f JftQmt v 1 1 -JX m A A A.. (Lite THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NOVEMBER 8, 1918. No. 86 mis. ijruCe imowx dies IX THIS CITY LAST NIGHT. Mrs. Bruce Brown, of Brady, a for mer ros'tdent of North Platte, died last everting about Ave o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Skow two hours after giving birth to a child. The child sur vives . Tho parents of Mrs. Brown will ar rive from Hastings tUte forenoon and arrangements for the funeral will 'hen be made. Mr. Brown Is quarantined at Ills home In Brady with Influenza. ;:o:: Revolt Spreads In Germany. Stockholm, Nov. 7. Continuous demonstrations aro taking place tin Berlin, according to the Social Democ kraten. Twenty thousand deserters from tho. army are marching thru the streets of the capital. The eutlro Gorman navy and a great part of Schloswrtg Is In the hands of the revolutionists, according to re ports received in Copenhagen from Kiel and transmitted by tho Exchange Telegraph company. Kiel 1s governed by the marines', soldiers, and workers' council. All the workshops have been occupied by red troops. The street carllnes and rail ways are under the control of the workmon's council. There have boon no disturbances. Stakes at tho imperial wharves at Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven are ex pected to occur Thursday, tho agency advices from Amsterdam add. Tho authorities have ordered the preven tive arrest of sailors under suspicion. : :o: : I am buying cream for Beatrice Creamery Co. Your cream solicited. E. A. Wohlford, 822 No. Locust. 4t .Tunics Hanks Dies. Jan 83 Banks, n ''other of W. T. Banks. Inte of this city, and of Clinton Banks, ofLoxtngton, died last night at a local hospi tal of cancer of tho stom ach, for which ho had boen taking treatmont for sevoral months. The brother at Lexington will arrive today to make funeral arrangomonts. No Suspension of Call. t was generally reported last even ing that the local exemption board had recalved word that tho tho Nov ember call -for men, effective next week, had been suspended. Clerk Allen, of the board, this morning denied the rumor, and stated that no such word had been received. : :o: : Yank Troops Enter Sedan. Sedan, famous in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, has been entered by the American first army. Yesterday Americans entered tho section of the town on the west bank of the Mouse, marking an advanco of more than 34 miles since the offensive began on Sept. 2G. Meanwhile the British, French and American troops elsewhere on the front between tho Scheldt and the , Meuse aro pushing the Germans from the small section of France they still occupy. Important gains are chronic led for the British in the north and tho French In tho center of the ad vancing allied lines which moved for ward six miles Wednesday. : :o: : For quick action Ami satisfactory tale list yonr land with Thoclecbe. tf Clyde Luce, twenty-one years of age dlod Wednesday on a farm five miles west of town of Influenza. The fun ral was held yestrday. cm' AjN'd county news. WASHINGTON KNOWS NOTHING ' Ob' SIGNED ARMISTICE. MAKE YOUR SOLDIR BOY; CHRISTMAS HAPPIER I as S Cigars Pipes Razors . Trench Mirrors Military Sets Fit Alls Comfort Kits Toilet Sets Photo Cases Khaki Goods Send your gifts in time to reach him hy Christmas. . It is not too early now. -Iutakes" weeks and weeks for mail to cross the ocean' and reach your hoy at. the front. To make sure that he receives your remembrances j ii good condition, we will be glacl to 'pack them for you FREE OF CHARGE. A Complete Line of Useful and Acceptable Gift 5 THE REX ALL STORE The Drug Store that is UP TO THE MINUTE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. illi flip 1 1 I Planning on a ' Fall Auction Sale! If yon aro planning on having n farm auction sulo then conio to us us soon as you can and lot's talk over your plnns. Wo will bo glad lo look after tho details of Iho snlo for you. Our ox porlonco and knowledge- In handling negotiable paper In tltfs community slionld be of considerable nld to you. This Is only n small part of the com plete banking scn'lco wo have to of. fer you. Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Mrc Oeo. C. White returned to Sutherland, yesterday nftor n visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawloy. Lost Bundle containing threo shirts flannel, khnkl nndj tfiress. Leave at Walker Music Store for re ward. Late arrivals in millinery of nil up to tho minute styles. Save one to three dollars and buy your hat nt THE LEADER MER. CO. No one pays higher prices for cronm thau I do.' E. A. WOHLFORD, Af?t. B. C. Co. SG-4 Bon P. Sailor, former husband of Mrs. Ora Sailor of this city, who was knewn In North Platte, died ton days, ago at Campbell, Neb. Wo havo a nice assortment of tail ored hats retailing from $G.50 to $12. Special price Saturday $5.00. VILLA WHITTAKER, Block's. Judge Wbodhurst united in mar riage Wednesday J. J. Haydoek and Mario Johnson, both of whom gave Oman as tholr place of residence. In underwear we lit them all men, women and children, at last season's prices. Having anticipated our wants over n year ago enables us to do this. THE LEADER MER. CO. Harry Hemphill was called to Eddy- vlllo last night by the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Robert Carty. Mrs. Hemphill had been with her mother for a month past. Late arrivals in millinery of all up to the minute styles. Save one to three dollars and buy your hat at THE LEADER MER CO. In anticipation of a confirmation of the report that Germany had signed an armistice, tho members of tho band and tho drum corps hold themsolves in readiness last night to wako up tho town. At midnight, however, they concluded not to longer wait. Another lot of women's and misses' best tailored suits anUved this morn ing direct from New York's foremost manufacturer. The entire lot aro show room mcdels and sold to us at a Big Cash Discount. Come select your suit now and save from $7.00 to $15.00. Every suit tlfis season's best at THE LEADER MER. CO. We wish to thank the ladles' society or tno H. of L. E. for tholr Kindness and beautiful flowers during the ill ness or our witp and mother; also the Rev. Father McDaid for his kindness. James Brady and Children. "For Sale young calf. Inquiro 321 South Dewey. Every body that needs blankets and sees ours buys them. Tho reason we ore selling at last season' prices, our Big Cash Purchase of over a year, ago enables us to do this. Get your blan kets bore and save. THE LEADER MER. CO. Saturday, November 9th at two o'clock sharp, I will offer a limited number of our best bats at a reduc tions that will be a saving to the purchaser. The prices aro for one half day only. The values will be exactly as represented in every instnnco. VILLA WHITTAKER, Block's Store, 2 lid Floor. Every body that needs blankets and sees ouri buys them. The reason we aro selling at last season' prices, our Big Cnsh Purchaso of over a year ago enables us to do this. Get your blan kets here and save. THE LEADER MER. CO. For Rent: To reliable parties, a 9 room house all furnished, modern. 3 blocks from Post Offlco. 4 rooms rented out will pay the rent. In quirers leavo address at this office. Another lot of women's and misses' host tailored suits arrtvod this morn ing direct from New York's foremost manufacturer. The entire lot aro show room mcdels and sold to us at a Big rash Discount. Come select your suit now and save from $7.00 to $15.00. Every suit this season's best at THE LEADER MER. CO. : :o: : m t The United Press, one of tho big news agencies of tho country, flashed lover (tlia ontfro country yostontyiy '.ford that tho Gormans had signed tho nrmistico and tho big war was at an ojiu. l'apers receiving Press reports published nhd all over tho country, people went wild with Joy, and celebrated in a wild way. Here in North Plntto similar, word wtns received, but tho nows could not be confirmed through tho Associated Press, and no demonstraU'on was held. '.About midnight last night tho fol lowing bulletin was receive, and this bulletin Is tho latest news re c'JIved In town up to the hour Tho Tribune goes to press: jjVashtngton, Nov. 7th. At 11:30 o(fflock tonight tho state department said verbally, but officially, that It hdo no official notification that "Arm istice had been signed." ::o:: A Late Bulletin. 'An Acartntn(ni) Ttnoa hllllntln ffn rJI V- Itefioat Is n itout. The German retreat on tho Fronch front has been turned into n rout, said a press dispatch from tho field yostcrdy nftornoon. Altho tho Gorman armistice envoy wero reported to havo reached the at LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Geo. B. Dont has been appoint ed city physician to succeed Dr. J. B. Red'iekl. Dr Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug lied lino the wholo western front i,ulu . " tho United was nflumo with bnttlo yctordny. word from Ted Bogue nt Maro this nows, i with the Fronch, British and Amour cd in this city at 10:32 last night says: Althbufeh. emissaries of Germany ii search of an armistlco aro reported to havo started for Franco, thoro Is as yet no official Indication that thoy have reported to headquarters of Gcnrul Foch,, tho man In whose hands libs the absolute power of granting or denying to tho Inst romalning coin bataul of tho entente nllles, tho ces sation of hosltllltlies it so urgently requires. Meanwhile the great battlo which has as Us purposo tho driving of the Germans from French and Belgium sdij, continues from tho Meuso river to Belgium. Everywhere tho Gormans aro giving ground and rnpMdly the vqst sack Is being cleared of enemy forces, 'Sedan, famous as n fortress In tho Franco-Prussian war, and tho back bone of tho Grman retreat from por tions of tho southern battlo field, is now in tho hands of tho American troops, and with its fall vanish all tho dreams of tho Germans boing ablo to fall behind the lino of tho river Moubo and hold a footing on Fronch sdll west of. the Luxemburg border. From the west of tho American sec tor to tho oast of St. Quentln tho French again have driven forward lib orating many additional towns. Seomingly tho days of the enemy's tenure of allied soil In tho west aro numbered. Although not by any means in a rout, ho is steadily falling back alone tho entire Una. In Mlew of tlia gains that hnfe been, 'by tlhloJ T. . -' 1 1 , .-...1. r ruiicn aim iviuuncuiiH uii uiu wuuui orn part of tho battlo line, thoro ap pears to be no defensive lino on which lie can stand, except for delaying ac tion, west of the fortified Rhino. Germany at homo considers tho bat tle last. Republicans Control House. Washington, Nov. 7. With tho con trol of tha house of representatives placed In tho hands of tho Republi cans by a majority of sixteen and probably more, the attontlon of tho country was conlf-red on contests in three .states Mlchffianl Itjaho and Now Mexico which will (ecI(?o whether tho Democrats shall loso con trol of tho senate ns well. : :o: : A combination sain of Poland China bonrs will be held nt tliv Besack barn n this city November 20th . Tho herds represented will be those of C. G. I.andholm & Son. Claus Andorson, B G. Sowles & Son and J. M. Souder. Thirty-six spring and fall nnfmnls will be offered. cons going forward In tho three vital sectors. Important advances by tho Ameri can First nrmy on both sides of tho Meuso woro roported' by Genoral Por shhig. Nolthor difficult ground not two fresh onomy divisions dclayod tho progress on tho east, but west of the river tho Gorman positions woro tnken only nftor blttor struggles. : :o: : Mrs. Miller, of Chnppoll, Is tho guest of her daughter Mrs. Chas. Thornburg. (Jet n Winter Ion for you Ford nt Ilendy & Ogler Auto Co. Ollvor Carroll, Is confined to tho houso by lllnoss,, as Is also Harvey VanDoran. Both aro mployos of tho W. R. Malonoy Co. For Sale Furniture of a tlvo room house. Inqillro nt this offlco. 2t Tralnmon report that at Storllng the Influenza conditions are alarming. Wednesday 100 cases woro roported ruin seven deaths occurred from tho dlseaso that day. For Farm Loans seo Gene Crooit, Room west of Vlonna Cafe. Tho now Motor Inn gnrngo on Sixth street, with Harry Binkloy as mana ger, was formally opened this week. Covering 44x132 feot. woll heated and lighted and convonjlontly arranged. tho Motor Inn takes rank with tho best garages in tho city. ' : :o: : if Kl OVER Keep the pep in the boya who are peppering tho Kaiser. Give to the United Wat Work Campaign. Buy Gifts Now for Fighting Yanks ! Taltltwl Pill fa ii ttit nfPnn Hint Un ta convalofljing from a sovoro attack of tho flu. Four cylindor car for salo cheap. Inquiro at tho Overland Garage. 83 Mrs. Andy Wossburg loft for Ogdon yesterday morning In responso to a tologrm announcing tho serious Ill ness of a grand daughtor. Charley Dixon was ablo to come down yostorday after being confined to tho houso for threo weeks wllth In fluenza and ptomaine poisoning. Hot a Winter top for you Ford nt llendy & Ogler Anto Co. Dr. J. B. Redfleld was given a farewell dtunor at tho homo of Dr. Voorhoos Lucas Wednesday ovOnirig at which covers woro laid for fourteen Governor Keith Nevlllo and Goo. L. Carter arrived from Lincoln Wednes day night and In company vrtlth O. E. Elder loft yesterday for a duck and gooso hunt north of Ognlalla. Harry Binkloy has accoiJtol) Uijb management of tho Sun thcatro dur ing tho absonca of Frank McGovern nt the officers' training school, and will take actlvQ chargo as soon as tho llu ban Is rtMsod. : :o: : L. M. Mc CLARA, Auctioneer. 3fy ono best reference I'm always dated ahead Phono at my expense for dales OGALALLA, NEBRASKA You must havo presents for soldiers in Franco in New York by November 20th. It is best to buy thoso pros- eents now. Clinton has a carefully selected stock of articles for soldiers -things that tho boys want, can uso, and can carry in their packs. Mako your soloctions early for goods to rc placo those sold cannot bo secured in time to Iw sent to Franco Money Holts, Illll Hooks, Fountain Pens, Pencils, ('igurctto Cases, Jfanjciiro Knlve.St Miliary Rings, Military Watches, Snfe(y Razors, French Mirrors, MenlKIcatlon Tags, Emblem It lugs. DERItYBERItY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phono 41 Night phono Itlack 5S8 C. S. CLINTON, Jewelur and Optician At tho Sign of the Big Ring A dollar will care for a soldier for a week. How many soldiers will you make happy next year? They are waiting for your answer to the United War Work Campaign. "Uncle Sam, here's a hun dred and seventy millions. Keep the boys on their toes another year." That's the message youH be sending to your Undo Sammy when you put the United War Work Cam paign over the top. ' -::o::- Monoy to Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to loun on farms nnd ranches. Interest pny little annually with privilege of pay ing part or all at any tlnio. Leans closed promptly. No delay. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. A Word from Chairman Dixon FELLOW CITIZENS- You will be called on to subscribe to the United War Fund Campaign Nov. 11th to 18th. Seven big campaigns in one. Lincoln County's quota is a large one, $20,000.00, and we are asked by the federal government to over sub scribe our allottment 50 per cent, making $30,000.00 to be raised. This means everyone must give liberally. If you have a preference among the organizations to which you desire to subscribe, you may specify go at the time you subscribe and your subscription will be placed in the funds of the organization you may desire. Your hearty support and liberal, pat ronage is urgently requested. The boys are doing their duty, let everyone support them with liberal subscriptions. Very truly yours, HARRY DIXON, Chairman 17th Dist. U. W. F. C. Having Enlisted in Q. ML C it is necessary that I move my family somewhere in the east. We offer for sale our entire house hold furniture. Call 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. H. C. FLEISHMAN, 307 West 6th i