The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 04, 1918, Image 4

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You'd giro flfly dollars quickly if It
Tins all that stood between you and
spending Just oiiVj night pluggli'fr
thru mud up to jour knees, with the
rain heating down on you, the temper
attire Just about freezing, with no
place to get warm, no chance to rest,
ir casp your body from tho grief of
n heavy pack, or to get your hands
off of an Ico cold rifle Yes, you'd ghe
most all tho money you have to es
cape just one night of that.
Yet your $.10, $100, $1000 subscription
to the Fourth' Liberty Loan will shor
fen by months tho nights that two
million and more of American boys
will spend like that. How many Lib
erty llonds ought you to buy I The
man with both legs shot off can say,
lve git en all tho legs I can." Don't
yon dare say, "I'te bought all tho
liberty llonds I can," until you
search your soul to devise means of
buylm? another Liberty ltoml.
Jeweler and Optician
At tJio Sign of the Hlg King...
Graduate Dentist
Ollice over the McDonald
Stat think.
Mrs. Wood Whl to wnB called to
Grnnd Island this week by tho sorlous
illness of her father, T. M. Ilanllno.
Ben Elliott, who had boon visiting
his parents, returned to Omnlia yes
terday, accompanied by his father.
Merodo underwear and Onyx hosi
ery In all tho wanted styles, Erodes
and c.Qlors sold exclusively at
BLOCKS. .. -t
George Beall, who had beeiroinpfoV
ed tn tho local express offlco, has
gono to Topokn, Kan., to enter a
hospital for treatment.
,For Sale Good winter Xtfples and
also wind falls. Andrew Olson, Phono
780F11. 79.4
The Womon's Homo Missionary
society of tho Presbyterian church will
moot this afternoon nt tho home of
Mrs. II. S. White,
Lost Bunch of keys between 4th
and Cth on Dowoy' Finder please
return to this office and recolvo re
ward. Wo have sold more coats and suits
tills seoson so far than ever boforo.
Do you know why? Uecauso wo do
Hver tho goods at tho right prices
, Mrnn'dMrs. Geo. "Austin' returned
t W$dtfeWyrIlght from ir visit with
l thelc sonvGeorge and family at Pasco,
Wfinh.. Iihil with friend in Salt Lake.
' wlntod-Furnlshed Jliouso or house
Koejng rooms ur. tnanor, ruone ml
iVllltlng at the homo of her parents,
I'llj Af , T AHf Inlmnt r-a-
,ui . vaiiu mini j auv.'iiwiuvi,
turned to ber homo In Sidney yester
day.,' Mips -Churchill,) Of Dickonf "has
nnffnfltml a iwiulllflrt rta rlrirtf In tll(
postdfflco succeeding Fay Morris, who
lint) accopwua position , win mo ran
roddllHH Churchill .has bcon teach
ing school nt .Dickons.
Jprscy drcssosl The rago of the
season. Tho kind every merchant tells
you they are ttnahlo to get. We've got
thorn and we have plenty of them to
choo?o from. Come In and see them at
BLOCKS of course.
For Kent Furnished rooms. In
quire Mrs. Lass, Walker Music Co.
Tho party who took tho Kaiser's
casket from tho fair grounds will
please return It nt once to tho county
Jail, as It Is needed for the parade
Monday evening. This casket will be
burled when "the boys come homo."
Wanted Colored woman for a
couplo of days house cleaning. In
qulro Mrs. Lass, Walker Music Co.
Chris. Dixon has bcon spending this
week In Omaha and DosMolnes on
business connected with the next an
nual convention of the Nebraska as
sociation of optometrists, of which he
Is secretary.
Lost Bullet shaped cap from auto
radiator. Finder please return to J.
I. Smith.
Tho Union Pacific fuel Instruction
car arrived yesterday and will re
main four days. The object of the visit
of this car and the lectures of tho
Instructor aro to Instruct englnoincn
In tho conservation of fuel.
For Sale Victor Talking Mnchlno.
Phono lied 100Q. 7G-2
A boy baby arrived at the homo of
Mr. and M rs. Will Klenk Sunday,
tholr fifth wedding anniversary. One
of tho (lrst acts of tho nowly arrived
son "was to become tho owner of a
liberty bond of tho fourthA Issue.
Our Now York resident buyor suc
ceeded In making a cash purchase
for us of 75 new Jorsoy drossos which
wo nave just received onu "put on sale.
Mr Morrill. Dentist
J. B. Sebastian will ldave Monday
evening for Rising City to attend a
convontlon of tho mon's brotherhoods
of the Lutheran church. Ho .will pro
side as toastmastor at tho banquet to
bo hold Tuesday evening.
For Sale Baby Cab. Call a.t 509
West Second or phono 5C2. ,
Another test for Dodge Brothers
two ton truck: Last week we hauled
a capacity loud on tho truck and also
took- 5200 behind tho truck on a farm
wngon, forty miles northwest of horo,
through tho sand. Wo guarantee you
a truck which will pull. Prlco la
reasonable, tho truck Is all good.
Co in o In a ml sco it.
J. V. ROMIGH, Doalor.
Win. Chambers, fonnorly of this
city, now living at Trlnldnd, Wash.,
bus cnt to Tim ' Hnnllln a box of
apples from his orchard. Mr. Hanlfln
presented to Tho Tribune five of tho
applos Just as they camo from tho box
nhd tho wolght of tho flvo was seventy
ounces or an average of fourteen
ounces oach. Mr. Chninbers says his
applo crop is light, but that ho had a
carload of peaches and three tons of
of grapes.
Back of these Coats and Suits is a
Tailoring Experience of forty-five years
yORKMANSHIP is everything todaywithout it the finest and costliest
fabrics would disappoint; with it even inexpensive materials take on a
y smartness and render extraordinary Service.
" f$pr 45 years our tailors have been gathering garment knowledge and
jHewing it into their creations that you may be saved the worry of cgn
!T..sulting pattern books and avoid the pitfalls of making to measui;e' Their
, knowledge of textures, of style tendencies, of making ways, of incorpor
ating much value into every garment, far exceeds yours, even ours
Theirs is a "know how" inviting confidence and ensuring unfailing sat
isfaction. Most remarkable values are here at $35 to $65
Wilcox Department Store
. -
Woman's Liberty Loan Notes.
Mrs. Eleanor Wilson McAd,bo,
national chairman of the woman's
While In many towns in Nebraska committee writes: "Tho women's
and other states tho Liberty loan cam- committees throughout the country
palgn actively began this week, and In have been' largely instrumental in
somo Instances towns and districts securing the smaller subscriptions
have already subscribed their quota, the ones hardest to get, but which
County Chairman Temple has follow- mean tho most from the standpoint of.
ed Instructions of tho national chair- tho awakening of tho nntlonal spirit, i
man not to begin soliciting until next and it is perhaps In this awakening
Monday morning. Chairman Temple of the people to the necessity of their!
has devoted this weok to a publicity support of the Government In this
campaign which Includes mailing a; crisis that tho value of womnnls
porsonal letter to every property hoi-1 participation in financing tho War Is,
der and votor In tho county, tho gen- most clearly demonstrated !
oral distribution of literature and the. The results of the last campaign;
supervision of newspaper advertising have more than Justified tho belief of,
Tho Union Pacific solicitors have, tho Treasury Department in the abll
howover, began their work and report tty of women to stand shoulder to I
good success. Other buyors of the shoulder with tho men in organizing!
bonds are not waiting for the formnl and conducting the campaigns for the i
opening next Monday and aro placing sale of Liberty Bonds nnd In the!r !
tholr orders for tho bonds at the right to tho title of equal partners."
banks. Ono bank reported the salt1 This week has bcon educational
of about $30,000 up to yesterday week fcr' the Fourth Liberty Loan,
morning. The Woman's Liberty Lean Coni-
For this bond campaign tho city and mlttee have marshaled their forces iii
county is splendidly and very effee- splendid order anp the appointed ;
tlvoly organized, an thoro is not a 1 captains and lieutenants have visited i
man In tho county who will not, be personally every homo in this city,
solicited and expected to subscribe listing all women and girls and glvim? i
according to his property posses-jail Information concerning the Fourth
slons, whether these possessions are loan. Next week, beginning Monday,'
city or country real cstnto or money they will again visit these homes for ,
and mortgages! Lincoln county's 'the actual sale cf tho bonds. Roport3
quota Is $000,000. which is loss than coming In Indicate a wonderful suc-ono-flfth
tho deposits in the banks of , cess. It Is Impossible in this Issue to
tho county. Theso bonds are payable name all the captains and lieutenants,
In Installments. but this will be done In a latter Issuo. ,
::o:: Sunday, October Cth, has been dos-,
The District Apportionments. : , looted as Liberty Service Pay. It is
In tho Fourth liberty loan drive the i hoped to make this the createst "Go to'
apportionment of subscriptions to tho Church" Sunday In the history of tho
districts aro as follows: 'country. An appeal has been made tc
iNortn mute district $zui,uuuinu clergymen to observe this day
South part of county 01,250' ::o::
Brady district - 79,750
Maxwell E0.0Q0
Horshoy G4.000
Sutherland G0,0Q
Women In War Work Day. j
Saturday, October 5th, has been J
designated by tho Secretary of the
Treasury as "Women in War Work
Day," for tho furtherance of the ,
Fourth Liberty Loan, according to ouri
ndvlco from Mrs. George W. Fuller,!
our federal district chairman. !
In complalnce with her request thei
Lincoln County War Loan Workers,
under tho direction of Mrs. Frank'
Buchanan, had planned an appropri
ate observance of the day in the form
of a torchlight parade. However, In
order to cooperate In every manner ,
1.1. -II 1 if ... At '
wiia an organizations in me cause
of the Fourth Liberty Loan, the wo
man's committee accepted the invita
tion of the Men's Liberty Loan -Commute
to Join with them In one grand
parade to be given Monday evening,
October 7th, the women to retain tho
same formation as previously planned
The committee urgently requests
that every Liberty Loan worker take
her place in this parade. J
Tho line-up, with the directors off
the several divis'lons, will be the fol
lowing: Liberty War Loan Workers Divi
sion, Mrs. L. W. Walker.
Red Cross Division: Red Cross
Float, Mrs. Field; Red Cross Mem
bers, Mrs. Rincker; Junior Red Cross
Mrs. Tout; Special Flcat, Miss Mor
row and Domestic Science, Miss Lay
ton Sammy Girls Division: Float. Mrs.
McGraw; Members; Kaiser's Coffin.
Woman's Council of Defense Div
ision: Special Float, Mrs. Cottorell.
Mother's Division: Mrs. Donegan
and Mrs. Otten.
Women's Allied Organizations Div
ision: American Library Association,
Mrs. Roddy; D. A. R., Mrs. Grimes,
W. R. C, Mrs. E. Dickey; Y. W.
C. A., Mrs. Scott; Rebokah, Mrs.
Forbes; Eastern Star, Mrs. Redfiold;
Lady Foresters, Mrs. Cook; Ladies'
Railroad Auxiliaries, Mrs. Lawhead;
Homo Trench Workers, to Include all
club organizations an4 auxiliaries,
(Industrial ',DivL$on: Fedorall em
ployees, Miss Blankenburg; Railroad
employees, Misses Taylor and Fonda;
Telephone employees, Miss Baker;
Business women and girls, Mrs. New
P ::o::
People who donated eatable to the
Sammy Girls can obtain their pans
or dishes by calling at the home ot
Mrs. A. J. Salisbury.
Kstray Notice.
Taken up on or about August 21,
1918, in the pasture of the undersign
ed a heifer about three yearsold, white
face, with horns, no brands. Owner is
requested to call, prove property, pay
charges and take animal away. .
Wellfleet. Neb.
Saturday -:- At the SUN
..IN. IN
10c 20c
Matinee 2:30 p. m.
5c 10c
That Is tho Correct Weight of the
"Quality First"
1200 GUESSES: Lowest 50-lbs. Highest 1,000-lhs.
Mrs. Albin Olson Horshoy
Helen Grady Brady
Mrs. Frank B. Wood Wallace
J, C. Harris Brady
The Flour will he divided equally.
Wo tliank you nil for tho Interest displayed In our County Fuln
Exhibit and Jiojio you will remember COW MUNI), Uio "Quality
First" Flour nnd gho It u place In your home. It must miiko good,
or we will. Every Grocer lias It.
North Platte Electric Mills
Total for' County.'.
,G sb
. .$Soc.ooV fo!
"Wild Youth" at. the Keith.
When "Wild Youth," by Sir Gilbert
Parker, was , published it was con-;
sldered one of the six best sellers of
tho year. It has now been produced,
Included In the North Platto district ,mi ,,.,.i.,.D ..,
?,rExm,niltl oVust ,niSn!r' HIV0" f favorable criticism.
1,MM0r' 0s,g0'1' Sellors' 1 lnnt The story deals with tho familiar
and Myrtle precincts. Cftll of ,..,.,. fnr
mi,., v 4 . , that the drawing together of people
Tonight's offering at the Crystal n, Qn. v L-li..
will bo Vlvctto.wlth Vivian Martin. It ns tlmt gravltnt,on pu8 the appe'
presen s mgood lesson for flirts bo- from tho treo nml tht 0,(1 e w , e,
sides being good etiturtalinent. i.i, ,t.
old adage, "Do unto others as lta E00rntinn wni nniv i, fnnto.i
you wish to be dono by," la Well ox- It )a the story ot ' , , ;
onipllfled In "Other Mon's Daughters" rlo,i L J..R .?.S"nfi.S i" I
1 0 l'11 in, .llicl?I,s W," and How she is saved otter a runaway
H,n7; ;i i . ' m . . , ncciuont by a young neighbor. There I
theatro tonight. Tho play cortalnly nviat i,n(,.0n .,v,.,i.i ,
shows that Is makes all tho dlffere.u-o oven to themselves ' a sort of acitl
In tho world whose daughter Is beliiK nn,inrafn,,,n,,n. n I
7' ' , "I Vi ; s"' . unooserveu, yet strong In Itself. Mat-
of stirring lncldohts. tors seen tnnin,i wi,
, i ,::o:, a lulck ,,irn f fnte leaves the girl a
v,v1Q.0Mbiyter nl,n '! n"y . lwi(,OW- Tll Ch,ncso 8ervant. LI Choo.
Next Sunday is Rally Day at the ninvn n nmminnn t, i.iJ
Presbyterian church. Tho Sunday i.nin!, i 1 7n I
school will glvo a program at thq ma tho young widow feels she owes
morning service Classes will ho him a debt of erntitmin nt m.n.t
promoted, certificates, awarded and As. tho story has a happy ending,
recognition or the cradlo roll mom- you arc Dromlaoil n "nvnnln
Recoptlon ot members. Tho.: ontorhilnmonf nn,i n,,,nnn,AV,t -nr
communion of tho Lord's supper will'r trust you will come early nnd bring
Jn m im,,s. ,nBt?d " Syour family with you to the Keltic
Thoro will bo reception of members Monday and Tuosday.
hum uii,iinin. ii;u nil iuu llluiluilUH
and friends tako notice and be pres-'
ont. Good music by tho choir. Mrs.
:o: :-
Now is the time to buy
Ben Davis
Missouri Pippin "
Grimes Golden Varieties
Glenfourrtie Fruit Farm
M. H. WOODMAN, Proprietor
Gllfoyl lendor, Miss McKay, organist.
: :o: :
Christian Church
Sundny school at 9:15; communion
and morning service at 10:30. Mrs'
Ij, Ij. Zook, who nttonded tho stato
convention at1 Omaha last weok,
will bring us a messnge at this sor
vlco. Como to Sunday school, stay
for church, Is our motto.
C W McGrew, Supt
Miss Mario Stuart has returned
from a brief visit with her sister in
$100.00 Howard for Information
leading to tho arrest and conviction
of tho poraon or porsons who entered
my pastureo on 19-1G-2D Myrtle
Product, Sept. 21st or 22nd and shot
and killed two head of my cattlo.
1?2.".00 iiowurd
Given for information leading to
arrest and conviction of tho party
or parties who entered my houso while
The Crystal
Satu rday
How ninny homes aro standing on
"Shifting Sands"
because husband and wife fall to toll
ALL Avlien tboy aro wedded 1 Soo
tho "sweetest star In screeiidom,"
In "Shifting guilds," tho story o( a
wniiiun with a record who wedded,
kept ber dark secret from ber bus.
band, felt herself slipping awny Into
tho sea of mlsfortuiio nnd
Turkey Will Sue for Peace.
Washington. Oct. 3 Germany -will
bo unable to hold Turkey in line. Of
ficial quarters were convinced of this1
fact Thursday when word reached the
capital that tho kaiser's government
had protested against the sultan suing
for peace.
Germany no linger has any Influence
in Turkey, officials sav. Thev noint
ed out that tho crushing defeat of tho
Turks in Palestine has left tho Otto
man government with only ono army,
that which now Is In Cranscaucasla,
and n small force near Constantinople
with which to carry on the war.
: :o::
No. 3 was the number that secured
tho bed quilt offered by tho Sammy
Girls during tho fair last week.
Tho Sammy Girls surgical dossing
auxiliary room is open every Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. W. V.
Hoagland as supervisor.
From tho Stock Yards:
Ono Bay Mare, branded,
One Bay 2 year old Gelding.
One Black 2 year old Mare.
Ro ward for recovery.
Yet we are paying more than
ever for all
Kinds of Junk
2 and 2c per pound
for Rags.
Here comes the Cool,
Clean, Klenzo Feeling
ERE comes a brand-new
dentifrice built from a
brand-new formula. Soft
snow-white and so pleasing
to the taste that grown-ups as
well as children are eager to
use it morning and night.
The cleanness it creates is
evidenced by the delightful,
cool, refreshing feeling it leaves
in your mouth.
Get this Cool, Clean, Klenzo
Feeling today, by taking home
a tube of Klenzo.
Rexall Drug Store