THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Children Cry For REPARE HOUSE FOR WINTER The Owners of "Swift & Company" (Now Over 22,000). Perhaps it has not occurred to you that you can participate in Swift & Company's profits, and also share its risks, by becom ing a co-partner in the business? It is not a close corporation. You c'an do this by buying Swift & Company shares, which are bought and sold on the Chicago and Boston stock exchanges. There are now over 22,000 share holders of Swift & Company, 3,500 of whom are employes of the Company. These 22,000 shareholders include 7,800 women. Cash dividends have been paid reg ularly for thirty years. The rate at present is 8 per cent. The capital stock is all of one kind, namely, common stock there is no preferred stock, and this common stock represents actual values. There is no "water," nor have good will, trade marks, or patents been capitalized. This statement is made solely for your information and not for the purpose of booming Swift & Company stock. We velcome, however, live stock producers, retailers, and consumers as co-partners. We particularly like to have for shareholders the people with whom we do business. This leads to understanding. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company . President Modern Campaigning. "Have you announced my candi dacy?" "yes." "Given my splendid platform to the press?" "Yes." "Formed a 'Me-for-Mnyor' club?" "Yes." "Fine. Now think up something for me to do so that n movie picture pho tographer may take a few thousand feet of film showing me In some act .befriending the people." There are many tinkling cymbals In the land who seems to think that they are thinking symbols. Itcputatlon is a bauble that man blows nnd then punctures. Who Do I Give These Cars To? I am Going to Give Away Two Automobiles I have been giving away nutomobnes OroMho I am going to gi-away'ls'an Overland It Is the latest model. ,ulnsd nd complete In every detail. It will bo delivered right at ome one's front door ViTaeWtSf coUto them? Don't you want to Bet It? Send me the coupon and I'll tell you without a censoi coat uj "'"' " i.u-. 1. Vr.rA nrt vHll nl.n he triven to same one. As won a I receive Iieskles the two cars $1800 in Rewards DcttixKd throuth your local Maybe you thlnlc I am a fraud, or that you know all about my plan. It won't hurt you to tend the. cou pon and find out, and you can't know all about my plan unices I tell you. I can t tell you unless you send the coupon. $835 Overland Tourinj Car J450 Ford Touring Car $250 Piano or Motocycla $100 Diamond RInff $50 victor Vfctroia $30 Ellin Cold Watch $25 Eastman Kodak RtwarJi Jupllcatcd In a) oue offcj The Reward Man, phiud.w.! Boa 1632 fa. a better mutual Delusions. "What curious mistakes men make sometimes. I've Just been reading, for instance, that Columbus Imagined that he had discovered the Indies." "That's nothing to one I made. When I married my wife I thought I'd dis covered Paradise." Boston Tran script. No Alternative. "Why are you beating Johnny? It wnR the dog thai broke the jardiniere." "I can't beat the dog; I belong to the S. P. C. A." Boston Evening Transcript. To Be Expected. Bob "Don't you weigh more than you did?" Belle "A bit. I started nt nine and ono-hnlf pounds." YOU? the coupon I'll end you full details of my offer. I'm srolnir to give away the other rewards listed here at tne lexw oureiy mero i euuicuiuitf m hiww " Cut out and Send the Coupon DO IT NOW! THE REWARD MAN . 3 P.O. Box 1632 Philadelphia, Pa. t.. . a t nil Information about the aotomobllM yoa ara Biting- away. Tli slirolna ot this coupon does doi OMigaia roe 10 aaj ws j. Name , P.O.. State. JLF.D.. 'owls Withstand Cold Air Much Bet ter Than Impure Ventilation of Much Importance. Prepared by the United Mtntes Depart ment of Agriculture.) Hens can withstand cold nlr much letter than Impure nlr. Don't shut Jio poultry house up tight at night to tccp but Uic cold unless ventilation 1b rovldod. liens will thrlvo better nnd ay more eggs If they have plenty of jure air ; not droughts. It Is ns ncces wry to fowls as clean wirter and good 'ood. When hens uro confined In badly rentilutcd houses, ns is sometimes the cuso In cold weuthcr, they lose vital ity, produce fewer eggs, nnd often be come sick and stop laying. Good ven tilation Is needed nlso to keep the house dry. In cold weather moisture collects on the walls und roof in a poorly veutiluted house, making It very uncomfortable for tho poultry to live In. When tho temperaturu rises this moisture trickles down saturating the air and making tho litter on the floor wet If tho houso is not overcrowded und Is lnsulllclently ventilated for only a dny In cold weather, no great harm Is done. In an overcrowded houso condi tions become lusnnltury In a few hours. Even In a houso properly stocked con ditions nt the end of one dny of Im pure nlr are noticeably bad und,unle3s promptly corrected, grow steadily worse. . Ventilation to provide puro air nno dryness in a poultry house In simply a matter of keeping doors und win dows open ns much as Is necessary to keep the walls dry. Few poultry keep ers have any ulfllculty In this until the temperature goes low enough to freeze water In the house. Then the tendency la to close doors and windows to keep the house warm. This Is the right Idea, subject to tho practical limitation that tho house must not be closed so tight that tho supply of fresh ulr is Insufficient, and tho circulation of air Is retarded to such an extent that moisture collects on the walls. Tho proper regulation of ventilation insures pure nlr and dry ness, and keeps tho houso ns warm as is practicable without the use of urtl llclul heat, or special provision to ab sorb an excess of ''moisture. Tho ad justment of doors nnd windows to pro vide the conditions required must l) lenrncd by observation. The general rulo is to open doors and windows us much ns Is necessary to keep the house dry in cold weather, and to keep them wldo open when wu tcr in the house will not freeze. Cheap cotton cloth and common bur lap are often used In some of the win dows of a poultry house In place ot glass. Cotton cloth Is to bo preferred for this purpose because It is cleaner and admits mora light. When both cloth and glass windows arc ueed tho Inexpensive Poultry House With Plen ty of Open Space In Front. most common practice in cold weathei is to keep the glass windows closed nil the time; to open the cloth window wide on clenr days and close it as much us seems necessary at night and on stormy iMiys. When the winters aro generally mild cotton cloth Is some times used In all windows. Usunlly a houso cu he run with a good deal of ventilation in till but the very coldest weather. Birds can stand quite low temperatures provided their, combs do not get frosted. Where thero is much hard freezing weather the most effective way that ha been found to keep a poultry house warm nnd dry Is to plnce dry straw or hay, to the depth of n foct or more, overhead on n lloor of boards .'aid us wide apart as may bo and still hold tho struw. Dry strnw will usually absorb ul moisture, nnd so when It Is used the poultry keeper must Judge by the nlr In tho houso how much to keep doors nnd windows open. A breed that will not stand the tempcrnturo when ven tilation is regulated In this way is not suited to tho cllmule. Uce for Waste Products. Full use should bo mado of waste products from tho kitchen, tho table and tho foods on tho farm range, for such material is excellent food for ull kinds of poultry nnd will help to cut down the expense of feeding. Enemy of Young Chicks. Lice are the worst enemy to the young chicks, nnd hot weather tends to Increase their numbers unless dras tic measures are taken to get rid of them. TiicrctrIVomoUDivj A helpful Remedy for Constipation nndDiaxrhoci t -e nv Sleep rcsutUnii ihcttfrwttjnjnfancy- racWlcSijtore," jinsCnrrAcnCoWflni 38 Exact Copy of Wrapper. HIS MEMORY SOMEWHAT HAZY Seattle Man Not Quite Certain Wheth er He Had Enlisted, but He Was No Quitter. Last summer, when every young man's thoughts wero on tho war, a wealthy lumberman -from Seattle ar rived In New York on a business trip. Ills business having been attended to, he was a guest at a dinner given one evening by an odlcer In tho United Slates marine corps. As tho hours and tho (lowing bowl, passed, speeches became more and more frequent, ev erybody was wrought up, and there was no man so base as to say that he would not go to tho front for his coun try. Knrly tho next morning tho Seattle man started back home. A tew days later tho ofllccr of ma rines iccelved this telegram from him: "Did I enlist that night? If so, In struct mo when and where to report." Popular Magazine. Lives 200 Years! For more than 200 years. Haarlem Oil, tho famous national remedy of Holland, lias been recognized as an infallible relief from all forms of kidney and bladder dis orders. Its very ago is proof that it jniut have unusual merit. If you are troubled with pains or aches in the back, feel tired in the morning, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, painful or too frcouent natisaee of urine, irritation or stone in the bladder, you will nlmost -crtainly find relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CapHulcs. This is the good old remedy that has stood the test for hundreds of years, prepared In the proper quantity and convenient form to take, ft is imported direct from Holland lab oratories, and you can get it at any drug store. It is a standard, old-time home remedy and needs no introduction. Each capsule contains one dose of five drops and is plcarant and cany to take. They will quickly relieve those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick dust." etc. Your money promptly refund ed if they do not relieve you. Iltit be sure to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL brand. In boxes, three sizes. Adv. Electrlo Pencil. A new electric pencil for making or writing on any polished steel or Iron surfnee Is operated as readily as an ordlnnry pencil. A stepdown trans former connects It to a lighting socket, and as the point of the pencil Is drawn over the steel, the reslstanco to tho pnssago of tho current develops great heat, etching the surface at tho point of contact. A rheostat gives control of the depth of etching. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. .There la only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that la by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATAWill MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed condition- of the mucous lining; of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing;, and when tt is entirely closed, Deafness la the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATAUHH MEDICINE. All Druggists 7Bc. Circulars freo, P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. A prudent man never butts Into danger for tho ptirposo of advertising his bravery. Most men would rnther get tho short end of nn argument than keep quiet. yf A Whoter Tie, Cleansing, flllF Uelresblng and tlealinf Eyes ncss, Soreness, Granula- tlon.Itchinganduurning of the lives or Eyelids; nV After Ml. A.Tftvla M rtr,r1rr. ... aAi wll II win your confidence. Ask Your Dnjirciit iir Murine -when ymir Eyeti Need Care. M-U Murluo Xye Xtemudv Co., CIilcuvo What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for th relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishncss arising therefrom, nnd by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA always SI (Bears tho In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TH OKNTAUft COMPANY. N StW VONK OITV. It's Acid-Stomach That Makes Millions Sick an Life Is dsrk not worth much to the man or woman with an acid-stomach. Aclil-stomacu kills Hope, Amlitttnn. Uuergy, Covirage- It saps the strength of tho strongest body Impoverishes tho blood causes untold mirrirlnic makes mllllnns weak, unlit and brines on pro mature old sge. Millions ot people are wenk snd unfit, suffering all the limn, la una way or an other, from superacldity or acld-atoniach. They don't seem dangerously sick. Just ailing;, doing through Ufa weak, listless, draining one foot after another. They're uerrous and Irritable; lack pow. er and punch, frequently hare sivcro attacks of blinding, apllttlnr hesdscbes; subject to fits of melancholia and men tal depression. And nearly alnaya their stomachs aro out of order, even though many experience no actual stomach pstns digestion poor never getting anywhere near the full strength from their food. So, you see, It's Jusf this acld-stom. ach that la holding so many peoplo back aapplng up the it rend h they should get from their food taking away their Ylgor snd rltallty leaving them weak and Inefficient. Get rid of the excess nclrt. Thst's the.secrst of good health and Is the only way to obtain good digestion and asslm. A Suggestion I THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD issue Ufa insurance Certificates for $230.00 to $5,000.00 NO MAN CAN HAVE TOO MUCH! Present members may obtain additional insurance in the Unlotnai Camp lor any amount which, with their present certificate, will not exceed 15,000. The Untccnal certificate in in full force from the premium never changes. If you are thinking of increasing your Clerk, or write to DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work Guaranteed 10 years. Fillings, Crowns, Bridge-work, Plates and Extracting. Home treatment for Gum Diseases, tightens teeth and preserves health. It will pay you to come for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet OS1 WOODM EM OF' WORLD UUILSINQ, OMAHA. NsTBB Did This Ever Happen to You? A North side club woman, promi nent In D. A. It. and other circles went picnicking with u group of friends on tho Fourth of July. In the course of tho day one of tho other women lost her handkerchief, and tho D. A. H. member generously lent an extra one. A few days ago the hnndkcrchlef was returned by tho borrower. It was u daintily embroidered simnro with henrtB and flowers lntertwluejl with the letter "W." There aro no "W's" In tho family of the D. A. It. woman. She took It "with Homo surprise nnd said, "Why, that Isn't my handkerchief." "I know It Isn't," was tho quick re ply. "Hut Itls tho ono that you lent to me. I noticed It at tho time." IndlnnnpollH News. Not What He Was Looking For. "Have you anything for mo?" asked Hilly of the postman. "No, hut I've got sou' ' m for your mother," answered tlx utn. "Will that do?" "No," answered Mllj U-stordny I had a birthday, and 1 had much peo ple, but no presents." Never look for trouble, but when you meet It put up your most strenu ous fight. Tho worst thing about the skeleton In the family closet Is that It refuses to remain there. Signature of d Suffer Uatlon. It la tho tight way to be welt nnd keep strong. Ordinary medicine won't do any lasting good. Tho txwt they can do is to spur up your appetite for awhile. A modern remedy makes It possible to remove vxcoss ucid without the slight est discomfort. It Is called KATONIO, In the form of pleasant tasting tablets. Their action In the atomacn la a good deal like a piece ot blotting paper taking up a drop ot Ink they literally nbsorb tho injurious cieei-n ucid and catry tt away through tho Intestines. negtn using KATONIO right now today and tret on the road to bounding, vigorous, vibrant health, Tboussnds upon thousands of people who have used KATONIO sro enthusiastic In Its praise. They say they never dreamed that anything could bring them such quick relict. HATONIO Is fully guaranteed. Tour drugglat will give you a big box for only BO cents with the distinct understanding that If you are not pleased In every way, you cot your CO cents bsck. If you can't get KATONIO where you live aend ua your Dime and addrrasi wo will send you a fitly cent bor aud you can aend us the 00c when you get It. Address Batonlc Uemedy Go., aunther Dldf., Out csgo, III, date of issue and insurance, ask the Sovereign OommanOer Omaha. Neb. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A, toll,! prtparatlon of smvII. mips to snulloaU dwidruff. Beauty to Gray or Faded I lab. SOa. and SLOOat DrosxlaU. for llasiertac l-oior esq PLEATING Done pr6mpt!y. BUTTONS Free price list. yTJ" TC .Women aa well an men V ixvy XkJ 'are mado miserable by TY") kidney and bladder trou x v ble. Thousands recom- L'L'rvi,-' Hwamp-Itoot. the great kidney medicine At druggists In Tars and medium size bottloa. you may re colvo a samplo alzo by I'arcel Post, also pamphlet telling; about It, Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dlnghamton. N. Y and encloso ten cents, also mention this paper. STOP LOSING CALVES You can Stamp AboHion Out of your herd -and Keep It Out Write for FREE BOOKLET, "Questions and Answers pertaining to ABORTION in COWS" Answers every question. Treat your ourn cattle at small expense. Bend for booklet now. State number of cattle In your herd. Dr, Dills' Robtrtt'Vel. Co., 100 Srsii lis.,