The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 04, 1918, Image 1

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No. 76.
Woman's sphere of usefulness is
daily enlarging those war times and
this country is to bo congratulated
that for any and every omorgency
, position that opons thero stanls some
courageous woman to speedily accopt
and successfully fill, thus proving her
partiotiem and her desiro to ' do her
The war calls have made a shortage
of men in Lincoln county, a shortage
that grows moro acute oach day, anl
Postmaster McEvoy has had consider
able trouble in securing rural mail
carriers. This week the carrier on
Route Ono resigned; no men were
available. It was then that a cour
ageous woman in the person of Mrs.
T. J. v Kerr, wifo of one of North
iPlntto porminent physicans, of
forol her services ns carrier for the
routo in this tlmo of need and she
was gladly accepted by Postmaster
McEvoy. Mrs. Kerr began her duties
yesterday, driving a Buick car and
successfully and speedily delivering
the mail to the many patrons on a
routo that runs twenty-eight and one
half miles through the thickly popu
lated valley west of tho city.
Earns onoy? Certainly; but not
of necessity. Mrs. Kerr is doing her
bit by pleasing a man who can fill a
position that' a woman cannot: she
has increased tho man-powor of the
county to ovtent of one man. Tnat's I
creditable and commendable-. j
oicd Editor Coming.
S. K. Ratcliffe the distinguished
English editor and publicist, will ad-'
dress the people of North Platte at
the Franklin auditorium next Wed
nesday evening on the war policies
and reconstruction plans of the United
States Department of Labor.
Wednesday noon Mr. Ratcliffe will
be tho guest of members of the
Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon
to be .served by the Presbyterian !
ladles in -the church basement.
Mr. Ratcllffe's lecture will bo in
tensely interesting for next to our
interest in tho war, comes that of the
reconstruction period following the
war, and on this the speaker will give
us some thoughts and ideas that may
allay some of the fears we may now .
hold. J
Wiley Walker will leave to day for
Kansas City whore he will transact
business for a few days.
Dr Brock. Dentist, over Stone Drug
Iforp tf
London, Oct. 3 In the week ending
today tho allies have captured sixty
thousand men and one thousand guns
on the western front.
The big army retreat of history Is
now on, with the Germans doing tho
Only a miracle, military exports
declare can prevent the retreat frcm
degenerating into an indescribable
Doserted by Bulgaria and Turkey
the plight of Germany nnd her only
ally, Austria-Hungary, is hourly be
coming moro desperate.
And In tho face of 'the general Hun
retreat tho allied nrmlos are founding
tho Germans harder than ever on
every front. Everywhere tho nllles are
making important gains.
The British launched fresh attacks
this morning on n front of nearly six
miles between Soquohnrt and Bony,
northeast of St. Quentln. Again there
has been heavy fighting along the
Hlndcnburg lino In this area and
more ground of tho most important
naturo has been gained.
In Flanders further substantial adn
vances have been made and, thero has
been extraordinarily heavy fighting in
which tho British forced their wav
forward by sheer might.
Along tho Lens-Armentloros line
the Germans fell back three miles.
In thlr retirement from St. Quentln
the Huns removed all tho inhabitants.
When tho Fronch troops entered the
town thero were no civilians to be
Tho Germans are not giving up
ground without a struggle. They
havo been making violent counters nt
many points on tho front, but every
where these assaults were crushed
and the allies in their turn went for
ward .
: :o: :-
Wnr Garden Prizes.
To tho people who were awarded
garden prize please call on me for
you medals. They were exhibited dur
ing tho county fair so they are all
ready to be given out to those awarded
Please call on mo at tho store or
during my absence call at the office
for your prize.
J. E. NELSON, of the Leader.
Mrs. W. B. .Brown and mother,
Mrs. Hamntond leave today for a two
weeks' visit in Denver and other
western points.
Dr. L. J. Krause. Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
'at "THE SUN
"The Ghost of the Raacho
Professor Trevlyn Doucets Orchestra
" ' " 11 1 1 Hill I I i , .,
All Sammy Girls must bo at the
Franklin auditorium Monday evonlng
by 7:00 in order to get places on tho
trucks Jor the pnrado.
i Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry Hanson, well
known rosldonts of tho north side
havo been spending this wook in
Omaha attending tho Ak-Sar-Bon.
i For Sale An oil stovo and n soft
coal boater. Call at 302 south Chest
nut. 74-3.
Dr. J. T. Kerr receivod his com
mission yesterday for tho modical
corps and will loavo within the next
liftben days for Ft. Riley to bagln
active service
For Sale Majestic range and hard
coal heater; both in good shapo. In
quire at 709 wost Third. N 74-2
Chas. Hupfor, who made applica
tion for ontrnnco Into tho naval of
ficers' training school nt Pelham Boy,
nonr Chicago, received word this
week to report at that station Nov. 1.
Miss Lejiore Cummlngs, well known
in town, will arrive today for a visit
with Mrs. Blanche Fields aifd other
frlonds while enrouto from Chicago
to her homo in Los Angeles.
Ordors hnve been received by tho
taoal board to Induct Chas. G.
Lawrence, of this city Into military
aoronautics. He will bo sont to Post
Held, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.
Ilo'rton Mungor, who made applica
tion a month or moro ago for en
trance into nn officers training school,
rocclved orders last evening to report
at Camp Pike. Ark', Octobor 10th. Ho
will leave for that camp Sunday or
Its host to buy ycur winter blankets
now. tho LEADER MEUU. CO. nro
selling blankets at before the war
prices. Heavy wool nnp Mankots on
sale at $2.95, $3.45, $4.90 and $G.S5.
Bettor ono at $7.45 and upf
Only five countlos In Nebraska out
sldo of Douglas and Lancaster hp
heavier registration thnn Lincoln
county. Those fivo counties woro:
Gage, Dodge, Custer, Buffalo and
Hall. Lincoln county's total registra
tion as reportel back by the provost
marshal of Nebraska was 2.59S.
E. T. Kelllhor, of Omaha, so well
known here in his old homo, who has
been stato agent for the Great Wes
tern Accident Insurance Co., hns been
mado assistant general manager of
the home office in Des Moines, la.
Mr. Kolllher will hold this position
until he Is called into service, having
made application for enlistment In the
quai-toraster's departmfcnt.
Sixteen Union Pacific engine men at
this termlnul largely, if not all, en
glnoors.lhave been ro-clnssified and
taken fr,om Class One and placed in
Class Two D. None of thoso men havo
dependents, but in n lotter to the
local board the district board says
that thero is a great scarcity of en
gineers, and that tho situation de
mands that these men be placed In a
deferred clnss. Somo of the farmer
boys who havo a hundred or moro
acres of corn standing in tho field
ready to bo husked wijl no doubt feel
that they too should be placed in a
deferred class by the district board.
Do Yon Know What It Means
Make a Real Good Shoe?
Can you imagine three hundred people engaged in making a single hat?
Think of them using in this hat sixty-six items of materials from all
parts of the world!
Imagine one hundred and ten machines needed to put it together for
you! Impossible!
Yet all this is necessary to produce one woman's shoe.
Now compare the relative cost of hats and shoes.
Then reflect on the care bestowed on the pretty bit of millinery which
people too often fail to give tq the pretty shoe!
Considering its merit and its price in comparison with other necessities,
the quietly stylish, well-made shoe of today is easily the best value in
the whole range of apparel for women.
Doubtless you wear both kid boots and kid gloves at some season of the
year. Both are carefully made of fine, selected skins.
Consider the service you get from each. In a sadly brief time the pretty
gloves find their way to the kitchen. Doubled in price, they are halved
in service.
Kid leather in shoes is better- than ever. The best selections now are re
served for American women.
There are sound materials; fine workmanship, efficient production and
true style in a pair of Queen Quality famous sh6es. Their service makes
them cost you less by tho year.
The test of a shoe is service. "Money's Worth" in style, materials and
workmanship is the basis of the Queen Quality appeal to discriminating
shoe buyers.
Wilcox Department Store
' What Is hoped to be made tho big
gout parade North Platte hns over had
Is bolng arranged for noxt Monday
QVenlng, the object of which will bo to
increase intorost and enthusiasm In
the Fourth Llborty Loan. Following
parade a mooting will bo hold nt the
Franklin auditorium whoro short
patriotic nddrossos will bo made nnd
music rendored.
In the big ovont North PIntto will
receive assistance from Omaha In the
Why of sponkors and n band. Tho
Union Pacific Will run n Riln1 TJIittf.
ty Loan train ovor tho system. On
mis train will no several of Omaha's
noted orators and the Union Pacific
shop band. Tilts Irnln will nrrli'n ii
5H5 Monday evening and Immediately
iuiur arrival meetings will boheld
simultaneously at tho round house
and the shODS. short ntltlrnnsrui In 1m
made at both places by tho Omaha
speakers, in tlte parade tho visiting
band will furnish music nlong with
tho North Platte band and the Home
Gunrds Drum and Bugle Corps, and
the Omaha men will mnko tho talks
at the meeting at the auditorium.
In tho parade will bo all the wo
mgn's patriotic organizations, tho
Homo Guards, the Iioy Scouts, tho
High School Cadets, tho Union Pacific
employees and citizens gonorally.
Large delegations are oxpectod to bo
prUMCnt from thn omtntrv nrnnlnto ,l
It Is aimed to have not loss than 3,000
inun una women in lino. The line of
march will be on the usual course.
Cantnln Shilling nf n,n n,,.
Guards, will bo tho marshal and he
nas appointed the necessary aides to
loqk aftor the sovoral divisions. The
parades which had been arranged for
tins evening and tomorrow evening
havo been abandoned and all will
unite in tho big event Monday It being
considered better to have ono large
i'H iiuiiur man uirco smaller ones
Mrs. Frank Illlfihnnnn nnnnlv fOtnlt.-
mnn of tho woman's loan connnitttoe,
is Rooking after tho representation of
women In the parade, W. L. Richards
of the Union Pacific committee of sollc
ltdrs, will arranc-o fnr Mm miirnn.i
employees division, nnd County Chair
man Temple will havo general .super
vision of tho pnrado and preside nt
the 'mooting at the auditorium. Ono of
wiu speaKers at tne auditorium will
devote his remarks to the work of the
woman's loan committee
It Is honeil Mi
X'A 11 T1 . ""'- J U4LUH 111
iorth Platte, and every country resl-
uvmt mio can, win pnrtlclpnto in this
bltr event ami Mum imin rni ..
ii i , ........ victim uu-
thuslnsm in tho big bond drlvo which
mummy sinrts next Monday morning.
Former Resident Harried.
On Sontember 29th in r.roninv ri
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Clins.
Morford, undo and aunt of tho groom,
Lloyd N. Newman, a former North
Platte boy. and Miss Flora Brown, of
L.)on8, loi., wore united in marriago
by tho Rev. O. M. TTntwi
Methodist church of Grcoloy. Tho
img cureinonoy was used. Aftor a
short weddincr trln Mr. mill TVT ra
Nowmnn will bo at homo
Lipan street Denver. Tho groom is
nn om'ployo of tho Union Pacific.
: :o: t
For Farm Loans see Gone CrooK,
Room west of Vienna Cafe.
A Heparate skirt Is n most es
sential ifeiiuHllo to every wo
mini's wardrobe, especially In
Autumn. Jinny occasions pres.
cut opportunities to wear a skirt
ami wuist when it Is undesir
able to bo atlircd In a drossy
ciiifit. Those skirls In many
labrlcs serges, snllns, gabard
ines and others, are priced from
$5 to $25
Wilcox Department
W. B. Urowli wont to Dtuvor this j
morning to witness the neroplnno
Now volvot hats nt $4.50, $6.60.
$7.50 nnd. up. Mllinory department a:
ioriu I'inuo noy, nas arrived safely
at Archangol, Russia, whoro ho is in
the Held medical corps.
Hecause of tho narado on Mondnv
evening the mooting with Miss Mao!
waiuor of the Travel and Study club
hnB boen .postponed until Tuesday
For Rent Store building at 8th
nnd Locust Sts. after Sopt. 10th,
airs. M. E. Grogg, COS So. Ghostnut.
Phono DInck S53. GStt
Honry MoMurray, a Lincoln county
boy nnd a brother of Mrs. Asa Snyder
of this city, hns arrived afoly overses
as a membor of n Canadian onglnoor
lug corps.
Wo hnvo sold moro coats nnd suits
this season so far than cvoi boforo.
Do you know why? Uocnuso we de
liver tho goods at the right prices
Tho Twentieth Century club will
moot next Tuosdny afternoon nt the1
Home of Mrs. Wnltor Crook, 215
Locust. Tho litorary department will
bo in charge.
Jas. ,G. Lambert, a mombor of tho
120th mnchlno gun battalion, arrived
safoly overseas this wook, his fathor,
B. L. Lambert, having received a
card to this effect yesterday.
Lnrgost assortment In tho city of
children's wool sorgo dresses and
silk and glnghnm dresses ns woll, in
an sizes, priced from DSc up.Snu lloor
Sarah Robeknh Lodco No. 10 I. O. '
O. F. will moot this ovonlng nt I. I
O. O. F. hall at 7:30. Business of
Importance, every member urged to bo
present. Coinmlttco meeting nt close
of regular session. By order of Nobloj
Grand, Eva Van Derhoof. i
Tho most important buy enrlv is
our advtoo to you. Womeii's best I
tailored suits nt 20 por cont to 40
per cont less than present value. I
Having contracted our suits many
months back enables us to save from1
2,0 per cent to 40 por cent on your
Washington, Oct. 3 Tho U. S. S.
ship Tampa, a former const guard out
tor In naval service was1 lost off'tha
English coast Sept. 20, with all on
board, whllo on convoy duty.
Ton offlcors nnd 102 enlisted men
of tho crow, ono British officer nnd
ilvo civilian omployos lost ther Hvo3.
A navy department statement Thurs
day announcing tho dlsnstor .says the
ship was sunk nt night In the British
channel nnd that reports Indicate1 Hint
sho was struck by n torpood whllo
oscortlng a convoy.
Cnpt. C. Sattorleo of the coast
guard commanded tho cutter. Ap
parently thero woro no oye-witnosses
to tho sinking. Tho navy's report says
an oxplosion was felt aftor tho Tniripn
had gone woll nhoad of tho oonvoy
nbout S:4B p. m., nnd that later
nuantttlos of wreckage ono of tho
Tampa's life bolts and tho botfiafc, of
two unldontlfiod offlcors in uAllffrin
was found.
-: :o: :
Hurley mid flrlnes Will Speak.
Tho sponkors at tht big Llborty
Loan mooting to bo held nt tho
Franklin auditorium Mondnv ovonlng
following tho parade will bo W. F.
Gurley and Frank Grlne3 of Omaha
Mr. Gurley Is no strnngor to n North
Platte audlonco, for ho has mado ad
dresses at two of our formor pnrltolc
mootings and thrilled 'the audience
with his oloquoncc. Mr. Grlnos is
equally as brilliant ns Mr, Gurley,
nnd tho two will make up nn ovonlng's
program that nil will eujov.
Iilberly Bonds Soiling Well.
Washington Oct. 3 First figures on
tho enrly snlo of the "Fighting Fourth
Liberty Loan" woro nnnounced by 'tho
treasury dopnrtmont Wednosdny nlht.
They inclmlo only tho subscriptions
on which tho down payments havo been
mnde. Subscriptions nro believed to
havo reached $',000,000,000 1 mnrk, but
only 9411,142,050 Is rocogiiiz'od'Qf
fliclaily. This represents tho snlo on
tho first thrco days campnlgn. .
Silks nnd dress goods such as nro
most wnnted, ovorythlng that's now
If he can secure a short leave of
alisenco, A. W. Shilling will leavo
Monday for Rising City to attond tho
convention of the men's brothorhood
of tho Lutheran church. Mr. Shilling
Is on tho program for an address.
The Honor of His House
A high class photo play in which the eternal triangle is
treated in a new light, and we are brought to realize that
true love never seeks to degrade its objecl.
The 2 Part Comedy "Playwright's Wrong"
The Keith, Saturday Evening.
Peggy A.I .... 1(1... n
Hyiand uineriTieu suaugniers
The play that will keep you in the right road.
See this Photoplay and tell Dad about it, or
Better still bring Dad to see it. Also the two
part Sunshine Comedy-"The Diver's Last Kiss."
Keith Theatre - Tonight
Cattle and Hogs
Hnvo a higher market value today on
nccount o! the demands for greater
food production.
Show you patriotism by raising more
and better cuttle and hogs than you
havo douo in tho past.
Our soldlors need meat and plonty of
It. You do your part nnd you can de
pend upon tho boys "over tliore" to do
their duty.
Let us help you plnn a larger and
better production of cattle and hogs.
Platte Valley State Bank