The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1918, Image 1

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OCTOBER 1, 1918.
No. 73
, , . , L , , ., ! Tha draft lottery fixing th order of !
A very unfortunate and unusual ac- Sunday was a day of comparative Humility to military sorvlce of tho
cldent happonod during the auto qulotnoss on tho Amorican front but 18,000,000 new registrants botweon the
races nt. thn fnlr crnmifls Sntunlnv oarlv vesterdat momlnc the hie Euns'g9 of 18 and 21 and 81 and 45 was
... . . . . Istnrtrwl nf 13-0K vnalnnlnv nttnrnnnn'
Tho first nunibor drawn by Prosldont
Vt uson was 322 and that number
cfterncon which resulted in the death broke, loose and the entlro western
of Elmor Whoaton, ton voir old step- front was a continuous roar all day
ami nf rvi Hf. .nil n...... mi. J.l A . -I .,,..... II.. ,v i ., "Iu
m; .i aC.ii .i V J'""1," .; . s . "1U . S "'V ,l "nn county is noiu oy Everett ral'n.ada. Hundreds of thousands
.... . ,1Ho.. ...... ,ull net sianeu to ueicn uoatn wun tiawn,
unvou over irom i-inyoi i.entar 10 see
.OCToniiR r,iiris.w.).EN
Am IT'-,,
Millions of women In the Uhlttjd
States ro ongngud In war work.
Seven liundrod thousand woman
lone as active workors in the or
ganization of the N'nttoiml . Woman's
Liberty Loan Committor, Seventy
tnou.-uml women are omployofl on tho
tte and arri" at tho roundS ralnln shells into, the Argonue hills
while a raco was In progress. Thoy regions, a fire so intense that no man
drove tho car to tho west ond of the could llvo in through it. Over all
track and tho boys got out of the car No Man's land nloug this front the
and ran up to the fence In order to rain of steel continues, die proparn
get a better view of tho racers. As tioh for further advances being the
the Ford car in tho raco rounded the greatost known In history of the war.
southwest turn tho spindle broke and American Infantry is moving tor
tho wheol flow through the air. It wal'(l steadily under protectioh of this
travelod nbout twenty feet, struck the ' flre am nlnS tho Uro ,lu0 au ml
nrnnmi miiinioi nmi otrnnTi- tim i.n.. 1 vauce has been made.
w sw-W4ul V U V ItWIW I'll V Ull
The number of prisoners taken has
not been learned, but It Is known that
losfees Inflicted on tho Teuton urmlos
. . 1 .. . I .. 45 1 ........ ...... ..
wheel bounded from tho hnv nml hit uus """ "uvt uuo" uuiuuiuub.
i" L.. ii i" ..?, , "... . ! Tho enemy has been forced to throw
left side of the head, fracturing the
tho skull and breaking tho jaw and
neck and killing him instantly. Tho
tho open door of an auto breaking it
off tho hinges. The car losing the
win el was not overturned and the
driver was not injured.
The body of the boy was taken to
fresh troops into the line nt numerous
intervals, only to see them mowed
a'own by tho intense shell and
machine gun ilro.
At one point of the lino tho Amer-
tho Derryberry and Forbes morgue, icans peetrnted for four miles on a
prepared for burial and taken to I front of about nine miles and they
Junction City, Wis., Sunday for In- are still moving forward, despite
torment. Mrs. Musil had Just return-, strengthening of enemy forces, both
ed a fow days berore from Junction aitillery nnd Infantry.
City, where she was called by the1 Ameflcnns are now engaged along
death of her mother. Mr. Musil is a practlcully all of tho western battle
real estate dealer in Hayes? Center. front.
1 1 1
Lawronoe of this city. Only tho first I Willi inn nrn Inlinrlnr In thn 11111 tiff Lino
100 names drawn were ent out by fnctorloa. Other hundreds of thousands
wire, and in theso 100 twenty-live of &0rve In clorlcal work dlroctly related
the numbor wore held by Lincoln I to the war. As many moro aro ongng
county mon. The rotation in which d In tho Rod Cross nnd other nctlv
these twenty-flvo woro d.-nwn, tho 1 ltlos for tho auiollorntlon of war
registration nunibor of tho mon, and' ocndltions. Tho womon of Amoricn
their names nnd postofflco addresses are doing tholr share In tho winning
ae fL?loJ!! t , , f tle war, both by actual hnrd work
1 (322) Lvorott LawrencS, North nnd bv tho tromondous force of tholr
o ,iro-!t9Aii rn . mbral liUtuonco., U is fltUng that
(,1Sf')7Albert. Lilos, Herahey .their sorvico should bo memorialized
5SIJra,itlllou.8,on.Vr,niy il,nd Saturday, October 5 has boon
i irJ?,!m, I?8I c' w1If,Ieei , : dofilgnatod for observation in the
n Joo)TFnrl JaUe'' S tiUiorl n l Fourth Llborty Loan Campaign ns
;3)TFhn? SJmnnts. Xorth Platto Women in War work day.
7 (904) Frank Zimmer, North Platto w O McADOO
S (1523) Fred Shootz, North Platte ..'.. ijZ!:
9 (1240) John Ginai)p, Drady nntlt''v' iin,,i,,
10 finOSl S T-T(rtiniiiln7 X'nrtli ' "llUleS AOV KllfrlllSr.
Platte "ernnndoz, orth iarshai Foch ia fluting flvo battlos
l'f20) Oscar Munqon Brnlv simultaneously and successfully a
JaJMEdw"1 Decode Sickens fFaacU"tat,;a0,tdaoU HSil'Sl? nd
18-(2pia,tir'rt,U,r Strayhrn' NrtU ttfeSarmVm.pports1 a'otheall
14 Mnrtln Krnnn. Mrtnroflnl.1 " "miHpoimumo pun oi uio
16 (535) Peter Miller, dandy
16 (219) (?has. Lyman, Mooreflold
17 (625) Daniel Gartrell, Dickons
IS (72) Elza Smith, Wellfleet
19 (932) James
oi8ja unU v.m. m(( tomorrow, all inter-related and work
o2(4)Curi Oman Bra v """".m ns smoothly as the cylinders of a
o5 i 4)-F oyd WUliams Wollfleot W0,U "dJuatcd automobllo cnglno. All
24- 395 -Jolui Burke North Plntto . ar? dlrocto'1 to tho 8n,no 0lulto wear
25- 657 -wa or BuntlS? North (lon thc cnemy'8 strength. Marshal
Pintt "wntms, "h Foeh alono knows whon th0 alUea
liau stiflko tho doclslvo blow.
' " I I Tho enemy still Is fighting woll.
. i H(i ls offering splendid resistance
Coining a car of Pears. Will be un- Wst of tho Argonne, but how long
loaded near tho Locust street cro3s caS ho keep it up.
ing. Heip to unioau tins car in a-i Exports ncrco that tho onomv's
wholo front.
G.onoral Grant's Idea of a continuous
concurrent attack by a multiplicity of
forces on many fronts ls being realized
I. nlllA.l ......... I , - mi....
TT'iiatwnvl i ui umvu GUUiiiuiiHtuiiiu. lauroui'C
i-.asnooii, auiner- fl.,' ,.nMna t,in,.. timm ,1..,,. , m
hours and get your pears at ?3.15 per , withdraw! to a. shorter lino, iprobably
tnat or Antwerp, Brussols, Mozlors
and Metz is imminent. Somo believe
ho has hung on too long and that ho
will have gfeat difficulty in prevent
ing his retreat from degenerating in
to a rout.
while Capt. John Evans solicited
tho crowd to donate to thc good of
the cause. The total donations woro
S3Q8 which tho Sammy Girls will turn
over to tho Red Cross canteen service.
Class Elects Officers.
Tho past week the 1919 class of
Sonlor High School elected tholr class
advisors and their officers. Miss
Lucille Wilcox- was elected advisor,
Murl Maupln, president; Clara Do-
TRolf, vice president and Helen Smith
Tho qomlng year promises to bo
one of the very best in school activ
ities in spite of tho fact that many
of the boys from tho class are now in
the service.
- Sntiiirtlas October Cth, haft been
rfoslgniUcoT by the Secretary of xthe
Troasun.ns "Womon in War work"
day. By Hhe request of the National
womon's Liberty Loan chairman, Mrs.
Win. G. McAdoo, the Lincoln county
Womon's Llborty Loan committee aro
arranging for a parade on that day
vhlrh will IncluUo all women and
2 immmmmB!S3ms&iwi
"Ovi e Top, boys, and give 'em helt" When the zero hour arrives and
the wave's--r troops go over and forward, ta barrage fire rolls ahead of them,
shielding t em with an Impenetrable wall of fire. A barrage laid down ahead
of our ad ."nclng troops, protecting thsm ar.d razing the German positions,
may cost from $500,CCO In Liberty Bonds upwards.
"When you're waiting to go over . be given the best chance for life out
tho top you think of a lot of things,"
said an infantry Lieutenant on the
sector near Cantigny recently.
"As you stand there with the hands
of your watch moving around to the
zero hour, the draft whipping acid
wisps of araoke down tho trench, and
see your platoon gripping their rifles,
with bayonets set, ready to follow
you over Into that hull, you know that
somo of them won't come back.
"You look at the second hand of
your watch. 'Ten seconds,' 'five sec
onds,' and you glanco across to where
the barrage forms a protecting wall
of fire. 'Two seconds'--and you thank
God for the folks back home that are
backing you up and putting up the
mouey for all of those shells, for they
mean that, these brave bnvs aro to
"Zero and over you 150."
Tho barrage fire is n wall of bursting
shells that mo vea "ahead of tho ad
vancing troops in an attack. So per
fectly is the schedule timed that the
artillerymen, far in tho rear, Know
eacli second just where tho first wave
is, and raising the angle of tholr guns,
keep tho bursting shells just ahead.
Official British figures show the
soven-day bombardment during the at
tack on the Messlnes-Wytschaete
ridge in Juno, 1917, cost $83,791,235
in ammunition. In this case the front
V, ivered was at ut six miles. The
-.Villminary curti a of fire, laid dowu
lr days, cost $43,106,535.
a 'mall barrage may cost as mud
From the story in the All Story Weekly.
Crystal Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow
bushel basket. LOOK for the hie sign
on car. Car will arrlvo about Wed
nesday or Thursday of this week. Will
also have pears in tho Burgner stcro
room on the north side. Call either
placo. J. W. McMICHAEL, Grocer
408 South Dewey.
Sammy Girls (Jivo Concert
Tho Sammy Girls gathered In many
dollars Saturday afternoon by giving
a concert at the fair grounds, Tho
contributions woro.. voluntary which
ovidenced the good spirit of tho
crowd. T.VM; Cohagen donated his
On nml nftcr October 1st, wo will
conduct our business on 11 slrlcllv
cash basis.
71-H R0T1T. R. DICKKY.
Word received this morning an
nounced Jhat Sorgoattt Bartel Mc-
-tor truAkv a nlano waace
on -and a dozen or inoroglrTs sang.l .,,2.. ttHt ti.nt i,n i mm t
tho hospital.
Do a little shopping and then you
will nppreciato our 'prices. E. T.
Hugh C. Davis and Carl Grieson
left this morning for Fort Leaven
worth where they will bo employed as
stenographers in army sorvico, Davis
had been employed as a civilian clerk
inn.Ya8!,ngt0n,HJ!'1 Grrle?(Ju,ha,'1 ,bT ' tondoil by the king oX Italy, nnd ho
the I &rdmafto 1 office. fPt ,f Ilt rU " K,rc"t Pn,r ot:
. ! Ic symphony, designed to be n muslcnl
Our store has boon rearranged onco , niintheosls of Italy's "wnr of rcdemp-
moro for another week s sale. Special , tJon .
bargains being put out each day. Wo! '
galns In wash dress goods. It will
Thirtoon girls aro now employed in
tho office, or Yardmaster Sinclair.
Somo aro employed as clerks, othors
as car checkers.
Mrs. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds loft
this morning for a visit with their
son Charley and family in Omaha.
Miss Marguorito and Angela Roddy
spent a fow days in Lexington last
Tho P. E. O. will meet tomorrow
afternoon at tho home of Mrs. F. W.
Rlnokor. '
: ;o: :
'Mascagnl and the War.
Plctro Mascagnl, the celebrated com
poser, once told how tho opening
.chorus of "Cavaloila" was composed
on thc night of February 3, 1889, when
his first child was born. That son,
jMlmi, is now, or wns recently, driving
n motor-truck for the Italian nrmy;
and n second boy, nino, boenmc n pri
vate In the engineer corps, hlo.wlng up
'Austrian lmrbed-wlro barricade. On
n visit to the young soldiers Musengnl
isnw his first battle.
"This ls indeed music," ho wrote. "It
thorns ns if all the big drums In my or
chestrn had been multiplied by u mil
lion nnd suddenly gone mad."
The composer gave open-air concerts
in tho trenches, on one oconUon 'nt-
From tho North sua to tho Mouso the
allied nrmtos Aro pre8iug success
fully thru main German, defonasfi
Tlie Ritliurbs of Cambria havo boon
ontarod and tho allies are closing In
en Lille. St. Quontln and Laon, while
tho French nnd American drive north
ward wost of tho Mouso continues.
Germany's hardrprossed armies aro
fighting desperately, bit the allies
are hammering their way itondtly into
the German dofonao systoni, the over
throw of which probably will result in
n German rotlremon't to tho Froneh
border. If not to tho Rhino. Tho
heaviest fighting of tho war on the
wostorn front now ls In nrogroes and
tho allies on all sectorw aro moving
ahead. -
Tho Germans havo boon driven from
tho hills around Ypros and from the
formidable Mosslnos-Wytschnoto fyoal
tlon. Tho Bolglau and British troops
aro driving n wedgo botweon tho
Bolglan coast and tho great fortress
of Lille, threatening Llllo nnd tho
submarine bases of Ostein! and
Zcobruggo. More than 9,000 Germans
have been captured in tho FUuulors
From south of tho Scarpe to tho
Oiso north of. Laon, the British
French and Americans are crushing
the Gorman iofon:es with mighty
blows. Tho fall of Cambral scorns to
be only n mattor of hours. With
Cambrnl in allied hands, the German
positions nt Doual, St. Quentln nnd
Loan will bo portions.
NVth of St. Quontln tho allies aro
gaining nenr Lo Catelot despite strong
counter nttacks. Horo thoy nro within
tho Hlndonburg lino and are out
flanking St. Quontln. Botweon St.
Quontln nnd Laon tho French aro
hohUlng thiQtr gains ngallnkt heavy
German efforts .
In Champagne Gonoral Gouraud
has rosuincd his drive northward be
twoon Laon and Metz. Most of tho
hill positions arc in hisUiand. East
of tho Argonne, the Americans con
tlmto tholr presBtiro.
Injured In Auto Accident
While onrouto to town Saturday
forenoon a car driven by S. E. Cloth
ier of Tryon and with his wlfo and
flvo others ns passongers overturned
twenty miles north or town. Flvo of
the seveu occupants Wcro thrown freo
of tho car, but Mr. and Mrs. Cloth-
lor were pinned underneath and could
not bo extricated until a car following
a ccuplo miles bohlud nrrlved. Mr.
Cothier was, badly cut on an avmund
bruised about tho body.. Mrs.-Clothier,
was seriously hurt internally, Uf6 full
extent of whidIIlBMY6t';hr thllfTtii'
known. Sho was-- taken to' tho MathOc's
farm house nnd Dr. Twinem summon
ed. She will probably bo moved U; a
hospital as soon ns her condition will,
warrant. Tho citr overturned whan, t
skidded coming down a stoop hill.' ,
'Bear In mind that cvoythltig on
ualo In ,cur dry goods dopartmont,
HiUts, coala. dresses all included ill
our salo. We can save you money.
Tho special war relic train arrived
last ovonlng on schedule time, six ten
and remained until after midnight,
although tho doors woro clood short
ly arter ten. Though tho evening was
cold and rainy tho numbor who vlew
: cd the rollcs was largo, running Into
many nunurotts, not a few of whom
were from country products. Tho
train coniUted of four enrs, two flat
cars loaded with cannons bombing
piano, howitzers and niontara. a box
car containing all kinds of shells, hoi
mots nnd soldlors pharnphunalla and
a Pullman for sleeping accommoda
tions for tho scoro or more mon ac
companying 'the train. The exhibit
gavo tho spectators a good inaight
Into the implements of modem to
faro, and this information Wna heigh
tonod by lectures on tho work of tho
tronch and field guns by n member
of tho party.
Eyre Powoll, a war correspondent
was tho train commnndor, and next
in command was Mr. Mudd, Knights
of Columbus war secretary, fcvory
nioinhor of whoso family is in tho sor
vico, tho mon na fighters nnd tho
women ob nurses, in tho party was
! n Fronch votornn bodockod with
j medals, who has been in the sorvico
twenty yoars m compaigns nororo tho
prosont war,
: :o:s -
Bulgaria 'Hits Surrendered.
Paris, Sopt. 30 An armistlco haa
been concludod between tho nlllos-jiud
Bulgaria on tho allies' own terms.
Tho anouncomont'wns nindo officTalTy
Saloniki, Sopt. SO An armistice haa
boon signed on tho Balkan battlo frout
It was announced Monday.
Ropro8ontntIvos of tho Bulgarian
government and the Bulgar army sign
ed in behalf of Bulgaria, while General
d'Esperoy, French commnndor In cljiof
of tho allied forces ' In Macedonia,
signed for tho allies.
$2..0() Rowird
Given for information loading to
nrreet and conviction of the party
or parties who entered my house whllo
absent.' ' .
r::o: :-
Tho'O. E. S. Red Cross auxiliary
will uuoct tomorrow afternoon nt two
o'clOclc'ln tho federal building to sow;
knit and mnko surgical dressing!?.
AU members aro requo'sted to como
propared to work in one of the threo
brnnoht's.., , ".
Dr. J. tJ',' 'RodHeld Went to Denver
. Sunday.. a'nd.',onltatedi4n tho Medical
Itesorvo Corps surgical dDpartmcntot
,t)vUulted Statp8-anny.. . Thoridpetpr
oDDCts to . roqolvo liis oonnnisro.
and bo pallifd' in.Jibout slx.vk!'
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meot Thursday afternoon and ho nn-
1 tortnincd by Mosdairtes Hart. Zent
uxy Rw) - fi Elder.
1 ', For Rent,
Irrlgntod farm ot 200 acros, flvo
ml'.es northwest of Hofshoy, under tho
I old ditch. C. R. LAWRENCE, 312 east
' Third. North Platto. 70tt
Wedne&clav t THE SUN
pay you to buy for future uses. E.
A girl was born yesterday morning
to Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Portor.
Tho mother and daughter aro reported
to be doing nicely and Harry is re
signed, though ho had built hopes on
an liolr Instead of an heiress.
children engaged in war work.
Tho Lutheran Girls club will be on
tortainedj Thursday ovonlng nt tho
homo of Misses Helen and Elizabeth
Broadbeck. ,
Now fall mjorcliamjlse Jarrivlng
dally which aro being put immediately
on salo E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mine Wrecks Garden.
While sitting on the back porch of
her home, Mrs. Wllllnm DolmetHCh of
the 700 block, on North Bromley nvo
mie, Scranton, Pa., saw the rear por
tion of tho yard sink Into n mlno work
ing, exposing numerous -mlno props,
whllo n short distance nwny a slmllnr
Fettling exposed men nt work In tho
mines. In ench case the gardens iiave
dropped about 15 feet. Thc homo of
Matthew Scott lias osenped damage,
but tho earth on nil sides hnB sunk,
mnklng tho residence appear ns though
on an Inland.
Few streets In the city arc suffering
worso damage from mine enves than
Miss Blanche Fonda succeeds Carl, Uromloy nvenue. Gardens, posts, trees
urioHon uh i-uiui cierit in uio yaru-, n,i Bidvnlks have fallen in.
imiBiers on it u.
ProL Trevlyn Doucet's Orchestra.
"The Beloved
Prof. Trevyln Doucet's Orchestra
Here comes the Cool,
Clean, Klenzo Feeling
ERE comes a brand-new
dentifrice built from a
brand-new formula. Soft
snow-white and so pleasing
to the taste that grown-ups as
well as children are eager to
use it morning and night.
Tho cleanness it creates is
evidenced by the delightful,
cool, refreshing feeling it leaves
in your mouth.
Get this Cool, Clean, Klenzo
Feeling today, by talcing home
a tube of Klenzo.
Rexall Dirug Store