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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1918)
How Much Would You Give To Win the War. That's tho question bolnsr put to ) today. How nmcli lire you mIIIIiik to give1 to lime the war finished up In n Jmrry Germany Hie World made n decent plnco to Ihc In our boys liack homo a ilctnroloiiH - and Just nonce tliroiiKliout the world I Tho Fourth Liberty Loan Is the lilft Best fclngle factor In iiccomiIJsliln& nil this. It brings right square up to every man and woman "How much would you gho to help win Uio warT' You know you would jrhe more than 1 lid amount of liberty liouds you lime already subscribed for. C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician At tho .Sign of the Jllg vltliiff. . . DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stnt Bank. LOCAL AND 1'EBSONAL Mrs. Hugh Bird was tho gnost of frlonds In Sutherland Sunday . Fresh Oil of Eucalyptus provonts tho spread of Spanish Flu. Got It froBh nt tho ItEXALL DIIUO STORE. Mrs. Wm. Pcarsnll and MIbs Violet Steole wort guests of friends In Julcs burg Sunday. Will SlmnntH and J. C. Aslcwig wcro business vlBltorB In Grand Is land yesterday. , fj. Mrs. John Ottonstoln left Sunday for a visit with her daughter Mrs. Teck at Erie, Ponn Mr. and Mrs. IU- L. Graves, who had boon visiting In town for ton days, loft for Omaha ycstorUay. Miss Katherlno Feathers, of Ogalal la, arrived Sunday for a visit with hor sister Mrs. K.G. "Weston. Jerry Bowon, of 'Arthur, was In town yoBtorday onrouto homo from a trip In Michigan and Illinois,. For Farm Loana soo Gono Crooic, Itoora west of VIonna Cafo. Tho Royal Neighbors will moot In regular session Wodnoaday nfternoon nt thrco o'clock at tho K. P. hull. Tho mooting of the Catholic Girls club announced for this week at tho homo of Mrs. Gcorgo Vosbolpkn, has m-mi niHoiiiineiy postponed . r HA'TftTIIHASUltY OFFICIALS. , ( 'jj F. L, N$Ioonoy, district chairman of the .Fourth Liberty Loan, reddfVed the following ftjelegrnm yesterday after noon irom Kansas City: - - . i i "Don'r let nubile optimism ; from' present glorious news slow down yoUi4 rniannltrn Tenth illfttrlct nocrts III t V million dollars every day tins woeu. May we depend upon you doing your fun naru Wm. A. WROE, Ex. SscVy lQth Dirt," Tho fact that the beginning of Ui end Of the war has arrived does not mean that the government does net need every cent of tho six million dollars for which a campaign Is being waged this week. Tho facts arc that four and one-half of these six billions have already been spent for muni tions, ship building, pay of soldiers and other war expenses, and even If ho tllltles closed tomorrow the govern ment would need not only tho six billions, but a billion or two more to square up the war oxpenses. There will be nt least ono more Liberty loan after tho present ono and no Lincoln county man or woman who mado up his or her mind to sub scribe for a certain sum of bonds shoold decrease the amount originally planned to Invest. Tho boys overseas are doing wond erful work, they nre driving the Huns back ns they were nover driven before and we at home should enter this Fourth Llhorty Loan campaign with ns much vim and enthusiasm aa tho boys arc displaying over In France. Bcforo Saturday evening the people of Lincoln county must subscribe for $00(5,000 worth of bonds ot tho boys overseas will havo a right to call us slackers. And not only will thoy re gard as slackers, but when they come homo thoy will brand us deep with the word "sln'cker" and thnt brand will nover wear off. People of Lincoln county you havo a duty to perform this week. Will you do It? : :o. . . llelglati Relief Shipment Thirteen big boxes of Belgian relief goods, weighing flG40 pounds wore shipped out Saturday. This Is more than double tho quota allotted to tho comnilttoo. Mrs. Ditrbln, who was one of those having chargo of the Work, Informs us that the quality of the garments contributed wns unusually good. Tho committee fools vqry grate ful to citizens for the liberal man ner In which they contributed. ::o:: , Mr. and Mrs. ChaB. Dixon return ed yesterday morning from a ton-dny visit in Omaha and Dos Moines. In a fight Saturday aftornoon with a fellow workman, Frank Sullivan, tho-plumbor,, wns badly cut on the hend with a piece of pipe wielded by tho other follow. The encouutor took plnco whllo tho men wero at Avork In the annox of the Hotel McCahe. In tho county court yesterday was heard tho enso nf .TnmnH n rnin against Mra. F. M. Marshall and Mrs. a. i , lowne, liotli or May wood where In tho plaintiff sought to recover $200 damages arising from an auto collis ion on north Locust street a couple of weoks ago. Uso Antiseptic solution to spray tiro throat. Prevent Spanish influenza. For snlo nt THE REXALL DRUG STORE. Memorial Borvicb to Henry Bockner, who was killed in services In France In July, was hold at tho Prosbytorian church Sunday ovonlng. Tho decoasod for a number of years lived with Mr. and Mrs. Frcul Payno and was employ ed at the Btato farm at tho time ho wns called to service Boworo of Influenza Steam's Ze Pyrol Is tho best germlcido for mouth and throat Infection. For sale only at uraiMKUia-msNT DRUG CO. NEWS ABOUT THE HOTS WHO ARE IN SERVICE. All Records Broken -Never in the history of this store have we sold so many shoes as .we are selling now. Why? Simply because we give you your money's worth. With our many Shoe Markejs it enables us to give you the latest styles, colors an combinations at the lowest prices. Archie DI&coo', a Lincoln county registrant who was sent to the auto training school at Kansas City, has been seriously lfl with Spanish influenza. Paul Schwalper, who enlisted as a gas englno mechanic In the aero ser vice and Is now In France, has been transferred to a cold storago plant. located noar Paris. Wm. Thompson, of Sutherland, received word that his son, Wm. B. Thompson, Is quite sick with Spanish lnlluenza at the base hospital at Camp Humphrey, Virginia. Frank Coates and family had ii lat ter from their son Fay who is in Franco. He Is well and In good spirits Ho had been on out-post duty and was stationed CO feet from the Ger man trenches. John M. Thompson, of Sutherland, wns transferred to Camp Shorman, Ohio, whore he will help train a nia chlifo gun company of tho 380th In fantry. Ho reports the whole camp In quarantine for Spanish intluonza. Paul Tobln, of Donver, a former North PIntte boy, died at Camp Qrnnt, 111., Thursday of Spanish lnlluenza. Ho had been nt that camp but three weeks. Paul was a nephew of Mrs. John Herrod of this city.- II. L. Alnley, mayor of Brady, cashier of the Bank of Brady and captain of the Brady Homo Guards, loft Thursday night for an artllloy officers' training camp near Louis ville, Ky. Edwin Kelliher, son of John D. Kolllher, of Maxwoll, was ono of tho crew of the U. S. S. Tampa, which Was torpedoed off tho coast of Eng land September 20th. His father was notified that Edwin was among the missing. Ernest Rincker has beon appointed a petty officers and delegated to go to Princeton college to go in training for assistant paymaster on a naval vessol. This probably means a permanent position In the navv should ho decide to continue in service after -the war has closed. M fl f jl nlll'n.l Cnit.M.ln. 4.1, - war rejmrimeni announced mat franK Macomher, who lives north of the liver and who left here as A member of Company E, had been seriously wounded in France. Frank was sent overseas last May. , Mrs. Jeff Evans received a lotter from her son Fred, written on the tnansport while on the way "across" stating that ho had been very ill with nppendlcitls for flvo days on the trip, and that his destination was the hospital as soon as he landed. Her-' shoy Times. Louis Godeker received a lettor from his son John who left for Camp uodgo In Juno and crosesd the sea In August. It Is believed he and a number of other Sutherland boys were on tho transport which was torpedoed as tnoy all speak or trouble gomg ovor In which their ship was damuged no is now in England nnd savsit is tho most beatiful country ho has ever seen and . that the people, are very kind to tho Amoricnn soldiers. :o:: NORTH PLATTE MAX UDUt AT KEARNEY AS EVADER. Tho Kearnoy Hub of Friday con tained this item: Tho police nro holding J. W. F. anNnttn, of North Platte,, who was .unable to produce n registration card When cnlled upon by the police to do so, Van Natta who was traveling east witn ins rnmily, camping along tho road, stnted at first that ho was forty one years old and when ordered o produce a registration card was un able to do so. IIo explained that ho had registered at North Platte and had failed to receive a card. The po lice, by phone, learned that VanN'ntta bad not registered in North Platte unu wiien ne was approacneu ogam on tho subject ho contended that he was forty-six years old and not sub ject to military Bcrvico. This state ment was also false, as proven by records in hands of tho Chief of po lice, nt least It does no corroborate with tho ago given by VnnNntta. when ho was married. Ho is being held for federal authorities. W. R. MALONEY CO., Agents. uijli 1 IV1 ! 1 f I If JM.U Great Qveia Improvement Saves Time Saves Food Saves Fuel Note that heat travels completely around our high oven on 4 sides, while with common type ranges heat travels on 3 sides only. Anyone can quickly see that this big improve- ment in oven construction gives a much quicker and more even baking oven and that it would prove a source of big fuel economy. There is no need to turn baking biscuits steaming on the table In half the time of the ordi nary range Pastry Rcasts-r Baking all browned perfectly with a big saving in time, food and fuel with oless Higli Oven (Patented) ange Large Baking Oven 18 Men's Shoes . $2.00 to $9.00 Ladies' Shoes . $2.95 to 12.00 Children's Shoes $1.45 to $4.50 Infant's Shoes . 60c to $2.25 I WE 'SAVE YOU MONEY ON SHOES. Bad breath is n symptom of n dis ordered stomach, and weak digestion. The remedy for It is Prickly Ash Hit ters. It purges tho stomnch and bowels of fermented food and impuri ties, sweetens tho breath, cjears the complexion nnd makes you feel flno. Prico $1.25 per bottle. Gummere-Dont Drug Co., Special Agents. .:o:: Statement of Ownership. (Required by tho Act of Congress of August 24, 1912.) I, Ira L. Rare, do solemnly swear that I am tho sole ownor, editor and publisher of tho North Platto Tribune, n seml-weokly nowspapor published at North Platto, Neb.; that there aro no bond holders, mortgagees or other socurlty holders, and that all right and tltlo fit snid newspaper rests In mo. IRA. L. BARE, Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this Eth day of October, 1918. W. H . MUNGER, Notary Public. My commission expires May 24, 1923. Sixty Stack's" oMIny Ilurn. Last Sunday trains set flro to hnv stacks along tho rlght-of-wny to the number of about sixty between North Platto and Sutherland In this dis trict Geo. Brownflehl was a heavy loser, his individual loss nrountlng to sixteen stacks. At tho present prico of hay and tho tirgont need of conservation for feeding purposes this ono day's loss will bo keenly folt in this community. Tho Bonding forth of a petition to McAdoo setting forth tho criminal nogllgonco on tho part of some trnin crows is boing freoly dis cussed on tho streets. Horshoy Times. Kstrny ifaro. Estrayed from my placo olght mllos north "of Ingham about the middle of August a bay maro two years old, with bald faco and whlto.hlnd feet. Roward will bo paid for return ot animal or for information leading to Its recovery. F R. BRESTIL, Ingham, Neb. Oven flues con nect firebox with oven flues triple walled. Polished top note the fuel saving Hot Blast Draft. Heavy boiler iron body. Heavy inside castings. Large handy ash pan. 1 I -gJ lillilS Mil bill: cfi I : ill 1 1 wm I il l! II I r 51 mm 447 Heat Rises This simple fact has taken advantage of in Cole's High Oven Range. It Saves the "waste or chimney beat" of the; ordinary range. Don't Delay Come in and let us show you this great range. St 1 THE FIGHTING DAI). By Rufus T. Strohm. I used to think, wjien I thought at all, Success was a wad of money, Or a front row in a senate hall, Or a king's crown ain't it funny? But my oyes aro opened now, an' easy, It's the gospel truth I'm wrltln'. Tho ono safe brand of success today It to win tho war wo re flghtin'. We can save our gold, we can lay it by ,Llke tho hoardln's of the miser, But we'll never spend it, you nnd I If we fall lo trim the kaiser. My blood, runs hot, an' I feel it burn, An' my temper gets to squirmln' To think oMiandln' tho dough I earn To a fat faced, square toed Gorman. An' so I'm strlvin' as best I can To avoid such circumstances. By doin' my work like an honest man An' tnkln' no foolish chances; For I've got a youngster over there JVho counts on mo as his backer, An' since he's wlllln' to do his share, I'm damned if I'll be a slacker. I jlon't give a cuss for a holiday Or tho old time union hours; I've sold my watch, an' I work away To tho limit of my powers. I'm tho flghtin' dad of a flghtin' son, An' hero on the job I'm stickln Till tho tilings we're battlin' for are Avon An we've handed Bill his lickin'. :o: : Sutherland 'ews. (From tho Courier.) Art Yates, tho genial proprietor of tho Inter-Ocean Garage bought the Keith section last week for which he paid $32,000.00. IIo Itends to make this an Ideal stock ranch and he al ways accomplishes what he starts out to do. Not satisfied with a section he also buys n quarter section of Hart men. Last Saturday when going to North Platto tho auto driven by their brother turned over when near Horshey and Mabel and Lottie Woodmen both re ceived fractured collarbones. They woro brought back to Sutherland whero Dr. Gordon reduced the frac tures. Thoy aro gottlng along as well ns could bo expected under tlx circum stances. Postmaster Cox, who for several years has had chargo of the Suther land Post-Office, has handed In his resignation to tako effect November 1st. Frank has mado a good official and ono thnt wo will all be sorry to havo quit his Job. Miss Freda Meyers will bo acting postmistress until a now ono Is appointed. Mrs. J. B. Crablll will bo her assistant. : :o: : For quick action and vnttsfactory ale list your land with Thoclcckc tf o Estrny Notice Takon up on or about August 21, 1918, In tho pasture of tho undersign ed a, heifer about three yearsold, white face, with horns, no brands. Ownor is xoquestod to call, provo property, pay charges and tako animal away,. GEORGE HALSEY, Wollfleet, Nob. DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopathic Physician K. of C. Ilulldlng NORTH PLATTE, 'EBR. Associated With Dr. Drost. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best reference I'm always dated ahead Phono nt my expense for dates OGALALLA, NEBRASKA Calls for physical examination will soon be Issued by the local board to all registrants who havo been classified. Beware of Influenza Steam's Zo Pyrol Is the best germlojde for mouth and throat Infection. For sale only at GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO. pi"" A- V ii:1""" Mimi'iiMiimillyiiiniiiiiiiiiM f r 1 . ,'.; -'in. 1 " fif .ulC't.. iiiir "X; WSJ !1 533 w What is the Cool, Clean Klenzo Feeling ? 5T IS a freshness like a spring morning on a mountain peak. It spreads over your teeth and tongue. But it's more than a fla vor it's a testimony of thorough cleanness cleanness that has extended to the countless little taste nerves and has freed them of the sticky mouth secretions. Any wonder your breakfast tastes better after you use Klenzo? Get a tube to try today, Rexall Drug Store DENTAL CREME FALL AND WINTER APPLES Now is the time to buy Ben Davis Winesaps Genets,. Missouri Pippin Grimes Golden Varieties Glenburnie Fruit Farm M. H. WOODMAN, Proprietor SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA