tttoj ftHfome. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 11, 1918. No. 78 NOT MANY NEW CASKS OK Ii?i Wri,A jkyi:loiixg. During the past two. days only a few cases of Influenza havo devel oped, and the total number of houses placarded for the disease Is reported by Chief ot Police Jci.cs not to oxceed twenty. At one time there were more tfcan this number of cacs, but when the chtff called to placard the housos he found that about halt the patients had iceovured after an illness o'f from forty-eight to seventy-two hours. Generally speaking tho disease Is mild m form, though thero havo been four patients whoso condition has been rather serious. The spread of the disease has no doubt been curtained by tho prompt precautionary measures noptetl by the board of health. Tho citizens have cheerfully and universally obeyed the rules promulgated by tho board. LIRKRTV LOAN CAMPAIGN IS LACKING IN SNAP. INVESTIGATE LAND DRAINAGE I IN THIS XEiGiinoiuioon. I ::o:: Subscriptions of Hull Employes The Union Pacific committee of solicitors report that up to last even ing tho subscriptions to tho Fourth Liberty bonds had reach a total of eighty thousand dollars. Thoso sub scriptions come from englnemen on the Second district who mako North Patto their home, and from all resi dent employes of tho Union Pacific. Included in this also are the subscrip tions of tho track men at Hershoy and Sutherland. The subscriptions by . theso same employes In tho Third "bond1 campaign was 58,000. While the committee has, received subscriptions from eighty per cent of tho resident employes, It is believed that thoso yet to subscrlbo will run tho total of the Fourth loan up to tho figures of, the Third. Up to last evening seventy-one per cent of all employes on the entire Ne braska division had subscribed $323, 000, while fifty-nine per cent of all employes of tho Wyoming divjislon had subscribed $335,S00. -::o:: KOIt SALE Olt TRADE. We havo on hand nt present, a com plete line of 2nd Maud cars of most nil makes, that we will close out at bargain prices, and If you are con templating a purchase of a car, it will pay you to look this over. . 11917 Buick Light Six Touring 11917 Oakland Six Touring 11918 Elgin Six Touring 1 191G Chalmers Six Touring 1 191G Dodge Touring 11917 Reo Six 7-Passenger 11917 Maxwell Touring 11917 Maxwoll Touring , 1 Model 32 Hupp Touring 1 Chevrolet Touring 1 191G Ford Touring All the above cars are standard makes, and wo put them all In first class mechanical condition before de livering . Cars arc getting scarce, and prices will bo higher. See LITSEY about these at 215 East Sixth Street. Tho Fourth Liberty loan campaign this woek Is not progressing with the snap that Chairman Tem'plo had reason to expect. This Is largely due to tho lack of tlmo on tho part of the solicitors, nil of whom nro run ragged by lack of help In tholr business or farm work. There Is also a dis position, Chairman Templo says, on tho part of the solicitors to accept smaller purchases than tho quota ap 'portioned tho Individuals. It must In understood that in order to reach our quota tho Individual subscrpltions must bo considerably larger than In the Third loan. Wo must subscribe for C0G.000 If we are to hold up our ond as successfully as are tho Lincoln county boys doing In Frnnco. Up to yesterday morning tho total subscriptions as reported to Chairman Temple had reached $283,000 or less than half our quotn. Howevor sub-, scriptlons from the district composing tho south part of tho county, whatever they may bo up to date, aro not In cluded In tho abovo total. Tho Maxwell district has gono ovor tho top, ro'portlng $22,500 whilo Its qu6ta is but $20,000. Brady reports $21,000 on a quota of $79,000; Suther land $3G,000 on a quota of $60,000. Tho solicitors in Hinman precinct phoned In Wcdnosday night that they had raised their quota of $30,000. North Platte cty has exceeded Us quota by quite a few thousand, but tho North Platto district is still a littlo shy. Chairman Temple is sang uine, however, that the North Platte district will reach its quota of $291, 000. Thero is considerable soliciting reported yet to be don In tho city. In some of the county precincts tho solicitors reported that they hnd com pleted their work but when they re ported subscrptiohs of only one third. tho quota of tho 'precinct, thoy were told by Chairman Templo that they must go back over their work-and insist that the purchasers increase tholr subscriptions. In on precinct! tho commltteo reported a completed i canvas with subscriptions of $4,500 while the quota for the precinct was I Just about seven times that amount. The committee was told that they must do bettor, that tho quota must be obtained. Tho commltteee- went back over tho work with tho result that hey obtained the quota of $30, 000. This instance shows that tho soccess of the campaign lies almost entirely with the soliciting commit-, toes. -: :o: : WANTED Outlt to bale and haul 150 tons of hay. O. H. THOELECKE. : :o: : Oil cloth on sale at 24 and 28 cents at T. TRAMP & SONS. : :o: : Because tho other fellow has not purchased us many bonds as you think ho should is no excuse for you to curtail your purchase. Why should you gauge your patriotism and your duty by the follow you fool certain is Inclined to be a slacker? If you do that you certainly become n slacker yourself. Buy all tho bondu you think you can afford, and then after resting over nght buy somo more. Our suits, coats and dresses aro included In this sale and now gar ments are arriving dally. All tho new scasom; best styles. E. T. TRAMP & SONS Andrew Wolss, of Mitchell, mana ger of tht fedoral Irrigation projects In tho wost part of the stato, and J. L. Iluckholder, a drninago cnglnoor of Denver, wcro visitors In town Wednosdny. Thoso gontlinen nro making a cursory survey of the land botweon the rivers west of tho city that would bo benefited by a drainngo system. Tho conditions ts found will bo reported to th federal authorities at Washington. Thoro is on foot a plan at Washing ton to have tho fedoral authorities finance drninago work; building the ditches and assessing the cost ngalnst tho laud benofit and allowing the ownor a long period of years In which to make annual paments. This, we should think, would provo an attrac tive plan to thoso living In n section which could bo benefitted by drninago and it seems to bo a pretty well oa tnbllshed fact that tho valley land between North Platto and O'Fnllons needs to bo drained. Tho govern ment would not dabblo with small jtracts of land hold by one or two in dividuals, but in a territory such as wo havo west ot thp city the plan, would apply. Looking forward to a close of tho war and the release of more than three million mon from military sor vico, tho fedoral government is do vising pans whereby thoso men enn be employed,- and tho reclamation of land throughout tho United States by drainage Is ono of tho ninny plans suggested for such employment. ::o:: A census of cattle and hogs in Lin coln county Is now bPlng taken by tho school children of the various school districts. The object of tho census, which is under direction of Food Ad ministrator Goodman, is to ascertain Just how great is tho supply of beof and pork. A similar census Is being taken in every county in tho stato. When you want to see the really new in drosse goods and silks, como hero. Wo not only show tho latest at tho beginning of a season, but we also keop on showing, "Just out" weaves, designs and colors as they appear at THE LEADTR MERC. CO. Local automobile dealers aro hope ful that tho war will be ovor early next year, and that Immediately the factories will bo turning out cars In greater number than over before With ther present inablllt to got cars neodod to. supply customers,- tho de mand for cars when war ceases will bo extremely heavy. Wo linvo ensh customers for well located live ami six room cottages and bungalows. If you wish to make quick sale list with BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. John Sorenson, of Los Angeles, for many years a resident of North Platto spent yesterday in town while onroutc to Omaha. Mr. Soronson Is foreman of tho Southern Pacific car shops at Los Angeles and has a couple of hundred men under him. Blanket said at THE LEADER MERC. CO. NEWS ABOUT THE ROYS CALL RECEIVER WEDNESDAY WHO ARE IN SERVICE. R NINETY-THREE 3IEN, BOND CAMPAIGN IN THE NATION GOES SLOW. n ir...., n r..i- i iiio local uonru received worn tnni Staffi? V?o?W fUr,0"Bh W,thi-V out nmetV-threo within the ruamos in town. j fivo (my ppp,od of Oclobor 2ist t0 25th J More than fifty mombers ot the rog-. Thoso men will bo sent to Sunny lment of which Contpany E is a part Southern California, probably to , have died of Spanish inlluonzn. at Canin Kearnoy. Tho board Is In-, Camp Dlx. structed that nono of tho registrants 1 .. C L 111. 1.. I. smart At.derson writes from At- " L V "J " 1 " ""J 7mX r. . Inmu. Ga., that he ha., boen provided ''s U. lf..i "fS, L1!1." with overseas eiuipment and oxpocts ""..Vi'V""; ,.,;', t' n,e ... t....i. i.. .. r... i , u ' roplstrants ot Juno and August, 191S. J. ins i-tttt O vunui vnv viiu ioguui j i Janios Kumelos left Monday night the early part of October nnd which' for Camp Dodge after spending n ton- wns abandoned by ronson of tho In-' Uuy furlough at tho home Of G. II. fluenzn at a number of cannia. thouEh Scott and with other local friends, thoro has boon an Increase of throo in 1 To a friend Goo. N. Gibbs writes J"1 1"lfU,?,.t0 & m "imw" t.ff'Aff "tfruiSf Tt 22! ' " m 1 "o" Sudl " 5SK r' 01 boon reclnsslled, and thororore not! f Lieut. Arthur Dullard writes that ho available. This will necessitate the landed In Liverpool September 4th bonrd going ovor the list and cutting , and wns assigned to a rost ennip in out a umbor of names nn solocting south part of England. It is probable that by this time ho Is on tho Urine lino. Fred Barraclouch received word yesterday from his son Fred, who Is a niemoer oi t;o. v. luutn t'loiu signal Bnttallon, thnt on his way back from frcnt lino trenches ho hnd fallen into another trench nnd fnrctured his loft shoulder. At prosont Fred Is in a hospital at Dartford, England. ' Claronco Jones writes his fnthor that ten mombers of Company E nt Gnmp Dlx died of Influenza. This contradicts tho. wild story of the tween forty and fifty mombers of tho company had diod of tho disease Snptain Hnlligan was quit, sick but ckors have d has about fully rccovored. :!V.iV.i. Jl 111 UIU II1UI1 1UUI111 111 ULU number may bo greater than is now others to fill their plnco3. : :o: : Thoro aro at prosont thlrty-flvo swontors and 200 pairs of socks in the hands of the Red Cross knitters. Plenso bring in all finished garments by tomorrow nftornoon. On Monday Wednesday and Saturday of next week tho knitting room will bo -opon to rocolvo finished gannonts. If un able to finish what you havq on hand plcaso bring it in ns it is tlmo to ninko out tho annual stateinont and ovcry thing must bo included. Mrs. D. C. Congdon, Chnlrinnn Knitting Commltteo. Chairman , Templo, of tho Liberty, Loan hommlltee. says that not a great Will Ritner, writing from Cnmp Fremont whero ho Is a supply ser geant, says ho has successfully passed the officers' examination, but doos nbt expect to bo commissioned and as signed until, ho reaches Franco. Pre parations indicnto that ho with others will bo sent overseas in a very short 'time. A lotter to a friends Loren Sturges graphically describes ono of tho big drives mndo by tho American troops. Tho big forty ton guns opened the en gagement, followed by an artillery firo from lesser guns for oight hours nnd then tho advance of tho infantry. The ndvanco wns mndo In a heavy rjan, but the boys soaked to tho skin and bespattered with mud moved i&Rnntly. forward singing "The1 Yanks aro Comlng" at tho top of tholr voices and tho ranks of tho Germans molted awny boforo tho- onslnught mucli like a snow ball thrown in a furnace fire. ::o:: A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whelnn oarly yesterday morning and tho mother and daughtor ly. As the father of threo sons, this I MoDonnld Bank building, littlo lady is especially welcomed by Mr. Whelnn, and wo feel certain that ho will now consent to tho erection apparent. Theso u en who fall to buyi bonds In a reasonable amount will bo s'i-.;moned before tho county council of defense. . For Rent Storo building nt 8th and Locust Sts. after Sept. 10th. Mrs. M. E. Gregg, 505 So. Chostnut. Phono Black 853. G8tt Tho Groat Wostern Sugar Co., noti fied Chairman Templo that it woujd purchase $7,000 worth of Llborty loan bonds and hnvo Lincoln county credited with tho amount. This credit will locally go to Hershoy district whoro the lands of tho company aro situated. For Sale Victor Talking Machine. Phono ,Red 1009. 70-2 The Union Pacific soliciting com niittco announced yesterday morning that sevcnty-flvo per cent of all em ployes nt UiIb terminal hnd purchased bonds. Tho commltteo proposes to ninko n 100 per cont record, thnt Is that ovtry cmployo buy a bond. Dr. L. J. Krnuso, Dontist, room 3 of his stntuo at tho approach to tho now brldgo as has boon suggested by J. E. Evans. Blanket snlo at THE LEADER MERC. CO. A largo quantity of gj'rmonts mado n the Red Cross for the dostltuto po'pl3 of I.clgliiin is bcinir prepared for shipment. This Is In addition to Mie ;t,rot pounds of donated clothing s--.ii 'int the lnttor inrt i f last woek. Blanket salo at THE LEADER I MERC. CO. Tho Treasury department Wednes day openly admitted that tho slow progress of tho fourth Liberty loan toward Its $G,000,000 goal Is a matter of serious concern. With tho threo weoks subscription porlod half gono, tho loan is only 30 por cent subscrib ed. Tho total 'roported to tho treasury up to Wednesday night wns $1,791,403 200. "Thoro is no uso in denying or nttomptlng to cnmoutlngo tho fact that Llborty loan committees throughout tho country nro confronted with n serious situation," said tho treasury statomont rovlowing tho campaign ro ports. "If the lonn Is to bo subscribed a dally ovorago of $4G7,000,000 must bo raised botweon now and October 19. Cognlznnt of tho fnct that tho loan nover can succeed nt its prosont rate ot speed, ennvnssors throughout tho country nro stating plainly to nil cltl zons that thoy must buy bonds in, lnrgor amounts than horotoforo. Wealthy parsons particularly must go doopor Into their capital or oxtond their credit and not depend upon their curront Income to pay for bonds. Peoplo of modornto and small means must plodgo tholr futuro onrnngs In gronter dogrco." .:o: : To Tho Public. Tho new Independent Grocory storo undor T. V. Busklrk & Noblo, will dolivor orders of $5.00 an ovor. Wo also will pay cash for produce 2t BERT A. NOBLE ::o:: Attomoy M. E. Crosby and W. V. Hoagland wont to Arthur this morn ing on legal business. , Mrs. Ursoll Owons who had been visiting rolntivos In town loft this morning for hor homo In Laredo, Mo. Guy Contos and Chostor Colin, both of Maxwoll, havo boon solectcd to go to tho fodornl vocational training school nt tho stato university. They will leave for Lincoln October 15th. If you are In nocd of blankets, comforts, now Is your opportunity to savo money on your wlntor supply at K. T. TRAMP & SONS. After a long and vexatious delay, Captain Shilling has been notficd that at least a part of tho uniforms for tho Homo Guards havo boon shipped Tho order wns placed about threo months ago. R. W. Boyd arrived from Denver Sunday and has tnkon up tho work ot resident manngor for tho Harrington Morcnntllo Co. Mr." Boyd had boen associated with tho company Itr Den ver for somo tlmo. For Snlo Two heifer calves and ono weaned mulo colt. Inquire of August Splinter, Phono 783F5. 77-2 A prntrnctcd Benson of dry weather was broken early yestorday morning by n rain roported by tho weather burcnu at ono-fourth of nil Inch. Tho territory ovor which tho rain oxtonded has not been learned. Do not forgot tho special on shoot ing and muslins for Friday and Satur day at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. , , waMsaflgsaiagr We Save You Money on Shoes Men Look this Shoe Proposition Straight in the Eye Now more than at any other time it is necessary for you to buy your Shoes where you can get the best values for your money. WE CERTAINLY DO. 330k : .i QOOOOOOOOO cOOQOQO W oooaxcxxoocoooajbco b I We are SHOE SPECIALISTS and offer you the two most important factors Perfect Fit and Your Money's Worth Many Styles to Select From in Black, Tans, English or High Toes, Medium or Wide Toes, Special Values at $3.50, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00. If you can duplicate these Shoes regularly at our prices, come back and get your money What Is the Telephone Company? This company is not tho cold creation of a statute, called a corporation it is an organization of human beings. The company is a partnership of brains, money and muscle, united in the interests of the common good. Thero aro more than 130,000 men and women in this and other states who own Bell Telephone stock. More than half of the men employed by this company are stockholders. Employees are permitted to becomo stockholders by buying stook gradually out of their earnings. Our employees and offloofs are a democracy of workers trustees for those whoso savings havo made this company possible, end trustees for the public, whom tho company serves. All of us employees, offlcors and tho public, are guardians of each other's welfaro, and shareholders in tho prosperity our combined money and labors produce. The success we have had, wo boliove, is because our business has been conducted along these lines, which we bqlievo to bo the policy any company must follow if it receives and merits tho good will of tho public. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Save Food Ilur Wur .Sutlhet Stamp ud iAlttrtf Uoml SHOE MARKET