The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 29, 1918, Image 4

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War Department Or.ders on
Gifts to the A. E. F.
You must follow those instruction,
. niirlutmriH nnnknirn for tb
soldier in France will not bo accepted,
for transportation. I
Only ono package wiIITjo allowed
Tor each soldier, liacn onusum nmi
and officer will recolvo an official
coupon to bo sent to the folks at
home. It will have his address on It,
and must ho pasted on the package.
A standard container, Ox4x.'5 inches
must bo used. Got It from the Ilod
Cross unwrapped and, unsoalcd for in
Bpootlon. After Inspection wrap and
seal tho pnekngo with your official
coupon, in tho presonco of the in
spector. Pu't on onough stamps to
take tho package to Hohokon, N. J.
Got It thoro as soon as pclblo. Pack
ages will not be accopted for transpor
tation nftor November 20th. Packagos
for naval vessels abroad must bo In
Now York not lator than November
Don't put In tho packago liquor,
anything that will explodo or ignite,
liquids or fragile articles improperly
packed. Gifts should bo wrapped In a
khakl-colored handorchlof, 27 lnchos
Gilts You Can Send.
Things tho boys will bo glnd to got.
which they can make good use of. We
haVft pelcolod those things iKtcauBo of
tlioir practical naturo and good qual
'lly. Military Watches
'"V Photo Frames
Bill Hooks
Money Belts
Trench Mirrors ' ,
Shaving Sets
Manicure Knives
VGigarettc Cases
V; Military Rings,
;i Lodge Enihlem Rings
' ' EJversharp I'cncili
-;v Identification Lockets
, Jeweler and Optician
At the Sign of the Big Ring.
Graduate Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
For Rent Tho Ritnor Hotel In
North Platto; forty-ilvo rooms. Ad
dress. W. C. Ritnor, North Platto.
A few exceptional bargains in sec
ond hand Fords. Ilondy t'Ogior Auto
Mr. and Mrs. Soth Sh'orwood, of
Sidney, nro in town, coming hero to
attend tho funeral of their brothor-In-law
D. G. Ginthor, who died in
Danvlllo, III., and "whoso romalns will
bo shippod horo for Intormont.
s I
Mm, Guy Granger has returned TWO HOYS ARRESTED FOR
from U vlSIt in tho 'omit part of tho. TAKINC A FORD Ul.
State and 'accepted tho position of re-j i
portor for tho Dally Tolograph. i Harry Hayes, of this city anil
Stop that cough now-Klkoy'n Whito Claude Blyo of Sidney, agod sixteen
Pine Tar and Wild Cherry Cough a"'1 "vntoon 61po:t Y.Uu'0?
Syrup. Sold at THE REXALL STORK, ralgnod before Judge Woo dllurst yes
. ' , , ,. ! terday afternoon for stoollng a Ford
Wanted to buy V. section sand hill car belonging to L. M. CoChran. of
land. Will trade some horsos and this city. Tho car had boon left stand
muloH on the samo as part payment. jng in front 0f tho Ponny Co. atorf cn
Address 111. A, Box 34. Fifth ftroot, the hoys got in, started
Tho streot report that the Stacoy'"" aftor riding around town
Mercantile Co. had purchased the R. nhtntlonoil It, Two pairs o 'iocs and
N. Lamb businoM was denied at the stu-klngs u-ft in the car rvoro u.ken
offlco of tha company yesterday after-, ',v tj'f, ho?8' . .
,1()0I1 ) While stealing the car Is a peniten
tiary offense, both boys ara. under ago
For Sale Throe head of cows and an,i thev could not be sentenced for
a 2 year old roan Animal. Phono ; iU(.i, nn offonse. Tho boysyadmifted
788K021 . i tholr guilt nnd Jndgo Woodhurst will
T. F. Hoaley returned last evening , commit them to the industrial ?hool
from Omaha whore he was called last:"1 "rnty.
work by the illnoas of his little daugh
ter, whoso condition is now much Im
proved .
Taffeta petticoats, also the Jersey
petticoats In oxtra sizes. E. T.
Til AMP & SON'S .
L. C. Carroll, who Is district pub-
llclty managor for tho united war)0rn wln bc hda j that city noxt
work drive which opens November 11, Thursday.
loft the latter part ofjast weok fori RcVi Carroll had beon In 111 health
Chicago to attend a conferenco of for g0veral months. During tho sum
stato and district chalrmoii. ,cr he visited friends in this city, and
For Qttlok Sale List your Fnrni nnd "it that time he was not feeling vory
City Properly with flic II. & S. woll. Ho returned to Wisner. where
Agency- ne ran"1'1"-''! ft month, but not lmprov-
' ' ,, , . , . ing ho went to IiIb old home in Phil-
Stato Knglneor Johnson was In n,iinhin to trtUn n r hut im nnntin.
town last wook and authorized final
payment on tho now brldgo south of
town. He complimented Contractor
Wholan on tho appearance of tho.par,8n who regret his pnsslng away
structure and was of tho opinion that
it was ns good as it looked.
Roxall Grip Pills Provonts colds
and La Grippe. The 11BXALL STORE;
Tho contract for tearing down tho!nrp to Lincoln county registrants
old wooden brldgo across tho South
Platto was awarded to Tom Gass on
a bid of $450. Gass hauls all the luni
bor to tho north Hldo of tho rivor. Tho
work of tearing out tho brldgo has
been in progross for sovoral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Nlcoly and tholr
daughter Miss Jonnio arrived last
Thursday from TorroHauto, Ind., to
vuft Mrs. NIccly's mother Mrs.
Stoams and other rolatlvos boforo
continuing tholr Journey to Los
Anglos. C'al., to nmko their futuro
Miss M. Slenmn, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle
mon. Phono 897. Brodbeck hide. 85tf
County Attorney Keofo returned
Saturday from a brief visit with rela
tives in Sioux City and will leavo on
train No. 2 this afternoon for the
artillery officers' training quartors n
Camp Taylor, near Louisvlllo, Ky.
This is tho cmap at which Attonoys
Leslie Raskins nnd Robt. Beatty arc
taking Instructions.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug
Store. tf
Tho now brldgo south of town hns
boon In scrvlco for a week, but tho
roadway on tho structuro is in pretty
bad shape. Uho of tho bridge began
before tho gravel and dirt had settled
and packed, tho big snow of Friday
thoroughly sonked the filling and' as
a result tho heavy loads of hay and
other farm produce has cut ruts that
make It almost lmpassablo. Tho ap
approaches to tho brldgo are in pretty
fair shape.
: :u: :
Money fo Loan.
Plenty of six per cent money to loan
on farms nnd ranches, Interest tfiiy
nljle nnnually with prlvllego of pny.
hip part or nil nt any Unto. Loans
closed promptly. No delay.
RED Crown Gasoline
gives you prompt,
powerful engine action. Oil
cold days, the car starts
quickly and takes the road
with full power behind each
piston stroke.
Red Crown is uniform,
clean, and straight-distilled.
It vaporizes readily at low
temperatures. It's all gas
giving maximum mileage
car economy.
Always the same in quality and
result, whether you buy it at home
or hundreds of miles from home.
Look for the Red Grown Sign.
ffi)larine toSSf
keeps cylinders
clean and compression tight.
: :o: :
Nov. Carroll Dies.
Rev. Stophon A. Carroll, for tvor
al years In charge of St' Patrick's
church In this city and who left about
eight years ago to take the parish at
Wlsner. Nob., died In Philadelphia
Rmwlnv nlplit nt ton o'clock. Tha fun-
ue(1 to grow worse IIIltn tho entl ,.nmo
Rov. Carroll had many friends
within and without tho North Platte
: :o: :
Questionnaires Itelng Mailed.
Tho local registration board last
Friday began sending out qucstion-
between tho aces of tlilrtv-soven and
forty-six. About 200 questionnaire are!
being sent out each day, and the men
have seven days In which to rospond
and fill then1 out. As soon ns all have
beon filled out the physical examin
ations will bo hold.'
According to newspaper reports tho
calls for November and Docombcr will
lake about ono hundred men from
Lincoln county and those will need
come largely from the men who regis
tered laut month nnd have been found
f bo physically fit.
: :o: :
Kinkalil for Congress. .
Novembor 5th wo again elect con
gressmen. Out big 0th District hns in
deed been fortunate. Kinkaid ranks
with tho best in every department.
Industrious, active, and persistent on
bohalf of tho people, ho gets things
done. To enumerate would be to toll
of tho development of western Nebras
ka. Ho stands by tho boys at the
front. When Everett Evans was
threatened with poison, in his wound
ed hand, Kinkaid wont 300 miles on
his own motion, at his own expense
to seo what was the matter and ifpos
slblo to romedy. Supporting loyally
ovory mensure to win tho war, depend
able in every emergency, knowing our
needs and intelligently looking aftor
thorn. To vote for and elect Kinkaid
is to insure to nil our people a iloyal
capnblo and Industrious representa
tive in congress.
t :o: :
Will reopen Studio October 18th.
Anyono wishing to'tnko lessons Phone
787F14 or cnll at Studio Friday. Miss
Sadlo Trovlllo. 79-G
l)nro(!..Icrsoy Mule Pigs.
For Sale Twenty head. Thoso aro
registered. Tlioy will not bo kept over
tuirty days. So call or address at
S:i-C North Platto.
In Friday's Issue it was stated that
the total subscriptions to tho Fourth
Liberty loan secured by the woman's
commit too of Lincoln county totaled
$05,000. This was in error, as the $C5,
000 represented only the subscriptions
secured by this commlttop in tht
North Platto district.
The subscriptions In the various
towns of the county were ns follows:
North Platto ?G5,050
Brady 11,150
Maxwell 5,150
Wallace 5,050
Wellfleet 2,250
Horshey 1,700
Dickens 1,100
Nichols 550
As chairman of the Woman Lib
erty Loan Committee for the Fourth
Loan, I wish to thank the women of
tho county who so willingly and ef
ficiently worked to mnko possible the
spfendhU woman'n subscription for
the county of $110,000.
: :o: :
John Sorcnson Mnrrled. "
From Denver, Colo., comes the an
nouncement of the marriage of Miss
DagmaY Sorcnson of Omaha to John
Soronson of Los Angeles, Cal. The
Rov. J. E. Hummon, rormorly of
Omaha, performed tho ceromony. The
only attendant was the bride's sister
Mrs. K. Jensjen of this city. After a
two weeks' wedding trip Mr. and Mrs.
Soronson will bo nt homo In Los
Angelos, Cal. Omnha News.
: :o: :
Iniliicuzu Still Hangs On
Eight new casos of Spanish flu
wero . reported Sunday, and several
yesterday. There are now about thir-ty-llvo
cases or the disease placarded,
quite a few of the houses carded hav
ing from one to three cases. Several
of tho cases are reported as rather
sovere. tho others are light.
::o:: ,
Mr. Calhoun Explains.
I should like to make an explana
tion in regard to my subscription to
tho Fourth Liberty Loan.
For six weeks I had been on tho
boya' placo in McPherson Co. saving
soma perishable crops left by them
when thoj went int., the army. That
plnco is about ton miles from a Post
offico so we hnrdly over got any mail
nnd duriug that time we got no news
of tho outsido world and only two
days before coming homo wo learned
of the bond drive by the bond sales
man coming thru tho valley. I came
to town without delay but got in too
Into to get my bonds at tho bank, the
only placo I knew of to buy them, and
then immediately commenced to get
information as to when my beys would
bo cnllod to tho army.
Next morning while being published
as a siacucr witn J. H . Etiminston
and Rev. Harry G. Knowles was try
ing to get two boys in ahead of the
Mv fnrrllv nn to Mint hmi
trlbuted above $500 to war activities
wnicn now amounts to above $1200.
Mys-df having been refused a place
in the nrmv. twn sons now nnifatixi
and the third trying to get his exam
ination icng nororo Ms call.
I shouldn't Cefend myself on any
other slnnderoiiK cliartro Minn Mint n.
tacking my patriotism. On that I sur-
unuer nrsi piaco to no man.
Wo have contributed nn pvnrv no.
casion offered nnd Minn Rnmo if thu
shows slacker spirit, show us. On our
eeoru i n do juugea by mv neighbors.
: -o :
MiSS Mnrcaret Frnzlnr rftnrnnf1
Denver this morning.
Would VOll like to know wlmrn vfii
can savo cents and dollars on every
purchase Compare prices. E. T.
Friday, Nov. 1
Saturday, Nov. 2
Monday, Not. 4
This $12.00 Ladies'
Groy, Kid Boot turn
sole, LouisJ XV covered
heel, regular $12, for
these days only
at the
Shoe Market.
3 Days, Oily
jj 3 j jit ' "L
i mhmi&W : 1
I Try a Winter Top Wc r;ou'em f
W. K. Maloney Co., Agt
HOUSEWIVES are searching everywhere for
a better way to save in food and fuel. You
can find the answer to these vexing problems in
the efficient
m jest
Patented vsbv
It saves the cost of an extra heating stove. It gives
warm floors fpr the littl- folks. Oven shoulder high saves
stooping and backaches. Oven and
0r?r,' : -t
The "War Department wishes each
man in the American expeditionary
forces to receive only ono parcel of
'standard size and weight.
To carry out this plan, army author
ities under General Pershing aro dis
tributing Christmas Parcel labels or
coupons to men abroad who will nihil
them to relatives and frjends. No
parcel will bo accepted for mailing
without label recoived from abroad.
Containers of specified dimensions
(9 inches x 4 inches x 3 inches) and
weight (3 pounds) will be sent to the
Lincoln County Chapter for distribu
tion late in October.
Tho Red Cross will not only supply
cartons, but will wrap, and deliver,
inspected parcels to pc3t office auth
orities. Christmas nackacos must, hn ronilv
for transmission previous to Xovem
ebr loth. IMS.
Tho follow'ing Is a list of the prin
cipal classes of articles which aro un
mailable. whether sent sealed or un
sealed: 1 All Spirituous, vinous, malted, fer
mented or intoxicating liquors.
2 All kinds of poison and all articles
and compositions contaiing poison.
3 Explosives of all kinds.
1 Inflammable materials lincluding
friction matches.
5 Infernal machines and mechanical
chemical or other devices or com
positions which may ignite or ex
nlode. Note: Under this classification would
como cigarette lighters, etc.
G Liquids or lifiU'iflablo articles, frag
ile articles, ana other matter whon
not packed in accordance with the
requirements of the Postal laws and
7 All other articles which may kill,
or In any wise hurt, harm or injure
another, or damage or defaco or
otherwise injure the mails or other
Hear those facts In mind ulicn puck
Inp your Christmas parcels
Nothing should go in a Christmas
parcel which will not keep fresh from
the time of packing until Christmas.
Driod fruits and other foods pro
ducts should be packed in small tin
or wooden boxes, ono quarter to one
half pound size.
Hard canity, including chocolate,
would probably bo safe in tinfoil or
heavy cardboard, but no soft chocol
ates nor anything that could possibly
bo crushed should bo used, as tho re
maining contonts of tho packago
might bo spoiled thoroby.
Several dainties packed In oblong
tin boxes holding each a quarter of a
pound will provido a better vnrioty for
a packet than a larger quantity of a
singlo confection.
No liquids nor articles packed in
glass should bo placed in tho packago.
For wrapping tho gifts uso a khaki
colored handkerchief, twenty-seven
lnchos square.
Thoso residing In tho North Platto
district tako your packets nnd cou
pons to tho Secretary of tho Lincoln
county Chaptor at tho Fedoral build
ing for Inspection and wrapping be
tween fqur nnd six o'clock in tho nf
tornoon. beforo November 15th.
Thoso in tho country should take
their parcels to tholr Rod Cross
branch hoadqunrtors.
For Rent Furnished room for lady,
two blocks from court houso; no
light housokooplngj nlso small gnrago
Inquire nt Tribune offlco.
: :o: :
For Trade Will trade horses and
mules for sand hill land. Address
Box 34, Route A, North Platto. S3
I i; tf WiOllOl f'V'r ,'.-x
flues made of copper-alloy iron, the
strongest rust-resisting iron known.
We personall; invite you to see
this remarkable fuel saving modern
c"L . Qua Eft HSftinl M?aJh
Stop that cough now Elkoy's Wliko
Pine. Tar and Wild Chorrv -Couch
Syrup. Sold at THE ItEXALL STORE
A burning sensation in the throat
and chest means bad digestion; and
digestive trouble is the starting point
for many serious diseases, particular
ly kidney disease. Bettor take Prickly
Ash Blttors and put your stomach and
digestion in sound condition before
serious trouble begins. Gummere
Dent Drug Company, Special Agents.
Price $1.25 per bottle.
Big Price tor Furs
I will commence buying
niuskrats November first. All
furs will bo a hlg price this
fall and winter.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Beatrice Building and Loan
Association is plaintiff, and Fred L.
Dlsbro is defendant, and to me direct-'
ed, I will on the 28th day of November
1918. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east
front door of tho Court House in
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, sell at Public Auction to the high
est bidder for cash, to satisfy said de
cree interest and costs, the following
described property, to-wlt:
Lot six (G), Block ono (1), Taylor's
Addition to tho city of North Platte,
Dated North Platte,, Neb., Oct. 25th,
029-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Serial No. 0G150
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Offlco at North Platte,
Xebr., Oct. 23, 1918.
Notico is hereby given that Joso
phlno Hood, of North Platto, Nebr.,
who, on Sept. 8, 1914, mado Homo
stoad entry, No. 0G150, for SE4. Sec
tion 22, Township 1G, N.. Range 30 W.
Gth Principal Meridian, has filed
notico of intention to make final throe
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land'abovo described, before the Reg
ister and Receivor, at North Platte,
Nobr., on tho 29th day of Nov. 1918.
Claimant names as wlttnosses: Ed
Ilnrmar, Frank Parks, Ida Johnson
and Charles Lucas, all of North
Platto, Nobr.
025-Sw E. J. EAMES, Rogister.
Notico of Final llcport.
Estate No. 15G4, of Thomas A.
Slmants, deceased in tho Countv Court
of Lincoln County. Nobrnska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estato take no
tico thnt tho Executrix has filed a fln:'
account and report of his administra
tion and a petition for final sottlomort
and dlgchargo as such, which has hoe-i
sot for hoaring bofore said court on
November 22. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m..
whon you may appear and contest tha
Dated Oct. 28, 1918.
noo,TM' 11 ' C- WOODHURST-029-3wks.
County Judgo