The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 01, 1918, Image 1

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No. 84
Emergency Call for Nurses.
'IV ere is a very great need for
mtre . botli at tritr Etuorgoncy Hos
pll. i ml In private homes to cnx
ti r 'in 'uoura lisoa. Tlie llvwi of the
vie "tna of this disease depend upon
tlt'r receiving curt and u must be
givtn (Hem. With proper precautions
nurses can handle theao casos and
avoid contagion for themselvo. Funds
have been provided for the payment
cf ample salaries to those who vol
unteer for this work. Nurses, either
mt.1 or women, who have and some
experience In nursing aro especially
desired. Instruction will be given
others who may volunteer so that
they can render at least some assis
tance in this crisis. North Platte, is
faced with a serious sitcatlon which
can only he properly handled If the
comunity responds to the call for
vohniteors. We cannbt obtain help
from any other towns as their re
wes aro all needed at home. We
must depend upon ourselves and we
must be prepared to give our sick the
proper care If you cannot give all
of your time to this very Important
work but can give part of it, volunteer
for. that. We must have nurses and
weiust have them at once. Persons
wne will respond to this call are re
quesited to phone E. J. VanDorhoof.
Chairman of thp. Committee on Nurses
a. race.
Now Is the right time to lay In your
w.'nter supply of outing flannels.
Plain white, greys and fancies on sale
at THE LEADER MER. CO. at 18c,
2k 25c. 27c and up. Big "lino to
select from.
A conference of district officers
r.. i county chairmen of the United
Wnr work drive was held last oven
itiii at the Lr.ion Pacific dining hall.
Reports from the different counties
&h'.wed that preparations for the cam
paign w'ere progressing finely and
indications are that each county In
this district will at lease raise Its
quota if not go over the top. L. C.
Carroll who attended the conference
In Chicago gave a report of that meet
ing. North riatte, Ncbr., Nov. 1st, 1018.
All Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds sub
scribed for through this bank are now
ready for delivery to subscribers.
Judge Grimes finds court business
very light in his district this fall. At
ti.s regular fall terms in Kimball,
icl and Keith counties he heard
all tbe cases coming up for trial In
one day's time in each, county. The
term at Lexington week after next
premises, however, to be rather
heavy, and the ducket for the Decem
ber term in this county is large.
Don't put off buying your winter
b -ikets on sale at THE LEADER
Vi-.RC. CO. at last season's prices.
Oy. big cash purchase of over a year
fi enables us to do this .
A big bunch of questionnaires in
vii'ich the registrants made claims for
exemption were sent to the district
board at Omaha yesterday by the lo
co' board.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
Put what you need for immediate use
in a cheeking account, the balance In
to Certificates of Deposit paying 1.
The number of formers and stockmen
who have brought their accounts hero
and who Icae them here is a pretty
good Indication of the kind of service
we give and the kind you want.
There Is hardly anything in llio way
of facilities and conveniences flint we
arc not able to offer. Take advantage
of them. You aro welcome regardless
of the size of your account.
Platte Valley State Bank
T. li.. Carroll for ltopresentathe. i
Editor Tribune: '
Permit me to call the attention of
the voters oj North Platte and vicinity
to the candidacy of my father, T. L.
Carroll, of Gothenburg, for roproscn
talvo for the district covering Lincoln,
Koith and Dawson counties.
Mr. Cnrll is a business man. He
has been engaged in the lumbor, grain
and coal bUBlness for the past thirty
years at Uothonburg and is fitted ln
every way to properly reprosent this
district In the legislature. Wo have ,
In this district the fanner, the labor
ing man and the business man. No
candidate is worthy of your support
who is not fitted to represent all of
thsoe classes and no candidate should
get your vote who attempts to" array
class against class. He Is a patriotic
American citizen, born in the United
States, and his loyalty Is above
His onnonent Is a Mr. HIkkIiis. a
man who, I have been reliably Infer-1
med, has been a charter mombor of
overy new political faction that has
sprung up In Nebraska and whose !
rights to bo enlisted under the banner
of the democratic party are subject
to serious question. I am told that his
campaign Is being conducted from the
office of his son-in-law, J. H. Ed
mlsten, who Is also handling the sen
atorial campaign of his son-in-law,
M?. Lcavitt. A sort of a family af
fair, by marriage, as it were.
The circulars sent out by Hlggins'
faction seem to consist of knockB aimed
at the Council of Defense, the Homo
Guards and business in general. It
"ould, la my estimation, be nothing
"short of n crlmo, to elect a man who
would subscribe to such statements.
Mr. Carroll Is accused of owning
this mill in a way that would Indicate
that that was some sort of a crime.
If It Is a crlmo to be a miller he is
not guilty. He has no Interest of any
sort in our mill. I' 'appeal to my
'friends, both democratic and repub
lican, for your votes for Mr. Carroll
for representative.
Manager North Platte Electric Mills
The Big drive is now on to sell
every -suit In the store within a'few
days while 'w3 are offering? them at
actual cost and less. BLOCKS.
W,. . E . Klllen. who was over, from
WalTa'ce yesterday, says Influonza "fs'
pretty bad In that section of the coun
ty. Two deaths from the disease oc-i.
curred Wednesday, the oldest daugh
ter of Robort Horner and Pat Swan
son passingaway.
Furs! Furs! In sets and separate
pieces, for women, misses and chll
' made up to the minute in style,
In Foxes, Marmots, Minks, Beaver,
Racoon, Lynx, French Coney, etc. All
-j!,ed very reasonably at BLOCKS.
Chas. W. Pool, present secretary of
state, and the democratic candidate
for congressman in this district, spont
last evening in town in conforenco
with local democrats.
A few exceptional bargains In see-
on hand Fords, HcnOiy & Oglcr Auto
Mrs. J. B. Joter left last evening
to visit her daughter In Chicago.
For Sale 1917 Dodge Touring car
In good .condition. Phone 813 .
Mr. and Mrs. Will Am and chlld
n, of Domer, arrived hls morning
f' r n visit with relativos and friends.
Merodo underwear, America's great
est undergarments for women, sold
-xcluslvoly at BLOCKS.
Mancll Overman, who was recently
commissioned a lieutenant, arrived
home "yesterday on n short furlough.
Furnished House for Rent. 509 W.
9th St. Mrs. Rork.
Ilmry Dixon was called to Omaha
Wediosday by the lllnooa of his son-1-
-'avj Dr. Conliu, who Is critically
ill vlth the tnlluonzn.
Four cvllndor cor fnr Rain nhnan.
Inquire at the Overland Garage. 83
Carl Brobeck, who made application
for enlistment In the quartermaster's
department, was accepted and loft
Tuosdny night for Washington, D. C.
Entire stock of silk and wool Jor
soy Urersis at greatly reduced prices
r.. ISt.OCKS.
Rob and Will Finney, who were call
ed hero by tho death or their brother-in-law,
returned toEvanston, Wyo.,
last night.
'I he condition of Mrs. T. J. Kerr,
who is a sufferer from the 'flu, has
been alarming for several days. Her
dally condition 13 reported to Lieut.
Ken at Ft. Riley.
RexaU Grip Pills Prevents colds
and La Grippe. The REXALL STORE
Carl McGrew, who made application
for Y. M. C. A, work overseas, re
ceived word yesterday to report at
once at New York City. He will leave
for this city this evening.
Mrs. 0. H. Shrlver
Teacher of Voice Culture.
Studio, Room 14, McDonnld Hank Illdg
Phone Black 11!J5.
Word has been received that Lieut.
Roy L. Cochran, former county sur
veyor, who has been Instructor in
artillery in Frnnrn hns linon nrnmntnil
. ...... . ,..
77. rVli..," .
10 iipmjuv
If you are at all interested In a fall
suit Just 'look over the suits at the
prices offered in cur South Window.
'blocks . ...
Charloy Loth, In training at the
vcauonai scnooi at Monuattan, Kan
errlbed home yesterday morning on a
arrived home yesterday morning on a
work's firlough. Charley had Just
after a selgo of Influenza.
Fit them all men. women and
eiiildron In winter underwear at" last
season's prices at THE LEADER
Misses Florence Wilcox, "Hazel Bar
ber and Sybil Gantt returned this
morning to tho state university, which
had been closed on account of the flu
Fit them all men, women and
children In winter underwear at last
season's prices at THE LEADER
As this Is the last weok before olec
Hon, considerable or Tho Tribune's
space has been devoted to political
advertising. However, during the past
year we have scarcely mentlondo pol
Itlcs, honco the surplusage this week
should bo overlooked.
We hava added a line of China Din
ner sots, sc.!' by the set or single doz
en. Let. us show you. CLINTON, tho
Jewoler. 84-2
The Red Cross officers thank North
Platto peoplo for their liberal dona
tions of furnishings for tho detention
.hospital. It is well furnishod, and
under the direction of Head Nurse
MIes Boyd those who are so unfor
tunate as to bo taken there will re
ceive excellent care.
Strayed 2 cows, branded cockoye
cu tho right side or hip. Notify Thos.
G. Rowley. 82-4
: :o: :
Gold Under the City.
' A Philadelphia assayer recently took
several handl'uls of sand from a street
excavation near Independence hall and
after putting It through an unsaying
process extracted a$nmll quantity of
gold. He declared that, In his opinion,
there was enough gold under Philadel
phia to make hunting lor It worth
Why Called "Bloodhounds."
Bloodhounds were first known as
southhounds, owing to their ability to
track tho deer, wild boar or tho wolf.
When the wounded game broke away
and was lost these good-nosed dogs
were used in tracking the quarry by
I the blood trail, and hence they wore
j finally called bloodhounds. ,
Increased Sutrar Alltnwinrc.
County Food Administrator Good
man received n "wire yesterday from
the state administrator that effective
today tho allowance of sugar to
Householders per person por monUi
could be raised to three pounds, and
further that tho month's sunnlv could
all be purchased at one tlmo. This i
does not mean that sugar should bo
used unnecesarlly; If tho household
does not really require three pounds
por person por month they should not
purchase the maximum quantity.
Endorses Judge Lciton.
Editor of Tribune:
On Tuosdny wo vote for three sup-
rome court Judges; but few pooplo
know all tho candidates.
One of tho candidates Is Charles
B.' Letton. who Is now a member of
thet supreme court.
I have known Judge Letton all my
life. I know him ns a lawyer at Fair
bury, Nebraska, whon I was a boy.
latter ho was elected district Judge ami
after that supreme Judge. Ho was al
ways held In the hlghost esteem by
all the peoplo who knew him In that
community. I know ho Is a good mnn,
lawyer and Judge.
You will make no mistake by voting
for Judge Letton.
Commencing Monday, November Hit,
wo will not dcllhcr any orders thai
nhioiint to less than flvo dollars. We
feel We that this system will be bet
ter for the trade nnd -will enable us
to render better service.
: :o: :
Appreciate Canteen Service.
On, train between North Platto and
Grand Island. Editor: All mon on this
troop train ask you to express to tho
Red 'Cross Canteen workers of your
city our appreciation of the service
they gave us when we reached North
Platto In supplying us with colToe.
snndwltches, cigarettes, postcards.
Wo ask that this bo published so
that the public may know that wo
fully appreciate tho efforts of tho Can
teen ladles, and that their treatment
ofH'Jr,' Is" ovldpncq-'ot their loyalty 'to
tlitr boya in khaki. We assure them
that suteh acts of kindness are not
H-011 forgotten by the boys who aro
"on tho way to Berlin."
Signed: John Amnion, John Ramscy
Dalo Suit, commltte for the 27th Ar
tillery. r-o:;
'ill HAY Oiiiirnntoe
Buy whore you can buy both snfoly
and economically. Good cars aro gett
ing scarce.
1918 Chevrolet, now ..$500.
1017 Dodge touring 800.
1917 Dodge Roadstor 800.
1917 Ford, deinonntablo
rims, oversize tires 335.
liitlck, 2f, touring 300.
Service for oiir owners,
All the women nnd misses man tail
ored suits, this season's best stylo ma
terials aro being sold at a discount of
2Q"r and upwardH. Save from $4.00
to S12.00 on any suit you buy at THE
:o: :
Twlneni HoSpiliil Nofes.
Air. Oarcia was released from tho
he pi e.l vostorday.
son was bom to Mrs. H. E.
Tht'Hecko Monday evening.
Mrs. Fred Wheeler entered tho hos
pital thi". week for medical treatment.
Dr Twinetn was removed to Omnha
Thursday night accompanied by Dr.
Dr. D. A. Footb was In town yes
terday for surgical work at tho hos
pital and to ationd lie. Twinom who
is herlously 111. W
Mrs. A. II. Freytug, of Wt'IIIIeot.
was roleased from tho hospital Sat
urday, having recovered from an
A dlspntch In (ho World-Hurald
i.nm Lincoln yesterday announced
t' at Commissioner Thomas of that
1 v has six sons in the service. Those
1: is aro nephews of Mrs. J. G. Reol
of this city, and sho feels qulto
pi ud of thorn. Six sons from ono
fi .lily serving under the stars and
s" 1 lies, Is certainly an honor to tho
T nir,s family.
Pm't put off buying your winter
bl ikots on sale at THE LEADER
MI'i-O. CO. at last season's prices.
Our big cash purchase of ovor a year
a aro enables us to do this.
Mrs. Nelr, of Council Bluffs, arrlv
od yostorday for a visit with her
daughter Mrs, Earl Stamp.
Deaths aiud Funerals.
Win. NlUtry, of Lowollon, died at
m- detention hospital yostordny
forenoon of Intluonza after nn illness
of but a few days. He camo horo last
week to work for Contractor Brooks
itid wai taken sick while rooming at
tlie Commercial House and later re
trovod the hospital.
A mnn named Hall, who was taken
with tho flu a few days ago and ro
moved from a rooming houso to the
detention hospital, died at 5:30 lat
evening. Nothing can ho learned at
this time of his home, residence or
Tho funeral of LeRcy R. Glnthor,
who died at Danville, III., last weok
and the remains brought to this city,
was held yesterday at tho Malonoy
Chnpol. Rev. Hess, of the Methodist
church, conducted tho sorvlce. Death
was duo to Influenza.
Henrietta, tho four year old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simon,
died Wednosdny of Influonza after an
Illness of but twenty-four hours.
Funeral sorvlcoa ware held at the
homo yesterday.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Ruth Hall,
who died Friday or Influenza, wnB.
hold yesterday. Tho funornl was
postponed owing tho mo illness of Mr.
Hall, who also was a sufferer from
tho dlsenso. Mr. Hall Is an employe
of tho Davis itarago.
Miss Holon Alden returned to tho
state university this morning.
Furs! Furs! In BOts nnd sepnrnte
pieces, for women, misses and chil
dren, mndo up to tho minute In Btyle,
In Foxos, Marmots, Minks, Beaver,
Racoon, Lynx, French Conoy, otc. All
jriccd very reasonably at BI.OCKS.
Iuroc-.Tcrsey Jfnle l'lgs.
For Sole Twenty head. Theso are
registered. Thoy will not ho kopt over
thirty days. So call or oddross at
83-0 North Platto.
Ford Worm Drive Truck
Fordson Tractor
Plows, Tandem Discs, Drills Packers
Repairs for all machinery here described on hand.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.,
207-211 E. Fourth St., North Platte, Nebr.
3 A nice new bungalow on cast Fifth street $3,500.00
5 Good 8 room dwelling house, close in on
1 W. 5th street. Full modern. Cheap at $4,000.00
2 Cood 6-room dwelling on North Side $2,250.00
3 Easy, terms on any of these bargains.
Swat the Machine!
THE Hitchock-Mullen-Gooch Machine, which dominates
Nebraska politics today, has repeatedly thwarted th
expressed will of tlie people, it is tne servant ot th
1 booze interests. It is entirely out of sympathy with the
principles of government of the people, by the people,
and for tho people.
S. R. McKELVIE has been an aggressive and fearless
opponent of the machine in this campaign. His election
will mean the return of representative government to
Nebraska. A vote for McKelvie is a vote against the
And Beat the Machine
Horslioy News.
(From tho Horshoy Times)
Loo Martin, iocatod In a camp near
Salt Lako, arrlvod the first of tho
woek on a forty day furlough. Wo
understand ho was relieved to come
here to assist In picking corn.
Thero havo been but one or two
now cases of tho "llu" reported from
tho country since last week, so It is
not unlikely that tho restrictions will
be raised X.iday. It Is to bo hopod
that no new casos dovolop, so thatVwo
may got back to uormnl as aoonaa
possible. '
Field Manager Guy Cady of tho G.
W. Sugar Co., estimates that "about
ono-halt tho hoots woro harvested in
his territory when tho snow stqrm
atruck last week. Tho huge storago
pilos contain hundreds of tons.
Arthur Danlolson, ono of our pro
gressive south aldo farmers was' In
town Monday and stated ho had lost
four head of horses and bIx head of
cattle Sunday by poisoning.
If tho sut you havo looked aLa
while back Is still horo you can now
buy It from $8.00 to $15.00 l(ss than
tho former price at BLOCKS.
Glen Ryan, of tho Rosorvo Officers
Training Camp at Lexington, Mo.,
vlsltod at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.
II . J. VanNatta yostorday. Ho wua
onrouto to Camp Fremont, Cal.
Every now Fall suit in the Htore
Is now reduced to nctual cost and
leas. BLOCKS.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
60 sheep, 20 mixed cattle, 4 horses,
2 mules. Theso sheop will thrlvo on
tlio wnsto from tho ordinary farm,
Monoy to Loan.
Plenty of six per cent money to loan
on farms nnd ranches, Interest pay
able annually with privilcgo jf pay
lug part or all at any time. LonJis
closed promptly. No delay.
"" V '
1 1