The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 29, 1918, Image 3

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To bo tho guiding star, tho rulltiK
BPlrlt In a true liotno Is lilKlicr honor
than to rule an empire.
ce Boxes on Wheel
Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice
boxes traveling on wheels.
Most people in America would have to go
without fresh meat, or would, have to pay
more for what they could get, if it were not
for these traveling ice boxes.
Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the
packing industry, saw the need of these
traveling ice boxes before others. .
He asked the railroads to build them. The
railroads refused. They were equipped, and
preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef.
So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars
himself. The first one was a box car rigged
up to hold ice. Now there are 7,000 Swift
refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice
box as you have in your home.
Day and night, fair weather and foul,
through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go
rolling up and down the country, keeping meat
just right, on its way to you.
Thus another phase of Swift & Company's
activities has grown to meet a need no one
else could or would supply, in way that
matched Swift & Company ideas of being
When you see one of these Swift & Company
cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be
reminded of what is being done for you as the
fruit of experience and a desire to serve.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
It's awfully hard on some men's
eyes when they look' for perfection In
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that It
CI I ..A B
In Use for Over 31) Years
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
United States may tax mules and
Salts and oil arc DANGEROffS.
Few cattle die of constipation; many of
PARALYSIS of the bowels. Give
dry on tbe tongue. Positively
prevents and overcomes both.
Excellent fur loss of nppellte.
or Postpaid 50 Canto.
Send for price Hat of medicines.
Consult DU DAVID KOllEKTtt
about all nnlmiii aliments.
Infonnutlon free. Get a FREE copy of "The CM
Iptclallit" with full Information on Abort Ion In Court.
BR. OtVID ROBERTS VET CO. ICO Grand Art. Waekfia, r.'li.
Dissolved In water for douche stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E
Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore ayes. Economical.
Has eatJwxifiuar deaauas and gcnnWW! power.
rre, sue u dnitruo, o pouroiq Ga
1 be K.ttrxi rata Ccmpur. UmIoo. Mus. .
W. N. U,, OMAHA, NO. 42-1910.
Lend the Way
They Fight
A former sergeunt, who had Just
been "busted" and who carried fresh
In his mil (1 memories of n court
martial, was lifted wounded from the
ambulance at a Held hospital In
France. He, was grinning.
"Well," he said, "heres' one stripe
they can't take away from me."
Ilave you ever stopped to reason why
it is tluit no many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
f eiRht nnd nro soon forgotten? Tho
reafon is plain tho article did not fulfil
(lie promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A inedicinala preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itfcelf, as like
in endless chain system tho remedy is
i ecoiuniended by those who have been
tnefitcd to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says, "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
ind never hesitate to recommend, for in
.lmost every case it shows excellent re
ult, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy that I know ol
(iin i-o large n sale."
Wording to sworn statements and
rifled testimony of thousands who have
-ed the preparation, the success of Dr.
ilmcrs' Swamp-Root is duo to the fact
bat so many people claim, it fulfills nl
ost every wish in overcoming kidney,
vcr and bladder ailments, corrects ur
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
t(l which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottlo of
Swamp-Root by Parcel Poet. Address
rXr Kilmer & Co., Jlinghamtori, N. Y., and
nclostj ten rent; also mention this paper.
Large and medium sizo bottles for salt
it all drug Htore Adv.
The egg that can't bo beat isnt as
good as It might he.
A busy man Is about as sociable
a womnn with tho toothache.
A Bad Cough
II net-beted, often leads to serious tremble.
Siferuard your health, rtliers your distress
and soothe your Irritated throat by taking;
Thoy never tnsto who always drink;
Thoy always tnlk who nover think
"We llvo upon not wflat wq cat, but
what wo digest.
N OltniNAUY dish
mny become some
thing quite unusual
and appetizing by
the addition of a
few well blended
Dlanquettc of
Chicken, Take one
cold cooked chicken
or fowl, the yolks of
two eggs, one pint of chicken brolh,
with salt and pepper to taste. I'cel
four fresh mush rooms and simmer In
the broth until tender. Add the chick
en sliced In thin slices and cook until
hot; add the beaten yolks and as soon
as the sauce is smooth and creamy
udd the snlt nnd pepper and a few
droits of lemon Juice.
Serbian Chicken. Put n good-sized
slice of salt pork into a saucepan and
fry, add some minced parsley root, car
rot, onion and n clovo of garlic. Joint
the fowl and place It In the pan; add
salt und pepper. Cook In the oven one
hour; thou udd three peeled tomatoes
with tho seeds removed. Continue to
ndd to the pun enough water to baste
the fowl frequently. Cook until the
fowl is tender and serve with rice and
bacon or minced ham for llavor. Pour
the gravy over the chicken.
Baked Ham. Soak the hnm over
night; In the morning scrub It and
trim nway any rusty part, wipe dry
and cover the ham with u thick paste
of bread dough, one-half Inch thick.
Lay In a dripping pan with a little
sweet cider, busting often and adding
more cider as It Is needed. When a
skewer will pierce the thickest part,
remove the crust and outside skin,
sprinkle with brown sugar nnd crumbs,
stick with cloves and brown in the
Brown the commeal before making
It into mush, using care that it does
not scorch. It will have a most tasty
llavor of parched corn.
Crab Salad. Take four cupfuls of
crab meat, one cupful of wcil-aeuponed
boiled dressing, one-half cupful of cut
pickles, Salt and pepper, two table
spoonfuls of chopped green peppers.
Mix till together nnd servo on lettuce.
Brown Bread. Take one cupful each
of graham, rye and corn meal, one cup
ful of sour milk, two cupfuls of sweet
milk, two-thirds of u cupful of molas
ses, one egg, one teaspoonful of soda
nnd a half-tenspoonful of salt, Steam
three hours and set In the oven to dry
off, ufter tnklng from the pan.
Glvo to your friends a cordial wel
come. Instead of a vurlety of cakes
and pastry.
The smile of tho hostess is tho cream
of tho feast.
most palatable salad
Is the following :
Take n cupful of
crab meat, the
canned variety, cut
with u shnrp knife
Into .-mull pieces,
ndd an equal amount
of finely diced tart
apple, season with
salt and a few dashes of paprika, add
a half-cupful of mayonnaise nnd serve.
A little chopped green pepper may be
ndded for variety.
Ham With Cider. Slices of cold ham
are heated In cider which has been
thickened with cornstarch. Servo pour
ed over the ham. A half glassful of ap
ple or currant Jelly with n half cup
ful of water and tt tablespoonful of
cornstarch makes a -ood sauce.
Cheese and Pepper Fondu. two
tablespoonfuls each of chopped re 1
and green peppers, two-thirds of a cup
ful of corn cake crumbs, tbe same
amount of scnlded milk nnd cheese,
one-half tenspoonfiM 'each of suit and
paprika, n few grains of mustard and
two well-bnten eggs, fl reuse n linking
dish and sprinkle with the flnelv
chopped peppers. Add the scalded milk
to the gritted cheese, seasonings,
crumbs, and beaten egg yolks; mlv
well, then fold In the stltlly beaten
whites. Turn Into the baking dish and
hake In a slow oven twenty-five min
utes. Chocolate Molasses Cakes. Take
one-third of u cupful of molasses, one
sixth of a cup of boiling water, on ta
blespoonful of fhortenlng, one-half
cupful of Hour, one-fourth cupful of
corn Hour, one-third of a teaspoonful
of soda, the snme of salt and cinna
mon, one nnd a half squares of melted
chocolate and a half tonspoonful of
vnnllln. Rent thoroughly after combin
ing as usual, and bake In small greased
in ti til ri pans.
Coconut Biscuit Sift two cupfuls
of barley Hour with four teaspoonfuN
of baking powder, a half teaspoonful
of snlt, two tablespoonfuls of shorten
ing and one cupful of fresh grated co
conut. Add tho coconut milk for
the liquid and roll out one-half Inch
thick. Rrush the top with milk and
bake moderately twcnty-llvo minute .
. 1 rutiwul War Gsrti in Jn
ft -Commission' Dl
rt fttionjlWrOirdiri, n
ft 'Commluloir ' jl
MOST appetizing tlldi
Is apples nnd onloua
cooked together and
served as a vege
table. Take three
pints of chopped tipple-
and two pints of
onion; If this Is too
large an amount for
the family use cups
Instead of pints.
Cook the onion In n little hot bacon
or snlt pork fat until nearly soft, then
add the apple, a little salt and cayenne
nnd a tablespoonful or two of corn
sirup. Cook until tho apples are brown.
Sardine Salad. Remove the skin
from t ight boneless sardines and break
them In pieces. Pare and core a tlrm
tart apple, cut In very thin slices and
mash with fork. Mix the llsh and
tho apple together, adding a little of
the sardine oil from the box to mako
tho' mixture of tho right consistency
to tin iid. Shape like sardines and servo
two on a nipt of lettuce hearts. Servo
this salad with either French or may
onnaise dressing.
Apple and Raisin Sandwich. Chop
one large apple with a third of a cup
ful of raisins; mix well, add a tea
spoonful of lemon Juice and spread
on buttered graham bread; cover with
another slice of buttered bread.
The rich spiced sirup left from pick
led peaches may be used again another
year to save sugar. This same sirup
gives a delicious flavor to meat when
used to bust It.
Tanoo Salad. Pare, halve and core
tlnee ripe, Juicy pears. Squeeze lemon
Juice over them to keep them from tils-
colBrlng. Place u ball of cream cheeso
or a cube of Roquefort In the cavity of
each pear. Set these on the heart
leaves and pour over a French dressing
seasoned with chopped red und green
popper, a dash of mustard with tho
olive oil and vinegar, salt and cayenne
Apple Cake. Line a deep pie pinto
with pastry. Then mix together one
half cupful each of raisins, nuts nnd
two-thirds of n cupful of honey and a
teaspoonful of cinnamon; sprinkle
these over tho crust and cover with
three thinly sliced tart apples; sprinkle
with two tablespoonfuls of sugar; pour
over a cupful of milk benten with ono
egg. Rake slowly until the custard Is
set, then reduce the heat and bake tin
til the apples are cooked.
A 'tart, grated apple, one cupful of
sugar and an egg white beaten until
stiff nnd it will stand up, makes a lino
iluvored tilling for a layer enke. The
cake with such a filling will not dry
In all tho world there Is no vlco,
Less prone to exresn tlinn nvurlco;
It neither cares for food nor clothing,
Naturo'8 contont with little, that with
H15RE is such u dl
verslty of dishes
that he is Indeed
hnrd to suit who
cannot find some In
all menus which
will plei'se.
"Three" Ice
Cream. Take tho
i; i
Juice of throo
oranges, three lem
ens nnd the riced pulp of three
Imnnnas, three cupfuls of strained
honey, three cupfuls of water. Let
"tand one hour then pour Into a freez
er. add a cupful of cream and freeze
This anrouiit will serve ten persons.
Peanut Straws. Roll rich pn.siry
one-eighth of nn Inch in thickness
spread one-half with peanut butler,
wet tho edges and fold tho remaining
half over It. Roll lightly, prick with
a fork to prevent pufllng up. Cut In
strips n half-Inch wide and four
Inches long. Rrush with milk and
hake In a quick oven. When done
sprinkle with paprika.
Spanish Meat Dish. In the liottoin
of ii baking dish place a layer of thin
ly sliced potatoes. Over these lay
sliced cold roast beef, chicken or any
kind of cooked meat ; pour over a cup
ful or Jess of good gravy. A very lint
ly-shreddod onion Is then sprinkled
over the gravy. Then cover with tw
cupfuls of thick tomato; put Into t.'io
oven to bake; after an hour add a
tablospoonfiil of cooked green pens
and servo at once. Salt nnd pepper
should bo added to each layer, as tho
spiisonlntr Improves as the (llsh cnofts.
Stuffed Green Peppers. Cut off the
tops of a dozen green peppers und
put these bits with one small onion
through a meat chopper. Add a pound
of sausage meat, two-thirds of a cup
ful of cracked crumbs, two table
spoonfuls of catsup, one egg well
beaten, three-fourths of a teaspoonful
! of salt and milk to soften. Romovo
the seeds, stuff the peppers nnd set
them In a baking dish with n little
warm water to keep them from stick
I Ing. Rake In n moderate oven out
hour or until the meat Is brown and
j tho peppers soft.
We will win this war
Nothing else really matters until we do I
The Flavor Lasts
Explaining It
One reason more bams are hit by
lightning In this region than formerly
Is. that there are more barns to bo hit
There la no more lightning than usual.
Portland Oregonlnn.
Cutlcura Beauty Doctor
For cleansing and beautifying tho
skin, hands and hair, Cutlcura Soap
nnd Ointment afford tho most cffectlvo
preparations. For frco samples ad
dress, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At
druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Oint
ment 25 nnd CO. Adv.
Her Way.
Stella Aro you Having money t
Uelln Well, every day I think
more things I don't buy.
What Is tlui cause of indigestion, drs-
(irimla, hlont, heartburn, fuoil-repratlnic,
ipIcIiIiik, gusty, Hour stomach, and ho
many HNHiiarli mlnrrlfsT Junt thin nclil
tiiu ill HUfiuraclilItT a the doctors
call li. It mlm mllnns of ttitlr full
atri'nstb, vitality and the Ixwer to en Jo
life tn tic rent men and womi'n.
It Is well known Hint on acid mouth
drntroj'H the iff th. The odd In ho power
ful that It cuts right through the hard
enamel und online the lentil to decay.
This Is fair warning nt wlint excena nclrt
It y will do lo the delicate organization
of the utomach; as a matter of fact, ez
cchh oddity not only products a creat
many painful and disagreeable symp
toms that re generally name "Htomnch
trouble," but It Is the creator of a lonn
train of rery aerlous ailments. Acid
stomich Interferes with the dlgcallon
and cause the food to ferment. Tills
mass of hour, fermented food pusses Into
the Intestines, where It heroines the
breeding plarn for germa nnd toilc
poison, which lo turn are absotbed
fnto tbe blood and distributed through
out the entire body.
Whcrerer you go yon see Tlctirna of
acld-atnmach people who, while not
actually down lck are always alllnjr
hae no appetite, food doesn't digest,
belching all tbe time, continually com
plalulng of being weak and tired and
worn out. It la this exevos acidity that
The Sturjes.
"yVhnt did they do with the vessel?"
"Klrst. they buoyed her up and then
diey manned her."
Makes clothes whiter than giiow. De
lights tho hoiiBowIfo. Largo package
( conts at all good grocors. Adv.
A grain of Hand in a man's makeup
U worth two In the ttugnr.
If a man Ih prejudiced and knows tt
thrn thero Is still hope for him.
VirkiTiM Granulated Eyelids,
I OUT '""'L0 "T:
sure to 3uiii uuaianu ninii
Eyes g
itiickly reheved by Marine
lyeRemedy. No Smarting,
iuat Ere Comfort. At
Your DniffgiiU or by mail 60c per Bottle.
For Dook ol tbe Eye freo write b u
Murine Eyn Remedy Co., Chicago.
Just in Time.
"Did she return the eugngcmenl
ring when sho Jilted you?"
"She didn't have nny engagement
ring. Just before I proposed to her I
Joined a society for the prevention ofl
useless giving."
Don't hlamu the hen If tho egg Is
bad. It wns all right when her ro
sponslblllty ended.
Instantly relieved with
takes the pep si;d puneh out of,
leurcH little or no vitality.
Strike at tbe Tery cause of all thW
trouble nnd clean this excess add nut
of tbe stomach. This will file tbe stum,
acli a chance to digest tbe food properly;
nature will do the rest.
A wonderful new remedy rem or en ex
cess acid without the slightest discom
fort. It la called ICATONIO. made In
the form of tablets they aro good to est
Just like a bit of candy. ICATONIO
literally nliNiirbn the Injurious excess
arid and cnrrlen It away through tho In.
teatlnea. It drives the bloat out of ths
body you can fairly feel It work.
Try KATPNIO and aeo how nolekly
It banishes bloat, heartburn, belching,
food-repeating, Indigestion, etc. See
too, how quickly your general lien lib
Impi-orca how ranch more of your
food Is digested bow nerTonsnens and
irritability disappear. Learn bow easy
It Is to get back yonr physical nnd men
tal punch, Have the power and energy
to work with vim. I5nJoy tbe good
things of life. Learn whnt It meana to
fairly bubble over with health.
Bo get n box of KATONIO from your
drngglst today. We authoiixe blm to
giinrontee KATONIO to pleaso you and
you can trust your druggist to mike
tbli guarantee K"1, If It falls In any
way, take It back be will refund your
Soothe Your
S II druggists; Roup . Ointment "f A TO. TalcmuSi.
ample each free ot "CnUcsra, Dipt. X, Isrwm."
A tollst preparation of merit.
Drips to eradleata dandruff.
1'or Itcitorma -oior ana
-f Beauty toGr or Faded Hale.
and at UruirgUta.
Omaha, Nabraik
Rooms from 11.00 up alaf la, 75 oeutii up double.
ETIUICUITJIS KuNtrann Roods. We prt.v re
I I H I 3 II E IB M torn pontiles on (IuIhIiIiikv
THE HOBEtir DEMPSTER CO. 11)13 Farmim Street
Eastman Kodak Cp. Omaha, Neb,