THE SEMI-WFEKLY TRIBUNE NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. mm 1 i mini ii ii ii im II mm lnr II RULES FOR EXEMPTION Advisers Will Do Assigned to Each Appeal Board to Keep Necessary Men In Civil Life. Rules hnvb boon Issued from the Htato draft headquarters at Lincoln governing tlio appointment and duties of Industrial advisors to tlio two dis trict draft appeal bourds In Nebraska, to eo-operato with tlio boards In keep ing necessary men In civil life to main tain essential Industries, ngriculturo n'nd public welfnro properly. The dis trict boards nra In Lincoln for tlio South Platte counties and Omaha for tlio North Platte. Tlio advisory hoard Is to consist of tliroo men orio ap pointed by tlio department of labor, ono by the (Jepnrtnient of agriculture and ono by tlio district board. Mem bers of this board collect all data on Industry and needs of civil life, and may go to the local boards, pick out a man It deems essential, whethor or not ho has filed exemption claims, and present Ills case to tlio district board for deferred classification. The State Hallway Commission re fused an application of the Nebraska and Lincoln telephono companies tlio authority to inriko Installation and removal charges directed by Post Hinstcr General Burleson. "Tills com mission Is not a rubber stamp," said Commissioner Wilson. "Wo will not opprovo additional telephono charges without n hearing, Just because a government official tells us to do so." School children of Nebraska will bo called upon to assist in tho survey of cattlo and hogs In this stale, which will bo mudo Oct. 15 under tho direc tion of (ho state food administration. Mr. Wattles Is asking that evory far mer in Nebraska lend all possible nld In this survey and that they .have tho Information ready for tlio school chil dren when Uioy nsk for It on Octo ber 15. Tlio grout excitement In western Ne brnskn over the "icovcry of u moun tain of potash near Brondwntor has subsided. Roports nro that the man who mndo tho discovery submitted samples of tho deposit to tlio United States government and to eastorn capitalists, but both declared It not commercially valuable. The stato council of dofenso has sent out a circular from tho wnr In ilitstTles hoard giving n list of classi fications of construction projects. Oonnty councils of defense will pass on building projects, reporting to tho state council, which in turn will ninko recommendations to tho war indus tries board. Lloyd C. Thomas, editor of tho Al liance TTerald, has organized tho As sociated Potash Plants of Alliance, n half million-dollar corporation. Arti cles of incorporation hnvo been filed with tlio secretary of xtato. Receipts of tho stato fair this year amounted to $141,410.00, according to tho records of Secretary Dunlelson. Tlio expenses of tho fair were $118, 018.52, which leaves a balance In tho treasury of $22,487.54. Citizens of Fremont aro looking for Brio J. P. O'Brlnn, who "cleaned" ft few merchants, of tho Dodco county metropolis out of about $.1,000 on n bogus co-operntlvo garago scheme Government Investigators aro now st work on tho books of the big cream eries In Nebraska for the purposo of looking Into tho rensons for tho In crease In prlco of butter to CO cents a pound. Tho corn stock disease, which caus ed the death of many head of stock la Nebraska last year, has appeared In tho northern part of Buffalo county. National O. A. R. heudquurtors havo been opened In Lincoln. All of tho organization's records null equipment hove been removed from Indianapolis. A movement Is under way at Al liance to organlzo a boy scout com pany, with Seerotury Fisher of tho Community club as scout master, Two cars of choice hogs shipped to 'the South Omnhn market by A. J. Myers of Burwcll, brought ?S,!Sf)!).Dl. The hogs sold for $20.35 n hundred. Madison county now has a woman county food administrator, Mrs, It. J. Shurtlef of Norfolk having succeeded J, J. Cleliind, who resigned. Plans are already In progress at Omaha for the Stato Teachers' asso ciation convention, November 7 und 8, A number of farmers in Scottsbluff county huvo been nuuble to market their wheat on account of smut Two men lost tholr liven when an automobile In which they worn riding crushed into u trolley polo at South Omnlm. The engine exploded com pletely demolishing the car. Ord. with u jwpulutlou of 2.000, laid Omaha in the shade in funds raised by suctioning off Perilling birthday cakos. Ord's uuction netted 55,000, while Omaha raised but $1,300 on her cake. According to a statement mudo by Food Administrator Wattles ut Oiuuhu farmers who hold their whoat until they ure offered u fair price by local buyers or until thoy cun got their curs to move the grain to tho grain corpo ration will not to considered un patriotic. Tins condition for fall wheat In Polk county la very discouraging, and fanners aro hesitating In planting, m mere Is no moisture in the ground and they fear that unless It rains there will be tio chance for wheat to grow through the winter. Tho town of Gormuntown, Seward county, has at last changed Us name. People of the town woko up the other morning and found tho big sign over tho Burlington depot, which had rend, "Gormanlown," the night before, sub stituted in glaring letters with tlio name "Garlund." Henceforth the town will .lie called Garland by tho rest den ts. The state railway commission has authorized tho Steele City Telephono company, which has exchanges ut Steele City and Kndlcott, to lncreaso Its rnto from $t u month for all classes of telephones to $1.50 for bui lcess und $1.25 for rosldenco an farm telephones. No heurlng was held. Tho Dnwson County Council tf De fenso asseased Lewis Tuvls $000 for making slanderous remarks ugalnst American soldiers. $3' 1 of which went to tho Rod Cross, $2l50 to the Y. M. 0. A. and the balance to the American rollcf committee. More tolerance for foreign speaking persons In this stato was asked for by delogaten to the Nebraska American ization meeting nt Lincoln. Tho del egates criticized the stato council of defense, und efforts by county coun cils to prevent speaking In forolgn languages. Potatoes shipped from Nebraska this season will bo standardized for the first time. All licensed dealers handling potatoes must koc Hint their shipments aro inspected and that thoy bear tho olllclol Inspection stamp of the federal food administration for Nebraska. The Plutto county council of defense received the commendation of 1,200 citizens nt a patriotic gathering nt Co lumbus. Tho assemblage voted tholr confldenco in tho council and declared It had acted always according to the dictates of right, reason and patriot Ism. Rased on tho government report tho mini estimate on wheat in Nobrnskn, Including spring wheat, is 41,728,000 bushels. If the favorable conditions now prevailing for plowing nnd seed ing continue, a normal nercago will be seeded this fall, it Is said. All counties of tho state have now roportod on tho registration for the last draft, showing n total registration of 149,440, of whom 147,053 aro white nnd 2,382 colored. This Is 7,500 be low tho government cstlmnte, which wns 157,000 Cor the entire state. Violations of rules and regulations laid down by tho fuel administration aro to receive Just punishment, ac cording to Stato Administrator Ken nedy. Tlioeo found guilty of over charging customers will bo dealt with sovercly, ho said. F. A. Gapcn, publisher of tho Sid ney Telegraph and ono of Nebraska'a most widely known country newspa per men, died nt his homo nt Sidney of diabetes after a short Illness. Tho deceased was 41 years old. Several Gogo county farmers havo planted their winter wheat crop. They roport that tho ground was novcr In better condition for seeding. A much larger acreage will bo planted this year In Gage county than Inst. Col. lL 15. Ilersey hns been relieved of command at Fort Omaha balloon school and Lieut. Col. .T. W. Wucst of Fort Sill, Okla., hns been made his successor. Colonel ITersey, It Is be. lloved, Is to bo assigned overseas. Tho largest land deal In this stato for many months took plnco the other day when John R. Webster of Omaha sold his Garden county ranch to .T. M. Cox of Hampton for consideration of $280,000. Captain Anderson, provost marshal of Nebraska, has announced county quotas of men called In October. Tho call for 5,005 men from Nebraska Is tho heaviest mado slnco tho stnrt of tho war. Nebraska's mothods of publicity for conserving fuel Is to bo ndopted by several states. Oklahoma has already decided to uso this state's plans. Governor Neville wns tho second man In Lincoln county to fill out his nuestlonualre. Under tho now draft ho does not claim exemption. Omnha Is slated to bo tho next stopping plnco in extension of airplane mall service, according to Washing ton advices. Tho comerstouo of Bontrleo's new Luthornn hospital was laid a few days ago. Tho structure, when completed, will cost $150,000. Regular work In tho Students' Ar my Training corps at tho Doano col lego nt Crete Is expected to begin In a fow days. Farmers of Scottsblutt county nro planning to sow tho largest winter wheat acreago this year In tho history of tho country, Scottsbluff county Is making plans to send tho county exhibit shown at tho statu lfalr at Llncolu to tho Inter national Soil Products exposition at Kansas City in October. The sugar beet crop la westorn Ne brasku is unusually good, and tho factories ut Goring, Scottsbluff und Itnvard aro being put In shape for the longest campaign in their history. Ono man was killed, another fatally injured und ulno other more or less seriously hurt In two automobllo KiuuBh-ups ut Auburn. Tho sheep run at South Omaha Is tho greatest in the history of tho market Just tho other day 50,000 Inmd weru received, smashing all records for u single duy. Hint the potash Industry of west em Nebraska is growing by leaps nnd bounds is evidenced by the fact that two big refining plant aro In course of construction in Cherry county, one at Kli and tuy other at Merrlmau. 1 General Hnan of the American German guns captured by tho Canadians. 8 King George of Great Britain Fiench soil for distinguished conduct ou the firing line. NEWS REVIEW OF THE GREAT WA Reorganized Serbian Army Starts an Important Offensive on the Saloniki Front. BULGARIANS ARE IN FLIGHT Franco-British Forces Closing Down on St Quentin Despite Strong Re sistance Americana Shelling Metz Austria's Peace Sug gestion Promptly Re jected. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. With a regenerated nnd reorganized urmy, senna-took the lead last week in smashing tho Hun nnd his allies. Aided by French and Greek contin gents, tho hard-lighting Serbians struck ut tlm Sulonlkl front held by tho Bul garians and certain German units. They struck hard, too, and within three days had advanced 12 miles on a 20 mllo front, taking CO towns, Including the strongest of the enemy positions. At first tho resistance wns Btubborn, but by Thursday the Bulgarians, wero reported in full retreat and tho Ser bians pursuing them duy and night Tho enemy threw In fresh divisions, but In vain, for they too were com pletely defeated. So swift were tho flight and the pursuit that tho Serbians had not had tlmo to count tho gieat number of prisoners taken or to est! mate tho quantities of material that fell into their hands. Tills Serbian advance by the end of tho week wns seriously menacing tlio city of Prlllp, ono of tho chief bases of the central powers in Macedonia. It Is not beyond tho bounds of posslbll lty that It may Inter be connected up with the operations of tho nllies in Al bnnln, of which llttlo has been heard lately. A good many authorities long have held the opinion that tho wnr can" bo brought to n successful end soonest by a greut offensive in tho Balkan re glon, cutting off Turkey and Bulgaria fiom their allies and threatening Aus tria from the south. Pa ul th tho Franco-British nlncers slowly but surely clos'lng down on St. Quentin, tho French nnd Americans in possession of the western end of thu Chcmln-dos-Dnines and steadily pushing townrd Laon and the Yankees firmly established on their new lines In Lorrnlno, shelling Motz nnd threat ening the great Iron and coal Holds of tho Brley basin, tho German high com mnnd Inst week wns still clinging to tlio Illndenburg lino through most of Its length. Tho Huns hud mussed vast numbers of long-range guns and wero resisting desperately, but their increus Ing dearth of man power was becom ing more evident dally, and the pris oners taken, though well fed and clothed, wero despondent nnd tired. After several days of preparatory operations Field Mnrshal Ilalg on Wed nesdny attacked on a 10-mlle front northwest of St. Quentin, from Gou zeaucourt south of Ilolnon Wood. Be fore nightfall tho British had smashed ahead to a depth of three miles, taking Pelzlere, La Vergulere, Epohy, Rons soy, Vllleret nnd other towns and bag ging moro than 0,000 prisoners. Tho prlmnry object of tho drive, which was mudo In n hard rainstorm, wns to gain possession of tho old British trench Viystvm of last March, running along un Important ridge. Many of tho best fighting units In tho German army wero opposed to Halg's men, but the latter nt tnlued their object In tho main and ut somo points went further than had been expected. Tho artillery work of the Germans, especially with high ve locity guns massed behind the St. Quentin canal, was moro severe than for a long tlmo bo fore. Simultaneously with Halg's uttack, tho French lilt tho Bodies ou a ten mile front south of St. Quentin, advanc ing moro than a mile and taking four villages and hundreds of prisoners. Military critics express no doubt of the ultlmnto fall of St. Quentin, but the enemy is suro to put up a long, army reviewing Frcncli nnd American hard fight before ho evacuates that keystone position. frfl Stubbornly hanging on to tho west end of tho Chemln-dcs-Dames nnd Im proving their positions there, tho French repulsed many fierce attacks lust week und advanced townrd Laon along the southern edge of tho St. Gobaln forest Tho entlro plateau southwest of Laon Is under the Arc of their nrtlllery, and though they were moving forward with duo caution, they showed no intentions of stopping. to On tho new Amerlcnn front in French Lorraine tho infantry activity during tho week wns confined mostly to operations for tho solidifying of po sitions, though tho Yankees did push forward along the Mouse for n con siderable gain. This brought Metz un der tho llro of their artillery and tlio bombardment of that great fortress city began nt onco and vigorously. It seems that tho allies are now In a po sition to keep up the shelling of Metz during tho fnll and winter, if neces sary, and thus Its reduction, virtually Imposslblo by direct uttack, may bo accomplished. Tho Germans now ad mit the importance of the American drive on the St. Mlhlel salient, but tho deception of their people through the official reports continues, as exempli fied by tho statement ono day last week, that American attacks on Hau- niont had been repulsed and the Yan kees also had been beaten at Thlau- raont At that time Haumont hnd been safely held by the Americans for three days and Thiaumont was already flvo miles behind Pershing's lines. Fresncs, an Important city, also was taken by the Yankees lnst week, and tho lino built by them now runs parallel with the Hlndenburg lino at an average dls tnnco of a mile and a half. Every day the German artillery has been deluging tlio old salient with explosive nnd gas shells, and tlio American gunners havo replied most effectively, battering tho towns held by tho Huns nnd several tunes breaking up nttelnptcd Infantry attacks, with severe loss to tho enemy. The airmen on both sides were 'extra ordinarily active and the Americans carried out a number of highly suc cessful bombing expeditions over en emy territory. In one of these, how ever, a superior force was encountered nnd live of our phtnes were lost Inci dentally, tlio British reported that In tho St. Quentin sector the Germans wero using u new typo of piano that carries eight men nnd bombs 13 feet long und weighing 2,000 pounds.'. te All along the west front the air lighting wns most Intense. In ono day the British brought down 00 enemy planes und lost 10, which lndlcntcg tho fierceness of the struggle for the mns tery of tlio air. Tho Independent Brit ish nlr squadrons kept up their flno work in tho bombing of German cities, notably Mannheim, Metz-SablonS, Treves nnd Frankfort Tills brings howls from the Huns which nro music to the allied our. PS Tho bolshevik forces in Russia, for which some .victories were claimed early In tho week, later were reported to be retreating oiv both the northern nnd southern fronts. Tho Czecho slovaks along tho Volga contltiued their advance, nnd the fact that thoy captured Perm, capital of the govern ment of thnt name, indlcuted they were In a fulr way to effect the Junction of tho forces which nro lighting In west ern Slbera with those which have been engaged in southeastern Russia. As was predicted, the Japanese censors do not permit much news to come from tho allied expedition in Siberia, but whut does come is satisfactory. In Russia the reign of terror Insti tuted by tho bolshevik! to suppress tho counter revolution continues and un known numbers of tho opponents of Lenlno and Trotzky have been mas sacred. Tho Amerlcnn government last week Issued n series of articles expos ing those two precious rascals as the paid agents of Germany, giving the text of many secret documents ob tained by nn agent of tho committee on public Information. All tills mudo Intensely Interesting reading, but no one In America except a fow highbrow "Intellectuals" Is surprised by tho facts revealed, and there tloesn't Beem any way to get thoso facts before the Rus sian people whom Lenlno and Trotzky and their crew brve tricked and be- ttfayed. troops In Alsace. 2 One of tho large decorating un Amerlcun soldier on All the allied ministers who former-5 ly were at Jnssy, Roumaniu, Including Charles Voplcka of America, have been arrested In Petrogrnd, nccordlng to n report reaching Tho Hague. suggestion of a "nonbind lng" conference of nil the belligerents to make clear their war alms and peace demands mot with the promptest kind of rejection by tho allies, President Wilson taking the lead in refusing to consider the idea. In two sentences he replied tha,t America's terms had been repeatedly and clearly stated hnd therefore no proposal for such n con ference would be entertained by it. In this Mr. Wilson wns heartily supported by tho entire nation, and his position was also thoroughly approved by the allies of the United States. Austria's suggestion, mndo with the consent ol Berlin, admittedly was merely a "peace flyer," and there was little ex pectation In Hunlnnd that it would re celvo favorable consideration. No better reception wns accorded the German offer of pence to Belgium. With unblushing effrontery Berlin asked tho nation tho Huns havo rav ished to drop out of the conflict, not even suggesting that they would make reparation for the horrible crimes they have committed there, and making the Insidious proposal that tho "Flemish question", should be considered nnd the Flemish minority that aided tho Ger man Invaders should not bo penalized. Belgium, of course, said "No" to all this claptrap. t The political situation In Hungary Is becoming extremely critical nnd the opposition to tho government Is grow ing bolder. Its lender, Count Kurolyl, is quoted' in dispatches as declaring Unit tho central powers should accept President Wilson's 14 peace points as a basis for negotiations and that the treaties of Brcst-Lltovsk and Bucha rest should bo abrogated. The popo seems to have scented chances of peace once again, for it was stated at the Vatican that if a diplomatic repre sentation should be received by him from (ono of the parties, ho would ask tho other party If It desired to re ceive such a representation. lea Substantial support for President Wilson's peace plans was received from the labor conference of tho nllled nations In London when the Interna tional relations committee recommend ed that the conference subscribe to the 14 points formulated by Wilson, "thus ndoptlng n policy of clearness and moderation ns opposed to a policy dic tated exclusively by changes on the war map." ta According to figures received up to date, the total registration of the coun try under tho new draft law was at lenst 12,800,000, or 100,000 above the estimated total. Of these tho govern ment proposes to call to tho colors 2,700,000, to be added 'to the 3,200,000 men already under arms. It Is planned to havo SO divisions in France before next summer, and to finance so greut an undertaking the wnr department has asked congress to provide It Im mediately with an additional $7,000, 000,000 In cash. Granting this, the ad ministration and congress hns the cholco of Increasing the amount of taxes provided by tlio revenue bill from $8,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000. or raising nil the nddltlonnl $7,000,000. 000 from tho snle of bonds nnd nbnn donlng tho plan of raising one-third of the cost of the war by taxation. Tlio various fentures pf the revenue bill were swiftly npproved by the house of representatives, one after another. Representative Mqoro of Pennsylvania proposed a tax of $3 a halo on cotton, hut the Southern mem bers rose In a body to the defense of the main crop of their part of the country. a That there is no abatement in tho stream of Amerlcnn soldiers being sent over to Franco is shown by tho state ment that 313,000 embarked for Eu rope last month. Of these, 180,000 wero carried on British ships. One big success by the U-boats from tho view point of tho chivalrous Hun was re ported lnst week. Tho British steamer Galwoy Castle, carrying disabled sol diers returning to South Africa and many women and children, wns tor pedoed. Ono hundred nnd eighty-nine persons were lost, of whom 120 were civilian passengers. OUTLAW THE REDS" U. S. URGES UNITED ACTION: AGAINST MURDERERS. BOLSHEVIKS ARE RESPONSIBLE Move Has No, Connection With War With Germany Action Taken In Interest of Russian People. Washington, D. C, Sept. 24. In nn effort to align the civilized world, ngnlrtst the terrorism In Russia un der bolshevik rule, tho United State government has directed Its dors nnd ministers In neutral as well as nllled countries to ascertain wheth er tho governments to which they aro nccredltcd will Join in somo imme diate action "to impress upon perpe trators of these crimes tho aversion with which civilization regards tholr present wanton nets." If the sugges tions of this country nro accepted the bolshevlkl regime of Russia wilt bn proclaimed International outlaws. Tlio proposal Is to take steps en tirely separate from the conduct of tho war; that all civilized nations reg ister their abhorrence of such barbar ism. Tho message to tho diplomats, soys this government Is informed that ike pencealdo Russian citizens of Petro grnd, Moscow and other cities nro suf fering from an openly avowed aun paign of terrorism, thnt thousands of persons have been shot without even n form of trial, nnd that Ill-admlnls-tcred prisons nro filled beyond ra pacity. Great Britain nnd France, liming virtually declared the bolshevlkl out laws, will not bo Interrogated, but havo been advised by cable of tho ac tion of the American government It is mndo plain that tho Untied States Is acting solely In tho Interest of the Russian people themselves, nnd to aid them In reconstructing their nation upon principled of democracy nnd self-government. A precedent for this action on the part of the United States has been found in a situation of a few years ago when this country, nfter mnklng n formal protest against the Indiscrim inate massacre of tho Armeninns by the Turks, cnllcd upon tho nations of the world to take slmllnr actions. This alignment of the civilized pow ers of the world had an Immediate effect Inasmuch ns Germany, even then friendly nnd In nlliance with Turkey, became nlnrmcd and exerted Its Influence upon the Turkish govern ment. The reported action of the lol shevlkl In effecting alliance with Ger many for offense and defense Is an ndded cause for the step. Newlyweds Not Exempted. Washington, D. C, Sept. 24. Now editions of revised selective service regulations issued by Provost Marshal Crowder fix Aueust B as tho date 'from which draft hoards shall disre gard marriages of men, who register ed on Reptemlwr 12, ns ground for exemption. Tho now edition Is Issued ns a guirto to all draft boards, dosltrned to facilitate their wonV, as well nt pro-' visions to make the wider exemption nllownnce workable. Reds Murder U. S. CWiens. Amsterdam. Rnnt 24. Tim Russian people's commissary nt Volorrtn, ac cord'nf to tho Torre-era d enrresrvmd ent of tho Hamburg Nncbrlchren, hns unred tho population of the ent'ro Yo locdn province tho mo!t ruhi!s pcr .semtlnn of Brltteh , fnililoefq and French nnd Amortcin oltwn!. Riot ing aimlnst entente mMvnls haw tnUcn place, the correspondent wrys, nnd some Fronrhmen nnd Americans vre being murdered. Spanish "Flu" at Naval Station. Chicago, Sept. '24. To dispel alarm caused throughout tho country by ex aggerated stories regarding tho exist ence of Spunlsh Influenza at the Great Lakes Naval training station. Capt W. A. Moffett, commandant gave out n- statement Sunday deolnring that while there are about 4.H00 cases of the disease among the bluejackets ul. tho station, tho situation In general is much Improved. Turks Suffer Crushing Defeat London, Sept. 24. Virtually wiping out the entire Turkish armies between the Jordnn and the Mediterranean sea. the British havo taken IS.000 prison ers, 120 guns and an Immense amount of wnr supplies. British cavalry units, advancing sixty miles from their orig inal positions, occupied the blbllcnfly renowned town of Nazareth and Afulo and Belnsnn. The victory was achieved In less than four duys. Washington Leads In Registrations. Washington, D. 0., Sept. 24. With nn enrollment of 21 per cent moro than estimated Washington state lends tho country In draft registra tion, it has been nnnouneed. Americans Bombarding Metz. Amsterdnm, Sept. 24. Met- news papers publish nn ofllclnl communi que stating that for several days tho firj hns been under homlinrdment from enemy long ranro eni. Tho statement adds that snHi tu!mrd ment had Ions been expo- '