THE 8EMI-WBEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. lNcw Amcrtcnn army Hole kitchen which enn cook for J.miO men In w minutes. 2 Rev. Mr. McFnrlnntI of the American nrmy and nurws inspecting tho vitiligo of Vltrlmorit, rebuilt by American engineers. 0 German emerg ing from .cellar where ho had been wulting to tjurrcmler to the British. YANKEE FIGHTEPS NEARING COAST OF FRANCE IN THE CAMP OF A FRENCH REFUGEE FAMILY h, ,,.,., v ,., . I'hoto by1 Wtilern Newtpapr Union; A host of khukl-clnd soldiers of tho United States lining the rolls of an American lighter as they get their llrst jview or urjuieo wnoro they arc about to disembark. CANADIAN JOURNALISTS VISIT FRANCE DOUGHBOY FULLY EQUIPPED In this Canadian official photograph Is shown n group of Canadian Journalists on board u Canadian trum cur In France, riding through ono of the forests on tho western front FRENCH WOMEN STUDY AIRPLANES Mil trh Ntwsnaprr Union Hack view of the heavy pack con taining helmet, rations. (tc- of mi American infantryman, carried while going over tho top In France. A Forsaken Trade. Automobile thieves lmvo forsaken their trade of swiping Joy wagons for more essential work Unit of making t prison shoes. Very few cars have been moien lately, uut it being an open in austry, women have Invaded It. At I least one woman has. She didn't get ' very far. but she was busv wlilli III till H I business. She stole a ear, ran down u ii.uu 111 uiu niruui. minnod our nr the machine, dragged her victim to tho muowuik, sent in an ambulance call ana then, conclud ng that she ..lirin' reallv euro fnr th I iiiil;u unuy miii u-ii ii. iivV iurii EMI1. No important member of the tuuuiy wus ten oemnn w tien tills French family Hod on rnc approach of the Germnn hordes, si.u'h if the Marne, before their advance was stopped by the counter-offensive of the French nnd American troops. Tho Zi.inlly took refuirp In the forest and erected a portable shelter to protect them from the winds and rain. BRITISH TROOPS LANDING AT VLADIVOSTOK Several French women airplane mechunlcs, attached to the British army inv. interested In Hie mcclmnlsm of a British machine. Tho women .. ,.. ... llnl .. - .... --- - . ... -..wo. ...... n i mule mechanics for duty na pilots. Good for Eugenics. "The war has nut an umi tr ,i... - ...utui ' inuKing." "Has It really? I notlco thero aro many marriages as evor." "Of course, but tho young peopl arrange matters for themselves If bound to bo that WHY nDU'ndnvu a 'buck' private In khnkl snn,iu i.. er chance to win tho village bello than n banker's son, who couldn't pass tho physical examination to enter tim III...... I 111 I 1 11IU ...m,., uiriuiuguam Age-Herald, us lirltlsli troops who are engaged In the movement to rescue Russia from a state of chaos are seen In tho picture Inndlng at Vladivostok to support tho Czecho-SlovnKs. WOUNDED YANKEE SOLDIERS YANKEE AUTO TRUCKS ARRIVE IN ITALY American wounded aro here seen ar riving at a field hospital In Frauce. He Should Worry. A philosophic storekeeper makes It a practlco every onco lu n while to walk back and forth in iront or his store In order to observe tno racial expressions of the peoplo coming out. and to listen to their remarus. This habit has often given him thlnirs to think about. Ho hns seen men emerging with faces llko animated cartoons of prlzo lighters, and women who looked as If they had lost their lust chunce of marrying. Ho has over heard such uucompllinentury saying ns this; "He can go to Hndes with his nldistore." "I should worry," ho says ; "and you can bet that I do. Furthermore, I aim to llnd out why my customers leave tho store In such conditions of mind." In this, one of the first pictures to urrlve In this country of the actuar landing of American troops In Italy, Is seen n long tralnload of nutomobllo trucks belonging to tho American forces. EAST INDIANS WHO HELP THE ALLIES Maklna Dlscouraacd Huns Lauah. "We must cheer up our discouraged people somo wuy," said tho kulser. "But, most excellent ono, they have ! already hoard tho news that our picked j rorces nave ueuu ruui mm uu i mi ning uwuy." "Tell them something. Toll them that we nru running away as rapidly as posslblo In order to wear out tho enemy. Wo shall soon tiro them out." "Thut Is an excellent Idea, your ma jesty. Gloomy and depressed as our people are, that excuso will undoubted ly gvo them a big laugh." The Kos Indians here seen tilling a jut with water from a barrel on a cart are some of the British subjects from the Tar Kast who uro In France fighting and worklug for tho cau.e of freedom.