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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1918)
.y NEWTON D. BAKER. Secretary of War The supreme moments of our struggle with; Germany have now come. - We have carried our first armies across three" thousand miles of ocean and joined the issue of battle with the military power of a nation that has been for forty years preparing its plans and its weapons for its present attempt to dominate the world. We have had to put forth an immense effort and spend a fabulous sum in order to make, in so short a time, an adequate beginning for our gigantic task. But it is only our beginning. We must follow it with greater energy and support it with increasing power. Men, munitions, ships and supplies must go to Europe in a larger and larger stream. We must redouble our blows and add constantly to the strength of those blows, if our initial effort is not to be wasted. Means That Our Fourth .Liberty Loan Must Be Larger m Its Predecessors, More Enthusiastically Sup ported and More Quickly Than Ever Subscribed Wealth and treasure are this land's possessions. We 1' are proud to think that this is largely so because the divine principles upon which life, liberty' and happiness are predicated have been in diligence and good fortune our earnest precepts, But as this great estate was in, the making, we had And so as you inscribe your name upon a subscrip tion blank for Liberty Bonds to-day, your, hand pours forth the treasure of the land, which returning will bring back with it fourfold the treasures of Heaven, life, liberty and happiness, and the gratitude of men saved from servitude and degradation OF THE Writteu by I. R. Parson ID STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Thi Space Contributed to Winning the War by Wilcox & Hnlllgan $7,001 Hoagland & Hoagland 7.00 Dr. Rodftold 4.00 Dr. Korr 4.00 Dr. Twinom 4.00 Dr. McCabo 4.00 Dr. Lucas 4.00 Hollman & Sobastiau 7.00 Goldon Rulo 0.00 Boolor & Crosby 7.00 riatto Valloy Bank 8.00 McDonald Stato Dank 8.00 First National Bank 8,00 Wilcox Dept. Store 0.00 D. & P. Shoo Storo 5.00 Buclinnnn & Patterson 7.00 Gono Crook COO P. A. Carson 4.00 W. R. Malonoy 7,00 u. J. X'nss 4.00 Loudor More. Co COO 4.00 5.00 A. N. Lamb Aksarbon Land Co. Fldolity Rosorva Co 8.00 John Horrod 5.00 Tlio Hub Storo , G.00 Tlw Owl Cato 5.00 Dr. Smith 3,00 H. A. Donolson 5,00 Goodman & Buckloy 7. 00 Dr. Dont , 4,00 A, F. Fink 4.00 McMlchaol Bros. ' 7.00 I'ouios Bros 4,00 C. M Nowton 4,00 Stono Drug Co "4,00 Boat Laundry . 4.00 W. A. Sklnnor 4.00 J. W. Payno 4.00 C. C. Hupfor 5.00 North Pla'tto Vulo. Co 3.00 Allcon Gnntt 3.00 Shoo Market 5.00 J. W. Edminsteu 5.00 J. V. Romigh 5.00 Win. Waltemnth 7.00 Grangor More. Co 7.00 I. S. Stobblns 3.00 Brodbock.& Son 5.00 II. M. Bortor, 5.00 Dr. W. F. Crook 4.00 MoVlckor Millinery 4. 00 Emll Morsohotd , 4.00 Edmund NDlckoy 4.00 Pulaco Cnfa G.00 p. H. McEvoy 4.00 Dr. M. A. Amos 4.00 O. M. Austin G.00 II. A. Shin 4.00 Victor Bock 4.00 Tho dentists of our city have been wxom'pted fjjom subscribing to this fund unlosT" personally willing, as they havo and ar'o giving their pro fessional sorvico together with ma terial to tho government froo of charge. Derryborry & Forbos 7.00 Davis Auto Co 7,00 Hondy-Oglor Co 7. 00 Nyal Drug Storo ,. 4. 00 Roxall Drug Storo 4.00 Geo. Frater 4.00 Gummoro-Dont Co. . .. North SIdo Drug Store Dixon Jowolry Storo . Clinton JowelrS' Storo Horschfiold Clothing Co. Union Cafo , Hotel McCabo Llork & "Sandall Wcstonfold North Platto Lumbor Co. Coates Lumber Co W. W. Blrgo Co Piatt Whlto 0. H. Thoolecko North Sldo Hardware ... II. A. Brooks Studio ... Von Geotz Studio 1. A. Gilbert Johnson & Otton 4.00 4.00 6.00 COO coo , 5.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7,00 7.00 4.00 5.00 , J.00 .oo 3.00 , 4.00 , 5.00 Gus Huffman 5.00 John Den 5.00 O. E. Eldor 4.00 Chas. Eckloberry 4.00 Tho Sun Show 2.00 No. Platto Light & Powor Co... 4.00 North Platto Crcamory , 3.00 North Platto Milling Co 4.00 Loypoldt & Pennington 5.00 S. M. Soudor 3.00 A. J. Salisbury 4.00 Fred Marti r..... 5.00 Dorryborry & Forbes 4.00 Wm. E. Shuman 4.00 A. N. Durbln 7.00 Simon Bros C00 A. S. Allen ...... .00 J. L. Loudon.. COO a. w. numnier , , 4. 00 II. I. Block.. 5.00