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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1918)
V it- Semt-HJccklu Sribimc. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono Year hy Mall, in mlvnnco. Ono Ycnr hy Cnrrler, in mlvnnce, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska I'oatoffico aa Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, OCTUHGK Stli, 191S. Description si-; h Sec. s seu . . . 11( t. II 1U.1 V.lll.... .....I II. .1.11.1..,.. iJ j Jtniiii, ,.ima mill I Ilifll3llt;i vtr NEU, H',NVH. Si IN V 1 .N V hi All NOi NU All All All EVEU S'iNWW, NUSWVi S'iSW'H, WUSEVi .. 'WSW I Tovtnnhlp It, HniiKO !! E'i. SEViNWVi ESWH c I All 7 IEU 9 (EUNEVi, SViSWU Notice Is hereby Riven that so much NEW SEW. SV4SEU 12 Of eneh trnnt of In nil r ntfn In) . ft . 1" crlbcd In this list mav ror.. 'SLU . ... -3 . u . .IT, . .15 .17 . .IS . .18 ..19 .SO . .28 ..S3 .26 ,.26 , .29 ..SO . .30 ..30 .32 I Tax Description 26 ll'jNEU, W'jNWU 30.6118'j . . . 6.0 1 V. j 28 OS 9.2r, 44. 82 5.24 23. 57 37.72 21.86 39.02 38.3b Sec. Notice of Tax Salel 3S.36 40.00 10.04 7.62 7.62 C.9S 39.69 65.09 37.30 31.31 61. 68 17.70 66 . . .24 31 Township III. Hnmtr 20 I'i'iKHi NWVi S4 WV4 WVi All NV U All .. 4 ..11 ..12 ,.13 . .23 ..24 ..26 , .29 Tax W'SW', 34 fOaS'j 32 21.17 , Township 11, ltnnn-e at 14.59 H'iSSV '. S'j NWU 8.88 N4S .... 9-23 f 30.26 NM 45.03 N.Vvi.'V ' " - ti'ii uu On rf If for that purpose, all located to Lincoln 'vl'1' SKU V? A3'. County, Nebraska, will bo offered for sVnEVI '.'.""'."an 30 9" Sain lit tllft rVmntv Trii,aii.. ! I.. . ,I""7.-. ' ' ' '.V " V ' ".'. .. North IMnttir Lln'coln Count Nebras- NWVi "T! '! . 7. 2 $?:J "b,1,c nu.otln 'or Hie taxes, In- . EUNE'i, NEViSEU 6 , tunia mereon on lie 41 i NWVi NEVi. Pt. SWViNEU day of November, A. D., 1918. between 1 NV. NeVsWU... ...... . . . V, " y mill 1 i't, sw'iNK'i o'clock P. M., and continued from day All . ..... "77, to day as the law directs. SUSU Tho amounts In the subjoined list re- All . .'. . .". ..'. .'. . , presents all the taxes due on each tract EV4 of land or town lot together with ad- WUEU, NWVi vertisliifr and Interest to date of sale. NV4SWU Dated this 1st day of October, 191S. SViSWU SAMUEL M. SOUDER, , NUNEVi . SEVi NEU County Treasurer. i NE'i SEU Lincoln county. Township n. Hmiikc s 18 ,.10 ,.10 , .11 ,'.'23 ..27 ..30 ..30 ,. .31 14.61 9.22 41.47 .75 69.29 7.35 34.39 21.63 23.66 4.55 S.80 NUNEVi. SEU NEU. NEViNWVi WUWV4, SEViSWVi, NEVlSEVi SHSEVi 30 SWNK,K, SEUNWU NEViSW, NWViSEVi- 30 All 31 owiishln It. Itniiirr ail WV4SWU 2 1SH a WUNEVi 10 WVi NE'i. EVi NWVi, V4SWU NWViSEVi, Pt WViNWVi.. 13 NHSEVi H rt. i.iiti u WW NWVi 17 HV4NV4. SV4 24 NViNEVi, SWViNEVi 25 HEViNEVi. SEVi 2C SViSEVi S Hl'J'iSWVi SEVi 29 SWH 31 SEVi NHNEH 33 WV4NEV4. NV4NWV4 34 SWViNWU. SWVi V,SHVi. HlSaisvi a ToutiKlilp 10, ItmiKP : H'ViSEU SEi 14125 t)M?l wa" 27.27 Ms VI VU'H I c. tSIA 1 r d .it 71 6 16 16 19 20 21 26 30 34 3R 35 12 12 .13 .13 14 .14 15 aa Lands Tmviinlilp 0, limine 20 Description Sec. NV4, SEVi i Ey. a SWVi 2 NV4 10 SWVi NWU, W 14 SWVi SEVi, SWVi IS All 19 NEVi 20 NWVi 20 SVi 20 WV4NEU, EV4NWVI 24 NWVi 26 NEVi 2S All So. of U. H. in NWVi & SV4 29 NVi-NEVi, NEVi NWVi 30 s Vs rs its , . B li Vi , SWUSEV4 WV6WH , NV4 SEVi NWVi .. i o ,a ........... lEVSEVi 22 'SEVi 26 WVt 27 Taxes NV4NEH, NWVi 2S $56.95 TituiiNhlp 12, ItniiRe 2S 37.91 T.ot 14 3 17.37 Lots 3. 4, NV4 5, 37.91 Pt. NWVi SWVi r Lots 2 & 9 5 14.22 r-ots 1 & 2 6 47.50 1" acres S 14 85 10 acres 8 11.90 ncres S 23.90 WKjff!ii 31 21,60 i iiiviiiiii i.i, itniiirr 3i' WViSEVi. SEV1SEV1 IS. 02 K 11.59 SViNWVi. NViSWVi v ',i ui j SEVi SWVi NEVi SWVi All WVjNEVi, Pt. SEVi NWVi .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .31 .32 .31 .30 'I'luvnaliln III t.....r .,! WH, SE'i G NW'i 1 12 EVsNEVi 18 All 25 EViEV 2G WVSiEV6 26 Township II, ItllllK)' 20 SWVi. SEVi 5 10 & 2 12 14 14. SO hK'i 11.90 Vi . 1.G7 Lots 6, 7, S 2.60 SEVi 3.10 Lots 5 & 6 . 3.40 Pt. Lots 1 & fi'' as Outside Pes. 18.00 Pt. Lot 1, ., 35.65 Jtt V'o"' 47 49 T'Ots 1 & 8 Inside Pes. 35.90 kotH. 2:,3, 4 8.90 I'uisuie new. S.90 , 51.90-A1 13.10 All . 13 10 S Vi 9 ,. 9 ,.10 ,.10 ..12 ..25 . .28 , .2S . .30 ..32 ..33 . .33 ..33 .36 20 59 Tim n all I p in, HniiKc :u K nytn i 11,22 All 26.92 All NV4 7.95 NEVi All HVtNVi. Pt. SWVI SI.H'. ' rm ti snip in, nnimr . , ii .30 5.00 55. S8 9.S6 IS. 66 7.90 2.CS 19.60 ,.10 ..11 ,.12 , .12 ..17 no !'.27 ..28 ..28 ,.34 23.49 Description Soc- T.UJ H'. 10 N'aNEH 102.60 S'jSEV 25.37 E'li ... 49. 2 j W'j, . . 49.25 NWH . 131.94 SEVi 128.70 NW 6S.95 Tiiminhlp 12, Hnimr S SHNEVi. EV4SWVI 72.63 Sit VI : 22. 5G NKHSWS, HiiSH ii 105.1 NWViHEVi 151.80 All a!I ::::::::::::::": 24.85 NKVi 27.71 SWKNWii, WV4SWV1 23.39 SEVi SWVi 11. 6S NEW 11.65 SWVi 2.61 All Tax 21.72 4.90 6.65 16.26 W V, Lots 1 W V NEVi All . , All . , All . , NEVi Pt 30 31 32 Tinvnslilli 12. Itniiirf. 211 Lots 1 & 5 & SWVi SWVi 29 All 31 TtmiiHliip i:t, ItaiiKe 20 NWVi 1 TinviiNlilp I I, ItiuiKe 21 WVi 1 NEVi 2 NW Vi 2 SWVi, SEVi 2 NEVi 10 E E V-i 12 All 18 All 19 EViSEVi 22 EVi 25 NEVi 29 TmtiiMlilp 15, IlnnKe 211 1 123.64 81.70 10.50 S5.60 11.15 34.45 47.76 47.44 8.90 22 0 ISS'.St) 11.50 riMYiixlilp I I, Itnnse 2S 3 9 IS 20 All 26 WViWVi 30 TotVIIMlllp I., HIIIIKC ::::::::::.:.v.v.v: o7 10 12 ToiviinIiIp 111, Itmiise 2S. All . All All NEV4 All MW'i SEVi SWVi SEVi All All NWVi NWVi, "VVVi NWVi, 3 . 3 ,. 6 . 7 ,. 9 , .11 NWVi SWVi 46.93 SEVi NWVi. NEVi SWVi 14.94 H48W 8.70 NW'4 31.75 SWVi, 23.21 8.50 21.96 24.71 10.69 41.18 7.45 SEVi . NWVi sw;j EVi- W Vi NVi, AWL-SWVi E,fc SEVi W Vi All NEVi, NVjNWVi NV1SEV4 S'jNWVi, SWVi SViSEV NEVi, SWVi . . . S1SV NEVi NEVi. SViNWVi, SV4 All N'. TownHhlp 1), HniiKc NWVi EV4EV6 NWVi NEVi, SEViNW'.i, NVSWVi .12 13 13 14 2S 32 33 20 1 22.23 25.76 17.10 2S.78 24.64 9.35 65.92 14.50 5.2 8.14 8.11 8.14 93.00 15.25 16 6.00 22.59 13. 9S 8.10 43.61 43.61 35.96 42.95 17.10 S.70 .60 43.62 10.00 31.90 23.24 23.24 6.75 7.45 26.00 8.85 29.12 21.43 21.43 12.15 87.33 27.14 9.65 35.10 117.74 61.22 10. 11.90 13.50 22.60 10.03 31.30 47.10 18.75 SAW!. V WV4EV4, ViSEVi 5 . 7 . S .10 .10 SW1- NW'i. NV.SWV. SWHSWVi 12 SEMSWV4, SEVi 12 WHNWVi 17 SWVi , 17 NEVi I? SEVi 25 WViNWVi , 2S Lots 2 & 3 31 TimiiMhlp II, limine .10 NEVi - .... 2 NEVi. SH 8 All 9 WV4NEV4, WVi 10 SE'i 1 WV4 12 NWVi SEV 20 SEVi 34 N ',, WViSWVi NE'i SWVi NEVi SWVi All All NEVi SW Vi Eli NEVi. WV4 ... SE'-i NW Vi SViNEVi. SEVi . 3 . 1 , . 6 ,.13 ,-.17 , .23 . .21 . .24 ..2ft . .30 ..30 ..32 , .34 NV4 SEVi All - All 31.54 : ::: 5.00 .11 v;,;;, "68 W'SEVi 31 N Vi'.'' N visn' ' '. '. '. SVNV4. S' .... 6.67 SHN'W.H 13.14 SV4NWW 19.93 All 10.47 All 10'47 NE'iNPViSWVi 20.79 SEVi 24.69 14.08 SVt 13.14 NEVi 13.14 WVt, SEV, 30. 7S NWVi 13.14 SW',4 5.10 E Mi SW4 14.43 NWVI ,:.','.; 22.47 SEVi NE'i, NEViSWVi 35.53 NV4SEVI 20.26 All ' 8.05 All . V ."In NW?i . E'aSWVi ,' SEU 7.35 NWVi S.O0 SWVi All 34 .24 EV4SEVi svi r s ...10 ,...n ,...11 ,...12 ,...14 . ...17 , ...IS ....24 ....25 ....25 ....26 . . . .28 ....30 ....34 Tuminlilp . Hnnito H2 . 6 .14 .15 .20 .23 .23 32 32 3S a, iiiume aa 7 8 10 13 17 23 25 30 Ton iikIiIp 14. limine a.t 2S.9M Lots 3, 4, 5, 6. 6 29!62 SWViN'EVi, SEViNWVi 7.40 iSI5'i!l U, B'.iOMl 6.16 NWViSEVi 29.61 Lot S NWVi. NViSWVi "5 86 S Mi SWVi " IS Lot 3. VV4SEVi . 21. SO HViEViSISV lfi ? 1 nnd 2 111 3"d4 16. 2 5 and G 1 3, 4, 5 nnd C 40. M 1 nn(l -5 26.66 1 54.971 , 29. U 41.71' (1 9.10 5 S.40' 1 nnd 2 8.16 3 to 8 ,s'i6'3 and 4 s.KT Tinvnnhln 31.82 SWVi. NV4 C-Gl NEvr:::::::::::. ,5S.6U Si,. .......... 33.05 SWV4 6.46 32. CO 1 122.92 14, 5, and 6 l06,N 1-2 1 n"d 2 1 1 9. 4 3 B nnd 6 24.96 E 2 ft. 7 All 8 5S-2" sE. 00 ft. 1 22)05! 3 and 4 I fi ntnl 7 17.90 S . 6 . 7 . 9 .11 37.63 2.10 2 34 H'.i l'ot 2 3 2'J Pt. EJiNE'i 3 - Pt. w'HNniv m "on E '4 SWVi 33.99 N'iSE'i 25.76 NEVi SEVi . . . Pt. SWVi .. is. r.t..,v4 4 U 14 14 .....14 15 .... IS 18 18 20 . .20 1 3 1 a 109.79 7 43.64 2 16. SS ' I 33.97, 7 37.40' S. 33. V i Q 74.41 163.35 1, 2, 3 and 4- 3.35 8 181.33 j on in 1 1.2 5 nnd C 17 18 19 20 25 33 35 36 40 40 41 44 44 44 45 46 48 49 49 51 51 51 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 57 57 63 0 65 65 67 2.50 0.40 31.1b 3.65 9.35 45.75 43.64 38.85 47.25 01.13 24.60 27.75 45.15 16.30 5.35 14.95 47.70 4.80 27.80 14.00 50.10 45.83 41.25 43.55 63.00' 24.57 20.70 28.75 36.60 30.95 5.80 3S.02 19.60 11.60 80.60 5.00 25.20 41.75 70 Timnililp l.'l. limine .".0 Pt. NV4SV4NWVi Pt. NVS V4 NWVi Lots 3 to 1... Lots 8 and' 9. . NEVI Lot 1 Pt. Lot 5, S',i Pt. Lot 2 ... Pt. Lot 2 ... NWVi Pt. EV4SW . W V4 3 3 , . . 0 , . . . 6 4 4 5 6 6 11 13 14 18 19 20 20 24 '. 33 31 I'liuiAlilp 10, HniiKP :i2 ...'..''.". V. 4 v.v:::-7 " ....... 9 ...... 9 10 ...15 ...17 ...18 ...IS ...IS ...19 ...19 . . .20 ...20 ...20 21 IS SO EV4SEVi 2 7 75 Pt? NEVi, Pt. SV4 21 93 Pt. NEVi 2 S NWVi NEVi. NVdNWVi 11 3fi SWViNWU 2B 19 37 Pt. NW'I 2 7 38 Pt. NWH 30 f 7G Pt. SWVi 30 Pt. SWVi o s r,r, l't. Lots 3 Si 4 32 42 00 l'Ot 8, 9. 10 32 Jrfir Toiviislilp IB, Itnnnc XI " ' ' I 11 7 9 JU ... 8 4n EV4EV4 i W Vi E V4 7JS 111 W nt 215.24 All 0, So. 53 ft. of 7 nnd 8 68 433.93 SH .. 3 ,. 3 ..It ,.25 .31 .35 .35 38.73 23. 6G 17.30 33.74 20.82 41.43 23.57 20. S3 NWVi SE'i . Tinvnxlilp 1(1, Hiiiiki- 20 NEVi, SViNWVi 1 Lots 3 &. 4 1 W Vi NW Vi , S E Vi NW Vi NEVi SW'i 2 SE'.iSWU, SWViSEVi 2 NVi, EVjSWVi NViSEU 3 NEVi 4 SE', 7 NV-NVa 9 S'.N 9 SWVi, WViSEVi 10 NWVi NEVi, NEViNWVi 11 W Vi NW Vi 15 NW Vi 18 E Vi NE'i 21 SViNW'.i 22 WV6 24 EVi 25 SWVi , 25 Pt. NEVi, SVi .26 SEVi 27 All 31 NEVi 35 SWViSWU SEVi .... 17 n SWVi r NEVi. NViNW',4, SEViSWVi WV4NW, NVi SWVi,., SEViSWVi ' NUNE. SEViNE'i NEVi SEVi NE'iSE'i .j SEViSW'i. WViSEVi. NVi NE'i, NEViNWVi; lots nnd 3: EViSWVi 41.43 S'iNE'.i; SEViNW'.i; 33.74 NVi SEV, Lot 4 21. S7 SWV.NWH 8.03 NEVi NEVi 11.21 Pt SWViSEVi 11.21 NEVi. EVi NWVi, NViSWVi 30 NWVi NWVi 30 32.17 Lot 2 30 10.80 KViLVi 23.32 Lots 2, 3. 4, EViSWVi 10.80 SWVt SEVi 10 80 W'.NEVi, Pt WVi, SEVi 15.82 ov " 3 6 10 " ' ii' ii' . .14 2 ..19 , .19 . .19 . .20 no .'.'2" 29 , .31 .31 .32 35 10.69 33.72 43.33 17.88 10.66 24.35 14 1 7S 6 ; 17 3.80 39.82 15.31 3.25 2.1G 26.28 26.42 .48 8 9 9 17 17 IS KU. 3? SWVi 34 TimviinIiIp I I. limine :tO SWVi 2 SW Vi 4 Mo. 100 acres NWVi EVi SEVi 5 SVjNEVi, NViSEVi NW 8 SWVi 8- WVjNWVi 9 Pt. SVi 10 Pt. SEVi 10 All 11 SEVi NEVi 4 NViSEVi 17 Pt. SWVi 22 Pt. SWVi 22 Pt. SM.SWV4 28 Pt. WSEV4 28 Pt. NEViNWVi 31 SViNWVi 31 Lots 0. 7 and 8-- 31 Pt. NV-NWVi 32 Pt. SEViSWVi 32 oToMiixhlp 15, Hnnjre XW NWVi. EViSWVi WViSEVi 2 SWVi 5 NVi NEVi 22 NE'i 23 EV.EV. 24 WViNEU. EViNWVi 24 W'iNWVi ." 21 E'ASWVi. NVjSEVi 24 SW'A 32 SEVi 31 9.92 SV4 . 22.15 SEVi 30.60 SWVi 59. 2 7 KV2 . 21.60 NEVi 27.29 NWVi 32.12 SEVi 27.60 WV4 9.29 All . 9.29 NEVi. 14.88 NEVi NWVi 8.85 S". .60 NEVA 224 .30 NEVi .... rir, go Pt. NW'i 28.57 pt. SKVt 6.5R NEVi 91.95 NWVi ... SO SWVi S.SO NVi 13.SH All . 11.20 NEVi, 10S.75 SWVi 36.11 SWVI NWVi 6.25 SEU NWVi ; 12.04 EVSWVI, Pt. WViSEU. 7.79 lt. NWViSEVi SWVi 10.47 SEU 25.91 SEVi 40.67 NEU 23. 68 Lots 2. 3, I 14.29 SEUSWU - 19.60 NEVi .41) SVi 36.00 2.32 All 16.07 NEU 6.70 NEU .. 6.90 NWU . . 9.10 SViSWU 1 1 K(l T" IS n'S.. All W Of 4 9." S Creek 4.70 A v n' Ail WHE'i. NWVi 12.01 SWU 10.76 WU 9.94 28.55 10 25.10 14.59 EVi NEVi, NE VI SEVi All All 9 or WV4EV4 l si WV4WV4 ?-;4 TllHIIHllIp 10, EViNWVi !.50 WVi. SEU ..21 . .21 2 .25 ..25 ..27 ..27 . .28 . .2S . .28 ..29 .29 . .30 ..31 . .31 ..32 32 TotviiMhlp It. limine " 5 20 " 22 26 ..32 ..32 .34 UU .11 .1 10.79 V 2,V2S Creek All W of 2C'S Creek .0" All 2e-8s Ail : . .111 All 12. IS V 6 ,.12 . .12 15 19 21 no 2 2 25 26 27 28 30 31 34 34 IlniiKP XI 1 31.21 I 3 40.0 4 57. 7S 0 67.2hi 1 319.71 o 122 . 15 20K43 3 and 4 25.60 1 2C'53 1 nnd E. 0 ft. 2 38.61, 8 7.16! 7 S.'JU 69 69 70 74 74 1 . 26.90 9 nnd pt. 10 30.75: pt. in 12 1 nnd 2 o 30.75 37.11 9.05 18.3U 36.50 62.921 ' All ... v H-?ii NV4NEU, NViNWVi. SEViNWVi II. 59 vi.fl. uVV. vu.sinu 10 12- fi9 SWUNWVi. WViSWVi" 26.40 SEViSWVi 1 13- 5 N'i . 'NViSVi 'j2 J-4- W of Creek 16 . rfcrVeir::::.:::::::! 'J'' Towimlllp I), HniiK HI 19.67 WVi ........ .... ...26 SE 14.59 12. 4S 12.48 AU Pt. NEU lt.J SK.NK'1. SEVi All 81.6 13. Zt All 12.25 WVi 35.43 All I NEVi, SMi ' All Tnwimlilp 12. Hnnire , . 1 3 '.'.24 ..25 . .30 32 18.21 7.23 9.22 9.22 33.34 ... NVi SWVi 29 37 SW)'1 ' S'o- All 27 TimviimIiIp 10, limine ill 7 .14 , .17 , .18 . .19 , .21 . .23 ..24 .21, 17.60 Towiwlilp HI. llniiK 6.70 EVj. E Vi W Vi '" 4.80 HViNEVi, NWVi 13 10.39 SWVi... 20 9. OS "WVi NWU 27 9.08 SV4NEU, NWU 14.34 WViSWU l 17 OO liI,!S i.i. fI!ii E'jEVi 15 .'8 5 S'j-H 8.06 N 'i . . 7 ivu '1'oiviikIiIp 10, HniiKe 20. 2 0 2G.13 27.50 17.33 39.48 8.S5 34.1: SEU NWU. I'otviinlilp I), limine SW Vi WVi NEVi NW Vi SEVi All NEVi SVi NWVi EVi W Vi EVi EVi EViSWVi, WViSEU . NV'. sW'i "NViNWVi SEVi Nwvi : W'jNEVi. NWU WVi SW'i JEVi. SWU KViNE'i EVi WVi NEU "WViWViNEVi. NWU SVi SEVi Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 -Lots 3 & 4 NVi, SWVi WViSEVi EV4SEU SWU . 4 . 5 . . 6 .. 5 . 9 .10 .10 .11 .13 .17 .18 .18 .19 .19 .20 .21 .21 , .24 ,.25 , .30 , .31 . .33 ,.33 .34 SEU EVi SWU, SEU ' NViNWVi EVi SWU , S'iNVi . NVi .... SViSWU ; E '4 NEVi. 17.33 WV4W NW', 11.73 NEU 23.26 WVi. SEU 7.97 SViNWVi, WV4SWU 7.97 EVjSWVi 7.77 .SEVi 59.91 WViE',4. WH 11.73 1314. N Vi NW U Zl.-U N NWVi EVi NW U NWVi SWU NWU SEUSWU 14.41 15.89 16.59 8.51 8.51 47.90 32.97 4.35 8.04 17.98 .10 , .12 .17 .19 .19 . .20 ,.20 . .21 22 '.'22 . .24 . .24 , .24 ..27 . .28 . .29 . .29 , .30 ..30 . .32 . .32 . .33 ..34 Township 1,",, ltnngo 30 a 11 n -n n.w.'swu' .:::::::::: 5 ) , 1 1 .I 7 10 11 12 15 17 7. .18 19 20 20 21 TimviinIiIp 0, IlniiRe III u 7.80 9. OS EVi 3.2R 12.30 18.35 55.89 27.24 13.44 19.37 54.65 59.30 16.80 ,1 EVi All . All . All . All ., All . All . fV'Vi. NEU. NWU NEU, SVi 2, 3, 4 "a, i".' '2,' '3',' V SEU SVi C Xf 1 f lo.ou, iiv 71 27.73 WUNEU, W',4 45.8S1SEU 31.97 ISW'i 40.73, SEVi Tnvrnnhlp 10, ItniiKC 37 All ,7, All 13 All 17 NEU 1 EVi NEVi, EV4WV4 NEU NSEU 24 WViWViNEU. EViNWU ..32 E '4 NE Vi , EU-WUNEU SEVI ,-32 WViNWVi 2 ' SWU 32 NViSEVi " E'NEVi 3 Tovrnnhlp 11, ilunge 27 NEVi. SV4NWU NViSEVi J4 aii -Ii EV-SE'i ' Tovrnnlilp 13, Uanife 2T -NEU, WVi 2 Lot 1 10 Pt. NWU J2 SU 29 EV.WV4 32 Tonrnihlp 1.1. IlnnRe 2T WU 30 QRH 30 Pt. NEU. NEVi NWU Lots 1 to 4 31 ToTTnahlp 14, nnnffe 37 nv, SW'i All I "W Vi E 14 " Tovrnnhlp 10, Ilttnue 27 EV4 5 29.69 16.11 6.17 10.04 4.18 20.74 13.66 59.18 7.68 25.71 62.92 63.32 53.0!. 12.09 34.95 7.06 18.84 4.09 7.99 4.09 31.49 29.39 70.54 8.10 26.65 11.16 .52 112.57 17.62 73.37 36.78 81.25 13.09 20.70 Townxlilp 11, It mi pre 20. All 3 All 6 WUEVi, WVi C All 8 At! 14 All 24 All 25 V'WW, 32 i otviiHiHp 11, ilmiKe 211 J NEU SEU SEU NEVi, WVi NEUHEU. SViSEU, W V4 Vi ' All SVi All All E Vi SW Vi , WViSEU ....10 ....12 ,...14 ....15 23 ,...25 ,...26 ....30 .30 Lots 3 & 4 WViWVi 32 NVi. NlSUnw Vi NVi.8EU. SBUSEU 34 All 35 Tovrnnhlp 13, Itange 20 Lots 5 & 6 .....14 Lot 2 & Pt. WVi 21 Lots 1 & 2 26 NV4SWV1 27 SEU 30 All 31 SEUNEU 35 WViSWVi 35 SViSEU 35 Towrmhlp 14, Hang 20 NVi NEVi, SEUNEU, NEU SEU SUSWU, SViSEVi 4 All 9 SWU 11 All 13 SWVi 14 All 29 Tovrnnhlp 15, Itanite 20 NEU. 8V4 2 NV4NEU. WV4 SViSEU HViNEU. NUSEU 4 NEU 6 NWU W. SEU 13 All 23 24.40 12.44 16.77 36.61 12.43 6.60 8.90 36.61 26.05 30.56 23.77 66.61 30.56 26.30 36.70 25.00 9.30 41.59 45.68 35.83 48.05 54.61 54.12 52.17 14.17 17.57 44.65 49.55 14.05 54.83 101.11 59.91 81.88 20.27 6.74 7.60 36.36 44.25 21.65 51 .24 13.55 29.30 40.30 44 .05 32.43 37.32 55.0 13.62 21.20 5.90 22.20 5.92 19.80 24.60 29.61 8.65 13.97 S.65 21.17 , 8 . 9 , 9 .11 .32 Towiixlilp 14. ItnnKP 112 . 4 . 9 ,.10 . .10 .12 ..14 ..14 .14 , .15 ..15 . .10 . .16 . .16 . .18 ..18 , .21 22 .'.2 6 ..27 :34 n 10 SHNE'.i. Sli ,2 -11 swu -"u" NWVi ... 30.01 JL;;-,(' 4.90 eiii v NW". ... TovrriNiiip ii. limine ... SWVi 4 SEVi j, 1 1 6 S 8 15 17 00 .'.'." .'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'. '"56 26 27 30 ''..- ..1.1.. I'J. Ilnniri. 11 1 vu 4 MUVMU KV. 23-?0 NtfoVviV 14 ,rT;,' " Towns 29.37 23.59 Ml All 32.09 i't ; 85.94 ft 25.20 Lots 1. 41 4- Lot 5. 21 44 ,-ots 5Vo1 It 1 r5-i Lots 1. rant SVSNEVi 5?'?5 SEUNWU, EViSWVi . 25.14 w'ASE'i "28 SEU NEVi, EVi SEU 25.14 SWVi NEU, WViSEVi io . 1 4 vMir n v if. u n54-35 1 SEU NEU, 21 SWViNWU. 8.Bi WVi NEU . 21-73 SEUSWVi - .. SEU 5.4u WV4NEU . . ,'Pt. NWVi H.f, Lot 2 ' 58.12 24 .89 15.55 EVi Lot 5 E UN WVi ... Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 su nnlilp 111, limine III 1 1 7 and 8 5.85 1 nnd 2 29.78' 3 29. 7 R 6.20 0 6.20 7 nnd 8 . nJS. 1-2 1 nnd 2 s5'g2 N. 1-2 1 nnd 2 " ' I W. 0 ft. 3 nnd 4 20.96 (j r go'E 1-3 7 and 8 26.96 E 1-2 3 , E. 44 ft. 6, 22r6'.990 W 22 ft 7 I Middle 22 ft 7 20.58 12 02 ft. 7 coo Middle 1-3 7 26.05, W 22 ft 2, E 44 ft 3 8.05 6 30.00 ( 8 , 33. 9S 15.58 5 15.25 7 and 8 I6-60, E 1-2 44 ft 1 ' 33.42 W 1-2 2 16.25 5 16. 4 E 1.0 fi ' 16.40 V 11.40 4 26.751 1 9.80 o 14.80 23.58 O 9.4o'o - ' 7.00 1. 7.90 5 4.20i 7 and 8 7.91c fi 10.30, V,r , . ,. 31.291 W. 44 ft 7 31.29 8 33;l3nnd 14 7.9U, 8 33. 73 1 w. 33 ft 5 7-90j I, 2, and 3 40. 771 7 J g 29.89' 5 w 1Q fc q 50.64 1 4 22.92 26,92 8.09 26.25 3.55 74 105.20 75 121.34 77 35.58 41.35 23.15 17.25 39.14 14.05 50.33 6.91 25.20 12.65 77 81 82 84 84 84 85 87 88 94 95 95 95 96 96 97 97 61.85 21.75 52.75 60.75 29.90 29.90 56.26 58.60 99 143.05 101 43.50 101 196.57 101 34.39 101 34.39 103 111.96 104 57.50 106 106 106 107 111 50.33 34.39 36.55 38.90 34.39 112 100.07 4.50 16.75' SEU. All . SEU SEU SEVi "I EVi SEU WViSWVi WV4. SEU NEVi. WVi NViSEVi 17 E".E". 18 WVi '" 19 WV4E 19 SNEJ4. NSEVi,EM.WVfe20 SWV4SWV4 22 NEVi 23 SU 26 NViNWU, SEUNWU 27 NEU. Pt. NWU 35 Township 10, Ilnnne 31 NWU 4 SVi NVi 5 NEVi 13 SWU ..v 20 SEU 21 All 22 NWU 25 NWU. WViSWVi 27 All 30 SVi NWU 35 Tovrnnhlp 11, llnnse .11 WUNEU, WVi 4 WUSEU 4 SEU 12 NWVi 26 NEVi 28 WVi, SEU 34 NV4. EUSWU SEU 35 WV4SWU 35 TownHhlp 13, Hnnjfe 31 NU 2 Lots 1 & 4 8UNEU 4 SViSWU 4 W',4, SEU 6 N'i 7 All 9 NVi 10 All 15 All 18 Alt 19 All 20 All 23 All 25 WNE4. E'jNWVi.. ..20 All 28 All 30 NVi 31 SVi 31 SUSVi 31 Tovrnnhlp 13, IlnnRe 31 EVi NEU Pt. Lots 2, 5, 6 1 SWU 6 SEU 11 W'.iSWU 12 EU 13 , SEU 24 SWVi 27 EViSEU 27 NWU 28 NWU 33 NEU. NViNWU SWU NWU Description Soc, 8.6o k k, v'.;i SW V 0.20 'I'nwiiNliln 1.1. Itmiur It: 15.27 E'aNI'Ui, SVi 3 . .. All 9 18.03 NW'i 11 5.45 SW'A 18 lfl . 57 NVi NKVi, SViNWVi SVi.... 26 5.4 i TimviinIiIp Irl, Hiinnre 32 14.41' NVi. SE'.i' 9 1 571 All H 'i-nX NEViSWU, NViSEVi SWViSEVi 17 19.42 NWi4sWU 1J "12 SEVi SEU 6.7U u 7.28 5.77 mi. 7.00 jJl 1 ..... ..... . 39 '.7 ni;; :: 5.35 Djai 14.37 Ifca .: i; ...... 3.55jEi'Sv ' 26.39 Spu : : . .'.v.-; : ; ;;;. ; ; ; ; 3.00 w'SBVi, EViNWU 7.28 "WVi NEVi, EViNWU, SWU J.pS SEUNEU, NViSEU 6.10 SV.SKVi ." 21.73 w'HNEVi, EViNWVi I SW'i 25.47 vu NWVi 4.20 INEH 'SUNWU, NViSWU 17.70 , SViSWU , 'NW'i. W',4 SWU 9.42 HUSWVi. Wi.SEU 4.35 1 'lowiiRhlp 10, IlnnRe 33 25.98 NW 'i 6 18.32, NEVi 8 30.11 SHU 8 15.16, NEVi, SVi 9 30.11 SW . 34.56 SE'.i... 30.11 NK'i . 35. 20' SWVi... 33.07 NEVi 33.07 8.24 33.9:i 35.48 15.16 15.16 7.52 ..22 ..23 ..24 24 25 26 27 , 34 34 35 35 I'ovrmihlii II. IlanKe 33 57.59 20.56 36.30 27.04 35.11 38.18 !! A' All ?in Q4 N,A- NViSVi ?0-9j SUS4 .... 62.91 am r,a.ui 1 aii 54.50 M13U 100.62 gv'v( 13.40 SEU 83.96 jVEU 9-2'' EUW'i ... All roiviiHhip 17.20 NU- -i-'i pt; Lot Ik . . 11 , i nit 1 22-G4,I't. SVi SWVI SVi 1 7 20 21 , 25 , 28 34 , 35 I I, limine 31 ,... '.'.'.'.'.'. " '.! 2 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 12 13 11 17 21 25 59.91' 1 and. 2 30.50, 3 92.91 4 17 17 27 Township D, Hnne 33 '.'.'. 7.7.7".".".'.".".'." 3 6 , 7 8 , 9 .10 .13 .15 .17 .28 ,.28 ,.31 . .31 . .31 ..32 .34 lg-Ig. in- NEtis'EU 2-85 No. of u. n o'il W'jNEVi, EUNWU c-45il't. SVi ..'SWVi ?'4" All I'.8,0 I't. NU. SVi 3.30 Inl 1 2-05 TownHhlp IS, ItanKC 34 2G'58N'4. NUSWU, SWU SWVI - NWViN Vi 1 16.63 V.V . 12.80 i 7'.. NUNEU, EV4NWU. . .25 ..25 ..26 ..27 .28 35 19.50 8 29.16 7 31.21 j 25.99 4, 24.0-1 5 C 9.10 , n 25.6S4 D 25.99 5 and 0 D 12.30' A 6.56 o 10.40 - 6.561 4 6.56' fi 6.56, V 25.301 ' 17.051 5 2.6 G l!85 Frac. 3 nnd 4 134. 2 Frac. 3 and 4 106.32 o 4 1 266.67. M i.Q c no nil L u u 101.27 133.36 .47 6.05 S 1-2 5 8.55 4.70 All All 19 . 07 i aii 8.59, 16.66 16.66 9.00, All All All All 57.76 NVi. SWVi All SEU , 41 . I . All 29.131"" H!j All l-il HUNU. . 8 ,.10 ..16 , .19 , .21 ,.22 ,.24 ..25 ..26 , .27 ..30 ..30 ..31 .34 lota in 33, 14 and 30 5 nnd 6 18.63 5 , 6, 7, and 8 JU.IU Miller Addition to North Platte." 113 28.65 116 46.90 116 75.45 117 37.75 118 82.30 121 82.20 121 84.58 122 22.92 122 41.20 123 34.39 123 89.15 123 71.00 124 59.46 126 107.40 127 38.80 132 91.55 133 57.30 134' 37.75 135 130.42 136 30.90 136 40.0G 140 12.70 141 32.10 143 36.60 147 54.75 148 123.50 148 52.50 148 43.60 150 27.50 151 43.60 152 52.50 152 92.55 153 11.45 154 18.37 154 41.30 158 50.91 160 49.13 101 111.98 161 42.30 103 54.70 163 34.30 164 43.53 169 2.40 170 31.00 181 37.70 182 42.40 185 50.7(5 185 31.40 185 29.03 of 186 28.32 188 64.35 189 39.10 30.41 7.49 25.31 25.98 25.98 25.98 25.98 35.9H 9.13 4.20 EVi All 8V4... 126.11 29.64 23.73 13.74 88.14 23.22 9.40 4.80 13.04 8.09 WVaWViSWU SV4NBU. NUSEU NW U SW'i. SEU NE'i SW'i SEVi N i4 SWVi WUSBU NU. EUSWU ... NE'i NW'i NEU SVi NEU SEU NWU 8V4 .11 .13 ,...15 ...15 ....17 ....17 ....19 ...20 ....20 ....21 ...21 ,...21 14'34 NWVi'.sVi" S-C1A11 All All All AU All All All All All All 4. S3 5.1b 5. IS 19.15 5.05 5.0b 5.93 5.9:i 5.16 1 m tv.;. ; ri.istwU; s'h'u 6.50 aii All O. Ill 5.15 3.60 Tqvfnitblp IB, Itann.H ... 4 6 7 , . . . 8 9 11 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 .".".'.'23 26 ....28 27 26. S 19.60 ft en 2 5 T 3 1 1 1 32.90, 3 7 8 3 4 3 and 4 7 27.20 14.65 12.78 6.93 8.00 17.60 11.64 5.93 14.50 5.93 24.82 All All All All All All ...28 29 30 32 , . ..33 34 35 25.67 19.60 14.65 26.04 22.10 ' 25.98 31.35 30.05 25. 9a 25. X 29.10 25.01 27.21 26.60 59. an ST'.Sl '6.56 23.79 25.98 30.10 26,98 29.40 30.10 25.98 32.00 25.99 1, 2, 5, 66, 7 and8 8 3 5 nnd 0 2 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 16 10 30.40 88.33 38.33 40.04 28.90 60.02 0.40 30.90 71.20 7.3C 24.50 23.80 Peniiton'i Addition to North Platte. town; lots. North Platte. Lota 7 and 8 5 8 1 Blk. Amt. 12 $27.00 13 12.70 14 7.70 10 " 1.90 1 and 2 1 2 1 7 8 7 and pt. 8 So. 55 ft. 8 1 and 2 7 nnd 8 7 8 2 3 8 E 1-2 3 and 4 W 1-2 3 and 4 0 2 3 3 0 0 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 12 10 16 16 25.30 10.05 41.89 14.06 19.23 16.05 68.70 36.60 15.05 19.00 16.05 27.49 34.49 58.75 32.10 4.7G 4.75 4.75 North Platte Town Lot Addition to North Platte. 3, N 1-3 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 2 15.05 10 3 13.28 12.10 53.30 NEVi NEU. SV4NEU Lot 5, SU 6 W'i, SEU 9 22.63 24.63 Z1.61 Tax