The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 01, 1918, Image 7

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    ted War Work Campaign,
It is to keep the chain of home ties intact that the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W.
Board, the War Camp Community Service, the American Library Association
$170,500,000 from Americans "over here" that they may provide comforts for
America united In one vast, nil
emlmifing organization for the nolo
purpose of survive to our lighting
men to raise their morale anil
tdrengthon tlielr arm for a speedy
victory Is the objective of the United
War Work campaign for funds during
jibe week of November 11-18. Presi
dent WINon bus "ailed upon all men
and women who love Anuria in
stand, together and merge the r
strength in I be united campaign for
support Im; soldiers and sailors.
That American's will be a unit in
tipboldiii;: the men In arms with full
financial baeklp.g for soldier welfare
work It- fo-ivisf by the speed and
slngie-minilediiess with which lln
seven gi-i'ai war work orgatilatlons,
at 'In re iiiest of the Pros d Tit.
jnergeil ilielr drives Into the I'nl'td
iVnr Work campaign for the wei k ;t
ivemliei- 11 -IS. The .
milted in this work are the National
War Wmk Council of l!e Y. M.. G. A.,
Wnr Work Council of the Y. W. C. A..
the National Catholic War Cmi-.c 1
K. of ). (he .Jewish Weifan Board,
the War Camp Community Serve.-,
the American Library Assaelailnu and
the Salvation Army. With the en
dnrsemeiil of the government they ire
seeking a cotublmd fund of $ 1 7).."00.
1)00 to contlniKi the great war work
for our lighting men In camp, on tlr
seas and ;u the war zone.
Tin- combination of the Young
Men's Christian Association, the
; "Young Women's Christian Assocla
, tlon. the National Catholic War Coun
I ell. Including the Knights of Colum
bus, the War Camp Community Sor
i rice. Jewish Welfare Hoard and Snl
(NNVoii Army In a common appeal for
funds with which to carry on the war
work of these organizations, was ef
fected at the direct suggestion of
President Wilson. In a letter which
the President wrote on September Sth
tn Raymond H. Fiwdlek. Chairman of
the War and Navy Department Com
missions on Training Camp Activities,
under which these seven organizations
nre co-ordinated for welfare work to
aid In sustaining the morule of our
men on this side and overseas, ho
proposed a unification of effort In the
Nebraska Has Loaned; Now lt Plans
To Give.
The state of Nebraska has loaned
over 51104 ,000,000 to the United States
government In a little over a year.
hbls great sum of money will be re
J turned to them with Interest In due
J In the Ninie period the people have
only given .?4,r00,000 for the comfort
and welfare of the boys In service.
OSiero should be no difficulty therefor
la raising $2,000,000 during the
tJtttcd War Work campaign of Mo
ftaeber 1M&
Nov. 11-18, to Keep Our Boys
Nebraska's Quota Cares For Nebras
ka's Coys.
When the people of Nebraska give
their money to the United War Work
campaign beginning November 11,
they will be giving directly to the
comfort of 'Nebraska boys in hiittle
lleld and camp. Uncle Sam's army Is
made up of boys In proportion to the
population of every state.
The quoin for United War Work of
the seven great war organizations Is
also divided In accordance with the
population of each state. Every state
must furnish Its full quota because
every state's boys must bo cared fof.
It Is actually furnishing comforts for
your own boy and the "boy next
door" when you give to the United
Peace Will Not End Need of Comfort
for Boys Kept "Over There."
The great campaign for United
War Work Is planned to care for
America's soldiers for the next year,
mutter when the war ends, the
same needs for safeguatdlng anil car
lng for our soldiers abroad will exist
for mouths and months.
War department olllcials have given
assurance that it will be two years
after actunl warfare ceases before
our armies can be returned to our
own soli. The seven great national
organizations doing war work with
soldiers will need all the money they
can get even after the final details of
peace are worked out.
During the time the boys are wait
ing to enme home they will be rest
less. Freed from act Ion. they will
need the "united cfTorts of the seven
organizations combining for the
United War Work campaign as a
source of comfort nnd cheer as never
Mothers in Nebraska to Bring. Home
Joys to Their Sons In Khaki.
Mothers' heart strings are being
stretched thousands of miles these
days sons have Joined the colors and
left their homes. American women
are giving their very dearest and
nearest 7tliey are giving their
strength and time that their boys may
win In the great effort for humanity.
President Wilson says, "This war
could not have been fought without
the women." In saying this he real
izes that 1. fit 10,000 women nre working
In munition plants ami millions of
others are doing their "bit" for war
work. Jew, flentlle, Protestant ami
Catholic are lighting side by side In
the front-line trenches mothers,
daughters, sisters and sweethearts
are working side by side over here.
The women's committee of the
United War Work campaign Is mak
ing one great united effort they nuv
not light, but lhey can get behind the
fighters. What better can any wmn
an do now than work with one of the
seven great organizations that are
making homes behind the lines?
Every woman can do her part now.
If she't know what to do ask a
friend who belongs to the Y. M. C. A.,
Y. W. C. A.. National Catholic Wnr
Council, Jewish Welfare Hoard, War
Camp Community Service, American
Library Association or Salvation
Army. A member of uny of these or
ganizations will gludly welcome your
aid In the great drive November 11
1 to 18 for $170,500,000. This great .num
Linked to Koine and Mother
C. A., the K. of C, the Jewish Welfare
and the Salvation Army are asking for
the American boys "over there."
Is to be used for our boys In tho
trenches and camps to take a "bit of
home to them."
Nebraska women have, gone "over
the top" In every effort. Every moth
or's son. lighting for the United
States of America, will be benefitted
by the results of the United War
Work campaign. The women of this
state must not be listed anions the
slackers at this time, nor will they.
Uniting War Work Makes It Easy
To Give.
Instead of seven separate cam
paigns in Nebraska for the 1010 funds
needed by the Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C.
A., K. C. Jewish Welfare Hoard. War
Ctunp Coiu'miinlly Service, American
Library Association and Salvation
Army, there will be one big drive on
November 11-18. President Wilson,
who Is responsible for the consoli
dated drive rightly thought that the
neonle would rather clve n Inrirpr
! aII10,mt once, than a smaller amount
seven different times. Will Ne
braska do her part? Just watch what
we do to that S'J.OOO.OOO quota.
Governor and Prominent Citizens'
Asked to Boost United War Work.
Governor Neville Is to be asked by
the state committee to Issue a proc
lamation In regard to the United War
Work campaign. Each mayor also
will be requested to Issue n proclama
tion. The state committee has stated that
It will also ask each newspaper In
Nebraska to secure and publish ton
statements from the biggest men In
each community, pointing out what
ii great svrvlee the seven agencies of
the Unltetl Wnr Work campaign are
rendering to the soldiers and what a
wonderful thing for the country (lie
United War Work campaign Is.
Nebraska Is wldo awake and eager
on this United War Work campaign
business. A nquadron of speakers la
being secured by the state headquar
ters to talk In behalf of the seven
participating organizations, the Y. M,
C. A., the Y. W. C. A.. National Catho
lie War Council (K. of C). the Jewish
Welfare Board, the War Camp Com.
munlty Service, the American Library
Association, and the 8alvaton Army,
Hoys and girls as well as men and
women are glad nnd eager to do their
part In the United War. Work cam
paign. A boys' and girls' division,
known as the "Victory Hoys" and
"Victory (llrla," has been organized.
The object of this campaign among
the boys and girls Is to enroll at least
32.000 boys and girls in Nebraska to
"earn and give" $5, If possible. ' This
will provide the comforts of all seven
organization to one soldier for five
Nebraska Is called upon to give
$2,000,000 during the week of Novem
ber 11-18. to meet the needs of th
seven United War Work organiza
tion'. Every one of these workers
tills a unique place. The amount
called for will be met by Nebraska
Just as sure as the day and dnte la
mining ffr the drive to commence.
Drive Away the
Chili With , a
Gas Room
North Platte Light
& Power Co
..General Hospital.
One Halt Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific trenttmnt of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Rcdfie!d.M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
3Iy ono host reforonco I'm always
dated ahead Phone nt my expense
for dales
Licensed Einbamors
Undertakers and Funeral Dlroctors
Day phono -11
Night phono Illack CSS
For the Yeur 1018.
By vlrtuo of tho authority in mo
vested, and by tho direction of tho
lawa of tho State of Nebraska in such
case made and provided, I, A. S.
Allon, County Clork of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, do hereby proclaim that
on Tuesday, tho fifth day of November
1P1S, during the hours designated by
law, there will bo held a general
eloction at the usual voting places in
said County for tho election of tho
following officers, to-wlt:
One United States Senator
One Governor
One Lieutenant Governor
One Secretary of Stnto
One Auditor of Public Accounts
Ono State Treasurer
One Attorney General
One Superintendent ot Public In
struction One Commissioner of Public Lands
ai.d Bulld.'i'gH
One Railways Commissioner
Two Itcgontb of the State Univer
sity Ono of Congress, Sixth
Congressional District
One State Senator, T.wonty-flfth
Onie State Representative, Sixty
eighth District
Ono Stnte Representative. Seventy
seventh I'ietrlct ,
Three Judges ct the Supreme Court
One County Gcrk
One County Treasurer
One Comity Sheriff
One County Attorney
One County Surveyor
One County Judge
Ono County Superintendent of
Public Inslnict'on
One County Commissioner, Second
One Asse. sot' fot each Precinct
One Road Overecer for each Road
Two JuHikiK of the Peace for each
Ono Police Magistrate, City of North
At tho name tlmo and places, two
nmendme: tr to tho constitution of
tho Stnto will bo submitted to tho
oiociors Tor adoption or rojectlon,
Proposed constitutional amendment
relating to the right of suffrngo ns to
persons of foreign birth.
For or against calling a constltu
tional convention to niter, chango and
p.mend tho ;ni ptltutlon of Nebraska;
any amendments to tho constitution
to bo nuhniltted separately to tho
electors when demunded by twontyflvo
percent of the duly qualified and
elected delegates of such convention
Polls will bo opon nt 8 o'clock a. m.,
and remain open until 8 oclock p. m.
m . of the pnmo day.
Ir. testli'iony whereof, I have
hereunto set my hnnd and seal ot tho
County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska,
thk Sth day of, 1018.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
int. twim: hospital
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernlty and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
HosplUU Phone 110
Office Phono 1S8
Residence Phono 2S3
100S West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
.1. It. HHDriKLl).
Successor to
Drs. Uedileld A Redilold
Ottlce Phone 04? lies. Phone 97
Office phone 2-11. Ken. phone HI 7
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plntte, - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
GEO. 11. UBNT,
Phsylclnn nnd Surgeon.
Spccinl Attention Given to Surgery
t nnd Obstretrlcs.
iSfllco: Building & Lonn Building
Phonos: Office 130, Rosldonco 115
Office over McDonald llnnk.
Onlec'Phone 11!1 lies. Phono 1120
General Farm Snlcs n Sneclaltv.
Itefercnccs and Dittos at First
National Hank, North Platte, Ncbr.
Phono 1000.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
' Omntio, Nebraska.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Oil. y. I. SHAFFER
Osteopathic Physician
K. of C. Building
Associated With Dr. Drost.
Why not write your flrp and cyclono
Insurance with a reliable company
who Invest tholr premiums In Liberty
nouns unit giro our county the credit
Sou us for farm and uiitoniobllo rates
J The following proposod amendmont
to tho constitution of tho State ot
.Nebraska, as hereinafter sot forth in
full, Is submitted to tho doctors of
the Stato of Nohraska to be voted
upon at tho goncral election to bo
hold Tuostlay, November 5th, A. D.
Soctlon ono (1) of Artlclo woven (7)
ot tho Constitution ot tho Stato of
Be It Resolved by tho Legislature of
the btato or Neiiraska:
Soctlon 1. That Section One of Ar
tlclo Sovon of tho Constitution of th
Stnte of Nebrnska be nnd tho same
horoby is amendod by striking out th
following words: .
"Socond. Poraons of foreign birth
who flhall have declared their Intnn
lion to bocomo citizens comformably
to the laws of the United Stntnn nn
the subject of naturalization, at least
intrty nays prior to an eloction."
And Inserting in tho nlncn nf thn
words so stricken, tho following
"Second. Persons of fornltrn hlrih
who shall have becomo citizens of thn
Unitod Stutos bv naturallzutinn nr
otherwise conformably to tho laws of
mo unueu Hiates at least thirty days
prior 10 an election.
Sec. 2. Thar at tho nennrul nlnn
tion nineteen l'undrod and elghtoen
(1018) there shall bo submitted to tho
electors of tho state for their approval
or rojectlon the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution rout
ing to the riuht of suffrnco. At mir-li
oloctlon, on tho ballot of each elector
VOtlng for Or nealnst mild nrnnnsnl
amendment, shall bo written or printed
tho words: "For proposed nmond
mont to tho constitution rolntlng to
the right of suffrage," nnd "Against
sniu proposea amendment to the con
stitution rotating to tho right of
suffrage "
Sec. 3. If such amendment ahull
bo approved by a majority of all
electors voting at such oloctlon, said
amendment shall constltuf Soctlon
One (1) Article Seven (7) ol the Con
stitution of the Stato ot Nebrnska.
Approved, April 0, 1318.
Attest: Governor.
... Sacrry JLftatfi, ,
Hospital Phone Rla'k 033
House Phono Black G33
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight yonrs a Qovornmont Votorlnar
lan. Hogpltnl 218, south Loouat St.
onq-half blook southwest of tuo
Court Houbo.
Reiorco Sale.
Notice la hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of XV. C. Dortey, ,
Judge of the District Court of PheMw
County, Nebraska., made on the flrat
day of October, 101S, In an action
pending in nald court, wherein Henry
Sweden, et M. are plaintiffs and Norn
Wilson, et al. aro defendants, direct- y
lng the sale of the real ostate here
inafter described, I will soli nt tho
front door ot tho court house In North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nobrnnka, at
10 oclock a. in. on the 80th day of
Novoinbor, 11)18, nt public sale for
cash to the highest bidder, the follow
ing described ronl ostnte. to-wlt: All
that portion of tho south half (SV&) of
section twenty-six (26) in township
fourteen (t4), in Lincoln County, Neb.
which lies south ot thoirlght of wny
of the Union Pacific Railroad, and
also the northwest (NW',4) ouartor
of section thlrty-llvo (35), In township
tourtoon-un, nil north, in range thirty-one
(31), wost of tho Gth P. M In
Lincoln County, Nobraskn;' said land
to bo sold soimrntoly anil said sale to
be hold opon for ono hour.
Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1918
028Bw Q. NORBERG. Roforeo'
Notice of Sale.
Notice. Is horoby given that on Sat
urday, tho Oth day of Novoinbor, 1018,
nt tho rosldonco of Danlol McNicklo,
in wniKer precinct, in Lincoln coun
ty, Nobraskn, at 2 o'clock In the nftor
noon, I will offer for snlo to tho high
est bidder for cash, ono rod cow, sup
posed to bo about four years of age,
said cow to bo sold as an estray.
uateu tins 4th day of October, 1918.
J. SOUDER, Justlco of tho Poaco
Notice of Incorporation.
Notlco Is horoby given that under
dnto of Soptcmbor 7th, 11)18. thore wan
tiled with tho Coi'nty Clerk ot Lin
coln County, Nbrasku, Articles of In
corporation ot tho "North Platto Elec
tric Mills" whoso principal nlnco of
business is in North Platto, Nebraska,
and which said corporation was form
ed for tho purposo of buying nnd sell
ing grain and grnln products and tho
mnnufneturo nnd snlo at wholesale
and retail of flour nnd other coronl
products, nnd tho erection and maln
tonnnco ot such buildings as shall bo
nocossilry thorofor nnd tho purchase
of such real ostato as mny bo required
tor a site. Tho authorized capital
stock of said Corporation is in tho
sum of Fifty Thousand and 00-100
(S50.000.00) Dollars fully paid un.
and said Corporation commenced
business on Soptcmbor 1st. 1918. and
snail continue in operation for a
porlod ot 25 years thorcaftor.
The hlghost Indebtedness to which
said Corporation shall subject itself
shall not oxcood two-thlrda of tta
capital stock, and tho business of said
Corporation shall bo conductod by
a President, Secretary and Treasurer,
which said officers shall bo chosen by
uoard or Directors ot not to oxceed 5
In number.
By L. C. CARROLL, Prosldont.
Attest: B. M. CARROLL, Secretary
Sept. 27-4 wka
Notice of Final Report.
Estnto No. 1500 of Amanda M.
Thomson, deceased In tho County
Court of Lincoln county, Nebrnska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested In said Estate tako
notice that tho Executor has tiled a
final account and report of his ad
ministration nnd a petition tor final
sottlement und dlschurge as such,
which havo been set tor hearing be
fore said court on Novombor 15, 1918,
at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may ap
poar and contost tho same.
Datod Octobor 15, 1918.
022-3 wks. County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale,
By vlrtuo of an order of snlo Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraskn, upon a decree of
foreclosuro rendered In said Court
whoroln Mutual Building nnd Loan
Assoclatlonjs plaintiff, and Cora Suit,
ot al., Is dorondnnt, and to me directed
I will on the 10th day ot Novombor,
1918, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at tho eaat
front door of tho Court Houso In North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil
at Public Auction to tho highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy snid docroe,
interest and costs, tho following des
cribed proporty to-wlt:
Lots five nnd six (5 and C) block
olghty-clght (88) in tho original town
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska. Dated North Platto, Neb., October
14th. 1DJ8.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Notice of Flnnl Report,
Estato No. 1559 of Mario L. Cohn,
deceased In tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nobraaka, to all persona
Interestod In said Estato tako notlco
that the Administrator has filed a
final uccount and report of his ad
ministration and a potltion for final
settlement nnd discharge as such,
which have boon set for hearing boforo
said court on November 8th, 1918, at
9 o'clock a. in., whon you mny appear
und contest tho sumo.
Dated Octobor 8th, 1918.
015-3 wks. County Judge-.
Notlco fo Creditors.
Estato No. 1580 of Georgo W. Rose,
deceased, In tho county- court of Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
ot said estnto will tuko notice that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estnto
is February 15th, 1919, and for settle
ment ot nnld Esato is Octobor 11th,
1919; that I will sit at tho comity
court room In said county, on Nor.
15th, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
Fobrtiary 15th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a.
m to receive, examine, hoar, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed,
OlC-4-wks. County Judge.
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