The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 27, 1918, Image 1

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No. 74
(Triton &
Tho county fair opened Wednesday
under somewhat adverso circum
stances, for the day was cloudy ana
misty, and rain, fell at intervals dur
ing tho day. Tho attendance on ho
grounds was theroforo light, yet sev
eral of tho races scheduled for the
track was somewhat heavy. During nw w,tUln 4'000 anls ot St
Wednesday night the skys cleared,
Tho Fronoh and Americans advnnc- ' TO SURSCH1BE Wlto.D00.00.
oil nnVnrnl lnlloa In nmi' nffnnalvft Vfi. -
terdav west of the Mouse rlvor on a . Chairman. Temple, . of the Libert'
Irs. Chas. Trovllto nnll daUghtor
havo been visiting in Omaha for
or two
of thirty mllos. Tho Germans Loan committee received a wiro yos-r Sadie
nn iWnrmlno.l ron!atnnr.o In ; terday Stating that Lincoln COUUty's UTBav
their forward positions but fell baek'"ta of the Fourth Liberty Loan will, ..,,. ... ,..,,.- ,,
to what thov rocarded as stroncer . 1)0 s'x hundred and s i thousand dol- f;' ri'lcau nil uuslnose uousos will
posU 'TheadvS is ?300,000 greater than the dM0.tia:May and remain olwed
tho word sent from tho fighting zone lir" "au, uui oniy u.uuu oss tnnn ",u "
yesterday afternoon. Tho allied troops 'ne amount subscribed for that loan. '.For Sale Majostic range and hard
iui uul ioiui Huusunuiiuns woro nnai linntr ! Imtli In irnnil olmno. Tti.
The American
drive on tho Motz
Ton per cent of the amount snbscrlb-
and yesterday was bright and siyi- ,t , .,, W(w1 ,,.. ,,,i : od will bo paid at the tlmo of aonllca
ehiny, tho afternoon being almost as JJf m-ogress is reported The "tion, twenty per cent on November 21,
warm as a July day. The crowd on the airmen became active again Wednea- twenty per cent December 19, twonty
grounds was not quite as largo as ,my and yesterday after a lull of u 1 Pr cont January 1G, and thirty per
the management had hoped, but it was fow days on account of bad weather. icent January 30th.
so much larger than tho preceding Tno Fourth Turkish army on tho! 'rno publicity campaign for tho
day that it created sunshine for the Palestine front is virtually surround- i Fourth loan opens tomorrow, but hero
nfffnnri - , , p t .viui , n T.lnPflln pflllntv Tin rliminncitmHnti
Tho exhibits at the fair in some
nrtannnrn Worn tnkon vpaterilnv. brine
respects aro bettor than ever before inp- the total up fb 45,000.
This applies especially to cattle and Travelers arriving in Switzerland
hogs and poultry. To accommodate- fr0m Germany state that a social up
tho cattlo it was necessary to build jjoavnl is imminent in tho Gorman
an ..additional bam, and tho hog dis- empire. All signs point to a general
play is so largo that accommodations uprising of tho people,
outsido the hog barn had to bo ' St. Quentfn has been mined by the
prepared. . enomy and tho officers of tho Gorman
In tho agricultural produtee line the command have moved their hoadi art
display is not quito up to the average ers out ot the city, which has been
in quantity, but the quality Is better 1 stripped of Its art worltB and trensur
than usual. Tho tables, however, aro ere, according to dispatches from the
fairly well filled. Tho display of front
vecetables bv the North Platte Floral
Co. is especially commendable. In . yesterday tooit ton or 5,uj new case-,
agricultural hall thero 13 a splendid : with an additional G44 now cases of
exhibit of school work, and also a ' pneumonia, frequently a complication
nice display of canned goods put up ' ot Spanish inilueuza. Tho total number
by the cold pack . method. In this df influenza cases in tho camps to dato
building are tho booths of the Red, is 29,002. Tho total for the civilian
Cross showinc tho class of Garments i population is not yet known.
that aro mado by the workers: the
will be mado. However, a big public
moetlng will be hold some evening
next week which will formally open
tho publicity part of tho program.
Workers nro Needed.
The Lincoln County Chaptor of tho
Red Cross has a quota -of surgical
dressings that should bo finished noxt
week. A largo work room has beon
lltted up in the fedoral building and
all who will work can be accommodat
ed. This room will be opened every
aftornoon noxt woek and on Tuesday
Spanish influenza in the army camps n"a aay ovenBj and the supor
child's welfare society has a booth,
and tho women's liberty loan com
mittee has a booth where literature
is handed out. Tho Sammy Girls aro
also, represented. ,
Fifty or moro tents In which are
various kinds .of catch pennies line
tho midway, theso Including soft
drinks and sandwicli counters. Hero
also Is the Sammy Girls building at
which Is served meals and lunches.
Tho track' features were strong
Fnklrs. Slenl Clothing,
When certain men and women were
ready to leave the dance glyon at the
Masonic hall Wednesday evening they
found thoy were short wraps. It later
doveloped that four men connected
with the shows at tho fair grounds
had been seen taking tho wraps which
included two overcoats, a couple rain
coats, a ladles' plush coat and several
furs, all of which had been left in a
visors nsk that ull ladles who will do
this work, give as much time as po3
sM)leintll the quota Is completed.
. :o::
Work on Tablet Progressing.
The work of securing tho names ot
all Lincoln county boys who are in
sen-ice is progressing and it Is hoped
that all names will have boon received
by the ond ot next week. Tho work pf
arranging tho names alphabetically
will then begin and as soon as this is
ocmpletod thoy will bo printed and
placed on tho tablet. It is the Inten
tion of having a program in connection
with the placing of the tablet.
quire at 709 wost Third.
jMrs. James Stafford and children
of JPaxton, enmo yesterday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff.
record on tho county fair race
track was established yostorday when
a'ikcer steppod off tho mllo In 2:14 3-1
'iMr. and Mrs. Chas. Krownrtz an
nounce the arrival of a nino pound
bayy girl. Mother and daughter aro
doing fluo.
Q. X. Barbco has rcslgnad his posi
tion at tho J. C. Penny Storo and ac
cepted one at tho Leader Mercantile
Company storo.
Mr. and Mrs. Mlko McFiuldon and
children of Paxton are hero this week
voting Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod
and attending tho county fair.
MIsb Julia Gleason, formerly ot tho
Dickey Confectionery, who lias beon
employed In Chappoll for several
months, is visiting with tho homo
folks .
Mrs'. J. R. Mc Williams was called
tdlLlncoln Wednesday night by the
death of a sister. Sho was accom
panied by her daughter Mr3. Georgo
Voolpka and son Steve Mc Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart roturn
odJWodneKday from Donver, whoro
thay vlsltod their son Harris who
was, sent from tho oast to that city
asfli recruiting officer for the ltght
tmjTt service.
Tjio local board has beon notified
thrt Fay Mudge, who wns sent to
Manhattan, Kan., tho early part of
Will Knrwil.- nil T.nlinr
Labor Auent Beelor has lieen nntl- thhj month for special training, hnd
Ami Hint s. tc untniifTo Mm .iiafiti. ! been rejected on account of nhvsictal
cloak room. The loss was reported to ' culslied English ,lltrr nn.i mihiiniot disability.
yesteruay, several goou narness races, juuua, uu muuo u autumn ui,Wiu deliver an address in this city iiueIi C Davis and Carl R Grieson
being pulled off. in addition to the the fair grounds and the four men; October 9th on tho war policies and both rosWeits of this
running events. Between' races music! were Identified by tl plans of the Unlto S?d5rea S ro5o?t uf JeiorbarS
is furnished-by a troupe of Hawailans , them take the wraps. One of the States Department of Labor. St, Loul8 fo'r BOrvica n3 atenograph-
aiid tho Municipal Band. A company ; fakirs, in order not to lose tho labor Furthor Information relative to tho ora They will lavo somo tlmo next
cf excellent aerlallsts add to the am-: of the men for the day put up a check; lecture and tho lecturer will bo given xvprf'k nrnlinlilv Mnnrtav
usomont for the crowd. 'for $160 for the return of the .articles later. - . , w.' Iro,,auiy Mno
Entertainments for the benefit of the stolon, and last evening they were re-1 ::o::- Miss Betty Covmlchcal loft a fow
Red Cross was given last evening and covered by Chief Jones. As the owners Recommends 815.30 for Hojrs tltl? ag0 for Sutlier,and whoro she was
will bo repeated this evening with of tho vraps did not want to prosecute Wswhiugton, Sept 2GgTho agricul- parried Wednesday to Fred Joe An
a change of program. Tomorrow after. fi)o matter was dropjied. - tural .advisory committee has rocom- derlon' who enlisted in tho service
noon tho Wg auto races will be held, . ,. u- . . - I moiSed that' the food administration' JP,"'
o:: ' For Sale An oil ?-,e and r soft should "at once ariribunce its intention , '"'$1 IJ rW".".''"''" "
Tho nnnua'l promotion day oxorclsos
of tho Christian Sunday school wilt
bo hold at the' church Sunday morninc
at 10:30. A good program has beon
tpropared. Tho annual olcction of
Sunday school officors will bo hold.
All are Invited.
C. M. McGRBW, Supt.
For Salo 18 milk cows. Como nick
you n good one boforo ithoy nro all
gone. Inqulro nt tho C. H. Waltor
placo east ond Sixth street or phono
UOU 1150.
74-2 L. L! BAIN.
Two furnished rooms for rent, fnono coal neater, unit r.t W south rJ.:est- to manuam tno minimum price on
Black 445 nut. 1 74-3. , hogs at not loss than $15 50 per
nunureu-weigut continuously
tho Hoagland & Hoagland office.
Tho local board has now sent out
during qucstlonaires to all registered mon be-
10 and 20 Cents,
i the war. Theso figures aro based upon tween the agc3 ot eighteen and thirty
the prICo of corn. 'seven, and those to whom tho blanks
: :o: : ; have been sent aro responding prompt-
nuiiuer jiomo ior oaic. ; iy. Many or tho registrants nro lining
Will sell our homo at 414 cast 3rd ' out the questionaires thcmsolves and
st., North Platte. Property consists returning by mail, hut tho greater
' of seven room house, nil modern, , number are appearing boforo tho as-
good condition; with full size lot, slating attorneys in tho fedoral bulltf
good lawn ana shade trees. Addrosa ing.
E. T. Kellhor, G24 First National! ::o::
iBank, Omaha, Neb. G8-G Frs( Lutheran Church.
The attendanco"at" tho fair grounds Holy Communion Morning at 8:30;
last evening was large, and the at-, evening nt 8:15 with preparatory ser-
tractions soomeu to pieaso the crowd. I vine in connection with administra
Doucef s Orchestra 1 c.Tc'ffig? X; t0 b0 thoro-
EsaS3aSZIBaHEErf,i0 Blvea this evening and it is hoped funaay scnooi at iu ociock.
-bu., fjjat nere ,)e a 1(J attendance. I ReV. C. Frnnklin Koch, Pastor.
Richest o
Plush Coais
Finer and far more de
sirable than all-fur gar
ments at equal money
are the exquisitely beau
tiful and luxurious coats
of super fine plush or
velour that we show at
$85 to $150 'a
Somo of the plush coats
are almost as rich as
real seal.. Those of ve
lour and velvet are of
the finest quality. And
affording greater lati
tude in designing and
tailoring there is a rich
ness of fashion unob
tainable in all-fur, with
a vast difference in the
Wfrf7 3 iiii j&g3 "rr it
1 1
THE plushes, velours and vel
vets are specially treated tp off
set spotting and matting.' Tlie
furs used for trimming are par
ticularly choice pelts, most
carefully matched.
IF you have been contemplating buying a
really fine, coat "by all means see these. We
are sure that you w 11 -prefer them and
that you will appreciate the opportunity so
afforded for additional 'nvestments In Liber
ty Bonds or other war winning movements.
Wilcox Department Stored
, Slnlo Fair Honors.
Tho canning team mado up of Marls
Schwalgor, Helen Mooro and- Mar
gflorltQ Roddy ol tho Sonlor High
School won second plnco at tho State
Fair UUs year in competition with
Mams from Omaha. Lincoln, Kearney,
University Placo, etc. Thoy also won
tho following prlios for canned
I'irsi prize on couoctlvo exhibit ot
fruits nnd vegotnbles.
First prizo on canned chicken.
Socond prlzo on canned carrots.
Third prize on canned pumpkin.
Fourth prlzo on canned tomatoes.
Fourth prize on canned corn.
Fourth prlzo on canned pears.
North Platto city schools also won
first prlzo on their pcnmanshln exhibit
mndo by Intermediate grados. Alice
Loan won first placo in the individual
oxhlblt, Wallaco Harris won third
and Dorothea Hogn won fourth . Th'oso
individual prizes wore In difforont
classos and not In competition with
each other. Tho ontlro oxhlblt is at
tho County fair this week.
: tow.
A Lnsi Call.
Quito a numbor of Trlbuno sub
scribers who liavo paid no attention
to tho statements sent them will bo
cut from tho list after this Issue unless
thoy respond boforo Monday evening
noxt. We aro required by tho war In
dustries board to furnish a sworn
stntomont that wo havo observed tho
rules promulgated by tho board relat
ing to newspapers nnd wo cannot
thoroforo disregard tho rule which
directs us to cut from our lists those
who nro three or moro months in
Marshal Foch, dommandor-ln-chiot
of the allied nrmios on tho westorn
, front, who dislikes interviews and
l raroly grants ono, received a fow
; nowapnpor mon at his headqunrtont
Tuosday, who thus record tho mar
j Bhal's brlof uttorancos:
I "Tho Rrltlsh army Is bottor-than
i over. It llKhts better than over. All
Us losses havo been mado good nnd
it is n moro splendid army that is has
beon boforo. 1
"Tho Amorlcans aro splendid 'and
, aro woniiorfuiiy gallant In tho field.
i Ton thousand fresh Amorlcans nrrivo
In Franco every day.
I "Tho Fronch nrmy Is tho samo good
old nrmy that It was. In 1914. No moro
Is to bo said"
In dlscuslng tho gonornl situation,
tho marshal Bald: .
i "Tho enemy Is shnkon up andrahnk
on down but still is holding nut. You
inhst not think that we shall got to
tho Rhino Immediately. Wo havo
passed oyer tho crost and nro now
i going dflwri hill. It wo gather lmpotun
1 as wo go, like a rolling ball, bo much
tho bettor."
With a fow cordial words tho 'mar
shal thon (Usmlsspd life interviewers
and rosumod hla work on his maps .
For Fall lMiintlnar
5 5 and 10c Stor
ltiiug In your Junk to town while
there silll Is u big demand for It. Wo
pay for country mixed Iron $15 per
ton; clonu enst $20 per Ion? dry rags
&J.00 per 100 lbs.
& 3IETAL CO. Phono ifotl 2C0.
Denser., as Fairbanks in
You'll like Douglas in evening clothes better than you liked him
in chaps and sombrero. This picture is certainly good. Remem
ber one laugh is worth a dozen tears. One sight of Douglas in
immaculate dress will be enough 'to start you laughing and there
will bo no question but that you will keep it up.
Doucct's Orchestra Supreme
eith Tll!atr Monday and Tuesday
The Kid in Clover"
Full of pep and speed and a two part comedy.
Excellent IVlusic
j i
MAKE HAY; FARMERS whllo crops
nro big and prices high.
NOW is tho tlmo to put ull tho money
you do not need for Immcdlato farm
ing purposes, where It Is safe nnd will
Mini Interest.
romiy for use In emergency
LIBERTY HONDS. coming soon, has
tills grent Nation ns security.
Platte Valley State BaDk