The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1918, Image 8

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    Scmt'Hfcrklu (tribune.
lit A L It AIM!, Editor mid Publisher
One Your by Jlnll, In ailrntico. ,f? ."."
Ono Year by Carrier, In nib mice, $2.01)
Entered at thu North I'lntte, Nebraska
l'otofnce an Socond Class Matter.
Letter from Noel Donegim
Dourest Mother:
Your illce letters have come, and
lmre had to go unanswered. My life
alnce my last note to you from the
cabin In the wood has ben eventful.
I only wish I cor Id tell you of my ox
prlencee. They would fill a large book
nnd no stenoKrapher Is here to take
It down. We hiked for live nights
away from that nice quiet place with
n full pack nnd one hundred pounds, a
short rest, a few hours," and off again
for another Ave night. Tlrasomo, yes,
hut I never fell by the wayside. (It
was common to see fifteen cr twenty
fall out oach night) and thfji a long
truck ride, then drill nnd maneuvers
galoro. Then we started on our won
derful Journey, In tho rnln, muddy
roads, hut that didn't stop tho pro
gram mapped out for us. We enmo to
a woods which was full of soldiers
and war material; a million soldiers
wire on that road. Another hike of
about three kilometers, then wo filled
torpedoes with high explosives. We
traveled all night and wont ovor the
top hohlnd the third waw of Infantry.
We carried those torpedoes and full
pack all night; ditched tho park over
the tide of a muddy trench next morn
ing. Wo had beon under shall fire
Hlnco ton o'ejork the night liefore. I
havo oxporloncod the sonsatlon of
slioUs bursting all around mo. W? did
not have to bn tnlil In illicit- Tli
ono can't dodge tho shell thnt has your
name on It. I havo soon war, Its
glories and its sorrows. Also had the
prlvilogo (I consldor It a real prlvi
logo) of living thru America's llrst
major offensive, tho hardships wore
many hut thoy aro nil a part of war
and couldn't he helped.
We followed elowi on tho Infnntry's
heels and oxplbrod. diugoute which
Fritz had Just vacated; some dugouts
loo. Most all hud fireplaces, line' beds
oleotrlo light nnd telephones, and all
were bomb proof. Also many pianos
nnd other mtisfe'al Instruments. They
woro ousted from their homos "sodden
nnd soon."
I want to pny tribute to those gal
lant boys of tho Infantry who wont
over tho top tho morning of tho 12th.
Thoy sulTorod,foqlI and snillod thru It.
I shall novor forgot tho sights I saw,
nor tho American barrage, tho thing
that mado tho drlvo successful. It
was boyond description. Tho sky wns
rod with the llaro, tho shots from tho
ennnon moro numerous than rain
drops in a rain storm; tho hoIho
awful Is tho word. Tho country cap
tured was woll calculntod for dofeiiHO
Thoy had mnehlne guns covering all
tho slopes. Most of tho gunners wero
hiding Intho dugouts, trying to osoapo
tho barrage and waiting tp bn enptur
pd. Thoy said It was no barrago but
"Oil. All soemod glad to ho eapturod.
You will hoar from mo again soon. I
am feollng fino.
Your loving son
Noel 0. Donogan.
(Jcrnmnj's Heply.
Tho following Is the roported text
ct Germany's reply to tho United
1 aormany accepts principles that
armistice proeeduro be left to "mili
tary Judgmont."
2 Germauy denies that the Gorman
navy purposoly destroyed lifeboats or
passengers on tho high sons. ,
a Gormnny protests against nl
Iogatlons, ot Illegal actions on land,
saying thnt troops had been Instruct
ed to spare privnto proporty.
'I Gormnny declares that tho pcaco
offor comes from a government "free
from nrbttrarv or irresponsible In
lluoncoH," nnd Ik supported by the
ovorwholmlng majority of Iho pooplo,
r The Gorman govornmont hns Is
sued ordora to all suhmnrliio com
mnndors, "precluding tho torpedoing
of passongor ships," hut Uiq nolo stilt
ed that tho govornmont could not
gunrantoo thnt all U-hont conimnn
dors would recolvo tho orders.
fi PundsmontHl chango nnnouiicod
In Gorman government which pro
vides representation for tho pooplo bn
ed on oqunl, unlvorsnl, socrot, direct
: ::o::
Sale of nowost fall suits for woman
nnd mlssos at 20 to 40 loss than
present valuea. Buy now and snvo at
Tnis handsome boot in
rich dark brown or black
calf is a fall leader of prov
en value. Your size moder
ately priced.
Best quality brown $8.50
Best quality black $5.00
2,109,000 31 EN TO HE
Draft calls for men who l've paw
ed their thirty-seventh birthdays are
expected to begin about March 1 . The
approximate date of the first call wns
disclosed Wednesday hy publication
of testimony by Provost Marshal Gen
eral Crowder before tho house mili
tary committee.
General Crowder told the commit
tee 2,309,000 newly-registered men be
tween 18 and 45 will be called before
July 1. The calls for general service
will be divided as follows:
October. 315.000 November. 204.000;
December, 197,500; January, 147,000;
February, 244,000; March, April, May
and June 314,000 each month. These
men will supply both the army and
navy and marine corps.
In addition, 20,000 men for limited
service will be called each month.
: :o: :
Just .Stripped Ills ('nr.
Maynard Coker and Donald Yates
went to North Platte Sunday and had
the misfortune to break ono of th
front wheels of Coker's auto when
near tho Ilub.of Lincoln county. Tho
boys left the car at the sldo of the
road and brought the broken wheel
back to Sutherland With thorn that ov
onlng to got It repaired. Monday morn
Ing they wont nftor tho car nnd whon
they got thoro the auto looked like it
had been struck with n cyc'otio us it
had been stripped of everything de
tachable but the numbor. Three new
tires, tho spot light, the presto lights
coll box, In fact everything but the
lau jigut was taKon. It will cost up
wards of $150.00 to nut tho cur In
shnpo. If the other wheel hnd beon on
tlio enr the chances nro that thrn
would have been no car there Suth
erland courier.
No Parleying on Peace Jlote.
So many conflicting ronorts about
a German reply to Prosidont Wilson
have como out of Holland nnd Swit
zerland during tho past fow dnys thnt
offlclnls nt Washington aro dlsposod
new to boliovo nothing on th? subject
until the toxt of a note Is received.
Evory version of tho probable na
ture of tho. reply undor consideration,
It not adopted, Indicates that tho Ger
mans aro preparing to come forward
with whnt they, at least, will oxpect
tho world to boliovo Is n long stop to
wurd meeting conditions which Prosi
dont Wilson has said must be mot be
fore thoro can be thought of nn nrm
istlco or discussion of penco.
Competent spokosmen of tho gov
ernment haw said nnd roitorntod that
thoro Is to bo no drawn out sorloe ot
exchanges. If the German government
seeks tnlk without submission the
prosidont Is expected to refuso to con
tinite tho discussion.
Writing from tho allied lines In
Franco and Belgium correspondents
flay that reliable information recotved
from tho other sldo of tho lino indi
cates thnt the Germnn rotrcnt will
curry tho onomy hnck many miles, if
not all tho way to Germany Itself.
Mnny prlsonors captured on different
parts ot the lino doclnro Bolglum and
Franco nro In process of evacuation.
aims from tho Belgian const arc
known to havo ronchod Antwerp, but
at tho moment It Is not cortnln
whothor thoy have gono beyond that
city. Air matorial hns boon trnnsfer
rod from Ghont to BrusHols, Detailed
reports nre coming in respecting sev
eral linos ot, Gormnn defonsos, but
none of those lines seem to be moro
than tompornry. Tho principal lin?
is reported to be nlong tho Selznoto
Gliont canal nnd the Scheldt river.
Forty bridges have boen thrown
ncross tho Mouse in tho neighborhood
of Huy. southwest of Llogo, nnd tho
sourco from- which this Information Is
dorlved snys thnt theso nro In propar
ntlon for tho rotront of tho Gormnns
behind their own frontier.
-: :o: :
To Stop the Sulmmrhics.
Tho Gormnn reply to Prosldent Wil
son will announce an lirimodluto sus
pension of submarine wnrfnro and will
offor politlcnl guarantees, Gorman
nowspnpors say, according to a Go
novn dispatch.
Tho Gormnn pupors doclaro thnt tho
now noto will, abandon the proposal
for u mixed commission to discuss
conditions of nn nrmistlco "which tho
Ainorlenn nnd Oemum high commands
will arrange on the battle Hold."
Borlln financial clrclos aro said to
no uisiuriioii ovor u roport that nogo-
uiiuuiiB imve neon nroiion orf.
: :o: :
Do not neglect the wnrnlngs of na
turo. If your nppotlto is poor, hronth
bad, tonuuo conteil. vnu win i.n ,i..t.
unless you tnko stops to put your sys-
lum m goou condition. Prickly Ash
BIttors Is tho romody you neod. It
purines tho bowels strengthens diges
tion nnd rogulatos tho llvor. Prico
$1.25 por bottle. Gummoro-Dent Drug
Storo. Special Agonts.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1577 of Hattio K. An
druss, deceased, In tho County Court
of Lincoln county. Nobraska.
Tho Stat of Nobraskn, s.s. Cred
itors of said ostato will tako notlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
nnd filing ot claims against said os
tato is February 22, 1019, nnd for sot
tlomont of said estato Is October 19,
1919, that I will sit at tho county court
room In said county on Novombor 22,
1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m., nnd on Feb
ruary 22, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. to
rocolvo, examine, hoar, allow, or ad
just all claims and objections duly
022-4 County Judge.
Notice of Final Iteport,
Estato No. 15G0 of Amanda M.
Thomson, decoasod In tho County
Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraskn, to nil per
sona Intorostod in said Estate tako
notlco that tho Exocutor has tiled a
final account nnd roport of his ad
ministration nnd a potltion for final
Bottlomont and dlschargo as such,
which havo boon set for hoarlng bo
foro said court on Novombor 1G, 1918,
nt 9 o'clock a. in., whon you may ap
pear and contest tho same.
Dated October 15, 1918.
022-3wka. County Judge.
Mrs. Sarah Hall, who visited Hire
weeks with her parents Mm. and Mr
J. It. Shaw, left Thursday for Plne
dale, Wyo.
A burning sensation In the tnroa'
and chest means bad digestion; an'l
dlgestlv trouble Is the starting poll
for many serious diseases, particular
ly kidney disease. Better take Prick.
i Ash IJIttors and put your stomach an:
digestion In sound condition befor
sorlous trouble begins. Gummen
Int Drug Company, Special Agent
Price $1.25 per bottle.
Moroll Keith Neville, Plaintiff
David Cash and Ellen L..Cash, and
the heirs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representative and against a!'
persons Interested In the estato ' t
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de
ceased, and against the unknown
owners and claimants of the following
described land situate in Llucol'
County. Nebraska, Northeast Qimrtr
of Northeast Quarter and Lots 2, "
and 4 of. Section 1, Township 1"
Range 30,; East Half of Northoa-t
Quarter and Lots 1, 2 nnd 3 of Section
35, Town.'hlp 14, Hango 30. Tho un
known holrs. dovlsees, or legatees of
Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown
heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia
T. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown
heirs, devisees or legatees of Franl;
M. Wiley, decoasod, and against tlic
unknown owners or claimants of the
following doscrlbed land sltuato in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South lnlt
of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1 ami
2 of Seotlon 4, Township 13, Ranpr
30. George A. llongland. his heln.
dovlseos, legatees, personal represen
tatives and unknown claimants of th'
following described land sltuatod in
Lincoln County, Nebrnska, South Hal'
of Southeast Quarter, South 'Half of
Southwest Quartor of Section 1U.
Township 13, Range 29. Defendant;
To Dnvld Cash, Ellon L. Cash and
the holrs, dovlsees, legatees and per
sonal representatives nnd all persons
Intorostod In tho ostnte of David Cash
deceased and Ellen L. Cnsh, deconsed
and tho unknown owners and un
known claimants of the following des
cribed land sltuato In Lincoln Count'.,
Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter
of Northoast Quartor (NBVi of NE4 )
and Lots Two (2). Three (3) and Four
(4) of Section One (1 Township
Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thlriv
(30) and tho Enst Half of Northeast
Quarter (E' of NEVi) and Lots One
(1). Two (2) and Throe (3) of Soctlon
Thlrty-flvo (35), Township Fourteen
(14), N. of Range Thirty (30), We t
0th P. M. defendants.
You nnd onch of you will take notice
that Morell Keith Neville hns com
menced nn action In the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraskn,
agnlnst you nnd onch of you tho ob
ject nnd prayer of which snld petition
is to quiet title in plaintiff agnlnst
you nnd ench of you In the following
described lands situate In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to-wlt; Northfinst
Quartor of Northeast Quartor (NE'i
of NE'i) and Lots Two (2), Threo (3
nnd Four (4) of Soctlon Ono (1),
Township Thlrtceh (13), Rnngo Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M. and East
Half of Northoast Qunrter (E6 of
NEVi) nnd Lots One (1), Two (2)"nnd
Throo (3) of Section Thirty-five (35),
Township Fourteen (14) Rango Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M. and to have
decreed to him new nnd Independent
tltlo by reason of adverse possession
of said doscrlbed promises ngninst
you by himself nnd -his grantors.
To Ahrnm Wiley, Cynthia T. Wilev,
Frank M. Wiley nnd tho holrs, devi
sees, lcgatoos und porsonnl reprosen
tntlvcs nnd nil persons Interested In
tho ostnto of Abram Wiley, deceased,
Cynthia T. Wiley deconsed nnd Frank
M. Wiley, decL'nsed, nnd tho unknown
owners nnd tho unknown clnimants
or tho following described Innds slt
uato in Lincoln Comity, Nobraskn, to
wlt: South Half of Northeast Quar
tor (SM: of NEVi) and Lots Ono (1)
and Two (2) of Soctlon Four (4) in
Township Thirteen (13)t Rnngo Thir
ty (30), West of the Gth P. M. defen
dants. You nnd ench of you ' will tnko
notlco that Moroll Kolth Novlllo has
commenced nn notion in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnsluit
nglnnst you nnd ench of you, tho ob
ject nnd prayer of which said petition
is to quiet title in plaintiff nirninst vnu
and onch of you In tho following dos-
cn itoii lanus siiuato in Lincoln Coun
ty. Nobraska, to-wlt: South Half of
Northoast Quartor (S.. of NEV ) and
Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Soctlon
Four (4), Townjditp Thirteen (13)
Rnngo Thirty (30), West of tho Gth
P. M. nnd to hnvo decreed in him
new und Independent title by reason
of ndverso possession of said doscrib
pd lands against you by hlmsolf and
his grantors.
To Georgo A. Hoagland nnd tho
holrs, dovlseos, legatees and personal
ruprosoniauvoB anil all persons in-1
toroated In tho ostato ot Goorgo A
Hoagland, docoased, and tho unknowji
owners and unknown claimants ot tho
following doscrlbed lands situate In
Lincoln County, Nobraska to-wit:
South Half of Southeast Quartor (SU
of SEV,) and South Half of Southwest
Quartor (S& of SWtf) of Soctlon
Twolvo (12), Township Thirteen (13)
Range Twenty-nlno (29), West of tho
Gth P. M. defendants.
You and oach of you will take notlco
that Moroll Kolth Novlllo has com
monced an action In tho District
Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you. tho ob
ject and prayor of which said potltion
is to quiot titlo In plaintiff against you
and oach of you In tho following de
scribed lands sltuntn In T.lnnnln P..
tf, Nobraska, to-wlt: South Half of
Southeast Quartor (SVj of SEV4) and
South Half of Southwest Quartor (SA
of SWi) of Soctlon Twelvo (12)
Township Thlrteon (13). Rango Twon-ty-nlno
(29), wost ot tho Gth P. M.
ami to havo docrood in him now and
indopondont title by reason of nd
verso po380ssUm ot said described
promlsos ugalnst you by hlmsolf and
his grantors.
You and oach ot you will make
nnswor horoin on or boforo tho 9th
day of Decombor, 1918, or your do
raults will bo takon and Judgment
taken and entered against you as in
said potltion prayed.
'U-a-OWKS. PlalnMff
Drive Away the
Chill With a
Gas Room
North Platte Light
& Power Co
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Pbstoflice.
Phone 58
A modsrn institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
Rurgiual and confinement casei.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfie!d.M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
i Auctioneer.
3Iy ono best reference I'm always
dated ahead Phone at my expense
for dates
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day phono -11
Night phone Black "SS
For tho Year 191S.
By virtue of the authority In mo
vested, and by the direction of the
laws of tho Stnto of Nebraska in such
enso made and provided, I, A. S.
Alien, County Clork of Lincoln Coun-
ty, Nebraska, do hereby proclaim that
on Tuesday, tho fifth day of November
191 S, during the hours designated by
law, thoro will bo held a general
oloctlon at the usual voting places In
said County for the election o tho
following officers, to-wlt:
One United States Senator
Ono Govrnor
Ono Lieutenant Governor
One Secretary of State
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts
Ono State Treasurer
One Attorney General
Ono Superintendent of Public In
struction One Commissioner of Public Lands Bulld.'i'gs
Ono Railway Commissioner
Two Rogonts of tho State Unlvor-
Ono Momhor of Congress, Sixth
Congressional District
Ono State Sonntor, Twenty-fifth
On State Representative, Slxty
olgluh District
Ono Stato Representative. Soventy
sevo.Uh District
Three Judges ct the Supremo Court
Ono County Clerk
Ono County Treasurer.
Ono County Shcrlfr
Ono County Attorney
One County Surveyor
One County Judge
Ono County Suporlntondont ot
Public Tnstruct'or.
Ono County Commissioner, Second
One Assessor fot each Precinct
Ono Rond Overseer for each Road
Two Justices of tho Peace for each
Ono Police Magistrate, City of North
At tho same tlmo and places, two
lunondmoMtt to tho constitution ot
tho Stato will bo submitted to the
doctors for ndoptlon or rojectlon,
Proposed constitutional amendment
relating to the right of suffrngo as to
persons ot forolgn birth.
For or against calling a constltu
tlonnl convention to alter, chango nnd
p.mond tho corstltutlon of Nobraska;
any amendment to tho constitution
to be submitted separately to tho
elotorg when domauded by twontyflvo
porcort of the d.ily qualified and
elected dologatos of such convention
Polls will bo opon at S o'clock n. m.,
and remain opon vnt'l G o'clock a.
m . of the samo day.
In teatlmouy whereof, I hava
hereunto sot my hand and seal of the
County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska,
this 8th duy of Octottr, 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful, operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone lid
Office Phone 1S3
Residence Phone 2S3
100S West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
.1. B. KEDFIELf).
Succossor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Offl-e Phono 642 Res. Phone 67
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C , DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraaku.
Knights of Columbus Building.
l'hsjjclan nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
mid Obstrctrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office over McDonald Bank.
Offlco Phone 113C Res. Phone 112C
General Farm Sales n Specialty.
Retereneos and Dates at First
National Bunk, Jforth Plntte, N'ebr.
Phone 1000.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and lladium Tlierapj
72? City Nutlonal Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nobraska
Osteopathic Physician
K. of C. Building
Associated With Dr. Drost.
Why not writo your fire and cvclone
insurance with n reliable company
who Invest their premiums In Liberty
Bonds nnd give our county tho credit.
See us for farm and nutomobilo rates
Tho following proposed amendment
(to tho constitution of the Stato of
.Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in
full, Is submitted to the electors of
tho Stato of Nebraska to bo voted
upon at the general election to bo
hold Tuesday, November 5th, A. D.
Soctlon one (1) of Article seven (7)
of tho Constitution of tho Stato of
Be It Resolved by the Legislature of
tho Stato of Nobraska:
Soctlon 1. That Soctlon One of Ar
tlclo Seven of tho Constitution of tho
Stato of Nebraska be and tho same
hereby Is amended by striking out tho
following words:
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall havo declared their Inten
tion to become, citizens comformably
to tho laws of ttfb United States; on
the subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an oloctlon."
And insortlng In the place of tha
words so stricken, the following
"Socond. Persons of forolgn birth
who shall have becomo citizens ot the
United States by naturalization or
othorwlso conformably to tho laws of
the United States at loast thirty days
prior to an election.
See. 2. That at tho genenl elec
tion nineteen hundred and i(;'itoon
i(1918) there shall bo submitted to the
electors of the state for tholr approval
or rojoctlon the foregoing proposed
amendment to tho constitution relat
ing to tho right ot suffrago. At such
olectlon, on tho ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposod
amendment, shall ho written or printed
the words: "For proposod amend
ment to tho constitution rolatlng to
tho right of suffrago," and "Against
said proposed amendment to tho con
stitution rolatlng to the right of
Sec. 3. It such amendment shall
bo approved by a majority of all
electors voting at such election, said
amendment shall constitute Section
One (1) Article Sevon (7) of tho Con
stltutlon of the State of Nobraska.
Approvod, April 9, 1918.
Attest: Governor.
- - OCrPary j2jgt4tO.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black C33
Graduate Veterinnrlnn
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Referee Sale.
Notlco is hereby glvon that by vir
tue of an order of W. C. Dorsey,
Judge of tho District Court of Phelps
County, Nebraska, made on the first
day of October, 1918, In an action
pending In said court, wherein Henry
Swodoll, et al. are plaintiffs and' Nora
Wilson, et nl. aro defendants, direct
ing tho sale of the real estate here
inafter described, I will sell at the
front door of the court house In North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at
10 o'clock, a. m. on the 11th day of
November, 191S, at public sale for
cash to the highest bidder, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt: All
that portion of the south half (S) of
section thirty-six (3G), in township
fourteen (14), in Lincoln County, Neb.
which lies south of tho right of way
of the Union Pacific Railroad, and
also the northwest -(NW) quarter
of section thirty-five (3G), in township
fourteen (14), all north, in rango thlr
ty-ono (31), west of tho Gth P. M., in
Lincoln County, Nebraska; said land
to bo sold separately and said sale to
be hold open for one hour.
Dated this 3rd day of October 1918.
OS-NS G. NORGERG, Referee.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that on Sat
urday, the 9th day of November, 1918,
at tho residence of Daniel McNlckle,
In Wnlker precinct, In Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon, I will offer for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, one red cow, sup
posed to bo about four years of age,
said cow to bo sold as an estrav.
Dated this 4th day of October, 1918.
JM. SOUDER, Justice of the Peaco
Notlco of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that under
date of September 7th, 191 S. there was
filed with the County Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nbraska, Articles of In
corporation of the "North Platte Elec
tric Mills" whoso principal place of
business Is In North Platte, Nebraska,
and which said corporation was form
ed for the purpose of buying and sell
ing grain and grain products and tho
manufacture and sale nt wholesale
and retail of flour nnd other cereal
products, and the erection and main
tenance of such buildings as shall be
necessary therefor and the purchase
of such real estate as may bo required
for a site. The authorized capital
stock of said Corporation is in tho
sum of Fifty Thousand and 00-100
($50,000.00) Dollars 'fully paid up,
and said Corporation commenced
business on September 1st. 1918, and
shall continue in operation for a
period of 25 years thereafter.
The highest indebtedness to which
said Corporation shall subject itself
shall not exceed two-thirds of its
capital stock, and the business of said
Corporation shall bo conducted by
a President, Secretary and Treasurer,
which said officers shall bo chosen by
Board of Directors of not to exceed 5
In number.
By L. C. CARROLL, President.
Attest: B. M. CARROLL, Secretary.
Sept. 27-4 wks
Estray Mure.
Estrayed from my place eight miles
north ol Ingham about the middle
of August a bay mare two years old,
with bald face and white hind feet.
Reward will be paid for return of
animal or for Information leading to
Its recovery.
F. R. BRESTIL, Ingham, Neb.
Estrny Notice.
Taken up on or nbout August 21,
191S, in the pasture of tho undersign
ed a heifer about three yearsold, white
fa'ce, with horns, no brands. Owner is
requested to call, prove property, pay
charges and take animal away..
Wellfleet. Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
Coumy, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Mutual Building and Loan
Association is plaintiff, and Cora Suit,
et al., is defendant, and to me directed
I will on the 10th day of November,
1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east
front door of tho Court House in North
Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
at Public Auction to the highest bid
der for caBli, to satisfy said decree,
interest and costs, tho following dos
crlbed property to-wit:
Lots five and six (5 and C) block
eighty-eight (8S) in tho original town
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska. Dated North Platte, Neb., October
14th, 191,8.
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Notice of Flnul Report.
Estate No. 1559 of Marie L. Cohn.
docoased in the county court ot Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
Tho state of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said Estato tako notice
that tho Administrator has filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such,
which have beon set for hearing before
said court on Novembor 8th, 1918, at
9 o'clock a. m., whon you may appear
and contest tho same.
Dated Octobor 8th, 1918.
015-3 wks. County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 158G ot Georgo W. Rose,
docoased, In tho county court ot Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
The stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate
Is Fobruary 15th, 1919, and for settle
ment of said Esate is Octobor 11th,
1919; that, I will sit at tho county
court room in said county, on Nov.
15th, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.,,and on
February 15th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a.
m., to receive, e.xonilne, hoar, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
015-4-wks. County Judge,