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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1918)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Fred Pillion was visitor in Jules burg Sunday. "While roller skating Sunday Majorie Marti fell' and sustained a fractured arm. For Sale A Holstoin Milk Cow, by Mrs. Ben 'Uooman. 77-2 Miss Graco Grimes want to Grand Island Saturday to-visit relatives for a few days. ' See the beautiful Jersey and the now Tclcoletto dresses in our north window. BLOCKS. Lost Locket pin with service flag on out sido. Reward given for return to this office. C. A' Wymnn returned the lattor part of last week from a visit in Den ver and Colorado Springs. Fresh Oil of Eucalyptus to sprinkle nround the house prevents Spanish influneza. Get it at THE REXALL DRUG STORE. Mrs. Mary Wright loft Saturay for Portland, Ore., where she will make a two month's visit with her daughter Mrs. Robert Armstrong. , Stenographer desires position. Phone Red 873. Harold Rurko returned to Lincoln Sunday utter visiting the homo folks for a couple of days. Ho has enlisted in the students' training school at the state university. Mrs. J. C. Orr and Miss Virginia Orr, wife and (laugher respectively of ticket agent Orr, arrived the latter part of last week from Cincinnati and will make this city their home". For Rent Furnished rooms. In quire Mrs. Lass, Walker Music Co. Leslie Bare went to Denver Friday night and Saturday enlisted ns chaffeur in the avaition corps for im mediate1 foreign service. Ho will bo called into the service within three we9ky . FOR RENT Two adjoining rooms in the Twlnom building. Suitable for of fice or sleeping quarters. See BRATT GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Bert Barber returned the latter part of last week from Omaha where he onlisted in the aviation corps. He ex pects to be called within the next three weeks. We have sold more coats and suitf this season so far than ever before. , Do you know why? Because wo de liver the goods at the right prices. BLOCKS. t Gustave Dahlstrom, formerly em ployed by the Louden grocery, died at Denver Saturady morning of Spanish influenza The remains were brought to this city for interment Sunday. Jersey dresses! The rage of the season. The kind every merchant tells you they are unable to get. We've got them and wo have plenty of them to choose from. Come in and see them at BLOCKS. Guy Granger who was to have left for Ft.. Sill, Oklahoma, Saturday night has been granted a deferment by reason of the serious illness of his mother at Omaha. Guy went to Omaha Sunday. Two acreage lots for sale, just nino blocks east of Dowey St. Each have cement sidewalks and power. Price f 950. 00 each. WM. E. SHUMAN. Henry Olson has returned from Omaha whore he visited Ills wife who is in a hospital following an opera tion. Mrs. Olson is getting along nicely and will be able to return home in a week or ten days. Beware of Influenza Steam's Ze Pyrol is the best germicide for mouth and throat Infection. For sale only at GUMMERE-DEXT DRUG CO School Dist. 44, south of tho river, found itself short a gate to tho yard one morning last week. TITo aid of the sheriff was invoked and the pate was returned. The name of the implicated party has been withheld for the pres ent. Lost Bunch of keys between 4th and 6th on Dewey' Finder please return to this office nnd receive re ward . The local board is now sending out -classification cards to all those who have returned their questionnaires. Not all the questionnaires have been returned, but thosd remaining in the hands of registrants is very small in number. FOR SALE We can sell the five room house at CIS South Willow street for $2000. A partial payment of $300 and monthly payments of $25 will buy this property. See BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Loren Hastings, who is a member of tho student training corps at the state university camo up Friday to visit his parents for a couple of days. He returned Sunday and yesterday donned the, United States military uni form. Wanted Furnishedhouso or house keeping roqms Dr. Shaffer, Phone 241 At a meeting of the P. E. O. at tho home of Mrs. F. W. Rlncker Wednesday afternoon it was voted to buy $100 worth of Liberty Bonds. Red Cross work will occupy tho time of tho members at the regular meetlrigs hereafter. A cutter nnd table was donated to the Red Cross work room. For Sale Good horso power hay baler. N. M. Pettlt, North Platte, six miles east of state farm. 75-4 Adrian Plzer, a cousin of Julius Pizer of this city nnd a brother of Phil Pizer, of Lewellen, who enlisted in Company E in this city and went from hero to Cody, was killed in no tion in France September 12th, this word being convoyed to relatives by the war department Saturday. Adrian was sent overseas last May and was soon thereafter sent to tho front Whllo in Company E ho was appointed a non-commissioned officer, but in order to hurry his going overseas re signed his position to become a prlv ato so as to bo included in an early shipment of troops. $100.00 Reward for information leading to the arroet and conviction of tho porson or porsons who entered my pastureo on 19-16-29 Myrtle Procinct, Sept. 21st or 22nd and shot and killed two head of my cattlo. JOHN A. JACKSON. 71-4 PfirfV fr fonn in n t.nnHhn- ..ltt in Grnnd Island yestordny. W. P. Snydor returned Saturday, from a business trip to Codnr Rapids, I Iowa. , , , , ,,,, , .. ' JUfK. Wnnknr. nf Wlllliiir to flin .i f .,. .' . V , CtlOSt at flin nnnin nf Mrn. Mnrv T.nml ' VT i I r . . : , graf. havinc arrived vostonlnv mom- nig. I . . w V Throat sprays nnd gnrgloe of nil liliwla of flirt RVY ATT. TUTT1 envmt i , . n . , , I i.n. i; ..i n i "w. cuy, nnu mm in viow or t ie rap u Mr- bep 'H?,1 Pnrent' Mr' am spread of tho disease elsewhere and Mrs. Chas. Lchelborry for severaljtho largo fatality per contngc In some Countv CominlsRtniiPr v.. IT. Rnrlnt or wns mil nil in Phllmlnl'nliln Cntnr. - - iw a itaiii, li ttv kjll III i I day night by the death of his mother, who had been an Invalid for n voar or more. Leo Wood nnd son, who nro resld nn7r( iinin ..7 1. .... i, frieild.1'. Mr.' UVlnil Wna n fnrmnr North PlntVn rn lrnn.l innti niH ii(ll I v.V in V. i . ... North Plntto rnllroad man and will bo remembered by many of our people ir 1AIinitilinii,l 1. .. 1 I ...o. vjiuuuiii UUUCI, inutile I Birkinshfiw. wlm lmil li Mrs. Graham Duder. neo Nettie f . ..1S biiv (UVkl oi :irs. Asa anyuer, was called to her home In Ottawa,, I ll., Saturday by the buuucu ueain oi nor sister-in-law. alia yesterday to help out tho Liberty luaii coinmuee. imiss uoroiny mnman went to tho same 'place for the same purpose this morning. MISS S.imll Kollv. wlln liitu nnnltml for a commission for Red Croswork overseas. Hiirrosafullv nnacnil Hm "physical examination and will go to - t. . . uiuuim some uay tins weeK for llnnl examination, For Sale Dullard residence. Good furnace, modern throughout. If you want a fine home close in hotter call at once. j. E. EVANS Paul Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Simon, and Edwood Rocnrs. roh of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C Rodgera left at noon yesterday for Kearney to en ter tho federal vocational training school at the state normal. Mr. and Mra. V AT. Unaklna nnmo over from Stnpleton yesterday to nu meir son win, wno arrived name on furlough last evening. Will is a mem ber of a submarino crow1 stationed at Bridgeport, Conn. For Rent-Store building at 8th and Locust Std. after', Sept. 10th. Mrs. M.E. Gregg", 505 ;So.'Ghostnut. Phone Black 853. ' GStf I have one of tho best hill sections for sale nt a reasonable price. Good cement house, barn, cistorn, 200 acres under plow, all fenced. If you want a good place come and see me. J. E. EVANS. ' : :o: : "DEAR FOLKS: You have heard, of course, that the Government cannot undertake this year to transport Christmas gifts to the men In France. The space these gifts would take up must be given over to materials and supplies more necessary to the carrying on of tho war. Mnnv nf thnsn whn linvo linnn iilmi ning to send gifts abroad will be ...UK iu acini gins iiuiuuu wm uu greatly disappointed. With you, how- ever, tho outlook is more hopeful, Vr11 Y rrtfia ttl1 n rtrt n n iHn!l Your gifts will bo sent to a training camp over nere. mil you must realize that the men now in camps on this side are being sent across every. week uiu uuuifj bbiu across every.. weeK uuijuau miL in i. iiuni uni ai u i (llfflfactail olil.l.l nml.nnT. f n T7. .... .... I im.w3n.u otiuuiu uiuuuin iui v l liuuu I next week! Plans of this nature do not reach the men until the last mom eni. it is 'possible even prohame- .....t 11 ju,i VIUIUJ BCIUIIK llllll V.1II1SI- mas gift j'our opportunity to give It will be lost. The men of tho latest ...til ...... 1 . .. .... : . iii ouuu JIUUIIIIK JlllU II1U uoiiiuiua Ull wiiu WllH pOHHUSSed OI 111 nnii.iio mi.l n.t. ........ I.n I .1... I , n 1.1n n M f . . uu .uum iiinoi uu iiiiiuu iui them by sending trained troops across We must earnestly ndvlse you, then, fn'l.ltl. 1.01,1. irlf TTrTITl VAUf 1 to'lmv vnnr trlfln T? IdTlT VOW nml an to it that they are received before it v v mm. Plw' U V til V LftllJ preparedtd ""serve you in the matter of selecting a gift for'ono in ,the ser vice. Our stock embraces a generous variety of useful, durable and compact articles that the men are delighted to get. We won't attempt hero to toll you of all the things we have rather wo urge you to stop in just as soon as you possibly can for an inspection. We ywill do everything in our power to assist you in choosing something that "ho" will be glad to get and he will also appreciate your efforts to insure him against a giftless Christ mas. Your very truly, C. S. CLINTON. Joweler and Optician. At the Sign of the Big Ring. , : ;o: : Money fo Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to lonn on farms nnd ranches, interest pay able nnnunlly with prlvllego of pay Ing pnrt or all nt any time. Loans closed promptly. No delny. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Congressman M. P. Klndnid, Re publican candidate for re-election. By voico and voto has trlven his un- 1HIU.111H.U Buppuri iu ovury war mens- ,r , .1 '.uo. ni'vvuj '""- rri!Tlnn rf tlm -wot until 1. Anrvi.. t forced to an unconditional surrender C lilt i W t t? mil 1 ft mil f 3 IVlk CHURCHES ORDERED CLOSED. A special mooiug of tho city council nnd the board of health was hold yos- terday foronoon nnd it was ordered 1.. .. . ... ... .. ... . 1 Ulal 1,10 ci scnoois, picture snows .. . ... nnu cmircucs ciose lor a poriou 01 . t. IWIJ '.l.. ment uy City Piiyslcinn Keanehl that frmil IhlrfV-flvn in flftv nti a A a tt Spanish Influenza had developed in the bi'cuuiis ui wio country, uio council and the board of health was n unit In sections of the country, tho council favor of omniovlnp nvnrv nrnriinf Inn- favor of employing every precaution- J nr' uieasitro SftVnrnl nf flin uliv&lnlnna ln(nr viewed yestordny brought out tho In formation that each had several cases 01 1110 "iseaso minor treatment, but i. .i - nono of tli o ensos ot tno disease itiulor treatment, hut r.CaCnetl 1110 PHOUIUOIIIC Or (Inilgpr- 'iii reacn 0us stneo T -a-- At the council meeting yesterday the following formed notice wns is- sued : Notlrn in Tin. Pnlillc 1 Rules ndlnplp'J by the Board of Health of the citv nt X'nrfli PI a meeting held. October 7, 191S ii is nereuy ordered Hint all Inside public gatherings, schools, churches, lodues. nlctliro shows nml nil nllinr places where peoplo congrgntc In numbers, be closed for a porlod of two weeks unless sooner cancelled by Board of Health of said city. It is further ordered flint nil linnm whore Spnnlsh Influenza Is reported shall be placarded and rooms In all hotels and rooming houses bo placard ed and that all houses be funiignted after the disease has disappeared. It is further ordered that people be not allowed to eonurocntn In flin hnulnnou houses In nny large numbers nnd all pnysicians ami persons arc Hereby required to report all cases ot Spanish Influenza to tho cifv nhvslni nil nn ennti as possible after the disease appears. io persons nnving Spanish Influenza shall ho taken to the civillnn hospitals. Tho symptoms arc burning of tho eyes, snoozing, coughing, aching Joints, sore throat, vomiting, and sore ness of chest and lungs. And it is further Ordered that all people smother sneering nnd coughing in a handker chief. And nttenitcn Is hereby called to the ordinance against spitting on the sidewalk and the police nre givon orders to enforce tho same. It is recommended that when tho symptoms nbovo mentioned appear, persons having tho same should at once cnll a physician. And it is fur ther recommended that all peoplo post pone visits to other cities. By order of tho Board of Health of North Plntte. Nebraska. HENRY WALTEMATH, Mayor. J. B. REDFIELD, City Physician. J. H. STONE. President of Council. JOHN JONES. Chief of Police. ATTEST: O. E. ELDER. City Clerk. o: PIONEER WOMAN PASSES AWAY SUNDAY FORENOOjN'. nn. iv. . luuiui, ior ioriy-iour years a resident of Lincoln county, nnd one cf the city's most talented V'rtlimM tlnnnn.1 --. . A 1 1 AT.. . . nr n mi 0 . - women, pnssed mvay at her homo on West Sixth Street shortlv hnfnrn nliin o'clock Sunday morning. Death was " w dropsical aiiection with which duo 10 dropsical aftectlon with which mm ijutru iiiiiiciuti ior several 1.... 1. .. . .. .. , . . "ivuiua, uu. ii iiis uuiy I WO wOOltS ago that her condition become such as to uuuse luuuivL's m ienr a iiigut oi tno soul. iliu 11UIU1U1 WUH IlUld III 1U;.SU tlllS forenoon at the Malonoy Co. chapel, Tho passing away of Mrs. Rltner . ... The funeral was held at 10:30 this iiwi.ijitiuiu uiiuiy us IS UllOSlCd Oy 1110 fact that when she camo to Lincoln county in 1S74 from Elmira, N. Y.. tfl.r. ... . ....1. 1 1 1 n . , i) - iHuuiuBuu liinu iioriuwesx oi town and opened a ranch and nt one time nan a nig nerd ot cattlo. Mrs. Rltner devoted much of linr flmn in flin u'nl fare of others and particularly was this trilO Of Ullfnrtlinntn nrnlinn n-lrla who wore taken Into her homo and provided for until suitable hbmes for them could bo found. In this alio wns probably Influenced by her own ex! perence. for she wns left tmronthmu n. tho age of two years, but fortunately in ner caso tnero were influential relatives. Mrs. Ritner was born near Cleve land, Ohio, October 2, 1845. She wns educated In a cirls' school nf. Kimtm N. Y.. and 111 lRfi4 wnn mnrpln.l Alexander M. nnmlnll. fnr governor of Wisconsin, embassador to 'tome, ana postmaster general under rresiueni Lincoln, it wns followin the death of her husbnnd that Mrn Ritner than Mrs. Randall, came to Lincoln county and began a runch life. In 1885 sho wns united in mar riage to Wm. n. lilt nor. nnrl -vu li n latter erected tho Rltner Houso sho camo to town nnd nnsumnd nlmrcn The life of Mrs. Rltner was full of christian acts; she was, before becom ing enfeebled, especially active In church work nnd her passing away is deeply regretted by her old-time friends and by tho many alio had be friended In the years gone by. ::o:: Mothodlst Society Elects Officers. Tho first regular meeting of tho Methodist aid society for tho new year waB held Thursday afternoon at tho church parlors. A reception was givon for Mr. and Mrs. Hess, a largo attendance of tho ladles being present during tho afternoon. Tho olection of officers for tho following year result ed in tho following: Mrs. M. E. Scott president, Mrs. Wnlter Crook vlco-presldont, Mrs. B. B. Boatman secretary, Mrs. Maymo Langford treasurer, : to' Sammy Glris Report. The Sammy Girls make tho follow ing roport of their recelpta and dis bursements during tho four days of tho recent count fair. Tho total re ceipts wero $2,704.48. There was paid out for vegetables $9.00, for candy and fruit $273.40. for Ico cream $50.29, for pop $108.15, for cigars $83.95, for broad, pies, otc. $50.95, for meats $37.15, donation to canteon servico $015.15, leaving tho Snmmy Girls n balanco of $1,525.22. ::o:: Keep your stomach, livor and bowels in ETOOd condition If vnn ivnnlil hnvn health. Prickly Ash Bitters cloansoa and strengthens theso organs and noips tno system to res st d sense i A . . germi Pri"o $1 25 per bottle. Gum- mere-Dent Co , Fpeclnl Agents. APPEALS TO lUt ESI DENT .TO )MSQ AllOUT PEACE. Amsterdam, Oct. G. The text of the note forwarded by the Iriiperlnl German Chancellor, Trlnce Maximil ian to Prosident Wilson through tho fawiss government follows: "Tho German government requests me i're3Ulont of the United States to take in hnnd tho rostorntlon of penco, acqunlut all the belligerent states of this requost and invite them to send plenipotentiaries for tho purpose cf opening nogctlntlons. "It nccopts tho program set forth hv the President of tho United States in his inossngo to Congress on January , ami in his inter pronouncements. especially his gfpocch of Soptomher 27, as a basis for peace nogotlntlons. "With n view to avoiding further bloodshed, thq Gorninn govornmont requests the lmmodinte conclusion of nn armistice on land and water and In the air." It Is announced Hint Turkev will take a similnr step. ::o:: KAISER NOTIFIES HIS ARMY OF TEUTON PEACE OFFER. Emperor William Sunday Issued a proclamation to tho Gorninn nrmv and navy In which, nfter announcing' uini tno .Macedonian front had crum bled, he declared that ho had decided, In nccord with his allies, again to of for pence to the enemy . The text of the Emperor's proclnm ntion reads: "For months past tho onoiny with enormous exertions nnd nlniost with out pnitBO in the fighting has Btormed against your lines. In weeks of tho struggles, often without repose, you hnve had to porsovero and resist a numerically far superior enemy. Therein lies tho grentnoss of tho task which hns been sot for you and which you -are fullfilllng. Troops of all tho tJonnan states aro dolus: their nnrt and are herocially defending tho fnth- erinnu on roreign sell. Hard Is tho task. "Mv navy Is holding its own ngnliiRt tho United enemy nnval forcos and Is unwaveringly supporting tho army in us 'iiiucuit struggle. "The eyes of those nt homo rest with pride and ndmirntlon on the deeds of tho nrmy and navy. I express to veil the thanks of myself nnd the father land. "Tho collapse of tho Mncedonlnti front has occurred In the midst of the hardest struggle. In nccord with our aliiOR I have rosolved once moro tr otter penco to tho enemy but I will only extend my hand for nn honornhle peace. We owo that to the heroes who have laid down their lives for the raiuenaiid, nnu wo mnko that our dutv to our children. "Whether arms will bo lowered Is a question. Until then wo must not sincKen. Wo must, ns hitherto, oxorf all our strength unwenrily to hold our ground against the onslnughtor of our enemies. "The hour Is grave, but, trusting to your strength nnd In God's gracious neip, wo icei ourselves to bo strong enough to uerend our ueloved Father laidi" . GERMANY HAS ' LAUNCHED NEW PEACE PROPOSAL, A powerful movement Is annaronth under way in Germnny for a general nrmistico ana pence. The new Ger man chancellor. Princo Mnxlmillnn of undon, Is reported to hnve proposed. or to no on tho eve of proposing, n genernl suspension of hostilities, tho appoinment or plenipotentiaries to meet nt n neutral place for tho Hs ciiHslon of a league for arbitration nml disarmament and tho forwnrdlng of n request to the entente nines for their terms. It Is furthermore roported that the German chancellor has expressed this willingness to nccopt President Wilson's fourteen peace conditions. Willingness to Join a league of nn tlcns on n basis of equal rights was derlarcd by Chancellor Maximilian In bin address. He also proposed com- Y3 lnn,n n,nS! nt Hm nro. dur,,lg Dleto rehabilitation of Belgium nnd tho mIlh- T,' m1:08 wl" ctunto immedinte establishment of ponulnr according to the receipts on tho mar representative bodies in the Baltic Kot nn,l.a,sT? according to tho grade of provinces of Lithunlnn and Poland. , f 10 ,?p- B"t at the end of thq month AiiBtrin-Hungnry thvu its minister iho h,cnK sis should bo tho figure nt Stockho in. Is reouestinir thn Swml- sh government, nccordlg to advices from Berne, to transmit to President ilsoii a proposal for a general nrm istico with tho entente nllles on lnnd nnd sea and In the nlr and start with out delay negotiations for peace. These negotiations aro to bo Issued on tho terms sot forth by President Wil son . A now peace note to bo Issued by Huron Burian, tho Austro-Hungnrlan foreign minister, It Is nnnounced, will doclaro that all of President Wilson's terms havo been ncceptcd by the dunl monarchy. And finally, from Borno ( nines the nnnounconient thnt Ger mnny, Austria-IIungnry nnd Turkey, intend simultaneously to np'pronch President Wilson with the object of having htm make representations to tho other entente nllles for a genornl nrmistico nnd negotiations looking to peace. : :o: : Rut rayed. Estrayod from tho S. W. McDer mott pnsture nhout ten miles south of tho city on Mondny ovoning of last week, two cows, ono or both branded on left Bido with opon A L bar on re versed circle nnd bar on left shoulder Notify S. W. McDormott, phono 7S8F031. 77.4 : :o: : Whllo making a short turn In tho road In a Ford car Just north of town Saturday a party of five from north of Sutherland mot with qulto a serious urcldont when tho car turend ovor twice. Wltnosses of tho nccldent Bald tho speed limit was being exceeded. Ono young Indy suffered a brokon col lar bono nnd another n brokon arm. Wo did not loam tho nnmos of tho injured pnrtlos but they wero tnken hack to Sutherland In nnothor car. Tho Ford was badly damnged. Iler--hoy Tlmos. Notice of Snlo. Notice Is horoby givon that on Sat urday, tho 9th day of November. 1918, at tho rosldonco of Dnniol McNIcklo. in Wnlker nroclnct. in Lincoln cotin- iy, Nohrnska, nt 2 o'clock in tho aftor- I noon, I will offer for sale to the hlgh--t biddor for cash, ono rod cow, sup posod to bo nbout four years of age, 1 aid cow to bo Bold as nn estray. , Dated this 4th day of October. 1918. I J. M. FOUDER, Justice of the Pcaco USE BLACKLEGOIDS TO VACCINATE AGAINST BLACKLEG SIMPLE :: SAFE :: EFFECTIVE No do to measure. No liquid to spill. Ko string to rot. Simply a little pill to bo Inlactetl under the skin Write for free Dooklttn on "Illnf kltg nml How (o l-rtvcnt It" imiiiiiiiiwiiW FOR SALE BY Stone's Drug Store. LIBERTY BOND SCUSCRIIIERS ARE BUYING THESE THINGS. We have nearly two million moil in Frnnco. Every aubscribor to tho Llborty Loan helped send thorn thorc. For nrtlllory, automatic rifle, and smnll nrms, nnd for nnunuiilttlon for thorn, wo hnve spoilt over $3,700,000, 000. Every Liberty Lonn subscriber helps to arm our soldlors. Wo hnve spent over $120,000,000 Just for stnplo supplios for our nrmy, sucli ns flour, bacon, rlco, otc. Every subscriber to tho Liberty Loan holps feed our soldlors. Wo hnvo spent ovor $500,000,000 to clothe oij,r soldiery. Every BUbscrlbor to tho Llborty Loan has had a part in this care of tho Amoricnns who aro fighting in Franco. ::o:: Liberty Loan Notes. Oversubscription of tho Fourth Lib erty Loan will cause grlof on tho Rhino 'nnd Jubilation along tho win ning side of the battle line In Franco. One of the good things Hint will not stop with the wnr is tho attontlon Americnn people hnvo learned to glva to diet nnd their correction of tho fault of wnstlng fcod stuff. Write to tho boys In France, nnd whon yen write tell thoni you hnve hot another Liberty Bond. Nothing en courages them so much an to be re-1 minded that wo at homo nro right bo-1 hind them. Don't think becnuse the sum Is (5 1 Billion Dollars your $100 luvosted In n Bond will not bo needed. Every $100 1 Bond and ovory $50 Bond will be needed. Every Aiuorlcnn should hnvo, a part In making tho Fourth Liberty Loan n success. It Is highly significant that tho first f voluntary cash-down subscription to to the Foutr Liberty Lonn in Kansns! City, Kns., should come from a soldlori on tho Martlo lino iii Franco. L'iout, Alfred Firsteiihorger sent his monov. by mnll from tho hondnuartors of thei Hfifll nivlHlnn (ll flin fnarrna annin ' that it might do its bit whllo ho wns fighting. ::o:: October Price for Hogs. Eighteen dollars nnd fifty cents per hundred, Chicago-linsis, Is a fair piico for hogs mnrkotod In OctObor, accord ing to- announcement of Gurdon W. Wnttlos, Federal Food Administrator for Nebraska. Tills price is nindo to cover hogs farrowed after tho announcement last fall Tiy Jthc Fodd Administration thnt an avorngo of price of thirteen tinios the value of tho corn fed would bo a price.. , "We do not expect that tho set price will maintain from day to day," said Mr. Wattles. "But tho avorngo should , JUl' l" purciiuHos. Tho Food Administration nlso nn- nounces thnt it will attempt to mnln- af n a mlnlmun of not less thnn S15.50 per hundred ns long ns tho wnr lasts. Naturally tho prices will In the main bo much grenter."- Docs your stomach feel bloated after eating? Do you hnvo sour risings, heartburn, spells of dizziness, nnd constipated bowols? If so, Prickly Ash Bitters is the medicine for you. It Is exnetly suited for such disorders. Prlco $1.25 per bottle. Gummore-Dont Drug Co., Special Agents. FOR SUPREME JUDGE JUDGE ERNEST B. PERRY OF CAMBRIDGE Clean, able, fvurless. Oinaliii Bee. Remarkably fit timber.--Lincoln State Journal. The west three-fourths of tho stnte Is entitled to nt leust one Judge. World-IIernld. ?2.-.0( Jtewnrd Given for in formation leading to arront nnd conviction of tho party or pnrtloe who ontorcd my houso whllo Hbsent. , W. V. GATES. EAT! Drive Away the Chill With a' Gas Room Heater North Platte Light MPower Co WE HAVE NO COMPETITION Yet we are paying more than ever for all Kinds of Junk 2 and 2lic per pound for Rags. L. LIPSHITZ NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.' (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflicc. Phone 68 A modern institution fur tha icientific treutmnt of medical, surgical and confinement casei. Completely equipped X-Rny and dlufcnuBtlc laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redficlt), M. D. J. S. SIMMS, H.D; DEEKYBEItliY & FORBES, Llconsod Embamora Undortakors and Funeral Dlroctora Bay phono '11 Night phono Black 5S8 Keforeo Sale, Notice Is horoby givon that by vlr tuo of an ordor of W. C. Dorsoy, Judgo of tho District Court of Pholps County, Nebraska, mndo on tho flrat day of October, 1918, in an action ponding in said court, whoroln Ilonry Swedoll, ot ul. aro plaintiffs and Nora Wilson, ot nl. aro defendants, direct ing tho salo of tho real estuto here inafter described, I will soil at tho front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska, at 10 o'clock, a. m. on tho 11th day of November, 1918, at public salo for cash to tha highost biddor, tho follow ing described real ostato, to-wlt: All that portion of tho south hal (SVi) of section thirty-six (SG), In towiiBhlp fourteen (14), in Lincoln County, Nob. which lies south of tho right ot way of tho Union Pacific Railroad, and also tho northwest (NW.4) quartor of flection thirty-flvo (35), In township fourteen (M), all north, In rango thlr-ty-ono (31), west of tho Gtu P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska; said land to bo sold sepnratoly and said salo to bo held open for ono hour. Dated this 3rd day ot Octobor 1918. 08-N8 G. NOBGERO, Roforoo. 1 n