The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1918, Image 4

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"A 14 K-K-Karat Ring
It certainly would be a dandy present to give
her before you join the army. It Is a gift she can
wear all the time, and will endure a life-time.
Clinton's is showing many beautiful rings of J I
karat gold, with diamonds, rubies, and many dif
ferent kinds o f semi-jireclous stones. Then
Is almost u ti I f i n if c:l choice in designs.
Whether you want the ring for mother, sister, or
sweetheart, you will had appropriate designs
At the Sign of the I5i;z King.
xews aiiolt thi; no is
4 " DR. 0. II. CRESSLER.
Graduate Dentist
Otlfce over the McDonald
State Bunk.
XohI Turplo returned tlio enrly imrt
of Die week from a business trip to
Kansas City.
For Farm Loans s,co Gene Croolt,
Room west of Vionna Cafe.
Lincoln county'M quota in the united
war work canipalKn noxt month is
$10,003, which is less than u dollar
for each inhabitant of the county.
For Sale 1017 Dodgo Touring car
In gotfd condition. Phono 813.
Tho water softening tank at tho
Louiut street crossing i bolng torn
down uftor many yours of sorvlce.
Tho Uttr tank will also bo removed.
Dr. L. J. KraiiRO, DontlHt, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
For Trade Will trade horses and
inuloH for sand hill land. Address
Box I'A, nouto A, North I'latto. S3
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Lyons, living In
tho 1000 block on North Locust mourn
tlio death of their eighteen months
old child, which occurred early Wed
nesday morning.
Overahoos and rubbers at n big
saving at Til 13 LEADI3U MI3K. CO.
Announcing Our Fall
; Opening of
Q)jdidcme()' ffati
with that Irreslstablo
1'urMuii Sinartni'ss
Every 'woman loves Hats and
In the "Spidorweb" Hats thoro
Is an appea.1 to one's lovo of in
dividuality. Spidorweb Hats aro different
from others Inasmuch as each
hat Is a tboiuo in Itsolf. They
oxprcss YOU because YOU
made them. Yob, actually fash
ionod by YOU; BWlftly, deftly
nml without any oxperlenco
wlmtovor. Think of having two
or throe of thoso Btunnlng crc
atloiiB of chonlllo or yarn ono
to exactly match oach of your
Fall and "Winter costumos and
for tho prlco you would ordin
arily pay for ONE hat of equal
Como nnd seo the endless va
riety of becoming shapes; tarns,
turbanH, sailors and hats for
little Four-Year-Old na woll bb
Oldor SIstor. Dont wait until
your frionda toll ypu about tboso
wonderful stylo Innovations.
Visit our Art Needlework De
partment yoursolf TODAY
and seo the charming now Btylos
that aro so Blmplo to makothat
ovou a child can complete ono
In a fow houra,
Art Xeedlomirk Department
f'dngre.isnian M. P. Klnkald arriv
ed In the state from Washington Wed
nesday and will remain until election.
He will probably visit North Platte
within the next woek.
Strayed 2 cows, branded cockeye
on tho right side or hip. Notify Thos.
O. Kowley, 82-4
The niovomont of troops from Camp
Fremont to the east has been quite
heavy this week ovor the Union Paci
fic, about 3,000 pislng through Mon
day, Twlesday and yesterday.
For Trado Hcrso and mule colts
or othor stock for a lto car. Loavo
address at The Tribune office.
Joe Spies has received word that
both Mr. and Mrs. Alox Huntington
aro vicltms of the lltii at Camp Funs
ton. MrB. Huntington had gone to
that camp to visit her husband.
For Sale Threo head of cows and
a 2 year old roan animal. Phone
''hurley Hupfer, whe pasned the ex
amination for tho school of ensigns,
rocolved orders Monday to roport at
Chicago Plor. He had packed his
grip and was ready to leave Tuesday,
wnen ho was notified to await further
For Quick Sale List jour Farm ami
City Property with the H. & S.
C. F. Templo Una received word
that IiIh application for Hod Cross
work overseas had boon accepted, his
passport has been applied for and his
rolcaso from the local registration
board secured. It is probable that Mr.
Templo will leave for Franco within
tho next thirty days.
A man returning from Salt Lake
City says that during tho bond drive
tho follows not wearing a bond button
were forced to walk In tho streets
until thoy purchased. All over tho
I'nltod States tho follows who wore
slow to buy bonds wero given some
kind of treatmont thoy did not Ilko
yot dosorved.
Will reopon Studio October 18th.
Anyono wishing to take lessons Phone
787F11 or call at Studio Friday. Miss
Sadlo Trovlllo. 79-0
Up to tho hour of going to pros tho
Homo C-uards had not "apologized"
for any of their actions Inst Week al
though threats wore mado by a cor-
imii ininy Him muy would no rorooti
I tn dn ho. 'I'hn niilcl.-or iiw, r.iiimi.u 1.,
j forested let tho niattor die down, the
, hotter. Howling thomsolves hoarso on
I tho streots Is not winning thorn any
I Wanted Two young Indies to read
1 motors. North Platto Light & Power
Chas. LIston, chairman of tho bond
campaign for tho south part of tho
I county Bent In a S. O. S. Wednes
day evonlng for tho Home Guards.
Ho nedoed assistance In rounding up
J tlio bond slackorH In Medlclno pre
jclnct. Up to lost evening Chairman
, lomplo had not fully decided whethor
ho would sond tho Guards. Tho latter
. woro "roaring to go."
Save from $5 to $12 and buy your
&i!it now. Dost man tailored suits to
fit HiIhhou mill wmiiDti in, 1,. .,1.... id
mi 1 1 K niu 10.
nils season's choicest materials and
stylos on sale at THE LEADER MEU.
T. L. Carroll, thn rnnnlillpti It (Mill.
dfdato for float representative, has
uuuu a resilient or Gothenburg for
nearly thirty years, Is ono of the
promlnont buslnoss men of that town
aim onjoyB ttio conlldenco of all the
people of that community. Ho Is not
a politician, but a conservative and
BUccoasnnM buslnosa man of tho call-
uro iNoorusKii need In Its loglslaturo.
Knowing Mr. Carroll for many years,
wo have no hesitancy In endorsing
liim, and rocommondlng him to our
Arrested for Iloozo Peddling.
DODlltV tJllltpit Ktntna 1rfol...l T I..
coin brought to town yostorday from
wMuiuiii u young inan named Duffy,
m wia cnurgou witn tlio lllogal
transnortatinn nf iimmr n ..
ralgnod boforo U. S. Commissioner
Nooiniursi, wnoro ho gavo bond for
his nppearanco at tlio noxt torm of
iwionu court. Duffy's father is a
woll-to-do cnttloman of Kolth county
Tho North Plnti., n....
toon wilt furnish soup and other food
for lnlluonza patients on ordor of tho
doctor 111 all cnMrta wlinrn ti ,ni.n
or othor person In chnrgo of tho caso
jh umioio inrougn sicitnosa or other
wiso to proparo the samo.
FllCO IlinBkH for lHiranu nml nltnn.l.
ants can bo had by Bonding to tho
iiiiiuxm-puuum tor tnom.
Pnoumonla Jackets will bo furnlBh
od on order of tho doctor in charge.
North Platto Rod Crosa Canteon.
Lost or strayed, black and white
pointer, loft sldo of face black and
right sldo white. Howard. Addroes
Langraf's barber shop, North Platto. 2
Will Raskins, son of Mr. and Mr
W. M. Raskins, ct Stapleton, was
town Tuesday enrouto to Drldgopor
Conn., whore h is stationeu on
submarine. He had been homo on
ten-day furlough.
Winifred Thtfal, formerly of tl
Coates Lumber Company, win.- roeei
ly ontered th S. A. T. ( at tl
Lincoln University, has received a
appointment at an officers' tralnlM
camp at Camp McArthur, Waco. Tex.)
Ho wrlto that five men are asstgm
to a tent and four In his tent are Lli
coin boyg who had been In school t
gethor for years.
Houses 'In Demand.
A leading real o'tate man statf 1
Wednesday that ho could find ronter
for one hundred houses In Non
Platto within ten days. Tills sta'
ment Is borne ovt to some extent k'
lenst b tho fact that nearly ever,
day from two to six persons Inciu'r
at Tho Tribune offlco or of the editor
for house or housekeeping room
Personally we know of a score of mm
who want to locate in North Platto
hut cannot find houses In which "
: :o: :
Coinpetltho Drill Postponed.
Tho competitive drill of tho Nebras
ka Homo Guards, which was to have
been hold nt Holtlrege yesterday wo
postponed on account of the flu. Tlu
Otnrds of this city had been drllllne
dally for ten days In order to ent r
In to competition with othor con
On account of the flu and tho de
mand for abolishing gatherings of nil
kinds, the Guards have discontlnuo'l
nil meetings and nil drills.
: :o: :
Another Week of Quarantine.
Under tho order Issued by the state
hoard of health, tho influenza quaran
tine will not bo lifted until Sunday.
Novomber 3d, unless conditions materially-
change for the better thriiout
tho state. Hero In North Platto con
ditions seem to Improve for a day or
two, and then a fresh outbreak or
curs. The condition as a whole, how
ever, is somewhat better than ten
days ago.
:o: :
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for Co. Supt. of Lincoln comity
at tho coming election. Was born anil
oducatod In Lincoln County, graduat
ed from tho North Plotte high schtol
and from tho Nebraska Wosloyan uni
versity. I hold n State life cortificato
and have taught two years In tl)p
country schools and spent three years
In High School work.
I will appreclato your support nt
tho coming election.
liny Profiteers.
Tho Lincoln Journal of Wednesday
"Profiteering in hay by speculators
Ib threatening to prevent tho feeding
out of thousands of head of Nebraska
cattle, according to information
reaching the .extension1 service of the
university of Nebraska collego of
agriculture. Tho high prlco will also
compel tho sale of many stock cattlo
In tho drouth stricken section of tho
state. Eastorn Nebraska county agri
cultural agonts attempting to buy hay
in the western part of tho stato have
fornd tho supply cornered by specu
lators. Thcso profiteers are asking'
$25 a ton for alfalfa. Farmers of
eastern Nebraska say thoy cannot pay
such a prlco and thoy plan to sell
their cnttlo without fattening. ,
::o:: j
Tnlnem Hospital Notes.
Mrs. Loy Ehrlght loft the hospital
Monday. j
Tho three-year-old son of Aaron
Knln of Wallace was brought to tho
hospital this week in a. serious con-!
ditlon (but is improving stondlly. ;
j. uarcia entore;! tho hospital 1
Tuesday for medical troatment.
A dnughter was born to Mrs. Oscar
Slcebo at tho hospital. j
ivirs. A. Frctac. of We Hoot, will
leavo for her homo today having re-!
covored from a rocent operation.
u. Hoborts. a recent surcical case.'
Is recovering rapidly. i
::o:: j
Or Drock, Dontlst, ovor Stone Drug'
jfore tf 1
Ladies9 Sho
$1 Oft
We have 'taken our . Ladies' Patent Leather Shoes out of our shelves
and put them out on our tables where you can take your choice at $1.98,
$2.43 and $2.98. These are fine shoes, seme lace but mostly button.
There is a ful' run oi sizes and widths and the price is less than the cheap
est grades of shoes in the market. You should come and buy not only one
pair but several.
In his reply to the German peace
note, President AVilson said In part:
"Ho deems it his duty to say again,
however, that the only armistice he
would feel Justified in submitting for
consideration would be one which
should leave the United States and the
powers associated with It in a posl
tlt.n to enforce any arrangements that
may bo entered Into and to make a
renewal of hostilities on the part of
Germany Impossible.
"The president has, therefore,
transmitted his correspondence with
the present German authorities to the
governments with which the govern
ment of tho Unltod States is associa
ted as a belligerent with tho sugges
tion that If those governments are dis
posed to effect peace upon tho terms
and principles indicated, their mili
tary advisers and tho military advis
ors of tho United States he asked to
submit to the governments associated
against Germany tho necessary terms
of such an armistice as will fully
protect the Interests of the people
involved, and Insure to the associated
governments tho unrestricted power
to safeguard and enforce tho details
of tho peace to which tho German
government has agreed, pre vlded they
deem such an armistice possible from
tho military point of view. Should
such terms of armistice be suggested,
their acceptance by Germany will af
ford best concrete evidonce of her
unequivocal acceptance of tho terms
and principles of peace from which
tlm wholo action proceeds.
Feeling that tho wholo peace of tho
world depends now on plain speaking
and stralchtforwnrd action, tho presi
dent deems It his duty to sa without
nuy attempt to soften what mny seejn
harsh words, that the nations of the
worl'l do not nnd cannot trust the
v ord of thoso who have hitherto been
the mnstors of German policy, and to
point out onco more that in conclud
ing pence' nnd attempting to undo tho
Infinite- unjuries nnd Injustices of this
war the government of the United
States cannot deal with any but vert
ablo representatives of tlio German
people who have been assured of a
genuine constitutional standing as the
real rulers of Germany.
"If it must deal with tho military
ir.astera and the monarchical auto
crats tf Germany now, or If it is like
ly to have to deal with them later in
regard to tho International obliga
tions of tho German empire, it must
demand, not poaco negotiations, but
surrender Nothing can bo gained by
leaving this essential thing unsaid."
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
Vote for Norrls for Senator.
"This paper never has mixed In f
partisan politics and Is not doing so
now. But it would not be doing Its
duty to the farmers of Nebraska if it
did not call attention to the deliberate '
deception that Is being practised upon
them by a let of Toud talk on war is-!
suo3, while tho worst enemies of the
farmers In this state are trying to
slip their candidate into the Senate."
Nebraska Farm Journal, Omaha.
Mrs. Wayna Leonard, of Alliance, is
tlie guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Elliott, having arrived Wednes
day .
For Quick Sale List jour Farm and
City Property with the II. & S.
Navy Appropriation.
Secretary Daniels of the navy de
partment will ask for an appropria
tion for the building of now arma
ment in a sum aggregating over $800,
000.000. This sum the secretary asks
for within the next few months for the
building of dreadnaughts, battle
cruisers and smaller craft to be used
exclusively in tho naval fighting-forces.
Thi.i Is the beginning of tho neces
sary appropriations necessary from
congress to carry out tho newly
launched threo year building cam
paign as outlined by the secretary
and approved in government councils.
The campaign will be carried to a
conclusion .despite peace rumors or
even a posslblo complete peace before
Its scope has been expanded.
kt fir
w'x frgfff Champion "X"
f tVl lorhordC.ii
Try a Winter Top We l7;.0Tm
State Treasurer
For two terms Nebraska State Senotor
rCearney County Treasurer two terms
President Nebraska Farmers' Grain and
Live Stock Association.
SitiudH on IIIh Record for Loyalty unci Efficiency
Your Support nt llio (iciirral Hlcctlou, Tucndny,
Nov. r,ih, in Itrnprctfully Solicited
Do You Think There is
No Competition?
If anyone thinks there is no competition amongst
the big packers he ought to go through a day's
work with Swift & Company.
Let him begin at the pens w..en the live stock
comes in; let him try to buy a nice bunch of fat
steers quietly and at his own price without some
body's bidding against him.
Let him realize the scrupulous care taken at the
plant that not one thing is lost or wasted in order
that costs may be held to a minimum.
Let him go up into the office where market m
reports are coming in, and reports of what other'
concerns are doing.
Let him watch the director of the Swift Refrig
erator fleet, maneuvering it over the face of the
country like a fleet of battleships at sea.
Let him take a trip with a Swift & Company
salesman and try to sell a few orders of meat.
Let him stay at a branch house for an hour
or two and see the retail meat dealers drive their
bargains to the last penny as they shop around
among the packers' branch houses, the wholesale
dealers, and the local packing plants.
And then, when the day is over, let him have
half an hour in the accounting department, where
he can see for himself on what small profits the
business is done. (Less than 4 cents on each dollar
of sales.)
If he still thinks there is no competition in the
meat business it will be because he wants to think so.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.