ScmMBeckly (tribune IUA L BABE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Ono Year by Mull, In advance. .1 ."." Ono Year by Carrier, In advance, &J.00 Entered at tlio North Platte, Nobrnska Postofflce m Second Class Mutter. .4.-. . . TUIISDAY, NOVEMBER igtli, 1918. I'YHIfj BONEGAN WRITES A.N INTERESTING LETTER, & a loiter to lila mother. Cyril P. Dnjtagan, writing from ovorseaB under datTroT Octobor loth, says: I will take back what I said lust evening about the Sgl. not bringing mi? a letter, ono cuine this noon. I thut myself homesick and lonely, but not now and It tis not as tho wo worn not well looked afir. Our hoarta are full .of gratitudo to tlio mothers and tho Idaios of tho lied CrosB and In most casos they aro ono, then thoro's tho Sammy Girls; ovor on tho alert, tho good thoy do can novor die. Ah I write I am reminded of those words of Joaquin Miller "Tho bravest buttle that ever was fought Shall I tell you whore and when, On tho maps of tho world you'll find it not, T'was fought by tho mothers of mon. "Oh yo with banners and battlo shot And Holdtcrs to shout and praise, I tell you the klngllest vlctorios fought Aro fought In thoso silent ways." I can tell you mothor that the boys over here, "Our boys" could not bo othor than putriotllc if they trlod, Whon wo sco on ovory hand tho ef forts put forth by tlio homo folltB, evldoncos of lovo and sacrlflco In our bohalf, of Y. M. C. A. workors, K. of C, Salvation Army und other so cieties that have backed up tho sol diers from tho. very start. Victory Is near but it would, not bo quito so near If It woro not for tho kindness from homo and frlouds. Tho numo of our company has boon changed from engineering corps to transportation corps. I told you in tii Innf Inllni. f ..,.. ... I a little 'of the history of Belgium and cts illustrious mon and kings who havo helped to koop tho little country famous and tho troatloa which estab lished thorn the nation thoy aro. In 1 K0, or aftor tho fall of Napoloon tho Ihreo powors, fJormany, Franco and England agreed to' rcspoct her tmiinuarios ami igium was to Join Iho others In pi6tectlng them In caso u ,y wiuu 10 ho uirougn. ai 1110 uo- ginning Of tllO prOSOnt COIlflCt Gor- many sent a very tempting oiler to Le.Klum. If she would let hor army jmH lurougn 10 i'rauco sno would iuu ui.y uiiiuugo uono 10 proporty, imy aer wen nnu iiarm noono. Tills v muu iiinKo 11 easy ior uoigium. olio was told that sho would bo ovor-run, H"0 ",ul vanquished If she at- tcmptod to roBlst. Belgium, ot hor 1(cc?.rd' dobldod to koop truo to Z 4??iWhlcl! umb, hor t nu?n and thrOW her strength against tllO Kd LTrm!l,l.H ftt L,0B.' ,VK V. ; 1 , TV. lu 1 oul 1 i J Uy? 1,ut U,,oy. Q !i"K t0 It twonty-SOVOn days and. (until Ono- in fLnL un tollon. Thon to further delay tho ontranco of Oor- l... ti- . t . . .. many into Franco, which was mo . I, ,t, ., , . : , llnllHnnu InfniTi H'0 "nr I k u ??3 ,Y,th a11 U,.0lr mi nil two squaro miles. Her urmy, rather than bo takon joined tho French army. Hor mort have not heard from tholr homos for pvor four years. Tho Dol i , , , , SRn.W. an. t ,K.. .?".yi2? :ui'ruaso Biie iigiuens nor irrm on llttlo Holglum. Tho hoys tako ovory cnanco or escaping out of tho coun tr . Aboil o 'o-thlrd of all who try aro caught and put to doath, and thoy aro all willing to try. . I will rolato tho exporlonco of a eouplo of .bright lw)y friends from Brussols trying to escapo by swlmin- tnr mif All ti. iu,.,i i I, mtrSSd toawB SMdl to' hlff nut0 doZ8fuKos: two stole their way down to the river which divides thorn: thoy ducked In fi lo ,.l,, (I,,. L l.l,. paSolcu S u jiauui wmio mimt, Willi a (lOf,, ino uog camo up to iiumii wu licked tholr liands. Had. It barked thoy would havo been idiot. Thoy-Jumped In tho Iver wjioro wlro cables of high vul-t logo woro stretched close to tho sur - moo. Horo thoy mado n llttlo noiso diving under tho wires. A machino gun rang out and killed ono ot the boys. Ho told his companion to go! ahead ami novor mind htm, as ho could not help. Ho watu 110 yards under wntor and machino gun firo, Ho cot out and folntod from ovor oxer on. A Dutch sentry plckod him up nnd tondod him, Lately this samo lxy foil In a chargo iiKaliwt tho Gormnns. Many aro tho Incldonta wo might ro lato. Wo havo oxporlouced tho .hard ahlps of war, but havo mado good uso ot our tlmo. Can you roalizo tho situ ation df Undo Sam had not startod out with his boys and turned tho tldo In tho right dlroctlon. Wo can over bore. In my next lottor I will glvo you a brlof account ot IleunoB "tho city that has nover Iwon captured." S "GOSH ALT, FISH HOOKS. AS THE FEMjOW SAYS" v Wo liuve moVe sail and more kinds of salt llian all the dealers of North Platto put 4 together. Better call and get your supply. Our salon oC CARNATION FLOUR is con stautly increasing. Leypoldt & Pennington PHONE 206. Lamb Building; North Locust Street PEACE NO CHECK ON' THE VYAK YYOJtK PROGRAM. Peace or no pooce, tho war work activities must go on uninterrupted. Tho campaign for United War Work funds will go steadily forwardi as their will bo as great a need for holp along this lino for somo time after tho war Is brought to conclusion ns when the lads woro actually flghtng. This attitude holds good in connec tion with all war work that Is under way or planned for immediately in the future. Thoro Is a groator need for wnr work activities today, iwch as th& United War Campaign, than ever bo fore, because of the increased num bers of men who aro now in Franco, the thousands pouring overseas dally and tho groat nutnbors tntlonol In raiitonmenti here. Kven though the war should come to an abrupt close these millions of mon will have to be taken caro of, It will be some tlmo before thoy nre returned homo nnd until such a Vmo tlfey havo to bo looked after. For this reason the people should mot lay aside their knit ting and patriotic spirit and support tho war strongor than ovor boforo. :::: Hoys' YVorfclnjr Reserve... Tho United States boys' working ro servo, operating ainder the ausplcos of tho Jcdornl department of labor, its 011 doavorlng to moblllzo for any otnor goncy which may occur, tho boy power of the nation. It is tho plan of the deparimont to register all boys from fifteen years nnd six months of ago to eighteen years, so that an authentic record may bo had of those who will bo eligible to participate 'in kcoplng up our homo industries. In accordance with tho request of tho federal government, I, Keith No Vlllo, govornor of Nebraska, do here by proclaim tho fourteenth day of Novembor, 1n tho year of our Lord nlnoteon hundred and olghteen, to be n day on which all boys In Nebraska who, on that dato, havo attained tho ago of fifteen yearB and six months and who havo not attained tho ago of olghtoon years, shall register in tho United States boys' working rosorvo. All boys within tho proscribed ago limits in Nebraska will on that day go to whatever places may bo named UN I UUtlD Ul I C'K I " 11 11 UUIl lUlll IIICI V .... ........... I... it.... .. .1 , ! boys' Working reserve, register. Witness my hand this 4th day of Novembor, 1911 KEITH NEVILLE, Govornor of Nebraska. ::o:: DcniocratH Out of Saddle. Tim ilnmntrntln nnrtv linu finmi lln 80ilted from tho congressional saddlo in which It has sat for eight years and Mm nnMnn mnv mnwl Biimo rnvnlti. tlonary clianges In its lawmaking processes. Even If rovlsed roturns houW ,0w a sonato Uo tho unox- pocttoddy largo republican majority i tho houso definitely wrests tho control of tho national legislature fr0IU tho imn,ia ot tUo domocratllc statomon. With tho passing ot domo- cratic domination, control ot tho na- tlonal lawmaking falls largoly into Imnds of tho middle west and far w,,t. Tlil mnonn ,thnt th rnrnn. Btruction program, Involving tho most Important legislation In a contury, will ho shaped and piloted mainly by Honutors nnd rnnrnsnnlnHv from that section ot tho country. m .1 iu ..,...., luno mail nuvuii ML tUU n.... ,.1 ,.. .1 . ...;, IIVU U11I UUUIIlllllUUS 111 UIU HUIUILU Will 1,0 llC,Ulel from tl.O WOSt '""1 west provided tho upper house gone rep'uhllcan. Hi the house at least twolvo of tho ilfteen most Im portant committees will bo headod by congressmen from west of tho Alle- ghonys. unu in uiu iiiuaL nni'UiiiiiK uiiiiiiKua In the methods of leglslktlon will be Ono of tho most sweeping chang03 tho prompt abolition practice of bill framing In the exocutive departments. S'nco tho democratic administration camo Into powor in 1913, few meas ures have hnd tholr orfj;ln in congress Usually thoy havo been writton by the officials ot tho departments most d'.'Hjctly concerned. Tho procedure has beon to send them to congress, usually in tho vost pocket of Albert uauaiiy III II1U IIUUIVUL Ul iVlUUll S' nurleso"' POstnmBtor general, who .oc. i0 .S?-1"?". i """" " " " "f ?.!.0.. ni.u.r?.8.. 1 V"f JT.?.r V... .V."n , IfUOIl IUI1IIIIIIY Jllll (HUICUII lUUlllll- spokesmen and referred to Mnninilllnna wlmrn Uinv hnvn iitulnr. . " " iV, . ,i"'," ,T gone llttlo. df any important revision. Sheriffs Sale. Uv virtue of nn order of sale Issued ! frqm the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decroo of foreclosure rendorod In said Court I whoroln. Mutual Building and Loan Association is plaintiff, and Cora Suit, 'ot, nl.. Is defendant, and to me directed 1 1 will on tho lfith day ot November, 1 1918, .at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east fr9it door ot tho Court Houso In North ri'atto,, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at rublic Auction to tho highest bid dor for cubIi, to Batlsfy ald docree, uitorest and costs, the following dos crlhod proporty to-wlt: Tiots flvo and six (5 nnd G) block olghty-olght (83) in tho original town ot North Platte, Lincoln County, No braska. Dated North Platto, Neb., October II tli, 11)18. A. J. SALISBURY, Shorlff. 015-li. . For state sonator W. V. Hbagland received a. majority of 548 In Dawson county and 297 in Kolth county. For 1 dost representative T. L. Carroll received 36R moro vote in Dawson county than dhl HJgglns, and 242 I more In Keith county, uom noog land and Carroll had n walk-awuy notwithstanding the broad cast dls trlbutlon of campaign circulars b their opponents. Charter No. 49fi. lterve Dlst. No. l Hport of the condition of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK at North Platte, In the state of Nebra kH, at the cloee of liuslnens on Novem ber lt, 1918. RESOUItCEJB Loans and 11- counti J6K1.IS9.1C Notes nnd lilll r- 1 iliHcounted (other , v than lmnk sceupt- -, aiiceh nolil) j) Item B7A) S.lJl.SO C72.I17.26 OvrdrsftH se cured anil uunec- ureil 1,085.1." I . ,s. ImiiiiU (ulliiy llimi I.llicrtr IIiiikIm.) IT. S. honds do poRlted to HU euro circulation (par value) .. .$100,000.00 IT. a., bonds anil certWcateH of Indebte d n o b h pledgeil to so eufo L'. S. de- posits (pur val- , ue) 61,000.00 lGl.t300.00 Liberty Loan HomlH. 3H, ,i nnu 1 Vi por cent, un- pledKed 10,000.00 Liberty loan bonds, 3 i. and 1W. nor cent nloda- cil to secure postal savings denoHltH b.uuu.uu Payments nctiinlly tniuo on ijineriy 4 V por cent bonds of tlio Fourth Lib erty Louh owned 144.800.00 159,800.00 IIiiiiiIh, NccurltleN, rte.i uonfls otnor tnan U. S. bonds pledKed to 'se cure postal sav- ' Inns donoslts ... 3.000.00 Securities othor than U.S. bonds (not Including stocks) own ed unnledued ... 38.306.39 Total bonds, se- HiiCUrltloH, etc.. other than U. S. 41.306.39 Stock of Feder al II o s u r v t) Dank (B0 per nnfit nf Mllll scrlptlon) 4.500.00 value of bank ing house ... 09,000.00 rviitlrv It, tirinlr Iiik house ..... . 59,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 4,935.50 ileal esyuo own-. banklnc house '. 750.00 Lawful reserve with Federal ItuHorvc bank. .. 52,210.35 Cash In vault and not amount duo from na tional banks ... 110,3,17.20 Net amounts' duo from banks and bankers, and trust compan ies other than included , In . Items 13. 14 or 15 1,97.4.81 Checks on other banks In the same city or town as report? Jntf bank (oth er than Item 17) 4,332.52 ttodemptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer and duo from u, 8. Treasurer .... 5,00000 173,834.88 Total .$1,269,626.18 LIAUILITIES paid In U00.000.00 Surplus fund . . 60,000.00 Undivided prortts . 27,159.33 Less current oxponsos, lutnrest. and taxes paid 12,771.46 14,387.87 Circulating notes outBtandlnar . . - 100,000.00 Net amounts due to banks, bank ers, and trust companies (other than In cluded In 31 or 32) fll.439.70 Individual de i. posits subject to check 579.137.77 Cortlllcatos of deposit duo In less than ' 30 dayH (othor than for mon ey borrowed . . . 34.593.10 Cashiers checks - outstanding .... 5.192.50 Time deposits subjoct to ro sorvo (payable nfter 30 days, or subject to 30 V days or more notlco, and' nostal savlnus: Certlllcatosi of deposit (other than for mon ey borrowed . . 250.069. C5 Postal unvlnirs duiioHlts 5.879.33 Other tlmo de posits 22.509.92 United States do- posit (othor than nostal savtnirs) War loan deposit nccouni 4u.&ou.uo War savInKs de posit cortlllcate and thrift stamp deposit account- 1.91C 34 Othor United States deposits Including de posits of U. H. iltsburslui; officers 1.000.00 Cash leters of Credits and Trav elers.' checks ouiitandlng .. 1,000.00 1,005,238,31 Total l, 200,626,18 i.iauiiiiieq ior ro illacounta, Including tlione with Ftuleral Ht'Horvo bank (hoc Itnm Id) 8,321,90 siiuo or iNonraHiui. county oi Lincoln sa. I. R I.. Moormy. Cnahlor of the nbovo- namod bunk, do aolomnly awour that tho abov Btntoincfnt la truo to the beat ot my unowioiittn nnd lienor. P. Ia. MOONEY. Caahler. RuliHorlboil nml Bworn to before ine, .1.1.. ri . 1 . . . . . .. & . . . . . .i . . . ' Linn viii iiuy tit iuvoiniiur, uiit. H. It. OOODMAN, Notary Public, v. orrcct Attest: R, P. SREHEItOP.n. HAY C. IjANQFOHu, JOHN J. IIAI.I.IOAN. Dlreotora Nolko-ot Final ltonort. Estuto No. 15C5 ot Caroline Tolltz uocoaued In tho County Court ot Lln coin County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nebraska, to all por BotiB Interested in solid Estnto tako nottco that tho exocutor hna filed a fin al account and report ot his adminis tration and a petition for final sottlo niont and dlschargo as such, which havo been sot for hearing beforo said court on Dec. 0, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. in., whon you may npponr and contost tho samo. Dated Nov. 5th. 1918. WM. II. C. WOODIIUHST, N12-20 County Judgo EAT! Drive Away the Chill With a Gas Room Heater North Platte Light & Power Co DJl. TWINEJf HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the cientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: . Geo. B. Dent M: D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedfielilO. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Bit. W. I. SHAFFEIl Osteopathic Physician E. of C. Building NOltTII PLATTE, NEBIt. Associated With Dr. Drost. NOTICE! Wiy not wrlto your flro and cyclono insurance itiiii ft rename company who Invest tholr premiums In LIbcrtr Bonds and pivo our county tho credit. ece us for form nnd automobile rates NEBUASKA REAL ESTATE CO. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North PlafTte, - - NebraaK. Knights of Cokimbus Building. GEO. B. BENT, riisylcinn nnd Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan IJulldlng Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115 W. E. FLYNN ATTOKN'EY.AT.LAir Office over McDonald Bunk. Offlco Phono llilO Res. Phono 1120 DOCTOR B. T. QUiGLEI Practice Limited to Surgery nnd Jludluni Therapy 7S3 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. Notice lo Creditors. Estnto No. 1577 of Hattlo K. An druss, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. Tho Stnto of Nebraska, s.s. Cred ltnrs of said ostatn will tako notice H that the lima umuou ior presentation rue oiato 01 iNuuruanu, 10 uii jici nnd nlingof claims against said os-, sons interested In said Estate tako no- tato Is Fobruary as, liuu, nnu ior sot tlomnnt of said estate is Octobor 19, mm. Hint I will sit at tho county court room In nld comity on Novembor 22, inis nt n rrnincK a. m.. nnu on ruu rinipv 9" 1919. nt 9 o'clock a. m. to rocolvo. oxnmno, henr, allow, or nd Just all claims ami ODjocuons amy llimi. Wm. If. C. WOODHUKST. 022-4 County Juugo. Phone 30$ ALIJEHT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 B'elton Building North Platte, Nebraska, Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black -633 -Y. T. miTCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian' Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. Big Price tor Furs I will commence buying . muskrals November first. All furs rvlll bo a hg price this fall nnd ivlnter. L. LIPSHITZ L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best reference Pm always duted ahead Phono nt my expense for dates OGALALLA, NEBKASKA IX THE COUNTY COUKT OF LIN COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil- Hiam R. Borders, Deceased, NOTICE. To tho Creditors, Heirs and All Porsons Interested in said Estate. Notica Is hereby given that John D. W". Lincoln filed his application in this Court on the 1st day of Nftvem bor, 1918, to secure a determination of the time of the death of William It. Borders, deceased, and of ills heirs, degree of kinship and tho right ot descent of tho real property belong ing to said deceased, to-wit: All ot Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Block Thirteen (13), Lots Five (5) and Si'x (6) of Block Fourteen nnd Lots Five (5), Six (G), Soven (7) and Eight (8) of Block Fifteen (15), of Peale's Re-Plat of Blocks Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska and tn har all clnlims and demands ncralnst said state wliether due or to become due, actual or contingent; tfio said petition alleging that the said William u. Borders, deceased, tte- parted this life Intestate on March 9, 1914, being at tho time of his deatn, a resident of Sparta, Randolph Coun ty Illinois and that his mother, Mary A. Borders, inherited the title In fee tn all nf the' nhovo described real property and that tho petitioner here in, John D. w. Lincoln, has acquir ed the title In fee to all of said real oronerty by a direct deed of convey ance thoreor from tno neirs or sam William R. Borders, deceased That the said application will be hoard before the County Court In the Courthouse in tho City of North Platte County of Lincoln and State ot Ne braska, on th 2nd day of December, IDiS, nt 9 o'clock a. In., at which time any person Interested may appear and show cause why tno prayer or saiu petition should not be granted. WM. H. C. WOOUHUKBT, N12-N29 County Judgo Jteforeo Snle. Notice . Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order ot W. C. Dorsoy, Judgo of the District Court of Phelptf County, Nebraska, made on the first day of October, 1918, in an action pending in saiu court, wnerem' tienry Swodoll, et al. are plaintiffs and Nora Wilson, et al. are defendants, direct Ing tho sale of the real estate here- Jnaftor described, I will sell at the fmnt door of tho court house in North Platto. Lincoln County. Nebraska, at I io oclock a. m. on thb 30th day of November, 1918, at public salo for cash to tho highest bidder, the follow ing doscrlbed real estate, to-wlt: All that portion of the south half (S) of section twenty-six (26) In township fourteen (14), In Lincoln County, Neb. which lies south oftho right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad, and also the northwest (NW14) Quarter of section thirty-flvo (35), In township fourteen (14), an north, In range thirty-one (31), west of the 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska; said land to bo sold separately and said salo to bo hold open for one hour. Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1918 0285w G. NORBERG, Referee "NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 06150 Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Offlco at North Platto, Nobr., Oct. 23, 1918. Notiaa is hereby given that Jose phine Hood, of North Platto, Nebr., who. on Seut. s, iui4, mauo Home stead entry. No. 06150, for SEV1, Sec tion 22. Township 10, N., Range 30 w- 6th Principal Meridian, has filed IlOllco Ot liuunuuu 10 uume iuu iiiiuu i'car Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, boforo tho Reg ister and Recolvor, at North Platte, Nebr.. on tho 29th day of Nov. 1918 Claimant names as wlttnesses: Ed Harmar, Frnnk Parks, Ida Johnson and Charles L,ucas, an or rsortn Platto, Nobr. 0?5-5w E. J. EAMES. Register. Nolico of Final Report Estato No. 15G4, ot Thomas A. SImants. deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nohrnska. - tico mat mo tuxecutrix hub juuu a unui account and report of his ndmlnlstra tlon and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which has been - sot tor nearinc noioro bimu uuuh uii November 22. 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m., - when you may appear and contest, tho same. uatea uct. -o, imo WM. li. U. WUUUMUHbl' 029-3wks. county juago. COL ED KIERIG, i Auctioneer. i ' General Fnrm Sales n Specialty. Itcfcrcnces ami Dates at First Xntlonul Hank, North Platte, Ncbr. Phone 1000. LEGAL NOTICE". -lorell Keith Neville, Plaintiff vs David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, and the heirs, devisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and against, an porsons Interested In the estate ot David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, do coasod. and against tho unknown owners nnd claimants of tho following described land situato in Lincoln County. Nebraska. Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter and Lots2, 3 and 4 of Section 1, Township 13, Rango 30.: East Half of Northeast Quartor and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 35, Township 14, Rango 30. Tho un known heirs, devisees, or legatoesi of Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown heirs, devisees or legatees or Frank M. Wiley, deceased, and against tho unknown owners or claimants ot the following described laud situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1 atnT of Section 4, Township 13, Range 30. George A. Hoagland, his heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and unknown claimants of tho following described land situated in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half ot Southeast Quartor, South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 13, Range 29. Defendants. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION. To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and the heirs, devisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and all porsons Interested In the estate of David Cash, deceased and Ellen L. Cash, deceased, and tho unknown ovners and un known claimants of tho following des cribed land situato in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE& of NE&) and Lots Two (2), Threo (3) and Four (4) of Section One (1) Township Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty (30) and tho East Half of Northeast Quarter (E of NE4) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Threo (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14), N. of Range Thirty (30), Wast Gth P. M. defendants. You and each or you will tako notice. that Moroll Keith Neville has com menced an action in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you in tho following. described lands situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE of NEVi) and Lots Two (2), Threo (3) and Four (4) of Section One (1), Township Thirteen (13), Range Thir ty (30), West Gth P. M. and East Half of Northeast Quarter (E of NE&) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Threo (3) of Section Thirty-Jive. (35), Township Fourteen (14) Range Thir ty (30), West 6th P. M. and to havo decreed to him now and independent tltlo by reason of adverse possession of said described premises against you by himself and his grantors, SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION. To Abram Wiley, Cynthia Wiley, Frank M. Wiley and tho hoir3, idevi soes, legatees and personal represen tatives and all persons interested in tho estate of Abram Wiley, deceased, Cynthia T. Wiley deoeased and Frank M. Wiley, deoeased, and tho unknown owners and the unknown claimants of tho following described lands sit uate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to wit: South Half of Northeast Quar ter (S of NE14) and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4) in Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West of the Gth P.M. defen dants. You and each of you will take notice that Morell Keith Neville has commenced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, agianst you and each ot you, the ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you In the following des cribed lands situato in Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, to-wit: South Half of Northeast Quartor (SYt of NEVi) and Lots One (1) and Two (2) ot Section Four (4), Township Thirteen (13) Rango Thirty (30). West of the Gth M. and to havo decreed in 'him now and independent title by reason or adverse possession of said describ ed lands against you by himself and his grantors. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION. To George A. Hoagland and tho heirs, devisees, legatoos and personal representatives and all persons in terested in tho estato of Goorgo A. Hoagland, deceased, and the unknown owners and unknown claimants of tho following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Nobraska to-wit: South Half of Southeast Quarter (S14 of SEVi) and South Halt ot Southwest Quarter (S of SWA) of Section Twolve (12), Township Thirteen (13), Jtango Twonty-nmo (2D), west ot the Gth P. M. defendants. You and each of you will take notice that Moroll Keith Novlllo has com menced an action In tho District Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition Is to quiet tltlo In plaintiff against you nnd each of you In the following de scribed lands situato in Lincoln Coun tf, Nobraska, to-wlt: S6uth Half of Southeast Quarter (S of SEU) and South Halt of Southwest Quarter (S of SW'K) of Section Twelve (12), Township Thlrtcon (13). Rango Twen-ty-nlno (29), west of tho Gth P. M. and to havo decrcod In him now and Independent tltlo by reason of ad vorso possession of said djescribod promisos against you by himself and his grantors. You nnd oach of you will mako answer horeln on or beforo the 9th day of December, 1918, or your do faults will bo. taken nnd Judgment takon and entered against you ns In said petition prayed. MORELL KEITH NEVILLE, uaz-DWKs Plaintiff