(The THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 12, 1918. No. 87 Make the Kaiser exceed the speed limit on the read back to Berlin. Our boys will do it, if you keep them cheered up through the U. W. W. C Within 10 3IJles of Metz. As tho last hours or the mighty com bat drew near, French, Belgian and American forces were rapidly) push ing the last German troops frftm Franco and Belgium. General Per shing's men attacked Sunday over a front of seventy-one miles from the Mouse southeastward Into Lorrlane. This drive, probably the last to bo re corded In the war, gained an average of two or three miles and approached within ten miles of the fortress of Metz. , V'4 ::o:- Hard-working men and women are as liable to kidney, liver and bowel disorders a3 any others. Prickly Ash Bitters is tho worker's friend, be cause It keeps these organs In sound vigorous condition. Price $1.25 per bottle. GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO. Not Seeing Well is Econmic Waste If It is hard for you'to'sce clearly, or If yon Itnvc headaches, nervousness, or other distress caused by eye strain, you can't do your -work as well as yon ought to. A pair of properly fitted glasses will increaso your earning power, and also make you feel much belter. Conio In and hare a talk wtyh out op-1 tometrist. Lot lilm explain In just how glasses work. I C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician At the Sign of the Big Ring MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS HAPPIR Cigars Pipes Razors Trench Mirrors Military Sets Fit Alls Comfort Kits Toilet' Sets Photo Cases Khaki Goods A Complete Line of Useful and Acceptable Gilt! THE REXALL STORE The Drug Store that is UP TO THE MINUTE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. PAUL MANTIS OF 1IKNS1IEY KILLED IS ACTIOS OVNNSKAS. D. E. Martin, farmer and stockman living north of Hershey, was Ih town last evening and stated that he had rpctlvnd word from Waelifngton Sat urday that his son Paul R. Martin had been killed in action October Gth. Paul, who was but eighteen years of ago, became a member of Company E of this city when first organized two years ago, and served on tho Mexican border. Going with the com pany to Camp Cody, ho remained there until last Maywhen ho was sent overseas . , Memorial service for the dead sol dier boy will be held at tho Methodist church at Hershey at two o'clock next Sunday afternoon. It will be a mill try funeral, and the North Platto Homo Guards have accepted an invit ation to Join With the Hershey Homo Guards in payln military honors. ::o: : Getty Buys Mnldoon House. H. N. Getty purchased the Albert Muldoon residence on west Fifth street Saturday, paying $7,500, which is certainly a reasonable price. Pos session will be given the first of next month. CITY AjND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Guy Popejoy 'and baby left yes terday for a two weeks' visit with relatives 'n Waterloo, la. Judge Grimes went to Lexington this r-ioming whs:c he will hold a terin of district court this week. Clyde Trifle returned yesterday morning from Omaha where he trail sacted pusinois ? - day "or two. Fred Elliott left tills morning for Toledo, Ohio, where he was called bj- the rerious Illness of a brother. Mr3. Harry Dixon, who was called to Omaha o couple of weeks ago by the serious illness of her son-in-law, Dr. Conlin, returned home yesterday morning. -Mrs. Tpun. Snlishnrv left vostordav for-'Aurorar Neb!, where she "will spend tho winter with relatives. She was accompanied as far as Grand lahiiul by her s-.n Arthur Salisbury.' H. H. Newman, county federal di rector has received a telegram from the State Federal Director to go ahead with the registration of boys, as the present development has no effect on this organization. No one pays higher prices for cream than I do. E. A. WOHLFORD, Agt. B. C. Co. 80-4 Mrs. A. B. Hoagland and children are expected today or tomorrow from Rochester, Minn. Mrs'. Hoagland went there expecting to have treat ment for approaching deafness, but after examination at the Mayo hos pital the expert announced that he could hold out no encouragement for nor. For Sale young calf. Inquire 321 South Dewey. SOLDIER BOY! "Over There" Send your gifts in time to reach him by Christmas. It is not too early now. It takes weeks and weeks for mail to cross the ocean and reach your boy at the front. To make sure that lie receives your remembrances in good condition, we will be glad to pack them for you FREE OF CIIARCE. WOULD SOW AT PKACE. Death Deallntr (Jims on Entire llattle Front Silenced ut Six O'clock, . Washington time, Ycstor,dii)". The groatost war In history ended Monday morning at C o'clock, Wash ington time, after 1,576 days of hor-; hor, during which virtually the whole civilized world has been convulsed. Announcement of tho troniondpus ovont was made at tho stato depart ment at the capital at 2:45 o'oloak Monday morning, and in a few sec onds was Hashed thruout tlio conti-, nent by tho Associated Press. The torso anouncement of the stato department did not toll anything of the scene at Marshal Foch's head quarters at tho time the armistice was signed. It was stated, however,, that at 6 o clock, Paris time, the sig natures of Germany's dolegates woro fixed to thO document which blasted forovor tho dreams which embroiled the world In a struggle which has cost, at tho very lowest estimate, 10, 000.000 lives. Following in bi'ief aro tho tonus of the. armistice as announced by Prudent Wilson Monday afternoon in an address to congress: - German nn.iles to evacuate France, Belgium. Alsace-Lorraine nriU Lux emburg vi h!i. fourteen days. Gorman armies nitiit evacuate left bank of Rhine, that territory to bo administered by allies. In connection with the evacuation of the left bank of tho Rhine fit is pro vided that the allies shall hold the crossings of the river at Coblenz; Cologne and Mayenco, together with bridgeheads In a thirty-kilometer radius. Tho slight bank of tho Rhlnelahd, that occupied by the allies, is to be come neutral zone and the bank held by the Germans is to bo evacuated in nlnteon days. Tho armistice is for thirty days, but tho president spoke of the war as "coming to an end." Germany must surrender 160 sub marines, 50 destroers, six battle cruisers, ten battleships, eighC light cruisers and other, nilscella'neous ships. i Among the financial terms aro restitution for damage done by the German armies; restitution o tho cash taken from the national bank of Belgium and return of gold taken from Russia -and Rumania. The military terms include tho sur render of 5.000 guns, half field and half light artillery; 30,000 machine guns; 3.000 flume throwers and 2,000 aeroplanes. The surrender of 5,000 locomotives, 50,000 wagons, 10,000 motor lorries, the railways of Alsace-Lorraine for use by the allies and stores of coal and iron also aro included. German troops aro to retire at once from any teritory held by Russia, Ru mania and Turkey before tho war. Allied forces aro to have access to tho evacuated territory either thru Dnntzig or by the river Vistula. The unconditional capitulation of all Ger t forces in East Africa within ono month is provided. Russian and Rumanian treaties aro abrogated. Armlstlco lasts thirty days with privilege of renewal. Germany must surrender all sup plies of war. All allied vessels in German hands must bo surrendered. Germany must notify neutrals that they aro freo to trade on tho seas (with allied countrits. Tho immediate repatriation of all allied and American prisoners with out reciprocal action by the allies also Is Included. : :o: : . V. S. Hoys' Working Reserve Corps. All boys who havo attained tho age of fifteen years and sovon months and up to eighteen years who havo not registered for selective military ser vice must reglstor Thursday, Nov. 14th, between tho hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Place of registration county agricultural agent's office, basoment Building & Loan BIdg. II. H. NEWMAN. County Fodoral Director. -: :o: : For Rontr Furnished room in modern houso. Inqulro 417 oast Fifth. Tho canvassing board l!as not yet completed tho canvass of tho vote ,cast Tuesday of last wook, tho delay j being duo to 'tho non-arrival of a certificate from Lincoln of the Lin coln county soldier voto. Only forty iflvo Lincoln county soldlors voted. I Mr. and Mrs. Porcy O'Brien loft foB tho oast Sunday, tho formor going to Excelsior Springs for a two weeks stay and tho lattor to visit rolativos in Independence, Kan. Will you pay his dues to his club "over there"? They're LOCAL AND PERSONAL Theo. Broeso went to Oninha Sun day to visit his wife, who is in a sanitarium in that city. For qnlck action and satisfactory talb list your land with Thoclccke. tf Miss Florenco Stamp and Carl Bon ner went to I'lattsmouth Saturday to attond tho funeral of the lato Chas. Bailor. Good barn for sale, 24x24, 16-foot posts; good haymow. Inqulro at 709 south Pine. - 86-4 Misses Lucillo Wilcox and Nanlno Iddings loft yesterday for Lincoln to visit friends for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Quay, of Sta pleton, camo over Saturday ovonlng and spent Sundayvwlth Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moroy. Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and Swedish Massages ladles and gentle men. Phono 897. Erodbock bldg. 85U L. L. Walkor and daughter Mrs. Lass and chlldron leave this week for Kansas City, whero they will probably make their homo. A fow exceptional bargains In sec ond hand Fords, llcndy & Offlor Auto Co. :o: The hicher the war fund goes, the deeper the Kaiser's woes. Give to the limit; the boys over there are watching you. DEERYBEMtY & F0M1ES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phono 41 Nlk'ht phono Black 588 boys Mm Pi over mm VlHHUtll J ONE OF TSiE HUTS MAINTAINED THRU THF UNITED WAR WORK CAMPaMGIN Tho Kaiser Abdicates. William Hohonzollorn, Gorman eni peoror and King of Prussia abdicated tho throne Saturday, and his son-in-law, Ernest August, duko of Bruns wick has ronounced his right of suc cession. Prince, MaxmllMsin, the inuVerlal chancollor. will romatn in ofllc'o un til questions connected with tho ab dication of tho emperor are sottlod. For tho regency, Froldrlch Bbort, a socialist and president of tho main committee of tho Rolchstag, will bo chancollor. Thirty yoars and almost flvo months after ho ascended tho Imperial throno William Hohonzollorn, his armies do? feittcd in tho field, forced to silo for rmlstjlco terms and tho Gorman peo ple rising In revolt, gjvos up his Ford Worm Drive Truck Fordson Tractor Plows, Tandem Discs, Drills Packers Repairs for all machinery here described on hand. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co., TRUCK AND TRACTOR AGENCY. 207-211 E. Fourth St., Having Enlisted in Q. M. C. it is necessary that I move my family somewhere in the east. We offer for sale our entire house hold furniture. Call 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. H. G. FLEISHMAN, 307 West 6th 4, teas '.'.tar - i day powor. Ho camo into authority with his country at tho threshold o an ora. of peaco and material progress; and ho loaves it torn by revolution and Buffortng from tho hardships and sacrifices of moro than four years of war virtually ruined. , ::o:: Paris again colobrated in tho truest sonso of that word, all iay Sunday and Sunday night. The city Is a riot of song, color and Joy. Tho protocturo of tho department of tho Solnb announced that "pur suant to Instructions from tho mili tary authorities Paris may bo fully lighted again." Sunday night "gay Paris" was In hor old brilliant gala dross again. :o: Dressmaking. Phono Blnck 1130. 2 North Platte, Nchr.