THE 8EMI-VEEKLY TRIBUNC, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA ' ' -Ansae nrtlllory inovliii! to tin-fnmt lii Palestine In 0 encnil Allunhy's victorious drive against tlio Turks, a .t frnlt pits at n govM-nmcnt plant mIiito charcoal Ik made for gns musks. !! Ucu. Hugh Scott, coininatnler ot D'ANNUNZIO'S LEAFLETS FLUTTER DOWN ON VIENNA . ... ..., .... - .1 it... I)i.ln!nna rcv Gen. KYnnchot dKsporey, commander of the allied arm les in .Macedonia mai nave connuureu uiu urns... viewing the Greek I'lfth regiment before battle. SCENE ON A TRANSPORT LOADED WITH AMERICANS ... .. . . . . ...1... SI A reiimunhto photograph taken from the nirpiano ot uaunoi iiAnnuimo, uic uuuuh puui, wiw, hiuh ",,,,w' dropped Icnlloth upon tin city contalnluK information as to tho true ntute of alTatrs which la being kept from the I HOME OF CHRIST TAKEN BY BRITISH '. . 1 II III! I . J,' ii torn? XI KJirrzJG . 1 .vii : . c monnrt nn tiwlr vnv to Kruuci to take imrt In tho creat struKKlo now raging. Each man iYIIIUl IWill lltlull'T ll J - constantly carries his life preserver nnd Is always ready for any emergency. rescued church plunder I YANK ENGINEERS GREETED IN SIBERIA View of Nazurelh, tho boyhood home of t'hrlHt. which was taken by tho HrltlHh expedition tinder General Allonby that has routed the Turks. LEGION OF HONOR STAR FOR PERSHING nils is a ronrodttctlon of the In diistrlal Honor nonnnnt. red border, four blue stripes and the percentage In rod. This win bo used tnrougnoui tho United States In the fourth Liberty Loan campaign. All business firms or organizations will have an honor roll and when 75 tier cent or moro of their employees or members suhscrlbo to the loan they will be furnished a card board emblem for display In their win dows. this emblem to indicate the per centago of employees of the llrm or or- L-iinlziitlons that have mirchased Lib erty bonds. Kuch Institution winning this emblem will be permitted to pur chase, through the local Liberty Loan committee, the Liberty Loan Honor nnnmint with tho nercentage mark on It. This Industrial Honor pennant was originated by .1. H. llurton of New York, who Is connected with the Liberty Loan committee of the treas ury department In Washington. Ho has trade-marked the pennant at tho patent olllce and assigned nil rights there to the secretary of the treas ury, so that It ma.v not be reproduced or used without specific permission i from tho Liberty Loan executive com mltteo of the federal reserve districts u frv.v,i isir-- r-v y i siasisssssaiSOTKi.- I F'(0 WMIrrn Nwpapr Union F&. f&iP' The Huns have a habit of stealing from churches In the districts they occupy nil the sacred silverware anil brass. Here are some of the treas ures they bad collected but were forced to leave behind In their hurried re treat before the allies In France. A wonderful ovation as extended to the American troops and other allies upon their arrival In Siberia. Here is shown the railroad station In Ilnrbln profusely decorated upon the occasion of the arrival of tho Americnn engineer corps. BRITISH TANKS ADVANCE TO THE ATTACK (iemrAi Pershing In'lng decorated with tho star and the ribbon of the j . .,j,,r riionneiir by President l'olneatre. General de Tero Is standing at tho ,1 Sailor's Vocabulary. The sailor lnd has n vocabulary quite his own. by the way. Recruits nn "renrets:" later as common sea man they aro "gobs." Food Is "cliow" nnd kctchun Is "red lead." "Illnnaclo list" means the sick list. The guard- houso Is called n "ting.", instead oi rove ilia ho savs "rise and shine." nnd when ho tires ot noise ho calls out "nine down." "Leave" for tho army Is "liberty" for tho navy. Two cats tbov have named "ray Day" and "Ex trn Duty." It Is not hard to guess Disastrous Shot. mi. Adelaide ltodrlguez of New i'ork holds the record for tho oddest shot ever made on the Slieneeosseu links. um.iii. win. whs solournlng tliere puor to sailing for Kranco to take up Ked Cross work Miss Kodrlgucz piaycu , long mashle shot to the twelfth green and her ball, sailing true, tool; the pipe out of the moutli oi an minim mum" who happened to be in tne line oi pui.v. The pipe was shattered and so satis fied was the worKiuun w n'i .' without physical injury mm .e wouldn't consider payment for tho "busted dudeen. Rrltlsh Food Regulations. w,m tho British housewlfo buys jugar sho hands Mr. Groceryman an Drnnge-color page. If she buys lard, i margarine, butter or other fats, she offers a blue pagg. auu muic- tour red pages in tne now ration uook, tor meat und bacon. Boys and girls I andcr six years of ago hnvo their own ration book. Its color is green, wuue tho seven-year-olds carry a white ra tion book nnd get as mucn to eai as Two British tanks are here shown adanclng to the attack in the region of Amiens. POSTSCRIPTS Striking Wexford (Ireland) engi neers refused to comply with tho re- I quest or tne iuiihdu j - I they return to work. The Universal shipyard nt Hous- tcn, Tex., has a woman oakum spin who works nine hours every day. Women employed on Maryland farms aro paid at the rate of $15 per month , and their board. which of the two is more popuiur. rown-ui) folk.