Good Presents For Soldiers Clinton's has 'given special attention to secnrlng'practJcnl oftlclcs for sol. dlcrs whlclivlll make the liest ClirSI mns (?lfts you can send to them. Wo liaro been particular about 'llife qual ity. It Is llio kind that will g5ro good service These things arc not to large or too hcaryto pnt In tho of flclal container for men In Franco. Facknges for men In Franco must ho in Hoboken, . 3. not later than November 20th. Military "Watches . Cigarette Cases Fountain Fens Erersharp FcnoJls Shnttlng Sets Trench Mirrors Money Holts Itlll Hooks Lodge Emblem Rings Military flings On account of tho celebartlon, tlie opening of tho united war work cam paign to havo started yesterday morn ing, was postponed until today. At nino o'clock this forenoon tho ' city solictors' began thoir work, as did also tho railroad employes' solicitors, and boforo Saturday evening It Is hoped to report that North Platto has gone handsomely "over the top" on Its quota. Tho work Is reported to bo prog ressing nicely In tho school districts. Up to yestorday noon three districts had reported and each onb had gono over tho top. County Chairman Wolngand desires to Impress upon tho people that tho the armlstlco has been signed, firing ceased, and tho end of tho war has practically come, that tho need of funds forwar work nctlvltlos has not In the least been lessened. C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician At the Sign of the Big Ring CITr WAtt 1V0P.K CAMPAIGN POSTPONED TJNTTfj TODAY. -: :o: :- CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Dank building. Miss Joslo O'Harc, who has boon 111 for two weeks, Is convalescing Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Bioro. tr Floyd W. Daniel-ww inducted Into Cotnor university yesterday in the S. A. T. C. For Salt Cook stovo and wash' Ing machine. Inquiro at 412 oast Gth. Mrs. William Burko returned Sun day from a visit with hor husband, who is in an eastorn camp. (let a Winter top for you Ford at Jienuy a; ugier aiho to. John Norria, returned Saturday from Lincoln and has nccoptcd a clerk sliOp in tho Union Pacific round-house. Word comes from Harry Bcecl that ho arrived at Ft. Itiley and has taken, up his duties In tho medical corps. House and two lots for salo nt 322 west 10th. Inquiro at tho premises. $3$ Merle Day resigned her posl tlou'iit tho Goldon Rulo last weoksand has gono to Omaha to accept employ ment. For Farm Loans seo Gene Crooit, Room wost of Vienna Cato. Miss Julia Hayes,, of Rockfcrd, 111., camo-last ovonlng to bo tho guest of hor aunt Mrs. James Hart for Bovoral weoktj. I am buying cream for Boatrlco Creamory Co. Your cream solicited. E. A. Wohlford, 822 No. Locust. 4t Peter Christ, a brother of MIsb Effio Christ or this city, wiio was called to service several months ago, is now stationed In SIbofla. Mrs. J. A. Foster, of Omaha, a for mer resident hero, camo tho latter part of last week to visit hor daughter Mrs, Leonard Redmond. Sister Mary Lowis, of Louisville, Ky., cam tho latter part of last wook to tako charge of the commercial course In St. Patrick's school. For Sale Furniture of a flvo room ' lie sale nouse. inquiro at tins oinco. 2t Tho Election Had Its Effect. Editor at Tribune: Ten days ago thero as much smid in the public pross in regard to tho Influence the elecUonNvould havo up on tho war; 1t wa stated generally by tho administration press that a re publican victory would cause Joy in Berlin, and thereby prolong tho war. Tho result of tho election is an over-wholntlngly majority In tho na tional houso of representatives, and a safo majority in tho senate." Tho olectlon evidentally did havo an effect upon tho war. Tho kaiser has isfnce abdjfcated, and tho armlsttlco is signed. In my opinion if wo hnd not hoard so much two or threo years ago about "kooping us out of war" "too pi'oud to fight" "I did not rniso my boy to be a soldier," etc., that tho Lusitanm would nqyer havo boon sunk, and not an American soldier would havo cros sed the sea. W. T. WILCOX.' : :o: I1I11 Flees to Holland. Tho arrival of William Hohonzollorn tho former German omporor, with his wifo and oldest son, has caused ex citement and much uneasiness among Dutch authorities and tho public of that country, says a Rotterdam dis patch, It Is unofficially stated that tho rofugees did not obtain authoriz ation from Holland to entor tho coun try and crossd tho frontier in tho neighborhood of Eyadcn becam'so tho Dutch neutrality guards wero weak at that point'.' It is said that tho Dutch government facos difficulty as to its treatment of tho unwolcomo guests. Many people contend that William Hohonzollorn and his oldest son aro still' Gormnn soldiors and must bo in- torned.j Others urge that they should' bosont back to Germany. Othors ar gue that thoy cannot bo prevented Yluitlng their old friend, Count von ! Bontlnck. Mrs. Vosclpku Passes Away. Mrs. Mary Vosoipka, past sovonty- two years of age, died about noon Sun day of dropsy, with which she had .been afflicted for about a year. The fttnoral will bo held nt tho residence tills aftornoon at two o'clock, tho sorvlco to bo conducted by Rev. KocX of tho Lutlioran church. Boroft aro a husband, sons GeorRO, Will, John and Emll and daughter Valasta, -::o: Notice to Public. The firm of T. B. Buskirk & Noblo havo dissolved partnership, Mr. Noblo continuing tho business. : :o: : Ray Wuigford loft this mornlnc for a ranch, north of Sutherland whoro i i -1 i. i i t . u nui yiutiHiu un uiurit III 11 OIK IUU- orcattle. Miss Margaret Garrlty who was a', IT 1,10 T, U mK WIUcn resident of this city several years, hnd bn tftuipondca for several weeks aeo. .haa return.! tn.mnv w on account of shortngo of help was liwme. Rt.n .i.i. f Mti.i n- resumed yestorday. borne, Sho is a sister of Mf.chnel Gar Hty. 9 ' Leger Adams is supposed to havo sailed for overseas duty a week ago. Will Rltner, at Camp Morrltt, wroto a few days ago that his company was ready to sail, but whethor thoy havo embarked lis not definitely known. Archlo Hawloy, J. B. Spock, of District 93, was tho third chairman to roport ovor tho top In tho United War Work camimJcn. Ho sent In a chock to County Chair man Wolngand yestorday for $137. Mr. -and Mrs. S. I. Jeter, of Omaha, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jo- young f armor 'tor' H"- Jctor waa wlth tho brll,B .nnd itirwi oo .,, iftf, , , . ,, miliums aoparunont or tho Union Pa- wlthfa. continent of Ltncolfi ennntv c,nc for orty ". retiring from hoysffor Camp Funston, was shot , Borv,Co ,n 1914 ' thru jjboth. kneca recently whllo In ac-1 A man past eighty years of ago, uon In Franco. IFis twin brothor, . who had boon .taken from a train, dlod Arthur Hawloy, who was sent to camp with him was rejected a short time a tlmo ago on account of physicial dis ability. at tho'Pulvor hospital Saturday night. Nothing could bo found on tho body that identified Ulm, neither his namo or homo address. Tho body Is bolnji CcvTnty Sunt. Gantt rocBlvwl , hoUl for lnformoUon as may following tolegram yestorday from.turn up i-auj it. wciteo, state executive of City Physician Dent etatcd tlu's tne victory campaign. "Pass word momlnir that flu r.nniiiilniiit n dm niiv immediately to all local loaders that showed material Improvement In tho uirr responsiDinty ror wolfaro work.numbor of cases. Sovoral of tho nros- ilncreaso with peaco.. Dr.S Mott's jOnt patients are, howovor tn a very message to you 1b: lio morrow of sorlous condition .Dr. rnnt Hnt,i Tlctory is moro dangorous than its that from what ho could learn of tho I i . . . . uyu. nrry on way ovor tho top. With county outside of the city, Uio condl- Ihn Imnf nt InoV ai ... v . . v, .Uv., iiuna imu grown somownat worse. MILLINERY SALE Ladies9 Hats $3.48, $4.98, $7.48 We are placing on sale all of our stock of Ladies' Trimmed IJats. We have divided them into three lots $3.48, $4.98, $7.48 This is your chance to get your Winter Hat atjja surprisingly lov price. Come now while the assortment isj'good. Wilcox Department Store. . Jlcd Cross Election. Tho annual election of directors, of Lincoln County Chapter Red Cross, will bo held at Chapter headquarters hi the Federal building on November 20th between tho hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. at which time fifteen di rectors will bo elected. Tho fifteen directors elected, together with, the ten branch chairmen will meet at Chapter Headquarters at 8 o'clock p. m. on the some date for tho purpose of electing officers from their own number and an oxecutf.vo committee as provided by the by-laws. Tho nominating committtee has placed I tho following thirty members for your I consideration: 'Mrs. F, W. Rincker Mrs. W. H. McDonald J. J. Halllgan Mrs. E. S. Davis W. R. Moloney W P. Snyder E. J. Vanderhoof W J. O'Connor Mrs. P. A. Norton W. E. Starr M. E. Scott John McGraw Mrs. Charles Boguo Mrs. Gdo. B. Dent Mrs. P. J. Barron Mrs. R. F. Cotteroll I. It. Baro A. P. Kelly L. C. Carroll A. W. Shilling Mrs. B. B. Field Mrs. J. S. Slmms J. Q. Wilcox . E. F. Seoberger Miss Annie Kramph Mrs. Geo. Prossor A. F. Streltz Harry Dixon M. J. Forbes I Wilson Tout if ::o::- Albert Muldoon was down from Oglalla Saturday and sold his resi dence whllo here. Mr. Muldoon says he made tho sale through a six-lino local Inserted in Tho Tribune Hi BUCHANAN & PATTERSON'S BARGAIN LIST IK Hi m A nice new bungalow on east Fifth street $3,500.00 Good 8 room dwelling house, close in on W. 5th street. Full modern. Cheap at $4,000.00 Good 6-room dwelling on North Side $2,250.00 Easy terms on any of these bargains. ' ''''' Gee! I wish there was something I could do!" .1 WHEN you think of what the boys "over there" are doing to help the great cause of freedom, wouldn't you just give anything to be there and help them? Wouldn't you fairly jump at the chance to do anything in the world to back up , the men that are fighting? You can't be there yet, of course, but there is a place for a boy who wants to help our country, a place where he can show the stuff he is made of as well as he could over in France. There is a new opportunity for boys who want to do their share to ward winning the war. It is called the Victory Boys. Its motto is, "A million boys beliinc! a million fighters." The organizations for which the Victory Boys are working provide the soldier with his movie theatre, his church, his club, his store where he buys the little everyday things feed him: when he is tired, they ' comfort him. When you enroll with the Vc tory Boys, you pledge yourself to go out and earn money for this great work that the soldier needs so much. Ask your neighbors for odd jobs. Tell them of the great cause you are working for. If you can pledge yourself to earn $20, remember that for five months you are taking care of one soldier your soldier. Wear the Victory Boys button it is a badge of honor. It means, that you are doing everything in your power to help your country