The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1918, Image 8

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    IJlKl,. T:U,..rt lAMi NEBRASKA IS UKIHJJt ,
SElUtiiiCrlUU QinulIUCi quarantine for influenza.
- - I
I It A L BARK, Editor ami Publisher 1
subscription rates: i
Ono Your by Mull, In advance. .$1.7.1 !
Ono Year ! Carrier, In advance, S2.0IJ
Entered Ht the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofftce as Second Class Matter.
final (jkiuian defense link
no kasy nit to ('hack.
Tho following article, prepared by
the Associated Press gives some light'
on the defensive system Germany has
prepared to resist Invasion of the
Fathurland by the allied armies: I
Events of the past three months, in-'
voIvIiik the obb of the German tide of
Invasion In France and Belgium,
have emphasized the Importance of
the German dufenslve systems which
have been prepared by tho foe for Just
tho emergency which now confronts
him. The Gorman defensive lines re
soluble a tree with throo main
branches. Tho trunk of this "troe"!
has Its root at the Swiss frontier and 1
continues north as fur as Metx, where I
it divides into two branches. The I
westerly branch rums to tho northwest
hh far as tho Mouse river, where It
separates, one "limb" crossing the ;
MfMitw and running westward, after
which it sweeps to the north on a long'
curve. The other follows the Mouse,1
down us far as Namur, whence It runs
to Brussels and Antwerp and thenco
ty the Dutch frontier. j
The branch that crooae the Meuse Is ,
tho first Uiat must he broken by the
allies. In fact, recent British and Hel-j
glan victories in Belgian Flanders
e com to have rendered a large part
of this line untenable as a permanent
defensive position.
First IS 17 (iiiniillol to linn.
This line crosses tho Meuse at Dun,
goos thru Argonne forest nnd then .
follows the Alsue river ns far as Hat-1
hel, where It turns north and passes :
near Guise and Solesmes. It contln-i
ues northward past Valenciennes and
reaches the Scheldt at Conde. It runs i
along the Scheldt pnst Tournnl and!
Ghent, where It turns to the oast-J
ward and readies Antwerp. This Is,
th. "Hundlng line."
Tho second line, known as the "Hue
of the Merse," Is established on the !
cast lmnk of the Meiise river north-1
ward from Dun. It passes Sedan nnd1
Mezleres and enters Helglutn just to
tho soulhwosct of Dlnant. At Namur,
It louves tho river and runs to Brus
sels, continuing on to Antwerp, whoro1
It Joins tho "Hundlng lino" and con-j
tlnuos on to tho Dutch bordor.
Tho third lino Is tho original de
fense zono along tho Gorman frontier. '
South of Motz It Is contorud around
tho thirty-seven pormanont forts ,
about Strassburg. It runs ovor tho
high and proclpltoiiB hills on tho Vos-
gos mountains and Ih several miles 1
(loop, ,
At Motz tho Gorman havo construct-'
ed twenty-olght groat forts, which arc'
bo located hb to command all ap-j
IroacnoH ami at tno snmo thno bo cap
able of concentrating tholr lire on any
ono fort which happens to bo ontored
by the allies.
Fortress Around Iron Fields.
Northwest of Motz nro the great
iron Holds of Hrley. Tho Importance
of this iron doposlt has coninollod tho
GennauH to convert the wholo countrv
there Into a veritable fortress. This
line runs along the boundary hotwoon
Franco and Germnny, bonding to tho
northeast until It reachos tho Luxem
burg lino. If this belt should bo pierc
ed, tho Germans may fall back to tho
Snarbruockeu and ICnlsorslautorn re
gions, which are Interspersed by riv
ers and high wooded hills, which lend
themolvos ndmlrably to dofenslvo op
erations. ,
East of Luxemburg. It Is roportetl.
the Gorniaim havo devoted a groat
deal of tltno and labor to tho construc
tion of pormanont fortifications.
Tho country along tho Dolglan fron
tier hotwoon Luxemburg nnd Holland
is dominated by Goblenz, which Mar
shal Foch considers tho key to Germany-,
In this area Is Honn, n fortress
of tho first class; Cologne, which Is
protoctod by a brond bolt of ontronoh
inentH and n series of strongholds
running along the western sldo or tho
Rhino uaitll that rlvor passes Into Hol
land. Then Conies the Hhlne.
Should tho throe linos mentioned bo
hrokon, or if tho allies should broak
thru botween Motz and tho Swiss
frontlor the GormniiH would bo com
pelled to fall Into Gormany nropor. or
to tho south, to cross tho Rhino. This
historic, rlvor Is roally tho wostorn
moat of tho Teutonic castlo. Its wholo
eastorn hank la strongly fortified, and
wovw no onpablo or a protracted de
fense. This lino of reslstanco hogins
at Lahr and runs down tho Rhino thru
Oft'enbnrg, RaBtatt. Karlsruhe. Man
holm, Darmstndt, Wolbadon, Ilondorf,
Kalk, Densburg and Wosol.
In tholr rotlromont from tholr pros
out positions tho Gorman plan will ho
to shorton tholr lino materially and
thus Incronso tho number of men a
vallahlo for resistance along tholr now
fronts, Tho Hundlng lino Is about sov
onty mllos shortor than the Illndon
burg system. Tho lino of lo Mouso
would shorton tho front by twenty
inllo moro, whllo tho Gormans. If thoy
should rotlro to tholr own frontlor
would still bo nblo to shorton tholr
rront by thlrty-flvo miles.
This shortening or tho lino will bo
of tromondous Importnnco In futiiTo
oporatlons by tho nllios. It would
mako up. to n largo degree, for tho
heavy losses Inflicted upon tho Ger
mans during tho campaign of tho past
summer and glvo thorn mnn nnwnr
that would ho a formidable barrier
to tno nlllofl advance
Tho Mouso tho Alsno and tho Scholdt
rlvors nnd tho cnnals In Rolglum In
the vlclnltv of Rrussols nnd Antworp
will also bo valuahlo odluncts to the
condpot of dofenslvo fighting bv tho
Germans. With tho dovolnpmont of
tho tanks ns nn ofTonslvo weapon, n
rlvor ns a first dofnnso lino ndda tre
mendously to tho strongth of a posl
Outfit to bale nnd haul 150 tons of
The latest ruling made by the state ;
board of health closes an scnoois in
Nebrsaka, city as well as country,
all theaters, all churches, cancels all
Inflvu Mfit mnfttotv (liaAHtl. tttlll Ttllllllp
. f W . WL , V.J wwv.Bag .... 1
gatherings of every nature, both In!
doors and out. Local health author!-1
. . . t I
! ik a ra nruui ffi anrtrnji inMH nil
lugs. The (itiaraiitlne will remain In
force until 8unday, November 3 and
has been decided upon as Being tho
most effective way to fight the Span
ish Influenza.
The order Issued says that "the dis
ease Is of an especially virulent form
and that Immediate and drastic meas
ures must be taken to combat Its
spread if the health and life of our
people is to be conserved. The state
board of health rejtort that there aro
about twenty thousand cases of the
Influenza In Nebraska today and Dr.
W. 8. Wild Is authority for the state
ment that tho disease is bringing down
an increased number of peoplo dally.
People are warned against letting
their children run about on tho streets
snd thus expose themselves needless
ly. Those having a member of tho
household down with the Influonza
shotild also take especial precautions
and not expose others heedlessly tc
the disease. Much grief and suffering
can be avoided it the public will do
Its part and rigidly observe the quar
antine ruling.
.:o: :
The funeral service of Mrs. Sarah
C. Moore was held at tho homo of tho
deceased, 815 W. 2nd St., North
Platte, Sunday October 20th, 1918 at
10 a. in. Tho Rov. II. E. Hoss, of tho
First Methodist Church preached tho
funeral Bennon and music was fur
nished by a mixed quartet froai the
Methodist choir.
Even though our city is under the
pall of a dreaded epidemic many of
her friends attended tho funeral, most
of them sitting on chairs arranged In
rows on the lawn.
Tho doceased. Sarah C. Griffith,
was born In Harrison Co., Indiana,
April 29th, 1813. In 1859 she was mar
ried to Rev. Raima C. Moore who was
lator to bocomo a Liout. Colonel in
tho Civil -war. Of tholr six children
Clarence O.. Thomas R., Grace M.,
and Harry IS., are living. Mrs. Mooro
quickly and peaceably passod away
during the night of Oct. 18th, 1918.
Since the time of their marriage,
excepting tho poriod of tho wnr, she
helpod her husband as n successful
and beloved mlnlstor's wife rntll tholr
retirement In 1901. In 18C9 they mov
ed to Illinois where he preachod for
ton yonrs thon took pastorates in
Kansas. In 1891 her husband wns
transferred to tho Wost Nebraska
Conference and hold successive pas
torates at Clay Conter, Elsie. Elwood,
Sldnoy nnd in tho year 1899 moved to
N6rth Platte wlion ho was appointed
Presiding Eldor of tho North Platte
D strict. In 1903 ho held tho North
Platto circuit for one year and then
Ho passed nway January 27th, 1909
and sho lived In tholr homo until her
doath. Her son Thomas R. Mooro has
mado North Platto his homo for 20
years. A faithful christian mothor
and wifo has gone and wo shall iiiIrb
or ouooriui proflonco in the home
and church.
: :o: :
Leu Kldwoll Married.
An item of nows that should havo
had the attontlon of tho Winner Inst
wok was tho marriago of Mr. Len
Kldwoll of this placo and Mrs. Eliza
beth Rogors at the homo of fh0 latter
In Kearnoy. Wednesday. October 2d.
And there Is a bit of romnnco con
nected with tho affair too, for Mrs.
Rogers, now Mrs. Kldwoll, was an
early redent of this vicinity, being
tho wife of Hon Rogors, n homestead
er hore and both will bo romombored
by tho many old timers who rend this
paper. Tho death of Mr. Rogers and
the former Mrs. Kldwoll occurred
only thirteen dnys apart, tho two fam
ilies wore groat frlonds in tho early
days and it seems not inappropriate
that tho two who aro loft should bo
thus united. Their many frlonds, old
and now, will wish thorn a full meas
uro of happiness for tho future.
Wallace Wlnnor.
: ;o: :
2,000 ITnlmrled Radios.
Now York, Oct. 24. An appeal was
nindo todny to tho mayor by Queens
borough for city workers to bo sont
Tnvo (,,KRr8 to Intor tho bodios.of
2,000 porsons, mostly victims of tho
opldomic. which romaln unburlod In
:o: :-
Do not neglect the warnings of nn
turo. If your appetlto Is poor, broath
bad, tongue coated, you will bo sick,
unloss you take stops to put your sys
tom In good condition. Prickly Ash
IHttors Is tho romody you nocd. It
PUrlflCH tllO hnwnln ntrmicrtlm,,., ,ll..,.
- ----- uiKua-
tlOU and romilntna lin Uvr ui
.J5 por bottle. Gummoro-Dont Drue
Stnrn Snnnlnt A ..,.,
- . ..wm, .mnn.
N'otleo to Creditors.
Estate No. 1F177 nr TlnHtrh 1.- A..
druBa, deceased, In tho County Court
" mm-wm cmuuy, woorasua.
Tho Statfl of Nnl
orH,"t said ostato will tako notlco
imiL mo uiuq limited Tor presentation
and filing of claims against said os
tato Is Febrnnrv !! mm o.,i
J'0"10"1 nf Hn,tl stato Is Octobor 19,
1919, thnt I will Bit at tho county court
r"om enld county on Novombor 22,
1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on Feb
ruary 22, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. to
iuuuivu, vxamino, noar, allow, or ad
just nil claims and objections duty
033"l County Judire
Notlco of Final Report.
Estato No. 1C00 of Amanda M.
Thomson, decoasod in tho County
vuuri ui Lancoin county, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all per
sons lntorostod in said EsUito tnko
notice that tho. Executor has filed a
final nccount and roport of his ad
ministration and a potltlou for flnnl
Bottloment nnd discharge ns such,
which havo boon set for hearing be
foro said court on Novombor 15, 1918,
at 9 o'clock a. m whon you may ap
pear and contest tho snmo.
Datod Octobor 15, 1918.
022-3wks. County Judge.
Mrs. Sarah Hall, who visited thn
weeks with her parents Mrs. and Mr
J. R. Shaw, left Thursday for Pine
dale, Wyo.
A burning sensation In the thro.i'
and chest means bad digestion; ar,l
digestive trouble Is the starting poin
for many serious diseases, partlculai
ly kidney disease. Better take Prick.'
Ash Hitters and put your stomach at I
digestion In sound condition bofor
serious trouble begins. Gumiiier -Dent
Drug Company. Special Agent -Prlco
$1.25 per bottle.
Morell Keith Neville, Plaintiff 1
llovl.l raah atwl Fllnn I.. C!n!l. Bill
th heirs, devisees, legatees and per-'
so:iHl representatives and against aV
peraons interesiei in tne ennto ,
David Cash and Ellen L. Caili, d-,
i;mnaL mm o(sn t, uuhhu h .
owners and claimants of the follbwinar
doaorUMMl innti siiuato in ijincoin
County. Nebraska, Northeast Quartir
of Northeast Quarlor and Loti 2,
and t of Section 1. Townihlp 1' ,
Range 30,; East Half of Northea-t ,
Quarter and Lots 1. 2 and 3 of Ssojlon i
SK ''nil-null 1 11 14. IlHtllTH 30. Th 1111-
known heirs, devisees, or logate "f
Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown
heirs, devisees or legatees of CynthM i
T. Wiley, det.-?nsed, and the unknovn I
holrs, dovlseos or legatees of Frank I
M. Wiley, doceased, nnd against the j
unknown owners or claimants of tin.
following described land situato m j
l.lwnln Pnimtv Vplirnakn. Rnntli ln!f
of Northonst Quarter nnd Lots 1 a,"l i
2 of Section 4, Townsnip id, unncf
30. George A. Hoagland, his heir-.
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and unknown clalmnnts of thr
following described land sltuatod In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half
of Southeast Quartor. South Half nf
Southwest Quarter of Section 1:'
Township 13, Range 29. Defendant-.
MUST I A I nr, IM Al 1IU..
Tr llnvlil f!nli. TCllon T. PrbIi nnd
the heirs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representatives and all poron--
lnlirntfjl In (lin nnlnto nf Tlnvld Cnli
deceased and Ellon L. Cash, dccenne'l.
and tho unknown owners and un
known claimants of tho following des
cribed Innd situato in Lincoln County.
N,p1irnBWn. tn-wll" Nnrtlifvmt Onnrtpr
of Northoat Quartor (NEH of NE,4
and Lots Two (2). Three (3) and Four
(1) of Section One (1) Towushln
Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirtv
r.10 nnd Uia Ens! Half nf NfirMinn-i
Quartor (EH of NEA) and Lots One
(i). two (z) and Tiiree (a) or soctlon
Thirty-five (35). Township Fourteen
(14). N. of Rantr- Thirtv (301. Wn-
Oth P. M. defendants.
You and each of you will tako noti e
that Morell Keith Neville has com
menced nn action in the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
against you nnd ouch of you tho ob
ject and prayer of which said petition
is to quiet title in plaintiff ngalnst
you and each of you In tho following
doscribed lands situato In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast
Ouartor of N'ortlinnnt Onnrlnr (X'Ri:
of NE'j) and Lots Two (2), Throo (3
nnd Four (4) of Soctlon Ono (1.
Township Thirteen (13), Range Thir
ty (30), Wost fith P. M. and East
Halt or Nortnoast Quartor (Ey. of
NEW) and Lot Oim (1). Twn r2) ntiA
Threo (3) of Soctlon Thlrty-fivo (35),
Townsnip Fourteon (14) Range Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M. and to have
decreed to him now and Independent
tltln bv reason of advorso nnssns.inii
of said described premises against
you by himself and his grantors.
To Abram Wilov. fivntliln rP WMnv
Frank M. Wiley and tho holrs, devi
BOOS. loeatecs nnd riorsnnnl renrAspn-
tatlvcs and all porsons interested in
tho estato of Abram Wiley, deceased,
Cynthia T. Wiley deceased and Frank
M. Wilov. deceased, and tlin nnknnu-n
owners and tho unknown claimants
of tho following doscribed lands sit
uate in Lincoln County, Nobraska, to
wlt: South Half of Northeast Quar
ter (S1 of NEVi) and Lots Ono (1)
and Two (2) of Section Four (4) In
Township Thirteen (13), Range Thir
ty (30). West Of. tho fith P. M. ilnfnn.
You nnd each of von will tnko
notlco that Morell Keith Novlllo has
commenced an action In tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
aglanst you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayor of which said notltlon
Is to Olllet tltln In nlnlntlff
and oach of you In tho following des
cribed lands situato In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nonraska, to-wlt: South Half of
Northeast Quartor (SVj of NEVI ) nnd
uois uno (l) and Two (2) of Section
Four (4). Township Thirteen (13)
Rnngo Thirty (30), West of tho Gth
P. M. and to havo decreed in him
now nnd indopendont tltlo by reason
Of adVOrSO nOSHOSslmi nf anlll ilnanrlli.
pd lands ngalnst you by himself and
To Georgo A. Hoagland and tho
holrs, dovlseos, legntoos and porsonal
ruprosontatives and all porsons in
terested In tho ostato of Georgo A.
Hoagland, deceased, and the unknown
ownors nnd unknown clnlmnnts of tho
following described lands sltunto In
Lincoln County, Nobraska to-wlt:
South Half of Southoast Quartor (SV
of SEVi) and South Half of Southwest
Quartor (SVs of SWVl) of Section
Twolvo (12), Township Thirteen (13)
Rnngo Twenty-nlno (29), Wost of tho
Gth P. M. dofondants.
You nnd onch of you will tako notlco
that Moroll Keith Novlllo has com
moncod nn notion In tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you and onch of you, tho ob
ject nnd prnyor of which snld petition
is to quiet tltlo In plaintiff ngnlnst you
and each of you in tho following de
scribed lands sltunto In Lincoln Coun
tf, Nobraska, to-wlt: South Halt of
Southoast Quartor (SVa of SEW) and
South Half of Southwest Quarter (SU
of SWVi) of Section Twelve (12)
luniibuip mirioon U3), Hango Twou-ty-nlno
(29), west of tho Gth P. M.
and to havo decroed In him now and
Indopendont tltlo by reason of ad
vorso possession of said djoscrlbod
promlsos ngaliiBt you by himself and
his grantors.
You and onch of you will mako
answor herein on or bororo tho 9th
day of Docomhor, 191S, or your do
faults will bo takon and Judgment
tnkon and ontored ngaliiBt you as In
said potltlon prayed.
u-swks. Plaintiff
Drive Away the
Chill With a
Gas Room
North Platte Light
& Power Co
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ol Postoftice.
Phcne 58
A modern institution for the
cientific treatmnt of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ruy
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
L. M. McCLARA, "
3Iy ono best reference; I'm nlways
dated ahead Phone nt my expense
for dates
Licensed Embainers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day phono 11
Mght phone Black 5SS
For tho Year WIS.
By virtuo of the authority In me
vested, and by tho direction of tho
laws of tho State of Nebraska, In such
case mado and provided, LA. S.
AUon, County Clork of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, do hereby proclaim that
on Tuesday, tho fifth day of November
191 during the hours designated by
law, there will be held a general
oloctlon at tho usual voting places In
said County for tho election of tho
following officers, to-wlt:
One United States Sonator
Ono Governor
Ono Lieutenant Governor
One Secretary of State .
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts
Ono State Treasuror
One Attorney General
Ono Superintendent of Public In
struction Ono Commissioner of Public Lands.
ai.d lUilldn.'gs
Ono Railway Commissioner
TVo Regents of the State Unlvor-
Ono Member of Congress, Sixth
Congressional District
Ono State Sonator, Twenty-fifth
Onte Stnte Representative, Slxty
olghlh District
Ono State Representative. Sovonty
Bove.ith L'latrlct
Threo Judges ct the Supremo Court
Ono County C.erk
Ono County Treasurer
Ono County Sheriff
Ono County Attorney
(Hie County Surveyor
One County Judge
Ono County Superintendent of
Public Tnstruct'on
Ono County Commissioner, Second
One Assossor fot each Precinct
Ono Rond Overscor for each Road
Two Justices of tho Peace for each
Ono Police Magistrate, City of North
At fhe same tlmo and places, two
umomimei'u: to tho constitution or
tho Stato will bo submitted to tho
olocicrs for adoption or rejection,
Proposed constitutional amendment
relating to the right of suffrage as to
persons of foreign birth.
For or against calling n constltu
tloiinl convention to alter, ohango and
amond tho corbtltutlon of Nobraska;
any amendments to tho constitution
to be submitted, sppnrntoly to tho
electors when domuuded by twontyflvo
porcort of the duly qualified and
olectod dolegatcs of such convention
Polls will ho open at 8 o'clock a. in.,
and remain open vnt'I G oclock a
m . of the same day.
In testimony whereof, I havo
hereunto set my hand and seal of the
County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska,
this Fth day of Ortoltr. 191S.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 1S3
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street
North Platto, Neb.
Successor., to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleid
Oinco Phone G42 Ros. Phone 67f
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . D R O S T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte. - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Fhsylclnn nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office over McDonnld Bank.
Office Phone 113C Re. Phono 112C
col. ed mmw,
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
Referencei nnd Dates nt First
National Bank, North Platte, Nebr.
rhoiie luou.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Iladium Therapj
72S City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska
Osteopathic Physician
K. of C. Building
Associated With Dr. Drost.
Wliv not AVI'Ifis vnur Urn nml rrlmn
Insurance with a reliable company
who Invest their premiums In Liberty
Bonds and give our county tho credit.
Sec us for farm and automobile rates
j Tho following proposod amendment
(to tho constitution of tho State of
.Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In
full, is submitted to tho olectors of
tho Stato of Nebraska to be voted
upon at tho general election to bo
hold Tuesday, Novombor 5th, A. D.
Soctlon ono (1) of Article sovon (7)
of tho Constitution of tho Stato of
Be It Resolved by the Legislature of
tho Stato of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Soctlon Ono of Ar
ticle Sevon of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nobraska bo and tho same
hereby Is amended by striking out the
following words:
"Socond. Porsons of foreign birth
who shall havo declared their Inten
tion to become citizens comformably
to tho laws of the United States, on
tho subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an election."
And Inserting in tho place of the
words so stricken, the following
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall havo becomo citizens of the
United Statos by naturalization or
otherwlso conformably to tho laws of
tho United States at least thirty days
prior to an election.
, Sec. 2. That at tho general elec
tion nlnoteen hundred and eighteen
(1918) thero shall bo submitted to the
electors of the state for their approval
or rejection tho foregoing proposed
amendment to tho constitution relat
ing to tho right of suffrage. At such
election, on tho ballot of each elector
voting for or ngalnst said proposod
amendment, shnll bo wrltton or printed
tho words: "For proposed amond
mont to tho constitution relating to
the right of suffrage" and "Against
said proposod amendment to tho con
stitution relating to the right of
Sec. 3. If such amendment shall
be approved by a majority of all
electors voting at sucii olectlon, said
amendment shall constitute Section
Ono (1) Article Seven (7) of the Coa
stltutlon of tho State of Nebraska.
Approved, April 9, 1918.
Attest: Governor.
Hospital Phone Black 633
House Phone Black 688
Graduate VcterJnnrlnn
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Referee Sale.
Notlco Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an ordor of W. C Dorseyv
Judge of the District Court of Phelps
County, Nebraska, made on the first
day of Octobor, 191S, In nn notion
pending In said court, wherein Honry
Swedell, et al. are plaintiffs and Nora
Wilson, et nl. aro defendants, direct
ing the sale of the real estate here
inafter described, I will sell nt tho
front door of tho court house in North
Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at
10 o'clock, a. m. on tho 11th day of
November, 1918, at public sale for
cash to the highost bidder, the follow
ing doscribed real estate, to-wlt: All
that portion of tho south half (S) of
soctlon thlrty-slx (3G). in township
fourteen (14), In Lincoln County, Neb.
which lies south of tho right of way
of the Union Pacific Railroad, and
also tno northwest (NWld) nuarter
of section thlrty-fivo (35), in township
iourteon U4), an north, In range thir
ty-one (31), west of tho Gth P. M., in
Lincoln County, Nebraska; said land
to bo sold separately and said sale to
be hold open for ono hour.
Dated this 3rd day of Octobor 1918.
OR-NS G. NORGERG. Roferee.
Notice of Sale
Notlco Is hfirobv irlvtm thnt nn Rnt
urday, the 9th day of November, 1918,
at the residence of Daniel MnVlr-Uln
In Walker precinct, In Lincoln coun
ty, iseorasita, at 2 o'clock In the after
noon. I will offer for salo to tho high
est bidder for cash, ono red cow, sup
posed to be about four venrs nf nro
said cow to be sold as an ostray.
uateti this 4th day of Octobor, 1918.
JM. SOUDER, Justice of tho Peaco
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that under
date of September 7th, 191S. there was
nieu with tho Cot nty Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nbraska, Articles of In
corporation of the "North Platte Elec
tric Mills" whoso nrinclnal olace of
business is in North Platte, Nebraska,
and which said corporation was form
ed for the purpose of buying and sell
ing grain and grain products and the
manufacture and salo at wholesale
and retail of flour and other cereal
products, and the erection and main
tenance of such buildings as shall be
necessary therefor and the purchase
of such real estate as may be required
for a site. The authorized capital
stock of said Corporation is in tho
sum of Fifty Thousand nnd 00-100
($50,000.00) Dollars fully paid up,
and said Corporation commenced
business on September 1st. 1918, and
shall continue In operation for a
period of 25 years thereafter.
Tho highest Indebtedness to which
said Corporation shall subject Itself
shall not exceed two-thirds of its
capital stock, and tho business of said
Corporation shall be conducted by
a President, Secretary and Treasurer,
which said officers shall bo chosen by
Board of Directors of not to exceed 5
In number. v
By L. C. CARROLL, President.
Attest: B. M. CARROLL, Secretary
Sept. 27-4wks
Ehtrsiy 3Iare.
Estrayed from my place eight miles
north of Ingham about the middle
of August a bay mare two years old,
with bald face and whlto hind feet.
Reward will be paid for return of
animal or for information leading to
its recovery.
F. R. BRESTIL, Ingham, Neb.
Estrny Notice.
Taken up on or about August 21,
1918, in tho pasture of the undersign
ed a heifer about three yearsold, white
face, with horns, no brands. Owner is
requested to call, prove property, pay
charges and take animal away..
Wollfleet, Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Mutual Building and Loan
Association is plaintiff, and Cora Suit,
et al., is defendant, nnd to me directed
I will on the lGth day of November,
191S, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east
front door of tho Court House In North
riatto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
at Public Auction to the highest bid
dor for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest and costs, tho following des
cribed property to-wlt:
Lots five and six (5 and G) block
eighty-eight (S8) in the original town
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska. Dated North Platte, Neb., October
14th, 1918.
A. J. SALISBURY. Sherlff.
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 1559 of Mario L. Cohn,
doceased in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said Estato tako notice
that tho Administrator has filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for filial
settlement and discharge as such,
which havo been set for hearing before
said court on November 8th, 1918, at
9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear
and contest the same.
Dated October 8th, 1918.
015-3 wks. County Judgo.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 158G of Georgo W. Rose,
doceased, In the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, S3: Creditors
of said ostato will tako notlco that
the tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estato
is February 15th, 1919, and for settle
ment of said Esato Is Octobor 11th,
1919; that I will sit at tho county
court room in said county, on Nov.
15th, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
February 15th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a.
m to receive, o,xamlno, hoar, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
015-4-wks. County Judgo.