The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 05, 1918, Image 6

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The Forged PaaeeorL
For obvious reasons, I cannot do
crlbe Uio man to whom I applied for
tfe passport nor tho boose In which
ho lived. While, In view of what sub
acueatly happened, I would not 1o
very much concerned If ho got Into
troable for having dealt with me, I
realize that tho hardships ho had en
dured In common with tho other In
habitants of that conquered city may
possibly have distorted his Idea of
right and justice, and I shall not de
liberately bring farther disaster on
him by revealing his Identity.
This man wo will call him Hay
tiger because that la aa unliko his
name as it Is mine was very kind to
wo on that memorable night when I
aroused bun from bla sleep and In a
few words of explanation told him of
ray plight
He Invited me Inside, prepared somo
food for me and, putting on a dress
ing gown, camo and sat by me while I
ate, listening with the greatest inter
est to the short account of my adven-teres.
He could speak English fluently, and
be Interrupted mo several times to ex-
pres bis sympathy for tho sufferings
I had endured.
"O'Brien," bo said, after I had con
eluded my story, "I am going to help
yea. It may tako sovcral days per
haps as long as two weeks but event
ually we will provide the means to en
able yon to get to Holland."
I thanked blm a thousand times and
told htm that I didn't know how
could possibly repay him.
"Don't think of that," ho replied;
"the satisfaction of knowing that
tuiTA aided In placing ono more victim
of the Huns beyond their power to
tutm will more than ropay mo for all
the risk X shall ran In helping you.
You'd better turn In .now, O'Brien, and
la the morning I'll tell you what I plan
ft do."
As I removed my clothes and noticed
that my knees wcro still swollen to
twice their normal bIzo, that my left
ankle was black and bluo from the
wrench I had given it when I Jumped
from the train and that my ribs showed
through my skin, I realized what a lot
I had been through. As a matter of
fact, I could not havo weighed more
than ono hundred and fifty pounds at
that time, whereas I had tipped tho
scales at ono hundred and ninety when
X was with my squadron In France.
I lost no Umo in getting Into bed
and still less in getting to sleep. I
don't know what I dreamed of that
Bight, but I hud plenty of time to go
through tho experiences of my whole
life, 'for when I was aroused by a
knock on the door and Huyllger en
tered in response to my invitation to
enter, he told me that It was nearly
noon I I had slept for almost twelve
I cannot say that tho thought did
not run through my hend that per
haps after all I was living In n fool's
paradise, and that when Huyllger re
appeared it would bo with a couplo of
German soldiers behind htm, but I dis
missed such misgivings summarily, re
alising that I was doing Huyllger an
lajaatlco to let such things enter my
head even for an Instant I had no
rtgat to doubt his sincerity nntt It
would do me no good to entertain such
suspicions. If ho was going to provo
treacherous to me, I was powerless
any way to copo with him.
in a few moments my host reap
peared with a tray containing my
Breakfast. X don't suppose I shall ever
Cerget that meal. It cotiHlstcd of
esu of csffee real coffee, not tho kind
X,faad had at Courtral several slices of
stead, some hot potatoes and a dish
f scrambled eggs.
rery mouthful of that meal tasted
like rmgol-food to me and Huyllger
eat oq the edge of the bed and watched
eae enjoying it at the same time out
(Msg tho plans he had mado for my
I la brief, tho scheme was to conceal
see In a convent until conditions were
rtpe for me to make my way to the
border. In the meanwhile I was to bo
dressed in the garb of a priest, and
whea the time camo for me to leave
&e dty I was to pretend that I was
Spanish sailor, bemuse I could speak
little Spanish, which I had picked
s on the coast To attempt to play
tfce sart of a Belgian would becomo In
ereaslngly difficult, he pointed out, and
would bring Inevltablo dlsuster in tho
event that I was tailed upon to speak.
1 Huyllger sold X would be given suf
dent money to brlbo the German
guards at the Dutch frontier, and ho
'sored me that everything would work
-oat according to schedule,
c Tours Is not the first case, O'Brien,
we hare bundled successfully," he do
aterod. "Only three weeks ago X heard
trotn an ICagllsb merchant who bad
tripe treat Oeraaa detention easap
and camo to mo for assistance and
whom I hnd been able to get through
Uie lines. His messago telling mo of
lilo safe arrival in Rotterdam camo to
mo in an indirect way, of course, but
the fact that tho plans wo had mado
carried through without mishap makes
mo feel that we ought to bo ablo to do
as much for you."
I told nuyllgcr I was ready to follow
his instructions and would do any
thing he suggested.
"I want to rejoin my squadron as
soon as I possibly can," I told him,
"but I rcnllzo that it will tako a ccr
tin length of tlmo for you to mako tho
necessary arrangements, nnd I will be
as patient as I can."
Tho first thing to do, Huyllger told
me, was to prcparo a passport He had
a blank ono and It was a comparatively
simple matter to fill in the spaces, us
ing a genuine passport which Huyllger
possessed as a sample of 'tho hand
writing of tho passport clerk. My oc
cupation was entered as that of a
sailor. My blrthplaco we gavo aa
Spain, and wo put my age at thirty.
As a matter of fact, at that tlmo I
could easily havo passed for thirty
five, but wo figured that with proper
food and a decent placo to sleep at
night, I could soon regain my normal
appearance, nnd tho passport would
have to servo mo, perhaps, for several
weeks to come.
Filling In tho blank spaces on the
passport was, as I havo said, a com
paratively easy matter, but that did
not begin to fill tho bill. Every genu
ine passport bore an ofTlclal rubber
stamp, something llko an elaborate
postmark, and I was at n loss to know
how to get over that difficulty.
Fortunately, however, Huyllgor had
half of a rubber stamp which had evi
dently boon thrown away by tho Ger
mans, and he planned to construct tho
other half out of tho cork from a wlno
bottle, Ho was very skillful with a
penknife, and although ho spoilt a
Bcoro or mora oi corks before ho suc
ceeded in getting anything llko tho
result he wus after, tho finished artlclo
wns far better thnn our most sanguine
expectations. Indeed, after wo hnd
pared It ovor here and there, nnd re
moved whatever Imperfections our re
peated tost disclosed, wo had a stamp
which mado an impression so closely
resembling tho original that without a
magnifying glass, wo woro sure, it
would havo been impossible to tell
that It was u countcvfolt
Uuyltgcr procured a camera and
took a photograph of me to pnsto on
the passport In the plnco provided for
that purposo, nnd wo then had a pass
port which was entirely satisfactory
to both of us and would, we hoped,
provo equally so to our friends tho
It had taken two days to fix up tho
passport. In the meanwhile Huyllgor
Informed mo that ho had changed hla
plans about tho convent and thnt in
stead he would tako mo to an empty
house, whero I could remain in safety
until ho told mo it wns ndvlsablo for
mo to proceed to the frontier.
This was qulto agrceablo to mo, as I
had had ralsglvlugH as to tho kind
of a priest I would mako nnd It seemed
to me to bo safer to remain aloof from
everyone In a deserted house than to
havo to mlnglo with peoplo or como In
contact with them, oven with tho best
of disguises.
Ttwif nlrfYif T nitinntnnntail Tltivllfrnt
to a fashlonahlo section of the city,
where the house in which I was to bo
concealed was located.
This house turned out to bo a four
story structuro of brick, nuyllgcr told
me that it had been occupied by a
wealthy Belgian boforo tbo war, but
since 1014 it had been uninhabited savo
for the occasional habitation of somo
refugee whom nuyllgcr was befriend
ing. Huyllger had a key and let mo In,
but he dill not enter tho house with
me, stating that he would visit mo in
tho morning.
I explored the placo from top to bot
tom as well as I could without lights.
The houso wns elaborately furnished,
but of course, tho dust lax. a quarter
of an Inch thick everywhere. It was n
largo houso, containing somo twenty
rooms. Thoro wcro two rooms in tho
basement four on tho first floor, four
on the second Ave on tho third uud Ave
on the top. In tho days that wero to
come I was to havo plenty of oppor
tunity to familiarize- myself with tho
contents of that houso but at that tlmo
I did not know it and I was curious
enough to want to know Just what tho
houso contained.
Down tu tho basement thcro was q
of choice wine nuyllgcr subsequently
told mo that thero wero 1,800 bottles of
ltl I wns so happy at tho turn my
affairs had taken and in tho rosy pros
pects which I now entertained thnt I
was half inclined to Indulge in u little
celebration then and there. On second
thought, however, I remembered tho
old warning of the folly of shouting
boforo you aro well out of the woods,
and I decided that It would bo just as
well to postpone tho festivities for n
wlille and go to bed Instead.
Tn such an elaborately furnished
house I had naturally conjured up
Ideas of a wonderfully largo bed,
with thick hair mattress, downy
quilts and big soft pillows. Indeed, I
debated for a while which particular
bedroom I should honor with my pros
enco that night Judge of my disap
pointment, therefore, when after vis
iting bedroom after bedroom, I discov
ered thnt thoro wasn't n bed In any
one of them that was in a condition to
sleep in. All tho mattresses had been
removed nnd tho rooms wcro abso
lutely bare of everything in tho way
of wool, Bilk or cotton fabrics. Tho
Germans had apparently swept tho
honsc clean.
There was nothing to do, therefore,
but to mako myself as comfortable as
I could on tho floor, but as I had grown
accustomed by this time to sleeping
under far less comfortable conditions,
I swallowed my disappointment as
cheerfully as I could and lay down
for tho night
In the morning Huyllger appeared
and brought mo somo breakfast, and
after I had eaten it be asked mo what
connections I had in Franco or Eng
land from whom I could obtain
I told him that I bnnked at Cox &
Co., London, and that if ho needed
any money I would do anything I could
to get It for him, although I did not
know Just how such things could bo ar
"Don't worry about that, O'Brien,'
he replied. "We'll And a way of get
ting It all right What I want to know
is how far you are prepared to go to
compensate mo for tho risks I am
rendering you!"
Tho chango In tho man's attitude
stunned me. I could hardly bellevo my
"Of course I Bhall pay you as well ns
I can for what you havo done, Huyll
ger," I replied, trying to conceal as far
as posslblo tbo disappointment hla de
mand had occasioned roe, "but don't
you think that this is hardly the proper
tlmo or occasion to talk of compensa
tion? All I havo on me, as you know,
Is n few hundred francs, nnd thnt, of
course, you aro wclcomo to, and when
I get back, If I ever do, I ehnll not
easily forget that kindness you have
shown me. I am suro you need havo
no concern about my showing my
gratitudo in a substantial way."
"That's all right, O'Brien," he In
slsted, looking at mo In a knowing sort
of way; "you may take care of me
afterwards, and then again yon may
not I'm not satisfied to wait I want
to bo taken caro of now I"
"Well, what do you want me to do?
How much do you expect in the way
of compensation? How can I arrange
to get it to you? I am willing to do
nnythlng that Is reasonable."
"I want pounds," be replied,
nnd ho named a flguro thnt staggered
me. If I had been Lord' Kitchener In
stead of just an ordinary lieutenant
in tho It. F. 0., ho would hardly have
nsked a larger sum. Perhaps ho
thought I was.
"Well, ray dear man," I said smiling
ly, thinking that perhaps ho was Jok
ing, "you don't really mean that, do
"I certainly do, O'Brien, nnd what Is
more," ho threatened, "I intend to get
Outlining the Plans He'Had Made for
My Escape.
every cent I have asked, and you aro
going to help mo get it"
Ho pulled out nn order calling for
tho paymont to htm of the amount ho
had mentioned nnd demanded that
sign It.
I waved it aside.
"Huyllger," I Bald, "you have helped
mo out so far and perhaps you have
tho power to help me further. I appre
ciate what you havo done for me, al
though now. I think. I sco what vour
uugopaniry uui u was ausoiuioiy uarc, .motlvo was, but I certainly don't In
except or uusi anu uirt. a uoor wmcu tend to bo blackmailed and I tell vou-
ovldcntly led to n sub-busciucnt at
tracted my nttentlon uud I thought it
might tu a good Idea to know Just
where it led to In caso It becamo neces
sary for me to elude searchers,
la that cellar I found caso after case
right now thnt I won't stund for It."
"Very well," he said, "It Is Just ns
you say, but before you make up your
mind so obstinately I would advise
you to think it over. I'll bo back this
My first Impulse, after tho man had
left, was to get out of that houso Just
as soon ns I could. I had the passport
he had prepared for me; and I flgured
that even without further help I could
now get to tho border without very
much difficulty, nnd when I got there
I would hnve to use my own ingenuity
to get through.
It wns evident, however, thnt Huy
llger still had an Idea thnt I might
chango my mind with regard to tho
payment ho h'nd demanded, and I de
cided that it would bo foolish to do
anything until he paid mo a second
At tho beginning of my dealings with
Huyllger I had turned over to him
some pictures, papers, and other things
that I had on mo when I entered his
house, including my Identification disk,
and I was rather nfrald that he might
rcfuso to return them to me.
All day long I remained in the house
without a partlclo of food other than
tho breakfast Huyllger had brought to
inc. From tho windows I could sco
plenty to Interest mo and help pass tho
tlmo away, but of my experiences
whllo In that house I shall tell In de
tail later on, confining my attention
now to a narrative of my dealing with
That night ho appeared as ho had
Well, O'Brien," he asked, ns he en
tered the room where I was awaiting
hlra, "what do you say? Will you sign
the order or not?"
It hnd occurred to me during tho
day that the amount demanded wns so
fabulous that I might havo signed the
order without uny danger of its ever
being paid, but tho Idea of this man,
who hnd claimed to bo befriending me,
endeavoring to make capital out of my
plight galled mo so that I was deter
mined not to give it to him whether I
could do so in safety or not.
"No, Huyllger," I replied. "I hnve
decided to get along ns best I can with
out any further assistance from you
shall see that you are reasonably
paid for what you have -done, but
will not nccept any further assistance
from you at nny prico, nnd whnt Is
moro I want you to return to mo nt
onco nil tho photographs nnd other
papers nnd belongings of mlno which
turned over to you n day or two
ago 1"
"I'm sorry about that O'Brien," ho
retorted, with a show of apparent sin
cerity, "but that Is something I cannot
"If you don't give me back those
papers nt once," I replied hotly, "I will
tako steps to get them, and d d
quick tool"
I don't know just whnt you could
do, O'Brien," he declared coolly, "but
as a matter of fact the papers and
pictures you refer to are out of tbo
country. I could not get tbem back
to you if I wanted to."
Something told me the man was
"See here, Huyllger 1" I threatened,
advancing towards him, putting my
band on his shoulder and looking him
straight in tho eye, "I want those
papers and I want them here before
midnight to-night If I don't get them
X shall sleep in this place just once
moro and then, at 8 o'clock to-morrow
morning, I shall go to the German au
thorities, glvo myself up, show them
tho passport that you Axed for me,
tell them how I got It and explain
Huyllger paled. Wo had no lights
in the house, but wo were standing
nenr a landing nt tho tlmo and tho
moonlight was streaming through n
Dtnined-glnss window.
Tho Belgian turned on his heel and
started to go down tho stairs.
"Mind you," I called after him, "I
shall wait for you till the city clock
strikes twelve, and If you don't show
up with thoso papers by that tlmo, the
next tlmo you will sco mo is when you
confront mo beforo the German au
thorities. I am a desperato mun, nuy
llgcr, nnd I mean every word I sny."
He let himself out of tho door and I
sat on tho top stair and wondered just
whnt he would do. Would ho try to
steal a march on roe and get in n first
word to tho authorities eo that my
story would bo discredited when
put it to them?
Of course, my threat to give myself
up to tho Huns wns a pure bluff. While
I had no desire to lose tho papers
which Huyllgor had and which In
eluded tho map and the last resting
place of my poor chum Ilaney, I cer
tainly had no intention of cutting off
my nose to spite my face bysurrcn
derlng to tho Germans. I would have
bocu shot, as sure as fate, for after all
I had been able to obscrvo behind the
German lines I would bo regarded as
a spy and treated as such.
At the same tlmo I thought I de
tected a yellow streak in Huyllger, and
I figured that ho would not wont to
take the risk of my carrying out my
threat even though he believed there
was but a small chance of my doing so.
If I did, ho would undoubtedly share
my fate, and tho pictures and papers
bo had of mlno were really of no use
to him, nnd I have novcr been nblo to
ascertain why It wns ho wished to re
tain them unless they contained some
thing somo Information about mo
which accounted for his complete
chango of attitude towurds mo in the
flrst place, and ho wanted tho papers
as cvluenco to account to his supe
riors for ills conduct towards me
When ho first told mo that tho plan
of placing mo in a convent disguised
ns n priest had been abandoned, ho ex
plained It by saying that the cardinal
had issued orders to tho priests to
help no more "fugitives, and I havo
Blnco wondered whether there was
nnythlng In my papers which had
turned him ugulnst me and led him to
forsako mo after all ho had promised
to do for me.
For perhaps two hours I sat on that
stulrcaso musing about the peculiar
turn In my affairs, when the front door
opened nnd Huyllger ascended the
"I hnve brought you such of your be
longings ns I still had, O'Brien," ho
said softly. "Tho rest, as I told you, I
cannot glvo you. They nro no longer
in my possession."
I looked through tho little bunch ho
handed me. It included my Identifi
cation disk, most of tho papers I val
ued, nnd perhaps half of tho photographs.
"I don't know whnt your object Is In
retaining the rest of my pictures, Uuy
Hger," I replied, "but nB n matter of
fact, tho ones thnt are missing wero
only of sentimental value to mo and
you aro welcomo to them. Woll call it
a beat."
I don't know whether bo understood
tho idiom, but ho sat down on tho
Btnlrs Just below mo and cogitated for
a few moments.
"O'Brien." he stnrtcd flnnlly, "I'm
sorry things havo gone tho wny they
havo. I feci sorry for you and I would
really like to help you. I don't sup
pose you will bellevo me, but the
matter of the order which which I
asked you to sign wns not of my doing.
However, wo won't go Into thnt Tho
proposition wns mado to you and you
turned it down, and that's tho end of
it At the samo time, I hato to leave
you to your own resources nnd I nm
going to make ono moro suggestion
to you for your own good. I havo nn-
'Your Lives Won't Bo Worth a Damn."
other plan to get you into nollnnd
and If you will go with mo to another
houso, I will introduce you to n man
.who I think will be in n position to
help you."
"How mnny millions of pounds will
ho want for his trouble " I nnswercd,
"You can nrrnnge that when you see
.him. Will you go?"
I suspected there was something
Ashy nbout the proposition, but I felt
that I could take care of myself and
decided to see tho thing through. I
know Huyllger would not dare to de
liver mo to tho authorities because of
tho fact that I bad tho tell-tale pass
port, which would be bis denthknell ns
well as my own.
Accordingly I said I would bo qulto
willing to go with him whenever ho
was ready, and ho suggested that we
go the next evening.
I pointed out to him that I wns en
tirely without food and asked him
whether ho could not arrange to bring
or send me something to cat whllo I
remained in tho house.
"I'm sorry, O'Brien," ho replied, "but
I'm nfrald you will havo to get along
ns best you can. When I brought you
your brcukfast this morning I took
a desperato chance. If I had been dis
covered by one of tho German soldiers
entering this houso with food In my
possession, I would not only have paid
tho penalty myself, but you would havo
been discovered, too. It Is too danger
ous a proposition. Why don't you go
out by yourself nnd buy your food nt
the stores? Thnt would give you con-
Adenco and you'll need plenty of it
when you continue your Journey to tho
There wus a good deal of truth In
what ho said and I really could not
blamo him for not wanting to tako any
chances to help roe In view of tho rela
tions between us.
"Very well," I said ; "I've gone with
out food for many hours at a tlmo be
fore and I suppose I shall bo nblo to
do so again. I shall look for you to
morrow evening."
Tho next evening ho came nnd I ac
companied him to another houso not
very far from the one in which I hnd
been staying and not unlike it In ap
pearance. It, too, was a substantial
dwelling houso which had been unten
nnted since tho beginning save perhaps
for such occasional visits as Huyllger
and his associates mado to It.
Huyllger let himself in and con
ducted me to n room on tho sacond
floor, whero ho Introduced mo to two
men. One, I could readily Beo by tho
resemblance, was his own brother.
Tho other was n stranger.
Very briefly they explained to me
that thoy had procured another pass
port for me n genuine ono which
would provo far more effective in help
ing to get me to the frontier thun tho
counterfeit ono thoy bad manufac
tured for me.
I think I saw through their gnmo
right nt tho Btart, but I listened pa
tiently to whnt they had to Buy.
"Of course, you will have to return
to us tho passport wo gavo you beforo
wo can glvo you tho real one," said
Uuyllgcr's brother.
"I haven't tho slightest objection," I
replied, "if the now passport Is all yoa
claim for it Will you let mo seo it?"
Thero was considerable hesitation on
tho part of Huyltger's brother nnd the
other chap at this.
"Why, I don't think that's necessary;
nt nil, Mr. O'Brien," said tho former.
'Tou glvo us the old passport and we
will be very glad to give you tho now
ono for it Isn't thnt fair enough?"
"It mny ho fair enough, my friends,"
I retorted, seeing that it was usolcss to
conceal further tho fact thnt I was
fully aware of their wbolo plan and
why I had been brought to this house.
"It may be fair enough, my friends," I
said, "but you will get tho passport
that I have here," patting my stdo and
indlcutlug my Inside breast pocket
"only off my dead bodyl"
I supposo the threo of them could
havo made short work of mo then and
there if they had wanted to go the
limit, nnd no ono would ever have
been tho wiser, but I had gone through
so much nnd I wns feeling so mean to
wards the whole world Just at that
moment that I was determined to sell
my llfo as dearly as possible.
"I have that passport here," I r.e
plled, "and nm going to keep It If
you gentlemen think you can take it
from me you arc welcomo to try I"
To tell the truth, I was spoiling for
a Aght, and I half wished they would
start something. The man who had
lived in tho houso had evidently been
a collector of ancient pottery, for the
walls were lined with great pieces of
earthenware which had every earmark
of possessing great value. They car
talnly possessed great weight. I fig
ured that if the worst camo to the
worst that pottery would come in
mighty handy. A single blow with ono
of those big vases would put n man
out as neatly as possible and as thero
was lots of pottery and only three men,
I believed I had nn excellent chance of
holding my own in tho combat which I
had Invited.
I had already picked out in my mind
what I was going to use, nnd I got up,
stood with my back to tho wnll nnd
told them that if thoy ever flgured on
getting tho passport, then would be
their best chance.
Apparently they realized that 1
meant business nnd they immediately
began to expostulate at tho attitude,!
was taking.
One of tho men spoke excellent
English. In fact, he told me that he
could speak Ave languages, and If he
could lie In the others ns well ns I
knew ho did In my own tongue, ho was
not only an accomplished linguist, but
a most versatile liar into the bargain.
"My -dear fellow," said the linguist
"It Is not that wo want to deprive you of
tho passport. Good heavens I if it will
aid you in getting out of the country,
I wish you could have six Just like it
But for our own protection, you owe
it to us to proceed on your journey
as best you can without it because as
long ns you have It in your possession
you jeopardize our lives, too. Don't
you think it is fairer that you should
risk your own safoty rather thau placo
the lives of threo Innocent men la
"Thnt may be ns it Is, my friends,"
I retorted, "and I am glad you realize
your danger. Keep it In mind, for in
case nny of you should happen to. fee
Inclined to notify tho German authori)
ties that I am in this part of tho coun
try, think it over beforo you do so,
Remember nlwnys that if tho Germans
get me, they get tho passport, too, and
If they get the passport your lives
won't bo worth n damn I When I toll
the history of that clever llttlo piece
of pasteboard, I will implicate all three
of you, and whoever Is working with
you, nnd as I am an officer I rather
think my word will be taken before
yours. Good night I"
The bluff evidently worked, becuuse
I was nblo to get out of the city with
out molestation from the Germans.
I hnve nover seen these men since.
I hopo I never Bhall, becauso I am
afraid I might bo tempted to do some
thing for which I might otherwise be
I do not mean to imply that all Bel
glans aro like this. I had evidently;
fallen Into tho hands of a gang who
were endeavoring to make capital out
of tho misfortunes of thoso who wcro
referred to them for help. In all coun
tries thcro nre bad as well as good,
nnd In a country which has suffered so
much as poor Belgium it is no wonder
If somo of the survivors havo lost their
sense of moral perspective.
I know that tho average poor peas
ant in Belgium would dlvldo his sennty
rations with n needy fugitive sooner
than a wealthy Belgian would dolo
out n morsel from his comparatively
well-stocked larder. Perhaps the poop
have less to lose than tho rich If their
generosity or charity la discovered by
tho Huns.
There have been many Belgians shot
for helping escaped prisoners und other
fugitives, nnd it is not to bo wondered
nt thnt they aro willing to tako as few
chances us possible. A man with a
family, especially, does not feel Jus
tified in helping n stranger when he
knows that he and his whole family
may be shot or sent to prison for their
Although I suffered much from tho
attltudo of Huyllger and his associates,
I suppose I ought to hold no grudgo
against them in view of the unenviable
predicament in which they nro in
We Suppose This Is So.
In place of most of our troubles we
might easily have much worso onesv
Albany Journal ,