The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1918, Image 4

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WHO AltE m StJtTIfE.!
A "
. BuyA AnofierNSori'd:"
cvfc app YOlir? RREAD WINNERS.
No matter what kind of work you arc doing,
your earning capacity depends on your eyes.
Without them you could not be self-supporting.
The man with good eye sight works faster. His
success is greater. His general prospects are
improved. He is more skillful. He has fewer
headaches, less nervousness. He is in better
Properly .fitted glaaseg improve and protect
your vision. They do away with eye strain and
the evils it brings. It is to your own selfish in
terest to take good care of your, eyes. ' The first
step in that is a thorough examination by a
competent eye specialist. Consult Clinton's op-
tometrist today
At the Sip of the Big King.
In accordant with the plan and 81- George Horbct, of Camp Dodge, who
rH forth by the Department of Labr - spent sometime with relatives here
pvl ncuatod bv the shortage of labr- left Sunday.
ty Labor Board of J p night for Camp Dodge after spending
rlare. the flowing 1st o a tew days vi&lting bis parents and
and occupations as non-war work an 1 troniia
announces that lnbor will hence forth iriu"us
b recruited from them without r - Poter Smith, son of Paul Meyer, who
serve. '8 attending the vocational school at
The board furthor declaros that mn Manhattan, Ks., has been promoted,
employed In these enterprises and c- to corporal. i
cupatlons should m replaced by w
men and resolves that men who j"
Flat In laying In these positions ar
!n'Iutral slackors.
Shoe shining parlors.
Fruit stands
Charley Thompson, In the aviation
school at Ft. Sill, Okln., left for that
camp Sunday after visiting his
parents for a week. ,
Charles H. Smith, who has been at
Refreshment ndluncts to drug stores Camp Dodge for several months, eame
Soft drink and near-beer parlors", nonie ror a row days last week and
Pomut vendors and establishment"! left Saturday evening.
Window cleaners. Sorgt- Walter Cronen, who Is sta-;
Florists. tloned at Ft. Riley, spent Saturday In!
Mercantile stores town visiting his mother while en-'
Confo-t'cnrs and- delicatns rr,,A m tv,B Mmn fnm n vit t n,.r
Afinndant1 at rnilrond stations.
This l't may bo revised or added
to from time tc time as the board se"
To The Voters.
I I horeby announce that I am a can
didate, by petition, for tho office of
A telegram received Sunday from
Horton Munger at Camp Pike, Ark.,
anounced that ho had passed the phys
ical examination and had been accept-j
etl as a student at tho officers' train
ing school.
'Graduate Dentist
OtTicv over the MclJniiKlrt
S State Hank.
Tho funoral of the late Mrs. Mooro,
who was found dead at hor home last
Thursday morning, was hold Sunday
Mimh ,h Jllftman. stonin batha and
Swedish Massage, Indies and gentle
iien Phono 8D7. Brodbeck bide SHtf
Mr. and Mrs. Dollolfe, who had
visiting their son J. .1. DeRolfe and
TSVflil Tin rrn olnliirh rnolvn.l o nnrjl
county surveyor ci unicorn county Saturday from the Rod Cross In Now
at the coming election. York stating that ndvlces hnd been re-
I was born at North Platte and ed- ceived that Will Barraclough in a base
ucuieu in suiutiB ui iimi lumis Uu Hospital in England suffering from a!
later completed the four year course fractured shoulder, was getting along!
fnr Hvll nnL'Innrira miff Hiirvnvnro tit , n... . ...
.. ..... ... ...... ... nu;,;,, iulll uml IUS Wound oiner man
the University of Nebraska. I spen tho njure(i 8i,0ulder, was slight,
one year with the U. S. Gov. Land
Dept. on tho survey of McPherson , n a letter to the home folks Carl
Pnnntv. YnlirnHkn nml iinrlni? tho nno westenfold writes that a numbor of
right years I have been with the Union ; North Platte boys were in the big.
Pacific R. R. Engr. Dept., except ft r "Slits of last month but so far as he t
the timo snont In Lincoln Countv en,was able to loam none were killed or
wuunueu. uari says mat in tniKing
with German prisoners he learns that'
the Gorman troops consider that the
war is about over. j
Vornon Lunsford, of the ship Levin-1
than has written he has arrived safe
ly in Now York after his eighth round 1
land and irrigation surveys and
city engineer of North Platto.
I will appreciate your support
the coming election.
: :o. :
'n rnimiv commissioners were In
session yesterday transacting general from 0malm
llooze Pedlcr In .full .
Tom Smith, Who gives Gothenburg trhi nnrnm tha nnnnn. Tti
ns his place of rosidence. was given n rough pasage: "What do vou thing of
fine of 100 by Judge Woodhurst Sat- a boat rocking so that ' tables and
urday on the charge of having thirty- ilmirs tumble over, also of two feet of
h!v nfntfil nf linnrn nml nnp Til ti t nf lianr .....t.-... i.. i. ai.i i, t-, i
c ii.. i. c..t, r,,r. tuclr. . " .'V lu me iimuuiuu iuoiu. menus
nVJ 'ut,," , t"f 1 . 18 l'0880881on- loms arrot was wonder if they came in contact with
in lorro Haute, Ind. . quite unexpected to him, the ax-fell a "Sub."
Manager Edwards, of the Ilarcourt Me a bolt of lightning from a cloud-, :0::
Clothing Co.. has rented tho Munger ! ly. Tom had been to Choyenne. (Pal, Advertisement.)
house on went Fourth street and will nnd when he left that city of boon- A" KvtilnnalJdii
The Home Guard
WE must keep this home guard supplied with
material to build up their little bodies and
minds and make strong men and women of them.
Nothing can serve this purpose better lhan toys
which keep them busily engaged. Ye have toys
requiring thought and toys requiring action.
And as for yourself, remember, the Kodak
Album is not complete without pictures cf the
Let us supply your photographic needs.
"flLI PPT fiPViMI R f 7
For Stle Bulck Touring car.
shortly movo his family to tnis city Joints he had two valises filled with Editor of The Tribune
inn ne. ne whs h imssenicer on ,Mi t ,..o i.,i i,t rri,...i..
J Tl.1 ...... , , , 1 HUUilllCU 11JRI IdDl XllUlSUilJ, .
Tho funoral ofHarry Churchill, who ' , -V , P'ht a company of the Home Guards
died at Camp Dodge last week, was ? ,' nnrM.lnr V n H h- al h ,.,nnc? V X sitert
my son io inuuee nun io suoscnoe to
the Fourth Liberty Loan.
Members of the family wore incen-,
: ed over the proceedure but I told,
thom it was a high honor for a far-1
mer to be vhitpd by a military parade
Bttt after reading the Friday issue
of your paper it put a different nspoct
on tho affair. . i
M'rill ihiw. .He, at cmp Dodge last wook, was honT(Qt tllBt pnrt!culns train. Ho had
AV. L. Cary, of Omaha, spont ywter- held Sunday afternoon. A detachment een Tom Smth boforc an(1 ho 3Ur.
day In town tranwctlng bimlnoftu and of the Homo Ouards acted as a mill- mlnca tmt Tom waJ n boo7e petkller !
visiting friend. tnrv ooort. As tho train camo into the depot and
Phdno In U letter received by tho homo torn gathered up his two grips. Sails
2t folks yestorday Ralph Aldon write hury was cortnin that Tom's buslne--
Iti'ir 1ii liua linrvii I rnnufnrrfiil frrim n? lint Slloll ns tllft HtntlltM nf TflIir!)K.
Mrs. Carl Brodbeck, who linn bon KnKinmi 0 Franco-and will nrobably l;n. doscribe as legal. As tho man wlt'i '
working evonlng at as cnHliier at tno 800U ))0 0 tno nrinB nno. the grips stepped from the car. ho win
U. P. Cafe, hn tnkon the day position tnpped bv tho sheriff, tho grips wore
, i . 100 coats In Sllvortono, Volour, Ker- ;.' 7,' (1 n " i ilm,or fmin.i Tn ,' , tncre was any blan,e t0 be al'
,HlJ)1U8h C08t WX. Broadcloth, Plush and Baffin Hoal'XmKA to my son 3 not sulcriblK 1
LOCKS. i ..ii i .'. .i .i t , claimed to the Judge that ho was dol- , nt fnilit fn i, nairB(i , ni-ivrn
in plain and fur trimmed models to
lnrleF3, that ho couldn't pay tho fine.
Ask to so our
anoclal nt S21.5Q. BLOCKS
T1J1 rm.n.( r r1inttiinll ..1 e 1 . !
spent several days, in town l.twoik . at BLOCKS. . I Z'JiZl 5? f VT i.Utmln.
visiting his parent and his brother
Charley who wa nouio irom ii. aiu
on n furlough.
Dr. L. J. Krnusc, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Jaka Mang shippod down a cnrload
of potatoes from his Arthur county
homestoad tho latter part of last weok
which 'he sold to rnilrond men and
oUiors. at $1.25 per bushol.
MotiiBrs, we want ycu to know that
at this storo you'll find the best crib
blankets Hints made in all the dainty
shades and with thoso "cute" designs
which plense children ho grontly.. On
Lester Anthony, who had Ubqii, qui- Ing.
pioyvju ai i ryon, litis returned iq town
and is visiting friends before leaving
for Camp Koarnoy Friday with the
Lincoln county contingent.
Morcdo Undorwenr. Amorica's best
underwear Is sold exclusively at
George Friopurg, a formor residont
It took moro than persuasion to
line up one north side fnrmor the first
ft rhta woMc to buy his quotn of Liber
ty Loan bonds. Two o,f the Brady
Ilotnp Gunrtl8, Col. Win. Boatty and
N. O. Dowen nutoed up to his place
with .he intention of taking him be
fore the Council of Dofonse at North
and contractors of this city, dted tho Plntte. but whan they penciled Brady
latter pnrt cf Inst week in Denver, of ' " chnnged his mind and went to
dropsy, aftor nn extended Illness. He , Ohnirmnn Trotter's office and pur
leaves a, wife, neo Annn Frazier, i chased his quota. Brady Vindicator.
daughter Mrs. George Sauni. soul For Farm Loans see Gono Croon,
Leonnrd and daughter Miss I rene. ' Hoom west of Vlonna Cafe.
YOUR car bounds away the
instant the spark touches the.
gas, if it's Red Grown Gasoline.
Red Grown iis a straight-distillied,
clean gas, that's all gas. Ityaporizes
readily, in coldest weather. It
doesn't keep, you busy with car
buretor cleaning. It is motor fuel
with more- than ordinary power
and mileage.
Wherever you buy it, it's the same.
At service stations and good gar
ages. Look for the Red Grown
PblOPin a cold-proof lub-
ricant that keeps cyl
inders clean and compression tight.
irrC WED 2
wmiii ML WWII wt
(liilk I
am at fault for he asked my advice
and I told htm that as long as th? i
i government had owed him for nine
hundred dollars worth of wool for
five months l did not think It was
necessnry. Bosidos this he had vonly
been interviewed nt the beginning of
the campaign as h? was passing on '
the road. Then you can rendilv see
thnt the next move would hardly be
Justifiable. Such treatment was duo
only a slacker and a disloyal citizen
which would not apply to him as he
had already responded liberally to
the previous Liberty Loan and tho
manv calls from tho various other de
partments. I feel that a mistake was made and
that these men owe my son an apol
ogy as they had not Informed them
selves regarding his case.
: :o: :
AViilIcliis Snlutcs tho Flag.
Oal Wntklns, who lives in the south
part cf town, wns picked up Saturdav
for declining to buy a fifty dollnr bond
nnd for reported seditious expressions
He was plnced In Jail whore he re
mained until Sunday afternoon, when
he was escorted by the Homo Guards
to tho band stand nt tho court houso
park whore he saluted the flng, sub
scribed nlleginnce to Ills country nnd
made application for a ?50 bond.
Judge Grimes administered the oath
of allegiance nnd Judge Woodhurst
took the ncknowldgement. Judkv
Grimes mndo a splendid address to
AVatklns.i in which he outlined tho
duties of an Amorlcnn citizen. Sever
al hundred were presont at the pro
Old Time Again October 27th.
On the 27th, the last Sundny of tho
month, nt 2 n. m., nccordlng to tho
dny light saving law, all our clocks
are to be set back one hour and are
ngnln to Indlcnte the usunl timo that
they showed bofore the law went into
effect. This turning back of an hour
is best done in practice tho evening
before, just as wo are about to retire
for the night. That night will then bo
an hour longer than usual and will
thus restore to us tho hour we lost in
Examining Registrants.
Forty-eight reglsrants of the Sep
tember. 1918, draft who returned thoir
questionnaires, wore given their phys
ical examination Sunday. Sixty had
boon called for that day but only for
ty-eight responded. Thirty por cont
of thoso examined failed to meet the
physical requirements. Each day this
week forty will be called for oxamin
Cattle for Snle.
Sovonty-llvo head of mixed stock
cattle. Will soil any part or nil. See
us or phono nt once, BRATT, GOOD
Xow is your timo to buy your new
full suit nt a big saving in price at the
BIG suit salo now on nt BLOCKS.
Having dovoted practically a month
of his timo without pay or hope of
future rewnrd to tho Fourth Llborty
lonn campaign, C. F. Temple will
now work eighteen hours a dny catch
ing up on his prlvnto business nffalrs.
Mr. Temple Is entitled to commenda
tion for devoting so much of his time
to campaign work, not only in tho
cnmpnlgn Just closed, but In the Third
Liberty lonn drive.
"Each of the undersigned hats served with Judge Charles B.
Letton on the Supreme Court. We are famil'ar with his ability,
integrity and industry. WE BELIEVE IT WOULD BE A DIS
' JACOB FAWCETT, Former Acting Chief Justice.
WANTED a party .from North Platte consist-
Outfit to bale nnd haul 150 tons of jng 0f Messrs. Dixon, Maloney, Pizer
hay. O. H. THOELECKE. ! and Halligan and Mrs. Scott, tho rep
resentative officers of District 17 ar
rived In Ogalalli on No. 7 Tuesday
evening- for the purpose of perfecting
an organization for United War Work
Campaign In Keith county. Walter C.
Nyo was elected to the position of
'county chairman of the campaign.
Ogalalla Tribune.
: :o: :
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanks to
our neighbors and friends for their
kindness, also for the beautiful flowers
during the sicknoss and death of our
Husband. Father and Brother.
Mrs. Chris Johnson and family.
John Johnson and family.
Andy Johnson and family.
When the breath is bad and tho ap
petite disordered, Prickly Ash Bitters
is the remedy needed. It purifies tlu
stomach, liver nnd bowels, sweetens
tho breath, promotes vigor and cheer
fulness. Price $1.25 pr bottle. Gum-mere-Dent
Drug Co., Special Agents.
W. R. Maloney Co , j
T Atfents. IV I
lis "ows li
p1 Model No. 8Y
Circle SIjoivb
Fuel ShvIiiu
The Big Saving
Helps Pay The
Grocery Bills
COAL is half gas.
The gas part is
quickly driven
from the coal and es
capes up the chimney
unless saved and util
ized for cooking by
Cole's famous fuel sav
ing and gas burning
Hot Blast draft. The
fuel bills saved by this
remarkable invention will
cut your high cost of living.
You can't afford
to be without
Cole's SSS
It beats cooks
bakes with
one lire.
North Platte
! His 7th Visit
I The Physician on Chronic Diseases
j Will Visit Our City.
Monday, Oct 28
And Will be at the Tim merman Hotel
Until i p. m , Ono Day ONLY.
Dr. Potterf of 3108 Garfield Ave..
Kansas City, Mo., who has treated
thousands of patients with electricity
and medicine, will give consultation,
examination and all the medicines
advantage of this offer are requested
necessary FREE. All partiea taking
to state to their friends tho result of
tho treatment.
Treats DEAFNESS by an entirely
now process.
Treats catarrh, threat and lung dis
ease, eye and ear, stomach, liver and
kidneys, gravol, rhoumatism, paral
ysis, neuralgia, nervous and heart dis
ease, epilepsy, Bright's disease, skin,
goiter, stammering, nnd nsthma.
Piles nnd rupture, without detention
from business.
If you aro improving under your
family phyplclan do not tako up our
valuable time. Tho rich and tho poor
aro treated alike. Idlers and curiosity
Bookors will please stay away. Our
time Is valuable.
Itomomber, NOT A PENNY will bo'
charged for the medicine required to
all thoso taking treatment this trip.
Office hour, 8 a. m.
Positively married ladlea must be
accompanied by their husbands. He
member tho date.
Sronilnjr. October 2Sh at the Tim
nieritinn Hotel, 'orth Platto, Neb.