The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1918, Image 1

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    8t Historical Society
No.' 79
Gormnny's roply to President Wilson's
Inquiry, Intercepted ns It was boing
feent by the great wlreloss towers at
Nauon and forwarded Saturday In an
official dispatch from France, do
claros Germany1 Is ready to accept
rrosiuent Wilson's peaco torms, evncu
ate the invaded territory as a prera- ir W? f. Six of the twonty
qmsito to an armistice, nmi M.nt ,un e iatl defective hearts and an equal
bid for reace reurtonta the Gonnan iVnn Hy?,'1 i ' T,,B 0Xnmtn"
people as well ao the government. i ?' xn "ll.,!", 8 "J0"' Vlor T,'
Dr. W. S. Solf, the newly appointed 1 llSept,-rthl otV,(1 ctTm
foreign secretary, in replying to f,,"11 be,tl0r to roJct them here
President Wilson's recent iiotof ac- to reJoct thoni nft?r arrlvlli llt
cepts the torms laid down by Prosldont Z'miniirai. ,.... . .
Wilson in his recent addresses "on .on'rnv w m 1 B,,von?'7"
the foundation of a permanent peace I ,.ny ?r 0la?; ,ut ' ,ls work w11 be
of justice." Future discussion the ro- ZuXZn? T ContJnU"
ply asserts, would bo for the purpose S'L1" "? J " Tt,L boon fur
of agreeing upon the application of Si lth ui"res are cxnm-
these terms. The prosont German go-; ' ......
vernmont, It Is further announced. I , ,,',?.' "T
assumes the responsibility of this stop1 Whnrtfed Sold cr Loses mind,
towards peaco and has the support of , rn !k "a,!,uos- W" wn" 8cnt from
tho great majority of tho reichstng. I , 1 clty to Cam" Fnston and roturn
Tho imperial chancellor declaros tho , , 110 on nccount o' uolng mentally
note speaks in tho name of tho Ger- """nlancod, escaped the vigilanco of
man government and of tho German llis fathor Saturday and for twenty--people.
irour "ours roamed ovor the country
The president of tho United States. it s?"t.h .C tho rlvor' ""ally appearing
is euggestod, muy name a mixed com- '",.1110 nome l V w- 0l80n S0V011
mission o make hrrangonionts for tho , . , S0UtlW08t Sunday morning. A
evacuation. dotachmont of tho Horn Guards were
AHho cn its face tho text of tho Kot,t,nB reiu,' to mnke soarch for the
German note seems to ho a complete unfortunte man whon Mr. Olson
acceptance of Porsidont Wilson's torms "one "J" BHl " was at his
tho people of the United States and the sThor,ff Salisbury and Chlof of
allied countries should be cautlonnil I Pollc? Jonos (lrovo out yostcrday
Tho first bunch of men of tho Sep-i ,r. T, ,. T
tomber l9lSf registrants wore examln- ,V10 Llborty Loan campaign
od by the local board .Sunday, and the i,k S 1 lxV ,lf? F,rll"- Saturday
porcentugo of those physically unfit Hi" a tbo, wbscrliitloiiH for those two
was found to bo exceptionally heavy. . ffrvfhbl?iaVSITl0?thtotttl
Elghty-throo mrti were examined nmh L"t" .N?"hlIf n ,0o c '8ltnr.,ct- ,U1 ,w
twontv-ono wor found ii lm inoHiriiiif. I .lUunlnj ovonlng the total subser p
for IctZZl s v m S t0'8 taken through tho Xorth Platte
uanics una been ?193,000 and tho sub
scriptions through the railroad com
mute up to yestordny noon wore $95,
150. This makes a total of $2S9,350 Tor
North Platto, but Included in this are
subscriptions from some of tho pre
cincts within the North Platte dis
trict,' so that the exact amount of tho
North Platte subscriptions propor
cannot at this tlmo bo givon. However
It may he sold that North Platto has
gone "ovor tho top" by a considerable
amount, and that tho Xorth Platto dis
trict will oventunlly reach Its quota.
Roachlnc tho ni'itn la
sufficient, for it is known that somd
Tho dreaded Spanish influence has
uiHimeu inreo Lincoln county boyn nnd
several others who huvo boon sick
with the dlseaso arv said to he In r
serious condition.
Today nt Maxwell will bo hold the
funeral of Koy Yost, who died of
tiro disease at one of the camps, tho
vvu) naving nrriveu yesterday.
Today or tomorrow tho body of nn
oilier young mnn named Root of
tho Maxwell vicinity will bo shlppod
noine ior imriui. n too, died at one
Of the CHlllllM nf ItlfltlPllTn
A telegram received yestordny an
nounced mo tiontii of Prlvato Duck
owrth. whose paronts llvo In Sollers
precinct south nf tlw rttv ir -Q
st&tlomd at Fort Dodge niul the end
uHiuc wunuay.
Henry Paul, of the Maxwell Huniimi
is not oxpeclod to survive a selge of
sections of tho county are falling I 11 T,, oowing the flu. At
uown uauiy, ana it is apparent that If """" "l , l,,u n"U' no i suuumoti
tl.n nnt f nni nnn rJt , " . i WHS not lenrilBll.
..v ui fuuir.uuu lr IJIIK'Uni conn-
ty Is to be roachod, North Platto must ' 1 : :o: :
about double its quota. This It has not I'lndorses Judgo Perry,
yet dono, but Chairman Temple Jaldltor of Tho Tribune:
llfMVfnl 11.. .... ... . I .....
morning, brought tho man In and
uirnea lilm ovor to his father, who
runs the HInmnn lodging house. Later
In the day tho father took tho son
east to be placed In charge of a brother.
: :o:
:o: :-
allied countries should bo cautioned
against accepting it as such a com
pliance of tho nroslilnnt'a il
will mean immediate cessation of hos
tilities. At tho time tho news was recolvod
President Wilson was In Now York,
urn, nn huh since returnmi in wnaiifnc
ton and a statement was Issued yostor-! At the remiest of nui rt mm,,.
peace note until the president has Octohnr l Kth 7.?n T 9n,n&
Sd'SJ imf nfflClal TU?ICatIn!oS f mX tfrSSldSi
sider it opportunity to con-1 Wilson in his demands that JusUce to
In Kngland "ucondltiOnal surrender" shl me a condUkmTecedl
is rapidly gaining popularity with the anniVtlce o ToS dta!t wtt ,
average citizen as a response to tho aorinc my.-T. C PATTERSON Clmll-
This feeling is accentuated by the i President Issnn sii..,i
ueriunn attempt to destroy Cambrat President Wilson tbV ntVor ,nrt nt V. "ccoruiS to a letter rocelved
and the razing of villages by the Inst week Issued ?ho f J- J 1Iallisa from his
enemy in his great retreat, as woll .t'Z 1 f 'Z J "l s CnPta, . llvHalllBn.,. Tho
ns oy tno sinking of the Leinster campaign:
milSfadt'lfar, no not
hoieful that tho subscriptions be-
twoon now and Saturday evening will
bo such ns double our quota.
Chairman Temple's roports from th
county at large rp to Saturday even
ing wore as follows:
Sutherland t .11 ono
"orshey ;u',850
Maxwoll 27,900 'r.
Our ncnnl
tioli nre going to vote fqr tho election
of throe Judeos on our sunrnmn onnvt.
Wmtcrn NabniHlta d
n ropivsentntivo- in tho highest court
01 tin- stnto. All of tho candidates but
One live dOWn 111 tlln smith nmlnni
corner of Nebraska. Honorable Ernest
Brndv . . nV V.' . . U,B l'resont jmigo of the
Wallhoo nnnnl. c c.ourt at JIcCo'f. Nebraska
M0OJlB the only AYostom Nebraska cundl
fid T A t,y . J...1 -r .
51iq nnn vw Bl,i'iwB juugu. i iiuve Known
auou JU(ip Poppy for n at mn
TI. la a.. 1. ....! 1 r .. .
'Pir iiinnrn mP nvl, ' louness juogo ana
AI Hviin Vrv .unrifl.. '?"e f the nbl08t lnwyors 111 braska.
WHO AIIL IN SKKYIC15. For tho reason that Western Nobraska
' Hi- - t v kZ ZT 1 , , , 1 Is I,crhttP "ot acqualntod with the
m. J. 1. Kerr, who received his fact that wo havo a Wostom No
commlssion as captain in tho medical braeka candidate for aunremn Uu t
"ayPLrFterRnevetko8,?iffl; ,0ft 8t,G1 taught 1 wotUd irito" Is" St ' "am
caj-foi Ft. Rlloj to enter the service aslc'The Tribune to publish it. I be
Arthur McEvoy writes from Paget liayo that all ot tho Wostom Nobrnska
Sound that ho is recovering from an voters should bo suro to look for tho
attack of Influenza. Ho was pretty name of Judge Perry nnd voto for him
WPlr ' Miff nilntlwl.Arl. ..n . . 1 nf . . r, ,.. .
..... .. w - . r pmuiiiu 7 i
linnniian ltn .n.n 1. . .....
UUw..uu, ,VJ mi mn noi iiko tno i
flowers that grow in that country. j
Company E has at last startod over
seas nCCOrdilltr to fl lAttor rnnnlvn.l
In Paris the renlv of k n n '"T"' .T'i "co 01 11118 ,oa.
government to P esident WihVon 'is wi ote Z t Is to them verTrank
bnn8id0trn0(1nrtn0,,mi1tCatf' H Gormany 7110 hcs thins mt mmMmppo
n h nSCOnl be,twec11 ,fh0 would bo that the loan should not only
H.J La0mlilla Germany is evading bo fully subscribed, but very great y
tho issue. Paris considers that Ger- oversubscribed. We are in the midst
rX cnndm? f Pre8l"ont WiP of the greatest exercise of he power at
feit Fool .! ?h,,nni.TwlJ1 f l1,0" u,Is-country that has ovor been wit-
reat Foch is the solo judge from tho nessed or forecast, and a single day of
hn ' "n ' ,0t vkw aiul wH1 know relaxation in that effort would bo o
?rnm nenossary guarantees tragic damage alike to ourselves and
from t o enemy and what territory to the rest of tho world. Nothing has
occupations must be impossed. (happened which makes it snfo or
a ...w 7Z ::o:: i possible to do anything hut push our
A special train passed through ves. offort to tho utmost. The tlmo Is crl
terday forenoon on wjilch wore eighty- ticnl and the response must ho corn
nine nrst nnd second lieutenants on- plote. WOODROW WILSON.
ui.iu i. uiu iiuiiuiuiu id un? easiern
sea coast. All these officers had at
tended tho training school at Hon
olulu, and nearly all had been in reg
ular amy service ns privates. "Many
of them had their wives with them,
nnd at -least two of 'the officers were
Wlntpr underwear on salo nt THE
LEADER MERC. CO. nt last season's
prices. Our cash purchase of ovor one
yea- ago enables us to save you money.
An examination will bo held at the
local postofl'ico October 2Gth for
clerk-carrier in tho postoffice service
This examination is open to male np
plicaius only.
: :o:
Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Withroo.
of Portland, Ore., mother nnd sister
respectively of N. E. Buckley, nro
guests at tho homo of the latter.
Miss Hildogardo Clinton nnd -Miss
Company, it is lindnrslnnil lnt irvt-.
d - . j .wi,. 4 4,
So-gt. Harris Stuart camo down
froin Denver. Sunday morning to spend
tho day with the homo folkij. Hd has
boon-stationed in thnt city for sever
al weeks as a recruiting officer for
the tank sorvico.
A card received yesterday nnnouncod
Uio safe arrival ovorsoas of Ells Bar
raclough. Ellis wont from hero to Lin
coln for eight weeks of vocatlonnl
training nnd thenco to Camp Hancock,
uoorgia. From this latter camp ho
was sont directly overseas.
Word received yesterday by Mrs.
Barnes from Washington announced
that her son Frank Barnes had boon
seriously woundod Soptcmber 11th.
Frank left for Camp Funston April
-0th, nnd stnying there but a month
or so was sont overseas, going to
Canada for embarkation.
: :o: :
Buy your' wlntor supply of blankets
miaa miuuKuruo minion ami -miss "" iur wiipiuy or uinnicets
Cross loft at 0:20 last evening for novr dm'ijig Iho blanket salo. Our big
the service as nurses. Both register
ed for this sorvico a couple of months
ago. and received instructions yos
torday morning to report at once at
Just a few baskets of Pears left at
$3.15 per basket. McMIchnol's Grocery,
918 North Locust or 408 South Dewoy.
Phono 411.
Leypoldt & Peimingtosi
Wish to announce tho arrhal of a car load of Ground
arixed feed eoirtnoscd of Iowa Corn. Oats. Sneltz and Bar
ley and recommend it as a strong' feed for fall months. YVe
also carry salt and all kinds of feed for stock and poultry
including' tankage, cotton seed cake, etc.
Carnation flour, fully guaranteed, always in stock. Lamb's
old stand, North Locust, Phono 200.
Very truly,
(row Hilarious Ovor News.
When a bullotln was recolvod about
9:30 Saturday night that Germany had
accopted Prosldont Wilson's poaco pro
positions North, Platto peoplo bocamo
jubilant. The drum corps camo out on
the streots and as they marched sever
al hundrednon, girls and boya form-edn-
Uno amPmnrclied up and down
Dewoy street choorlng and yelling.
Along about midnight othor bulletins
were received that tended to creato the
impression that Germany was not will
ing to consider unconditional surrend
er, nnd thnt is apparently what all
North Platto people demand.
Directors for lied Cross.
Fifteen diroctors will bo elected
nt tho annual meeting of tho Lincoln
County Chapter of American Red Cross
at tho court houso Octobor 23. Tho
polls will bo open at 1 p. m., nnd close
at (5 p. m. Any momber of tho Lincoln
county chnptor will be entitled to
vote on tho presentation of thoir
membership card.
On or boforo 10 days nftor tho
election of directors, tho 'oxocutlvo
committee shall bo oloctod by the
Printed notice of nil meotings shall
' ' 1 1
CaHll rurclinso of nvnr n vmii or ...
nhioq no in eu i i li 7 , 'iiiuuu nonce oi an meotings shall
seasons Published in tho newspapers at
seasons prices. LEADER MERC. CO. tit five days in advanco of the meet
Writing from Phnnnfv Ari . t : Inc .
- .M (HUJ
"i"""1-' 'iys uio uioorty loan special
with Its wnr rolics was In that city
recently and that accompanying tho
ii inn as tno navy band from Mare
........ (tutil 4.1 tl 1 U
Island, of which Arthur Tramp Is a
member. Mr. Spurrior mot Arthur and
pnd a nice visit with him.
Will reopen Studio October 18th
D?na wlsl,,ne to take lossons Phono
7S7F14 or call at Studio Friday. Miss
Sadio Trovlllo. 79.(5
Charles Boguo loft Saturday oven-
IllC fOr GrOnn TJIvOP tr Irnnnnr.! T)
IR. T. business for several days.
Uso Antiseptic solution to spray the
throat. Prevent Spanish Influenza.
l'or salo at THE REXALL DRUG
: :o: .
For Sale.
Fifty head of cows and holfers, somo
cows havo calves by side. Inquire of
J T. Lister, North Platto, Phono
While a call hns boon issuod to tho
niiiety-throo men who aro to leave for
C.nnp Konrnoy, Calif., October 21-25,
("I rk Allon says" tho list as It now
st:inrts is suhjoct to six or olght
chungoH. The chnngos will bo mndo
beforo tho final notico Is issued. It is
expoctort that tho oxnet date on which
tli" boys will leave will bo nnnouncod
1 uiuun tno next any or two.
Winter imdorwcar on salo nt THE
I.KADER MERC. CO. nt Inst season's
prices. Our cash purchase of ovor ono ago onnblos us to save you money.
Tho local oxomption board has boen
requested to sond tho registration
rnpors of Otto Woslenfold to Cnmp
Fremont, Calif. Tho presumption is
that Otto is to bo transferred to a
ri'glmentil band.
Save money and your wife's back
by getting Colo's High Oven Rango.
P makes work easy nnd coal bills light
Lato yesterday afternoon City Phy
sician Hedtlold reported thnt Influent,
is wll hold In cheek In North Plfttte.
While one dowth occurred from the
disenso Sunday night and six or olght
now casos wore roportod yestordnv,
tho prefis-nt number of ensos Is llintt
cmI to twenty, whtjo ii week ago there
woro nonrly double that number. .
Dr. Rodllold stated that whon the
detention hospital in tho city Are
building is roady for patlonts, those
who are tnkon sick at hotols or room
ing houses will ho tnkon thereto, and
that beginning withln'the next week
houses which havo tho dlsoase will be
placarded nnd quarantined Just as
wera resldnucixo iinrin im 11..,,..
slego. Iion patients havo rocovored
inu iiouHos win oe rumigatod. Dr
Rodllold was of tho opinion that when
houses containing tlw iiiaanao n,...
C .-.w utouiiov III V
qunrnuiineii sciiools can with safotv
be ro-oijened and the ban thrown off
public moot lues. Willi 11.0 i.n.,unu
, i - (, inu UWUOUB
properly quarantined, nnd a dotontlon
iiunimui ior Hirangers nnd othors thoro
11111 iiul no liiupii iimiirni. r,T. 1..
...... p, V. . 4,.i, ,-
It Is oxnected In lmvn lw ,iuto..n..
- - " v.w llVIVltllUil
hosnltnl In renilnlnrun fnr- miinii
- " i'.,i.4uiin lit
tUO nOCllllllmr nf nnvt wnnlr r.,1.1 ,.,.,.
nntino regulations will bo onforcod
at tho snmo time.
,.:o: :
Fred Harlow Dies.
A tnlUTfntu I .. .1 ri . ...
..ue..,.i, lyuiiuu oHiuruny nnor
noon announced the doath of Frml rr
Garlow at Cody, Wyo., early that
innriiiiu rtnnili
tfOHS folio Will L' nn ntlnnlr r.f l.,fi,.,.,
Mr. Garlow will bo romomborod ns n
formor manngor of tho Cody ranch
and tho son-in-law of tho Into Colons
Cody. For soveral yoars tho Garlow's
havo resided nt Pmiv no ,i.,.,,..,r t
tho Irnm Hotel nnd "one of tho hotols
on tho Cody roadwny to tho Yellow-
utniln IlnHl.
Fred Onrlnw vn n nflnni rf n ,.n..
and his doath Is keenly rogrottod bv
his ninny North Phit..i frtnmia Tin
leavos a wlfo and two chlldron.
cw Rules for Rcsfaiiranls.
Under rulos
no public oating houso shall servo
orean wnicn (loos not contain nt least
20 per cent .lit Hit nf wlinnf 1
flour; no broad Is to be brought to n '
tablo after tho first course Is sorved, 1
broad ot toast cannot bo used as a 1
moat gnrnituro; only ono kind of moat
mny bo sorved to onch.custpmor; bacon'
wninui uo Brvou as a garniture; only
a half ouuco ot butter may bo sorved
to OIlCll customer ir n lmlC mm.,,. e
cIioosq; sugar bowls aro not permitted
to bo placed on a tnblo o.r lunch coun
ter, nnd tho qunntity of sugnr to bo
served Is limited to two pounds for
oach ninoty meals; no double crenm or
cmnm containing over twenty per cent
buttor fat may bo sorved.
: :-j: :
Horton Muntrer rnonlvml
morning directing him to report at
no unicers iraining school nt Camp
Pike, Arkansas, linxt Rntnninv tt
was to havo roportod last wook, but
was lator notified to await furthor
ordors. Ho will lonvo for oninn Wmi.
nosdny night.
E. IC. Murnhv roturnml in nn
Monday to bring tho body of his
brother-in-law Gustavo Dnhlstrom
horo tomorrow morning for Intormont.
Tho WlfO Of thn ilnpnnanil niul liar
mother will accompany tho body horo.
Wltand tho mlllinorv Rnln nf tiiia
season's choicest hats at THE LEAD
Tho Chlldron Of thn nnlirlilinrlinnil
gathorod at tho homo of L. V.Turdy
lust ovonlng and hold nn outdoor enr-
nlval and show which netted them
$2.05 which they will trim ovor to tho
uou uross.
Sobastlan SohwnlifPr nassod thrniiL'li
on No. 19 this mornlnir nccomnanvlnt'
through to La Grando. Ore., thn luuiv
of his brothor-In-law Mr. Pollnnlc
who dlod at Rochostor, Minn.
For salo or will trniln fnr nn A1 nittlf
cow a flno 2-yoar old Ronn Durham
tJu,n, weight 1100. Also havo a cow
and hoifer for salo. Phono 783F021.
At 11 nnn voatnr1ntr Hia mitnlmH 9
;voiuwj hit; IlllllllUl Ul
Amorlcnn troops lost on tho Oranto
was piacoii at igu.
1113 PLY TO THi: HUNS.
Washington, Oct. 11 Prosldont Wil
son has answorod Gormany's peaco
nronosal with
only fulfils tho oxpoctntlons of support-
01 n ui (iiiHomncy, out niso dispels tho
fears of thoso who prodlctod ho would
substltuto victorlos at arms with de
feats nt dlploihacy..
No peaco with kaisorlsm, autocracy
must go; no armistice can oyon bo
thought ot while Germany continues
hor atrooltlos on land nnd son; ono
cannot be considered unless It fully
is dictntod bv thn nlltn.l nn,u.
In th Hold in such tonus as absolutoly
provide safeguard and guarantoos that
Gormnny's part will not bo a scrap ot
iHiiiei mis in a rew words is tho
president's nnswer.
It it does not bring a capitulation
Which llinv bo mnrn tli
- ---v ....... 4ll uiiuvu-
(UtlOlinl nnrrniiilnp nllln.i .iii....
----- . v....v.f .i,ui IIIIUUIIUUCI
nnd Amorlcnn offlcinls lellovo it may
causo a revolution In Gormany.
Boyond quostion it sponks for tho
ontcnto ns well nB tho United Statos.
Tho dispatch of tho president's reply
was followod by tho issue of tho
following formal statement by Secro
tory Tumulty:
"Tho govornmont will continue to
sond over 2,10,000 111011 with their sup
plies overy month nnd thoro will bo no
rolnxation of any kind.'
Quito outsldo of tho formal phrases
of a dlplomntlo documont that was
Prosldont Wilson's word to tho world
that ho had 110 thought of stopping
the fighting at this Btugo. Tho sonato
chambor rang with applauso of sen
ators as tho prosidont's answer was
road h few mlnutos after it had boon
announced nt tho Stnto department.
What Armlsllco Menus.
This Is what, nn tirmlallnn
---- -..a....jhvW H UIIHl
First: A Ston fn Mm ntrnnltlna
land and sea and tho systomntlo do
ptructlon and dovastatlon In tho wake
of tho rotroatlug Gorman armlos.
Second: Tho illan riiinmoiif nf nil
tho Gorman forces nnd tho deposit
ui moir nrnis nmi munitions nt points
10 no cjioson by tho nllled mllltnry
Third: Tho occupntlon bv allied
forcos of certain Gormnn cities or
strongholds of strategic importance.
Probably also tho occupation of all
tho subnmrlno bases, a turning ovor
ot tho Gorman flcot.
In short, It would entnll a taking
ftWn Gormany ot ovortfhlng ivWJi
which sho might break' her worll to
nn armlstlco.
From that point tho United States
nnd tho nllios might proceed to dis
pose of all that ronialned of Kaiser
Ism It tho Gormnn pooplo havh not
dono It boforo, ns Prosldont Wilson
In his nolo plainly invites thorn to
While nowhoro In tho not doos
Iho prosldpnt oponly Join with tho
ontcnto stntofiinen on tho demand
that tho chief criminals must bo
dollvorod up for trial, tho president's
confidents points out that ho plainly
subscribes to the doctrlno thnt tho
guilt of bringing on tho world war
Is personal.
:o: :-
Millinery Special
We have made a special purchase of high grade Hatters Plush Banded Hats which
we are able to offer you, for this week only, at less than wholesale prices. These are
divided into two lots
LOT 1 Hats worth up to $7.50,
A good assortment of shapes and
colors, choice
LOT 2Hats worth up to SI 2.00
there are some very fine Lats in
this lot, choice
W A VW yf! jif "Iff V TXtk -a a'gfv m xwa.
Attend tho mllllnory snlo of this
sonson's choicest hats at TUB LEAD
All Rod Cross Auxiliaries and
branches ploaso bring in all finished
work immediately. Mrs. C. D. Congdon
Chairmnn Rod Cross Knitting Com
mittee. Why break your hack peering Into
a low ovon Got Colo's High Ovon
Range. It mnkos your work eusy.
Christian Sclonco sorvico Sunday at
11 a. m., Sunday school 12 noon. Wed
nesday ovonlng meotings 8 p. m Build
ing nnd Loan building. Room 25,
Curd of Thanks.
Wo thus publicly express our ap
preciation of tho klndnogs shown u
by frlonds, neighbors and railroad
omployos during tho Illness nnd fol
lowing tho death of tho lato Mrs. II.
P. Hanson and for tho beautiful
floral tributes,
II. P. Hanson,
EH Hanson and Family,
R. E. Hanson nnd Family,
Viola Hanson.
No. 261 Ladies Black Kid Lac
Boots, Turn solo, Louie XV Heel
Special at SHOE MARKET