THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIDUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. LIFT OFF CORNS! Drop Freezone on a toucny corn, then lift that corn off with fingers Doesn't hurt n bltl Drop a little Freczono on un aching corn, Instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift Jt right out. Yea, magic I No humbug I A tiny bottlo of Freezono costs but n few cents ut any drug store, but Is suf llclcnt to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Freezone Is the sensational dlscov ry of u Cincinnati genius. It is won derful. Adv. Eternnl vigilance Isn't nlwayB the 1 rice o fllherty sometimes It's $10 und costs. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never lovm-and-out. His weakened condition because of overwork, lack o exercise, im proper eating and living demands Btimula tion to satisfy the cry for a hcalth-givin'R appetite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. They are wonderful. Three of these capsules each day will put a man on his feet before he Knows it: whether his trouble comes from uric acid poipDning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in the bladder, stomach derangement or other Ailments that befall the over-zealous Amer ican. The best known, most reliable rem edy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy has stood the test for more than 200 years eince its discovery in the ancient labora tories in Holland. It acts directly and gives relief at once. Don't wait until you arc entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. Ac cept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every bps, three sizes. They are the pure, original, imported Haarleia Oil Capsules. Adv. It's a queer world but It's the iueer people who are In It that make U Ml- Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I. "I was nil run down in health, was nervous, had head; acnes, my bacls ached all tho time. I was tired and had no ambition for any thing. I had taken a number of medi cines which did mo no good. One day l read about Lydia E. Tinkham's Vege table Comnound and what ithau done for women, no I tried it. My nervousness and backache and headaches disappeared. I gained in weight and feel fine, so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to any woman who ia suffering as I was. " Mrs. Adeline B. Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providenco, It. I. Backache and nervousness are symp toms or nature's warnings, which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more sorious ailment. Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com poundand for special advico write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, Mass. Small PHI Small Dose Small Price CARTER'S; FOR 0 CONSTIPATION have stood the test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, indigestion and to dear up a bad complexion. Ccculne bears ilsniture PALE FACES Generally Indicate lack of Iron In tbo Blood Carter's Iron Pills Will help thU condition HOW TO AVOID ' NERVOUSNESS I "MS INTERIOR OF CHICKEN HOUSE Kind of Floor Most Suitable Depends Greatly on Soil on Which Struc ture Is Located. (From the United States Department o Agriculture.) The kind of floor which Is best suit ed for n particular poultry house de pends upon the soil on which it is lo cated, and the use of the house. On light, sandy, well-drained soils a dirt floor is satisfactory, especially foi small or colony hen houses. Such floors shonld bo from two to six Inches higher than tho outside ground surface, and It is advisable to renew them ench year by removing the con taminated surface down to clean 'soil, and to refill with fresh snnd or fine gravel and enrth. A board floor Is generally used where the level of tho floor In the house Is from one- to three feet above the ground surface and In portable houses on land which Is not well drained. Board floors hnr bor rats and rot quickly nnd should bo raised some distance oft the ground so that cats or dogs can get under them, which nlso allows a free circu lation of air to prevent tho wood from rotting. Cement floors nre adapted to long permanent buildings, brooder houses, incubator cellnrs, nnd to nil. permanent houses where an artificial floor Is required nnd can be built on the ground level. These floors nrc. casy to clean, very sanitary, rot proof nnd comparatively Inexpensive, If onr has n cheap supply of gravel or sharp snnd. Wooden floors are usually made of matched flooring nnd arc generally doubled In cold climates to make them tight and warm, In which enso tho lower Inycr of boards is usually laid di agonally to strengthen tho floor. Floors of one thickness give good satisfac tion In most sections of this country nnd In growing houses. Thrce-qunr-tcr-lnch mesh wire mny be used under wooden or dirt floors to keep out rats. In mnklng concrete or cement floors nnd wnlls select Portland cement of known rcputnllon, which should bo kept In a dry plnee; use clear, coarse, shnrp sand or gravel which docs not contain over live pbr cent of clny or slit nnd crushed stone or gravel one fourth to two inches In diameter. Tho gravel should bo screened through a one-fourth-inch mesh wire screen nnd the coarse particles used as stone, while the material which passes through tho screen is Bifted through n Well-Arranged Hen House. '10-mesh wire screen In order to sepa rate the snnd, nnd any material which goes through a -lO-mesh wire is thrown away. A mixing board with a smooth surface and n box for measuring the sand and gravel are necessary. Spread the sand on the bonrd nnd ndd the ce ment; mix thesv thoroughly together; ndd three-fourths of the required amount of water and then the gravel or stone; mix thoroughly and add wa ter to the dry spots, making the mix ture Just wet enough to be jellylike. Thorough mixing Is very essential, as the mortar should completely coat nil particles of tho mixture. Only enough water shbuld bo added so that when the concroto Is tamped on laying the water will nicely Hush the surface. POULTRY FOOD FROM WASTE Fowls Convert Materials Into Feed That Cannot Be Utilized by Any Other Kind of Stock. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Affriculturn.) Keep this thought In mind In con slderlng tho growing of more poultrj ns a war necessity: Poultry Is a nuns of converting Into good food mnterlnb that cannot be utlll'.e.l by man, thai cannot he eaten by any other .klndf of stock, and that without tin poultrj would be absolute waste. Very tinnrlj It becomes a national as well as an Individual duty to keep enough poul try to take up all such waste mate rials. Ah long as fowls take tho hulk of their feed from such sources nnd require to be fed on grnln or other garnered feeds only us u finishing process, additional food Is being created. GRADE EW FOR START HEE Yearlings or Two-Year-Olds Arc Preferable as Foundation for Beginner. PUREBRED RAM IS FAVORED Selection of Type and Dreed Should Be Made by Considering Class of Pasture and Feeds Available Merino Is Liked. (Prepared by tho Unltod States Depart ment of Agriculture) The Inexperienced sheep raiser should begin with grndc ewes of the best clnss available and n purebred rnm. The raising of purebred stock and the selling of breeding rams can best be undertaken by persons experi enced In sheep raising! The selection of the typo and breed of sheep should bo made by considering the class of pasture and feeds available nnd the general system of fanning to be fol lowed, along with the peculiarities of the breeds, and tho conditions nnd kind of feeding nnd management for which ench has been especially devol oped. Keen Same Breed. It Is highly ndvantngeous for all, or a majority of the farms In n neighbor hood, to keep the same breed of sheep, or jit least to contlnuo tho use of rnms of the snme breed. Alter n tie cIsIon has been mnde as to n suitable breed tho nlm should ho to obtain ewes Hint are Individually good, nnd that have as many crosses as possible of the breed selected. With such n foun dation and tho continuous use of good purebred rams of the same breed, the flock will make continuous improve ment. In looking for ewes of desired types and breeding it will often be found impossible to get them near at homo at a ronsonnblc price. Ewes from tho Western ranges can be ob tained directly from a stockyard mar ket. For the most part tho range ewes nre of Merino breeding. Ewes for Foundation. First-class ewe Iambs and less often older stock bred on tho range nnd sired by rnms of the down or long- mem Select Individuals of Foundation Flock With Greatest of Care. wool breeds, are sometimes obtalnnblo. These, or even the Merino owes, fur nish n foundation for the flock that can bo quickly graded up by using rams of tho breed preferred. The lambs from Merino ewes and mutton rams grow well nnd soil well If well cared for, but the yield Is loss than when ewes with some mutton blood nre used. The sjieop from the range nro less often Infested with Internal parasites than nro farm sheep, anil in the lnige shipments there Is opportu nity for closer selection. Yearling or two-year-old ewes are preferable to older stock. Ewes with "broken months" that Is those that have lost some of their teeth as a result of ago can ho purchased cheaper than younger omjs, hut arc not good property for inexperienced sheep raisers. In buying ewes, particularly those from tho range, It Is desirable, when possible, to examine the udders to see that they nre free from lumps that would prevent tho ewes from being milkers. It Is necessary to guard also against buying ewes that are useless as breeders, because of the ends of tho teats having been clipped off at shearing. HOPS MAKE INCREASED CROP Gain of 17 Per Cent Over 1917 Is Ex pectation Made by Bureau of Crop Estimates. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Hops will make n larger crop this year than In 1017 by 17 per cent. If the recent forecast by the bureau of crop estimates of the United States depart ment of agriculture 1k confirmed by the hnrvost. Tho expectation is 'MAO 1,000 pounds, with which may be compared the crop of 27.788,000 pounds in 1017, of n0.r0r.,000 pounds In 1010, and of 52, OSO.flOO pounds In 101 fi. Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. A good time to trim the currant and gooseberry bushes Is just after the fruit Is picked. Hum all the trim mings at once and destroy many In Beets. Sire to Head Dairy Herd. Too much attention cannot bo given to tho selection of n sire to head tho dairy .herd. The future success if the herd depends largely upon P- head. ' arm . REMOVAL OF STUMPS !S DIFFICULT WORK Destroying by Burning Is Most Economical Method. Care Should Bo Exercised In Order to Destroy Roots Dynamite Is Often and Successfully Used Puller Is Favored. (Prepared by the Unltod States Dopurt mcnt of Agriculture.) Timber Inud that Is not producing n prollt and which Is to bo cleared Is usually utilized as pasturo for several years before stumps are removed. Dur ing this time the underbrush Is clear ed up and many small stumps will on tlrelj decay. If tho weeds nnd sprouts In a pasture are kept under control, native grasses will gradually estab lish themselves even if no seeding has ever been done. Destroying stumps by means of burn ing is an economical method nnd Is widely practiced, hut care should bo Hoisting Large Stump With Tripod. exercised If this method la used In or der to destroy the roots, so that they will not Interfero with cultivation. A common method of preparing n stump for burning Is to dig two holes on opposite sides of tho stump to a dopth( of about HO inches. Generally connection is mndo at tho bottom of these holes by digging away the wall of earth between them. Any ndherlng earth Is scraped from the tnp root and a llro started In one of the holes. If the tire Is kept up It will burn most of the objectionable underground parts of the stump. Another method suc cessfully used In the long-leaf plno niea of the South Is to dig n hole on one side of tho stump, and with u lfo meh or 2-lneh auger bore n hole- dl agonnlly through the stump from the oi poslte side to the bottom of tho hole, A' llro Is then started In tho exenvn' Hon nnd the auger hole serves as n Hue. A method largely used In tho northwest Is to bore a hole horizontal ly into the base of tho stump to a point n little beyond tho center. Ah other hole Is stnrted as high up on tho side of tho stump as possible and bored downward nt an angle until It meets the first boring. A llro Is stnrted at the Interception by the use of oil, p'tch, coals or by dropping a hot Iron attached to a wire Into tho hole. Af ter the fire Is started brush Is piled about the stump. Dynamite Is frequently and buccss fuliy used In removing stumps. Smnll ebnrges nro found useful In splitting stumps which can then be burned moro readily. Larger charges are used to break the stump In pieces, so that they may bo pulled easily, or sometimes to remove them from the ground entirely, Tho best time to blast stumps Is when the ground is saturated with water, and the electrical method of llrlng blasts is recommended. Where a large number of stumps nre to be removed the use of a stump puller Is advisable. There are two general types; those that pull the stump from the side, such as a capstan type, nnd those that lift tho stump ver tically out of tho ground by the use of u tripod. ItMH"M''l"II"lM"l"ll-l"lf.M..l-. ? HELP WIN THE WAR! X (Prepared by tho United Stntcs De- T partment of Agriculture.) 4. (Jet behind the country's ng- j rlculturnl war program. 4 The U. S. department of ngrl- ij culture. 2 Tho Stuto Agricultural col- 5 lege. J The county farm bureaus. BURN ALL DISEASED GRAPES Clean Up Around Vines and Removo Weeds and Trash Plan for Good Crop Next Year. Clean up around tho grapevines. Cut out weeds, nnd rake up and de stroy any trash that may have ar cumulnted under them. Pull off and bury or burn any rotten or diseased grnpos that may still be hanging on tho vinos. All of these things aro necessary If nnn would keep the vines In healthy and thrifty condition, and produce fruit next year of flrst-clnsH quality. Product of Grade Cows. Tho great bulk of dairy products are and will be furnished by grade cows. Trenches Are Valuable. There nro different kinds of trenches which are vuluable. Ono Is the pit silo. PROFITABLE ON MOST FARMS Dairying and Stock Raising Where Good Crop Rotation Is Practiced Arc Recommended. (Prepared by tho United Htatoa Depart' mcnt of Acrlculturo.) General farming unci live stock rais ing, with a limited amount of dairying ami n good crop rotatton Is, on the av erage, the type most easily mnde prollt able on most farms in the northern edge of tho corn belt. This Is brought out In n study mndo by n farm man agement specialist of the United States department of agriculture, of 800 own er farms and lf3 tenant farms In Len awee county, Michigan, which Is typical of southern Michigan, northwestern Ohio and northeastern Indiana. It Was found that specialized dairy farms paid better normally than dairy nnd grain farms, but on tho average did not pay ns well ns tho combination of dairying and hog raising. Dnlrytng with hogs nnd grnln usually yielded better labor Income than uny other combination. The outstanding advan tages of this type as compared with others nro greater diversity of Income, n large percentage of receipts from sale of live stock nnd live stock prod- Cattle and Corn A Good Combination In Profitable Farming, ucts, nnd n comparatively smnll per centnge of tbo Income from tho snla of crops, because for the most part thq crops nro sold to better advantage by feeding them to live stock. Tho typoH of fnrmlng nnd tho general condltlona which prevail In this section make thu elzo of n farm a very Importnnt factor hearing on the Income, according tn the bulletin. There Is nlso a direct re latlon between the amount of capital Invested and the labor Income of the operator. Generally speaklug, tho larger tho farm and tho greater tho In vestment, the greater tho perccntngu or rate of Income. The cropping system and thu proper distribution ot crop area, It wuh learned, were Importnnt fuctors In profltable farm management. On Uio more profltable farms studfed In this territory, from ,'!0 to DO per cent of tho total crop urea was In corn, an nverago of 10 per cent In onts, an average of JIO per cent in wheat, from 1 to 10 per cent in barley, und from 20 to 30 per cent In hay. As a result of the study It was found that the following rotation Is well adapted to conditions In this area First year, corn; second year, corn; third year, oats und barley; fourth year, wheat, nnd the llfth year, hay Alfalfa is a valuable addition to tho average cropping system and the bul letln suggests un Increase In the ncre- nge of this crop throughout the region. INCREASE NUMBER OF COWS Dairy Herds of All European Countries Depleted to Appalling Degree We Must Help. (By CARL VltOOMAN. Aaslstnnt Sec retary of Agriculture.) The dairy herds of the old world ore depleted to an appalling degree There is not u country in Kuropo where tho people havo enough dairy products, and this process of depletion Is going on every day, und every week, and every month, and will contlnuo to go on us long us this horrible war lasts. When the war Is finished, wo will flud tho world with u demand for dairy products twofold, fourfold, tenfold grcuter than tho supply. Europe will come to us with out stretched hands, every country In Eu rope, and say to us: "We must have milk; glvo us caniutl milk; give us dry milk; glvo us butler; glvo us cheese; glvo us dairy cattle; glvo us animals to build up our herds again." And unless America has stimulated the production of dairy products, hns Increased her supply of dairy animals fur beyond anything In the past, sho will bo utterly unable to supply this demand. We will supply ns much of this as wo can, because they are going to ho will ing to puy practically any roasonublo price for our live otock; nnd wo will supply so much of It that our own re sources will bo exhausted. Then this country will bo without sulllclent dairy products. Helpless as a Baby Bent Liko an Old Man and Suffered Terribly Quickly Cured by Donn's. Jno. llleiimkc, Jr., 2r.r3 Courtland St., Chicago, 111., says: "I was down with my back suffering from lumbago. I walked like an old man, all bent over. My back pained terribly and when I moved my arms my back hurt. I finally had to go to bed and just felt sick nil over and was helpless as a baby. My kidneys act ed too frequently, tho sccreUons wero scanty Mr. BkuauV nnQ highly colored. I had tcrrlhlo pains in tho back of my head nnd I felt drowsy nil tho time, I finally used Donn's Kidney Pills nnd soon felt ono hundred per cent better. When I finished tho ono box I was entirely cured. Tho pains loft my back and head and my kidneys acted normally. I nm glad to. recommend Donn'o to other kidney sufferers." Cat Doan' at Any Store, 60a m Bqx DOAN'S" FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. The Doubter. He I flatter myself that I have ft well-stored mind. She Do you ever take It ut of storage? Pearson's Weekly. "Cold In the Head" la an ncuto attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per sons who nro mihjcct to frequent "colds In tlio neaii" wm una mai inn uso or HALL'S OATAjmil MEDICINE will build up tho Systom, cloanso tho Blood nnd rondor them 1cm liable to colds. Itepeatcd attacks of Acuto Catarrh mny lend to Chronlo Cntnrrh. HALL'S CATAimH MEDICINE ta tok en Internnlly nnd acts through tho Blooa on the Mucour Surfaces of the Syntom. All DruKKlsts 75c. Testimonials rreo. tine.of) for nnv enso of cntnrrh that HALL'S CATAUUH MEDICINE will not euro. . F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toieao, unio. Some Memory. "You seem to recollect mnttcrs thnt occurred '0 years ago," said oounsol for the defendant sneerlngly to an ad verse witness on cross-cxamlnntlon. "Can you remember as distinctly uny other trilling circumstances that oc curred at tho enme time?" "Oh, yes," was the response. "I re member thnt you dressed very shab bily at that tiinp and your shirt was visible through the , Beat of your breeches, nnd my father loaned your futher .$;i0 to buy you u suit of clothes so that you could appear decently clad for ndmlsslon to thu hnr. And I also remember that neither you nor your father ever returned the money. But then $30 was not n trifling cir cumstance. It was a circum stance." Now York Times. French or Yank? When you have 20-odd men, nil wearing Hod Cross pajamas, nnd all lying In the same kind of cots, how nre you lining to tell n Frenchman from an American? "Tho Frenchmen hnve mustaches and we haven't," explnlned ono Ynnk, but It Isn't nlways ns simple as that. Kven tho nurses sometimes get them mixed, and nddress a wounded American boy In French In perfectly good faith. And every time thnt hap pens, tho doughboy gives himself nwny by trying to talk French buck. Paris Stars and Stripes. Caustic Comment. Uolle Will Is Just cruzy about me. Nell Yes, I heard ho had Insanity In his family. The man who wants tho enrth la tho very ono tho earth can't get along w th. Wheirthe morning cup is unsatisfactory suppose you moke; a change from thc old-time beverage to the snappy cereal drink POSTUH You'll be surprised at its cheering, satis fying qualities and delightful flavor. It's all health no caffeine. Try a Tin .