The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 9

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Should Be More Widely Grown in
Northern and Western
States for Feed.
Doea Best After Cultivated Crop, Such
ao Corn Suits Local Conditions
and Nature of Farm Various
Plans Outlined.
Prepared by fho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Barloy, a crop which should bo
more widely grown In tho Northern
and Western states because It is n
vnlunblo feed, does best nfter a cul
tivated crop.
Thla, In tho United States, means
corn. In Canada, excellent returns
have boon secured after root crops.
In tho United States, our root-crop
acrengo Is limited .to potatoes and
augnr beets. Tho total acreage of
those avnllablo for seeding to barley
Is too small to bo considered. In the
humid districts, where diversified
farming Is practiced, the most feasl
blo rotation Is ono Including corn and
.a leguminous hay or pasturo crop.
Combination for Rotation.
Oorn, followed by barley (seeded
with grass), which In turn Is followed
by hay pasture, Is tho essential com
bination of a rotation for this area.
'This is, of course, to bo modified te
suit local conditions and tho nature
of tho farm. If intended for uso ns
bay, tho grass seed mixture might bo
-timothy and clover; if for pasture, tho
mixture might Include a legumo and
nonleguralnous grasses suited to tho lo
cality. If used for hay, the grass mix
ture would probably stand two years;
If for pasture, it might remain a long
er time If grain feed Is needed, two
years of corn or two of barley might
be used. In the case of two yoars of
barley, tho stcond year tho barley
might be sown at a lesser rato, so as
to make a better nurso crop. Wheat
may enter any of these rotations by
sddlng ono year to tho cycle.
When alfalfa Is used It is seldom
profitable to break up tho alfalfa land
in less than thrco years, and It Is usu
ully profitable to leavo it still longer.
Various Rotations.
In tho arid regions corn is a far less
common crop. Tho ncreago Is Increas
ing, however, and the use of silos Is
certain to extend it still further. In
vestigations have shown that In the
great plains tho largest returns per
ncro were secured after summer fal
low; but on account of the cost of
summer tillage, tho crops on disked
corn ground were much more proflt
nblo. Potatoes, where grown, occupy
the same place as corn in the schemo
Growing Barley for Seed.
of rotation. In eastern Oregon and
Washington, and to n lesser extent in
Idaho, Wyoming nnd Montana, field
peas may take the" place of both tho
corn nnd tho hny crop, tho rotation
probably being peas, wheat and bar
ley. Much of tho barley west of tho
ninety-eighth meridian Is certain to bo
urown without definite rotation until
economic conditions have altered con
siderably. In tho South, winter barley
occupies tho same place ns wheat. Tho
host returns aro secured after plowing
tinder a leguminous crop, ns after cow
pens plowed under tho first of Septem
ber. In tho Piedmont region corn In
which crimson clover Is seeded, crim
son clover followed by cowpeas, nnd
barley make a three-year rotation
which can bo extended by tho uso of
n second barley crop nnd, li In a
stock-raising region, by tho addition of
pasture. In the coastal plains bar
ley doea not succeed well on snndy
soils, nnd stock farming Is not com
mon. Where tho soils are suitable,
corn, cowpeas, and barley may form
tho basis of the rotation. In some
places, velvet beans aro much better
than cowpeas. Tho advisability of
growing barloy hero usually would de
pend upon tho relatlvo cash returns
of wheat and barley. In the South
Uiero la a posslhlo exception. Where
hogs aro raised and fattened on pen
nuts, barley mny bo of unusual value
In adding firmness to tho fat.
Make Brood Sows Exercise.
Don't 'confine your brood sows too
closoly. Make- them tako exercise up
to tho last two or. three days licforo
farrowing. You will get bigger, strong
er pica.
Plan Outlined for Handling Young
Animals for Market.
Most Rapid but Also Most Expensive
Gains Mado During Finishing
Period Self-Feeder Found
Most Satisfactory.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agrlculturo.)
After weaning, tho stock selected for
fattening Is fed in two periods first,
tho growing period, from wennlng until
approximately six weeks to two months
of tho marketing date; and, second,
tho finishing period, from that time up
to marketing. During tho first or grow
ing period tho ration Is much tho same
Hog Feeding.
as fhat given to the breeding stock
that Is, all of the nutritious pasture
they need but with n heavier grain
ration of slightly wider nutritive ratio.
The object Is to grow a pig with plenty
of size and scale and ono that will fat
ten quickly and economically. Some
feeders use tho self-feeder at this
period nnd obtain . excellent results,
giving tho pigs free access to such
feeds as corn, mill feeds, and tankage
while on pasture. Tho practice tends
to shorten the feeding period nnd pro
duces pork with slightly' less grain per
unit of gnln. Under these conditions
pigs do not neglect their forage but
really make more economical uso of it
than when tho grain Is limited. In
feeding n limited grain ration on pas
tnre more success has been attained
by giving an amount equal to 3 per
cent of the body weight than when fed
in lesser nirtounts.
The most rapid but also tho most ex
pensive gains In tho pig's life come
during tho finishing period. During
these last few Weeks before slaughter
tho animal Is given all tho feed he will
consume with relish. Much more corn
and less protein concentrates aro fed
during this period, a representative
ration being composed of ten pounds
of corn to one pound of tnnknge. The
change In rations must be gradual and
tho lncrenso In feed not too rapid;
otherwise the animal Is apt to "go off
feed," or lose his appetite. Pastures
are very valuable at this time, especial
ly those composed of feeds high in pro
tein, for they furnish a cheap source
of nitrogen nnd keep tho pig toned up
and his appetite keen. A hog will con-
sumo n 8 to 4 per cent grnln ration
at this time, depending, of course, on
tho character of tho feeds and tho
weight of the hog, a larger hog eating
less In proportion to his weight than
a smaller one. The self-feeder was
primarily devised to flnsh tho hog at
this time nnd serves Its purpose In ex
cellent fashion. Slightly more rapid
and economical gains are made by Its
uso thnn can be obtained by the best
hand feeding.
i-r -
U- (Prepared by U. 8. Department q
or Agrlculturo.) &
Just 100 sugar-beet mills In
tho United States now aro ready
J to turn out tons of sugar to fur-
nlsh energy to our soldiers ns
e duuu ua urn Yuaiiui, ui- uiu
sugar-beet crop begins.
x). Sixteen of theso mills were o
built during 1017 nnd equipped
for handling tho 1017-18 crop. j
Tho cnpnclty of theso mills 2
8- ranges from a few hundred tons
to 11,000 tons of beets each 24
hours. -tt
S Tho first mill was built In Cal-
ifornla in 1870. During 1010
17 mills wcro built In Wyoming,
Idaho, Nebraska, Utah, Oregon,
o Colorado, Montana, Iowa, Call-
fornla and Washington.
tr'f I
Selection Is Especially Important to
Insure Healthy Seed Uso
Surplus for Food.
(Prepared by the Unltod States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Very Httlo enro Is required to savo
seed for a home supply of tho crops of
which tho seeds nro eaten, since the
seed is well advanced toward maturity
when usable. Selection Is Important
In this group, however, especially to In
sure henlthy seed. Any surplus dried
seed of theso plants moy bo used for
Crude Oil Cures Diseases.
Cnulo oil will euro most skin dhv
cases In iiogtv
Practice Results in More or Less Gen
eral Improvement of Poultry
Some Suggestions.
(From tho United States Department of
Thcro should not be any discourage
ment of the breeding of what Is or-
dlnnrily known ns fancy poultry. That
term is usually applied to tho stand-,
nrd breeds as kept by specialists who
produce exhibition birds. That prac
tice has always resulted in more or
less general Improvement of poultry
and should continue to perforin Just
that function at this tlmo when tho
wider keeping of a better grade of
poultry stock cannot fall to result In
an increased production. Tho work
of tho poultry specialist also gives en
couragement to tho general farmer
nnd tie bnck-yard poultry keener
to take better care of the flocks. Tho
continuance of poultry exhibitions,
maintained almost wholly by the poul
try specialist, is certainly Justified
during tho present emergency. It has
always been tho breeders of exhibition
towls who havo' been tho leaders In
promoting the welfnre of the poultry
industry, and theso men have been
especially willing to give their tlmo
and efforts In working for increased
production. Tho poultry shows them
selves nfford an opportunity for Inter
esting Individuals In poultry keeping
nnd hnve served as effective centers
from which to launch and extend the
campaign for increasing poultry pro
duction. To tho specialist In pouHry produc
tion it is not necessary to say In this
connection anything with regard to
breeds that should bo used, but to tho
gencrnl farmer some suggestions nlong
that Mno might be of assistance in
making tho adjustment to changed
conditions. ,
Standard poultry, ns tho phraso Is
commonly used in America, is poultry
bred to the standards established by
the American Poultry association. Tho
object of making standards for poultry
Is tho same as the object of making
standards of weight, volume or qual
ity for any product or commodity;
I. e., to secure uniformity nnd estab
lish a scries of grades as n basis of
trading In the article.
In making stnndards for poultry
which npply In the process of produc
tion, tho principal points considered
are size, shape nnd color.
Size and shape arc breed characters
and largely determine the practical
values of poultry. Many standard
breeds are divided into varieties differ
ing in color but Identical in every oth
er respect. Color is not a primary
utility point, but ns a secondary point
often comes In for special considera
tion. For exnmple, a white variety and
a bind; variety of the same breed aro
White Plymouth Rock Cock, First
Prize Winner.
actually Identical In table quality, but
because black birds do not dress for
tho market as clean and nice looking
ns white ones, it often happens that
they aro not ns salable.
When a flock of towls is kept for
production only, uniformity in color
Is much less Important than npproxl
mate uniformity ,n size and typo, yet
the more attractive appearnnce of a
flock of birds of the samo color Justi
fies selection for color ns far as it can
be followed without sacrificing any
material point.
When a poultry keeper grows his
own stock yenr after year ho should
by all means uso stock of n wcll-estub
Hshed popular standard breed. By do
ing so nnd by selecting ns breeders
only as many of tho best specimens
of tho flock ns aro needed to produce
tho chickens reared each year, a poul
try keeper maintains in his flock a
highly desirable uniformity of excel
lenco In every practical quality and,
with llttlo extra care and no extra
cost, can have a pleasing uniformity
In color. To the novlco in poultry
keeping It often appears that th'-re
Is no real necessity for so many
breeds nnd varieties as hnvo been
standardized In America. Further ac
quaintance with them, however, shows
thnt although color differences are In
most eases merely to please the eyes
of persons having different prefer
ences for color, tho tllfferences In
Mumo i. nd size which make breed
, charncter havo been doveloped with o
j view to ndnptlug each to particular
i uses or particular conditions.
Head of Department That Administers
Federal Aid Act Tells of
Highway Problem.
CPrcparod by tho United States Depart
ment or Agrlculturo.)
Governmental ngencloa dcnllng with
highway problems fully recognize tho
vltnl military and economic Importnnco
of the country's roads, according to a
letter from Secretary of Agrlculturo
Houston to Arthur II. Fleming, chief of
the state councils section, council of
national defense.
The secretary, whoso department ad
ministers tho federal nld road net,
stated also thut tho government recog
nizes that It is necessary to construct,
reconstruct or maintain roads essen
tial for military and vital economic
purposes nnd to defer action on roads
not of this class; nnd that it is desir
able, whercvor possible, to uso local
materials for road building and main
tenance in order to relievo railroad
Important highways, ns described in
the secretary's letter, include only
those utilized, or to bo utilized, by tho
military establishment, thoso which
enrry a considerable, volumo of mate
rials and supplies essential to war In
dustries, nnd thoso which have a bear
ing on tho production nnd, distribution
of food supplies, connecting popula
tion and shipping centers with sur
rounding agricultural areas.
Attention is called to the' formation
of the United States highways council.
This body was suggested by the secre
tary to co-ordlnnto federal ugcncles in
terested In highway problems. The
council is mndo up of a representative
each from the department of agricul
ture, the war department, tho railroad
administration, the fuel administration
and the war Industries boards. It will
form a unified agency for dealing, or,
behalf of tho federal government, wltl
highway construction, maintenance nn
policies. It will, of course, through tin
office of public roads and rural engi
neering of the department, continue
the elbso contact already established,
both formally by law nnd Informnllj
by practice, with the state hlghwaj
commission in each state.
Tho office of public roads and rura'
engineering and tho hlghwnys council
will actively consider tho supply, fot
highway purposes, of road oils, as
phalts and other bituminous rond
materials controlled by tho fuel ad-
Making Needed Repairs.
ministration, nnd tho matter of prior
ity production for highway materials
controlled by tho war Industries board.
They will also, In contnet with tho
railroad administration, aid in secur
ing, so far as practicable, facilities for
the transportation of road matcrlrds
nnd supplied. Furthermore, tho' offico
of public roads and rural engineering
will net as the medium for furnishing
information nnd assistance on hlghwny
problems, especially to state highway
authorities In meeting the various dif
ficulties which they encounter.
When Uio United States entered tho
war tho work of planning state high
way systems, 6o thnt, as far as neces
sary and feasible, they would connect
with tho systems of other stntcs, was
well under- way. This resulted from
efforts to administer tho federal aid
road act, so that the roads of vital Im
portance for economic, military and
other purposes should first bo dealt
with. The federal aid rond act Ia
volvlng an aggregate five-year expend!'
turc, directly and from state and local
funds, of ?1GO,0001000 In addition to at
least $200,000,000 spent Independently
each year by the states provides that
tho states must maintain tho roads
and that beforo any money can bo ex
pended the roads must bo selected and
approved and plans, specifications und
contracts submitted.
Tho secretary also calls attention to
tho fact that road engineers have been
provided by tho department for each
of the army cantonments and for work
on roads elsewhere In which mllltury
authorities were interested.
Bad Time for Hoad Work.
If the working of ihe roads is de
ferred until tho latter iart of the sum
mer when tho surface is baked dry
and hard, they nro not only difficult
to work, hut tho work is unsatisfac
tory when done.
Dispose of Storm Watir.
Storm water should be disposed of
quickly boforo It has had time to pene
trate deeply into tho surfneo of tho
rond. Thls-'ciin be done by giving the
nnd a crown or slopo from ho center
o tho sides.
Half-and.Half System Proves Most
Successful In Representative Sec
tion Near Chicago.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho so-called hnlf-nnd-hnlf system is
tho most common In use nnd the most
satisfactory In renting dairy farms in
roprcscntntlvo dnlry regions near Cht
cago studied by farm management
specialists of tho United Stntcs de
partment of agriculture. Generally
speaking, under this system tho land
lord supplies tho land, tho tenant tho
labor, and ench shnrcs tho expenses
nnd income equally. Tho study was
niado on 143 farms In Green county,
Wisconsin, nnd Knno county (tho El
gin district) Illinois, whero dairying
Is a comparatively old, well-developed
and profitable Industry. In tho report
of tho study, published as Bulletin C03,
of tho department, it is brought out
that while this system is particular
ly appllcablo to the regloas studied,
It Is believed to bo suitable in dairy
sections generally.
Under the half-and-half system tho
landlord furnishes tho land, buildings,
tho greater part of the seed and fertil
izer, nnd half tho productive stock,
while the tennnt furnishes horses, ma
chinery, half of tho productive stock,
part of tho seed, and sometimes part
of tho fertilizer. All stock Is fed usu
ally from tho grain nnd hay owned In
common. When n feed of any kind is
bought, Its cost is shared equally be
tween tho landlord nnd tenant. In
general, each party pays tho taxes on
all property owned by him, including
tho farm rond tnx, though In many
enses In tho North Central states al!
tho farm road tax Is worked out by
the tenant
Under this system tho poultry fre
quently is owned exclusively, in lim
ited numbers, by the tenant, and ho
gets tho proceeds therefrom, but with
this exception, each party gcncrnllj
receives half of the proceeds of farm
sales of all products of whatever na
ture. Less frequently dnlry farms ar
Bharo-rcntcd on the third system, the
landlord supplying everything but tho
mnn-powcr, which is furnished by the
teuant, and getting two-thirds of tht
enles of all productn while tho tenant
receives one-thlnh When feed Is pur
chased tho tenant pays one-third of
tho cost. .
Tho length of lenso in tho regions
studied rnnges from ono to five years.
In tho Wisconsin district 70 per. cent
of tho lenses wcro for ono year only
none being for n longer period thnn
three years, while In the Illinois dis
trict 03 per cent of tho leases wcro for
ono year. In tho Wisconsin group 83
per cent nnd In tho Illinois group 27
per cent of tho lenses wcro verbal.
Soventy-fivo per cent of the farm In
come on tho farms of tho Wisconsin
Splendid Heavy Milk-Producing Type.
group nnd 85 per cent on thoso of tho
Illinois group was from dairy cattlo
and dnlry products. In tho Wisconsin
group 21.5 per cent of the cows were
home-raised heifers that became fresh
during tho year; 18.0 per cent of tho
herds were discarded ir sold as dairy
cows. Tho furmers prefer to raise their
cows Instead of buying them, nnd on
over half of tho. farms Btutllcd thcro
wcro pure-bred Ilolsu-in bulls. In tho
Illinois group 8 per cent of tho cows
were home-raised heifers with first
calves, while 27.0 per cent of the herds
wero discarded InOitatlng that this is
a dairy-cow purchasing region.
Overfeeding: Causes More Stunted
Calves Than Underfeeding Feed
Them In Stanchions.
In rearing nnd dovoloplng dairy
heifers :
Don't overfeed. Twice ns many
calves aro stunted by overfeeding ns
by undorfccdlng.
Don't change suddenly from wliolo
to skim milk.
Don't keep cnlvea In damp, dark,
crowded, poorly ventilated barns.
Don't feed milk In dirty pulls.
Pon't be lrregulnr ns to tho time of
feeding, temperature or amount of
"Don't feed too much nlfnlfa hay bo
foro tho calf Is three months old.
Don't lot cmvuu suck each othct
after drinking milk. They should be
VlfiCcil In stanchions nnd fed grain.
Don't malco culveu go without water.
61 mmam
After Being Relieved of Or
ganic Trouble by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Oregon, III. "I took Lydln E, Pink
ham's Vegotnblo Compound for nn or
.gnmo trouble wmcn
pulled mo down un
til l could not put my
foot to tho floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and ns I live
on n small farm and
raise six hundred
chickens ovcry year
it mado it very bard
for mo.
"I saw the Com
pound advertised is
our paper, and tried
it. It has restored
my health so I can do nil my work nnd
I am so grateful that I am recommend
ing it to my frienda.' Mrs. D. M.
Alters, R. It. 4, Oregon. 111.
Only women whohavo suffered the tor
tures of such troubles nnd have dragged
along from dny to day can realize th
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women everywhere In Mrs. Alters
condition should profit by her recom
mendation, nnd If thcro nro any com
plications writo Lydia E. Plnkham'i
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Tho result of their 40 years expericne
la at your ocrvice.
TVfT?"W Kidney troublo proya up-4TA',-'J-
on the mind, dlacouraee
AMrj and loasens ambition;
beauty, vluor and choer
WOMRNr fulness ottcn disappear
TT ywltn when the kldnoya aro out
of order or diseased. For good results
pso Dr. KIlmer'B Swamp-Hoot, the groat
kldnoy tnedlclno. At druggists In Urge
nnd medium size bottles. Sample slxa
bottle by Parcel Tost, ulso pamphlet.
Address Or. Kilmer & Co., liliiKlmmton,
N. Y,, and enclose ten cents. Wben writ
ing mention this paper.
United States nniir coined 600,000,
000 pennies In 1017.
8oft, Clear Sklno.
Night nnd morning bathe tho fac
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. If
thcro aro pimples first smear them
with Cutlcura Ointment. For free sam
ples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boa
ton." Bold by druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
Conflict Has Had Marked Evil Effect
on Morals of Citizens of the
Little Country.
Holland, no doubt, had Its ranay
faults and shortcomings, but it cer
tainly nover was n corrupt cmratry,
cither In administration, In politics or
In business, Matthuys P. Rnoseboom
writes In Atlantic. This war hns fos
tered temptations nnd vice totally
new to the country. As conditions rrow
worse profiteering, hoarding, trying to
circumvent regulations, hick of respon
sibility nnd of public feeling, selfish
ness, lust of uiHluo profits nil these
do Increase.
Then there nro the spies of nH no
tlonnlltles. having centers In our coun
try, trying to bribe our folk Into ren
dering them services for high rewards.
Then there Is the gradually crowing
unemployment, with Its curse of Idle
ness, making men prone to mtccumb
to the temptations of profitable smug
gling. Then there nro the ninny unde
sirable forelRn elements, the alarming
growth of prostitution nnd Its Inherent
evils, the Increasing number of thefts,
burglaries nnd even murders.
An Undersea Episode.
Mr. Fish Yp,u say your son Is In
disposed? Mrs. Fish Yes he wan bit
ten by a niad dogfish I
Don't Imagine you nre aj vocalist
simply because tho nclghborx fall to
shoot nt you when you attempt to
III Take
you hear it more
and more when one
is asked what he'll
have for his morning-drink.
Delirihtful aroma
and taste.and free
dom from the dis
comforts that go
with coffee.
Nourishing health
ful, economical.
No Waste ataii-
an important item
these days. Give