Military Watches for Young Boys. A wrist lvnlcli h flic best type of Umoplcco for tlic Tml under lighting Kgc. It Is as good ii watch for Jilm as It Is for tlic soldier. Il'ft the kind ho would rather hare. v Clinton's has military watches not loo cvpenshe for hoys to own. ,'J'licy aro standard makes and dependable- . timekeepers. C. S. Clinton Graduate Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, T Graduate Dentist Ofilce over the McDonali) State Dunk. LOCAL AND PUBSONAL Mrs Frank Hatch returned yeHtor day jnorning from a visit in Denver. Nealo Turpio returned Wednesday morning from n buslnoss trip to Oma ha. Miss Annetto Pizor, of Alabama, whehnd heon visiting hor uncle Julius Pizor, loft yesterday for Grand Island. To curb tho' coal trust got Colo's High Oven Itango. It hoots and cooks with tho amo fuel and savos one-third Mrs, 0. R. Han dloy, of Omaha, has baejt. spending this wook with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vont Goetz. ' Henry Hanson and T.' S. MoCrono, the north sldo stockmon, roturnod WediiSHtlay from South Omaha whore they, marketed cattle. Andrew Hahn, for many years a resident of tho southsido but now liv ing at Fairbury, has heon Visiting friends in town this Aveok. Mrs. J. G. Deoler loft for Lincoln yepterday in response to a telegram announcing that her fathor, who is ninety-four years of ago, is critically A. B. Stackhouse, who lives on tho V. ,11. Barber hog ranch at Lowollon, was In town Tuesday onrouto homo from Denvor whoro ho marketed ?12,000 worth of hogs. A civil service examination will bq hold nt tho local postofflco Octobor 2Cth to fill tho position of rural mail qarrlor at Wolllloct, and for other vacancies flint may later occur. John LoMastors returned tho early part of tho week from Indiana where ho Spent threo weeks at tho scones of his boyhood days. Ho visited the old 'swimming hole, loafed with tho vlllago druggist whoso storo is Just thev8ame as It was forty years ago, and wont out into tho woods and shot his sharo of llvo hundred squirrels. Altogether John had a real nico visit. About four hundred tons of hay in stack between Maxwoll and Brady wan burned Sunday and Monday by Area set bv aparlca from Union Paclllc engines. Several hundred tons woro saved by the valiant work of men em ployed in baling hay, who In somo in stances pulled off their shirts and used 'them In brushing out tho flro. Thor(ovas a strong -wind bqth days aim tno tiro spread rapidly. The local offlco has been Informed that two slackers who woro arroated hero and forced to roglstor, haVo boon called to servlco. Aftqr registering hero they made tholr got-a-way and did not respond to lettors sent them. They woro eventually picked up by secrot sorvlco men nnd sent to a training camp. Tho two men wero Fred Muntor who claimed St. Louis as his homo, and Arnold IJIory who hailed from Minneapolis, For Salev-Good winter Apples and alsojwlnd falls. Androw Olson, Phono 780F11. 72-4 Mrs, J. L. Moran entertained hor patrons and a fow friends Saturday afternoon with a musical tea. Tho fol lowing 'pupils assisted her with tho program; Misses Bonnio Murdock, Esther Schwaigor Marguerite Kins man. Edith McClane. Miltlrnri Tvlor. Alice- Fredoricl and Mary Louiso Mor an. Mildred Tylor recolvcd a gold medial for beat attondanco and most practice during the year. After re freshments Mrs. Moran played a fow elections, About twenty guests en Joyed tho occasion. JOHN BARRYMORE IN ii RAFFLES" THE AMATEUR CRACKSMAN The celebrated actor in his most famous success. 7 Reels. AT THE SUN Tonight and Saturday. THE SAMMY GIRLS THEATRE vtm.j,. UUIUIUUji 15 AND ' t . i' 4 Mrs. E. W. Fotter has been spend ing this wook with friends In Maxwell Mrs. C. M. Trotter is expected home today from a visit in Salt Lake and Ogden. Tho small homo can frequently bo boated by ono stove. Get Colo's High Rango and both cook and heat. Mrs Georgo Wclnharg returned to Bayard Wodnosday after a visit with hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fredoricl. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Graves arrived from Denver yestorday and will re main hero for a fow days while on routo east: For Salo Second hand honoy ex tracting outfit. Priced reasonable for quick salo. Inquire of R. D, Birge. Tho city schoplB closed yesterday aftornoon and also will closo tills afternoon in order that tho pupils might visit ,tho County fair. According to a letter written by Jack Stack, tho Spanish influenza has appoared at the Grout Lake training camp and his company has boon quar antined. B. M. Stackhouse, former account ant at tho stato farm, now located in Donvor as socrotary of tho Farmora' Insuranco Co., has boon In town for a couplo of days past. WantedMusic pupils, beginners a specialty. Twelve years oxperlenco. Miss Confer, 314 West 1st. Phono Black C7S between 7 and 8 p. m. 71-4 In tho casualty list published Wod nosday appeared tho name of Harry Heath, of Wallace, who waa classed as dangerously wounded. Harry was ono of tho solectlvo mon sont from this county. Weave carpets and ruga. Also cut and weavo all kinds of ingrain carpots Call Rod 975 or at 308 So. Walnut. Joo Soudor retumcdo Ft. Leaven worth yostorday aftor visiting rela tivos and friends In town for a few days. Joo is in tho .radio service and says ho can now pick up thirty words n minute from tho wireless. For Salo Cheap A largo Rood Baby Carriage Call Mrs. Erlckson, phono 220. $100.00 Howard for Information leading to tho arrest and conviction of tho person or persons who ontored my paBturop on 19-1G-20 Myrtle Precinct, Sopt. 21st or 22nd and shot and killed two head of my cattlo. JOHN A. JACKSON. 74-4 Maurlco Shirley, who bought tho Finch farm east of town two years ago, sold it to a man by tho name of DaviB from Cozad last wook. Con sideration $11,200. Mr. Davis -will movo onto tho farm. Maxwell Tele post. J. E. Nelson rocolvod an S. O. S. yestorday from a threshorman at Madrid who noods threo or four mon bfldlv. Tin Mfilfl lift wna nnvlnf mnn n the bushol basis and thoy could earn irom iiz to $io per day. Tlic lotter was turned over to Labor Agont Beolor. Miss M. Sloinnn, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg 8Gtf A letter found on a Gorman prison er gjvps an account of tho explosion of tho powder plant at Plauon, Gor many, In which 0,800 omployoos woro killed or injured. Tho. story of the oxplosion, which occurred a month or moro ago, was suppressed by tho Gorman, govornmont. For Quick action ana ratlsfactorr ale list your land with Thoclcckc, tf Mr.' ChllH Dlilmnrft whn lino nrnnl tho paat year In Doming taking photo- crnnhS of the. hova In fin. H lino rn. lurnuu w norm I'jauQ. mo naa witn him 145 photo alldoi .of tho boys and scones around Camp Cody. Thoso will bo shown at Tho Sun Thoatro on Oct. 2nd and 3rd. Don't fall in dm thn Homo' Boys as thoy appear In ono of Tt i r i - 25 CENTS. 5 CIGAK STOKE CARH GAMES. All gambling and nll Barnes of chance arc- to bo oirtnirianeu lnjXorth Plntto under an order issuou ny .Mayor Wnltomftth to his pollco force YTueV clay evening. As a reault or thof In- fUructlons nil card games In clear stores woro discontinued tho follow ing morning, and the authorities, an .well as a committee of citlzenswltl use their best endeavors to seef-that pokqr Joints which have been running ceaao to oxlst. Greater vigilance, will also he used in ferreting out boot leggers and women of shady reputa tion will bo notified to leave town. The Instructions of the mayor to his pplico camo after a conference of thp mayor with a committee of citizens nnd tho head of the county council cf dofonsO, and to tho credit of Mayor Waltomath It can bo said thntlio will ingly and promptly responded to the requests of the committee and the rocommemlatlon of tho council cf de fense. North Platto had become so notor iously "open" that It was gaining b, very unsavory reputation. The mayor says ho had previously given his in structions to tho police, but thoy seem were unable to copo with tho situa tion If thoy so desired. The in structions given tho police are now direct nnd without "strings" of nny nature. It Ib up to them to Bee that tho Instructions nre obeyed: If not there will ho other men to take their places. Tho citizenship nt large" will no longer tolerate conditions which havo oxlsted In tho city for a number months past. ::o:: , Junior Red Cross Day. Friday, October 4th, Is Junior Red Cross Day in all the schools of Lin coln county. The state director for Nebraska designated Friday of this week as tho tlmo for Nebraska to be gin its Junior Red Cross work" but this date Intorfercd with tho county fair and many of the schools wero o dismiss on that dato for tho fair. So Friday. Oct. 4, has been substituted. In each school It Is proposed to have a program and to mako it patriotic In its purpoBo. The official program has been sont out and in most caSea It will bo followed In full. We aim to mako Lincoln County 100 for Junior nod t'rosn and we exnect to" do it. Pupils who wero mombers of th? Junior Red Cross last year do not navo to Join again at this tlmo. Those Just starting to school and pupils who did not loin last yoar are naKKr to Join now. :o:: Farm For Snlo. 320 acres. 2 miles east of the state farm. Inqulro of Owen Jones, 220 south Locust. 73-2 City School Enrollment. Following Is a comnaratlvo- state ment of tho enrollment In tho City bcnoois at the end of tho second -week during the lost threo years: 1910 1270 1917 1331 1918., 1407 , Tho Increase la nrettv cenorallv divided among tho different depart ments with the exception of the Senior nign faencol wnlcn shows a loss oyer last year. Tho First room of tho Lin coln School has been put on half day sessions for tho present until seats can bo socurcd and a teacher engag ed. Ono moro teacher has been added to tho Junior High School faculty. NOTICE I On and after October 1st. hp will conduct our business on a slrlctlv cash basis. 74.J1 ROUT. R. DICKKY. ::o:: Nino Years Ago nnd Now. M. L. Lyons purchased 107 bend of two-year-old steers last wook from Ed Marcott & Son, paying $12.25 per hundred. Tho cattlo avoraged $132(10 each, tho amount of tho purchase be ing $22,0G1.G0. Tho cattle wore shipp ed out m oignt cars Saturday and Sunday to Kansas City, with two loads purchased from Albert Hecox. Mr. Lyons mado his first purchase of cattlo nlno years ago. when he bot 100 head of tho Marcotts, tho pick of taoir noru, nt 54.25 nor hundred. Gothenburg Times. If your brain don't work rteht and you feel tired nnd lazy, you mav bo sure your system Is clogged up somv wnere. you snould tako Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is a thoroiiKh system tonic and bowel purifier, It Invigorates jand sirengtnens botn body and brain. Price $1.25 per bottle Gummero Dcnt Drug Co.. Spoclnl Agent. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for tht eientiflc treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. CompUUly equipped X-Rey and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Gjo. B. Dent. M. D. Y. Lucas, ML D. J.B. Rcdfield, M. D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D. J. B. BEDFIELI). PHYSICIAN & SUltGEON Successor to Bra. Redfleld & Itcdueld PHYSICIAN ft SURGEONS HOSPITAL Qfflca Phono 642 Rh. Phone C7t IUX Ir.Af!K1l O.V ALL DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEI Practice Limited to SurRcry and Kadlnm Therapy 7S8 City National B&nk Building. Oaaka, Nebraska. Aiitfioftto men Called " FOR THE OCTOBER DRAFT, In addtion to the forty-nlno names j published in Friday's issue, tho fol-l lowing have heon called to go to ' Camp Funston In the Ave. dny porlod ' October 7th to 11th. With the excep-, tlon of Gale Konny, all the men on tho list below are 1918 registrants. They' aro therefore getting into the servico lour months after having registered. Galo Konny, Wallace John G. Gates, May wood Lawrence Dahlstrom, North Platto 1 Oordon Rebhausen, North Platto Earllng Qualloy, North Platte Glen Moore, North Platto Henry J. Johnson, North Platto Clarence Anderson, Wallace Louis Godekor, Jr., Sutherland Edward J. Wilson, North Platte Theodore 'Trembly, Maxwell Ival Johnson, Gothenburg Wm. Ross, Staplcton Floyd Ferrel. Wallace Arvld Banks. Fnrnnm Leslio Coker. Sutherland Milton RIst. Wallace Olivo E. Johnson. Bradv Frank Sukraw. Maxwell Geo. W. Yonker. Wallaco Roy Runnolls. Wallace Wm. Calhoun. Ncrth Platto Henry Cnmblln. Bradv Aciel Crider. Hershev Raynor Hlse. Hershev Wm. Bennett, now nt Oklahoma City Lawrence Peterson. Gothenburg Geo. B. Wilson. North Platto Eugeno A. Conover. Sutherland Ross D. Shaner. North Platte Lester Anthonv. North Platto Frederick Jobmnn. Gothenburg Thos. S. Agan, Wallace Robt. F. Miles, North Platte Walter F. Remus, Wellfleet Russell Sawyer, North Platte Lucien Bowers, North Platto Wm. R. Boggs, Hershey Arthur II. Greeley, Staploton, Howard Curtis, North Platto Jas. D. Peaso, North Platte i Charles Wright, Stapleton Leslie Cross, Ingham ::o:: Men Called to Fill Shorfnpo. Four Lincoln county boys will leave next Monday for Camp Funston. They are called to fill shortages which ex isted In former quotas and arc not Included in tho call for ninety men in October. Tho men who leave are Rawley Camblln, of Brady, Forrest Eberly" now living at Angora, Henry Kooster of Wollfleet and ' Charles "Lucas of North Platto. Strayed. From tho Stock Yards: One Bny Mare, branded, One Bay 2 year old Gelding. One Black 2 year old Mare. Reward for recovery." JOHN BURKE. ' ::n:r Money to Loan. Plenty of six per cent money to lonn on farms and ranches. Interest pay able annually with privilege of pny lag part or nil at nny time. Loans closed promptly. No delay. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. To close out the business I will offer at Public Ranch, two and one-half miles north Wednes 320 day. 50 head of high-grade Angus cows, 60 head p5 60 head -of yearlings 90 percent Angus, 10 head of registered Angus hulls. ffi Hi. 8 Head of Horses 1 Hi 1 team of good work horses, 3 head of saddle horses, 3 year- Sj jH ling fillies, 1 Ford ffi Hi One Complete Cowboy Outfit for the Benefit ot the Red Cross jg : Hi Hi The Red Cross will serve Lunch at 11:30 Sale begins at 12:30 Hi Terms: H. T. A. David, Audioneers R. 1. Chappell, JACK PICKFORD and LOUISE HUFF in f "Is Majesty, the picture v.ith an idea, an idea that got the money for Bunker. Perhaps you can make it pay. Whether you do or nol you will be well entertained by the pictulrc, . Also the two part comedy NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS Splendid mnsic by excellent Orchestra uttder the leadership of Prof. J, A. Doucet. THE KEITH SATURDAY Contributors to Publicity Fund. The following business and profes sional men have made contributions to the publicity fund oi the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign: Wilcox & Halligan $7.00 Hoagland & Hoagland 7.00 Dr. Redfteld ; 4.00 Dr. Kerr 4.00 Dr. Twlnem 4.00 Dr. McCabe 4.00; Dr. Lucas , 4.00, Hollman & Sebastian 7.001 Golden Rule 6.00 1 Beolor & Crosby 7.00 Platto Valley Bank 8.00 ' McDonald State Bank 8.00 First Nationnl Bank 8.00 1 Wilcox Dept. Store. G.00! D. & F.' Shoo Storo , 5.00 Derryberry & Forbes 7.00 ( Davis Auto Co 7.00 1 Hendy-Ogler Co 7.00 Nyal Drug Store 4.00; Rexall Drug Store 4.00 Geo. Frater 4.00 Gummere-Dent Co 4.00 North SIdei Drug Store 4.00 Dixon Jewelry Storo 0.00 Clinton Jewelry Store G.00 Horschnold Clothing Co G.00 Union Cafe 5.00 Hotel McCabe 7.00 Llerk & Sandall 5.00 Westenfeld 5.00 North Platte Luniber Co 7.00 Coates Lumbor Co 7.00 W. W. Blrge Co 7.00 Piatt White . 4.00 0. H. Thoelecke 5.00 North Side Hardware 7.00 H. A. Brooks "Studio 5.00 Von Geotz Studio :K 3.00 1. A. Gilbert 4.00 Johnson & Otten '5.00 Gus Huffman ..r. 5.00 John Den 5.00 O. E. Elder 4.00 Chas. Ecklehsrry .'. 4.00 Tho Sun Show 2.00 No. Platte Light & Power Co... 4.00 North Platto Creamery 3.00 North Platte Milling Co 4.00 Leypoldt & Pennington 5.00 S. M. Souder 3.00 A. J. Salisbury 4.00 Fred Marti ; 5.00 Derryberry & Forbes 4.00 Wm. E. Shuman 4.00 A. N. Durbin 7.00 October Head of Cattle 70 per cent Angus, car express body, 1001 $25 and under cash. Over $25 six given on bankabie paper bearing 10 D. Lute, Bunker Bean" Simon Bros COO- A. S. Allen 3.00- Buchannn & Patterson 7.00 Gene Crook 5.00 P. A. Carson 4.00 W. R. Maloney 7.00 C. J. Pass 4.00 Leader Merc. Co G.00 A. N. Lamb 4.00 Aksarben Land Co 5.00' Fidelity Reserve Co 8.00 John Herrod, 5.00- Tho Hub Storo G.00 Tho Owl Cafe 5.00 Dr. Smith 3.00' H. A. Donelson 5.00 Goodman & Buckley 7.00 Dr. Dent , 4.00- A. F. Fink 4.00. McMlchael Bros . 7.00, Poulos Bros. ' 4.00- C. M. Newton 4.00 Stone Drug Co 4.00 , W. A. Skinner '. 4;00 J. Wj. Payne '4.-00 C. C. Hupfor 500 North Platto Vulc. Co 3.00 Aileen Gantt 3.00 Shoo Market '5'.00 J. W. Edmlnsten E'.OO. J. V. Romigh 6.00 Wm. Waltomath 7.00' Granger More. Co. . f. ..'H.OO." I. S. Stebblns 3.00' Brodbeck & Son 5.00'. H. M; BoYter 5.00 ' Dr. W. F. Crook ( 4.00 McVickcr Mlllinory ; 4.00 Emil Merscheid 4.00'! Edmund Dickey 4.00 ' A. W. Plummer 4.00f Additional Subscriptions. J. L. Loudon 5.00. Best Laundry 4.00 H. I. Block " -5.00 Palace Cafe 5.00 P. Ii. McEvoy 4.00" Dr. M. A. Ames 4.00v C. M. Austin G.00. H. A. Shin 4.00?. Victor Beck .- 4.00. Tho dentists of our city havo been;1; exempted from subscribing to this . fund unless personally willing, as they havo and aro giving their pro- fesslonal service together with ma-., terlal to the .government- free o charge. T ::o:: " Dr Morrill. Dentist m Hi Hi Auction at the Obar of Paxton Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi i ! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi of Shorthorn cows, Hi M3 100 head of calves Hi other articles. fj3 months time will be Hi percent interest. uj H. E. Mason, Clerk. 1918,