ST QILNTIN NOW IV HANDS OF THE ALLIL.S ( (nWISSIO hits' I'W)( EKDIN'HS. September. 30, 191$ Board of countv conimimionpr mn Quentln, upon pursuant to adjournment, presen' nan so firmly springer, HOTmlnghausen, Koch un UtA L HAKK, Kdllnr mid Publisher ,l'nof St H'titPii Ml Martnnm wr ! - I H mi , m t III I r , I r VV U (4 ! O w ! Italt llivl f 41 bullded their honas of Droving an In- countv dirk Or,,, aw li, Vi,,i Tin ...lrnnrn :i wperall barrier to the kIIIm. at last Claims were allowed as follows: wi,v hft" bM,n entered br the French and C. L. Grant, dragging rotidt, tf4.6 Ono U-ar bj (nrrk-r, In mhniicc.OII He6M1,giy th0 gateway fa open to $523.30. 1 HffltBllat t r M t .11,1th ..lnnUAa 0. . .. t 1 . t,mm - - ""'" invu ui nvm nuiii--w aumiiy iirrmHia, runu worn, joo.UU iwhuihii iu me .urui nuiie, ABDranKa unaiwuru in niH ibsk 01 reclaiming Powtofflce &s Second Class Matter. northern France. - Moanwhlle the Germans and their PJIMAY, OCTUIIKIt Jth, 1018 allloe on all the battle front havo .ll:. L continued to play a losing game and .... . .. 'It In raivnrterl t.hnt Mim Turk ruolWIno- Gorman Allliiiiro rriinibJIiig. . the critical altiiatlnn Mir.. wmnwl Hogtetter, bridge VVork. V. i. liib critical Biiuaiion inru successive Now that tho German alliance ha. Mmtt uuA the wltnilrttwa, of ,. started to crumble, there are freh KIirlft from t, war t liiutcauons inai is will go mat. "peace feel ors. iAt ,atCil trwn neneva to the From ortiiern HelgHm to the re Dally KXpru says that Turkey haa- glon of VonllII1 tho ,m?t, front , sent an ultimatum o Iterlln demand- B(H)UlIng wllll activity .and with the Ing Germany koep t ho Hlack sea open entente force continuing to make grant now financial loans ami aend;gnlniJ llf;aIn8t the Germans which are reserve to Pa est 1,0 and Mosopo- gorlously imperilling tho In ne amla, or o herw so Turkey would fol-; In Klandem the Ijolglnns and BrIU low Bulgaria out of tho war. !(m ln the TOICUm from nixm ml., in The correspondent of the Exchange Ar,ont Imv" fur her Hven n Telegraph reports serious uprlslnga tIl0r we,,e 0a4war account o f tho ow n; .r v ' . " 1H" nc?PH t0 tho Krocl tho Gorman Invadnra. " I .u .r' ". L . "y lno "n""B or ?aw.7 Tho collapso of Bulgaria baa had a tremendous moral oirect in lioth Ger many and Austria and is a vital fac tor In bringing about the downfall of the German ministry. All account from Switzerland om iphaHlzo the growing desire for peaco on tho part of Austria-Hungary. In addition to tho political effect the breaking down of Bulgaria opens the way for direct invasion of Austrla JIungaryY At tho prosont time no part of tho dual omplro Is occupied by hos tile troops. Will .I.ciuo Belgium. Under tho determined blows of Marshal Foch, the time of the oxpact ed Gorman withdrawal from Franco and Belgium apparently Is drawing nearer, With tho taking of St. Quen tln, tho cornorstono of tho Hlnden burg system has fnllon. Undor tho attacks of British, French nnd American troops the Hlndonhurg dofonso system from tho Scarpo to bf; Olso, a distance of fifty mlloa, Is be ng overrun.. In the north tho valu ohlo not work of railroads ln Flandors rapidly Is hocomlng usoloss nnd In the south tho Fremh aro pressing vigor ously tholr udvanco west and north! ui it..-ieims. : ;o: : Stuart Anderson In (Seorgln. Stuart Andorson, writing to the home folks from Atlanta, Ga., under dnto of Soptombor 28th, says in part: I am down horo lit Georgia now ylioro thoro aro lots of blacks, but thoy aro vory sociable with us sol diers. Arrived horo one day tho foro- Jmrt i,f,th, wook ',n1 wa ro tirod, nio lid Cross canteen fed- us whore ovor wo Btoppod. Wo came thru Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tonnofliioo, North Carolina and Anally , Htoppod In Georgia. Tho soil of this country looks llko brick dust. Tho wind doesn't blow much, and tiio weather Is vory ngreoablo. I urn In tho motorcycle repair department nnd stortod to work this aftornoon. The 8hps cover about two blocks and aro suroly equipped with tho host of machinery. I have taken my oxomln "l(Jn fr this work and passed tho ilghost of any of tho boys that took it. 1 llko my Job flno because you know how woll I used to llko to ride niotorcyclos at homo. Thoy fgod us llko Wo worn ldiioi rri. r V ". luu uuiur morn in for breakfast wo hnd pancakes. nnd Just all wo could oat. too. Don't lenhw whan I will got my chanco a n i Hun but as Clayton Is over thoro t,,L? wU1 lry niy ,uP,f t some of TOtrrd 101110 raycals. Tho oaptnln Imll V" L1",lt wo wmhl Probably ho ont 'ron horo tho flttoonth of Vv month. Tell ovet-ybwly Miollo' for mo. Women IVnuled for Vnr Service. An examination for womon for war Horvico , u clorIcal Cttpnclt, wI 4n 1 U1? ,N,orth VhMo I'OBtofllco Saturday October for position tnko tho oxamlnntlon will bo placod In four groups: Those who havo grad uated from a collego or university, thoso who havo graduated from a high school mid havo n i.; '." years of ofllco ox'periouce, those who C. E. S82.flE. A. E . nielior, blade man, $1XS,00 Standard Oil Co, oil, $61.01, i. J. W. Rose, road dragging, $4"1,S4 J. It. Itltner. hrlrien work, t-iti vt I B. II. Springer, aorvlcea ai Wile Carl Fletcher, road work, $ ii. r . wootlgnte, road nrKr'si Minn. Steel Mnch. Cn . : u. ii. tuuu norn, --l.UU, raye reiuer, salary, 55.00. Alloeu Gantt, salary, $133.31. Alleen Gantt,, offlco exponses, $67-.orl Alluon Gantt, viaHting chiO0ls. j Paul Meyor. office rent. $7.80, ' ' A. J. Salisbury, salary, $146,00. ! Frank Knnpp, aorvlces. $20.00, Fred Tobaa, bridge work. $48.00. I iTOd Touas, rrolKlit and rtrnvn 1 - k- , Jamos Connolly, chalnman, $8.50. ianig Bros., blucksmlthlng, $36. J. W. Nugent, assessor, $116.16. Sundry porsona road work. $20.60 Esslo Wosahure. salarv. $70. nn P. H . VanClen'fj, blacksmltbl.m their submarJno bason on Uie Soa. ' From Cambrol to St. Quentln, not withstanding most violent reactions, from tho Germans, tho British, Amer icans and French again havo won ' heavily fortified positions bv the $40. 7S onomy all along tho front midway be-! August twoen St. Quentln and f'ambral, the $42.85. remaining' portions of the old Hlndon- Waltor burg lino aro slowly being demolished $60.95. nltho tho Germans have composed tho Walter Wilson, road work, $175 00 strength of noarly half a million mmi I Standard nil rv nil tii n-j against tho alllpd troops to hold thai Standard OH Co., oil. $124 73 uiivu, liiu urutiKiiig inru or wnicii Splinter, Wilson, refund taxv road dragging in conjunction with Mm iiiKrni matlOllVOrs In Flandnra. nlnno fi,n Alsno and in Champagne, would mean UlHHHIOr. Between tho V'oslo nnd Almio rivers the French contlnim in mmii i.nni, n, Germnns north of tho Alsno whllo ln iinmpagne tiio French, oporatlng in conjunction with tho Americans, aro steadily advancing northward. Their jruns now dominate tho Airo river val loy running to tho north of tho Ar gonne forest, whllo nn fb fit the forost the Amorlcans nro slow ly coming up the Alrov alloy from tho south and porm will bo, In a position wiui um v rencn to nip tills grcnt wooded bastion nut of Mm no,.... - .... vigi llltvil ino. ::o::- "ihtlng Mack" Tonight. Frank McDonald, n mombor of the I'irat Canadian Mounted Itlflos, an osiiajjod German prisoner, will deliver an address nt tho Franklin auditorium mm evening under the ansplcos' of lumber Sutherland Lumber rn John McConnol, rofunfinaxos, $7,fi:: Standard Oil Co., oil, $82.50. H. D. Jorgenaon, sorvicea, $7.00. Tim Sutton, salary, $100. F. W. IlermlnghauFan, service? and mileage, $93.00". A. S. Allen, salary, $137.50. .0?'J' ICocu' 80rvIces and mlloagr ?8(i,00. Vospor McCormlck. road work, $33 Road petitioned by W. S. Hoot and othors for public road granted as pet itioned. Adjournod to October 7. 1918. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. ( ::o:. Lost a gold . handled umbrella. With lottor B nnirrnvjwl - TJnHi., Mrs. Louisa' Burkq, S21 east 4th anl rocoivo reward. 74.3 ::o:: tjk .1 , 1 ... ,. , or"dorod stoma'dji, and weak dlgojiH&n. ili-'Bit- mi Tho Woman's Mlsslonarp Society wl l moot nt tho Lutheran parsonage mvn 1.1,1 n iZ ' ' ",U8U wuoi-"'vj .uiunioou nn:ir o'clock. Each oduca 'A w ,1 , ,. 8C"00 "ll''rsurge,I Jo i,0 present. offlco oxiiorlonco. nnd thoso who do ?,,2.,n" t0 0,10 of t,, lllov fro,f ontranco solary Is $900 to $1,000 a year. -::o:t Iiiflueiiru Is .Spreading. Spanish InHuonza eontlnuos to Hpread In army enmps. Moro than 14.000 now cases woro reported to tho xifllco of tho surgeon general during ""'ij-imir nours oiiuiiig nt noon Wednesday. This was an IncreaV Tho roniddy for It is Pricklv aM Io,oGardadtho uotVipKels o'f SLtj? 'FJghth AmV' r al . ffiT - . .ooten.' the teaath. cloaCTe mombor of Tho Sulcido ci. i. n .1 !U1" lunk08 -vou ro1 fllie bombers, are died I,, L i uVl rlco l1- 'Po. bottle. Gummere-Deiu was In the midst of the battles of , B fS'.onts. Klniniol-IIill and others. 1 Ho was throo vunrn in iim ,m.t ' n year. In tho tronchos, throe times woundcM, nnd "Ovor tho Top" a score or times. Wounded and captured at tho battle of ".qminhmn. named from tho awful Slaughter that i i M i Ul inuroj, uio Germans took him to tho prison. "Dnlnioii," from which ho escaped. Dotornilncd to kcop him, thoy then' took him to "Munstor," but several ' mOlllhS llltor l.n nnr-n twi,! t-i... blttorod at his shrowdness nnd dotor mltiotloii, thoy hurlod him nto thnt awn na'filo "Frlodi-lclfollj ' lmt defying almost oortnln death he e -enpod from that dunogoii of horror, torture and gloom. n?u.?H ,niB .?nd "n,nB'zed aH being outwitted, thoy thon throw him, ns a marked niali, Into that fearful Black r,?n? m. aor,'!y' ",0 "ABUst Victoria Coal Minos," where, thoy honrtlosslv told him thoy wero going to torture and work htm to death. Hut thoy didn't for God and brav ery woro upon his side, and today he" a a free man, honorably discharged! by his govornniont as "An Kscapod Prlsonor," for the Allies know that If audi 11 man woro placed back Into' Uio ranks nnd was recaptured, that, v nuiuii do iniinouintoly shot as n spy. :o: Congressman M. P. KIndald, He publican enndidnto for ro-oloctlon. By volco and voto hns given his un qualified support to ovory war meas uro and urges vigorous, speedy pros ecution of the wnr until tlm forced to nn unconditional surrendor v.. u,uuu uhmuh ovor 1110 preceding day Pnoumon la cases also Increased with 1.003 and 300 deaths. Tho total number of Influenza ensoa in all camps now Is 88,000 whllo Jmuonionla ensos nuinUor 0,709. of 1 877 th 0,)lt,0,nlc h0m n Canin Custor, Mich., whoro Influen za nnd not previously a p paired ro ported 1,764 cases. Tiio most serious 'n0080, ,wf B nt Cnn,I Mo"lo, Mary land, vl.lch rriportod 1,327 cases against 390 tho day before. Camp pko, Ark., again report llanenn1'000 Cn808' while Cn n Hancock, On., reportod 710 casoa SutVr th l1,"3' "-foro. At Camp Junnton, Kan., tho numbor of cascB Increased from 141 to 750. Camp Do vens. Mass.. was the only one which dfd not report nn Incrcaso. L.vory nvnllablo mOdlcal offlcor nnd nurse Is 011 duty, said a atntetno i t from tho offlco or tho surgoo.i gXral BnLY,,,r0,V0.r 1)088,1,10 niodleal JS army0,doctobr'nK rCCn,U to il H was said that despite tho alarm nn.,ncrc,nH0 ,n Muonza cases tho Zr ,rnt0 !nt'"s loV re dovn?nn V'1,,B ,th0 Itfoumonla has toon ffi1,. a nly 0,10 f ovory mr- J Q vnnr SnlT18 '"'.'k COWS. Como pick ou a good ono bororo thoy aro all gono. inquiro at tho 0. II, Waltor tod0HCB08t nd S'XUl BtrU0t r ,)hono 74'2 ' h. h. BAIN. PUBLIC SALE! Will otter nt Public Sale at my place 5 miles south of Gothenburg, the following described pronertv uuyiiiuuiy ui iu a. m., on Wednesday, OctoberS 16, 40- -HEAD OF HORSES 1S8 Head of Cattle 40 a uiticK 'oiled Angus Hulls, some rcgistetod. 100 black 2-year-old steers. 50 red steers and heifers 2 and 3 years Ono J.I. Caso 20.-40 Tractor Engine, Nearly now. Ono J. I. Caai Separator and ono J. I. Case Tank, Nash Truck, ono Auto, Ford Com morlca car, Engines: Throo Fuller & Johnson Pumping, Ono Suc cess Six Horso Power, o o two-cyllndor Cushman, 12 Houso Power Ono Dolco-Llght 'plant, 1000 Ampere Hour Battery. Ono J. I. Case soir-LIft six bottom plow, Four other plows, threo mowers, three Swoepj j. two hay staclws, throe rakes, hay loader, two cultivators, ?Z2 nu K?'Bt0" I),ac' two slB Gators, two double Listers, throo Binders, two 2-Hows, seven wagons, trlplo beds, ono grain ioI vntor, ono corn shollor, ono buggy, Fanning mill, Manure spreaders, some grain seed, som household goods, and many other articles. Some Anlloy Laud to Ho,it-Cush $.-,.00 1Cr Aero. Free Lunch nt Noon TEILMSi-Sums or $10 ancl undor, Ctt3h OnlmWWlSnW eight months Imo will bo given on bankable paper bearing eight per soSei forC lU "t0 flttl0 N PrI,0rty t0 b0 "'oved unt. HARRY HILES, COL. I,. M. McCLAUA, COL. II. E. ASH, Auct.v J. II, Kelly, Clerk F or the Sake of Our by Samuel Gompers WM 1 fY r it is not only our 'rim "fv tn hnv I 1 rifrfr Bonds of the Fourth issue; it is our privilege. Liberty Bonds are in fact Liberty Bonds. Our Republic is winning its future liberties with men and labor and money. We .must give all of these until Liberty is won. All Americans stand on a com mon battle-ground fighting for a common cause. All must cooper ate to give our country its maximum of strength. Buy Liberty Bonds of the This Space Contributed North Platte's Business and Professional! Men.