual In
tow, I
Garcia didn't havo $115.40 on his
person when sentenced In court yes
terday and was therefore taken to
jail, ile hopes that some of his Mexi
can friends will call today and put
up the nocessary money to secure h;s
Arraigned for Wife Desertion.
Jeromo Li. Brott was arrttfgned bo
fore Judgo Woodhurst yesterday af
ternoon on the charge of wife deser
tion. Ho was placed undor bonds as
assurance that ,ln the future he will
support his wife. Brott, who former
ly worked here, went to Cheyonne,
and whilo staying thoro refused to
part company with any funds for tho
benefit of his wlfo. Sho profcrred a
charge against hta and he was placed
under an est and brought hero for
trial. During Brett's absence Mrs.
Brott made her home with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wills, of the
Fourth ward.
-: :o: :-
Wogne on Foot Wall Tenm.
Ted Bogue, who had been stationed
at Goat Island has been transferred
to Mare Island as a member of the
athletic association. Ho thus becomes
a member of the Mare Island football
team, which has games scheduled
with Pacific coast teams for several
months to come. Before going to
Ttfare Island Ted was a member of the
Goat Island team and Is reported to
have made a showing that resulted in
hs transfer.
: :o: :-
Gibbs Receives Commission.
Goo. N. Glbbs, who was (inducted
into the Infantry officers' training
school at Camp Pike, Arkansas, has
successfully passed his examination
and has been commissioned a lieuten
ant. He has been assigned to a Cal
ifornia cantonment as a military in
structor .
Unloss something unforseon oo
currs. tho ban on public gathorlnga,
schools, picture shows and pool halls
will ho removed next Monday morn
ing. Tho schools will re-open and
business conditions will get down to
normal . '
Tho ban, wbVch has been In forco
for over a month, has had a
' nntlnnnliln ApTnpf nn rrnlinmt Imalnpaa
conditions in town, some business
j houses suffering a fifty per cent de
, croaBe- In trndo as compared with a
. l,lko period before the lid was put
on, and also compared with n similar
, porlod a year ago. Howover, all rec
lognlzed tho necessity of tho ban as a
i precautionary measure and no fault
! has been made. Tho wish of all Is
that tho number of cases will oon-
t'nue to diminish until the disease en
I tlroly disappears,
i ::o::
"Vo Now Hiito I'nld Firemen.
Beginning with this week North
Platto took on more metropolitan
airs It can now boast of a paid fire
department. The number of men
nlacori on thn nav-roll is limited to
! two, but It Insures a man at tho fire
station overy mlnuto of tho twenty
four hours, thus ready to start out!
with a truck at the instant an nlann
Is turned Into the station. Fred An
dorson holds down the position dur
ing tho day and Joo Basklns at njght.
jBoth are experienced fire-fighters and
are expected to render efficient ser
vice. Each receive $125 per month.
::o:: i
Business WrOps Fifty Per Cent.
A railroad official stated yesterday
morning that business on tho Union
Pacific had dropped off fifty per cent
this week, or rather slnco the arm
istice was signed. This decrease, ho
said, was largely, If not altogether
duo to revocation of government or
ders for lumber, munitions, oils and
other war necessities. This official
said tho greater part of this decrease
(In business may only Ije temporary,
at least he hoped so. .
I ":o::
Bank Deposits Hold Up.
Though the peoplo of Lincoln coun
ty have Invested nearly ono million
and a half dollars In tho four liberty
loans, the deposits in the banks of the
county a?e practically as largo as bo
foro n single bond was purchased.
Either tho Doonla of the county have
1 earned and saved that million and a
half, or else they went deep Into their
old sock or strong box In the cellar,
brought It forth and Invested it in
TJio censatlcn or the war will not
tond"to decrease tho -nctvltlos of tho
Sammy Girls, who slnco tho war be
gan supplied hundreds of Lincoln
county boys with sweators and com
fort kits. Tho supplying of these ar
ticles of comfort and convenience for
tho soldier boys is no longor neces
sary, and tho work of the Girls will
be along the line of making necessary
garments for the destitute peoplo of
Belgium. The cancellation of the call
for men for training enmps loft In
tho hands of the Sammy Girls a largo
supply oj comfort kits and sweators,
but fortunately these can bo used In
the new work tho organization has
taken up. The comfort kits wlill bo
ripped up and made Into garments,
thus escaping loss othor than the
time consumed In making them.
Mrs. McGraw asks The Tribune to
extend to the peoplo of North Platto
and Lincoln county the slncoro thanks
of horsolf and her band of energetic
and enthusiastic girls for tho gener
ous suport given them during the past
slxtoen mouths, and asks that this
support . be continued as cheerfully
in nssVstinff the organization In Its
new line of work.
Tho scope of the new work taken
up by the Girls will be outlined ln a
future Issue,
::o: :
Trucks Soon Itcndy for Service.
Cushion lres for tho big auto fire
truck arrived yostorday, tho engine
has been replaced, and the machine
will be ready for service tomorrow.
The Dodgo chemical truck, recolved
a fow days ago la being fitted out at
tho Romlgh garage. This truck car
rlos two large chomlcal tanks, three
email tanks, 200 feot of hose and ap
paratus for recharging the tanks.
This truck will also ho ready for ser
vice dn a day or two.
Friday and Saturday nil of our
New Full line of Indies coals and
suits at reduced pjlces. Flush, Fur
and Coth cents. TWO days only. THE
- :o:
Governor Neville,
Herbert Gooch
and O. E. Elder, who had been hunt
ing wild goeso at Lowollen and Os
kosh for soveral days, returned to
town Wednesday, ahd the Governor
left for Lincoln the same night. They
found shooting poor, and only bagged
six gese.
Good barn for , sale, 24x24, 16-foot
posts; good haymow. Inquire at 709
south Pine 86-4
Ch irman Welngand, of the United
War Work campaign cannot conconl
his disappointment over tho slownoss
In which this effort to rnlsejnonoy
Is progressing. ,U to this inornlng.
with fcur of the six campaign days
gone loss than one-half tho school
districts havo reached tholr quota.
In view of tho urgont need of funds
for tiieso united war work socletjos.
all of which goes for tho comfort of
the boys ln tho sorvlco, It was be
lieved that n6 difficulty would bo "ex
perienced In putting Lincoln county
over the top ln tho first two days of
the campaign, hut It now looks as tho
the peoplo of Lincoln county lacked
appreciation of tho service tho boys
have rendered their country. Scatter
ed through Lincoln county nro scoros
"of men who could well afford to sub
soil (w fifty dollars who are giving
ten and scores of others who should
give twonty-fivo nro subscribing Uvo.
Practically all tho villages In tho
county havo roached tholr quota, and
q'udtn a few of tho school districts
make a similar showing, but ln many
of the districts tho nmouut subscrib
ed, up to date is less than half tho
quota In North Platto the campaign
Is impressing fairly well, and It Is
bolloved Hint by tomorrow evening
the full quota of tho city w.iT bo sub
f'hnlrman Wolngand suggests that
the chnlrmon In tho school districts
which have fallen below thci'r quota'
make a special effort tomorrow and
Sunday to recanvass tholr districts
and Influence tho residents to double
their suibscnlption3. I
For qnlck action nnd satisfactory
n!p Hut your Innii with Tlioelccke. tf
Tho Gothenburg Times of Wedncs-'
day says: A. Holzmark romalns sor
ioWsly ill, but therb Is a marked Im-I
provemcnt over his condition last
week and reports aro encouraging, j
Dr. L. J. Krnuse, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
The docket for tho term of district
court, which convenes December 2d, I
contains ono hundred and forty-four,
cases In wlrich equity, damage, fore
closure, divorce and criminal figure.
Do you neod a petticoat? Now Is1
your opportunity, a big line from'
which to make your seloctt?on
Sateens, Heatherblooms, Satins, Taf
fetas and Jorseys, all at sale prices. 1
Dr Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug'
toro tf 1
Tho peoplo of Horshoy made merry
over tho cessation of tho war last
evonlng by giving a barbecno which
was attended by n crowd estimated
at hot less than n thousand peoplo.
At, hosts the pooplo of tho village1
contributed the carenssos of two ' young steers, which woro roast
ed under the (lroctIon of C. C. Hup
fer, of this city, 3,000 bum and many
gallons of coffee. Thoso woro sorvod
the crowd free, and ovorybody con
sumed until the consumption capacity
was exhausted.
During tho barbecue short parades
woro held, tho crowd choere'd on
thuslastlcaly and Joy ovor tho ces
sation of tho world strlfo was appar
ent to all.
Later In tho evening short addres
ses woro dollvored and tho ovening
wound up with a big danco.
Tho North Platto contingent at this'
Jollification mooting fla large, and I
numbered among them woro tho Bed,
Cross ladles who benotlttcd by liberal
donations of silver for tho benofit of
tho chaptor
-: :o; :
Registration lo bo Extended,
Tho crnat cnlnhrnHnn Inut Tnnitnv
caused tho delay of registration cards
throughout tho county. All boys who'
failed to rcglstor In tholr school dls-'
tncts on Nov. 14 who havo attained
tho ago of tlftoon yoars and sovon
months nnd between tho ages of 18
and 20 years will rocclvo tholr regis
tration cards by calling at tho Bchool
houso ln tholr district during school
All boys who failed to register ln
North Platto and district Nov. 14th
will register at tho county fodoral
agent's office In tho basomont of tho
Building & Loan Bldg. This should
bo attended to immediately.
All teachers In this county should
sonl in tho exact enrollment of tholr
district as soon as tholr registration
Is completed.
II. II . NEWMAN, Co. Fodoral Dir.
: :o: :
For Snlo.
At a bargain 2 modorn houses. For
tonus apply to ownor, Geo. Uogors
at 1203 West 2nd strcot. Phono Black
470. 2t
A fow loss than ono hundred North
Platto boys enrolled yostorday In tho
U. S. Boys' Working Bosorvo Corps
at tho registration booth open In tho
basement of tho B. & L. building.
All wool sorges middles in all sizes
London roports that Gorman sol
diers nro committing acts of viulonca
against Inhabitants nnd aro destroy
ing and pillaging, contrary to tho
terms of tho nrmlsttcc.
Mnrshol Foch, commnndor In chief
of tho allied armies, wll mako solemn
entrlos Into Strassburg and Motz on
Sunday In tho presence of Prosidont
Polncaro and Promlor Clcmoncenu.
Amorlca's military machine in
Franco will "carry on" without the
Bllghtost relaxation pending tho ox
plratlon of tho porlod ln which tho
armistice conditions must bo fulfilled
by Gormany. No troops will bo rocnll
cd for tho present!
Roports hnvo roached tho stato de
partment that tho slltuatlon In Gor
many nnd Austria-Hungary approxi
mates a stato of anarchy on account
of tho conduct of returning soldiora
released from tho fighting lines.
According to a proclamation issued
by tho now Pruslan govornmont tho
ontnllcd proporty of tho Prussian
crown will bo placed undor tho ad
ministration of tho ministry of fin
ance. Proporty which Is not entailed
but which Is personal to tho former
king and his family will not bo af
fected .
'According to advices received at
Copenhagen yesterday tho Soviets
havo doclnrod Borlln In a stato of
Allied diplomats are arriving at
Paris to plan peaco moot to fix tho
fato of tho Huns.
Tho revolutionary Bolshovlk movo
monb, accompanied by strikes, Is
spreading rapidly ln Europo. Itlota
woro roportod Thursday from Zurich,
Coponhagon and Brussols. ,
Genoral von Faltmhayn former
chief of tho Gorman general staff, was
Bolzod by rovoluitfonnry troops, strip
ped of his sword and his tnslgla brn
away, according to Information reach
ing tho British linos. Tho same treat
ment was accordod al othor Gorman
officers ln Brussols without a shot
being fired. ,
:;o:: '
Wo aro making a special on suits,
coats, dressos and skirts. In addition
to tho cut prices, nn axtra out prlco
of 10 per cent beginning Nov. 14th
This is a real opportunity to socuro
bargains. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
A special meeting of Signet Chap
ter, O. E. S., will bo hold Monday
evonlng for Initiation. All members
nro requested, to attend). Rotrosh
montfl will, ho served.
For Salo young cair. Inquiro 321
South Dowoy.
Peace Is Now Assured.
HERE'S a "superservice" in Mun singular thai, satis
fies millions of wise underwear buyers these clays ol
sensible economy.
More than ever before America at war and Her
Allies demand oi every loyal American the strictest
economy elimination of non-essentials and waste.
There's a staunch and loyal service
in good old MunsingWear.
It's an absolute essential, brim full
of unvarying quality. It's the Nation's
underwear standard bearer and is
It is imperative that labor and
materials be conserved. It is espec
ially important that no cotton or wool
be wasted in garments that -do not
give'service and satisfaction.
It's your duty to buy wisely. De
mand the utmost in service, value
and quality.
doing its utmost to increase the com
fort, efficiency and Union-Suit satis
faction of those back ' here behind
those over there.
When you buy underwear just say Munsingwcar never say Underwear.
It's your guarantee of a "superservice" in Union-Suit fit, finish, fabric,
fashion, washability, durability Beyond Compare. Millions of Union-Suited
Americans wear no other wear.
It's the Most Economical in the Long Run.
There's Satisfaction in Every ThreadButtons, Too,
It's the Culmination of Quality and Service. .
You have Done Your Patriotic Duty When You Buy It
Our Stock of Fall and Winter Munsingwcar is wait
ing for you. Come in today and choose from the variety
of styles and fabric. It is genuine goodness all the way
through Buttons too.
Life Companies report 39,089 INFLUENZA DEATHS in 46 cities for the
month ending October 26th. In the face of this epidemic, the risk and loss
in civilian life is much greater than those in service. ARE YOU INSURED?
Our Company during the present INFLUENZA and pneumonia epidemic,
will supply, free of charge, to the family physician of every Minnesota
Mutual Life policy holder, enough vaccine to assure proper inoculation
and prevent spreading of the disease.
Regardless of your vocation or position in life, you are duly bound to
protect your dependent ones. You are also bound to meet your honest
debts and make good to your creditors. This you con and will do IF YOUR
SHOULD YOU DIE TONIGHT, who would provide, for that wife,
children, mother, father or other dependent ones you might have. WHAT
WOULD your wife or dependents have in the WAY OF CASH TO PAY
OFF THE MORTGAGE ON YOUR HOME, or pay any other honest debts that
take an Old Line Life policy to cover tho UNCERTAINTIES of life. Our
policies protect, create a savings and old age comfort for you. YOU CAN
BUY ONE PAYING, FOR IT, a few dollars each quarter, ON OUR EASY
HERM QUARTERLY BASIS, AND NOT MISS IT. Without obligation on your
part, call at the office or phone us for full information.
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
-FOUNDED 1880-
U J. E. SEBASTAIN, State Manager
i R8. Phone Red 348
C. F. TEMPLE; Asst. State Mgr.
Phono 783F3
Offices Brodbeck Bldg.
3rd Door East of Postoffice
Phone Red or Black 612