f H3 dgMLWESKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PL ATT. NEBRASKA, HOUSE PASSES REVENUE BILL 38,000,000,000 Measure Now Goes to Senate for Final Action. IS LARGEST IN HISTORY Designed to Raise by Taxation $8,182, 400,000 of $24,000,000,000 or Moro Needed for Current lYear. Washington, Sept. 23, By unnnl mous vote, tlie house on Friday passed tho $8,182,000,000 rovenuo bill, the greatest tax measure In history. The roll call showed 350 members voting for tho bill mid not ono against It The unanimous approval given this hill, which constitutes one of tho ma jor features of tho government's pro firom for winning the war next year, is regarded ns further evidence that the American people are united as never before In the determination to purn nil compromise with tho Him and go through to a decisive victory over Prussian militarism, no matter ho nt tho national sacrifice. ' m.nglng debate on tho revenue 'bill to an end, Representative Long worth of Ohio declared that the $8,000. 000,000 revenue bill was the best nn wwer yot to "Austria's whining peace plea." ' "This will bo good news for the -allies and cold comfort for tho kaiser," 'Mr. Longworth said. "It will show 'the Iloheiizollcrns and the Hapsburgs that henceforth we will deal with tho thcad lustend of the tall of the German "dachshund." Tho tax bill will bo laid before tho Isenato formally Monday. It was tho general Consensus of (opinion that the final passage of tho Tblll would not take place before No vember 1. Some senators regarded the 'dual system of war profits and excess (profits taxation provided In the houso folll as unconstitutional and this will fyo n sour co of discussion. The passage of tho bill by tho house was preceded by two weeks of debate, In which partisanship was conspicu ously absent ns a rule. Criticism of tho bill was confined to minor details, while the measure as a whole met with almost universal commendation. Tlo measuro as 'framed by tho ways and means committee was not amend ed materially. ' The tax schemo of the revenue bill dips Into tho pocketbook of every man, woman and child In the country. It wqs framed, according to its authors, "upon tho principle of levying taxes upon those best able to bear them, with Uio result that the bulk of the $8,000, 000,000 will come from large Incomes und war profits. NAMES OCT. 12 LIBERTY DAY President in Proclaiming Event Calls for Celebration to Stimulate Fourth Loan. Washington, Sept 23. President "Wilson on Friday proclaimed Satur day, October 12, the four hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of tho dis covery of America, as Liberty day. iand called upon nil citizens to cele- orato It and to stimulate a generous response to the fourth Liberty loan. T3vory town, city nnd countryside Is asked by the president to arrange 'commemorative addresses, pageants, iharvest home festivals or other dem onstrations, and ho directs that nil federal employees whoso services can Tjo spared be given a holiday. KAISER WOULD TALK PEACE iBerltn Announces Readiness of Ger many to Participate in Ex change of Views. Amsterdam, Sept. 23, On official statement Issued In Berlin says the German ambassador in Vicuna pre sented Germany's reply to tho recent Anstro-IIungarlan peace note. Tho German noto announces tho readiness of Germany to participate In tho pro posed exchango of Ideas. Notwith standing the apparent rejection of tho AuBtro-Hungarlan proposal for a con ference of the belligerents to discuss tho possibilities of peace, that govern ment's offer !b still open, says an offi cial statement received from Vienna. Launch 2,596,000 Tonnage. Washington, Sept. 23. Ship tonnngo actually delivered to the Emergency Fleet corporation so far this year amounts to 1.811,000 tons, with 2,500, 000 tons launched and keels laid for 4,103,000. General Manager Pies: of tho fleet corporation, giving these fig ures to tho senate commerce commit tee, said deliveries for tho month of September probably will reach 400, 000 tons. "Reds" Arrest U. S. Envoy. Amsterdam, Sept. 23. United States Mlntater Voplckn nnd all entente min isters who were at Jassy (capltnt of Roumanla) have been arrested by or der of the Soviet The diplomatists were seized returning through Russia. Two Guilty of Defaming 8oldiers. Trenton, N. J.. Sept. 23. Alto Reich elt, a patent attorney, and Dr. Fred orlch lilshoff were convicted In the fed eral court hero of conspiring to do fumo soldiers and Red Cross nurses by circulation of stories In 150 cities. CAPT. FR. PISECKY Cant. rr. riseeuy oi ttie Czecho Slovnk armr. Is In Amcrlcn to r'f' an army for servlco In Prance. There are n large nuniDcr of Czecho-Slovnks who, though nominally subjects ot Austrlu-llungury. are bitter enemies of that empire and are people without a .country. Titeir brothers are In Franco and In Russia lighting with tho allies anu tney nro anxious to join them. BIG AMERICAN ARMY 4,800,000 IN U. S. FORCES BY NEXT JULY. General March Tells House Committee of Enlarged Military Program Opens Navy to Regis trants. Washington, Sept. 20. An army of by next July after nil de ductions have been mude for casual ties nnd rejections, Is what the en larged American military program calls for. General March explnlned this to the house appropriations com mittee In discussing the new seven-billlon-dollar army estimates. There are now about 3,200,000 men under arms, General March said, and the plnn Is to call 2,700,000 of the new draft registrants to tho colors between now and July. General March said that cash ap propriations' for tho whole $7,000,000, 000 would bo necessary as practically all of tho additional money would be expended In the next year. NEW ENVOY TO GREAT BRITAIN John W. Davis of West Virginia to Succeed Walter Hines Page as Ambassador. Washington, Spt. 20. John W. Da vis of West Virginia, solictor general of the United States, has been selected by President Wilson to suqeeed Wnl ter Hines Page as ambassador to Great Britain. The announcement of Doctor Davis' selection disclosed that ho had arrived safely In Switzerland, where he is to head tho American delegation at the Berne conference between American and German missions on the treat ment and exchange of prisoners. ALLIES ROUT BULGAR ARMY Capture 45 Towns and Advance Twen ty Miles Fleeing Foe Applies Torch to Villages. London, 3ept. 21. The allied drive In Macedonia has spread until tho at tacking front Is now 25 miles wide, according to latest word from the Macedonian theater. Forty-five vil lages have been taken. The Bulgarians are In flight and are burning Htores and villages. The allied troops now have advanced moro than 12 miles. Tho Bulgarians hnve been defeated com pletely nnd the Serbian troops are pur suing them day nnd night R0UMANIA MAY JOIN ENTENTE Germany Is Alarmed at Reports That Ferdinand May Flop to the Allies. Amsterdam, Sept. 21. The North German Gazette, the German official organ, reports that there ls serious agitation In Jassy und the unoccupied parts of Roumanla, In which the queen Is prime mover, to renew tho associa tion of Roumnnlu with tho entente. King Fcrdlnnnd, It Is asserted, Is hold ing aloof, but under certain circum stances might yield to the pressure. Famous French Ace Missing. Paris, Sept. 23. Lieutenant Boynu, one of the famous French nces, Is re ported to havo been missing slnco Wednesday. He disappeared during a (light behind tho enemy's lines. lie Ik credited with 32 aerial victories. Huns In Peace Demonstrations. Amsterdam, Sept, 23. Social demo crats In Germany aro carrying out nu merous peace demonstrations, accord ing to Cologne dlsputches. Demonstra tions havo been held lu Essen, Cologne and tit many places In Saxony. HALTS ADDITIONS ILLION TAX McAdoo Says Larger Bond Sales Will Cover Sum Needed for Army. OPPOSED TO LARGE' TAXES Declares Present Conditions Make It .Unwiso to Go Further" Than Revenue Bill Has Gone In Laying Taxes. Washington, Sept. 21. Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo auuouuced on Thursday that the new demand of th war department for the big army soon to be placed In Franco will have to bo met without Mullnir any more taxes in the $S,OO0.OO0.O(X) DiV. '.Wildi tho houso S now considering. To meet the army demands, wblili amount to more than $7,000,000,000 at least, $2,000,000,000 will have to bo raised by the sale of bonds. Much enn be carried over till next year on time Contracts. Iu rcspouse to Inquiries from vari ous senators und representatives, the ionowing formal statement was Is sued : "Secretary McAdoo stated that it in not tho intention of tho treasury de partment to ask for moro than S8, 000,000,000 of taxes for tho current llscal year, lie expressed the belief mar it was unwise to go further at the present time and thnt conditions that may develop in the future will deter mine tne question of further Increases oi taxation." Members of tho houso committee on appropriations will undertuke to scale down all of the estimates and to allow the greater portion of tho expense to ue carried as contract authorizations. All of tho amendments proposed, including the Mooro amendment for n tax of $3 a balo on cotton, were de feated and rapid progress was mado on tne mini sect ons of tho bill. The amendment of Mr. Green of Iowa to tax tho products of child In bor went to defeat, along with the outers. Changes proposed by the committee and adopted by the houso Included: Extension of the business license or occupation tnx of $10 annually, to "per sons enguged In any trade, business or profession" whoso gross receipts ex ceed $2,500, with nn additional $5 tax lor wnolesalers. Elimination of the 5 nor cent lew on gross receipts of persons operating inree or Tour automobiles for hire, otnor than sightseeing machines. Elimination of duplicating and add lng machines from tho list of semi luxuries taxed 10 per cent. A provision making the tax on soda lountuiu and soft drink retailers ef fective November 1 next This tnx la 2 cents on each 10 cents of sales of soda water, Ico crenm and slmllnr nr- ueies. AMERICANS ARE IN DANGER Bolshevik Leaders Execute 500 Per sons In Connection With Assassi nation of Cabinet Minister. ' Washington, Sent. 10. Information renched tho state department on Tues day trom a neutral country that allied citizens In central Russia nre In dnn. ger. Five hundred persons were shot In connection with the assassination at Urltskl of a bolshevik cabinet mlnln- tcr, the message said. A large number or otner persons nro held for execution In tho ovent that further nttomntH on the lives of the bolshevik leaders aro made. CARDINAL FARLEY IS DEAD Aged Prelate'Succumbs to Pneumonia nt Home In Mamaroneck, N. Y. Waa Born In Ireland In 1842. Mamaroneck, N. Y.. Sent. 1!). r.nr. dlnnl John M. Farley, archbishop of ow xorif, uieu at nis country homo hero Tuesday. The aged prelate had been slnlrlnr. rapidly since he suffered n relapso last Saturday, following nurtlnl from an attack of pneumonia. Cardinal Farley was bom In New ton Hamilton, County Armagh, Ire land, on April 20, 1842, a son of Philip and Catherine Farley. Great Lakes Quarantined. Chicago, Sept. 21. Commander Mof fctt of the Great Lakes naval training station Issued orders that no moro loaves would be grunted tho sailors until the Influenza epidemic had passed. The order practically amounts to quarantine to .10,000. There aro 1,500 victims of tho disease at tho sta tion now. Ono .death has been re ported. Change in Stock for Airplanes. Spokane, Wash., Sept. 23. Western and white pine will not bo used for tho manufacturo of airplane stock aftor October 1, Kenneth Ross, personal representative of John D. Rynn an nounced hero Friday. Archbishop Ireland Very Low. St. Paul, Minn., Sept 23. Tho con dltlon of Archbishop John Ireland of St. Paul became Increasingly grnvo during tho forenoon. Ills physicians hold only slight hopes for his recovery. TO 88 IRVING DREW 1 fcsiu gp'J' Irving Drew goes to the sennto for tho unexpired term of the late Senn tor Jacob Onlllnger, until his death tho leader of the Republicans of tho upper branch of congress. Senator Drew Is one oi" the most prominent Inwycrs iu New Hampshire. Ho Is nn old school Republican but has never taken an active part In politics. Ho will not be a candldato for re-election. ASK SEVEN BILLIONS War Department Calls for Huge Sum of Money. To Have More Than 4,000,000 Ameri can Troopo In France ' by Next Summer. Washington. Sept. 19. Congress was asked by the war department on Tues day to provide $7,347,000,000 In addi tion to previous estimates for cnrrvlrirr lng out tho enlarged mllltnry program for the coming year. . The new estimate Is based unon plans for having nenrlv 4.000.000 American soldiers In France next sum mer and another million In training nt home. It brings tho money sought for the army In tho fiscal year un to moro than $21,000,000,000, Including tho regulai nnnronrlatlon bill of somo $12,000,000,000 and a fortifications bill carrying moro than $4,000,000,000. Tho totnl cxpenso of tho Government during the year Is expected to bo bo- twcetf"$85,000,000,000 and $30,000,000.- 000. Annronrlatlons now fotnl .n. 701,241,773, Including $5,402,080,310 of contract authorizations. In nddltion. the shipping board Is exnected soon to ask for several hundred million. OPEN NAVY TO REGISTRANTS General Crowdcr's Order Permits Vol untary Enlistment; Draft to Fill Shortage. Washington, Sept. 10. Provost Mar shal General Crowder announced or ders to local draft boards which will permit the voluntary Induction of draft registrants Into the navy and Marino corps nnd provide for drafts of men to bo assigned to those services If voluntary Inductions do not suffice to fill tho demands. Calls for men for tho navy will go out beforo tho end of tho month, nnd Marine corps contingents will bo call ed within a few weeks. F. X. SCHILLING IS SENTENCED Former Assemblyman of Wisconsin Given 18 Months and Fine for Vio lating Espionage Act Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 20. Eighteen, months at Leavenworth, Kan., and a fine of $3,1(00 was Imposed by Judge A. L. Sanborn In tho United States court here on Francis Xavlcr Schilling of Cassel, county board chairman of Mar athon county, nnd former state ossein blymun, who was found guilty by a Jury hero on six counts of violating tho espionage act by counseling and advis ing draft registrants to make falso clulms of exemption, and also by dis loyal utterances. LEADING U. S. ACE KILLED Aviator Putnam Falls In Action In France Credited With Nine Victories. With the American Army In France, Sept. 20. Avlntor Putiiani, the lead ing American aco, with nine nerlal vic tories officially credited to him, 1ms been killed. He has been burled In n Held golden with buttercups on tho Tml front, besfdo Uufbory, Hlnlr and Thaw. Namec United States Attorney. Washington, Sept. 21. The nomina tion of Hugh H. Robertson of San Antonio, to bo United States attorney for tho western district of Texas, was sent to the senate on Thursday by President Wilson. Jap Cavalry In Tchlta. Tokyo, Sept 21. A contingent of Japanoio cavalry, together with troops belonging to the command of General Somonoff, tho Cossnck lender, entered the town of Tchlta In the Transbalkul on Thursday. LENINE-TROTZKY KAISER'S AGENTS Papers Secured by U. S. Show Treachery of Bolshevik Chiefs. BETRAYED RUSSIA FOR GOLD Documents Given Member of Commit tee on Public Information Also Roveal How Germany Plotted Against U. 8. In 1914. Washington. Proofs removing nny doubts Unit Nlcoial Lcnlno und Leon Trotsky, the bolshevik leaders, nro pukd Germun ugents If Indeed any doubts havo rciualued uru laid bofore the world by tho United States gov. eminent In an amusing series of offi cial documents disclosed through tho committee on public Information. Secured In Russia by Edgar G. Sis sou, representing the committee (who was In that country during lust win tcr, 1017-18) these documents not only show how tho Gentian government through Its Imperial bank paid Us gold to Lculnc, Trotzky, and their Imme diate associates to betray Russia lntc deserting her allies, but glvo adden proofs that Germany had perfected hoi plans for a war of world conquest long beforo the assnssluntlons nt Sarajevo, which couventcntly furnished her pre text Hun Plots Against America. These documents further show that before tho world war was four months old, and more than two years before tho United States was drawn into It (In 1014), Germany already was set ting afoot her plans to "nioblllzo de structive agents und observers" to causo explosions, strikes, nnd outrages In this country, and planned tho em ployment of "anarchists and escaped criminals" for the purpose. Almost ranking In their sensational nature with the notorious Zimmer man note proposing war by Mexico and Japan upon tho United States, these documents lay bnro new strata of Prussian Intrigue, u new view of tho workings of kultur to disrupt tho allies standing between the world and knlserlsm. They disclosed also a new story of human treachery for gold. The Intrlguo nppears to hnve been carried down to tho last detail of ar rangement with typical Gorman sys tem. Revolution Staged by Berlin. Not only do tho disclosures provo thnt Lenlno, Trotzky, und their band are paid German agents. They show that tho bolshovlk revolution, which threw Russia Into such orgy of mur der and excesses ns tho world seldom has seen, actually was arranged by tho German general staff. They show how tho paid agents of Germany betrayed Russia nt tho Drest Lttovsk "peaco" conference; how Ger man staff officers havo been secretly received by tho bolshovlkl as military advisers ; how they havo acted as spies upon the embussles of tho nations with which Russia was allied or nt peace; how they havo directed tho bolshevik foreign, domestic and eco nomic policy wholly In tho lutercst of Germany, and to tho shame and deg radation of Russia. Originals of documents, photographs of originals, and typewritten circulars, somo of them marked "very secret" or "private," and many of them bear ing tho annotations of tho bolshovlk leaders themselves ; somo of thorn con taining references to "Comrade Trotz ky" or "Comrndo Lchlno" comprise tho record. Somo of tho orlglnnls, It is shown, although deposited in Uio archives of tho bolshovlkl, were required to be returned later to representatives of tho German general staff In Petrograd that they might bo destroyed. JUST THE OLD HUN TRICK London Press Asserts Austria's Peace Conference Is Cynical and Insincere. London. Tho Dally Mall, under tho heading "Tho Word of Austria, but tho Kaiser's Voice," says tho Austrian Invitation to tho allies to open "a am Qdentinl, nonblndlng discussion" of peaco terms Is another form of tho old German trick. Tho Dally Telegraph soys: "Nego tiations nt Uio present moment oven though they brought temporary peaco would only postpone the final strugglo between might and right. So long as tho kaiser and his pint-Germans direct with Irresistible authority tho destinies of Germnny bo long can thero bo no question of an armlstlco or purely academic negotiations. Tho noto Is dis ingenuous, cynical, and Insincere an attempt to dlvort tho entente powers from n resolute prosecution of tho war." The Austrian noto Is regarded in this country ns n maneuver to obtain needed breathing spoco for tho sorely tried central omplrcs nnd to Impress their own pcoplo with tho desires of their rulers for a cessation of tho struggle which Is wearing them to u shadow. Undoubtedly It Is n part of n com bined pence offenslvo which has been expected for somo time, and which has taken definite form within tho lust few days. It Is ono of three moves which havo been mado nlraost slmuN tuneously by enemy states. CALL TDVEfflPLOYERS Paramount Duty to Aid Work of Selective Boards. Can Perform Great Service to Coun try by Helping Work of ClasslfyleiB Registrants Under the 8e lectlvo Service Act Provost Marshal General Crowder has mndo public n communication ad dressed to employers of labor nnd oth er representatives of Industry through out tho country concerning their shnro of responsibility in tho classification of tho now registrants under tho se lective servlco act. General Crowder says: I have noticed, In tho general ex prcsslonsvof tho public nttltudb which reach this office, two frequent features which load mo to tho present com ments. Ono of theso features Is Uio belief that the process of nwurdlng de ferred classification to n registrant re quires merely tho filling out of Uio questionnaire, nnd thnt Uio selective servlco boards will pcrcclvo the pro priety of mnklng tho deferment, with out tho nsslstnnco furnished by tho registrant's formal claim Indicating tho deferment desired. Tho other fea ture Is tho employer's fnlluro to rcnl Izo his responsibility to Intervene In ntdlng tho board's determination, nnd therefore to Inform himself fully on nil tho considerations which should affect tho decision as to deferment 1. As to tho first mentioned belief, It must be pointed out that If It wcro universally acted upon, tho process of classification would bo seriously ham pered nnd delayed. Someone must In dlcnto that tho Individual caso Is ono. which should arrest tho special atten tion of the bonrds In respect to the reg istrant's occupational status. Tho boards do not possess a superhuman omnlsccncc. Boards Will Make Examination, Tho bonrds will do all that they pos- Rlbly can, on their own Inltlntlve, to reach a Just decision by n complete ex amination of tho questionnaire, oven where no claim Is oxprcssly made. A registrant Is thereforo at liberty, If ho sees fit, to trust to tho scrutiny of tho bonrds to discover tho necessity for Ills, deferment Nevertheless, the bonrds will wol- como nnd will need all tho aid thnt enn be furnished by the Indication of a claim mado for deferment With this aid, tho process will become n slmplo nnd speedy one. 2. Why should tho employer, or oth er third person, In such cases, mnke tho claim? Becnnso tho employer In this situation represents the nation,, becnuso (In tho statutory phrase) "tho mnlntcnnnco of tho mllltnry es tablishment or of nntlonnl Interest during tho emergency" requires that somo well-advised third person should look after that nntlonnl Interest, which tho registrant himself mny not havo sufficiently considered. It Is often forgotten thnt tho selec tive draft Is only ono clement In tho doplctlon of a particular Industry's man-power. A second nnd Inrgo cle ment Is found In the voluntnry with drawals for enlistment; how largo this Is may bo seen from tho clrcumstnnco that tho total Inductions by draft havo reached somo 2,000,000. while the total enlistments In army and navy amount to somo 1,400,000 nenrly three-quarters as mnny. A third element very lnrge, but unknown ns to Its pfcclso extent, has boon tho transfer of lnbor power from ono Industry to another, nnmely, Into the distinctively war In dustries offering tho inducement of higher wnges. now rclntlvoiy stnMl, In actual effect, has been tho effect of tho soloctlyo draft Is seen' In tho fnct that, for all tho occupations represent ed In tho 8,700,000 classified regis trants of January, 1018, tho percon tago of tho cnUro Industrial popula tion represented by tho class 1 regis trants nmounted to only 0 per cent. It1 ran ns low ns 3 per cent for somo oc cupations, nnd correspondingly higher, for somo other occupations; but the national average was only 0 per cent Any notnbly larger depletion In partic ular Industries must therefore hnvo been due, pnrtly to enlistments, nnd In probably greater degreo, to voluntnry transfers Into other Industries. Must Remember Nation's Needs. These other Influences aro thereforo to be kept In mind by cmployors nnd others, In weighing tho question wheth er tho best solution, In the national Interest, Ib to nsk for tho deferment of Individuals or groups of men. Such deferments mny assist tho Immediate situation In tho particular establish ment; but they merely force tho army and tho navy to seek elsewhere for tho same number of men thus deferred. ' Tho quantitative needs of tho military forces are known nnd Im perative; and any given quantity of deferments will ultimately have to bo mado up by tho depletion of somo other occupation, Thus It becomes tho employer's duty to consider theso aspects of deferment, In seeking that solution of his own problem which best comports with tho nntlonnl Interest. The cessation of enlistments will henceforth protect Industry against one Irregular and uncontrollable soured of derangement It will corre spondingly throw upon tho selective service system tho greater responsi bility for an Intelligent nnd discrim inating selection mado In tho light ot Industrial groups of workers. To ful fill this responsibility they must now preparo thomsolves oven moro care fully than hitherto. They will find (ho boards heartily ready to co-operato with them to tho utmost ft