The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 27, 1918, Image 8

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    Scnu-HJcrklu Subline.
IK A I,. HAltK, Editor mid lrn!)l!sbcr
One Year by Mall In Advance.'... 81.2
One i'car by Carrier In Advnnco $1"0
Entered nt North Platto. Nebraska,
I'oatofflco as Second Class Matter.
nil, i9is
DRAFT ruling.
In tho now draft the district boards
nro charged with tho duty of putting
into doforrod classes thole pertons
who aro moro llkoly to furtltor tho
war by remaining In civillun occupa
tions than by entering tho army. Ac
cordingly, throe advisers aro to be
selected for each district board ono
for agriculture, ono for labor and one
for other occupations. The agricul
tural advisor will bo appointed by
tho board upon tho recommendation
of tho secretary of agriculture. Tho
advisors aro not members of tho board
but may whon Invited attond Its meet
ings. Tho dutlos of tho agricultural ad
visor will bo to provldo to tho board
vlscr will bo to provide for the board
monta. not only of Ills own district,
but of tho wholo country. Ho should
bo tlip repository of all facts having
rolatlon lo tho deferment of agricul
tural workors, 'whether thoso bo noc
ofisary farm ' laborors. managors or
oporators. Ho will bo expected to ad
vlso tho district boards as to a short
age or surplus) of necessary tfarra
workers for any given district, as woll
as for tho ontlro nation.
Such Information will bo supplied
to thoadvlsorB by tho dopartmant of
agrlculturo. This will mako It possl
bjo to have nocossary workers trans
ferred from districts In which they
may not bo necessary lo other dis
tricts In which thoy aro sorely needed
Tho advisor may also concorn him
self with Individual cases that como
boforo tho district board. Ho will
Jiavo tho right undor certain condi
tions, to oxamlno the questionnaires
and other rocords in tho 111 oh of tho
local board for tho purpose- of ascer
taining whether porsons .ontltled to
doforrod classification havo actually
claimed It. In caso ho finds tho napios
of such registrants ho may fllo for
thohi a claim for deferred classifica
tion with tho district board, which. In
turn, mny requlro tho local board to
cortlfy tho questionnaire and rocord
of any such registrants for considera
tion. Reasonable tlmo will bo glvon
for tho purpose of obtaining Informa
tion and su'pplylng tho affidavits ro
qulred. '
SpuulHh Influenza Sprendn.
Washington, Sopt.25. Spanish In
fluenza continues ti swoop tho At
lantic coast the death toll mounting
hourly. At Boston Navy yards seven
ty deaths havo been reported in tho
last twonty-four hours.
Thoro Is now a total of sonic twon
tyntwo thousand nine hundrod seventy-two
casoa of the disease reported In
tho cantonments. Tho danger of tho
dlscaso lies In Its sudden turn in some
casoso Into pneumonia and army
physclans aro working frantically to
stay tho swoop of tho Influenza which
1b gathorlng niomontum along the
coast day by day.
"At tho Great Lakoa Naval Training
Station, Captain MoffeL commandant
of tho post., announced that the dls
case moro is unuor .control witu a
total of eight thousand two hundrod
elghtoon cases. Tho alxty-olght deaths
roportcd at tho station woro among
patlonts who ontorod tho hospital In&t
wcok. lJut three hundred alxty-nlno
now cases wore reported during tho
twonty-fqur huar period ending, yos-
At camp Dovens, Ayro, Mass., ton
thousand ecven huudord .olghty-nlno
casoao ot tho ulsoaao have boon re
ported, about throo thousand pf these
woro roportcd In tho paBt twonty-four
hours. Tho death list at Camp Dovens
is heavy and will total higher than
any other camp.,
Itnljr In Need. poso tho Austrlans may not fall as the
! Tho civil population of Italyis In ond.drawa ; near
11 .. ...... IL..... One solid blow, struck with t ia
isoro stmiu. entire force of the Italian army ro-
In a circular to K. C. Calvin, fedor- country was without coal and Uj0lvl- Unforced with a quarter of a million
nl managor of the Union Pacific and 1 1Ian 8Uff0rIng was intense. In .normal 1 Amorlcan infantrymon would crush
allied lines, Director General McAdoo , tmoB Italy's coat supply cqraclffron, Austria forever, Is tho opinion of the
says that aftor a careful survey nnu . Engan,i. This winter jsngiana win 0i observer. America must deliver this
For Farm Loans see Gene Crook,
Room west ot Vienna Cafe.
shidv nf thn railroad situation
"mat there u no surplus wiuuovm
ablo to furnish no coal to Italy owin; blow nnd can only deliver It by both
to economic necessity at nome. Anif-r- economic and military aid to Italy
wno has suffered in economic stroes
socond only to Franco nnd to Bol-
cf rallronrt employees for running the'Ica ,ngt furnish Italy with supplh
railroads, and thoro Is not a surplus I n nii nn,i coal In order that tlio splen
supply ot labor from which new em-1 dl( military machine built op- glum
ployoes can be drawn lo replace thoso , .. .. . j - -i -' ' ' v r-r r-
who may bo taken for military sor-,
vice. Any competent railroad omploye1
takes from this Indispensable branch!
of the sorvlce will bo snosiracteu
from u force which Is already too
small and which ennnot bo adequately
roplonlshed. Tlio taking of any such
employee by any district board would
be a stop tendlngto Injure the war
operations of some railronda."
Fedornl Manager Calvin, nfter quot
ing this and other paragraphs of tho
McAdoo circular, and also giving tho
opinion of the provost marshal on the
subject, says:
"In view of the obovo It Is tho pat
riotic duty of all employee cf rail
roads who are essential to the opera
tion of the transportation linos of
tho country, to mnko proper claim for
deferred classification. The Heads of
Departments havo boon provldod with
forms of affidavits to be mado out by
them in support of tho claims of em
ployees for deferred classification;
omployeoB should at once npply to tho
head of tho dopartmont In which they
aro employed for such affidavits; and
whon properly filled out thoy should
bo attached to their questionnaires
whon they nro returned to the Exem
ption Board."
Sopt. 23, 1918.'
Board met pursuant to adjournment
proBont Springor, Ilermlngliausen,
Koch and county clork.
Claims wore allowed as follows:
B. B. Cass, care of Mrs. Kuhn
hauson, ?12.50.
J. H. Cook, road work, $8(5.25.
Walter Adams, road work, $80.60.
J. F. Snyder, road work, $100.00.
G. W. Rannlo, surveying, $24.00.
Walter Duggan, chainman, $6.50.
Win, Roddon, chainman, $30.00.
Paul Moyor, surveying, $9.00.
Chaf). Mason, rond work, $22. CO.
O. L. Grant, road work, $00.00.
Honry nosondohl, grading, $209.00.
G. M. Smith, supplies, $5.90.
Tho county clork Is horoby directed
to Issue dupllcato for Warrant No.
14488 which has boon lost In tho mall,
also dupllcato for warrant No,. 14490
which was also lost m man.
Joseph Spies, hauling sand, $19.50.
Farmerr Co-oporatlvo Co., car
bridgo plank, $1009.20.
Frank Koch, ongino work, $51.00.
Roard No. 408 Is horoby allowed as
prayed for. County surveyor ordered
to survey same.
Road petitioned for by Kent & Burke
and others as follows: Commencing at
southwost corner of Section 19-13-27,
running north one mile, thence east
on section lino ono mllo nnd terminat
ing there, wns prcsontcd to board and
thlB bolng a conaont road without
damages, the board bolng of tho
opinion that it is for tho public good,
grant tlio potlton and tho county sur
veyor Is horoby ordorod to survey tho
Adjourned to Sept. 30, 1918.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
!You Can't Eat Meat
100 Miles Away -
Makes "Your
Breakfast Taste
YOUR break
fast t ant oa
better after you
use, Klonio. Qot
a tube to try
Thoro is a
new eanaatlon
awaiting you
tho Cool, Clean
Klenzo Fooling
on your tooth
nnd tonguo. It
Isn't merely a
taste. It's a tes
timony of clean
less cleanness
that is Imparted
to tho tiny, Uttlo
taste nerves,
freeing them of
stale secretions
that meko your
mouth feel hot
end etlcy,
UNTIL 27th.
"Buckwnrd, turn backward," O
Tlmo, in thy flight."
Lots or folks seon to think tlmo Is
going to turn backward, or rather
that tho clocks aro going to bo turnod
itacKward ono hour, on Octobor 1.
Thoy nro In error, for It Is wrlLton
in the law, passed hy our worshipful
congress that the clocks shall bo turn
ed back ono hour on Sunday night,
Octobor 27 to make up for tho hour
unit, uioy woro lurncu anoau on or
about April 1.
That will bo tho blggost "big
night" wo havo ovor had for It will
ho an hour longor than any othor
loung follows nro heroby notified
to bo Buro to havo a dato with their
best girl on that night. Call, as uaual
nt 8,o' clock, and whon tho clock on tho
escntairo in tho library chlmos 11.
anno aim cninuy turn it back ono
hour, thus gaining another blissful
uo minutes ot hnnd-holdlng..
: o! :
Lost A gold handled umbrolln,
wnn louor is ongrnvea. Return to
Mrs. Louisa Burko, 821 oast 4th and
rocelvo roward. 74-3.
;n: t
Eslrny Notlrn.
Takon up on or about August 21,
191 S, In tho pasture of tho undorslcn-
ed a holfor about throo yoarsold, whlto
face, with honiB. no brnnds. Ownor Is
requested to call, prove proporty, pay
cnargos aim tnuo animnl away..
Wollfleet. Nob.
Nollco of Incoriiuratlon.
Notlco Is horoby civon thnt undor
doto of Soptombor 7th, 1918. thoro was
men witu tno county Clork of Lin
coin County. Nbraska. Articles of In
corporation of tho "North Platto Eloc
trlc Mills" whoso principal placo ot
huslnoss Is In North Platto, Nebraska,
nnu wiucit Bam corporation wns form
od for tho pumoso of buvlnc and soil
mg grain nnu grain products and tho
manufneturo and snlo at wholosalo
and retail ot flour nnd othor coroal
products, nnd tho erection and main
tonnnco of such buildings aa ehall bo
nocossary thorofor nnd tho purchase
oi sucn real ostnto as may bo required
for a slto. Tho authorized capital
stock of said Corporation Is In thn
sum of Fifty Thousand nnd OO-lO
($50,000.00) Dollars fully paid in
and said Corporation commoncol
business on Soptombor 1st. 1918, and
snail conunuo in oporntlon for a
period ot 25 years thoroaftor.
.Tho highest Indebtedness to which
said Corporation ahnll subject Itself
shall hot oxcood two-thirds of Its
capital stock, and tho husInoBS ot said
Corporation shall bo conducted by
a Prosldent, Socrotnry nnd Treasurer,
which said officers shall bo choson by
Board ot Dlrectora ot not to oxcood 5
In numbor.
By L. C. CARROLL. President.
Attosts B. M. CARROLL. Socrotnry
Sopt. 27-4 wks
Preparing meat is only a part
of Swift & Company's usefulness.
The finest meat in the world
.wouldn't do you any good one
hundred miles away from your
Swift & Company efficiency has made
it possible to place complete lines of
products in the smallest and most remote
communities. '
To be sure the work is done well
Swift & Company, through its branch
houses and car routes, brings the meat to
the retail dealer for you.
Swift & Company lays out car routes
covering towns big, little, medium size
which7 are not served by a Swift
branch house.
Salesmen find out in advance what is
wanted by the dealers in every town.
They are, follqwed by refrigerator cars
loaded with retailers' orders, which are
delivered at eaclf town fresh, clean, and
sweet once or twice each week.
Swift: & Company operates a large
number of car routes like this, from four
teen distributing plants.
This is a necessary and natural part
of the packers' usefulness. It fits into
the industry in an orderly, effective way.
It makes better meat cheaper from one
end of the land to the other.
Swift 8c Company, U. S. A.
Will oiter at Public Sale at my place 5 miles south of
Gothenburg, the following described property
beginning at 10 a. m., on
Wednesday, October 16,
158 Head of Cattle
8 black Polled Angus Bulls, some registcrod. 100 black
2-year-old steers. 50 red steers and heifers, 2 and 3 yeais
Ono J. I. Caso 20-40 Tractor Engine, -Nearly now. One J. I. Cai
Soparator and ono J. I. Caso Tank, Nash Truck, ono Auto, Ford Com
morlcnl enr, Engines: Throo Fullor & Johnson Pumping, Ono Suc
cess Six Horso Powor, o o two-cylinder Cushman, 12 IIouso Power.
Ono Dolco-Llght (plant, 1C00 Amporo Hour Battory. Ono J. I. Caso
Bolt-Lift six bottom plow, Four othor plows, threo mowors, threo
Swoops, two hay stackers, throo rakos, hay loader, two cultivators,
threo 8-ft. Koystono Disc, two, single Listors, two double Listers,
throo Binders, two 2-Rows, soven wngonB, trlplo bods, ono grain Ele
vator, ono corn shollor, ono buggy, Fanning mill, Manuro Bproadors,
somo grain seed, sonw household goods, and many othor articles.
Sonic Ynlley Lund to Rent-Cash $3.00 per Aero. Froo Lunch nt Noon
TERMS: Sums ot $10 nnd unor, cash. On aumu oyor that amount,
eight months tlmo -will bo glvon on bankable paper bearing eight pci;
cent lntorost trom dato ot salo. No property to bo removed until
Bottled for.
COL. L. 3i. McCLAltA, COL. H. E. ASH, Anct. J, H. Kelly, Clerk
Drive Away the
Chill With a
Gas Room
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
Phone SOB
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platto, Nebraska,
riisylcinn nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention Giron to Surgery
nnd Obstrctrlcs.
Offlco: Building &' Loan Building
r Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115
Notice of Final Itcport.
Estate No. 1557 ot Frederick Hein,
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln CoHnty, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estate tako
notice that tho Executor has filed a
final account and roport of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such, and
final decree and distribution of said
estate in accordance with the provi
sions -of the will which has been set
for hearing before Bald Court on Oct
ober 11th; 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m;,
when you may appear and contest the
Dated Sopt. 14th, 191S.
S17-3w County Judge.
Office OTcr McDonnld Hunk.
OfIco Phono 1130 lies, rhono 112G
Office phone 211. Res. phone 217
L. C . DRO S T,
Osteopathic Physician.
N'ortn Platte. Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 15SG of George "W. Rose.
deceased in the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state ot Nebraska, to all persons
interested In said estate take notice,
that a petition has been filed for the
probate of tho last will and testament
ot George W. Rose, deceased and for
appointment of Mary A. Rose as ex
executrlx of said will, which has been
sot for hearing herein on October 11,
1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated Sept. 16, 1918.
S17-3wks County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estate No. 1583 of Georgo T. Pat
teraon, deceased In the county court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
The stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that tho
tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate Is
January 18, 1919 and for settlement
of said estate is Sept. 1G, 1919, that I
will sit at the county court room in
said county on October 18, 1918 at 9
o'clock a. m. and on January 18, 1919,
at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine.
hear allow or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
S17-3 wks. County Judge.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633,
w. t. pitrrfiiiAni),
Graduate Yceriimriim
Eight years a Government"Veterlnar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest ot the
Court House.
General Fnrm Sales n Specialty. -Itcforenccs
nnd Dates nt First
National Unnk, North Plnttc, Nebr.
Phone 1000.
Wanted Rags
2 Cents a Pound.
Must by dry and packed in
We pay big price for Scrap
Iron and all kinds of
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Diroctora
Day phono 41
Night phono Black 5SS
Estray Notice.
Taken up on section 30, town 11,
range 31, by the undersigned who there
resides ono mule, about three years
old. weight about 800, no brands, but
hidden mark in his tall. Owner call,
prove property, pay charge and take
animal away.
Somerset, Neb.
to the constitution ot tho Stato ot
. . . ...
.XNeorasKa, as neremnucr sei rorcn in
full, is submitted to tho electors ot
the State of Nebraska to bo voted
upon at tho general election to bo
held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D,
1918: '
Section ono (1) of Article seven (7)
of tho Constitution of tho Stato ot
Bo it Resolved by tho Legislature of
tho Stato of Nobraska:
Section 1. That Section One ot Ar
ticle Sovon of tho Constitution of tho
Stato of Nebraska be and the same
heroby la nmended by striking out tho
following words:
''Second. Porsons of foreign birth
who shall have declared their inten
tion to become citizens comformably
to tho laws of the United States, on
the subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an election."
And Inserting in tho placo ot tho
words so stricken, tho following
"Secoud. Porsons of foreign birth
who shall hnve becomo citizens of the
unuen amies uy naturalization or
otherwise conformably to the laws of
tho United States at least thirty days
prior to an election.
Sec. 2. That at the general olec
tlon nineteen hundred nnd eighteen
)(1918) thoro shall he submlttod to tho
electors of the state for their approval
or rejection tho foregoing proposoa
amendmont to tno constitution relat
ing to the right of suffrago. At such
election, on tho ballot of each oloctor
voting for or against said proposed
amendmont, shall bo wrltton or prlnlod
tho words: "For proposod amend
mont to tho constitution relating to
tho right of suffrago," and "Against
snlu proposed amonutnent to tho con
stitutlon relating to the right of
Sea. 3. It such amondment shall
bo approved by a majority of all
doctors voting at sucn eloctlon, said
amendmont shall constitute Section
One (1) Article Soven (7) of tho Can
stitutlon ot tho State ot Nebraska.
Approved, April 9, 1918.
Attest: Governor.
Scrninry .of
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 143S of Bertha Hocquel
deceased in the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estato take
notice that tho administrator has filed i
a final account and roport of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such, and
praying that he be released of his
trust which has been set for hearing
before said court on October, 18, 1918,
at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may
appear and contest tho. same.
Dated September 18, 1918.
S18-3w. County Judge.
Notlco of Flnnl Report.
Estato No. 1544 of Robert D.
Thomson, deceased ' In tho county
court of Lincoln county, Nobraska.
The stato of Nebraska, to a'll persons
interested in said estate take notlco
that tho administrator has filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such,
which have boon set for hearing be
fore said court on Octobor 4th, 1918,
at 8 o'clock a.m. when you may ap
pear and contest tno same.
Dated Sept;. Gth, 1918.
S 10 4 wks. County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 15G8 of John A. Mat-
tlnger, deceased In tho county court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
ot said estate will tako notice that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
January 11, 1919, and for settlement
of said etsate is Soptombor 5th. 1919;
that I will sit at tho county court
room In said county on October lith,
1918, at 9 o'clock a. m.. nnd on Jan.
11th, 1919 at 9 o'clock a. m... to re
ceive cxamlno, hear, afllow or adjust
all claims and objections duly filed.
S10-4 wka. County Judge.
Notice of Final Report.
Estato No. 1548 of Lewis Havens,
aeceascd in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tlio stato ot Nebraska, to all
porsons interested in said estato tako
notice that tho executor has filed a
final account and roport ot his ad
ministration and n petition for final
settlement and dlschargo as such,
which havo boon set for hearing boforo
Bald court on Octobor 4, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. m. when you may appear
and contest tho same.
Dated Sopt. 9th, 1918.
S 10. 3 wks. County Judge.