The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 27, 1918, Image 7

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The Housewife and the War
11 q
Helping the Meat and Milk Supply
(Special Information Service, United
A Queen of the Dairy Rides
Stockmen Must Make Special Ef
forts to Move Them With
a Minimum of Loss.
Every Effort Should Be Made to Expe
dite Railroad Movement of Cows
During Their Time In Transit
Keep Comfortable.
Each -fall an Influx of springer or
fresh cows enters dairying sections
that seek more milch animals. Every
effort should bo exercised to expedlto
Uio railroad movement of the dairy
cows during their time In transit nnd
to provide all possible comfort for the
animals en route, advise the dairy ex
perts of the U. S. department of agri
culture. Such cure and attention will
reduce mortality and will Increase the
production of the Individual during
her lactation period over the flow
wltfch generally obtains from the av
erage cow that Is carelessly "rail
roaded." Valuable purebred cows should bo
moved as rapidly as possible by ex
press service or by freight under the
special system of loading described
below, from origin to destination.
Although the expense of exprcssago
is four or Ave times as great as that
of handling the animals by freight, the
saving In animal comfort, shorter time
in transit and better conveniences for
feeding and watering the animals
mako the added expenditure advis
able. As far as possible tho animals
should be shipped one or two months
before they are due to freshen, as re
peatedly fresh cows have been ruined
so far as the subsequent lactation pe
riod has been concerned as a result of
being shipped shortly after freshening
or so as to calvo in transit.
i Care In Shipping.
Milch cows of grade breeding usu
ally are shipped by freight. The ex
perienced stockman selects only dry
cows and far-springers for long ship
ments. Heifers which are not duo to
freshen until three or four weeks
after arrival at destination mnko good
"buys," as they are of a size and con
dition which permits of loading the
car to capacity. Furthermore, Imma
ture animals are less susceptible to
Injury In transit and to damage as a
result of a mnrked chnnge of envi
ronment. If possible, only animals
without horns should be shipped and
in case any horned nnlmals havo to
be moved they should be tied securely
or penned apart In one end of the car"
to preclude the possibility of their In
juring other animals during tho jour
ney. .Similarly, where bulls are
shipped in mixed loads these sires
should be 'confined apart from tho
other cattle. Other conditions being
equal, It Is advisable to load about
fourteen maturo cows In a 88 or 40
foot car. A practical arrangement is
to tie four cows In each end of the
car facing the end wnlls, nnd then
rough partitions can bo Installed so
that two other rows of three cows
each face a center alleyway between
the car doors where the attendant can
stay and extra feed and water be enr
rled.. This arrangement Is more com
fortable for tho cows, ns tliey rldo nnd
absorb the shock and Jar better, while
It Is also simpler for the caretaker to
feed tho cows and clean out tho car
an route.
Ship in Cold Weather.
As far as possible the stock should
lie shipped during cold weather, ad
rise tho authorities of the U. S. de
partment of agriculture, ni cows han
dled during hot weather are liable to
shrink appreciably In milk flow during
:ho successive lactation period. Spe
jlul precaution must bo exercised In
shipping cows during cold weather,
to avoid exposure which will favor
Uio contraction of pneumonia, usually
a fatfl disease among mature cow
stuff. At best It takes nn animal about
u year to become thoroughly tieell
mated to a wanner or colder climate
thuu that to v!i!.-h it ha boon accus
Statos Department of Agriculture,)
In State to the Station.
tomed, and on this account tho move
ment should take place at a time of
year when the temperature of tho two
points Is as nearly equable as possible.
Dairy cows should be handled under
normal conditions before and during
the trip. They should bo fed and wa
tered at regular Intervals, nnd If nny
of tho animals arc in milk they should
be milked on schedule. It pays to
feed grain nnd hay during a long ship
ment where 'tho cows nre accustomed
to these materials. Simple provisions
for the feeding of hay can be made
by stretching small mesh hog wire
along tho side wnlls and ceiling of
tho enr so as to form a wedge-shaped
feeding bunk, which can bo filled with
hay in correspondence with the appe
tites of tho cattle. Grain Is a difficult
material to feed In transit In a freight
car where no special provisions aro
mado to prevent wastage as a result
of the tendency of tho anlmnls to
move about where they are not hal
tered In place. On long trips grain
can bo carried In the car and fed at,
points where tho stock is unloaded. A
competent attendant should always ac
company the dairy cows, no should
ride In the car with the stock, as often
he can avert Injury to the animals
by prompt action in the car In case
one of the cows gets down.
Water and Feed.
Several large barrels of water, as
well as plenty of feed should be car
ried in the car as protection against
delay or accident which may detain
the train to tho extent that without
this feed the anlmnls would go hungry
or thirsty far beyond the 80-hour limit
Sand or cinders constitute the best
bedding materials and during long
trips fresh supplies of theso materials
should bo pluccd In the car nt unload
ing points whenever they are needed
In view of the high price of dairy
cows at tho present time, it Is Impera
tive that every stockman exert all ef
fort to mako for cow comfort In tran
sit nnd to movo the animals with a
minimum of loss as a result of care
lessness, lack of attention and inex
perience In tho cow shipping business.
nnnriTP irnmi oiinni no
rnurno rnum ounruuo j$
tt ... - , - )
dairy cattle are worthy of con
sideration. One is represented
by tho nnlo of products, either
milk or butterfat; and the other
comes from the Enlo of surplus
stock. Often the latter may
amount to a considerable sum,
even though the herd Is com
posed of grade animals. The pre
dominance of a certain breed in
a community offers many advan
tages. A market Is established
which, because of the availabil
ity of large numbers of 'animals,
attracts buyers from a distance,
especially those who buy largo
consignments. Under such cir
cumstances all surplus stock may
bo disposed of to better advan
tage and co-operative advertis
ing also may be used effectively.
Raise Rabbits for Meat
Rabbits, which have proved a valu
able food source In Europe during the
present war, muy well be raised moro
extensively In America to reduce tho
drain on the tho ordinary meat sup
ply, according to biologists of the
U. S. department of agriculture. Tho
animals may be raised In back yards
of cities and towns us well as on
Tho Belgian and Flemish giant rab
bits aro recommended for meat pro
duction, as the ordinary tamo rabbit
is smaller and develops more slowly.
Rabbits are" easily kept They eat
hay, grass, lawn cuttings and green
vegetation of many kinds.
Tho department has published a bul
letin on raising rabbits, which will bo
helpful to persons who wish to engage
In this pursuit.
More Care Necessary.
Tho greater tho number of birds
kept upon any farm or plot of ground,
and tho moro they are crowded to
gether, the greater is the danger from
contagion and parasites, and tho more
Important aro the measures for ex
cluding, eradicating, und preventing
the development o.C theso causes of
James Austin Wlldcrs, chief sea
scout of tho Boy Scouts of America,
took his first degree in scouting from
General Byng, tho hero of Cambral.
Later bo visited Baden-Powell, and be
came so enthusiastic for tho movement
that ho wrote to his homo In Hawaii
that ho Intended to Inaugurate it thero
just ns soon ns ho returned, when
ho arrived In Hawaii ho was mot by a
boy scout troop. As soon as tho boys
in Hawaii heard what he was going to
do they became so impatient that they
couldn't wait for him.
The sen scouts, of whom Mr. Wil
der is now chief, Is a now organization
designed to meet a now development In
American life. Wo now havo tho sec
ond greatest navy nnd we shall soon
hnvo tho greatest merchant marine In
tho world. Where aro tho Americans
who will man this fleet? It now costs
Undo Snm $2,000 to turn a landsman
Into a full-fledged Jackie. But most of
tho training necessary can bo done ashore. Lashing Is a boy scout specialty.
Tho swinging of lifeboats can bo learned at nny plor. It doesn't require a
cruiser to tench oarsmnnshlp and swimming, first aid to tho Injured or tho
fundamentals of discipline.
To bo n sea scout one must bo a
natural sailors of the organization aro
degree. That Uncle Sam will need those natural sailors soon Is being moro
and moro appreciated, nnd equipment for
being loaned or donated.
sanitation in tho department of home
where he won the degree of doctor of
Returning home in 1802 ho wns promoted to uie uircciorsmp oi mo tmmu
tlon bureuu. With his appolntmeat in 1807 to tho post of civil administrate!
of Formosa his opportunity for demonstrating his real abilities arrived. Id
IfWl l.n -..-no mewl, n lnrnn nnrl UT19 f Ivor! n KPllt III tile llOUSO Of DCerS. In tt)C
samo year he resigned his post as civil
his duties as tho first president of tho
Railway company.
in xrnnnimi-in jw tirnwnd nu RiieooKsf ul as In Formosa. In tho Kntsuru
AllUIIVlltlt l avi I' v -'
cabinet, organized in 1008, Goto was
Rufus W. Sprnguc, Jr., Is the man
who made tho plans and organized the
mnchlnery for tho registration of moro
than 300,000 German males, enemy
aliens, who live within the jurisdiction
of Uncle Sam. By these same plans
about the same number of Gennun
women were card Indexed later.
Mr. Spraguo Is now the head of tho
Now York port enemy alien bureau.
All the alien enemies within this dis
trict como under the jurisdiction of
Mr. Sprngue. It, after registering,
they do not behave, or If they foil to
register und aro caught, It Is his duty
to seo that they Join kindred souls In
one of tho internment camps.
Mr. Spraguo wns born in Boston
In 1875 nnd after a preparatory conrso
In the Boston Latin school went to
Harvard. In 180G he received his A. B.
and four years later was graduated
from tho Harvard Law school.
Then he went to New York and
began practice in 1000 as juulor counsel for tho Equitable Life Assurance
society. Three years of this, and ho formed a law partnership with Walter B
Coe. A few years later tho present law firm of Russel, Coo & Spraguo wni
bly and alone, speaking from the precarious perch afforded by a soup box or
an orange crnto. Later, ns some of these failed her from time to time, sho
was sufficiently courageous to enter the nearest saloon and there seek re
cruits through her patriotic talkw.
thoroughly qualified scout first, and tho
clamoring to bo ndmlttcd to tho new
u full course in sea scouting Is rapidly
With tho resignation of Viscount
Ichiro Motono as minister of foreign
affairs, tho Downing street of Japan
received as his successor a statesman
totally different In typo from those
who had successfully hold that port
folio. Baron Shlmpcl Goto, tho present
foreign minister of Jnpnn, unllko his
predecessors In tho foreign ofucc, It
not a diplomat by training. Ho had
never occupied nuy pqsltlon, Important
or Insignificant, in tho consular or dip
lomatlc service. In his school days he
never studied International law or po
litical theories. On tho contrary, lu
was educated and trained to become a
Baron Goto was born in 1857
Graduating from a local medical
school, he was attached to a public
hospital of which he eventually be
came the director. In 1883 ho became
nsslstnnt director of tho bureau ol
affairs. Then ho went to Germany,
meuicino irom mo university ol ubiuh
..... i II..
administrator of Formosa and assumed
then newly organized South Manchuria
minister of communications.
Tho United States navy Is to hnv
Us first pettlcoatod Junior llcutonun'
In tho person of Mrs. George Alex
under Wheclock, chief yeoman and
champion recruiter of tho world. The
bestowal of this rank Is Mrs. Whec
lock's reward for tho 17,000 young mer
she has brought Into tho servlco In tin
past 18 months through her oratory.
She has mado recruiting speeches
all over New York city, lu Buffalo,
Syracuse, Blnghumton, Cleveland,
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cincinnati,
Columbus, Allcntown and many othes
large places. She has given up hoi
luxurious homo for days at a tlmo to
"goon tho road" lu behalf of the navy,
Her attractlvo auburn-topped figure
has become an Important feature of
recruiting rallies.
Tho champion recruiter was not
always accompanied by nn escort of
bluejackets and a band when sho went
recruiting. Sho began tho work hum
(Special Information Service, Unltod
Tho Flour Is Mado From Highly Milled
Rice Flour Being Used in Manu
facture of Bread, Cookies,
Cakes and Waffles.
Now Being Made In Large Quantities
to 8ave Wheat Whiteness Makes
It Particularly Useful to
Baker and Caterer.
Rlccllour, which beforo tho wheat
shorlago was used only by caterers and
bakers In small amounts, Is now being
manufactured lu larger quantities to
help meet tho need of wheat substi
tutes. Tho whiteness of rlco flour innkes
It particularly useful to tho baker and
caterer, und In tho effort to savo wheat
housewives aro learning, to uso this
product in breads, cakes, and cookies
nlono or combined with other substi
tutes. Tho recipes which follow havo been
tested in tho experimental kitchen of
tho department o agriculture,' ofllco
of homo economics, nnd tho United
States food administration, homo con
servation section. "
Rice Flour Waffles.
1 cups rlco (lour cups milk
1 teaspoon salt 3 tabloapoons melted
3 teaspoons baking fat
powder 2 eggs
Sift tho dry Ingredients together nnd
ndd slowly to tho milk, beaten egg
yolks, and melted fat. Fold In stlllly
beaten whites and coolc in hot well-
greased wnfllo Irons.
1 cups rlco Hour 4 tablespoons sliort-
4 teaspoons baking enlng
powder 1 egg
1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk
Mix ns you would muluns, bako in
layer cako tin, spilt, and butter whllo
hot Put n layer of sweetened berries
or other fresh fruit between tho halves
nnd on top.
Chocolate Nut Cookies.
H cup corn sirup 4 tabloapoons barley
3 tablespoons Hour
strained honey 1 teaspoon baking
2 squares chocolato powder
10 tablespoons rlco Vi teaspoon salt
flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
cup choppod nut meats
Mix nnd drop by tho spoonful on
greased baking sheets. Bako 15 min
utes. Sponge Cake.
3 eggs (yolks and 1 teaspoons baking
whites beaten op
cup sugar
1 tablespoon hot
H teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons lemon
1 teuspoon vanilla
74 cup rice Hour
This sponge cako can servo us tho
basis for many desserts. Bako as a
loaf cako or in muffin molds. Baked
In a thin sheet, spread with soft Jelly,
and rolled it makes a delicious Jelly
roll. Sbrvo with a suuec.
Bako in layers and fill with custard
filling for a Martha Washington plo or
uso for a shortcake with fresh fruit
between tho layers.
Rlce-Flour Cake.
Ji cup fat Vt cup milk
cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking
yj cup ncoa uoiioa powuor
DOtatoes tmeked
VA cups rlco flour
1 teaspoon vanilla.
compactly Into u
Mix and bake In muffin molds for
cup cakes or In layers or louf. If
baked in layers, a lemon filling fS good
with it
Variation. -For chocolate cako, odd
two squares of chocolato to tho above
For eplco cake, add ono tenspoonful
clnunmon, hul tenspoonful .nutmeg,
nnd one tenspoonful spice.
Quick Nut Bread.
1 cup milk Vi cup mashed pota-
2 tabloapoons melted tooa
fat ITi cups barley flour
4 tablespoons corn 4 teaspoons baking
sirup powder
2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt
1 cups rlco flour 1 cup chopped nuts
Mtx In order given. Bako In loaf
pan In a modcrato oven for ono and
u quarter hours.
Yeast Bread.
Fifty per cent wheat flour and CO per
cent substitutes.
l'A cups liquid 1 tablespoon corn
V cup mashed pot a- sirup
toes 2 teaspoons salt
IVi cups wheat flour 1 cups barley flour
cake yeast 1 cups rlco flour
States Department of Agriculture.)
Table. Rice and From Broken Grains.
Mako a spongo of ull tho Ingredient!
except tho rlco and barley Hour. Tim
potatoes used should bo freshly mnshctl
with no fat or milk added. Tho water
In which they aro cooked can bo used
for tho liquid. Let this sponge RtmitJ
In n warm place until very light If
dry yeast Is used, set tho sponge thu
night beforo It is needed.
Add rlco flour and barley flour when
ttio spongo Is light Knead nnd let
rlso until double In bulk. Knead again,
form Into loaf nnd allow to rise until
bulk is ngain doubled. Brush over thu
top of loaf with melted fat ticforq
putting it to rise.
All breads mado with substitute
flours aro better if baked in slnglc-lnnf!
pans or In rolls or buns.
This reclpo will mako ono largo loaf.
Boko for ono nnd u quarter horn's In
a hot ovcu.
Goats Save Babies.
Tho vocation of a ccrtnln Virginia
minister Is to save souls. For an uvoi
cation he saves lives. Ho confines hlfl
soul-saving operations to his congrega
tlon, whllo his llfo-savlng activities
cover tho stnto at largo, A largo num
her of robust, vigorous babies owo
their health to tho milk produced by
milch goats Which this minister mado
nvalloblo to tho parents of theso for
mcrly puny nnd sickly infants. Tho
novel schema which this goat kcopou
practices Is to rent out fresh docs to
families with sickly cldldrcn. Tho
renter pays a given amount for each
day's use of the doc, furnishes And
feeds materials In such amount us tho
owner directs and signs n contract
which makes him responsible for thjt
full value of tho goat In caso of acci
dent. Tho renter also pays tho ex
prcssago on tho goat from tho point of
origin to nnd from his home.
In tho main, these goats aro main
talncd at a cost of approximately (1
cents a dny; oats, corn, clover und
nlfalfn"hay, browse and sanitary table
BerapB constitute their ration. This,
of course, Is contrary to the general
supposition that tho uvcrugo milch
goat possesses n tin-can appetite and
n back-alley disposition. As n substi
tute cow for babies tho milch doe is
extremely efficient, says tho United
States department of agriculture. Sha
will produce consistently jfor a period
of from eight to ten months between
two nnd two nnd one-half pounds ol
good quality milk a day, which In high
ly effective where It Is used Intelli
gently In decreasing infant mortality;
duo to malnutrition.
Food Inspectors Help.
Tho housewlfo can seo nt a glance
how much food she Is to get for lien
money when It lu In packago fonn and
labeled In nccordanco with tho pro
visions of tho federal food and drugs
act, nay tho ofllclals of tho bureau ol
chemistry of tho United States de
partment of ngrlculture, charged with
tho enforcement of that law. The fcd
cral food and drugs act provides that
all food In packago form, shipped Into
Interstate or foreign commerce, shall
bear on tho labels a plain ahd conspic
uous statement of tho quantity of tho
contents of the package, in terms of
weight, measure or numerical count.
Federal food Inspectors nro always
on the wntch for Interstate shipment
of food In package form, to seo that
tho labels toll tho truth with respeel
to tho quantity of food In Uio pack
ages. Several samples nro taken from
each shipment In order that their aver'
ago weight may bo determined. If the
packages aro found to bo short tit
weight or measure, tho party rcspon
Blblo for tho shipment may bo prose
cutcd under tho criminal section of
the law.
Tho act does not apply to foods,
which aro sold and consumed wltblij
tho state where produced or manu
factured, but to tboso that aro shipped
from ono stnto to another, or to at
from a foreign country, or manufac
tured or sold within tho District ol
Columbia or a territory. Many states
havo net weight or measure laws, how
ever, which protect tho housewife
from short weight or measure In pack
ago foods produced and sold within tho
state. Federal und state food olllclnlii
co-operate in tho work of enforcing
these laws In order thnt abuses which
cannot bo reached uilder ono law ma
bo corrected under tho other.
Children should never be allowetf
rich and heavy preserves.