The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 08, 1918, Image 1

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Ihl II i s Be
OCTOBER ,8, 1918,
No. 77
iwii I'
LlHKltTY 1.0 AX PAR A 1)11
4 i:xcuiiS previous efforts.
Last evonlng'a Liborty Loan 'parade
Htul demonstration surpassed in slao
effectiveness and enthusiasm any yot
glvon, and Tho Tribune accords to
the womon of the city a full measure
of credit for tho success. Every
woman's patriotic order or soctoty
was roprosonted; it was tho deft
hands of tho women who decorated
tho floats which so woll depicted the
societies they represented; It wag
with hearts in tune with tho patriot
ism of the hour and tho occasion that
those hundreds of womon, many of
thorn garbed in the uniform of tholr
-work, marched "in tho parade and by
their presence infused onthuslasm in
thoso men or women who had not yet
caught the spirit of doing their bit.
Tho handsomely decorated floats
represented tho Rod Cross, the Sammy
Girls, tho telophono employes, the D.
A. it. and tho W. It. C. In addi
tion several women's fraternal socie
tios were represented' in the line.
Tho parade extended for a distance
of oight blocks, marching in columns
of fours.
Preceded by tho Union Pacific shop
band of Omaha, theso several divisions
of women's societies and tho prettily
decorated floats headed tho parade,
followed by tho Municipal band, the
speakers accompanying the Union
Pacific special, the volunteer liberty
loan workers, a wqndorful outpouring
of Union Pacific employes, tho drum
and bugle corps, the Boy Scouts and
citizens generally. Tho car repairers
were especially conspicuous by reason
of tho car containing the Kaiser in
his casket, a long range cannon and
a tank which fired a shell at intervals
as it traversed the streets. Tho
parade swung down Dewey to Locust
and the crowds that lined the streets
loudly applauded, evidence that not
all the patriots were in line. The
inarch was over the usual courso and
ended at tho court house" square.
The speakers of the evening were
Frank Gaines and W. F. Gurley of
Omaha, a maimed American soldier,
who had been returned home and an
English soldier who had been wound
ed! seven tfnnes . These men , wore
members of the party who are travel
ing in a special over tho Union Pacific
delivering bond talks at each station
on tho system. The principal address
was made by Mr. Gaines and it was
a strong appoal to the audience to
support tho boys overseas by the
liberal purchase of bonds. The sol
diers related some of their experiences
on the front and theso were highly In
tre.'iting, especially the accounts of tho
outrages by tho Huns as related by
the Englishman.
The closing talk was made by Mr.
Gurley which, though brief, was
strong and oloquent.
County Chairman Tem'ple, of the
bond campaign, presided as chairman
of the meeting.
-: :o: :-
Special sale on laces. Our prices
from one cent to seven cents. Now is
the time to buy. E. T. TRAMP &
Horton Munger, who expected to
leave last night for Camp Pike, Ar
kansas, was notified yesterday that
the camp had been quarantined and
that ho should remain hero until fur
ther notice.
Merode underwear and Onyx hosi
ery In all the wanted styles, grades
and colors, sold exclusively at
Tho danco announced for Saturday
night by tho Union Pacific War Family
club has been postponed until the ban
on public gatherings Is lifted.
North Platte subscriptions to tho
Fourth Liborty loan as reported by
tho banks and tho railroad commit,
teo totaled $1G8,GB0 last evening.
This is $7,G50 greater than the quota
allotted to North Platto, but includ
ed lit this total aro some subscriptions
which should be credited to the ter
ritory outsldo of tho city, but included
In tho North Platte district. The quota
for the North Platte district Is $19G,
000. Tho campaign only got fairly start
ed yostorday and wo shall be disap
pointed if tho subscriptions in tho city
propor do not roach $250,000.
Tho subscriptions obtained yester
day by tho woman's committee totaled
twenty thousand dollars.
: :o: :
Phonograph Records Wanted.
In a letter to tho Sammy Girls, Chas.
II. Smith, of the 103d Depot Brigade
"I wopder if I would bo asking too
much if I would solicit records for
Victrolas or Columbia machines?
There aro plenty mnchinos hore but
tho records aro worn out. If each
'person in North Platto who owns a
machine would donate a record it
would be a groat holp to tho boys in
passing their leisure time. Thore are
number of musicians and singers in
our company who do their part in
entertaining tho others, but for tho
others tho Victrola affords much
Those who wish to donate records
can loavo them either at the Ideal
Bakery or at The Tribune office.
Mrs Hansen Dies of Flu.
Tho Spanish Influenza is respon
sible for the death of Mrs. Anna
Hansen, wife of Peter Hansen, Yard
Section foreman, who passed away
last night. Mrs Hansen was taken
with tho disease last Friday, and
though medical aid was immediately
summoned, tho disease could not be
stayed, Mrs. Hansen was the mothor
of Reynold and Adolph Hansen who
are in tho service, and of Ralph Hanson
of this city and Eli Hansen of Chey
enne. A twelve year old daughter is
also left motherless. Funeral arrange
ments have not at this time been
Consult us about guarding ngainst
Influenza. Why not be safe GUM-MERE-DENT
Harry Barbee, who Had boon trans
acting business in Kansas City, re
turned homo Sunday.
Mn and Mrs. H. N. Getty returnod
tho latter part of last wcok from a
visit in Grand Junction, Col.
Eber Murphy and RalpliHansen
were called to Donvor Saturday by the
death of Gustavo Dahlstrom.
Bargains in every department. E.
Francis Dunn, now of Grand Island,
spent Sunday in town visiting friends
and looking after his real estate In
terests. Mako you dollars do double duty
and you sure can do it here. E. T.
Atomizers and throat sprays at tho
Mrs. J. M. Mooney, who had been
visiting in town for a week or more,
returned to her home in Denver Sun
day. FOIt-RENT-iStore building at GOD
Locust street. Steam heated. See
Chas. Bogue, who had been in
Omaha and other eastern points, came
homo Saturday to visit his family for
a few days.
TPV A.N1) uniTiVTV NRW.3. -AM
Miss Blanche Foiida was called to
Omaha Sunday' by the illness of 'her
mother, who had gone to that city a
couple of days previous to visit rela
tives. Dr. Brock. Dentist, ovor Stone Drug
Store tf -
Tho threo months old son of -Mr.
and Mrs. Albort Proltnuer died Sun
day morning. Funeral service wore
hold at tho Methodist church yostor
day afternoon. I
Mrs. James Mitchell, of Kansas
City, Is the guest of her sister Mrs.
B. L. Lamhort. Mr. Mitchell was a
railrofld employee in this city twonty
flve yoars ago. ,
For Sale Two heifor calves and
ono weaned mulo colt. Inquire Of
August Splinter, Phone 7S8F5. 77-8
In tho county court Saturday Oscar
Danibl and Clark Evorett. of Brady,)
plonded guilty to stealing two bod '
quilts of -Fletcher Trlggs nnd wore
each fined $16 and costs.-
Just roceived another lot of 76 now
Jersey dosses in nil tho wanted
shados up to tho minute in stylo,
priced very reasonably from $27.50
up utBLOCKS.
Dr. L. J. Krause, Dontlst, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Members of Homo Guards are request
od to moot at Mooso hall this oven
irfg for special drill. Tho Guards havo
decided to participate in tho stato
competitive drill to bo held a'. Uol
drego tho latter part of this month.
Largest nssortmcnt in tho city of
children's wool sorge dresses and
silk nnd gingham dressos as well, In
all sizes, priced from 98c up, 2d floor
Mrs. J. II. Fonda, who wont to
Omaha Friday night to visit relatives
fell from a street car Sunday forenoon
and. was rondered unconscious, re
maining in that condition for several
hours. She was conveyed to a hospital
for cure and treatment.
Wo have sold more coats and suits
this season so far than over before.
Do you know why? Because wo de
liver the goods at tho right prices,
The locturo announced for tomor
row evening by S. K. Ratcliffe has
been postponed Indefinitely on nccount
of the influenza order of tho board
of health. Tho luncheon to have been
given Wednesdar noon at the Pres-
oyierian cnurcn is also declared off.
Guard against Spanith influenza.
Spray or garglo your thoat with An
.tiseptlcsolutlon. Got it pure at THE
Hexall' drug store.
Ah interesting contest Is being
carried on in tho Men's Blblo class
of tho Methodist Sunday school. The
men of the church havo been dlvidod
into two companies, tho Submarines
with I. A. Gilbert captain and Chas.
McNamara as lieutenant and tho
Aoroplanes with John Tucker as
captain and C. E. McLano as Heuton
ant. Attendance at Sunday school of
tho members of the companies counts
Ipolnts nnd tho side getting tho most
points wins the contest which closes
with last Sunday of tho year. Some
thing big will bo pulled off following
the closo of tho contest with tho losing
sido as the goats. Tho results for tho
first Sunday wore Aoroplanes 15 and
Submarines 15.
Jersey drosses! The rage of the
tseason. The kind every merchant tells
you they are unablo to got. We've got
them nnd wo have 'plenty of them to
choose from. Come in nnd see them at
CH iva 'dayj.iqht
Washington. Oct'V 7 Indefinite con-'
Urination of the "daylight saving"
time schedule Is proposed in a hill
Introduced today by SenntorvCaldor of
New York, with the ondorsoinoiif of
Chairman Bnruch of ttio war Indus
tries board, who belloves daylight sav
ing should continue as a coal conser
datlcn measure. Under the present
law nil timepieces will bo turned back
an hour on Octoper 27th.
Hliidenhurg Slops Down.
A London dispatch datod yester
day says: Fiold Marslial von Hin
denburg has resigned as chief of the
German general staff after a hoatod
interview with the emperor, in which;
the field marshal declared that, a
retreat on n large scalo was impossible
to avoid, according to a Central News
dispatch from Amsterdam today.
Notice in Wilier Consumers.
Water bills for the July quartor aro
now ready and may bo paid at the
Water Cft'lce. Discount of one cont per
thmsand gallons glvon on bill if pnid
before October fcOth. No dflscount
after the 20th.
: :o: :
Genl. Manager Jeffers, W. F. Gur
ley. ox-W. S. Senator Norrls Brown.
Grnnk Gains,. Attornoy Hannor and
Attorney Frazior tho spoakor of the
Union Pacific bond spocial, togothor
With sovoral local men wore Informally
entertained by E. F. Seoborgor fol
lowing the meeting Inst night. The
orchpstra of tho Union Pacific band
was present and rendered appreciated
Consult us nbout guarding against
Influenza. Why not bo safe GUM-MERE-DENT
C. A. Ll3ton, who wns In town last
evening requested Tho Tribune to an
nounce that a big barn danco for tho
benefit of tho Sammy Girls will bo
held at his ranch noxt Saturday ovon
ing. Music will bo furnished by tho
Van Doran orchestra of this city. Tho
general public is cordailly invited to
attend .
Our entire stock of merchandise
on salo. A saving proposition for tho
public. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Tho committeo In charge of tho
women's division In tho parade last
evening requests Tho Trlhuno to ex
tend thanks to tho differont organiza
tions for their splendid representation'
By their assistance the parado was
made a vory great success.
?ma"ha reports 2,000 cases of the
tb So far threo cases out of. twenty
dfjti?Gjied into pneumonia. ' (Three
ddatha from tho disease aro reported
from Fremont nnd three from Gonovu.
Wo are still continuing our snle
with now bargains being added dally.
Do a little shopping then you will
know tho real bargains we aro giving
Consult us about guarding against
Influenza. Why not be safo GUM-MERE-DENT
A. L. Konald, chairman of tho B.
of L. E. protective board of tho Union
Pacific system, spent yesterday in
town conferring with mombors of tho
It is only a money saving proposi
tion. to buy your fall supply of wearing
npparel hero. E. T. TRAMP & SONS
A petition nominating Dick Rannlo
for county survoyor in opposition to
Paul Moyer Is being circulated.
Eli Hansen arrived from Choyonno
this morning, having been called hero
by tho death of his mother.
Women's wear that delivers service without waste
OU want to help the. the country and the
allies; do it by being careful in, clothes-buying.
Pay enough that you can count on right wear; for that means
no waste of money, no waste of material, no waste of labor.
The money thatrwould have to
be spent twice for cheaper gar
ments that are quick to show
wear will be saved; the ma
terials will be saved for other
purposes; the labor saved for
other needs.
And we have seen to all that
by buying for you only from
makers who are co-operating
with the government by pass
ing up fabrics needed for over
seas duty and skillfully turning
their wonderful ability to cre
ating styles of fashionableness
without wasteful over-decoration.
You'll know what we mean
when you see them, and what's
more, you'll like them. You'll
recognize their smartness and
their unquestionable value and
appreciate that you'll have
something left for more Thrift
Stamps, more Liberty Bonds,
more Red Cross donations
more war help of every sort,
Satin lined gabardine suit-Special
$35 to $65
that cannot be duplicated elsewhere at the money.
Sllverton coat seal plush,
Wilcox Department Store.
Tho German and Austrian peace up-'
peals are officially before the United
Stutes government. The Gorman ap
peal, ndrtrosietl specifically to Preii-i
dent Wilson, was delivered to him In
the White House at 11 o'clook by '
Frederick Oederlln. the acting Swiss
charge d'affaires. Half an hour onrllor,
the Aunt rr -Hungarian appeal had been
handed to Socrotary of Stato Lansing
by tho Swedish minister.
It was officially announced that
President Wilson would lose no tlmej
in making roply to tho two notos. ,
-OITIclal nnnouncomont of tho at
titude of the United Statoa govern
ment still wore being withheld but
thoro was no abatement of the Indica
tion that if Germany seoks a "ne-
Kctlntlon" leadline to round tabid con'
ferenccs nnd diplomatic nulbbliiKS the
offor will fall flat. ,
If she actually 'nccopts without re
servation tho principles of ponco asj
opeateuly laid down by Prosldont
Wilson and accepted by co-bolllger-1
onts, tho way Is open to- poaeo, with
mo witiHirawal or all Gornum troops
from Invaded territory as tho first
Tho Fronch govornmont la demand
ing unconditional summdor. while
the British press looks upon the nonce
offorlng as insincoro.
Tho mooting of tho Travel and Studv
club has bean postponed on account
of tho ban Issued by tho board of
Buying merchnndl80 hero is llko
buying n Liberty Bond. Monoy woll
invested. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
A AN. Durbin nnd T. F. Hoaloy ro-
turncd this morning from a business
trip to Omaha.
For Solo Victor Talking Mnohino.
Phono Rod 100D. 1 7G-2
Fred Hnnlon loft this mornlnc for
Omaha where ho will visit his daugh-
tor lor some Umo.
Tho Economy knitting club will lie
postponed this wcok because of tho
Attornoy M. E. Crosby Is transact
ing business In Kearnoy today.
Miss M. Sicilian, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles and goutle-
non Phone 897. Brodbock bldjr. 85tf
Outfought by tho Fronch and Am
ericans, the' Uermnns aro rotrontlng
on n wide front in tho Champagne,
lector between Rhelms and tho Ar
gonno foroHt The enomy has boon
caught between Gonornl Berthelot'a
army, on tho wost and Gonornl Gour
nud'n forces on tho onst, and is re
tiring northwnrd toward tho Rctourno
American troops fighting with Gen
eral Gouraud's army on the Cham
pagne front havo ndvanctd almost four
miles, captured noarly 2,000 'prisoners
and many guns and taking tho Champ
do Wagram serlos of heights between
Mont Blanr nnd Modcfth farm.
From the region of Llllo southward
to Cambral the Gerinnn rotront begun
when Lous .and Armontlora woro ab
andoned last wcok Is continuing with
what appears to bo Vroclpitatlon.
There is ovory reason to bollovo thnt
the city or Llllo will bo evacuated by
tho enemy within a fow days nnd that
his retirement will- oxtond far down
tho front to tho St. Quontln sector,
whoro both tho Fronch nnd British
army reported to bo clear thru tho
Ilindcnburg lino.
Lnon, tho stronghold to which tho
enemy hns boon clinging ns tho kqy
point of his lino on tho southwest,
apparently has boon sot nflro by tho
Germans. Tho town was reported
ablnxo Sunday and llros woro still
burning on Monday.
. .:o: :
A. F. Beolor, examiner In chnrgo of
U. S. Employment aervlco roturned
from Omaha this morning whoro ho
attended a mooting of the chairmen
of tho Labor community bonrds. Speci
al eniphnsls was placed on tho ne
cessity of roplnclng men by womon
in positions in onior to roloavo men
for wnr work whoro over possible.
Mrs. Frank Buchanan for manage
ment nnd Miss Jcbbo Bakor for workor
woro recommenced -as' addljlonal
fnonibfrs of the Labor community
board for tho Bpoclal purposo of ad
vising In connection with this work.
vTust rocolved nnothor lot of 75 now
Jersey dessos In all tho wanted
Bhndes up to tho mlnuto In stylo,
priced vory reasonably from $27. CO
up ut BLOCKS.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
$2211. 8.r
September 1st to October lnt, 1918.
A. i , STll KH, Secretary .
1, Balance on hand
Painters Union , $ 5 50
WolUleet Branch 10.0.00
U. P. Bridge & Bldg. Gang..., ..v.AiU5
U. P. Day Round House Employees
& 17, Goo. Mills 4.00
9, Regular Contributor (J 5.00
10, U. P. Night Round House Employees 10.50 .
10, F-. II. Barber, A. F. Hammond, L. B. Dick, x ,. ,
R. C. Pratt, Money enrnetl in harvest field. 18.00 .
10, U. P. Machine She)) Employees 14.00
10, Mr. Cross at Tiinmcrmnn. . .' . . . I 2.50 -s
10, Miss Margaret Walker 14
17, Blgnoll Auxlllnry, Plo Social 100.00
17, Amorlcnn Knitting Club G.25
17, R. D. Blrgo, W. J. O'Connor, S. R. Dorryberry -
Money earned nt harvest 13.50
17, S. R. Stelnkopf 3.00 .
17, C. S. Clinton, for Canteen 5.00
19, U. P. Day Round Houso Employees 22.25
19, U. P. Mnchlno Shop Employees 18.00
28, John Fowler and other fair oxhlbltorB 4.80
28, Gate Recolpts County Fair Thursday night.. 25G.25
29, Gato Receipts County Fair Friday night 140.85
30, Eplscopnl Girls Club, salo of woolen aoldidr
boys at County Fnir 115.30
30, Sammy Girls Club, for Cantcon 3G9.15
30, Lincoln County Fnir Association 400.00
vmm sali: of materials
Garfield Branch 13.72
Dickons Branch 1G.5G
Wolllleot Branch 2G.G1
10, Hershey Branch G1.4G
11, Garflold Branch 24.75
11, Somerset Branch 10.45
12, Maxwell Branch 12.70
30, Fees forElenientary Hygelno Class... 10.00
30, Text Books for Elementury Hygelno Class 10.45
30, 3 annuals, North Platto 3.00
30, 2 annuals, Muxwoll 2.00 1840.18
Voucher No.
231, I. L. Baro, Printing 18.75
232, Neb. Telophono Co., tolo'phono work room 2,00
233, Gummero-Dent Co., Medical supplies . 12.05
234, A. F. Streltzt postcards, frolght, etc 13.45
235, Westorn StanVp Co., Rubber stamps,.. 2.25
23G, Singer Sowing Machine Co., machine 34,00
237, W. J. O'Connor, Mntorlal 10.22
238, J. C. Penny Co., Material 27.04 '
239, Wilcox Dept. Store, Material 4.20
240, Tramp Dopt. Store, Material 1.20
241, Amorlcan Red Cross, Mntorlal 1G8.98
242, American Red Cross, Memberships 47.00
244, Hildegnrdo Clinton, Typewriter 40.00
252, M. F. Shafer Co. Porahing Buttons..... 50.82
254, Miss IddlngB, Stamps 2nd Drlvo 5.00
219, Mrs. C. Boguo, Stamps for Cnnteon 15.00
220, Tramp Dopt. Store, su'pplies for Canteen 2. GO
221, Mrs. M. E. Scott, supplies for contoon 1.20
222, Loudon Grocory, supplies for Canteon 7.75-
223, Rush Merc. Co., supplies for Canteen 19.80
224, C. F. Wholan, Cigarettes for cantcon 5.00
225, Star Bottling Co., Ico cream cones for canteen.. 4.50
22G, Palaco Cafe, bread for canteen 1.G0
227, C. C. Hupfer, meals for canteen 8. GO
228, Llork-Sundnll, supplies for canteen 2G.36
229, C. II. Stnmp, bread for canteen 17. GO
230, R. R. Dickey, bread for canteen 3,50
232, Nob. 'Phono Co., phono for canteon 2.50
243, Rexall Drug Co., coffeo for canteen 19.50
245, Louden Grocory, supplies for canteen 22. 62
24G, Liork-Sandall, su'pplies for canteen 17.18
247, Rush More. Co., supplies for cantcon G.85
24S, John Hcrrod, supplies for canteen 7.85
249, C. II. Stamp, bread for canteen 3G.39
250, No. P. Lumber Co., repairs for canteen 1.50
251, Ideal Bakory, bread for canteen 4.55
253, C. C. Iiupfor, suiVplios for cantoon 7.40 G7G.81
In addition to tho abovo wo havo from tho salo of Porsliing Buttons... $453. GO
O. E. Elder, L. II. Mohlman, harvest monoy earned 9.60
Bridge & Building Gang 9.00
Contributions of strangers and othors 21. CO
Tim Hanlfln Is doing tho draylng of small packages and donates tho same.
Jamoa Shaffer painted a largo canteen sign and donatod It also. ,