THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., 0 TOI3ER 22, 1918. No. 81 (HA NT lMNTKlt IS CLOSING IN ON GKItMAN AIIJIY. SIKHOIiD'S S()UA1 OF SKVT.N TAKKS MS riMSONKKS. RAILROAD OI'LOYKS SUUSCUIBK ONK-KOUUTU COUNTY'S QUOTA. LINCOLN COUNTY $100,000 OVKH TIIK TOP. While- the oxact figures of the Lin coln county subscriptions to the Fourth Llborty loan wore not avail able this morning, County Chairman Temple authorized the statoment that the total would not be legs than one hundred thousand dollars greater than the quota for tho county which wns placed at $006,000. Each of the six districts Into which tho county was divided reached Us quota, while at least two of tho districts outside of North Platte went over tho top. The North Platte district has over-subscribed by lU.OOO. The quota for this district was $291,000, whilo tho subscriptions were $402,000. Considering thn fact that Lincoln nm,W., nlmnnt .Unt.U.l ll I .. 1 vuuuij utiiiunt uuuuiuu its iiuuui 111 tho Third loan, tho success of tho Fourth loan is. evidence of tho loyalty of the people of the county as n whole, and tliat they will bo prepared to do their full share in tho noxt loan. Which is expected to bo tailed tho lat ter part of tho winter. While the campaign closed Saturday ovoning belated subscriptions wore taken yesterday by tho local banks, and subscriptions will bo accepted today. CALL IS CANCELLED. The Tribuno unlocks its forms, after placed on the press, to announce that the local registration board is in receipt of a telegram cancelling the call for ninety three Lincoln county boys to Camp Kearney next Fri day. The cause of the cancellation of tl;e order is not stated in the telegram. The llelgian const again is Belgian, atnnny's dream of an invasion of Eufland across tno North sea front CnlaV 1 onded. Holglan Flanders is, ::o;: A troon train carrs'lhg east boys from Camp Fremont passed through I shortly after noon yesterday. Ac companying the troops was the rogl mentnl band of forty pieces, of which Otto Wostenfeld, of this city is a mem ber. The band countermarched on Dewey playing popular airs and ren dered several selections at tho depot. A collection was taken in the crowd and about a hundred dollars turned over to tho bandmaster. Its nc-w you should supply your needs in outing flannels on salo at THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. nt 22. 25, 27, 30 and 35 cents, in all colors including plain white. Recruiting Officer Cmiiliiif. Harris Stuart, who has been In Denver for sovcral weeks as a re cruiting officer, will be In North Platto next Saturday and Sunday and will receive applications for enlist ment in tho tank service Tho class of mon wanted include blacksmiths. welders, machinists, auto onglnemen, ccoks, stynogrnptyjrs unci wiralcss operators for tho tank sorvlco. Theso applicants must have at least two rec ommendations from employers as to their qualifications. Also men of good education and fine physique who are "roaring to go." Recruiting of ficer Stuart will be found In one of the rooms in the federal building. : :o: : Thos. Regan, living at tho corner of Sixth and Pine, died Sunday after noon. Tho deceased, who was moro familiarly known as "Fingorloss Tom," had lived in the city for a num ber of years. The funeral is delayed ponding tho arrival of n sister from Ohio. Later styles in millinery are so charming that women are buying their second tills season's hat. New Velvet Hats at $3.45. $4.50, $G.50 and up at THE LEADER MER CO. For Quick Sale LM your 'Farm nnd City Property with the II . & S. Agency. to Tin: v.OTKits of Tin: i!Sth Sr.NTOHIAL D1CT1MCT. Splendid Skirts For Winter Wear Now that n separate" s6Ir H essential to the "hnpplnoss" of tho well-dressed woman, Fashion endeavors to outdo herself in ways of fashion lug 'nnd fabric. Not satis fied with n downy finish to tho woolen, situ has ordered a inrloty In color effects that should pleaso tho most fastidious dresser. $4.95 to $25 ilcox Department Store. North Platte, Octobor 19, 191S. I urn tho republican nominee for state senator frcm this district. I ropfogented the district in tho 1911 and 1913 sessions of the legislature. Many citizens of the district believing that my experience and work for the district would be of value at this time, obtained my consent to be a candidato again. I do net believe many Doopl.e In the district know ot my candidacy. As the time of all of us is occupied now helping tho gbvernmont at homo back the American boys and tho allies in the Hold for the dofoat ot tho Knlsor, it is not only impossible but inadvis able to try to occupy your timo In a pollt'cal campaign. I am therefore taking this oppor tunity of asking my friends to see that I am not forgotten on election clay. I believe our first business is to prosecuto tho war to victory. It is also,, necessary that wo preparo for tho reconstruction in our homo prob lems after the war. I shall suniwt the prohibition and woman's suffrage amonuments, stringent measures to destroy tho war profiteers, a public bonded grain warehouse law, and measures for the protection of our Wostorn Nebraska 'irrigation, stock and farm interests. A bonded wax-ehouse where tho far mer can haul his grain, have it graded and obtain a negotiable receipt upon which he can bcrrw money or soil the gram when ho wants to, will do more than any other one measure to stop the slumping of tho markets in .the farmers products. . My investments aro in Wostorn Ne braska farms. My personal interests are there. If my service has been sat isfactory and you believe my exper : lonce will be of benefit to you In tho I legislature, I will appreciate yoiir confidence and vote. Your truly, WALTER V. HOAGLAND Writing under dato of Soptombor 2flth, Win. Slebold, ot Co. K, 3R5th infantry, in a lettor to his motlior says in part "1 wont over tho top in faat bring evacuated by tho enemy.1 the first wave but camo out Just as and this line from the Ilelglan fron- sound a I started. My squad did tier to tho Meuse gradually is giving omo pretty good work, too, nnd tho war under tho attacks of the Rrltlsh. corporal said wo got honorable mon French and Amorican armies which tlon. We took thirty-five prisonors, a are uVmamllin: to bo sorved with vie- couple of offlcors among them. Thnfs tory. A haven of safety in a shorter . l:etty good for one squad of only and mcrn compact line is being sought aovon men, don't you think? I wont by tlio Germans in order to oscapo lmck witl1 11 hunch of prisonors nnd annihilation by their foes. Evorv- waa lost from my company for n whore they aro being whippod. Hut whilo. but finnlly found my way eomitmly thev nro still far from de-,,mck- Wo sure had somo experiences Sugar For running Shut Off. Word has been received from Wasn Ington by tho local food administra tor, Gurdon W. Wattles, that from now on no more sugar certificates for canning will be issued. It is pointed out that the season for porishablo truits is now practically over, and such fruits as apples, etc., can bo canned without sugar. Heretofore certificates could be had wnich entit led the holder to 35 pounds of sugar for canning puroso3. Mr. Wattles has also received word that the state's allotment of sugar for November is 3,700,000 pounds or 52S, 900 pounds loss than for October. Omaha Bee. : :o: : Mrs. W. .1. Stuart, who has been visiting In Chicago for a couple of weeks, is expected homo tomorrow. 140 new fall suits are now offered nt reduced prices at BLOCKS. Silk Velour Coats Pre-Guarded ' Against Tackiness You know how quickly most .silk velour and plush coats be come shabby with uset Even the best pile-fabrics are delicate and not meant for hard usage. But our makers have found a way to make them give better service to be less liable to spotting or growing dull and lifeless which is a lot. It's up to you and your pocket book to be careful or not in the matter of actual wear. Just the simple thought of steaming every piece, after being cut and before sewing together steaming and reflnishing in a manner all this maker's own ensures extra liveliness in the pile, less liability to "spot" and less chance for it to mat or pack; and to need, maybe, a little less wear-care than pile goods not so treated. Not a penny extra is added to the price. find our coats at You'll $40 to $85. Kturmini? coat of Silk Velour dU3neciaIi Llnea,d0 Cygn unmatchable anywhere else for quality, for style, for real service. fVKf $65.00 1 n Wilcox Department Store foatod . In liplgium the onomy Is giving ground hastily In ordor to bring his armies safely out of the trap which mawou them, but from tho French frontier to tho Mouse river ho is still flglitine desporntoly to hold back tho lcwor law of tho great Focli pincor from closing In a groat converging movement nnd entrapping in Its tnnw the Oi i man fighting force In its on tiroty. And thus far he has success fully thru the use of pickod troops and nnehlno gunnors who know do feat' cnl m death, guarded off tho culinii ;itlug blow. Zeebniggc. Germany's second groat submarine base on tho North son, has gone tho way of Ostond. Tho flag of Bolgiiiiu once more illos ovor It. To south lirugs has boon ovneuntod nnd Turcolng. Roubnlx and other towns have 1 opii dolivorod. Out of tho grcnt sack bot ween the North Sea and tho Lys river tho enemy Is fleoing fnst in on ondenvor to prevent capture or In ternment in Holland. His hopo Is that he will lie able to reach Antwerp and there roonstltuto his divisions from the Dutch frontier thru Antwerp nnd Nnumur to pomo point south, nrobnblv seuan ot ruotz, and Mali lizo t. for th moment at least, to tho Swiss frontier. In Franco, oast of Lille to Cnmbral. the British showly but surely press ing frrward despite supreme offorts of tho enemy to hold thorn, blottlnc out the big salient which has Tourjinl ns Its northern and Valenciennes its southern eneniyheld bnsos. To assure tne of this salient Field Mnrshnl Hnig, with whoso forces nro brlgnded men from tho United Stntes, Is driving hard along tho Bohnln-Lo-Cnteau front in a maneuver which Is mooting with success and throwing nioncienncs into n clangorous pocket io tno soutn. In tho sack between the Oiso and tho Serro river north of Lnon. tho Germans nro slowlv with drawing toward Hirson, with tho en emy Impeding tho allies progress with strong roargunrds. Likewiso In Cham pagno the Germans nro offering strong resistance ngainst tho the !Fioneh and Americans in their attomnt to drive northward toward Mozieros and Sedan. Tho French, nevertheless, have been able to cross tho Aisno riv er near Vouziers. nnd thus hnvo made seouro tho positions of tho Franco American forces in tho vnlloy of tho Alru at urandpro. Ti! iho east tlie Atnericnns on both ides of the Meuse rlvor nro slowlv goini; forward. Betweon tho grent wooded bastion nnd the Meuse picked troops have been chosen to fend the blow northward toward Sedan. All tho ground that !s being won is bolng vntianiiy cteiended to tlio Inst. In the Macedonia theater Grooks are in full possession of Greek Mace cionla. Albania is fast boing cleared ot l no enemy and in Sorbin tlio Teutonic ullicd forcos of General Allenby now nro meeting with scant esi.stanco. : :o: The H. & S. Agency reports tlio alo of tho Will Klonk property on west Third to Frank P. Ilngy, wno recently camo hero from Julesburg to take a position In tho Westorn Union o:in . Also the property nt 401 south Map'e to Fred O. Bell, who is a flro man on tho road. It n now you should supply your need in outing flannels on salo at TIIK LEADER MERCANTILE CO. nt 22 25, 271,. 110 and G cents, in nil colors Including plain white. Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, who camo here from Montana to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Buchanan last week! wen both taken ill with Influenza a day or two after their arrival and havo been in a rather serious condition. Sale of newest fall suits for women and misses at 20 to -10 loss than pnsent values. Buy now and save at TUK LEADER MERC. CO. For Salo Malleablo steel rango in good condition. Phone Red 229. and 1 am not going to forgot thorn, so I can tell thorn to you when I got home. It takos milto a lot of nervo to talk about coming homo when ono stops to think what ho has gone through and still has boforo him, but bollovo mo I will novor glvo up, no matter what cotnos. I know that If It is right for nii to como homo, God will lot me. nnd I trust thnt it Is right and that's all thoro is tc) it. It Is pretty nice hero today but has boon very rainy nnd bnd for somo timo. Uncle Snm suro deals out tho clothos to us. so' wo hnv plenty of protection against all kinds of woath or." : :o: : Red Cross K loci ion Postponed, On account of the Influenza opldomic tho annual olectlon for Rod Cross directors, announced far tomorrow afternoon has been postponed until Novotnbor 20th. Interested partios will please ro mcmbor tills postponement. ::o:t Owing to tlio ban on public gather ings on nccount of tho flu, no farowoll reception enn bo given tho boys who lcava for tho training camp Friday nicht. Thn bovs will, however, bo presontod with sweaters nnd comfort kits by tho Sammy Girls. Undoubtedly there will bo n largo crowd at tho de pot to bid tho bovs good luck. Just received another big shipmont of beautiful drosses in serges, velvets nnd Jersoys. Marked to sell at lowost prices at BLOCKS. Henry Fulk, who has one of tlio best farms northeast of Sutherland, brot in a sugar bopt ono day last wook that for sizo and weight is sun a wlnnor. Tho beet weighs 13 pounds nnd Honry says 'that It is just ono of his small samples. Who can boat thla boot? Sutherland Courier. Tlio most importnnt buy enrly. Tho fnshiqn's fixed on coats, dresses and furs. If you wish to avoid tlio certain hlghor prices suro to como especially in, tlio bettor qunllty BUY NOW. Tho best had nt THE LEADER MERC. CO. Tho railroad omploy who report nt this torminnl, which means engine, trnln nnd shop mon nnd all other ter minal employos who make North Platto their homo, and Including sao tlon men botowen Brndy and Suthar lnnd. subscribed for Fourth Liberty bonds to tho amount ot $152,800, or a fraction ovor ono-fourth of the quota nsslgnod tho county. Of this total $100,900 woro taken through contracts with the company, tho remnlnlng $51, 100 was subscribed through tho bnnlfls. Tho total subscriptions of nil om ployoa on tho Wyoming dlvlslpn woro $G5G,200. Cor'nlnly tho Union Pacific sollclt linr comnilttoe In this city has woll dono Its work, nnd tho North Platto employe aro to 1h oomcunndod for tho unanimity with which they rospontlod to tho call of their country for finan cial nsslstnnco. Gross (Jets Ninety Days. Tom Grows, orstwhllo lalbotior oC North rialto. who loft last wook fo'r Pooria or Kanknkoo, Illinois unmind ful of n bill for meals at the Colo entlng house and bod ront at tlio Eyo rooming house, wns roturnod to this city Friday night by special officer Askwlg, bnd a hearing bororo Judgo Woodhurst Saturday and is now sorv lug a nlnoty-dny Jail sontonco. Tom Is now convinced that ho made a mis tnko in snoaklng out of North Platto, and Is so ponltont that ho avors.ho will nnply for a V. M. C. A. job ovor soas when liberated. . b Snlo of blnnkets nt THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. at last aonson'd prices. Thera blankets were bought over a year ngo. Dr. II. E. Mltc)ioll left yesterday morning for Kearney to nttond tho District Dontnl Convention. Ono ot the fonturos of tho meeting is n olasa of Instruction in the lntost Ideas ot "plato-work" by Dr. Dayton Camp bell, ot Kansas City, one of tho fore most 'plnto-mon' of tho country. I For (Julck Sale hU your I'nnu nnd City Property with the II. & 8. , Agency. I. Mr. and Mrs. Honry Peterson, of Grand Island, arrived last ovoning for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Peter son. Henry li now inanager' of tho , Union Pacific dining room at the. Is- i land. I Lator stylos in, millinery nro so ' charming thnt women nro buying their Bocond this' soason' hat. New i Velvet Hats nt $3.4$, Si. 50, $G.50 and up at THE LEADER MER CO. ' Six new ensos cf Influenza woro ro portod tc the board of health, yester day, four of tho patl tits living out Htilo the city limits. LZTS'THE Ci I ID'S FOOT caow as ir, SHOULQr- Sold !en Why Pay S10.00 When you can buy this shoe at the Shoe Market for S Y50 Black or Brown English, Lace MP" Wilcox Dept. Store' Plan Now for Winter Months FOR THE STOCK We carry chops, molasses feed, bran, shorts, salt, tankage, cotton cake, chicken feed, hay and and all kinds of grain. Highest market price paid for hogs and grain at our elevator. Leypoldt & Pennington PHONES 99 OR 206