The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 08, 1918, Image 9

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Considering Social Status Acquired,
Mra. Nurlch Felt Money for Op.
eratlon Was Well Spent.
Sir. and Mrs. Nurlch were consult'
Ing their physician. Mrs. Nurlch had
felt for pome time thnt nn expensive
operation, with n long period of time
on the operating tattle to which she
could point with pride, would he ub
solutely necessary to acquiring any
kind of n social status.
"What kind of operations have you?"
she asked haughtily, gazing through
her lorgnette.
"Well, we have a nice tonsil removal,
complete for $2.r)0," said the doctor.
She shook her head.
"Lanced carbuncle, $200. A little
cheaper," he added.
"Oh, no, no," and she stamped
her foot Impatiently. "I simply can
not bear the cheaper cuts." She
Anally decided on a handsome re
moval of the vermiform appendix, for
"I believe wo have n bargain," she
whispered to her husband, as tho
physician wrapped It up and handed
It to her. Indianapolis News.
What is Castoria
C ASTORIA ts a harmless substituto for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor otbor Narcotic substance. Its age is its guar
antee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief
of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverish
nesa arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,
aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother'B Friend.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over
80 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
his personal supervision Bince its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-Good" are bat Experiments that
tnilo with and endanger tho health of infants and
Children Experience against Experiment
Genulno Cnstoria always bears tho signature of
you use It as Dcr directions. Slmnlc safe and sure. Th lnrce
is twice the quantity
Spqhn Medical
Crockery Saver.
Danger of breakage Is eliminated In
a new motor-driven dish washer In
which the dishes are held stationary In
wlro bnskets and water is forced
around them.
Wllmcr Krusen Is preparing Penn
sylvania Industries for employment of
veteran American soldiers.
Youth thinks It knows; age wishes
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over slight.
Purely Vegetable
Small Pill, Small Doio, Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to the faces of
those who lack Iron In the blood,
as most pale-faced people do.
When you're fifty, your body begins to
creak a little at the hinges. Motion is
more slow ami deliberate. "Not m young
as I used to bo" is a frequent and unwel
come thought. Certain bodily functions
upon which good health and good spirits
so much depend, are impaired. The weak
spot is generally the bladder. Unpleasant
symptoms nhow themselves. Painful and
annoying complications in other organs
arise. This is particularly true with el
derly people. If you only know how, this
trouble can be obviated.
For 6ver 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil haB been relieving the in
convenience and pain due to advancing
years. It is a standard, old-time home
remedy, and needs no introduction. It is
now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules.
These are easier and more pleasant to take
than the oil in bottles.
Each capsule contains about one dose of
five drops. Take them just like you would
any pill, with a small swallow of water.
They soak into the system and throw off
the pnifons which are miking you old be
fore your time. They will tpiickly relieve
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Dc Cured
by local applications as thoy cannot reach
tho diseased portion of the ear. There Is
only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
and that Is by a constitutional remedy.
through tho lllood on tho Mucous Surfaces
of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is
roused by an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tube la Inflamed you have a
rumbllnK sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when it Is entirely closed, Deafness Is tho
result. Unless tho Inflammation can be re
duced and this tube restored to Its nor
mal condition, hoarlfig may bo destroyed
forever. Many cases of Deafness are
caused by Catarrh, which ts an Inflamed
condition of tho Mucous Surfaces.
coso of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by HALL'S CATAIUU1
All Druggists 75e. Circulars free.
F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Our Language.
"What becamu of your Swedish
"Oh, she got her Irish up and took
French leave." Hoston Evening Transcript
No Use Then.
Old Sage Health Is wealth nil right
Pessimist Yes, but you can't get
anything for It from a pawnbroker.
Rats every year destroy about 0 per
cent of tile growing sugar cane In Ja-malca.
Fall Mum of Distemper
"PflHN,(" A smiU outlay of money brings Terr treat
results. It Is a sure cure and a preventive It
The large size
anil an ounce more than the small site.
man site, uei
your horses In beat condition for late fall and winter. All drug
gists, harness dealers or manufacturers.
Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.
Editor Gets Into Trouble.
They tell lots of tales on tho edl
tors, but this Is n new one: The edl
tor of a Kansas paper went to uttenc
a party given by one of his neighbors
where just a few weeks before tin
home had been blessed by a Hew baby
Tho hostess met him nt the door, and
after the usual salutation he asked
after the baby's health. The lady was
hard of hearing, had a bad cold, and
thinking he was nsklng about herself
answered that nlthough she usuullj
had one every winter, this was the
worst one she ever had; it kept hei
awake nt night a great deal, and al
first confined her to her bed. Then,
noticing that the editor wns acting
very strangely, she said she could tell
by his looks and nctlons that he was
going to have one Just like hers, and
she asked him to come In out of the
druft and sit down. Ladles' Homo
Lemon Juice
For Freckles
Glrlsl Make beauty lotion at
home for a few cents. Try It!
Squeezo tho julco of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of tho best freckle,
sunburn and tan lotion, and complex
ion whltener, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orchard whito
for a few cents. Mnssugo this sweetly
fragrant lotion Into tho face, neck,
arms and hands and see how freckles,
sunburn and tan dlsappenr and how
clear, soft and white tho skin becomes.
Yest It Is harmless. Adv.
"They say that ho married to es
cape military duty."
"That's like committing suicide to
escape death."
Always sure to please, Red Cross Ball
jiiue. All grocers sen it. Adv.
. Hritnln Is buying GO.OOO.OOO sticks of
1 chewing gum for soldiers.
those stiffened joints, that backache. rheu
tuatism. lumbago, sciatica, call Btones.
gravel, "brick dust," etc. They are an
effective remedy for all diseases of the
bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood.
They frequently ward off attacks of the
dangerous and fatal diseases of the kid
neys. They have a beneficial effect, and
often complexly cure the diseases of the
bodily organs, allied with the bladder and
If you are troubled with soreness across
the loins or with "simple" aches and pains
in the back take warning, it may be the
preliminary indications of some dreadful
malady which ran be warded off or cured
it taken in time.
Go to your druggist today and get a box
of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Money refunded if they do not help you.
j nree sizes. uijijU mhimli are tne pure,
original imported Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Accept o auusiuuies. auv.
Through envy, through malice, through
Against the world, early and Into.
No Jot of our courago abating,
Our part Is to work oml to wait.
Alice Gary.
I1ILE n regular can
ning outfit Is an ad
vantage It Is not
necessary, for any
clothes holler with
a wooden rack made
to fit the bottom, of
strips of wood or
njiioniwjrSr3w)n lath wll
WomiX ory ,,m.
111 answer ev-
m p o r t a n t
thing In canning Is to have complete
sterilization of the product; this Is In
sured by good rubbers nnd n perfect
A kettle, pall or holler of any kind
which will take n few Jars deep enough
to cover or come to the neck of the Jar
with water and u good tight cover for
the boiler Is nil that Is needed.
Sterilize the cans by placing them In
cold water, tops as well, and bring to
the boiling point. Dip the rubbers In
to the hot water before adjusting them,
then with the filled Jnrs, If a Mason.
screw It tight, then loosen ono-qunrter
way buck. If the covers are screwed
too tight, tho rubber Is forced out of
plnce or the jar may crock, If too
loose the water or liquid will be drawn
from the can.
The blanching of many fruits and
till vegetables Is an Important part of
the preparation. Hy blanching Is mennt
the dipping Into hot water nnd letting
the fruit or vegetublo stand u certain
time, then plunging Into cold water.
Blanching shrinks, drives out the gases
In tho tissues and brings the color to
the surface making n more attractive
product. Tho ng"e and tenderness of
the product determines tlio length of
time for blanching. If apples arc to
be canned, peel, quarter and dip for
two minutes (If quickly cooked apples
are used), otherwise five minutes, then
plunge Into cold water and drain nnd
pnek Into the jnrs. Fill the Jars with
hot water, seal us mentioned nbove
and cook twenty minutes In the hot
water bath. Seal tightly as soon cs
removed from the boiler.
Peaches, pears and plums may nil' bo
cooked In the hot water for twenty
minutes. The peaches are blanched
one minute; the plums or berries are
not blnnched.
Ments of various kinds make a very
lino product canned nnd It will be
found a most convenient 'method of
conservation even In a city home,
when more meat than Is needed Is on
hand. In the farm home, large amounts
are often on hand at butchering time
that are much more quickly available
If canned.
We scatter seeds with curuless hand.
And dream wo ne'er shall seo the in
But for a thousand years tholr fruit
In weeds that mar tlio land,
Or healthful store.
ing of new recipes
is a most fnsciniit
1 n g entertainment
for the lover of
cookery, yet dNap-
nolnliniHir la Kiin. in
b our portion un-1
less we know how
to apply a few sim
ple tests to evry
recipe before we risk wasting our
pveclotic foodstuffs.
Each kind of dish has some Imslc
form. Knowing these, one may nmke
Innumerable variations. Whnn one
has renched this stage of knowledge,
the taste and ingenuity of the cool; will
have a chance to develop.
In cuke making we learn thlit there
are but two kinds of cakes; thoi- us
ing some form of fat and those with
out, or sponge cakes.
In butter cakes the fat should bo
from (uic-thlrd to one-half the uuan
tlty of sugar, depending upon the rich
ness desired. Since the- butter be
comes liquid with heat we must take
that Into account when adding milk,
water or coffee. The total amount of
liquid should measure one-half the
flour. The amount of baking powder
lij one level teaspoonful to a cupful of
Hour, this In using heavier flours like
corn or rice Hour should be Inert-used
to one and a half or two.
When a large number of whiles of
eggs are used, less Hour Is i tied.
Ilutter or other fat makes a hatter
more tender, moist ant) of better keep
ing quality; It also aids In mill, ng a
Hnt grain. Hggs when cooked become
thick, hence the more eggs tin less
flour, other things being equul. When
a large amount of sugar and butter
tre u.wl, Increase the amount oi bak
ing powder as both these Ingredients
ore heavy.
The following proportions are
standard :
Uso one-hiilf as much liquid as Hour
for murrln and cako batters, reinem
beilng that fnt Is liquid as well as
One-tlilnl as much liquid as Hour
i'ir otift doughs like biscuit.
One-fourth ns much liquid ns flour
fot s,tlff doughs llko brend.
One-third us much butter ns sugar
for all butter cakes.
One to ono and a half tcaspoonfuls
of brtklng powder for batters and
doughs, Increasing to two when heavy
Hour llko rice or corn Is used.
One-third as much shortening ns
flour for pastry.
Ono teaspoonful of soda to n pint of
sour milk. '
lluvo fnlth In tho working out ot
the destiny ot tlio race; bo ready to
accept the unaccustomed, to uso the
radium ot social progress to euro tlio
ulcers of tho old friction. What If a
fety mistakes aro mado? How clso
shall tho truth bo learned? Try all
things and hold fast to that which Is
OOD salad Is al
ways In order at nnj
meal. It Is filling
refreshing und nour
ishing. Tomato Aspic on
Cabbage. Cook twe
cupfuls of tomatoes
und a teaspoonful
of onion for ten min
utes; add two tea-
spoonfuls of sugar, a dash of paprika
and white pepper nnd strain. Souk
four tcaspoonfuls of gelatin In one ta
blcepoonful of cold water and add to
the tomatoes; stir until dissolved.
Pour Into cups nnd let stand until
firm. Servo on finely shredded cab
bage with French mayonnaise or boil
ed dressing. Gurnlsh with green
Stuffed Tomato Salad. With n
sharp-edged spoon scoop out the cen
ters of peeled, uniform-sized tomatoes.
Fill with chopped cucumber and onion
mixed. Marinate the vegetables In a
few tablespoonfuls of French dressing
for an hour before putting Into tho to
matoes, then when they nro filled ready
to serve top each with a spoonful of
thick dressing, either cooked or may
Chicken Salad. Cut cold chicken In
to small squares; mix two cupfuls
with nn equal quantity of chopped eel
cry; add a teaspoonful of salt, a dash
of pepper, a dash of paprika and n
-hfilf.flinf ill rtf inn vminutun ilmscitnir
- I j w. ...... WW U.,WW..-D.
Servo on shredded lettuce with anoth
er half-cupful of the dressing added
on top. Gurnlsh with hard-cooked
eggs cut Into six pieces, or with sliced
olives or minced parsley.
Beet, Onion and Horse-Radish
Sr.lad. Line a bowl with fresh, crisp
lettuce, cover with three cupfuls of
diced cooked beeUi. Mix one cupful
of chopped onion, one-half cupful of
grated horse-radish, one half-cupful
of French dressing. Put two table-
spoonfuls In the center and the rest
b round the edgo of the beets. Sprlnklo
with one-fourth of a cupful of chopped
sweet pickles.
Lot's not dosplso Just common things,
For hero's a truth thero Is no dodg
ing, Tho bird that soars on proudest
Comes down to earth for board and
Nixon Waterman.
POUND of dried ap
ricots added to np
pic, then cooked
down with sugni
added to make thick
marmalade, will be
found especially good
Servo Ice cream,
using the suiiil!
scoop; plnco In
sherbet cups nnd pour over n suuco ol
strawberry. In this manner of serving,
a quart of ice cream will servo many
An Eaa Extender. Try out two
slices of salt pork cut In small cubes.
In this hot fat brown a cupful each
o' In ad cubes and potatoes, also cut
in cubes. Wher brown ndd two slight
ly beaten eggs nnd stir constantly until
the egg Is 'ookftil. Season well-and
serve garnished with pnrsley
Bread Pudding. Butter several
slices of bread and lay In the bottom
of a baiting dish ; pour over any stewetl
fiult, like peaches, prunes, or any
(tinned fruit, then add another layer
uf buttered bread and bake. TKs may
be eaten with fruit Juice for n sauce,
or, If the fruit Is juicy, It will need no
Cottage Pie. Put chopped, meat
with gravy In a baking dish and cover
with seasoned mashed potato, timdo
quite moist with milk. Put Into a hot
oven to heat well nnd quickly.
Carrots Witn Lemon Butter. Cook
tender young carrots cut In shoestrings
with very little water. When cooked ndd
butter and a llttlo lemon Juice, with n
grating of nutmeg.
Seasoned Mush, Cook n ham bono
In water until tho meat falls; remove
tho incut, chop nnd reserve It to udd
later. Stir comment Into the broth nnd
cook until well done; add seasoning
and the chopped meat; pour Into a
square pun to mold antl serve sliced
and fried In n llttlo hot fnt. This ts
nice for luncheon.
flatoralWarGanJtiv n
( rntiwuiwar 0rdn Jit
IV -Coramlttlon- 'jfl
cemes of
Are Common m
and other land at
During many
45 bushels to the
nloA nf Atilc
fillxcd Farming
industry as grain raising, uoou
schools, churches; markets convenient,
climate excellent, Writefor literature and
particulars as to reduced railway rates to
Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa. Can., or to
Room 4,Bee Bidg.,Omha,Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
Get li
With an Acid Stomach
fctaOOO Peopfe Cafmit Suldde f-etv Ysafj
A prrt food sdmtiir sjys: Tht cauj of thp
f most of them startwt In a, bad stomach
Is No
Military Man Advances New Theory
Concerning. Hannibal's Celebrated
Passage of tho Alps.
Kveryone knows tho story of how
Hannibal crossed the Alps. The his
torian Llvy says he demolished tho
rocks that opposed his progress with
the aid of flro and vinegar. Tho word
used by Llvy antl ordinarily trnnsliitoil
"vinegar" Is acetum.
The question has been raised by a
Kuropean olllcor whether this Is the
true meaning of the original. Ho
thinks that by acetum the historian
referred to a substance resembling
dynamite In Its properties, und he In
vites chemists to consider the question
whether the ancients may not have
possessed ,n formula for making a
powerful explosive of this kind.
Ho calls attention to the fnct that
two ancient hlstorlnns Murcus Grace-,
cus and Albert Alx speak of the ex
istence of two kinds of ncetuin, one
of which possessetl greater energy
than the other. A clue to the com
position of this explosive may bo
round, he believes, In the fact that
to acetum was ascribed the prop
erty of extinguishing thu dreadful
"Oreek lire." He thinks the sub
stance may have been strongly ox
ygenated. What Amused Him.
Hoy IC. Moulton at the Press club
the other evening told of a young
American soldier who stood knee deep
In the mud In u front trench. Shrap
nel 'wns screaming nil about htm und
the big shells were bursting over his
head. Suddenly the soldier burst Into
i wild lit of laughing.'
"What's the matter with you?" said
a trench mate sarcastically.
"I was Just thlnkln'. Hill." wns the
response, "about the guy who held mo
up otic night In Memphis with n
mllber revolver." New York Times.
Grandmother In Eighteen Days.
A latly green bug liicomes a grand
Mother In 18. days. One can Imnglne.
hen. notes a naturalist, the multitu
dinous armies of these Insects that
iiui develop la I lie course of u sea
m. Their worst foe Is a tiny black
four-wltiget) lly Unit deposits an egg
in each bug It comes across. Its larva
.'ousumltig tho bug's Inside works and
using Its shell for a house.
Chester, Pn., 1b to have 2,000 now
dwellings for war workers.
VrfawiM Granulated Eyelids,
M Ulir'" inflamed by expo
sure to aun, uusianu mna
ulckly relieved by Marine
reOemedy. NoSmircii.e.
iuit Eve Comfort. At
four Drugrjiiti or by mail 60c per Bottle,
"or Book ol Ihe Eye free write b n
Hurlno tyo Remedy Co., Chicago.
8 You?
Western Canada
Tho thousands of U. S. farmers who have accepted
Canada's generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy
farm land In her provinces have been well repaid by
bountiful crops of wheat and other grains.
Where you can buy good farm land at $15 to $30
per aero get $2 a bushel for wheat and raise 20 to
45 bushels to the aero you are bound to make money
that's what you can do hi Western Canada.
In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta you can get a
very low prices.
years Canadian
wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels 2jJtv-
to the ncre manv vielda ns hlah na ZZ-xr?&
ncre. Wonderful rCftsMSriM'
Rnrlav nml Clor Jl&Ir5S-1.C-
is as profitable an
It's Just Acidity
That Makes Millions
Sick and Suffer
It's truo. Thero are millions of
pooplo all over tho land who aro weak,
nervous, nil tired and dragged out.
who aro trying to build up tpcir Jadod
nerves nnd weakened bodies with drugs
and stimulants: nnd many of them
also EAT anil KAT but tall to cct anywhere
near the full amount ol strength nnd nourish
ment out ol their lood. WhyT Simply because
ot too much acid In tho stomnch-supcracldlty.
Ctt rltl of the excess acid. Your f ' nnch Is
all right Just giro It n chance to wi . easily
andnaturully. Then scohow uorxl you will (eel
yourpep coined back, and yout blood warms upl
A new method truly a woudortul dlscoT.
cry called
li positively minrahteed to clear tho exceu
tcld out ot your stomach aud bowels.
Itlsmado In tho form ot plcnsant-tasttns
tabletshandy to carry around with you.
(let n bin box ot KATONIO at any drug
etoru nnd sco how quickly it banishes tho im
mediate cllects ot acid-stomach. Away with
heartburn, belching, food repeating, Indicts
tlon.ictc. and then see how your scncral health
Ho bruIu wo tell you Insist upon It It you
aro ailing get n big box KATONIO from ?our
tlnigRlst today. The cost Is rt trifle only COo.
You lisvo faith In yourdrugght. We nuthorlio
him to absolutely guaranteo KATONIO to you
ml you can trust your own tlruusUttO mako
thti guaranteo good. It KATONIU (alls In any
nay, tako It back ho will refund your money.
K your d rugglst does not keep KATONIO, drop
us a postal card aud wo Mill send It to you at
once: you can scud us tho COo alter you get It.
Address: II. L. Kramor, Pres., Katoma Kcmcdy
Company, 1U1S bo. Wabash Ave., Omoago, 111.
American Pronunciation Proper.
In England and In Canada, "leften
nnt" Is the common pronunciation of;
tho word denoting army work, so much
so thnt nn American Is thought to ba
wrong when ho Is heard to say "llcu
tenant." This may be explained bjf
the fact that tho ancient Kngllsh spell
ing was lloftenant. The American
pronunciation Is better suited to tho
truo derivation. The Html syllable, ten
ant, Is the sumo as the word tenant,
as, tho tenant of u house. It Is from
tho Latin tenere, to hold. A tenant lsl
one who holds possession of u houso
or land ; it lieutenant Is one who holda
a place In lieu of another; one who IS
to act In lieu of the captain when tho
captain cannot.
Milwaukee will eliminate foreign
language studies from grade schools
In .Tune. 101ft.
Millions of particular women now tisa
and recommend Red Cross Ball Dlue. AH
grocers. Adv.
Philadelphia Aero club reports 80
per cent of members In the war.
It's difference of opinion thnt makes
divorce enses, too.
, j
Why Dread Old Age?
It doesn't matter how old you arc, if
you keep well nml active. Lots of folks
aro younger at 70 than others ara at GO.
Lame, bent backs; stiff, nehy, rheu
matic joints; bad eyesight and deafnesi
mo too often duo to neglected kidney
troublo and not to advancing years.
Don't let weak kidneys ago you. Use
Doan'a Kidney Plllt. They have
made life more comfortablo for thou
sands of elderly folks.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Win. Bryant,
SCO South St., Wolr.
Neb., snys: "I had
kldnoy and bladder
trouble und It cuiiHod
me a grout deal of
misery. My wholo
system st-emod to
bo affected. My at
tention was called to
Doun's Kldnoy rills
and I URod them.
T hoy strengthened
nntl toned up my
kidneys, regulated
their action nnd act
ed ns a kldnov tonic.
making mo feel bettor In every way."
Get Doan's at Any Store, GOe a Bos
i hog5.smecp STOCK YARDS-OMAHA,
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 39-1918.